• Is it possible to materialize an object with the help of thought? The power of thought. How to materialize thoughts and desires


    Thoughts materialize. This statement in last years firmly established in people's lives. However, even now, when humanity is increasingly imbued with the concepts of the Universe and space, there are people who deliberately ignore this statement. And this is understandable. For a long time, people were brought up in an era of materialism, when it was believed that only what can be seen and touched exists. And yet, if a person does not know or understand something, this does not mean that thought does not influence and does not act.

    IN in this case thought is something that acts unconditionally and always. This law works.

    Thoughts have the ability to materialize and transform. How does this happen?
    In this article we will try to consider and find answers to some questions. What are thoughts anyway? What does “thoughts are material” mean?

    Such a curious question causes a lot of controversy and interests many. There are, of course, people who believe that the materiality of thoughts is nonsense. But there are also those who take this idea seriously and quite actively use it throughout their lives. And this is most likely the right decision. Thought is a part of human consciousness, without which existence would be impossible.

    Do thoughts materialize? Of course, they at least somehow influence human consciousness. As a rule, when a person thinks about something good, his mood improves. Thoughts about bad things, on the contrary, upset a person and lead to depression.

    Definitely, this greatly affects the state of a person’s psyche. If it is true that thoughts materialize, then more questions arise. Is it possible with their help to define or build the future or achieve some goals? And can any thought materialize?

    Scientific background

    If you turn to the Bible, it follows that in the very beginning there was the word. And it is the thought that was spoken out loud.

    Thomas Edison, who invented the simplest incandescent lamp and many different necessary things, did not come to this right away and not easily. First, a great engineering thought appeared, which generated a powerful field (torsion), which was constantly fed energetically (the thought became denser, superimposing one on another).

    Thanks to thought, intangible energy was transformed into a tangible physical object.

    The thought materializes. You simply need to accept as a truth (axiom) the fact that it is an instrument that converts energy into matter.

    Academician Gulyaev E. A scientifically formulated it as follows: matter is a form that receives energy, according to the information that consciousness generates (the principle of a torsion field in space).

    The process of materialization of thoughts and words occurs every day, regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. This happens unconsciously.

    A person, thinking all the time that there is no time, that there is little money, gets it in reality.

    If you constantly scold your unfulfilled life in your thoughts, think that the people around you are doing everything out of spite, you can get a lot of factors that irritate and complicate your life.

    If a person constantly catches himself thinking: “I will always be alone (or alone) and no one will love me anymore,” Great chance that he will remain alone.

    Such facts from life can be cited endlessly. Everything that happens in thoughts someday becomes part of reality. In this regard, you should think about it, take the materialization of thoughts under constant control and turn it into conscious actions.

    Where to begin?

    So, a person’s thoughts materialize. To check this, where should you start?
    You need to start with awareness. It is necessary to be aware and feel every thought, try to control it, and if suddenly it begins to be of a certain negative nature, you should try to replace it with a more pleasant, positive one.

    The task is very difficult, considering that in one day many thoughts arise in a person’s head, and they flow smoothly into one another. And they are repeated many times throughout life.

    We must try not to let all thoughts in a row turn on the green light, but this is very difficult. If you learn this, your concentration may increase and the level of “white noise” (obsessive thoughts that haunt many people) will decrease.

    Ultimately, words and thoughts materialize. Only at the beginning of the process of working and struggling on oneself, on the very first day, there will be more uncaught thoughts than conscious ones. But over time, the process of managing thoughts will become better and better. And positive thinking will eventually become as automatic as negative thinking was before.

    What kinds of thoughts materialize well?

    To find out whether it is true that thoughts materialize, you need to establish some rules.

    If the process of tracking and stopping negative thoughts is already happening as usual, you should think about what kind of thoughts should be replaced. Here are some rules for working on this:

    1. Short ones are best remembered and perceived. You need to formulate a new thought precisely and briefly, then repeat it periodically throughout the day.

    2. There should be only positive things. The wording should be only optimistic, without any negative particles. For example: “I am a charming person, people listen to me,” or even simpler: “Everything that happens to me is for the better.”

    3. For the initial stages, it is allowed to simply pronounce new thoughts in the head, but for subsequent stages, for their successful materialization, you should connect emotionally. In other words, you need to believe in what is being said and that thoughts actually materialize, even if the results are not yet noticeable. When thoughts are supported by emotions, they are fueled by the energy of desire and quickly become real.


    Why do thoughts materialize? The famous Russian psychiatrist V. Bekhterev devoted almost his entire life to this issue. He came to the conclusion, after numerous studies, that thought is a type of energy, and determined that the brain directly influences matter.

    According to the scientist, any activity, even mental, is capable of flowing from one state to another and cannot disappear in any way, according to the well-known law of conservation of energy. Thus, every thought that is expressed by a gesture, a word, and even a facial expression or a glance cannot disappear.

    There is a very common expression: “Trouble does not come alone.” Many people experience periods in their lives when it seems like the world is collapsing around them. For example, some misfortune or unpleasant event occurred, and after it came another, third. In this case, the law of attraction operates, which attracts things that correspond to the vibrations of a person at that moment. As a result, a chain arises. How? If something happens, a person naturally reacts negatively. To such a reaction, a similar reaction is again approaching in the form of some event, and again - negative.

    Until the person himself consciously stops this flow, he will have to row against the current all the time.

    A complex approach

    The thought will materialize if you follow this advice: there is no point in doing this during the day, giving free rein to your old habits (thinking unconsciously). This is ineffective.

    It is easy to work with thoughts positively while in solitude. While meditating, you should try to cultivate the habit of wishing goodness to everyone around you, even those who are rude or unfair. This way you can learn to choose thoughts consciously, just like clothes, work or a life partner. Consciously cultivating positivity within yourself will greatly change your life. better side.

    How to strengthen the materialization of thoughts

    For the process to be successful, it is useful and important to lead a correct lifestyle. It’s not for nothing that the familiar phrase once appeared: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” It demonstrates in the best possible way the meaning of the materialization of thoughts.

    Another important point transformation of desires - use the “visualization method”. A person must first imagine in his imagination what he wants, while feeling the presence of this desired in the present, and only then he needs to think, and in the end it comes.

    But before you practice this method, you must first study it and know how to use it correctly.


    You definitely need to monitor your thoughts and dream about the good and kind, because, be that as it may, the thought materializes and transforms!

    If optimistic thoughts are beneficial, then, of course, evil ones are only harmful. Negative thoughts of criminals lead them to illegal actions. It turns out that evil is generated by people themselves with their negative thoughts and desires.

    Nothing happens in the world by chance, just like that. All thoughts and actions are interconnected.

    You need to take care of yourself physically and morally, learn to think only positively. The result is changes in life for the better. Good is always attracted to good, and bad is always attracted to bad.

    Only positive thoughts combined with real actions can lead to the desired result.

    It turns out that in order for a dream to grow into reality, you first need to simply imagine it. It is not enough just to acknowledge the existence of a specific goal - it must be expressed in specific words and forms. First of all, you need to clearly formulate (at least for yourself) what exactly the soul strives for. Moreover, this should be the desire of this particular person, coming from his heart, and not the whim of someone from his environment. Alien dreams brought from outside when incarnated, as a rule, do not bring the slightest joy.

    In addition to the specific formulation of the desire (and without any “maybe” or “it would be nice”), it would not be a sin to record it on paper, for example, in personal diary, or just say it loudly or even shout. In this way, a person will announce to the world around him - and to himself personally - the seriousness of his own intentions and his sense of purpose.

    Another element of materialization is a mental representation of an object of desire or some event that a person strives for. You should visualize your dream in your mind in as much detail as possible, with maximum detailing of small elements. You need to connect most of your senses to creating such an image, feeling all the smells and sounds associated with the dream, seeing an image full of life. In a word, not just imagine, but mentally be there, in this picture of happiness.

    Having thus presented the material embodiment own desire, you must then let him go. In other words, higher powers should be involved in its execution. For example, a believer will be helped in this by the appropriate prayer (which should generally be made regular).

    Factors working to achieve goals

    However, no sophisticated psychological practices will be effective without creating appropriate conditions under which it will be easier for the desire to come true. First of all, clear actions are important. A person can engage in materialization and visualization as much as he wants, but if he does not take concrete steps to achieve his cherished goals, they will most likely remain in the world of dreams without moving into reality.

    In each case, the action plan will be different. For example, if a person dreams of moving to another country, he should not even start by purchasing tickets, obtaining visas or looking for housing and work where he wants to emigrate. This will happen later, when the goal gets closer. It is better to first take care of studying the language and customs of the people of the country of your dreams. Anyone who dreams of owning a prestigious car must first at least get a license. Without driving skills, any car will be useless.

    In addition, a person’s own readiness to accept what he wants into his life plays into a person’s hands in materializing a dream. He must begin to think as if the goal has already been achieved, increasingly imagining a similar outcome, and in every detail. He should prepare as much as possible (including acquiring the necessary skills) for the situation, role, place where he wants to be.

    Meanwhile, it may happen that any attempt to realize a specific dream will be broken by all sorts of obstacles. Here it will be important for anyone to clearly understand: do all these obstacles arise as tests before achieving the goal, or do they mean that higher powers do not assist in the fulfillment of desires at all? Sometimes nothing comes of it for one reason - a person actually doesn’t need what he is dreaming about. This event, object, place or role is not from his life, alien to him. Maybe we should take on another dream?

    Are our thoughts material? Do our intentions and desires actually materialize? Is it possible to get what you want from life if you just think about it, visualize it, imagine it? AND if you imagine something bad(for example, your death) does that mean it will happen?

    Similar questions began to arise in the mass consciousness with the advent of “popular esotericism” (this phrase is partly an oxymoron) in the number of books and films (for example, the film “The Secret”) asserting the existence "law of attraction". No, we are not talking about gravitational interaction, which is considered in physics. This principle, within the framework of New Age philosophy (a term that unites new religious and mystical traditions), says that all our thoughts can materialize. In other words, according to this “law”, what we think about should appear in reality: we visualize a bicycle, and after some time the universe “gives” it to us only because of the fact that we imagined a two-wheeled vehicle in our minds .

    Pros and cons of believing in material thoughts

    Are thoughts really material? Let's try to figure this out. Before answering this question, I would like to address the practical consequences of such a belief. I have always been interested in the usefulness of certain human beliefs more than the question of their “truth” or “falsehood.” If certain ideas (religious, spiritual, secular) help a person in life, make him happy and do not cause harm to others, then the fact that they may be “false” does not mean much to me personally. For example, the main problem of human religiosity for me is not whether faith in a higher being can make a person happy and harmoniously developed, regardless of the fact of the existence or absence of a higher being.


    Can belief in the materiality of thoughts benefit a person?

    (From this point on, I abandon the term “material thoughts”, since it does not fit the context of the problem at hand. Thoughts, in fact, may well be “material” in physically. For example, a file on your computer is a completely material entity: a collection of magnetized areas on the hard drive, encoded into a sequence of ones and zeros by the machine itself. In the same way, your thoughts may have a material substrate in the form of electrical signals that are also “encoded” in your brain. Therefore it is better to talk about "translating thoughts into reality" or, as a last resort, their "materialization").

    Yes, in my opinion, belief in the law of attraction and attempts to apply it to reality can be beneficial even if this law does not work the way representatives of the New Age say it does. Concentration on a goal and confidence in its implementation are very important for a person in the context of achieving his goals, even if the universe is completely indifferent to his intentions. To move towards a goal you need to imagine it. There will be nothing mysterious in the fact that such a goal will then “materialize.” At the heart of any movement is intention, and this is not surprising.

    Moreover, certain psychological prerequisites can form in a person’s perception a picture of a benevolent or “giving” universe or, conversely, an unfair and “taking” one, but more on that a little later.

    What is certain is that visualization can be helpful even if there is no “law of attraction” involved.


    But can such an attitude be harmful? Yes, and now I’ll tell you which one.

    Problem 1: Negative thoughts also materialize.

    I was prompted to write this article by numerous comments and questions from my readers, which showed that while belief in the law of attraction can inspire and motivate some people, it can lead to anxiety for others. Such people, having learned about this “law”, begin to think: “since our thoughts are realized, does that mean all the bad things that I constantly think about should also happen?”

    Some of my readers suffer from chronic anxiety, anxiety, etc. It’s no wonder that such “negative” thoughts creep into their heads. And having learned about the law of attraction, they begin to be afraid of these thoughts. What happens because of this? Thoughts begin to appear more often and become even more scary.

    This is the logic of the mechanism of negative thoughts: The more you fear and resist them, the stronger they become.

    Problem 2: we are to blame for all the troubles.

    Some critics of the idea of ​​the law of attraction say that this principle indirectly states that all unpleasant events (accidents, disasters) occur through the fault of people, forming a guilt complex. “The fact that you had an accident is your fault. This is how the universe repays you.”

    Problem 3: more, more money!

    Another drawback relates not to the assertion of the existence of the law of attraction in general, but to the way this principle is viewed in modern popular esotericism like the film “The Secret.” The possibilities for applying this law are reduced in this picture mainly to the achievement of material wealth or selfish goals: money, power, influence, expensive houses, cars. Thoughts are indeed “material,” but not quite in the way the creators of this film imagine. If we only visualize material wealth, then this makes us even more painfully fixated on money and wealth, cultivating our selfishness.

    Enough doubts and ambiguities regarding this problem have accumulated. So I'm going to do a little analysis on the teachings of the Law of Attraction and answer some pressing questions not only for people who are worried about negative consequences their thoughts, but also those who decided to use visualization to achieve life goals.

    The Law of Attraction from a Scientific Point of View

    Even though popular sources about the law of attraction constantly refer to “science” and “authoritative scientists” (as, again, the movie “The Secret” does), the law of attraction has nothing to do with quantum physics, neither to brain research, nor to other really existing scientific developments. All such references to science are a manipulation of facts and the construction of incorrect conclusions based on existing scientific material.

    From a scientific point of view, there is no reason to believe that our intentions can directly translate into reality just because we think about them.

    Anyone can verify this statement for themselves if they devote a little time to reviewing the data." scientific facts", for example, on Wikipedia. In general, the problem with the nature of working with information in modern times is that due to the abundance of information materials, books, publications, films, people stopped turning to primary sources. They judge Christianity only by criticism of Christianity authored, in fact, by critics of Christianity, about world history - by criticism of history by various conspiracy theorists and hoaxers, about scientific discoveries - by pseudoscientific films, and so on.

    If you want to know, for example, about quantum physics, I recommend reading popular sources that relate directly to science, translating its achievements into a simple language that everyone can understand.

    The Law of Attraction from a Spiritual and Religious Perspective

    We found out that the truth of the law of attraction is simply an arbitrary assumption of the authors of “popular esotericism” materials. The operation of this law (in the form in which it is presented by these authors) can neither be proven nor disproved, like any arbitrary assumption that goes beyond the scope of direct experience.

    Phineas Quimby. The namesake of the mayor from The Simpsons and also the man who first spoke about the law of attraction outside of physics.

    But just because the “materialization of thoughts” goes beyond the scope of science, it would not be entirely correct to categorically reject this principle. Therefore, the next thing we will turn to is spiritual, mystical traditions. Of course, from within such traditions it will not be possible to 100% affirm or deny the effect of this law, since, again, their application also often goes beyond the scope of experience. Nevertheless, we can get some idea about the peculiarities of the emergence of conviction in the embodiment of thoughts, as well as the authority of this “law” in religious circles from the analysis that I will give below.

    Belief in the law of attraction cannot be called a manifestation of antiquity. For the first time such a law became known in mystical, occult circles of the late 19th - early 20th centuries as part of the movement "New Thinking". Then New Age philosophers turned to him, fueling this idea "quantum mysticism", abstract speculation based on the discoveries of physics.

    As far as I know, in ancient religious traditions, both movements of mass manifestation and a narrow mystical sense, such ideas were never presented, despite the fact that they had developed visualization techniques in their arsenal. In Buddhist practices, the existence of this principle was tacitly rejected.

    After all, some of these practices involve visualizing one’s own death, and in detail. If Buddhists believed that in this way they were hastening their death, they would not be doing this. Buddhists believe that being born as a human is an incredible, extremely rare happiness, since only a person, according to their ideas, can achieve liberation from suffering, which even the gods cannot. It is unlikely that such people will rush to the “other world” (more precisely, to the next rebirth), when the law of karma can direct them into the body of an insect, a bird, and then again they will have to wait for an immeasurable number of incarnations before they can again try their luck and come to the greatest realization while in the human body.

    Meditation on death. “Now relax, close your eyes, imagine yourself on a sunny beach, the ocean is roaring around, seagulls are screaming, and a dog is joyfully biting your dead, cold leg...”

    I understand what I have stepped on slippery slope, trying to evaluate the idea of ​​the law of attraction based on the fact of its absence in ancient and established religions. But first, ancient religious practices are ancient for a reason. Secondly, this small analysis made us understand that the “law of attraction” not only does not apply to science, but is “marginal” even among mysticism and religion!

    The fact that some community of people believes in its existence does not prove that the law actually exists. There are many "absurd" things in the world modern man beliefs: some wild tribe may believe that taking pictures and looking in the mirror is Bad sign. Why doesn't this scare anyone? Probably because they don't make films about it.

    Why do some people believe that thoughts are material?

    So, we have found out that the “law of attraction” is not rooted in science or even in traditional religions. This is a product of new, fashionable mystical and philosophical movements, replicated in films and books, which may have been created solely for commercial purposes.

    Some critics of this idea see its attractiveness in the fact that, having accepted it, a person is, as it were, virtually freed from the need to act, influence his life, create and change it. All you have to do is sit down and visualize.

    But personally, I have another assumption regarding the psychological reason for believing in the embodiment of thoughts. Now I’ll tell you about it.

    Speaking for myself, I do not believe in the law of attraction (again, in the form in which it is presented in popular materials on the subject). I do not believe that by visualizing a phenomenon one can directly cause it to appear in reality. Sometimes I visualize my own death for spiritual work. As you can see, he is still alive).

    Do I want to say that thoughts do not come true at all and do not affect reality in any way? Not really. Thoughts are very important. But this is a big, big topic worthy of a separate article; here I will only touch on it.

    Can someone tell me: “The law of attraction works! What I imagine and visualize comes to life in my life!” or “The Universe responds to my desires and favors me!”

    In my opinion, such attitudes stem from one interesting psychological feature. Now I will give an example.

    Last November, when I was living in India, the rental period of the house where we were staying began to come to an end: other people who had booked the house in advance had to move in, and my wife and I had to look for new housing. We visited several houses that were rented out to tourists by Indians and, in the end, settled on one very nice and clean option. But before our housewarming joy had dissipated, we realized with annoyance that we had made a mistake that could no longer be corrected. Following local traditions, we paid 4 months in advance and could not start looking for other housing again.

    When we first looked at this house, we were not embarrassed that it stood next to the road, and even at a bend. The road seemed deserted to us: no one drove along it while we were watching. Only later did it become clear that we were looking at the property during a quiet lunchtime. Almost immediately after our arrival, loud horns of cars, motorcycles, and buses began to be heard. Indians honk a lot, and without it it is impossible to drive on narrow Indian roads filled with chaotic traffic. They especially like to honk when turning, so as not to crash into an oncoming car, which, when turning, follows a more elongated arc and can easily end up in oncoming traffic. And our house was just on the bend. On the morning of the first day, at about 5 am, we were already awakened by the low and booming horn of the bus, accompanied by Indian music, which, as usual, often plays from the speakers inside the cabin. This event in the outside world was inflated by the sleeping consciousness to the scale of some kind of universal disaster: it seemed that a giant cruiser was sailing past the house, scaring away the seagulls with its thunderous signal!

    When we had already gotten up and had breakfast, and the signals still did not subside, we realized that we were “caught” for all 4 months. Well.

    Soon I went to scout the area around the house: someone said that there was shortcut to the ocean, passing through rice fields. And what was my surprise when I discovered a very picturesque and quiet field literally a few hundred meters from the house! The surprise was due to the fact that we had already spent several weeks in unsuccessful attempts to shoot a video for the “NO PANIC” course and could not find a calm place, which had already upset me.

    The phrase “A quiet place in India” already contains a contradiction: noise is everywhere. These are either croaking crows, or the ubiquitous noisy children, or curious Indians who climb into the frame and thousands of other distractions. This is a rural area, so you can’t hide from the noise at home: goats bleat, cows moo. Even if not them, then Hindu temples sing almost always, and mosques invite people to prayers several times a day with loud and protracted songs.

    That is why I was so surprised to see this calm and picturesque field, and besides, it was very close to home. I was very happy and even began to think gratefully about that how the universe favors me. I was very tempted to think that she "wants" me to take this course off by forcing us to find new house next to, perhaps, the only quiet place in the area!

    But then I realized that I could have thought completely differently. I could focus all my attention on the discomfort associated with the noise from the cars in the house, complaining that I could not relax and get enough sleep to properly record the course. Then, instead of a friendly, benevolent universe, I would see a cruel fate that punishes me in every possible way.

    The theory of relativity of our attitudes and beliefs

    After all, everything depends only on the accepted coordinate point! There are people who are accustomed to dwelling on the negative and seeing it as an excuse for their troubles. It seems to them that they live in a bad country, surrounded by evil people who do not give them the opportunity to develop and get what they want from life. For such people the world- a vale of sorrow and problems, erecting barriers to each of their undertakings. They may even feel like fate is punishing them. And at the peak of their despondency they invariably turn to her rhetorically: “Why do I need this?”

    “People who can overcome difficulties with a smile on their face and remain optimistic tend to be more successful in life than those who constantly dwell on the negative.”

    There are other people who, on the contrary, try to see the positive in everything and learn from their mistakes. Such people cling to every opportunity that life gives them, and when something doesn’t work out for them or trouble happens, they try to learn a valuable lesson for the future from this. It seems to them that the universe always helps them, and if it sends them troubles, it’s only to teach them something, and accordingly, to help them!

    Finding themselves in the same situation, people of both types will draw completely opposite conclusions! Having ended up in the hospital with a serious, but not fatal injury, a person of the first type will think how unlucky he was, how hard fate treated him. He will most likely spend his time in the hospital in discontent and moaning. A person of the second type, on the contrary, will believe that he is very lucky. Because he's still alive!

    He may learn a valuable lesson from the situation, such as how life should be valued even more if it could be taken away by an accident. While he is lying in bed, they will not waste time: he will begin to read and think. And when, thanks to a forced time-out, he has a great idea that can change his life, he may begin to think that fate specially placed him in such conditions because it is helping him.

    Perhaps fate itself is impersonal and lacks any patterns; it does not reward or punish anyone. But certain psychological characteristics make some people see everything as punishment, while others, on the contrary, see it as a reward. It is quite possible that it was from such attitudes that belief in either the “law of attraction” or in divine providence was born.

    Moreover, a certain worldview may well have its material embodiment.

    People who can overcome difficulties with a smile on their face and remain optimistic are usually more successful in life than those who constantly dwell on the negative.

    Even when you look at them from the outside, it seems as if they are subject to incredible luck, that they get everything they want, as if the universe, with its generous hand, bestows them with endless benefits, carefully listening to their every desire. But in reality the matter is different.

    Some people get what they want not because of some magical “law of attraction,” but only because the right way of thinking leads to the right actions, and these actions lead to favorable consequences. And it is precisely the action of this ordinary law that some people mistake for the mercy of the universe.

    (Again, when I say "right" thoughts or actions, I mean those thoughts or actions that lead to a good result and are beneficial. I do not mean this in the sense that some thoughts are "true" are true,” and others are false. Truth and lies are relative concepts, they cannot always be clearly defined, and it often happens that it is not necessary. There are simply such beliefs and views that are useful for a person, for his happiness and development, but there are. those that are not. And this benefit is a much more evaluable phenomenon than truth.)

    Indeed, our thoughts can influence reality, embodied in it either in the form of wonderful victories or in the form of bitter defeats, but not due to the mysterious “law of attraction”, as we have seen.

    Why are scary thoughts actually scary?

    I don’t think that terrible thoughts about death, about illness, about accidents can simply materialize. One study conducted in Canada showed that almost every person has painful visits about death, violence against loved ones, madness, sexual perversion, etc. and so on.

    These are the people who ride the subway with you, go to work, sit at a table in a cafe, having a nice conversation! There is nothing abnormal about this. This comes to everyone's mind! But why don’t such “nightmares” come true, since the “law of attraction” exists?

    Don’t be alarmed, nothing bad will happen, just because some people made a pseudoscientific film about a wise universe that only reads our thoughts and materializes them in reality. If it were so, almost every man would now be hugging a super model, whom he passionately visualized in his sexual fantasies as a teenager.

    If our thoughts materialized...

    However, it does not at all follow from this that negative thoughts do not affect our well-being in any way and do not shape the reality around us.

    This can be explained very simply and roughly by turning to neurophysiology and psychology. There is such a mode of brain operation as default mode network. This mode is mainly activated when a person is not doing anything or is simply thinking about something. All the chaotic thoughts and associations that come to your mind on the way from work to home are a manifestation of the work of this mode. As Robert Wright explains in his lectures on, when this network is active, your mind seems to “throw” ideas, thoughts for you to think about, as if taking them out of a box. This function was created by evolution so that you do not forget anything, even in moments of peace and relaxation, remembering the things that are important. How is it determined what is important and what is not, because in the default mode network the mind just seems to randomly give you food for thought without distinguishing the difference between global universal issues and all sorts of mental garbage that has no practical value?

    And this is determined based on your reaction and the time you devote to thinking about certain things. Those thoughts that you discard as unimportant most often do not return. And those to which you attach importance, to which you react emotionally, your mind regards them as important and urgent, so it will again and again pull them out of the dark box of your consciousness.

    Three important conclusions follow from this:

    1. You are not responsible for what your mind thinks. He can give you any thoughts he wants.
    2. H The more strongly we react to a thought, the more often it will come. With our emotional reaction, we seem to clear the way for its next appearance. We tell our consciousness: “please don’t let these thoughts come! They are so terrible! Suddenly they will come true!” But it actually understands it in the following way: “this is important, remind me of this every time I am alone with myself.”
    3. It is because of this that people who are prone to anxiety They just can’t get rid of these thoughts. They have long been accustomed to worry, accustomed to attaching excessive importance to their thoughts, thereby forcing them to come back again and again. And this negatively affects their life, work, relationships. Only such consequences can be called the material embodiment of these thoughts. And only the reaction to these thoughts makes this embodiment possible.

    Therefore, in order to get rid of these thoughts, you need to stop reacting to them, you need to stop being afraid of their return, and ultimately get rid of attempts to suppress them, throw them out of your head as unwanted.

    Don't be afraid, these thoughts won't come true. If they come, they come, welcome them with open arms, but don't pay them any attention. Show your consciousness that they are not important to you, so that it stops showing you pictures of death and suffering, realizing that such movies are not interesting to you. If you do not react to these thoughts, then they remain completely harmless, without affecting reality or your mood in any way.

    You can learn not to react to thoughts in several ways, for example, by learning practices that develop attention and awareness, for example, both formal and informal. With help correct application Through meditation techniques, a person can learn to control their mind and literally choose what to think about, rather than letting their mind choose it for them.


    You cannot become the owner of everything you want to have just by visualizing it while sitting on the couch. Reality is in no hurry to bestow various benefits on you, not because you visualize incorrectly. But because you are not acting correctly and have no correct view on things. Pessimism and despondency do not contribute to success in life, believe me.

    On the other hand, it is unlikely that our nightmares will come true just because we visualize them. But, as we have seen, it is the fear of the realization of these thoughts that makes them come back.

    The purpose of this article was not to completely deny the influence of thoughts on external reality. Yes, they can influence her, but not in the way that they have begun to talk about recently in connection with the popularity of the film The Secret and Zeland’s books.

    Our perception, our thoughts, our assessments set the coordinate point from which we look at reality.

    Just as in physics, time and space depend on the observer, reality can also take the shape of our beliefs and expectations for ourselves. Someone sees in problems a manifestation of evil fate and universal injustice, while others see in them an opportunity, guidance and care of the universe.

    Only you can choose what the universe will become for you! When a person clearly understands his goals, when he looks at problems as life lessons, and at every person he meets on his way as a teacher, then he makes the right choice, subtly feeling reality, adapting to it in some cases, changing it in others. And then he himself creates the universe around himself, which meets his desires, plans and goals. We become what our attention is directed to. If it is directed towards the negative, we ourselves become negative. If we focus on the positive aspects of reality, then reality becomes more positive for us, and we are happier. “If you look into the abyss for a long time, the abyss will be reflected in you.” But this is a topic for a separate article.

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    6 years ago

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    Previously, this statement hovered only among esotericists and other lovers of mystical and mysterious knowledge. Now no one doubts this. Looking around, we can see enough examples of the materialization of thoughts. The chair on which we sit was once a thought, an idea. After certain steps, this thought became material in the form of a chair.

    To materialize a thought, concentration on it is necessary. You can achieve anything by concentrating on a thought, be it personal happiness. By concentrating and repeating and thinking through your idea, you can give impetus to the action of the subconscious. Repeat and repeat the thought, fixate on it. But this looping must be conscious and concentrated. Don't turn your thought into an obsession. You can produce in your head to your subconscious. Imagine him as a silent statue and ask him for something that represents your thought. Concentration should be on the thought as such and on the statue as well.

    The most important thing in materializing your thoughts is action. Sitting on a chair and repeating a thought, you will never be able to materialize your thought. Remember, water does not flow under a lying stone.

    Video on the topic


    • Materialization of thought

    Today, many psychologists argue that thoughts are material. You can check this experimentally by performing a few simple exercises. They will take some time, but they will allow you to find out whether this system works for you and in what time frame everything will come true.

    There are many ways to fulfill desires offered today, but most are based precisely on clear goal setting or the presentation of an object that is needed. If you combine these two methods, the result will be 100%, but not everyone decides to do something for the sake of a dream.

    How to test the ability of a thought to materialize

    Every person has their own potential. For some, thoughts instantly turn into reality, for others with a delay. You just need to experiment. Imagine an object in every detail. For example, select beautiful candy, marker, apple or feather. This thing should not be found in everyday life and should not be seen often. It is better to choose a small object so that it fits in the palm of your hand.

    Would need free time when no one will disturb you. Just sit with your eyes closed and start imagining the idea in your mind. If this is an apple, then imagine how you hold it in your hands, how you look at it, see its color, feel its smell. You can even mentally bite it, feeling this taste in your mouth. The more accurate the images are, the better. Give this process at least 10 minutes.

    When a thing is planned, all that remains is to wait. Within a few days, this item will definitely fall into your hands. This happens to 80% of participants in such actions. Of course, the item may be slightly different, but often it is very similar to what was intended. This experience proves that a thought can become reality.

    How to materialize desires

    Experimenting with a small object is easier than manifesting something large and valuable. For example, you can have a car or a house. But you will have to spend not 10 minutes, but many hours on its presentation, and repeat these images in every detail every day. It is important to imagine not just a car or a mansion, but how you walk around it, how you sit behind the wheel.

    It is worth paying attention to how you feel when you are the owner of what you have wished for. What experiences occur inside, what is felt outside. It is important to describe everything: touches, smells, tastes, feelings and emotions. And then repeat this image in your head every day. In order not to forget, it is worth making a reminder: pictures with the desired object, bright inscriptions and telephone reminders.

    You can form not only material objects, but also feelings, relationships, new job. It doesn’t matter what you want, the only important thing is to imagine that you already have it and not doubt the result. Of course, the larger the desire, the more time it will take to realize it, but achieving your dream is worth the effort.

    Almost everyone knows that a person’s thoughts and desires can become reality, but not everyone knows how to correctly implement this process in reality.

    From this material you will learn the features of the materialization of thoughts in life and understand how to get what you have dreamed of for so long, but it has never been attracted to you. But first, let's talk about the most common mistakes that hinder the realization of desires in life, which you may well have already encountered personally.

    Why often do thoughts not materialize?

    There are several reasons for this, namely:

    • Incorrect formulation of the mental image. For example, you cannot create happy relationship with the opposite sex. And you, instead of sending thoughts into the Universe like: “I want to meet a worthy guy/girl,” you begin to think the exact opposite: “I’m so lonely,” “I feel so bad,” and the like. And what happens? The Universe “hears” the negative wording about loneliness and now you are again left without a partner, without even wanting it.
    • Wrong attitude. Even ardent skeptic doctors noted that for the most part speedy recovery observed in those patients who were optimistic than in pessimists. Therefore, if you start doing something (for example, materializing thoughts), you need to convince yourself that everything will definitely come true in life.
    • Incorrect wording. You can again give a simple example - you came to the store with the goal of buying some product. You already know in advance what kind of product it will be or at least what characteristics it should have. Therefore, you go for something concrete and real - a new dress, shoes, handbag or sausage stick, depending on your needs.

    At the same time, you know for sure that there is no point in going shopping, wanting to buy “something sweet, or not very sweet, or even salty” - in general, who knows what. In this case, firstly, you risk spending a lot of time in this store, and secondly, you will anger other customers whom you are disturbing.

    The same thing happens with the materialization of thoughts - the very first thing to materialize is what is concrete, what you can easily imagine. And incomprehensible desires can hang “in the queue for fulfillment” for a very long time. Therefore, set realistic goals for yourself and your thoughts will definitely become reality. And then you can familiarize yourself with the algorithm for the correct materialization of thoughts.

    Technique for materializing thoughts

    When do thoughts begin to come true? When they are strong enough. When a thought is sufficiently filled with energy, it can manifest itself on the physical plane. At the same time, the stronger the thoughts are, the sooner they will be realized in life.

    How to make a thought strong? To do this, it is initially necessary to disassemble the thought into its components. In our example, we will use the following components of thought: images, feelings, emotions and words. Another important point is that the thought strengthens with regular repetition. Therefore, if you systematically evoke the same desired images in front of you, raising your feelings with emotions, you can maximize them.

    Having dealt with this, you can safely begin to correctly create the desired mental image.

    1. We create a mental image of what we want. It is important that it evokes exclusively positive experiences and emotions in you.

    If your imaginative vision is not very well developed and it is difficult for you to create visual pictures, you need to work with thoughts, which will replace images for you.

    To determine what positive emotions the mental image of what you want should provoke in you, just ask yourself a few questions:

    • How will I feel when my wish becomes reality? (this could be, for example, openness towards the world and people, complete satisfaction with one’s life, joy, compassion for others, calmness, and so on).
    • Which top quality can I buy it? (you will become more confident, courageous, active, you will trust others more, and the like).

    In the process of working with images, you must try to experience these feelings with emotions as if they were already real. It should be noted that there is no other such powerful force of influence on people as emotions.

    It is emotions that represent the driving force that allows you to attract various material or intangible things into life. Can you remember at least one item you have purchased that did not evoke emotions in you? No one will have such things, because when making a purchase, people also experience a number of emotions, due to which they have certain things.

    Now try to remember some item that is very dear to you, into which you have invested a lot of energy (this includes monetary energy). Surely, before you got this thing, you thought about it for a very long time, repeatedly imagined it in great detail, while experiencing very powerful emotions. You probably even tried to imagine the fact of owning this object - for example, how you hold it in your hands, smell it, taste it, or touch it.

    That's why if you don't have something, it's likely that you just don't want it bad enough. It is also possible that within you there are many contradictions in this regard that confuse your thought and prevent it from materializing.

    Therefore, try to analyze your desire again, with intentions and emotions, and if you have a feeling that something is wrong, observe it to understand what the problem is. You are probably being held back by your fears or limiting prejudices and attitudes. To eliminate resistances, you need to work on them, find a compromise with yourself, realizing that the fulfillment of your desire will not have any negative impact on your personality.

    In general, the process of materializing thoughts is very similar to inflating an ordinary balloon. In this situation, the thought itself will act as a ball, and the air will be replaced by emotions, words and other experiences. And the more air you can blow into this ball, the stronger the thought will become and the faster what you want can be attracted into your life.

    At the same time, your doubts, fears and internal prejudices are like a needle that pierces a balloon, releasing the air from it. And then the initially powerful thought form becomes shriveled, devoid of strength. It is for this reason that many human thoughts and ideas are not destined to be realized in life - they have too little strength.

    Then you need to act a little differently, turning to symbols for help. For example, if you dream of a relationship, you can visualize two paired flowers, or a pair of animals in love. When working with symbols, be guided by your associations - what will be closest to you.

    Very often, working with symbols is easier, since in this case you get rid of internal prejudices and the impossibility of realizing what you want.

    1. Physical embodiment of a mental image. Finally, to further enhance what you want, you can write it down in muscle memory.

    For example, if you dream of happy family, you can visualize the desired image and the gap between you and it. And then visualize that you have thrown a bridge across it and are walking along it to meet your soulmate, who greets you joyfully and at the same time you feel very happy.

    Even if this technique seems funny to you, be sure to try it, since everything that relates to our subconscious is actually very serious.

    We hope that this article was useful to you and will help you materialize all your innermost dreams and desires in the very near future.

    Finally, watch this interesting thematic video:

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

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