• Who will be a boy or a girl in the future? · Pregnancy with a girl affects the mother’s appearance. Fortune telling and superstitions


    This phrase tops the hit parade of questions that every self-respecting person will definitely ask their pregnant interlocutor. Then, with the air of an artist, he will step back a couple of steps, look at her stomach, weigh the pros and cons, and give his conclusion. From the popular: if the belly is not visible from the back - a guy, if it blurs on the sides - a girl. To check whether the popular experts are right, we asked mothers of children of different sexes to compare their feelings.

    Top 10 folk signs:

    1. The girl “takes it” mother's beauty.

    2. With a boy, he craves meat and salty foods; with girls, serve cakes and ice cream.

    3. For the future mother of a girl, the waist disappears, the stomach spreads out on the sides, for mothers of boys, the stomach is sharp and almost invisible from the back.

    4. Nausea in the first trimester - girl, late toxicosis or lack thereof - a boy.

    5. In girls, the heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute.

    6. If right breast more than the left, you will have a boy.

    7. You sleep on your right side and head to the north - there will be a princess, with a boy it will be the other way around.

    8. Women who are expecting a boy have faster hair growth. Everywhere.

    9. Feet are cold - wait for the girl.

    10. If a child moves frequently and actively, he is definitely a guy.

    There are a lot of them, and sometimes they are absurdly funny. For example, a popular hit: if the mother was more active than the father during conception, then there will be a boy. Where can I read about the activity scale? Or how about this: if you eat garlic and you don’t smell, will you have a girl? Or: if dad is bald, will it be a boy? Finally, boys are waiting for all the dads who love loose family pants!

    Many signs have been debunked from a medical point of view. The shape of the abdomen is influenced by a whole list of factors: the position of the fetus, the condition of the abdominal wall, muscle tone, the type of pregnancy and, most importantly, the mother’s physique. And the gender of the child has nothing to do with it!

    A psychologist shared her thoughts on this topic:

    The topic of the child’s gender has always been exciting, largely because until the moment of birth there was no way to get an exact answer as to who would be born. This information has become more or less available only in the last 2-3 decades. Therefore, people observed, compared and drew conclusions. Everyone wanted certainty: whether there would be a new worker in the family or whether a dowry would need to be prepared. Of course, with one hundred percent probability of predicting gender by external signs it was impossible. But if the midwives examined the woman in labor, they pronounced a verdict that it would be a boy: the belly was elongated, did not swell, she had not lost the color on her cheeks, she had gained a little weight, and a daughter was born... What could this mean in a remote village 200-300 years ago? Otherwise the devil intervened, with all the ensuing consequences.

    And even now, when it is already possible to know the answer in advance, all these superstitions do more harm than good. For example, a family really wants a boy or a girl. They try to follow signs, make additional efforts, for example, choosing certain positions that are optimal for conceiving a child of the required gender, or trying to choose “lucky” dates. In this case, there is a high probability that the pregnant woman will worry more than she otherwise would. But this will not be connected at all with the gender of the child she is carrying, but with personal prejudices that become actualized during pregnancy.

    , mother of Roma and Anisya

    There were no significant differences. Well it wasn't! The toxicosis is the same, they kicked the same, the stomach is the same - with a girl it’s even more “boyish” in appearance than with a boy. Now I don't believe in omens. I wore both for 41 weeks and did not experience any problems. Only the feeling of happiness is the same. The only difference is that with Roma I constantly wanted sushi, and with Anisya I always wanted sweets.

    , mother of Masha and Lenya

    Have you also heard about “a belly like a cucumber or an apple”, about the fact that a pregnant girl wants strawberries, and a pregnant boy wants meat? I’m telling you exactly, from a physiological point of view, everything is the same: you are a steamboat, you always want to kill at the same time and on your hands, from time to time you want to breathe at the exhaust pipe of a car and eat lime, washed down with brut champagne. There is no “boys’ mothers look attractive, but girls take away all the beauty from their mothers”, you think! All pregnant women look the same! Of course, equally wonderful.

    The beauty myth is sometimes explained by the fact that a girl needs more female hormones, and the pregnant woman stops getting enough of them. Appear dark spots, swelling and other “delights”. But you can become “ugly” by simply stopping taking care of yourself. If you have the strength to care, then pregnancy is our assistant. Expectant mothers take vitamins and calcium, getting more useful substances, than usual. Therefore, your hair shines, your face becomes flushed, your nails become stronger, and your skin glows. And what does the gender of the child have to do with it?

    , mother of Alexandra and Ivan

    Both pregnancies were completely different: the first with my daughter was easy, I glowed and flew as if on wings, but my facial features completely changed, my nose increased three times in size, I was generally a different person. Well, I gained 25 kg. The second pregnancy, with my son, although very long-awaited and desired, was very difficult for me. Something was constantly hurting, there was some stupid feeling of anxiety. I really wanted it to end quickly. Outwardly, although I gained the same 25 kg, I didn’t change much. The nose remained in the same place, and the stomach “moved” forward. With my daughter, it was three times larger and seemed to blur on the sides. And one more thing: during my first pregnancy I didn’t even know what toxicosis was, it was even a little offensive. But I fully felt all its charms the second time.

    Sometimes doctors suggest that mothers of boys are more susceptible to toxicosis, since a woman’s body more easily adapts to pregnancy with a child of the same sex. But life shows that scenarios can be very different.

    , mother of Varya and Styopa

    We spent our first pregnancy at a sushi restaurant. I didn't want to do it a second time. Perhaps because I just didn’t want to. I wasn’t craving salty food both times, but I devoured kilograms of fresh tomatoes. Speaking of kilograms. With the girl, I gained weight from the first days and gradually gained my weight. The second time I gained weight from week 20, but the main reason was a sore throat at the beginning of the period, when I lost weight. But overall, by the end of the term the score was the same. Perhaps that’s why (or maybe the folk superstition was at work here - a girl takes away her mother’s beauty) I looked more attractive with my son. Well, at least until 25 weeks. It’s a dubious compliment when, looking at you, they exclaim: you’re expecting a girl, apparently?

    The shape of the belly is also very interesting. For the first time, everyone around me was talking about a “boy” belly. And they didn’t care about the ultrasound results. They were ready to bet that a boy would be born in the end. Once a man I didn’t know assured me that I would give birth to a hero. The second time it turned out that my stomach was more “boyish”, and now for sure. Both times I was expecting a girl.

    , mother of Max and Aliska

    There were differences. With my son there was an increase of 10-11 kg. The stomach was sharp, it was not visible from the back. My daughter and I have gained 19 kg, and the growth has begun in the sides. The belly was much larger and rounder. Strangers also said during my second pregnancy that I had noticeably looked worse, and even before the ultrasound they believed that I would 100% have a girl.

    Today we don’t have to guess about the baby’s gender using coffee grounds. We have ultrasound machines, although even they do not always guarantee a 100% result. The most accurate method for determining the sex of an unborn child is an expensive DNA test. And it all depends on which sperm turned out to be faster: the carrier of the X or Y chromosome, and not on the bald head of the future dad and his family panties.

    Photo by Victoria Sakharova

    When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she, of course, worries that everything will be fine and that the pregnancy will proceed normally. But she is also concerned about the question of who will be born - a boy or a girl? Ultrasound is not always effective method in determining sex and therefore many resort to folk methods to find out the sex of the child without an ultrasound.

    Very often, folk signs are more effective in determining the sex of an unborn child than ultrasound. Next, we list the most truthful signs that can accurately determine who will be born:

    • If a pregnant woman takes the round part of the key, it will be a boy, if the long part, it will be a girl. But if a pregnant woman prefers to take the key in the middle, then she should expect twins.
    • If a pregnant woman chokes while eating, ask her to name any number. Then match the number to the letter of the alphabet and then say the name for that letter. The name will indicate the gender of the unborn child.
    • To accurately determine the sex of the baby, it is necessary to compare the age of the mother at the time of conception and in what year this happened. If the numbers are even or odd, there will be a girl, if one number is like this and the other is like that, it will be a boy.
    • If you want a boy, eat more salty foods before pregnancy, if you want a girl, eat more sweets.
    • So that when you conceive, fate smiles on you and you get a girl, you need to put a wooden spoon and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.
    • If swelling of the legs is noticed during pregnancy, a boy will be born.
    • If during pregnancy a woman experiences increased irritability, then she will have a girl.
    • Eating crusts of bread during pregnancy will give birth to a boy.
    • If your hands dry out and crack during pregnancy, you will have a boy.
    • To determine who will be born, you can use an old fortune telling: you need to thread a chain through wedding ring pregnant woman and hang it over her stomach. The woman should be in a supine position. If the ring swings back and forth, a girl will be born, if in a circle, a boy will be born.
    • If the pregnant woman is more graceful, the birth will be a girl.
    • If a pregnant woman likes to sleep more on her left side, then the baby will be a boy.
    • If a pregnant woman shows you her hands and turns them palms up, a girl will be born.

    Chinese table

    To accurately determine the gender of the unborn child, they often resort to calculations using the Chinese table. In most cases it provides 100% results. Some scholars suggest that it was compiled on the basis of Chinese lunar calendar, and others - that the ancient Chinese were able to identify the relationship between the mother’s age and the month of conception.

    Below are two types of Chinese table. One table shows the mother's age and the month of expected conception, and the other table shows the month, age and percentage probability of having a child of one sex or another. To understand who will be born, it is necessary to draw lines in the table between the age of the mother at which she became pregnant and the month when this happened. To verify the veracity of the results, you can check with relatives or friends.

    Chinese table

    Chinese table

    How to determine the sex of the unborn child by blood renewal?

    Thanks to this method, you can determine the sex of the child. It is based on the fact that male blood is renewed every four years, and female blood every three years. The parent whose blood is more “fresh” will have a child of that gender. Blood loss is also taken into account. To use this method, you can take a test on any pregnancy planning website.

    Calendar methods

    There are several calendar methods that will help when planning pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very important moment in the life of every woman and therefore she takes it very seriously. Every expectant mother has her own wishes regarding the sex of the child, some want a boy, some want a girl. Therefore, in order to accurately plan not only the day of conception, but also what the gender of the baby will be
    you can use calendar methods. These include:

    • Moon calendar.
    • Japanese calendar.
    • Chinese calendar.

    How the pregnancy will proceed will not depend on this method of conception.


    Very often they try to determine the sex of a child by toxicosis, but no one can say how effective this method is. Some people's predictions match, some don't. Previously, it was believed that if there is a lot of nausea at the beginning of pregnancy, then there will be a girl, and if there is practically no toxicosis, there will be a boy. In the 20th century, scientists even conducted observations, and it was found that those women whose pregnancy proceeded with increased toxicosis eventually gave birth to a girl. They claim that morning vomiting is a consequence higher level hormone.

    What does the belly look like?

    Very often, when determining gender, you can focus on the shape of the abdomen. This is considered the most common form of definition and the most reliable folk sign. It is as follows: if the pregnancy has a “sharp” belly, the belly is visible from the back, there will be a boy, and if the belly looks like a ball, there will be a girl. But it is also worth saying that this sign is not always effective. Since there may be various factors affecting the shape of the abdomen.

    Determining the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat

    The most ancient method is recognized - determining the sex of a child by heart rhythm. It is based on the fact that a boy’s heart beats more regularly in the same rhythm as his mother’s heart, while a girl’s heart beats chaotically. Also, many argue that boys’ hearts beat even louder.

    By blood type

    The most popular method of determining the sex of a baby among pregnant women is determining the sex by the blood type of the parents. To do this, you need to know the blood type of mom and dad. The table below shows the comparability of blood groups and the likelihood of a girl and a boy depending on the father and mother.

    Blood typeFather
    MothersGroup IGroup IIIII groupIV group
    Group IGirlBoyGirlBoy
    Group IIBoyGirlBoyGirl
    III groupGirlBoyBoyBoy
    IV groupBoyGirlBoyBoy

    By father's age

    To determine gender without an ultrasound, you can use the method of determining the father's age. It is considered unique and is used very rarely. To do this, a formula is used, for which you must know such indicators as:

    1. Dad's age at conception (X).
    2. Month of conception (U).

    Formula: 49-X+1+U+3

    If the result is even, you need to wait for a boy, if odd, you need to wait for a girl.

    Determining sex by mother

    How to determine the sex of a child without an ultrasound using the mother's age? To do this, they often resort to Chinese calendar, which indicates the mother’s age from 18 to 45 years, since this is reproductive age. In this article, this calendar was previously presented, which will certainly help to correctly determine and plan the gender of the future baby.

    Breast determination

    There is a belief that if a woman is expecting a girl, she will have beauty problems and rashes may appear on her face and chest. Also, if the areolas around your nipple become dark, this may mean that you are pregnant with a girl.

    Emotional background

    You can also determine the sex of the child by emotional background. If a pregnant woman constantly worries, cries and then laughs, gets nervous and is irritated by every little thing, then it is most likely that she is expecting a girl. If a pregnant woman, on the contrary, is constantly in good mood, she doesn’t experience any changes, and there are no constant changes in her tastes, then you can safely expect a boy.

    Taste preferences

    As for taste preferences, there is a completely different hypothesis. Many people believe that if a pregnant woman is constantly craving sweets, then most likely she will have a girl, but if she craves meat and salty foods, she will have a boy. But there is some debate about this method, since they may not always change during pregnancy. taste preferences For example, those who loved salty foods before pregnancy may still love them during pregnancy, and end up expecting a girl.


    Scientists believe that there are several myths in folk signs ah, which can effectively indicate the gender of the child:

    1. Fetal heartbeat. There were even studies conducted on this matter that refuted this theory of sex determination, since this cannot be done by beating. The baby's beat may be increased or decreased and there will be some reason for this pathological condition or other factor.
    2. Belly shape. It is considered a common sign, but not believable.
    3. Morning toxicosis. Causes controversy among obstetricians and gynecologists. Even with severe toxicosis you can give birth to a boy. Toxicosis also depends on the mother's body.
    4. Baby activity. You can’t trust her, because every pregnant woman has her own sensitivity and different system perception.
    5. Food preferences. There is no evidence to support this theory. A pregnant woman’s taste may constantly change and therefore, assuming that if she eats sweets, there will be a girl, since in two days she may want meat or a cutlet with jam, will not mean that she has become pregnant with a boy.
    6. Wedding ring vibrations. This method is similar to spiritualistic fortune telling and is considered absurd.
    7. Chinese calendar. Was compiled in the 13th century, but is popular in China, but this does not mean that it will help you accurately conceive a child of the gender you want. This calendar, of course, can take into account the lunar phases, but not individual characteristics women.

    Currently, in addition to the proposed methods of determining gender using folk remedies, there is also a large number of, which grows every day with every pregnancy. But you shouldn’t trust and check everyone, because with such a complex process that takes place in the female body, which is still being studied by scientists, it is impossible to say exactly who you will have.

    All future parents, without exception, want to know as early as possible what gender their child will be. Thanks to ultrasound examination (ultrasound), this can not be found out. before the second trimester, and for such early Mistakes often happen. All that remains for parents is to rely on scientific and folk methods to find out already 7-8 months before the birth who will be born - a girl or a boy. We will tell you in our article who the mother and father will be, what methods of calculating gender exist and how reliable they are. Here we will present an extensive list of signs that will help you find out the sex of your unborn baby at home.


    The most famous and most common method today for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor and the expectant mother can monitor how well the pregnancy is progressing, make sure that the fetus has no developmental abnormalities, and at the same time find out the sex of the child. In many Russian centers ultrasound diagnostics this service is paid additionally, since the condition of the fetus, and not its gender, still comes first.

    You can find out by ultrasound whether it will be a boy or a girl at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. However, errors often occur during this period. A more accurate result is obtained by an ultrasound done at 18-25 weeks, but it cannot be called 100% correct. There have been many cases where a woman, confident from 20 weeks that she was carrying a girl under her heart, gave birth to a healthy boy, and vice versa. The result is influenced by the position of the fetus, the condition of the ultrasound machine, and the qualifications of the doctor who conducts the study.

    Fetal heartbeat

    This theory is based on the fact that boys and girls have different heart rates in the womb. According to this technique, if the baby's heart beats at a rate of less than 140 beats per minute, then it is most likely to be a boy. In girls, the heart rate is always equal to or higher than this value. This method is quite effective in determining whether a woman will have a girl or a boy. Who it really will be can only be found out in the maternity hospital.

    It is not possible to calculate the exact number of heart beats per minute at home. But among the people there has already appeared a sign associated with the child’s heartbeat. It is based on the fact that if the baby’s heart beats faster, then we can expect the birth of a girl, and if it beats slower, then a boy will be born.

    DNA analysis

    Starting from the 5th week of pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the child by fetal DNA found in the mother's blood. This analysis is in many ways even preferable to ultrasound, since already at 8 weeks its effectiveness is 99.9%.

    To perform the analysis, blood is taken from the mother in a special laboratory. The analysis itself is based on the fact that if, as a result of a blood test, a Y chromosome is detected in it, this means that the woman is carrying a boy. If this chromosome is not detected during the analysis, then it is worth preparing for the birth of a girl.

    The technique is very effective in determining whether a mother will give birth to a girl or a boy. Who it will be becomes clear already in the first month of pregnancy. At this time, the baby's cells appear in the mother's blood. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, then Y chromosomes appear in her blood, which can only be detected by a highly sensitive method in the laboratory.

    What will the test show: who will be a boy or a girl?

    It is not at all necessary to wait for an ultrasound examination in the second trimester to determine what gender the baby is under the mother’s heart. And you don’t even need to take a DNA test. You can find out the sex of the baby with 99% accuracy using the first morning urine.

    Today, pharmacies sell special tests that allow you to find out whether a woman will have a son or daughter. The kit for such a pharmacy test includes: a container for collecting urine, a special dispenser for liquid and the test itself with a catalyst inside.

    How to find out who will be a boy or a girl using a test from a pharmacy?

    You need to follow these steps:

    1. Collect your first morning urine in a sterile container.
    2. Fill the dispenser with urine to the 20 ml mark.
    3. Insert the dispenser into the hole in the dough and pour all the liquid into it.
    4. Using gentle clockwise movements, mix the contents of the dough and place it on the table.
    5. After 5 minutes, you can check the results according to the instructions on the test.

    The reliability of the test is one of the highest after ultrasound and DNA analysis.

    Home test with baking soda

    Another popular test among pregnant women is one that is performed at home using products available in every home. Thanks to this technique, you can find out who will be a boy or a girl without an ultrasound. What is the essence of a home test?

    For the test you will need two sterile containers. In one you will need to collect the first morning urine, and in the other you will need to pour baking soda(1 teaspoon). Further all actions are performed according to the principle of a pharmacy test. The prepared urine is poured into a container with soda. The test result can be judged by the reaction. If the soda begins to hiss, as when reacting with vinegar, it means that the woman is carrying a boy. With a girl, the reaction with soda will be zero. Urine will have no effect on baking soda.

    Ancient Chinese table

    Research shows that the ancient Chinese table, which was compiled more than 700 years ago, is 90% accurate in determining the gender of a child if used correctly. The sex of the child is predicted based on the month of conception and the age of the mother. Knowing exactly the month of conception, you can easily find out who will be a boy or a girl.

    The table allows you to calculate the sex of the child that a woman is carrying, up to the mother’s 45th birthday. Age is indicated in the right column, and the month of conception is in the top line. At the intersection of the values, the predicted gender of the child is indicated: boy or girl (boy or girl).

    Blood renewal

    The blood renewal method is used by future parents quite often, as it is one of the most effective and efficient. It is based on the fact that in both men and women the blood is systematically renewed. However, the frequency of this phenomenon is different for both sexes.

    If a woman’s blood is renewed after four years, then for a man this happens a little more often - every three years. Using this method it is quite simple to calculate who will be a boy or a girl. It is necessary to calculate which of the future parents has fresher blood. If a woman’s blood renewal occurs later, it means a girl will be born, and if a man’s, it means a boy will be born. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account possible surgical operations, injuries with large blood loss, or donation. All this will contribute to unscheduled blood renewal.

    You can check the method using an example. If a woman was 30 years old at the time of conception, then her blood was renewed for the last time at 28 years old, that is, 2 years ago. The man's age is 34 years. His blood was last renewed at the age of 33, that is, 1 year ago. In this case, the male blood is fresher, which means the couple will have a boy.

    Who will be a boy or a girl: blood type table

    The following system for determining sex is based on the blood type of the parents. It is not 100% reliable, but it is quite popular among expectant mothers and fathers.

    You can predict the gender of the child at the planning stage, before pregnancy occurs. Who will be a boy or a girl can be calculated by knowing the blood type of the mother and father. At the intersection of the two indicated values, the answer to the question is found.


    The science of numerology is used to determine the sex of a child. To calculate whether it will be a boy or a girl, you need to convert all the letters into numbers using the following table.

    Numerological table for determining the gender of a child
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    According to the data in the numerology table, it is necessary to make appropriate calculations to determine the gender of the child. To do this, you need to know the surname and full name of the baby's father, the maiden name and full name of the mother, and the month of conception. Using the table, all letters in words are transformed into numbers, added and divided by 7. Based on the resulting number, the gender of the child is determined. If the result is an even number, this means that there will be a girl, and if the result is an odd number, then we should expect the birth of a boy.

    How to find out who will be a boy or a girl? Let's look at an example of calculations.

    Last name and full name of the father: Kuzin Sergey - 3+3+9+1+6+1+6+9+4+6+2=50

    Mother's maiden name and first name: Book of Eugene - 3+6+1+4+1+6+3+4+6+6+1+6=47

    Month of conception: February - 4+6+3+1+4+1=19

    Calculation of results: 50+47+19=116.

    Divide the resulting number by 7: 116/7=16.57. We discard the numbers after the decimal point and the result is the number 16. This means that the couple is expecting the birth of a girl.

    Fortune telling with a ring

    Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn baby is no less popular among pregnant women. One of them is based on the use of a wedding ring (namely a wedding ring and no other). By the way the ring suspended on a string moves, you can find out who will be a girl or a boy.

    Who the child will be and what gender will be born can be found out using this method as follows:

    1. Remove from ring finger right hand wedding ring and tie a thick thread about 30 cm long to it.
    2. A pregnant woman needs to take a horizontal position.
    3. Take a pendulum made of thread and a ring and hold it over the pregnant woman’s belly for 30 seconds.
    4. If the pendulum moves back and forth, this means that the woman will give birth to a girl. If the pendulum moves in a circular motion, the pregnant woman should prepare for the birth of her son.

    Folk signs

    Pregnant women always come across folk methods for determining gender, regardless of whether they are interested in them themselves or some kind neighbor inadvertently tells them. A variety of signs are associated with gender determination.

    You can tell who will be a boy or a girl by the following signs:

    • If to the expectant mother she wants sweets, this means that she has a daughter under her heart, and if she craves sour things, then most likely a son will be born;
    • if the expectant mother always wants to sleep, then a girl will be born, but if, on the contrary, she is full of strength and energy, then we should expect the birth of a boy;
    • if, when looking at a pregnant woman from behind, you can clearly see her waist, it means she is having a boy;
    • boys in their mother’s belly usually behave more actively than girls;
    • when carrying a girl, women more often develop acne, stretch marks on the skin, and nails become brittle;
    • if the belly has the shape of a circle, then there will be a girl, and his tummy is sharp, then it will be a boy.

    Despite the effectiveness of many of the methods presented, you should not trust them 100%, because the gender of the child can only be known for sure in the maternity hospital.

    At all times, future parents wanted to influence the gender of the child or, at a minimum, find out it before the birth of the baby. Are there accurate methods for determining gender these days, and which ones should you trust?

    Ultrasound is the main assistant

    As part of pregnancy management antenatal clinic Every expectant mother must undergo several screenings, i.e. tests aimed at identifying abnormalities in the fetus. These include ultrasound - examination of the body using ultrasound waves. From a medical point of view, determining the sex of a child is by no means the main function of an ultrasound examination, since, first of all, the doctor receives indicators of the correct development of the fetus. And yet, expectant mothers and fathers often wait for the first ultrasound precisely as an opportunity to “peep” what gender the child will be born. 1

    Ultrasound examination is considered quite safe for the fetus, but this procedure should be carried out only when indicated and for a limited amount of time in order to reduce any unnecessary effects on the fetus. Therefore, it is impossible to do an ultrasound just to find out the sex of the child. 2

    Despite the possibility of obtaining even a three-dimensional image with an ultrasound examination, the probability and accuracy of determining gender cannot be 100%. for example, the baby may turn away during exploration. Much depends on the experience of the doctor. A professional, qualified doctor is highly likely to find out the sex of the baby even at the site of attachment of the fetus from 12 weeks, that is, from the first examination. If you have not yet found a doctor, you can familiarize yourself with the list of clinics.

    Ancient Chinese Gender Table 3

    To find out who will be born - a boy or a girl, some turn to the ancient Chinese sex determination table. This method of finding out the gender of the child cannot be considered completely reliable, since not all expectant mothers have the results of the table consistent with reality.

    According to this method, the sex of the child is calculated based on the age of the mother and the month in which the child was conceived. It should be borne in mind that, according to some sources, the Chinese count life not from the moment of birth, but from conception itself. Thus, you should add 9 months to your age to get a more accurate result. And yet, to understand who will be a boy or a girl, it is not necessary to use a calculator of age and month of conception: the accuracy of the method is not very high.

    Determining sex by parental blood 4

    One of the ways to determine pregnancy is based on the assumption that the parents' blood is renewed at certain intervals. According to this theory, female cells are renewed every three years, male cells - every four years. It is believed that the sex of the child is determined by the parent whose blood is the “youngest” at the time of conception. In this case, it is necessary to take into account serious blood loss, operations, previous births, etc. In this case, this event becomes the exact reference point.

    Doctors do not consider this method of determining gender reliable, since the blood renewal cycle depends on many genetic, biological, and cellular factors. Still, if you want to find out who will be born - a boy or a girl, you can use the method of determining the sex of the child by blood. If a woman was 24 years old at the time of conception and the man was 29, the likelihood of having a girl will be higher, since the mother’s blood, taking into account the three-year renewal cycle, will be younger than the father’s blood.

    How to find out if it's a girl or a boy using the date of conception 5

    Conception date - key concept pregnancy, is equally important both in the minds of doctors and in the world of beliefs. In fact, determining the sex of a child by the date of conception has some justification. X chromosomes are responsible for the birth of a girl, because when combined with an egg they form a female set of chromosomes - xx. Sperm carriers of the y chromosome are responsible for the male sex: xy. It is believed that sperm containing the x chromosome are less mobile, but more tenacious, while the y chromosomes are faster and less strong. X chromosomes are responsible for the birth of a girl, because when combined with an egg they form a female set of chromosomes - xx. Sperm carriers of the y chromosome are responsible for the male sex: xy. It is known that on average sperm “live” in a woman’s genital tract from 12 to 48 hours. Presumably, sperm with an X chromosome survive until this period expires.

    Remembering that conception is possible only during the period of ovulation (maturation and release of the egg), those wishing to conceive a girl should have sexual intercourse a day before expected ovulation. Those who want to become pregnant with a boy should have sex directly on the day of ovulation to prevent the death of sperm with a y chromosome. It is still impossible to accurately calculate who will be a boy or a girl using this method. However, knowing exactly when you ovulate can improve your chances of success.

    Folk signs 6

    There are many signs about pregnant women that allow you to “find out” who will be born - a boy or a girl. Of course, you cannot rely on these statements as a source of truth, but, of course, you can entertain yourself in this way. One of the popular traditional methods predicting the sex of a child is diet. It is believed that to conceive a boy, you need to be on a low-calorie diet rich in potassium and calcium. Thus, the expectant mother should include cheese, beans, bananas, and prunes in her diet. Women who want to get pregnant with a girl should focus on sweets and high-calorie foods, eating honey, chocolate, eggs, dairy products, eggplants, and nuts.

    One of the popular sayings is that young 18-year-old mothers are more likely to give birth to sons. At 20-21 years old, a woman has a greater chance of conceiving a daughter, and after this age the chances become equal. Towards the end of the reproductive period, a woman supposedly begins to give birth to sons again. 7

    The most famous sign is the statement that “girls take away their mother’s beauty,” that is, toxicosis is more characteristic of women carrying a girl.

    In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what gender the baby appears. His health is much more important, so you shouldn’t limit yourself in nutrition and follow dubious signs, focus on healthy way life and stay positive.

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