• What does a mole on the nipple mean? Mole under the breast. Mole under right breast


    What parents would not want to know the fate of their child? The ancient fortune-telling of English gypsies will help to determine it, having learned the divine marks.

    First about general rules:

    - How larger mole, the greater prosperity or misfortune awaits the child.

    — A round mole portends a successful life.

    - Oblong - a sign of moderation: the child will not fly high, but will not plunge into the abyss of misfortune.

    - The triangular sign says that in life his happiness and adversity will alternate in stripes, replacing each other.

    - How richer color moles, the more pronounced the character traits they indicate will be; the greater the role those events (happy or fatal) that they portend will play in his fate.

    So, let's begin.

    Mole on forehead

    A mole in the middle of the forehead indicates an active and hardworking character of a person, success in business and happy marriage. If on the right or on the temple - the child will be hardworking, prone to love and courtship, successful in life in general and happy in marriage. A mole on the left side indicates the same thing, but its owner will need much more effort to achieve the same success.

    Mole on eyebrow

    A mole above (on) the right eyebrow is a sign of a cheerful, active character, courage and perseverance. Such a person will expect wealth and success in love and business. She (he) will have a pleasant spouse, they will live happily and have many children. A child with a mole on the left eyebrow is completely different: he will grow up lazy and irritable, cowardly, a drinker, and women (men) will become of very little interest to him. This person will experience many disappointments in life and will not have children.

    Mole near the corner of the eye

    A mole near the corner of any eye indicates an honest, reasonable and firm character, a penchant for love pleasures. Sometimes she predicts a violent death at the end of a life's journey, which will consist of ups and downs, joys and disappointments.

    Moles on the nose

    Moles on any part of the nose, as a rule, indicate a hot-tempered and passionate character, a penchant for amorous adventures. In friendship, your child will be faithful, open and sincere. At the same time, alas, he will grow up to be an irritable person and will often begin to succumb to the temptations of the “green serpent.” However, do not rush to be upset: success in life, a successful, even happy marriage awaits him.

    Moles on the cheek

    A mole on the cheek - whether it is right or left - indicates hard work and benevolence. The one who “wears” it in this place is prone to athletic sports, but is not very brave. He will be neither rich nor very poor, but will be more prosperous than his parents.

    Mole on the ear

    A mole on any ear is a harbinger of wealth. If it is located on the earlobe, keep the child away from the water - he is in danger of drowning in the water.

    Mole on lips

    A sign of fragility. Your child needs to follow a diet throughout his life and pay great attention to his health.

    Moles on the chin

    Speaks of a person's calm and friendly character. He is very pleasant and natural in all his manifestations. Hardworking, loves to travel. Very lucky in business. He is a good partner in business and other areas of life.

    Moles on the neck

    Mole on the front of the neck - good sign; if on the back of the neck, it portends misfortune. When it is “stuck” on the side, know: over the years, your child will become more and more picky and insincere.

    Moles on the shoulder

    On the left shoulder: a cantankerous person, inclined to challenge everything and everyone. His life will be boring and monotonous. But there will be a lot of children. Success in other matters will be very modest. If the mole is on the right shoulder: a prudent and cautious person, endowed with great wisdom, tact and diplomatic flair. He is hardworking and not very amorous. Can be a very good partner in all areas of life.

    Mole in the armpits

    Moles hidden in these places tell the child to be an attractive, rich and generous person.

    Moles on hands

    A mole on the hand - no matter whether it is right or left - is a sign of great fortitude, determination and loyalty, generosity and prosperity. A man often says that he has a successful military career ahead of him.

    Mole on elbow

    The location of a mole on any of the elbows indicates a restless and uneven character, as well as a passion for travel. At the same time, he says that your child will be dissatisfied with his family life and will be indifferent to money and property. But he is a good and loyal friend.

    Mole on the wrist

    The child will grow into a sincere, imaginative person (perhaps an inventor).

    Moles on the hands

    Located on any of the hands, it indicates wealth, hard work and energy.

    Moles on fingers

    A bad sign. It speaks of a tendency to steal and that its owner will never be a rich person.

    Moles on the back

    Below the shoulder blades - hard life with many disappointments. Above the shoulder blades - there will also be many difficulties, but your child will be able to cope with them.

    Mole on the buttocks

    Poverty and helplessness. Tendency to laziness.

    Moles on the chest

    Speaks of a quarrelsome and unhappy character. Such a person is extremely amorous and uncontrollable.

    Moles on the chest

    On the right chest: passion for alcohol and opposite sex. Such a person will experience sudden turns of fate. He should beware of betrayal by friends.
    On the left chest: hardworking and prudent disposition. good lover(mistress). The life of such a person will be successful; there will be a lot of children.

    Mole on nipple

    If it is a girl, then she will have a child who will become famous. If a boy: will love women and spend too much time on them.

    Moles on the side

    A mole on either side near the ribs indicates a cowardly character. This person is prone to excess in everything. His life will be easy, but not luxurious.

    Moles on the lower back

    A mole on any side speaks of a hardworking, amorous character, devotion to family and friends. Your child will have moderate success in life. Whatever he gets will be well deserved.

    Mole on the navel

    For a woman - an indication of a good marriage and a large number of children. For a man, it is a sign of good luck in all endeavors, wealth. Your son's son will become a famous person.

    Moles on the stomach

    The location of a mole in the pit of the stomach indicates a foppish person with little common sense. It also indicates wealth. If it is located in the lower abdomen, this is evidence that your child will be inclined to promise more than he delivers, but nevertheless will become a very respected person.

    Mole on the genitals

    The man has a noble, honest, open disposition. Love is valued above frequent affairs. Will be very happy in marriage. Need will never settle in his house. A woman's mole indicates that she will be the mother of a great man - a genius.

    Moles in the groin

    WITH right side: wealth and honors, but also illnesses. On the left side: illness and need.

    Moles on the thigh

    On the right thigh - a person with a pleasant disposition, amorous and very brave. On the left - the child will grow up to be a good and benevolent person, will work hard and will not have much interest in love pleasures.

    Mole on the knee

    The location of the mole on the left knee indicates a hot-tempered and passionate character, wastefulness, dislike of hard work, and dishonesty. On the right - indicates a good-natured disposition, an honest character, great success in love and many good friends.

    Moles on the leg

    A mole on any leg is a sign of a careless person prone to extravagance. He will face many difficulties in life, which, as a rule, he will create for himself. But in general there will be more successes than failures.

    Mole on ankle

    In a man, it indicates femininity and cowardice. For women, on the contrary, it’s about courage.

    Moles on the foot

    A mole on any of them speaks of a melancholic disposition. This is a passive person, not even inclined to follow the aspirations of his heart. Often predicts illness and unexpected misfortune.

    Mole on the heel

    At this point, God puts a mark on an energetic but unkind person.

    Mole on the rise

    Unfortunately, the child will grow up grumpy and unfriendly.

    Moles on toes

    Marriage to a rich man, but little happiness in life.

    Since a person usually has a lot of moles, we recommend drawing two figures on paper: a front view and a back view. Then it is worth marking in which places the signs of fate are located. On another sheet of paper, write down the gypsy fortune-telling predictions and put everything together. Do not forget that the shape and saturation of moles also have important. And besides, remember: over the years, new moles may appear, which means that the character and fate of your child will change.

    And, finally, an interesting video story “Stars Are Lighting Up”. Star moles."

    Few people know that a mole on the chest can influence a person’s fate and character. At the same time, moles on a woman’s breast are more “eloquent” and carry more information. What does a mole on the chest mean? Get ready to find out the truth!

    Female breast- a symbol of beauty, motherhood and femininity, glorified by poets. What character traits are inherent in the owners of such marks? It depends on what part of the chest the nevus is located on. Mole on chest has a tangible impact on the personal life of the owner: a woman either attracts love and adoration, or, conversely, becomes the subject of base infatuation and short-lived passion.

    In ancient times, people were wary of the presence of such marks, regarding them as an unkind sign of fate. It was believed that a woman with a mole on her left breast would certainly become a victim of unhappy love or a serious personal drama would occur in her life.

    A mole on the chest can influence the fate and character of the owner

    Mole on right breast– a more optimistic sign. Such a mole indicates that the owner will faithful wife and a good mother. The feelings of such a woman are constant, and her aspirations are pure. Most likely there will not be many love affairs in her life.

    In men, a mole on the chest is a sign that its owner is a humanist by nature, a person with a broad and open soul. Man with a mole on his chest capable of strong feelings and sincere love. Such men are monogamous and if they become widowers, they remain faithful to their love and do not remarry.

    If a woman has a mole located on the mammary gland (close to the nipples), this indicates a deep sense of motherhood. Women with this mark are created to be mothers, raise and raise children, because their whole nature is permeated with care and affection.

    Women with such moles are characterized by a special femininity and a deep sense of motherhood.

    If there are several moles and they are located on the left side, it means that the woman is able to devote herself entirely to her family. If she is childless - and this is very rare - all the power inherent in her mother's love will be aimed at loved ones: husband, parents, pets. In general, this a woman will fill everything and everyone around with love and care, and even her work will be connected with care or attention. Therefore, very often such women become teachers in kindergartens, nannies, nurses or veterinarians.

    Meanwhile, a mole on the nipple is a bad karmic sign. The presence of such a mark promises the owner joint diseases, and if the mole is located on the left nipple, he will be plagued by heart problems. If the mole is located on the right nipple, a misfortune is likely to occur in the life of the owner, as a result of which he may become disabled.

    Women's breasts are a symbol of beauty and femininity, sung by poets.

    Why are moles on the nipple so “negative”? The answer can be found in Thai traditional medicine. Turns out, one of the important energy meridians passes through the nipples, who is responsible for correct work heart and joints. A mole located on the nipple blocks the movement of internal energy flows, which negatively affects the health of the owner.

    Women with a mole under their breasts are real schemers. If the mole is located under the left breast, its owner is capable of weaving intrigues based on love. She does not shy away from even the most unclean means to achieve her goal: she casts spells on her rivals, curses their relatives and sends misfortune to children. As a matter of fact, it is precisely people who are not free and bound by family ties who come across as potential husbands for such persons. Over the course of her entire life, a woman with a mole under her breast, as a rule, becomes the destroyer of not one, but several families.

    A woman with a mole under her breast is classic look homewreckers

    In the same time mole under right breast characterizes the owner as extremely businesslike. Her cunning (unlike the previous type of women) has a limit. And yet, those with whom she works will have a hard time. In business, such a woman is merciless and uses all legal methods to destroy her competitors. This is probably why this mark allows you to achieve a lot in life.

    The presence of a mole under the breast in men is also an eloquent sign. If a large number of moles are located under the nipples, such a man is not distinguished by a strong spirit and should not be trusted. Often such people are unfaithful in marriage and are capable of betraying a friend. All this, however, is true only if the moles are small and there are more than a dozen of them.

    Men with a mole on their chest are romantic and capable of true love.

    Presence on the lower part of the male chest small quantity(up to 10) noticeable raised moles, on the contrary, indicates the owner's inclination towards selfless and noble actions. They make faithful and loving fathers of the family, especially for those who have moles located under the right breast.

    Information for women who are looking for a faithful and romantic life partner: men with a mole under their left breast are real romantics. In the old days they were sailors and travelers. Today, many of them connect their lives with geology and aviation.

    Birthmark located in one or another part of the body, can tell about the character of its owner, his attitude to the world around him, what awaits him in the future. Esotericism suggests that nevi do not just appear, they influence events that await a person in the future. Depending on the form, type, localization, the degree of influence on fate is determined.

    Interpretation of a mole on the chest

    If a mole is located on the chest, this indicates a person’s sincerity, sensuality, and love of love.

    The interpretation of this location of the pigment spot is a stable financial situation and well-being. People depend on their passions and are demanding of others. The owner is a responsible and reliable partner, a realist, and takes a responsible approach to business. Prefers to lead healthy image life, lives by the rules that he himself created. Surrounds himself with people with similar hobbies and worldviews.

    Nevi on the chest, the number of which exceeds seven, are a sign of weak will.

    When difficulties arise in life, they withdraw into themselves, become depressed, cannot sensibly assess the current situation, and do not make any effort to solve the problem. A profession is chosen that is not based on responsibility and hard work. physical activity. Personal life is based on frivolity and variety. In any situation, he finds an excuse for himself, regardless of whether he is wrong. They live at the expense of others, use others for their own interests, and look for benefits everywhere.

    Value by location in women

    Birthmarks may be located in an inconspicuous area of ​​the body and may not raise any questions. However, representatives of the fair sex are often interested in what a mole on a woman’s sternum means and what to expect from fate. Age spot a girl shows her confidence, determination, strength of character. Thanks to her behavior, she wins over those around her, and they develop a positive attitude. Women are thoughtful interlocutors, reliable partners, and specialists in their field. Demanding about work colleagues, family members, friends. Strives to take a worthy place in society, to be an example for others, a leader.

    If a mole is located on the right breast, a woman is prone to rash actions and can, without regret, quit her long-term job, place of residence, life partner, or friends. In a new place he quickly makes new acquaintances. Sociability and responsiveness allows you to find a decent job that will provide a carefree life. He is in no hurry to start a family or children. Prefers to achieve a high position and move up the career ladder. He perceives criticism addressed to him painfully and may fall into a depressive state.

    If a mole is localized on the left breast, this indicates the woman’s insidious nature. For her own benefit, she is capable of resorting to meanness. She has few real friends. This is explained by a tendency to weave intrigues and unfounded gossip. To achieve her own goals, she is ready to pay any price. If a woman with a mole on her right sternum has a husband, she starts an affair. Due to cunning and the ability to instill one’s own opinion, they exclude the possibility of exposure. She often does not understand why those around her do not strive to be friends with her. Girlfriends don't stick around long time, because they don’t want her to destroy their family.

    The location of the nevus between the breasts in women is a sign of stability, successful life that will last a lifetime. Professional activity does not mean accumulating a lot of capital, but you will not feel the need. In his personal life he will experience betrayal and failure. This sign of karma indicates the destruction of someone else's family in a past life. After several love failures, it will be possible to create a strong and friendly family. In everyday life, a woman with a nevus in the middle of her breasts is an example of a mother and wife. She is distinguished by her devotion to her husband, does not provoke conflict situations, and often keeps grievances and discontent within herself. Raises children without strictness; this aspect is assigned to the father. Shows gentleness of character. She runs the household, thanks to which the house is always full of guests who admire her hard work, optimism, and sense of humor.

    If a red mole is located under the breast, this indicates a woman’s businesslike, cunning nature, manifested in the professional sphere. She uses incorrect, prohibited methods to eliminate competitors, which helps her to take a high position and become a leader. Whenever conflict situation, life difficulties show aggression, resulting in a mental disorder. A woman needs to restrain her emotions so as not to go beyond moral standards.

    A mole on the nipple indicates readiness for the birth and feeding of a child. The meaning of life is to create a family. Women with a nevus on the left nipple rarely suffer from infertility. However, if it is impossible to conceive a baby, they give their love and care to pets and do charity work. They are thinking about taking a child from orphanage. An important condition for this is choosing a partner who will share her desire and desire.

    Meaning for men

    If a nevus is located under a man’s left breast, this indicates his unreliability and inconstancy. It is dangerous to trust such men and hope for his help. A birthmark under the right breast indicates a romantic nature, devotion, and reliability. The man travels and is engaged in scientific activities. It is distinguished by its nobility. When creating a family, he takes a leading place, despite this, he is kind and gentle towards his wife and children. They prefer to remain faithful to their spouse and are not capable of betrayal. He is responsible when choosing a profession; he prefers that work brings a stable, high income. Occupying a leadership position, he treats his subordinates fairly, which endears him to those around him.

    Not everyone knows that a mole on the chest, depending on its location, can influence a person’s character and destiny. A woman has a mole on her chest more eloquent. So what does this have to do with?

    Women's breasts are a symbol of beauty, femininity and motherhood, sung in ancient times. A mole on the chest is a symbol of femininity. So what does a mole on the chest mean? They tried to find an answer to this question even in the Middle Ages. Then it was believed that a mole on the chest - this is a warning sign, and the owners of such marks were predicted to have misfortune in their family life.

    Causes of moles

    If you have a mole on your chest, it is most likely caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. You may have been sunbathing topless. Also, moles may appear in teenagers during adolescence and in women during pregnancy due to changes hormonal levels in organism. Sometimes, new moles say about the course of some disease in the human body. In any case, you need to be careful and make sure that moles do not become inflamed or change.

    What does a mole on the chest mean?

    Woman's breast mole

    In ancient times it was believed that mole on left breast- this is a sign of personal drama in life. Mole on right breast- this is an optimistic sign. She says that its owner will become a good mother and a faithful wife. Such a woman has constant feelings, but her aspirations are pure. Most likely, many love adventures await her in life.

    A man's breast mole

    Men with a mole on their chest are humanists by nature, he is a man with an open and wide soul. Such a man is capable of manifestation strong feelings and sincere love. These men are monogamous; if they become widowers, they remain faithful to their love until the end of their lives and do not marry a second time. A mole on the chest is a symbol Great love to all people. Such a mole indicates that its owner can devote himself entirely to the love that he carries within himself all his life, without retreating or renouncing it. These signs can often be found in widowers who can no longer remarry.

    The meaning of a mole on the chest depending on its location

    The meaning of a mole on the chest can vary depending on the location of the mole on the chest. Let's try to understand this in more detail.

    has an impact on personal life its owner. Such a mole either attracts adoration and love to a person, or, conversely, makes him the subject of short-lived passion and base infatuation.

    Mole with left side on the chest in women means that this lady will evoke worship and love from the stronger sex.

    Men with this sign They are distinguished by passion, however, they are flighty and not constant in relationships.

    A mole on the left breast is not bad. People with such a mole build a very prosperous family life, solely thanks to his charm and natural softness. Such people will be successful and have determination and determination.

    Mole on right breast

    Modern palmists believe that the mole is on the right breast has a beneficial effect on fate of its owners. This interpretation is explained by the immediate proximity to the heart, and the kindest feelings arise in the heart. Women with such a mole are kind, caring mothers and loving and gentle wives. They are sometimes childishly frivolous, however, they still want to be worshiped.

    Men with a mole on the right chest are rightfully considered ideal family men. They are courageous, earn money easily, mostly due to their ability to win over other people. They have positive and strong energy.

    A woman who has a mole on her right breast will have happy family, will become a good mother and wife, and will have a successful marriage.

    People with such a mole in old age will not be able to boast of their numerous novels, but everyone will respect her for the constancy and fidelity of her feelings. They will meet old age surrounded by their loving children.

    speaks of deceit its owner. Mole under left breast means that this person is capable of weaving various love affairs. And at the same time he will use any available funds. In women with such a mole most often there are love affairs with married men, but they usually end badly. They find their husbands in other people's families, and very often have more than one marriage in their entire lives.

    Mole under right breast means the extremely businesslike nature of its owner. This man’s deceit does not extend to his loved ones and family. However, those who work with him must remain on guard. A woman with such a mole will try to destroy all competitors. This sign will help a person achieve great success in life.

    Mole between breasts

    Mole between breasts speaks of stability in life: both women and men with a similar sign will not have to experience either ups or downs, they will not have untold riches, however, they are also not destined to suffer from want.

    So we told you what a mole on the chest means. Fortune telling, of course, is a very exciting business. However, we must not forget what we can do own life better and more successful.

    Need to remember that if a mole begins to bother you or cause pain, you should immediately contact. Any nevus on our body can begin to degenerate into malignancy, which leads to the development of melanoma - skin cancer. There is no need to panic in advance. Only a doctor can accurately determine whether a mole is benign or malignant. He will examine the mole, conduct necessary research and will make a decision.

    under no circumstances is it possible do at home. Specialists at the clinic will select for you suitable method removal. Today there are many of them. The one we are used to is practically no longer used. A mole on the chest can be removed using a device, etc. By following all the doctor’s recommendations in the future, it is possible that there will not even be a scar left on your body at the site of the removed mole.

    From an esoteric point of view, moles on the body are information switch nodes that perform several functions at once: the exchange of subtle energy between the Cosmos and a person, the accumulation and storage of karmic information.

    Esotericists believe that moles appear for a reason and influence the character and destiny of a person. The degree of impact of these signs, as already written in another article on this topic, depends on their shape, type and location on the body.

    The topic of this publication is the meaning of moles on the chest, abdomen, back and buttocks. By going through the lines, you will find out what moles on the body in the above areas mean.

    Moles on the body

    In astrology, a mole on the chest is called a mysterious “lunar” sign, symbolizing great sensuality, sincerity and love for people. The moon is identified with a woman, therefore, a mole on the chest, according to astrologers, is more significant for the fair sex than for men.

    A mole on the left breast - such a mark affects a woman’s destiny in different ways. In one case, she promises love, attention and worship from men; in others, she can turn her owner into an object that evokes only sexual desires. In the old days, a mole on the left breast was considered dangerous sign. Its owner was predicted to have unhappy love and a dramatic fate.

    A mole on the right breast has a positive meaning. A woman with this sign will be a good wife and mother. She is constancy in her feelings and always strives for a long-term relationship.

    A mole on a man’s chest speaks of his fidelity and true feelings. He can sincerely love and is able to carry his love throughout his life, remaining faithful to it until the very end. Therefore, among the owners of a mole on the chest there are many widowers who do not want or are unable to remarry.

    Moles on the mammary glands

    A mole on the mammary gland symbolizes motherhood. A woman with such a mark will be a caring and affectionate mother. Even before the birth of her first child, she feels the “voice” of maternal instinct. Even if she does not have children of her own, and for those with a mole on her chest this is very rare, then she will give all the power of unspent maternal feelings to her husband, parents or for a pet. Her professional activity may also be related to the function of showing concern for others.

    The meaning of moles on the nipples

    A mole on the nipple is considered a bad sign. It does not bode well for its owner and indicates a high probability of a serious illness.

    A mole on the right nipple warns of the danger of an accident or injury.

    A mole on the left nipple is a high risk of heart disease. The owner of a mole on the nipple should take care of his health and be extremely careful.

    Mole under the breast

    A mark under the breast indicates the treachery of its owner.

    A mole under the left breast occurs in a woman who, out of love, is capable of weaving intrigues and plotting intrigues. To achieve what she wants in the sphere of love, she can use any means. If necessary, she is capable of taking away someone else’s husband, causing “damage” to her rival, etc.

    A mole under the right breast is a sign of efficiency and the same deceit, but which manifests itself mainly in the business sphere. A woman with a similar mark can use various dishonest or prohibited schemes and methods, for example, to “destroy” a competitor in business or take the place of her boss.

    For a man, moles under the chest have a double meaning, emphasizing his advantages in one case, and his shortcomings in the other. It all depends on the number of moles. If he has many marks on the bottom of his chest under the nipples (more than a dozen), then this indicates weakness of spirit and the ability to commit a treacherous act, to cheat on the woman he loves. One or two moles indicate the opposite, especially if they are prominent and located under the nipple of the right breast. A man with such indicators may be good friend and a faithful husband. He has honor and is distinguished by nobility.

    A mole under the left nipple indicates the selfless and romantic nature of its owner.

    The meaning of moles below the ribs, at the waist

    Women with moles on their waists tend to have low levels of intelligence and self-control. They are hysterical and love to make trouble. Some of them even like to “play to the crowd” and behave boorishly in society. Living together being around such a special person can turn into a complete nightmare. In the worst case scenario, women with such skin lesions may experience serious mental disorders. It is important for a lady with moles on her waist to learn to control herself and not go beyond ethical standards. A mole below the ribs or on the waist is a sign of selfishness and cowardice. Often people with such a mark have many phobias regarding their own safety and the safety of their property; they may be afraid of air travel, getting into an accident, being harmed by robbers, bandits, etc.

    The meaning of moles on the stomach

    It is not always possible to clearly draw a line between the stomach and the waist, especially in overweight people who simply do not have a waist, and all the shortcomings inherent in the owners of moles on the stomach are more clearly manifested in them. Therefore, the meaning of moles on the stomach and waist is largely the same.

    In general, a mole on the stomach, unless of course it is dark, promises a stable financial situation and well-being. A dark mole on the stomach has an unfavorable meaning for both sexes. It promises its owners a confrontation with manifestations of selfishness and cruelty, and often means illness.

    It can be said about people with moles on the stomach that they are often too dependent on their passions, such as voluptuousness, excessive alcohol consumption, carnal pleasures, gluttony. This is most pronounced when the mole is located on the navel.

    A mole on the left stomach provides protection from the vicissitudes of life. Also, the mark on the left is an indicator of sexual adventures, frequent changes of sexual partner.

    A mole in the center of the abdomen indicates a person who will have success at work, but in his personal life not everything will be so rosy.

    A mole on the stomach on the right is more favorable for the fair sex, for whom it helps to catch “luck by the tail.” A man with formations on his stomach on the right knows how to work and earn money. He is smart and patient, which is the key to his success.

    If a mole on the back is located closer to the shoulders, then this indicates a person who is demanding of himself and others, a realist in life, a responsible and reliable partner. In his youth, he is a diligent and capable student, and in his mature years, he is an excellent professional in his field. He adheres to clear rules, leads a healthy lifestyle, pays attention to his physical development and wants his loved ones to adhere to the same system. However, despite all efforts, often people who have at least one mole on their back cannot boast good health. They are susceptible to diseases of the lungs and bronchi. This applies to a greater extent to those who have many moles located in the upper back.

    According to Slavic belief, the owner of a mole on the back will be betrayed by someone from his inner circle. However, if the mole on the back is located near the spine and on the lucky side, then everything will be fine on the love front. A group of moles on the back, forming a triangle with its apex up, has the same favorable meaning for marriage and love. A similar figure of moles under the shoulder blades and in the center of the back, but with its apex facing down, signals a possible restriction of freedom.

    The meaning of a mole on the body in the buttock area for a woman and a man differs. In addition, depending on the position of the location on the buttock, the mole also has different meanings.

    Many people with an intimate mole on the buttock are united by weakness of will, a certain lack of spine. Often, they give in to difficulties and do not want to make efforts to overcome them, this is especially true for a man with a mole on the upper part of his right buttock. He does not like to work and bear responsibility; he prefers to look for the least labor-intensive paths through life. For these reasons, such men often remain bachelors or look for a wife who will replace their mother.

    A woman with a mole on the upper right buttock is distinguished by frivolity and irresponsibility. She is quite sociable, but she makes many acquaintances only for the purpose of using people to her advantage. Such a person prefers to live at the expense of others.

    A mole on the lower right side of a man’s buttock is a sign of a self-sufficient and charming personality. Such a man is a great friend, faithful husband and the breadwinner of the family. A woman with a similar sign below and on the right is very calculating and selfish. She easily lures men into her love networks, but as a permanent companion she will choose only one who is able to realize her desires.

    A mole on the upper left buttock communicates the trusting nature of its owner, which other people often take advantage of. A man with such a mark on his buttock is not only a devoted friend and gentle, caring husband, but also an excellent lover who knows a lot about love affairs. One can say about a lady with such a mole that she is modest, self-sufficient, and hardworking. She can do good financial situation and career success.

    On the left, a mole on the buttock in its lower part speaks of hard work and good intellectual abilities. A man marked with this sign often has a successful career. Women really like him. A representative of the fair sex who has the same mole on her buttock is, as a rule, smart and charming. She is attracted to success, beauty and Rich life, for which she is ready to work and fight.

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