• We make crafts from vegetables and fruits. Ideas for the little ones. How to make “Race Cars” from vegetables and natural materials


    Useful tips

    You can make a huge number of different crafts from vegetables and fruits.

    Many of these crafts can be made together with children - this will not only bring pleasure, but will also have a positive effect on the child’s imagination.

    Here you will find crafts for every taste and color.

    Arm yourself with the necessary materials and use the accumulated information to create beautiful and original crafts.

    Read also:

    Crafts from autumn vegetables for children

    Children will love playing with paints. To make it fun for them, make vegetable stamps for them.

    Potatoes, for example, can be cut in half and a certain pattern can be cut out in each half - the child will dip the potato in paint and stamp it on the paper.

    Besides potatoes, there are other vegetables that can be used.

    Look closely at the pictures to see how you can surprise children with simple vegetables and colors.

    Crafts from vegetables for kindergarten: eggplant man

    You will need:

    1 eggplant

    Glue stick


    Plastic (toy) eyes

    Everything is very simple, and even small children can do the craft.

    1. Glue the toy eyes to the eggplant.

    2. To make the nose, you can glue a large pompom or cut a circle out of paper and glue it on.

    3. You can glue small pompoms in the shape of a person’s mouth. You can also use pompoms instead colored paper, cardboard or even other vegetables - a strip cut from a carrot, for example.

    DIY vegetable crafts: potato men

    Making eyes

    * To make eyes for the potato man, you can use small buttons of any color (except white), which should first be sewn to a piece of fabric white- further cut the fabric in a circle, grease it with glue and glue it to the potatoes.

    * You can also make eyes from: peas, berries, black pepper, seeds, colored paper, or pieces of carrot, which are secured with a toothpick.

    Making the nose

    To make a convex nose, use a button sewn to a piece of fabric - cut the fabric in a circle a couple of millimeters larger than the button. Spread the fabric with glue and attach it to the potato.

    Making ears

    To make the ears, use pumpkin seeds - just insert them into the potatoes, pointy end down. You can also make ears using plasticine.

    Making hair

    Hair can be made from different materials, for example, from thread, paper (cut fringe) or thin wire.

    Crafts from vegetables for school: potato pony

    INyou will need:

    Three potatoes



    1. Insert one toothpick into a small potato - this will be the head.

    2. To make the neck, take out a small potato and insert the other side of the toothpick (from step 1) into it.

    3. For the body you will need a large potato. Attach it in the same way.

    4. Use toothpicks to make the horse's legs. Insert them into a large potato, i.e. horse's body.

    5. To make the horse stand, attach small pieces of carrots to the toothpicks that act as the horse’s legs.

    6. You can also make ears from carrots. Insert the ears into the pre-cut holes.

    7. For the mane and tail, use knitting threads. Just cut as many as you need and glue to the craft.

    How to make a vegetable craft: radish flower

    Before you start cutting the radishes, soak them in cold water for a couple of hours - they will become firmer and fresher.

    1. Cut off the bottom of the radish. Decide how many petals you want for your future flower, and think about where you will make the cuts.

    2. Take a knife and start making cuts from bottom to top (see image).

    *You may need to practice a little to ensure that all the petals of the radish flower are even.

    * If you want the petals to be more open, gently move them with your finger from the center of the flower in the opposite direction.

    3. Using scissors, cut the petals so that you get “arrows” (see image).

    4. Repeat the previous steps to make a second layer of petals from the middle of the flower, but this time the petals should be between the outer petals.

    A similar flower can be made from tomato or kiwi peel:

    How to make a flower from a tomato - video:

    Crafts from vegetables instructions: flowers-decorations from vegetables

    These crafts can be used as decoration for dishes or simply as a beautiful display of vegetables for children who are known to not be very fond of vegetables.

    You can use different vegetables. This example uses cucumber and carrots. You will also need a toothpick.

    Food crafts: snowman made from eggs

    You will need:

    6 large boiled eggs

    6 small boiled eggs

    Black pepper (peas)

    1 carrot

    1 skewer

    1. Peel one large and one small egg and cut off the top and bottom parts.

    3. Place a small egg on a large one and secure them with a skewer - thread it through.

    4. Make a hat from carrot rings. To attach it to the snowman, first make one hole with a skewer through the circles. Now place the hat on the protruding skewer.

    * You can safely trim off the excess part of the skewer.

    * Instead of a skewer, you can use thick, uncooked pasta.

    5. Make eyes, nose and buttons using black pepper and for the nose you can use a small piece of carrot.

    6. You can use parsley as arms for the snowman.

    Children's crafts from fruits: decorations from dried orange slices

    You will need:



    Oven rack

    Satin ribbon

    1. Cut the orange into several slices approximately 1-1.5 cm wide.

    2. Place the orange slices on the grill.

    * Do not use a baking sheet, otherwise the slices may burn.

    3. Place the slices in the oven and keep them there at 130 degrees Celsius for a couple of hours (monitor them periodically).

    4. Remove the orange slices from the oven and let them cool. You can put them on a plate to cool.

    5. Now the slices can be used to decorate dishes or for a Christmas tree or interior - they not only look beautiful, but also smell nice.

    6. You can make holes in them and thread a ribbon so that the slices can be hung.

    DIY fruit crafts: fruit cup

    You will need:

    Orange or grapefruit

    1. Take an apple and place it on the table with the handle down. Cut off the top part, and the bottom part will act as a cup.

    2. Using a knife, cut out the core of the apple.

    3. To prevent the apple from turning black inside, brush it with lemon juice.

    4. Make a cutout in your apple cup for a handle. Cut a slice of kiwi and insert it into this cutout - it will act as a handle.

    5. For the saucer, just cut a slice of orange or grapefruit.

    You can also make a fruit cup like this to decorate the table:

    Berry crafts: strawberry Christmas tree

    You will need:


    Baking paper

    Paper (lace) napkin

    Adhesive tape (scotch tape)



    1. Make a cone out of cardboard. To find out how to make a cone, you can go to our article: Paper cone. Also cut a circle out of cardboard - this will be the base of the tree.

    * Instead of paper cone You can look for a foam cone in stores.

    2. Cover the cone with baking paper. You can insert the ends of the paper inside the cone. To secure the paper to the cone, you can use duct tape(scotch).

    3. Melt the chocolate to glue the cone to the base.

    4. Cut a circle in a napkin with the same diameter as the base of the cone and push the cone through the napkin.

    5. Prepare the strawberries and separate them by size. Remove the tails.

    6. Start gluing the strawberries from bottom to top, starting with the largest berries. Dip the strawberries into the melted chocolate and stick to the cone (wrapping paper).

    * Save the smallest berries for the top of the tree.

    7. You can also attach other chocolate decorations (ready-made or homemade) to the tree.

    Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits: butterflies

    You will need:


    Toy (plastic) eyes

    PVA glue

    Sealed bag (ziplock bag)

    Thin brush or wire (if desired)

    Paints (if desired)

    1. Using glue, attach the toy eyes to one side of the clothespin and let the glue dry.

    2. Place your favorite treats (yours or your children's) in a ziplock bag - you can distribute them to the sides, but this is not necessary.

    3. Use a clothespin to grab the bag as shown in the image.

    4. If you wish, you can make antennae for the butterfly from a thin brush or wire. You can also paint the clothespin if you feel it is necessary.

    Crafts from vegetables: pumpkin faces

    The golden collection of unusual crafts starts with a very bright accessory. We would even say - gadget - tape recorder made of fruits, herbs and vegetables.

    To create this retro masterpiece you will need:

    • medium size cardboard box;
    • green onion;
    • cucumber or young zucchini;
    • carrot;
    • sweet pepper;
    • orange or grapefruit;
    • radish;
    • lemon;
    • toothpicks and double-sided tape for fastening.

    We reveal the entire process of making a tape recorder step by step

    1. Cover the front, back and top of the box with double-sided tape.
    2. Fastening green onions to the tape.
    3. Prepare parts for finishing the tape recorder.
    4. Cut the cucumber or zucchini into one wide strip and two narrow ones.
    5. Cut a circle of carrots, and also prepare the top and semicircle.
    6. Cut two slices of lemon and orange(or grapefruit).
    7. Make parts from radishes, peppers, carrots.
    8. Attach all parts to the tape recorder using toothpicks or double-sided tape.
    9. A cassette player can be made from a plastic box or cardboard.

    Master class No. 2: funny little animals

    The second masterpiece you can make together with your child for the exhibition is cute spotted zucchini animals. Looking at such pictures, I can’t believe that such beauty can be made at home with your own hands, but to implement this idea you will need a little time, patience, desire and the following ingredients:

    • 2 round zucchini;
    • carrot;
    • olives;
    • toothpick, knife.

    How to make a mouse and a dog from zucchini?

    1. For each product cut the zucchini in half– the upper part will act as a muzzle, the lower part will act as the animal’s body.
    2. Connect 2 parts of the vegetable so that you get a figurine of an animal.
    3. From leftover zucchini make ears– oval for the dog and round for the mouse.
    4. Attach the ears to the top of the head by making cuts on the head near the mouse. Attach the puppy's ears using toothpicks.
    5. For peepholes cut 4 circles from the white part of the zucchini, and also cut 3 olives in half.
    6. Make pupils from the halves of two olives, attaching them with toothpicks, secure the remaining two as noses.
    7. For the dog cut carrots into flower shapes, and for a mouse - in the form of a butterfly.
    8. Attach the decorations and make a tail from the stem.

    Master class No. 3: green turtle

    Another simple master class on how to quickly and beautifully turn ordinary vegetables into an unusual animal.

    To make a beautiful turtle, you will need seasonal vegetables and auxiliary materials:

    • cabbage, cut in half;
    • 2-3 zucchini;
    • black peppercorns;
    • toothpicks.

    Let's get started

    1. Cut the zucchini into 5 pieces 5-6 cm thick. Make a head from the outermost part, 4 legs from the rest and attach everything with toothpicks to half of the cabbage.
    2. Chop the remaining zucchini into circles, 1 cm thick.
    3. Secure the circles with toothpicks on top of the cabbage.
    4. Make eyes from black peppercorns.

    Fruit and vegetable crafts: crafting with kids

    Not all children like to eat vegetables and fruits, and this is no secret for parents. What if you show the baby how bright and at the same time useful crafts can be V kindergarten from vegetables and fruits.

    For example, an ordinary pumpkin can turn into a creative basket or flower vase.

    And a zucchini is not a zucchini at all, but airplane or fairy ship.

    Corn easily turns into fairy-tale heroes– you just need to put in a little effort and show your imagination.

    Original DIY vegetable crafts for kindergarten on the theme of autumn are made from almost any product, which we can also eat at home in the form of salads or first courses. Tell your baby about this.

    Childhood is a time for flights of fancy when an apple can turn into a funny owl, and sour lemon - into a yellow sunny mouse. Such simple crafts can instill in your child a love of vegetables and fruits. While working, invite him to eat a piece as a reward - he will agree with pleasure.

    Simple and original crafts for kindergarten: getting ready for the exhibition

    Light and unusual options fruit and vegetable crafts Today it is not at all uncommon. Parents try to surprise teachers and everyone around them. But first of all, of course, they strive to make their children happy.

    The most autumn berry watermelon- excellent material for cool crafts. Take the pulp and seeds out of a small watermelon, and turn the frame into a funny frog.

    Who's that rushing on autumn Ball on your zucchini mobile? This is Smeshariki!

    Mother's hands are the most caring and tender for a child. They can honor your back at night and create similar beauty from ordinary products.

    Every good parent for the sake of his child he is ready to do anything - even do cute piglets made from potatoes. The material is the simplest - potatoes and plasticine.

    You will definitely win the competition for the best idea this year if make such a bright dinosaur.

    Autumn is the time for pumpkins and crafts made from them. We will consider none interesting way allowing

    Favorite activity of children in kindergarten - children's crafts from vegetables, which always turn out to be unusual and original. Such creativity allows you to develop in a child Creative skills from an early age, because children learn to see the unusual in the most ordinary and everyday things: before their eyes, an ordinary carrot will turn into a giraffe, and a cucumber into a crocodile. He will learn to work with different colors and textures, and combine different materials in one craft.

    Lots of ideas on how to create children's crafts from vegetables on the theme "Autumn", you can find, and tomorrow it may appear in your house original vase from a pumpkin in which flowers from autumn leaves made with your own hands.

    Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits

    Vegetable crafts for kindergarten very easy to perform, for example, with a few zucchini you can get interesting cat. First you need to take a large zucchini, cut off its bottom and tail so that the body becomes stable. For the head you need to cut out a wide circle.

    The second zucchini should be taken smaller and cut in half lengthwise. And cut each half in half into two parts: one will go for the ears, the second for the paws. In order for the parts to fit tightly to the base, you need to make oval cuts on them.

    The main feature of this cat is its tail; for it you will need another zucchini, you can also take zucchini, since the color of their peel is darker. We cut this fruit in half lengthwise, and cut this half into half rings half a centimeter wide. If you have a short zucchini, then you can add rings from the other half.

    For this craft we will also need a thick needle and strong thread; you can take “Iris” in two folds. Starting from the first half-ring, you need to thread the needle and thread through all the elements, and then go through the second row in the opposite direction. The ends of the thread should be tied and the resulting tail should be laid out on a flat surface, straightening it so that it is slightly curved.

    To decorate the face we will also use elements made from fruits. We will make the eyes from slices of cucumber, a circle of carrot will serve as a nose, and we will cut out the tongue from a beetroot.

    Typically when we do children's crafts from vegetables and fruits, we connect all the elements using toothpicks, we will do the same this time. First of all, we attach the legs and head to the body, then the ears to the head. All that remains is to attach the tail to the body with toothpick halves. Last of all, we will design the muzzle; besides, we have all the elements ready. You need to break off small pieces of a toothpick and use them to attach the eyes and nose, and for the tongue you should make a small indentation with a knife and insert a piece of beetroot there.

    A child can take such a craft to an exhibition in a kindergarten, and the cat can be placed on a base where a variety of greenery or autumn leaves will be laid out.

    Children's crafts from vegetables

    Children especially like to do crafts from vegetables and fruits, kindergarten- a great place for such creativity. By creating interesting figures from familiar food products, the child develops imagination and creative abilities.

    In most cases, to create such crafts you must use a knife, which is unsafe for small child, so in this creative process You will definitely need the help of your parents. Parents can prepare and cut out the elements, and the child's main task will be to connect them.

    However, a preschool child can handle some crafts on his own; in them, the fruits are used only as a basis, and all additional elements must be sculpted from plasticine.

    All you have to do is show your child these crafts from vegetables for kindergarten photo, and he will definitely want to repeat them himself, because the result will be the main characters of his favorite cartoon “Smeshariki”.

    The fruits will make very cute favorite characters - Losyash, Krosh, Nyusha and others, for whom you can create a whole one: make a clearing with a house and trees, of course, using only natural materials.

    To make Smeshariki, you can use multi-colored apples (red, yellow, green), tangerines and oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, plums and other spherical vegetables and fruits. An additional material will be multi-colored plasticine.

    Let's make Krosh: for the body, take a green apple, and make the nose, ears and hands using green plasticine. For the mouth and eyes we will use white cardboard, on which we need to draw the pupils, and we will make the eyebrows using black plasticine.

    Nyusha's torso will be made from a red apple, and red plasticine will be used for the heel and hair. We must not forget about Nyusha’s main decoration - a bright bow; it can also be fashioned from plastic or attached with a satin ribbon.

    The Hedgehog's body will be made from red onions, red plasticine will be used for needles and handles. The Hedgehog's nose can be made from a piece of black plasticine, and the mouth can be cut out from cardboard. Be sure to make glasses by twisting them from wire.

    You can also do the rest children's crafts from vegetables and fruits, photo they will tell you how to fashion additional elements using plastic material. We will make the next character - Elk - using an orange, which will serve as a base. The black block will go on the eyebrows, arms and legs, and the brown one should be used for the branched horns. The cardboard will go over the eyes and mouth.

    The potato is suitable as a body for Kopatych; be sure to make a plasticine hat for him. And when all the characters are ready, you need to create a thematic composition for them. For example, a melon needs to be cut in half, the core and pulp removed, and Kopatych and Losyash placed in the finished boat. Nosha and the Hedgehog will sit under a palm tree made from skewers or wooden sticks and slices bell pepper.

    The child will definitely want to add other elements to decorate children's crafts from vegetables, photo lessons are not needed here at all, because working with plastic mass is very easy, as is cutting out parts from paper or cardboard.

    DIY children's crafts from vegetables

    Children's crafts from vegetables on the theme of autumn

    It’s impossible to imagine how original they look DIY vegetable crafts for kids, which are collected in flower arrangement. You can make a real flower bouquet from carrots, cabbage, and cucumbers, but most often these figures are used by mothers for decoration. holiday dishes and salads.

    The cucumber must be cut into thin slices with a special knife. They will bend easily and can be used to create a flower. The first plate must be carefully twisted into a loose roll, and the next ones must be wrapped like petals around the core. Cucumber plates bend perfectly in different sides, so you can wrap them in different ways; some examples are shown in the photographs. On a plate, frame the cucumber flower with green leaves.

    A very beautiful lush bow is made from leeks. With a sharp knife you need to make a cross-shaped cut along the entire length of the onion, but when cutting, you need to leave the middle intact.

    Now you need to carefully separate the cut strips and bend them inward. Do this with all the “petals” up to the very middle, and you will get a magnificent bow, a spectacular decoration for any holiday dish.

    A carrot flower will help complement the composition: you need to peel the root vegetable and cut off a not very long (but not short) piece. Using a knife, cut off the sides of the plates to form a pentagon. Next, you need to make cuts on the edges without reaching the end. Each petal must have pieces cut off at the edges to make it sharp. All other petals should also be sharpened. All subsequent cuts must be made in a checkerboard pattern so that the flower turns out lush. When you reach the middle, you need to trim it a little to get a pointed cone.

    Children's crafts from vegetables: photos

    To figure out how to do DIY children's crafts from vegetables, photo You can find master classes on the pages of our website, and you will immediately understand that there is nothing difficult in transforming a few carrots into an interesting giraffe, and a couple of cucumbers will turn into a kind crocodile before your eyes.

    You can bring to the “Bright Autumn” exhibition, and a vase made from a pumpkin and painted white acrylic paint, give to the class teacher on Teacher's Day. However, in order for such a vase to be stored for a long time, it must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp and dried.

    Children who visit kindergarten They also receive homework from their teachers. Very often, educators offer preschoolers and their parents to make crafts on a specific topic. But in the autumn, children make various crafts from vegetables for kindergarten. And today we will provide for you best ideas and show you photos of these same crafts.

    What crafts to make from vegetables for kindergarten

    Potato pigs.

    Guys preschool age They also love to make crafts. And if you are a caring parent, then remember that with such children it is best to make simple crafts. And if you decide to work with vegetables, then take a few potatoes to make wonderful piglets. Make a face for the future craft, attach ears and a tail, and make piglet legs from carrots.

    A caterpillar made of apples, a girl made of cabbage and a parrot made of oranges.

    The following crafts for kindergarten are also easy to make. If you decide to make a caterpillar, then take several apples and fasten them together with toothpicks. Decorate an apple that will imitate a face with antennae made from matches and draw the facial features of this insect. Decorate your caterpillar with a bow.

    Cabbage girls are also very easy to make. Take two cabbage forks to work with and connect them together using toothpicks. Make facial features and start decorating the head of the craft with a variety of flowers.

    For the parrot, prepare a couple of oranges. Secure them together with toothpicks. Cut out the bird's eyes and beak from colored paper. And make wings and legs from unnecessary skins.

    Pear hedgehog.

    In this article you can find not only crafts from vegetables, but also crafts from fruits. For example, from a pear and grapes you can get a hedgehog. Making this craft is not difficult. And your child will probably enjoy this process. Just look at the photo to understand how to make this hedgehog.

    Potato horse.

    To make one like this fun craft for kindergarten, you need to arm yourself only with your own imagination. For vegetables you will need potatoes and carrots. And you can make a tail from dill. Connect the vegetables together using skewers or toothpicks. Also, make additional items as an extra.

    The main characters of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

    In this article, we list simple vegetable crafts for our readers. The next craft can be very interesting for those kids who enthusiastically read the fairy tale about the bun. And to create these heroes you should take carrots and onions. In order to create a chanterelle, you must take carrots and fasten them together using toothpicks. From another carrot it is worth cutting out: arms, legs and ears for the chanterelle. At the end, we decorate the craft with a skirt and make a muzzle.

    For the bun, we take an onion, draw facial features on it, attach handles and make hairs.

    A simple craft - a train.

    If you have zucchini at home that you are not going to use for cooking, then try making a train out of it. Use skewers to connect the parts together. You will also need carrots to create some details.

    Cucumber mice.

    Cucumber mice are the most simple craft. Offer to make it for your child, he will probably really like this activity.

    Pupae from young bulbs.

    You can also use young bulbs to make something interesting. If these bulbs have roots, they can be left or trimmed to keep them neat.

    Pumpkin tea set.

    Every housewife probably has a pumpkin. And if you have a large pumpkin harvest, then don’t throw away the excess, but try to make a wonderful craft out of it. It is worth saying that to create a craft, the contents of the pumpkin should be thrown away. But in order to make handles for such a service, you should use wire and unnecessary pieces of hose.

    You can also simply paint small pumpkins with paints and make them funny.

    A pumpkin is also suitable for creating an original vase. You should also remove the pulp from it, and to give it a beautiful appearance, you can draw a design on the pumpkin using a sharp awl.


    Now you know what kind of vegetable crafts you can make for your kindergarten. Our ideas will come in handy if your child is home from kindergarten. Therefore, make the funniest things and get a great mood from it.

    It’s quite easy to make beautiful children’s crafts from vegetables for the garden or school. Their production does not require the purchase of expensive materials - the best decors there will be flowers and leaves, pine cones and acorns, grass and stones. You can also decorate crafts for kindergarten from vegetables with shells, beads, threads, cotton wool, and fabrics.

    Vegetable bride and groom

    Cabbage sheep

    How to make a cucumber craft with your own hands

    Cucumber is a vegetable that is available to everyone in autumn. You can make a variety of autumn crafts from it. Let's talk about the most interesting of them.

    cucumber cactus

    You need to take a hard cucumber and decorate it with pine or spruce needles. Toothpicks will also work. True, it is better to pre-paint them with green watercolors.

    cucumber cactus

    If you decorate the vegetable with carrot pieces resembling flowers in shape, you will get a very cheerful composition.

    Transforming a cucumber into blooming cactus

    Cucumber crocodile

    You can cut various figures from a cucumber - both simple and complex. The cartoon character Gena the crocodile made from it looks especially interesting. True, making it is not so easy - the little fidget will definitely need the help of its parents to make cuts in certain places with a knife.

    Cucumber crocodile

    You can decorate the crocodile with elements cut from red or yellow peppers, tomatoes, and beets.

    "Cucumber" crocodile Gena

    A simpler craft from a cucumber for kindergarten is a crocodile that crawls. To do it, you will have to use a knife less.

    Crawling crocodile

    The eyes of the predator can be made from plasticine or drawn with a marker. Best material for the tongue - a strip of sweet red pepper.

    Crafts from cucumber and zucchini

    Zucchini and cucumber look great together in children's fall crafts. They have a similar shape, making them very easy to assemble.

    Vegetable machine

    It will be easy for kids to make a car from these vegetables. To attach wheels to the cucumber body, you need to use toothpicks or any pointed wooden sticks. The wheels can be made from pieces of carrots, cucumber rings, the top - from a zucchini half ring.

    Let the little entertainer decide for himself what the passenger of such an unusual transport will be like.

    Zucchini machine

    Zucchini and cucumber pork

    To make a vegetable pig for an exhibition, you need to take a small zucchini and a cucumber. The first will serve as the body of the animal. From the second you need to cut out the ears, snout and eyes. The easiest way to attach the cucumber parts to the zucchini is to use toothpicks.

    Cabbage garden craft

    When making crafts for a cabbage garden, the main thing is to find a head of cabbage suitable shape and size. If parents have very little time, and the child cannot yet create a vegetable masterpiece on his own, you can turn cabbage into someone’s head. To do this, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat or tie a bow on it.

    Cabbage head

    Funny man with a cabbage head

    Cabbage Girl

    A more complex option is to make animals from cabbage parts. For example, you can make a beautiful dog

    Instead of eyes and a nose, she may have acorns, plasticine, or brown cardboard. The easiest way to connect the body with the head and paws is with toothpicks.

    Carrot garden crafts

    Carrots can be stored for a long time, so they are also often used to make garden crafts. It can be turned into fairy-tale characters, vehicles, flowers. In some cases, it is enough to simply attach auxiliary parts to the vegetable, in others it is impossible to do without cutting out various elements on its surface.

    carrot house

    Carrot flowers

    Funny carrot woman

    What can be made from squash - unusual crafts for kindergarten

    Patisson is a frequent guest at autumn exhibitions in the garden and school. Simple, but at the same time bright and memorable things are made from it. So, every parent can make a clock from this plant.

    Squash watch

    You need to take a squash that is suitable in size and color and draw numbers on its surface so that you get a dial. The hands can be taken from an old damaged watch. If there are none in the house, cut them out of paper. You need to decorate vegetable watches with beads, chains, and threads.

    Vegetable watch

    Cones and acorns are also suitable here. They are attached to the surface of the plant using toothpicks or glue.

    If the child is good at drawing, you can simply paint the plate pumpkin watercolor paints. You can draw flowers, animals, a family on its surface - whatever the little artist wants.

    Painted squash

    We bring to your attention other ways to transform squash into a children's autumn craft:


    Flying saucer

    Patisson UFO

    Frog Princess made from squash

    Turtle made from squash and potatoes

    Autumn crafts from watermelon

    Watermelon is a very juicy berry, which makes working with it difficult. Usually, when making crafts, they use the peel and just a little pulp. IN otherwise the juice will flow out, the product will quickly lose its beautiful appearance.

    A child will not be able to turn a watermelon into an animal, a flower arrangement, or, for example, a decorative basket on his own, since the use of a sharp knife is required.

    A turtle whose shell consists of peel looks great. You can fill it from the inside with any fruit.

    Watermelon turtle

    Watermelon turtle shell

    The watermelon stroller is quite easy to make. Instead of wheels, you can use orange or lemon slices.

    Watermelon stroller

    If you shape the skin of the berry into a shape reminiscent of a shark's head, you will get a formidable fish.

    Watermelon shark

    The internal emptiness of the shark can be filled with any fruit or pieces of pulp. But it is important to remember that such a craft will not last long.

    Rules to follow when making autumn crafts for kindergarten

    Autumn crafts for kindergarten can be different. As a rule, it takes very little time to make them. But children cannot do without the help of their parents.

    In order for the prepared composition to look good and not fall apart on the first day of the exhibition, it is important to remember that:

    • the vegetables that will form it must be unripe;
    • It is important to remove as much pulp as possible from juicy fruits;
    • treat crafts with nothing chemical compounds they cannot be stored for long periods of time - children may experience allergic reaction;
    • You need to collect material for the composition in advance, but do the crafts on the eve of the exhibition.

    And remember: no need to look for vegetables perfect shape. On the contrary, the most interesting and funny compositions are always made from vegetables and fruits, the sight of which makes you smile. You just need to understand what the product resembles, and then decorate it accordingly.

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