• Mk on knitting a blanket. Ultra-fashionable chunky knit blanket: we knit it ourselves with or without knitting needles! Ways to crochet a blanket


    It's easy to knit a stylish blanket with knitting needles. If you know how to knit a scarf, then you can easily knit a blanket for your cozy home. Here are 3 ways to knit a blanket. Who prefers what? It is better to decide on this question, so to speak, on the shore, before setting sail, that is, knitting. To make the journey enjoyable and the result amazing.

    1. Blanket knitted with circular knitting needles.

    This is a wise choice of tool, since the blade is large, and keeping it suspended all the time is not an exciting prospect.

    1) This blue blanket is knitted with cables.

    Blue plaid braids

    The motif of the pattern is extremely simple, 6 knit loops for the braid and 6 purl loops for the path between the braids, again 6 knit loops, etc.

    Braid pattern

    I love knitting braids and plaits, it turns out quickly. Like here, knit 4 rows, make a braid weave, knit 4 more rows, make a weave again, look, I’ve already knitted 5 centimeters. It’s convenient to count, not nervous, the drawing is voluminous, the canvas is soft and beautiful.

    Blue plaid pattern scheme
    Now, we already have something to warm our knees.

    This is what it looks like after a couple of days, depending on who you are, of course. Now it’s autumn and the blanket will be ready for the winter cold, but now, on rainy autumn days, you can cover your knees with your half-blanket while working. Cosy.

    2) Blue and beige blankets with fringe are also knitted with circular knitting needles

    But instead of embossed braids, a pattern is chosen here. This is good because both the back and the face will have the same rights.

    Blue plaid
    Beige plaid

    Description of how to knit a blue or beige blanket with fringe:

    Pattern for blue and beige plaid with fringe:

    Note: It was suggested in the comments that there was a typo in the description of the fringed blanket in the weight of the skein of yarn. I would like to explain why these sizes are indicated.
    Here are options on how to knit a blanket using knitting needles from two different types of yarn. You will get such a blanket using one yarn and another. The cunning alpaca, present in the first version, fluffs the thread. A skein of such yarn is light and voluminous, and it feels like petting a kitten. There is a peculiarity when knitting. The thread seems to be stretched, it is very plastic, and in finished product It folds up a little and the canvas becomes more voluminous. And in the second version there is no alpaca yarn for the blanket, but almost 80% acrylic. Acrylic is a more organized thread, does not stretch and is not as light. This is the secret.

    A magazine offering patterns for blankets wants to show that you need to approach knitting creatively, choose what you like, read recommendations for choosing yarn and knitting needle numbers, but check everything on samples.

    I took photos of different yarns and samples. I can't insert a photo in the comments, so I had to do it in the article.

    So, for example, for alpaca yarn from Pekhorka, with a thread weight and length almost like in a magazine (there is more alpaca in the composition, and therefore more fluffiness), 4mm knitting needles are recommended. But in the reviews I see both 3mm and 4.5mm.

    And a photo of the yarn and a sample with 50% wool and 50% acrylic yarn. This is exactly the 50/50 yarn for Alena, who raised the issue of a typo and asked what knitting needles to use. Question in the comments at the bottom of the article.

    Only the sample you knit will help you understand how much yarn and what knitting needles you will need to knit a blanket.

    3) A stole that acts as a blanket.

    I knitted this stole a long time ago, but never used it as a stole, but as a blanket, it has taken root with us, it’s just a pity that I didn’t immediately think of knitting it wider. Although the description said that this pattern would look good on a bedspread or blanket.

    Even our cats find it a bit cramped to huddle on such a narrow product.

    Cats on a blanket

    Take a closer look at this pattern, it is good because the reverse side is also attractive, it is mirror-like to the face, only where there is a convexity on the face, there is a concavity on the reverse side.

    I have attached a diagram according to which I knitted a stole; for a blanket it is not necessary to knit corners with tassels, so you can start knitting right from the 53rd row, and you need to calculate how many loops you need to pick up for your blanket according to the usual pattern. Cast on 15-20 loops, knit in a pattern, close, wash, dry and count in the middle part of the sample how many loops are in a centimeter. I did just that, since I knitted not with cotton, but with wool blend yarn.

    4) Cozy blanket with a heart.

    Blanket with heart-1
    Plaid with heart-2
    Plaid with a heart-3

    The knitting pattern is very clearly visible in the photographs, so how to knit such a blanket:

    But for the most novice beginners, an article has been published on the site with detailed diagrams and job description. Please follow the link to the article:

    2. Blanket knitted in fragments

    1) Patchwork style

    Blanket made from fragments with fabric lining
    Plaid of squares in different patterns

    How to knit, see the instructions:

    2) Canvas of different sizes, sewn with contrasting threads.

    Simple and very elegant throw blanket from Martha Stewart (marthastewart.com)

    This blanket will require about 38 skeins of gray bulky yarn and 3 skeins of yellow wool yarn. It is knitted in regular garter stitch and sewn with thread in a contrasting color. The edge is crocheted.

    Elegant plaid bedspread Connecting the details of the blanket

    In the video I showed how to sew the parts of the blanket and how to tie the edge.

    Below is a plaid diagram of how this luxurious plaid is knitted.

    Plaid diagram

    3.A blanket knitted in stripes.

    Plaid of stripes

    Enjoy your choice and inspiration.

    Knitting something like a blanket with knitting needles is a painstaking task. Not every craftswoman can cope with it. But it’s worth it, because a hand-knitted blanket has a special energy and beauty.

    Such a product will not only be an elegant interior decoration, but also reliable protection from the winter cold - covered with it, it will be so pleasant to spend time reading your favorite book or drinking a cup of hot tea.

    Features of knitting a blanket

    A blanket is one of the pleasant household items. Sitting in a chair in the company of a warm, cozy blanket, knitted by hand or by hand loved one– what could be better than this, especially in the cold season. In addition, as the photo of the knitted blanket shows, the blanket self made can become a luxurious decorative detail.

    It is customary to highlight the following advantages of this hand-knitted product:

    • aesthetics;
    • practicality;
    • functionality;
    • uniqueness;
    • environmental friendliness.

    Patterns and instructions for proper knitting can be found on the Internet. When you decide to knit a blanket yourself, remember an important point - you shouldn’t skimp on yarn. An item knitted from low-quality threads will not last long.

    Knitting options

    Today there are many ways to knit a blanket. This is knitting from squares, knitting with braids and much more. Quite popular is knitting a blanket from leftover threads. Which option to choose depends only on your desire.

    Many needlewomen prefer knitting from individual motifs. It is considered the simplest and most convenient. You can knit this way in any environment - at home, at work, on the bus, in the subway. The disadvantage of knitting from motifs is the final assembly of the product. But still this The best way knitting for beginners.

    We knit a blanket. Large knitting

    This year's fashion trend is blankets and bedspreads made of thick threads. It's not very practical, but it's stylish. It is better to use tops or combed ribbon as yarn.

    Advantages of this product:

    • the ability to knit not only with knitting needles, but also with your hands;
    • softness, airiness and lightness;
    • raw wool yarn adds style.

    Disadvantages include:

    • During knitting, the top may tear, because it is not a finished yarn.
    • The threads are very fluffy, can break up into individual fibers and, as a result, get tangled. This makes knitting very difficult.
    • Items made from combed tape are difficult to care for: washing is prohibited.

    Tops can be replaced with spun ones wool threads. It will be easier to knit with them. This blanket holds its shape much longer. It is washable. In addition, the spun yarn almost does not tear or fray.

    In addition to threads, you will need special thick knitting needles. Detailed description You can see how to knit a blanket with your own hands in specialized magazines and on the Internet.

    Bedspread made of squares

    This option is optimal for those who have just recently started knitting. Making small squares is much easier than making a huge sheet. In addition, this method is a kind of “insurance” against making mistakes. It is easier to re-knit an incorrectly knitted motif than to remake a large bedspread.

    Another advantage is the ability to knit in any situation, because the fragments are small and can easily fit in a bag. In addition to all of the above, for each fragment you can choose your own pattern, pattern, and threads.

    In other words, knitting from squares will make all your fantasies come true. This is a good training for various styles of knitting.

    Cozy blanket made from leftover threads

    If you are not new to knitting, then you probably have quite a lot of leftover threads. There is no way to get rid of them, but what to do with them is the question. Motif knitting allows you to put everything on the blanket. The different texture of the yarn used will only emphasize the originality of the product.

    For example, a fragment of plush surrounded by segments knitted from grass in combination with sectors made of wool will look very elegant and stylish. And, if you have threads of the same texture, but in different colors, then you can make a wonderful double-sided blanket.

    Whatever master class on knitting a blanket you choose, the basic order of work is as follows:

    • Calculation of the required number of loops.
    • Selecting a primary and secondary pattern.
    • Calculation required quantity yarn.
    • Only after this can you start knitting.

    Photo instructions on how to knit a blanket

    Blankets knitted- some of the most cozy and pleasant things that you can create with your own hands. In addition, such a household item, which will warm you up on autumn or winter evenings, can also be incredibly beautiful. Perhaps novice craftswomen will now think that such a luxury as knitted a blanket is not for them, but you shouldn’t deprive yourself and your loved ones of such a wonderful thing because of doubts in your abilities. You just need to choose the appropriate one from several options for knitting simple blankets and go for it!

    Patterns and descriptions of knitting a blanket

    The choice of blanket models, as well as patterns and methods of knitting them, is huge. It is also worth paying attention to whether the warm blanket is knitted for adults, or for children - after all, this is also an important criterion for selecting yarn and patterns. For the little ones, blankets must be knitted according to certain rules - we will definitely tell you about them. In general, it’s an art to knit a good blanket. Let's try to understand it and consider both the easiest knitting master classes and more intricate options for knitting blankets.

    Master class for beginners

    Beginning knitters should definitely start by studying the most understandable and simple options knitting blankets. Consider a master class for beginners on knitting a blanket.

    This blanket model is perfect for newborns or adult children. The blanket turns out pleasant, tender and soft. And knitting it with knitting needles will not be difficult because of the knitting method taken as a basis: a simple double-sided pattern of knit and purl loops, as well as for the edge of the product.

    • What you will need

    Yarn:“Svetlana” produced by “Semyonovskaya Yarn”, 250 m / 100 g, 50% wool, 50% acrylic.
    Yarn consumption: 350 g.
    Tools: circular knitting needles No. 3, knitting needle.
    Knitting density: main knitting Pg = 2.25 loops in 1 cm, Pv = 3.2; garter stitch Pg = 2.14 stitches per cm, Pv = 4.3 rows per 1 cm.

    Popular articles:

    • Calculating loops

    To calculate the number of loops that need to be cast on the knitting needles for knitting a blanket, it is necessary to determine the knitting density of the main and garter stitch. Find out more about how to determine knitting density.

    When calculating loops, we must take into account the desired size of the product and pattern repeat. As for the size, the standard size of a baby diaper is 80 x 80 cm, we will focus on it. We need the pattern on the blanket to be symmetrical. Therefore, you need to add loops to whole repeats for symmetry of the pattern. You also need to take into account the width of the slats along the edge of the blanket. We will knit strips 2.5 cm wide, this is 7 loops (including the edge stitch). This means that with the main knitting we need to knit 80 - 6 = 74 cm. One repeat of the main pattern is equal to 18 loops or 8 cm. For symmetry, we need to add half a repeat, i.e. 9 loops or 4 cm. It turns out that for whole repeats there are 74 - 4 = 70 cm. Let's determine the number of whole repeats: 70: 8 = 8.75, round to the nearest whole, we get 9 repeats. So, number of main stitches:

    9 (number of whole repeats) x 18 (number of loops in a repeat) + 9 (number of loops for pattern symmetry) +7 (number of loops for one strip) x 2 = 185 loops.

    But we know that the knitting density (Pg) of finishing garter stitch is less than the main one. This means that so that the bar along the bottom is not too loose and does not look stretched, we need to recalculate the loops.

    Let's clarify the final size of the blanket: 185 (number of loops) x 2.25 (Pg of main knitting) = 82 cm.

    Now let's define how many stitches need to be cast on the knitting needles:

    82 (piece size) x 2.14 (pg garter stitch) = 175 loops.

    • Basic pattern

    Double-sided “cage” pattern of knit and purl loops with a relief texture. Pattern repeat: 18 loops wide, 24 rows long. To knit a sample pattern, cast on the knitting needles a multiple of 18 stitches plus 2 edge stitches.

    Diagram and description:

    - classic knit stitch in the knit row, unless otherwise indicated in the pattern description. In the purl row, this is how the purl loop is indicated.

    - classic purl loop in the front row, unless otherwise indicated in the text. In the purl row this is how the front loop is designated.

    1st, 3rd, 9th, 11th row: * 9 knit, 9 purl *;

    All purl (even) rows are knitted according to the pattern;

    5th, 7th row: * 3 knit, 3 purl *;

    13th, 15th, 21st, 23rd row: * 9 purl, 9 knit*;

    17th, 19th row: * 3 purl, 3 knit *.

    The pattern is repeated from the 1st to the 24th row.

    • Progress

    We put 175 stitches on the knitting needles using the basic method and knit 11 rows in garter stitch. We’ll decorate the edge a little differently than usual: we won’t remove the first stitch in the row, but we’ll knit the knit stitch behind back wall.

    Fig. 1: The working thread is wound down and back. Fig. 2: The loop is knitted behind the back wall of the front

    We knit the last loop in the row as usual, using a knit stitch.

    In this case, the edge of the edge will stretch more. Considering that the horizontal knitting density (Pg) of the main knit is less than that of the finishing knit, this will allow the bar to stretch and compensate for the difference.

    If the knitting density of the main and finishing knits differs significantly, we recommend knitting the bar in shortened rows.

    In the 11th row we will make straight yarn overs to add loops. We make additions evenly. We knit 11 loops (including the edge loop), make a straight yarn over, and then make yarn overs through 18 loops (pattern repeat). In total there will be 10 yarn overs along the length of the part. In the next row we move on to the main pattern. At the beginning and end of the row we knit 7 loops in garter stitch and then with the main pattern. We knit the yarn overs behind the back wall, without openwork, so that the increase is unnoticeable.

    In order for the blanket to be square in height, we need to knit 11 repeats (264 rows) with the main pattern. In the last row we decrease 10 loops in the same places where we added them, knitting two loops together with a tilt to the left. We tie the bar and close the row in the classic way.

    Product for newborns

    It is a very important and responsible task to knit a blanket for a newborn. Whether it's a gift to a loved one's family or to yourself for your baby's first birthday, there are a few things you need to consider. important points when knitting the first warm blanket in a baby’s life.

    When choosing yarn for knitted children's clothes, you should pay attention to the composition: it is better to choose a yarn that contains wool with some acrylic, or merino wool, or baby alpaca with an admixture of microfiber. Be sure to make sure that the threads do not prick the skin, even if the label says that the yarn is intended for knitting children's clothes.

    Let's try to knit another easy-to-make blanket that a beginner can make. And they will help you knit a blanket for a newborn with knitting patterns and a detailed description.

    • Knitted blanket for newborns

    Knitting density: 14 loops * 21 rows = 10 * 10 cm.

    Size: 89x96.5 cm.

    • What you will need

    Yarn: 4 skeins of RedHeartSoftBabySteps yarn (100% acrylic, 142 g/234 m).

    Tools: circular knitting needles 5.0 mm. more than 90 cm long.

    • How to knit a blanket

    How to knit 2 knits together. left: insert the right knitting needle into the first, then into the second loop of the left knitting needle, knit these two loops together.

    How to knit 2 knits together. right: insert the right knitting needle into the second, then into the first loop of the left knitting needle, knit these two loops together with the front one behind the front wall.

    • Main job

    Cast on 121 stitches on the needles.

    1. 1st row (front side): 8 knits, (7 purl, 7 knits) – 8 times, 1 knit.
    2. 2nd row : 8 p., (7 knits, 7 p.) – 8 times, 1 p.
    3. 3rd row: Knit 4, yarn over, knit 2 together. to the right, knit 2, (p3, yarn over, purl 2 together, purl 2, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together to the right, knit 2) – 8 times, knit 1.
    4. 4th row: repeat row 2.
    5. 5th row: 2 persons, 2 persons together. right, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together, right, knit 1, (p1, purl 2 together, yarn over, purl 1, yarn over, purl 2 together, purl 1, knit 1. , 2 knits together to the right, yarn over, knit 1, yo, knit 2 together to the right, knit 1) – 8 times, knit 1.
    6. 6th row: repeat row 2.
    7. 7th row: K3, k2 together. to the right, yarn over, knit 3, (p2, purl 2 together, yarn over, purl 3, knit 2, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 3) – 8 times, knit 1.
    8. 8th row: repeat row 2.
    9. Repeat rows 2-8– 18 times.
    10. The last row: K8, (p7, k7) – 8 times, k1.

    Close the loops.

    • Diagram and designations:

    • Plaid finishing

    1st row (front side): *(pick up 6 knit stitches along the pattern square) – 19 times, (pick up 6 stitches along the pattern square) – 16 times, pick up 5 stitches along the next pattern square, repeat from * = 430 stitches on knitting needles.

    Place a marker.

    Start knitting in the round.

    2nd row: purl loops.

    3rd row: K1, *knit 5 stitches in the next row. loop, turn, purl 5, remove trace. loop, turn, k2 together. to the right, ((slip the outer loop from the right knitting needle to the left one, knit 1) – 2 times, knit 1, throw the previous loop of the right knitting needle over the last knitted one) – 3 times, (slip the outer loop from the right knitting needle to the left one, knit 1 .) – 2 times, 2 persons together. to the right, throw the previous loop of the right needle over the last knitted one, bind off 3 loops, repeat from *

    Close all loops. Hide the ends of the threads.

    How to knit a baby blanket

    Older children will find it more interesting to cover themselves with a bright, unusual blanket. Therefore, you need to base your choice on whether a blanket is knitted for a boy or a girl. We offer to make a blanket in interesting colors and voluminous relief motifs, which the girl will definitely like.

    This blanket model has many interesting elements, patterns and motifs - making it fun for experienced knitters to knit. Braids, mesh, leaves, Aran weaves - the blanket will be very rich in different patterns. And although adults wouldn’t refuse such a thing, we’ll still knit a children’s blanket with knitting needles.

    • What you will need

    Yarn: 8 skeins of Zealana Kiwi Lace Weight (40% merino wool, 30% cotton, 30% possum wool, 199m/40g);

    Tools: Circular knitting needles No. 3.5; 2 auxiliary knitting needles; 6 markers.

    Knitting density, sequence of patterns: 27 p. and 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm

    Children's blanket knitted - diagram, description

    • Patterns:

    Right edge: knit according to pattern 1 from 1st to 10th row.

    Interior: knit according to pattern 2 from 1st to 20th r.

    Central part: knit according to pattern 3 from the 1st to the 20th row.

    Left edge: knit according to pattern 4 from 1st to 10th row.

    Net: knit 8 sts according to pattern 5:

    Each r.: K3, yarn over, 2 stitches together purl, yarn over, 2 stitches together purl, k1.

    • Formation of folds

    First half of the fold: transfer 10 sts to the first knitting needle, transfer the next 10 sts to the next knitting needles (p5, knit 5) Hold all three knitting needles on the wrong side of the knitting. Place the knitting needles opposite each other, folding to form a fold, and knit 3 sts together. To perform 3 stitches together. Insert the end of the right knitting needle into the first st of the first knitting needle, then into the first st of the second knitting needle and into the first st of the third knitting needle and knit 3 sts together. Repeat 9 more times.

    Second half of the fold: transfer 10 stitches to the first knitting needle and place on the right side of the knitting. Transfer the next 10 stitches (knit 5, purl 5) to the next needles. Place the knitting needles opposite each other, folding to form a fold, and knit 3 sts together. To perform 3 stitches together. Insert the end of the right knitting needle into the first st of the first knitting needle, then into the first st of the second knitting needle and into the first st of the third knitting needle and knit 3 sts together. Repeat 9 more times.

    Cross 7 sts to the right: leave 4 sts as auxiliary. knitting needle at work, k3, then knit with aux. knitting needles 1 p. and 3 p. persons.

    Cross 7 sts to the left: leave 4 sts as auxiliary. knitting needle before work, k3, then knit with aux. knitting needles 1 p. and 3 p. persons.

    • Description of knitting

    Cast on 547 stitches on the knitting needles and knit the border as follows:

    1st day: persons

    2nd row: K1, p2tog. behind the back wall, yarn over, knit 270, knit 2 stitches together, knit the last 3 stitches, yarn over, knit 2 stitches together, knit 1. = 546 p.

    3rd row: K3, p15, k30, *p30, k30*, repeat from * to *, knit last 18 p. P15, k3.

    4th row: K1, p2tog. for the back half-loop, yo, k15, p30, *k30, p30*, repeat from * to *, knit the last 18 sts. K15, yo, 2 sts together purl, k1 .

    Repeat the last 2 r. 9 times = 22 rub. edges.

    • Making folds

    23rd day: K3, make 9 folds, k3. = 186 p.

    24th day: K1, p2tog. behind the back wall, yarn over, knit 17. (2 stitches together, knit 16) 8 times, 2 stitches together, knit 17, yarn over, 2 stitches together, knit 1. = 177 p.

    25th day: persons

    26th day: K1, p2tog. behind the back wall of the p., yarn over, knit 14, place a marker, knit 33, place a marker, knit 8, place a marker, knit 61, place a marker, knit 8, place a marker, knit 33, place a marker, K14, yarn over, 2 stitches together, k1.

    • The main detail and sequence of patterns

    1st day: 17 sts of the right edge according to pattern 1, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 33 sts of the inside according to pattern 2, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 8 sts of the net, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 61 sts. central part according to scheme 3, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 8 sts of the mesh, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 33 sts of the inner part according to scheme 2, place a marker from the left knitting needle to the right, 17 sts of the left edge along scheme 4.

    Continue knitting according to the patterns up to 438 rub. (repeat 18 rows of the central and inner parts 21 times, repeat 8 rows of the left and right edges 43 times).

    439th r .: complete the 9th r. right edge, place a marker from the left needle to the right, p1, k12, 7 stitches cross to the left, k12, p1, place a marker from the left needle to the right, 8 stitches, place a marker on the left knitting needles on the right, 19th row. central part, place a marker from the left needle to the right, 8 stitches of the mesh, place a marker from the left needle to the right, p1, k12, 7 stitches cross to the left, k12, p1, place a marker on the left knitting needles on the right, 9th row. left edge.

    440th rub.: close 4 p., 2 p. together purl. behind the back wall, yarn over, knit. to the last 3 sts, yarn over, 2 sts together purl, k1. = 177 p.

    Finish: soak for a few minutes in warm water or wash according to the yarn instructions, gently wring out in a clean towel to remove excess moisture, lay out, stretching to appropriate sizes until dry.

    Plaid of squares

    It is also successfully used in knitting - for this purpose, pre-knitted motifs with different patterns are sewn or knitted into a single product. This knitting method is very popular, so you should definitely try knitting a blanket from squares with knitting needles. This is not difficult to do.

    Options for knitting a blanket of this typequite a lot, as well as design solutions with which you can “revive” it: make traditional squares of all possible colors, or choose only a few harmonious shades of yarn for a blanket. Some knit blankets from squares in a single color, focusing only on the variety of patterns of connected motifs. The squares themselves can be flat, or they can be decorated with convex elements, which will also add patchwork charm to the finished product.

    We have selected an “advanced” version of knitting a blanket in squares, so that it would be interesting for experienced knitters as well. It will take a little more time and effort, but the result is definitely worth it.

    • What you will need

    Yarn(100% cotton; 120 m/50 g) – 200 g each of mustard yellow, light brown, color. cinnamon and hot pink, as well as 150 g each of light green and color. fuchsia.

    Tools: stocking needles No. 4; circular knitting needles No. 4, 60 cm long; hook No. 3.5.

    • Plaid with knitting needles - diagram and description of the work progress

    Size: 110 x 132 cm.

    Pattern “Square with leaves”

    Cast on 12 loops on the knitting needles, distribute the loops on 4 knitting needles (= 3 stitches on each knitting needle), close them in a ring and knit according to pattern 1. It shows odd circular rows. In even circular rows, knit loops according to the pattern or as indicated, and also knit yarn overs as indicated.

    The diagram shows 1 repeat = ¼ square, which should be knitted a total of 4 times (there is always 1 repeat on 1 knitting needle), and increase as indicated. If necessary, switch to circular knitting needles.

    1–38th circle.r. perform 1 time, then knit all 164 stitches.

    Multicolored square

    Cast on 8 loops on the knitting needles, distribute the loops on 4 knitting needles (= 2 stitches on each knitting needle), close them in a ring and knit according to pattern 2.

    The diagram shows all the circular rows and 1 repeat = ¼ square, which should be knitted a total of 4 times (there is always 1 repeat on 1 knitting needle), and increase as indicated. The color of the thread is indicated in the text next to the number of the circular row. If necessary, switch to circular knitting needles.

    1st–40th circle.r. perform 1 time, then bind off all 164 sts of the row with the knit thread of the last color.

    • Knitting density

    41 p. x 36 round. square with “leaves” = 22 x 11 cm;
    41 p. x 40 round. multi-colored square = 22 x 11 cm;
    each square is approx. 22 x 22 cm.

    • Square layout plan

    • Progress

    Knit 16 squares with “leaves”, of which 3 squares are bright pink, mustard yellow and color. cinnamon, as well as 2 squares each of light green and light brown.

    Link 15 multi-colored squares in accordance with the color data of the thread A–E next to the number of the circular row as follows:

    Square B1 (2 parts): A = light brown thread, B = color thread. fuchsia, C = light green thread, D = color thread. cinnamon, E = mustard yellow thread.

    Square B2 (3 parts): A = light green thread, B = color thread. cinnamon, C = mustard yellow thread, D = light brown thread, E = hot pink thread.

    Square B3 (3 parts): A = hot pink thread, B = color thread. cinnamon, C = mustard yellow thread, D = light green thread, E = light brown thread.

    Square B4 (3 parts): A = light brown thread, B = mustard yellow thread, C = color thread. cinnamon, D = hot pink thread, E = color thread. fuchsia.

    Square B5 (4 parts): A = thread color. fuchsia, B = hot pink thread, C = light green thread, D = mustard yellow thread, E = color thread. cinnamon.

    Square B6 (2 parts): A = mustard yellow thread, B = light brown thread, C = light green thread, D = color thread. fuchsia, E = thread color. cinnamon.

    • Assembly

    Place the squares according to the layout plan and sew them on the wrong side of the work.

    From thick yarn

    The fashion for blankets made from thick yarn never goes away, and if you haven’t tried knitting very warm and cozy blankets, then it’s time to do it right now!If you knit a blanket with knitting needles from thick yarn, it is guaranteed that the most favorite thing for each family member will appear in the house, because a feeling of warmth will come even from its mere appearance! A blanket made from thick yarn looks airy and interesting, and it works even for the most simple ornaments.

    • What you will need

    Yarn: 4 skeins of RED HEART Comfort Chunky yarn (100% acrylic, 360 g/410 m).

    Tools: circular knitting needles 15.0 mm. 80 cm long.

    • Thick yarn blanket

    Size: 124 x 140 cm.

    Knitting density: 8 loops * 10 rows = 10 * 10 cm with thread in two folds in a pattern.

    • Scheme and description of the pattern

    3x3 braid to the right: slip the first 3 stitches onto an additional needle, place them together with the additional needle behind the work, knit 3 knit stitches from the left needle, then knit 3 knit stitches from the additional needle.

    Scythe 3x3 left: slip the first 3 stitches onto an additional needle, place them together with an additional needle before work, knit 3 knit stitches from the left needle, then knit 3 knit stitches from an additional needle.

    • Scheme and progress of work

    Using double yarn, cast on 98 stitches.

    1st row (front side): k12, p2, *k6, p2, repeat from * to last 12 stitches, k12.

    2nd and all purl rows (wrong side): k6, p6, *k2, p6, repeat from * to last 6 stitches, k6.

    3rd row: repeat 1st row.

    5th row: K6, braid 3*3 to the right, *p2, k6, p2, braid 3*3 to the right, repeat from * to the last 6 loops, k6.

    7th row: knit as 1st row.

    9th row: knit as 1st row.

    11th row: K12, *P2, braid 3*3 to the left, P2, K6, repeat from * to last 6 loops, K6.

    13th row: knit as 1st row.

    15th row: knit as 1st row.

    16th row: knit as 2nd row.

    Repeat rows 5-16 for the pattern until the height is 140 cm.

    Finish 9th or 15th row .

    Close all loops. Hide the ends.

    Video tutorial on knitting a blanket with a pattern

    We have already learned how to knit blankets of different types and complexity, but what the process of step-by-step execution looks like is a completely different question, the answer to which can be found in detailed videos with master classes on knitting a blanket. IN in this case, we are talking about a beautiful blanket with several patterns.

    Video “how to knit a blanket with a pattern”

    And this is what the process of knitting a simple blanket looks like from a master class for beginners:

    Every child always wants to bury himself in a soft blanket on quiet evenings so that nothing can disturb him. But you must agree that a blanket knitted by your mother with love and warmth will be much better than a blanket bought in a store, especially since it will be much more expensive. Below is step-by-step master class on a warm baby blanket, crocheted, and the diagram and description will help you quickly master the technique.

    Beginner craftswoman and don’t know how to knit? No problem! In today's material you will learn how to easily make different types blankets, patterns for children's cozy blankets will help you master the crochet technique much faster.

    Crocheted striped children's blanket according to patterns and descriptions

    Blanket size: 80 by 97 cm.

    For the blanket you will need: polyacrylic yarn SMS Bravo Baby blue (2 skeins of 50 g (184 m) and white(2 skeins of 50 grams (184 m), hook No. 3. Yarn for girls blue color can be replaced, for example, with pink.

    Sequence of alternating colors: * 3 rows blue, 1 row white, 1 row blue, 3 rows white, 1 row blue, 1 row white, then repeat from *.

    The main pattern is knitted according to the pattern. Row 1 is repeated.

    Description of how a crocheted blanket works: using blue thread you need to make a chain of 187 air loops+ 3 air lifting loops, then the main pattern is knitted in the specified sequence according to the pattern.

    This is how a single crochet stitch is knitted (1 tbsp. s/n).

    After 97 cm = 103 rows from the cast-on edge, the work can be completed.

    Source: “Lena Creative” magazine No. 2 2016.

    The best of the best product options

    Blue baby blanket

    To knit this blanket you will need 4 skeins of cotton or acrylic thread (382m/100g) and a hook No. 3.5 (4).

    Blanket dimensions: 92*92 cm.

    You need to cast on a chain of 206 chain stitches. In the second air loop you need to knit a single crochet and continue according to the pattern until the length of the blanket reaches 86-87 cm. The tying is done with double crochets.


    "Like a Cloud"

    It is better to take white yarn "Naco Bambino" acrylic/wool - 75/25 (skein - 130m 50g), hook number 2. Consumption for a blanket measuring approximately 1m by 1m: 1,250 kg.


    "Angel wings"

    Knitted from soft silky yarn “Maigik” with a 3.5 crochet hook.

    Blanket knitting patterns:

    Thumbelina blanket

    Jeans yarn from YarnArt (55% cotton, 45% polyacrylic, 50 g/160 m), pale pink color. A blanket measuring 90*90 cm takes 9 skeins. Hook 1.75.


    "Tenderer than tender"

    Alize Diva yarn (100% acrylic microfiber, 100 g/350 m) – light silky yarn, pleasant to the touch, hygroscopic, white color, 6 skeins. Hook 1.75 Clover. The size of the finished blanket is 90*90 cm.


    Video on crocheting baby blankets:

    Working with motifs in crocheting a baby blanket

    A warm children's soft blanket, knitted from motifs, will be the most tender and pleasant gift for a baby.

    It will take a couple of evenings to make a children's blanket from motifs. Despite its size, approximately 1 m * 1 m, this blanket of motifs is knitted quickly and easily. This work will be suitable for both experienced knitters and beginners in knitting. Below is a step-by-step master class “Crochet baby blanket”, a diagram and description will help you quickly master the technique.

    The material that will be needed in the master class on creating a children's blanket, namely a pattern of motifs: yarn (you can use leftovers) - acrylic, half-wool, wool. In 100 g no more than 240 m; hook - 4.5, scissors, needle, thread for connecting motifs.


    1. Вп – air loop;
    2. Sc – single crochet;
    3. С1н – double crochet.

    When crocheting a baby blanket, you need to knit loosely, as the edges and tops of the blanket may end up skewed. The blanket consists of two parts. The first is the inner part of the motifs (4 square motifs), the second part is the crocheting of the motifs. Each of the four motifs is knitted according to pattern 1.

    A square motif is knitted. You need to put a chain of 5 chains on your hook.

    The chain is closed with a half-column and 2 ch are knitted.

    You need to yarn over the hook and knit 1h into the ring of the chain. 2 such columns are knitted.

    Another 3 stitches are knitted.

    Work 3 ch again. This will be the second vertex of the square element.

    Then another 3 dc and 3 ch for the third top of the square.

    In this first row of dc you need to knit a total of 12 dc. So, let's knit the last 3 dc and 3 ch.

    A half-column closes the beginning and end of the row.

    To switch to knitting the second row in a square motif, you need to make 4 ch.

    Under the chain of 3 ch of the previous row we knit 3 dc.

    We knit 1 ch and in the next chain of 3 ch of the previous row we knit 3 s1n.

    3 ch and another 3 dc are collected under the second chain of ch.

    Using the same principle that two vertices were knitted, the third vertex of the square element is also knitted.

    The fourth top should be connected like this: 3 s1n, 3 ch, 2 s1n. In this case, the third column with 1n will be the air loops at the beginning of the row.

    Pull the thread under the ch chain.

    Pull one loop through the other to secure the thread.

    The inner part of the square element for the children's blanket from the motif is ready. The gray thread is cut. The yellow thread is crocheted, and a chain of 3 ch is knitted under any one of the ch of the previous row.

    Under the same 1 ch, 2 sc are knitted.

    We knit 1 ch, and at the top we knit 3 s1n and 3 ch.

    Under the same 3 ch of the previous row, another 3 dc are knitted. This will be the newly formed top of the square.

    We knit 1 ch and 3 s1n under 1 ch of the previous row.

    Next, the second peak, the third and the fourth are formed.

    To move to the second row of yellow yarn, cast on 4 ch.

    3 s1n are knitted into 1 ch of the previous row.

    Finish the row with yellow yarn, forming all 4 vertices and connecting the row with a connecting half stitch.

    The yellow thread is cut and secured. A green thread is pulled up and 2 rows are knitted.

    By analogy with how the first motif was knitted, you need to knit 3 more of these. Total 4 square motifs.

    Sew 2 finished motifs along the edge, folding them with their right sides facing inward. So you need to sew all 4 motifs.

    When the motifs are sewn, we proceed to the binding. We connect the yellow thread under any of the chs of the previous row and knit according to the same principle as we crocheted small square motifs for a children's blanket.

    Where the seam passes between the two motifs, 3 dc are knitted.

    You can make the top of a children's blanket using crochet motifs following pattern 1 (the same as the top of the motifs).

    We tie the stitched motifs with one row of yellow yarn.

    We hook up the light pink yarn and knit the next row. You need 5 of these nearby.

    A blue thread is knitted and 1 row is created.

    Again 2 rows with light pink yarn.

    And 2 more rows of light green yarn.

    Repeat knitting with 2 more rows of pink and yellow yarn.

    A row of sc is knitted around the perimeter of the blanket. At the tops, 8 sc are knitted under a chain of 3 ch.

    To make wavy edges for a blanket, knit 2 rows of ch chains around the perimeter like this: place the hook under the sc of the previous row, pull a loop, knit 5 ch from it. Skip 1 sbn of the previous row and in the next sbn insert a hook on which a chain of ch.

    Pull the yarn through the sc of the previous row and the last loop on the hook. Repeat this around the entire perimeter of the blanket. Knit the second row of ch chains, placing the hook under the 5 ch chains of the previous row.

    Children's blanket made from motifs, crochet, ready!

    Video on knitting children's blankets from motifs:

    Studying the beautiful “Houndstooth” pattern

    This crochet pattern looks very good on high-volume threads, such as acrylic, that is, fluffy ones. The pattern is reversible and is perfect for children's blankets.

    For the blanket you will need: wool or wool blend yarn of three colors ( bright shades), hook number 4. Another option is acrylic yarn 230m per 100g, hook 4.5.

    The pattern consists of four rows. In the first three rows the warp is knitted.

    We start knitting the base like this: we knit a chain of ordinary air loops, determining the number of them desired for the length of the future product, a multiple of 4 + 2 lifting loops.

    The pattern of the first row will be single crochets. The beginning of the second row will be three lifting loops. Then you need to knit three double crochet stitches. We repeat the entire row with a pattern of 1 chain stitch and 3 double crochets. We end the row with a group of 4 columns. We knit the third row according to the pattern of the second, paying attention that the groups of three columns do not move relative to each other. After the third row is knitted to the end, it is time to move on to a thread of a different color. Carefully secure the end of the thread in the knitting, passing it several times through the loops of the previous row.

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