• A man's compliment to a woman. Learn to give impeccable compliments to men


    It's not just women who love compliments. Men also like to hear pleasant words addressed to them. But, of course, men don’t like the same things as women. Men are usually praised for their intelligence, strength, determination, and caring. In general, see for yourself!

    It is important for men to know what exactly they are praised for: appearance, intelligence, some action. Men value specificity. And also timeliness: you shouldn’t send enthusiastic SMS every five minutes, it’s better to say what you want, once, in private. There is no need to continuously give compliments: this makes a man think about some kind of catch.

    List of beautiful compliments for a man:

    1. Your smile makes my heart beat faster!
    2. Only you can cheer me up even on the darkest day!
    3. I just can’t believe it, but you really have no flaws: you are beautiful, charming, smart and gentle!
    4. You know so much that with you it’s like I’m rediscovering the whole world!
    5. Your positive mood changes the world for the better!
    6. You look so gorgeous that all men should envy you (and women should envy me)!
    7. Those who say that there are no real men left simply don’t know you!
    8. It's so great that you can do everything!
    9. Your innate sense of tact and that charming gallantry... you're like a prince from an old novel. Thank you for making me your princess!

    Remember: compliments must be spoken sincerely, while looking at your hero. Spoken from the heart, even the simplest kind word– valuable. You yourself feel when you are praised from the bottom of your heart, and, you must admit, it’s really nice. Men are able to sense falsehood: when you are flattering or trying to achieve something nice words. This is inappropriate with loved ones. Be sincere, because there are probably many advantages in the men who surround you!

    List of compliments to a man in verse:

    1. The most beloved, the dearest,

    I'm lucky to have you next to me!

    Strong, reliable, you are a leader in everything!

    You are strict with others and gentle together.

    2. Kind, cheerful, you always understand

    You are the smartest and you know everything!

    There are no more people like you!

    You are the best - everyone knows that!

    3. Brave and strong, you are my hero!

    And I want to be with you forever!

    4. It’s impossible not to notice you:

    You are the most stylish in the world!

    Fashionable, beautiful, chic,

    Bright as an amber stone!

    5. Your eyes promise me happiness,

    You protect from bad weather

    And you dedicate your victories to me!

    With you it’s like I’m behind a wall:

    I feel calm with you, light.

    And no, I won’t hide it from you:

    With you there is only warmth in my soul.

    6. Who is so strong and so serious?

    Who is so formidable with competitors?

    Who knows everything?

    Who provides the house?

    Who is so good that it’s simply amazing?

    Who is the strongest and most athletic?

    Who is generous, caring, incomparable,

    Handsome, powerful and noble?

    Who doesn't skimp on flowers?

    Of course, my beloved, YOU!

    7. You are wise and so loved,

    You will explain everything, you will always help.

    Serious, unshakable,

    You are everything in the world, I know you can do it!

    I'm glad you exist in the world.

    You have done so much for me.

    We are together at night, at dawn

    And in the gold of any day.

    8. Always in a good mood

    On weekdays and on birthdays,

    You radiate positivity

    And you decorate the team!/

    You are the best! No alternatives!

    9. I feel good when we are together!

    I want to live with you for two hundred years!

    You are bright, cheerful, energetic!

    When we are together, everything is great!

    10. You are as beautiful as a Greek god.

    You are as smart as a Roman philosopher.

    Protects you from violent worries

    You are more reliable than granite colossi.

    You are reliable and kind to me,

    You are always caring and sensitive.

    I bloom with you like in spring

    Life is blossoming.


    You know what to praise your loved ones or work colleagues for. But what should you say to a stranger? Say, a new employee or a distant relative visiting for a couple of days?

    But a good relationship largely based on what and how you say!

    Or maybe you just good mood and are you ready to shower the whole world with compliments? Great! This is also a reason to get acquainted with our list of compliments.

    Compliments to a stranger:

    1. You (you) have a wonderful smile!
    2. You can praise some wardrobe detail (if you really like it): a great tie! Or: cool backpack! Fun sneakers!
    3. Wonderful briefcase! The quality is immediately visible.
    4. A sincere laugh in response to a joke can also be a compliment: after all, you are paying tribute to his sense of humor.
    5. It’s also very pleasing to receive praise for his interests: the music he listens to (a stranger on the bus), the cucumbers he grew in his garden (a distant relative from the village), maybe computer game, which you recognized from the picture on your new colleague’s desktop. Just don’t try to comment on something you don’t understand at all.

    Any compliment should contain admiration. And the compliment should emphasize the exclusivity of the person to whom you are giving it. A sincere compliment will cheer up your man and you too!

    Do you often compliment your men: friend, husband, brother, father, grandfather, colleague?

    I hope you found this article helpful. Try complimenting your friend or relative and tell them their reaction!

    Why compliment your boyfriend? Is it really original or simple words help in developing relationships? In fact, a kind word is nice to a dog, so... opposite sex I want to hear them too. A good and correctly made compliment can increase a man’s self-esteem, so let’s look at how to say them correctly and what you can say to your loved one.

    Perfect Praise

    Do men like compliments? And how! They make them stronger, turning them into heroes and knights. Smart women In this way they motivate their loved one, getting everything that others dream of and try to get out of their other half.

    However, you can only use masculine characteristics - this can be an assessment of his strength, appearance, actions. But any speech of praise should be made sincerely. A man's ear will quickly sense falsehood or inappropriateness. You should evaluate only the action, and not every reason. For example, if he notices that the wallpaper is peeling off or it’s time to take out the trash, you shouldn’t start putting him on a pedestal. A compliment for an ordinary task that does not require significant effort can easily humiliate. It is important to notice those things to which he really put effort, even if he did not succeed very well.

    Pronunciation intonation

    How to compliment men? You should not do this as if you were at a gala event - the words are spoken sincerely, tenderly, but not like a student who has misbehaved. If it’s not at all clear how to say words of praise, pay attention to children. Due to their age, they do not know how to pretend, so the compliments they say are especially valuable.

    It wouldn’t be a bad idea to just throw yourself on the neck of your beloved man, saying: “How cool you are!” Believe me, he will be pleasantly charmed, he will figure out why he happened to be “cool”, and in the near future the guy will try to do something nice for you.


    There are certain rules that should be followed when assessing a man’s actions:

    • Try to avoid irony - a man needs compliments for internal growth, but not for resentment or the development of complexes.
    • Use erotic notes - beautiful compliments spoken to a man in a gentle, stimulating voice can work wonders. Don't forget about appropriateness - he is unlikely to want to be excited at a meeting with his parents or elsewhere.
    • Start your compliment with his name - the best, handsome, brutal, but who? By calling a name, he will be sure that it is specifically about him.
    • Look into his eyes - the spoken simple or unusual compliment must reach the addressee, and this can only be achieved by looking into each other’s eyes.
    • Speak with a sincere smile so that he believes you and does not take you for a hypocrite and a deceiver.

    Simple and accessible compliments

    List of short compliments for men:

    • Kind;
    • sincere;
    • brave;
    • quick-witted;
    • funny;
    • fairy;
    • incendiary;
    • courageous;
    • resourceful;
    • desired;
    • playful;
    • gallant;
    • cool;
    • smart;
    • understanding;
    • the best;
    • honest;
    • sweet;
    • careful;
    • stunning;
    • the only one;
    • erudite;
    • good, etc.

    There are a huge number of similar adjectives that can be easily found in any dictionary. All of them can be used, but taking into account the guy's character. What kind of compliments do men like? Those that can relate to them - after all, for some, the word “high” will mean a manifestation of love, while for others, conservative individuals, it will offend. Every woman knows her life partner, so she can choose the right characteristics for her boyfriend to achieve the desired effect.

    In fact, every girl has her own personal list of compliments that men like. They are developed over time and with experience, so what is written on the Internet should first be thought out and “tried on” to your boyfriend, and then spoken.

    What more can be said?

    There are many good examples, but you can compliment a man in your own words, born in specific situations:

    • what a gorgeous shirt you have, or how this shirt suits you;
    • I’m surprised by what you said - it turns out you like animals! You are so sensitive;
    • The dish you prepared is amazing! I couldn’t even imagine that you could cook like that;
    • you are so smart - most likely, you would be able to win some competition;
    • I'm glad you're around, because with you I feel safe.

    Remember, the best compliments to a man are born in your heart - you shouldn’t copy someone else’s life and advice. Just take them into account and adapt them to your situation.

    The main mistakes of women

    To give a compliment to a man means to encourage him to take further actions and give him pleasure. But you shouldn’t go too far, otherwise he:

    • will stop believing;
    • will quickly get used to it and begin to be lazy;
    • will begin to suspect you of selfish purposes or concealing infidelity;
    • will be accused of insincerity.

    How many compliments can you give a man? It all depends on the situation, but you definitely shouldn’t praise him every day. Enough once a week and to the point.


    How to give a compliment? What day is suitable for this? There are several good reasons when what you say will be appreciated by him:

    • during a toast at his birthday;
    • when you need to give him confidence, for example, before taking an exam or an important report;
    • in cases where he is worthy of a compliment;
    • when you have no doubt about the appropriateness;
    • in moments when he slanderes himself, being in a state of despair.

    Do guys like this kind of support? Of course, because they feel that they are not indifferent to you in any situation.


    A compliment for a guy helps to keep him emotional connection between lovers, and she is responsible for strong relationships. It is impossible to be happy by simply saying hello, having lunch together and having mechanical, emotionless sex. The best compliment brings you closer, increases the level of mutual dependence, turning you into a single whole.

    Women who are sure that if they make a laudatory remark to a man, he will relax and stop trying, are mistaken. A compliment means your love for him, you shouldn’t turn him into a henpecked man or a slave - you are his inspirer, and if you failed to motivate him to action, then in many ways it’s your woman’s mistake.

    Marilyn Monroe always said, “I am ready to live in a world ruled by men. But only on the condition that I will feel like a woman in it.” Know that the power is in women's hands, so compliment your guy and let his friends and family know how much you appreciate him. But try not to overdo it or use the wrong words, otherwise the result will be the opposite.

    This may seem surprising and a little strange, but the strong half of humanity, courageous heroes and defenders, also love compliments.

    It is safe to say that everyone is pointed to his best sides and achievements, they bring incredible pleasure. And if this is 100 compliments to a guy, he will be truly happy and proud of himself. And the young man will be especially disposed and favorable towards the person giving these heartfelt words.

    25 best loving compliments for a guy

    When you are close to your loved one, you want to constantly give him warmth and tenderness. And if ordinary words are not enough, compliments come to the rescue. From 100 compliments to your beloved guy, you can choose the main 25, the most sensual and the most frank. They will definitely not leave him indifferent and will remain in his memory for a very long time.

    1. Temperamental.
    2. Passionate.
    3. Sincere.
    4. Frank.
    5. Sensual.
    6. Seductive.
    7. The only one.
    8. Loyal.
    9. Caring.
    10. Captivating.
    11. Significant.
    12. Sensitive.
    13. Exciting.
    14. Exceptional.
    15. Unsurpassed.
    16. Spectacular.
    17. Indispensable.
    18. Unique.
    19. Irreproachable.
    20. Heady.
    21. Playful.
    22. Courageous.
    23. Strong.
    24. Invincible.
    25. Gentle.

    Such words will show the guy his importance in the eyes of his chosen one. And if you combine them with words such as, for example, “the very-most,” then each phrase will have a double or even triple effect.

    25 best friendly compliments for a guy

    In a situation where a young man is just a friend, and there are excellent connections with him friendly relations, compliments will also be very, very appropriate.

    By emphasizing his life achievements or excellent comradely qualities, you can express your respect and once again show that friendship with him is important and valuable.

    Since we are discussing 100 compliments for a guy, a list of the 25 best for a friend or colleague is highlighted separately.

    1. Hardworking.
    2. Responsible.
    3. Wise.
    4. Kind.
    5. Polite.
    6. Generous.
    7. Smart.
    8. Smart.
    9. Capable.
    10. Gifted.
    11. Nimble.
    12. Funny.
    13. Smiling.
    14. Interesting.
    15. Honest.
    16. Creative.
    17. Selfless.
    18. Curious.
    19. Vigorous.
    20. Extraordinary.
    21. Witty.
    22. Economic.
    23. Humane.
    24. Brave.
    25. Courteous.

    A friendly compliment is also a great opportunity to make acquaintances and attract attention. In this way it is possible to produce positive impression on your interlocutor and win sympathy.

    25 unusual compliments for a guy

    In addition to the standard set of words and phrases that will help express your feelings and emotions towards a person, you can use extraordinary, explosive, vivid expressions. Of the 100 best compliments for a guy, we’ll highlight the most exciting and fantastic ones.

    1. Sunny, illuminating everything around.
    2. Magical and fabulous.
    3. Grand and inspiring.
    4. Almighty, never giving up.
    5. Brave and daring.
    6. Dazzlingly divine.
    7. Reckless and risky.
    8. Voluptuous and piquant.
    9. Magnetic, sexaholic.
    10. Perfect and flawless.
    11. Energetic and rhythmic.
    12. Festive and enchanting.
    13. Conquering, knocking you down.
    14. Painkiller and healing.
    15. Appetizing, tasty, juicy.
    16. Sparkling and explosive.
    17. Harmonious and aesthetic.
    18. Impressive and gallant.
    19. Dazzling and stunning.
    20. Lucky, kissed by fate.
    21. Inspiring, lifting into the clouds.
    22. Sensational and shocking.
    23. Intoxicating and intoxicating.
    24. Hypnotic and attractive.
    25. Fragrant, uplifting.

    25 best compliment phrases for a guy

    Sometimes you want to surprise your loved one and at the same time avoid banality. Or just write a couple of lines in SMS. But such that overwhelming feelings or subtle hints of greater circumstances pass through them like a red thread. You can, of course, say all 100 compliments to a guy at the same time, or you can choose the most appropriate words.

    1. A savior and passion tamer from all problems.
    2. Muscular, athletic, and thus erotic.
    3. Brave, so important.
    4. Intimate, selfless - and there is no problem with that.
    5. With incredible dexterity, strong, brave and dexterous.
    6. Intoxicated with love, striving for passion.
    7. Phenomenal, intoxicated with life.
    8. Hurt in the heart, found the key to the secret door.
    9. Decorating life, inspiring everyone around.
    10. Loving, sexy, good thing he has a mobile phone.
    11. Venerable, famous, in this we are even.
    12. Smart and amazing, and very seductive at that.
    13. Casanova, a Don Juan and always drunk with love.
    14. Insightful, you look into the soul, you want to listen all the time.
    15. Initiative, very creative.
    16. Cheerful, radiating positivity.
    17. Flirting, charming, divinely intriguing.
    18. Inscrutable and willful, and overall I'm happy with that.
    19. Powerful, passionate, dangerous in love.
    20. Hot, desired, long-awaited in love.
    21. Fresh, carefree, I want to live with you forever.
    22. A winner and a fighter, such a great guy.
    23. So neat and elegant, and very pleasant to me.
    24. Witchcraft, captivating, like a life-giving stream.
    25. Sassy, ​​popular, and plush, and nice.

    How to compliment a guy correctly

    The most important thing on which any compliment should be based is sincerity. Many do not use this magical method and instead of open ones, honest words it turns out to be a complete lie. We must remember that you cannot win a man with flattering words and sweet speeches, while keeping a cunning plan in your head.

    Say important phrases, such as 100 compliments to a guy, if the person is nearby, better looking into the eyes, with the appropriate intonation. If the message is sent in the form of an SMS or email, then you need to add certain punctuation marks and, if possible, emoticons. They will help convey emotions electronically.

    Important! Compliments should be appropriate to the situation, and even if they are spontaneous, they should not put the person in an awkward position or embarrass him.

    Inappropriate compliments

    Having examined the TOP 100 compliments to a guy, we can draw certain conclusions about what words should not be said to young people.

    Naturally, under no circumstances should you remind a person of his shortcomings or mistakes. Even as a joke, even after beating and, it would seem, turning it into positive side negative points.

    You shouldn’t go too far and sprinkle a huge number of even charming, attractive words in a row. Too much will look too sweet, artificial and unnatural.

    Even if a guy has 100 compliments in his arsenal, each of them should be appropriate to the situation, be sincere and unobtrusive. And only such a message will be accepted and appreciated.

    Note the young man's taste. Young people like it when their good taste is noted. If you tell a guy that everything he likes is fashionable, cool, intellectual, then you are hinting to him that he has these qualities. So instead of saying, “You have good taste,” praise his choice. Research shows that men compliment other people's passions. This means that men like compliments that appeal to their own biases. The following are some topics (with examples) that you can use for compliments:

    • Cinema: “You are great at cinema! Now we will watch movies together!”
    • Music: “You have a cool T-shirt! Bi-2 forever!
    • Fine art: “The poster on the wall is a classic! Where do you find such things?
    • Books: “You have my favorite book! I respect your choice!”
    • Philosophy: “I haven’t thought about this problem from that perspective. You really have an extraordinary mind!”

    Note the young man's abilities. Guys love to hear compliments about their abilities, especially if young people have developed them without outside help or have abilities that are limited to a limited number of people. Complimenting a young person's abilities is an additional reward for the effort, energy and time that has gone into developing those abilities.

    Celebrate the young man's courage. Guys can be scared too, but they hide it so as not to be branded weak people. It is recommended to compliment his courage when he needs to do something special; your words will support him if he is afraid, and if not, he will be glad that you noticed his courage.

    Note the young man's decisions. If you say that the young man has accepted correct solution, then you hint to him of respect on your part. Every person loves to be told that they made the right decision. If your boyfriend recently made a big decision, give him a compliment to highlight it mental capacity and insight. Moreover, your compliment will allow young man calm down if he has doubts about the correctness of his decision.

    Note the young man's sense of humor. Complimenting a guy's sense of humor is the most... the right way increase his self-confidence (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a friend or the person with whom you have romantic relationship). Laugh at guys' jokes to show that you appreciate them (without being romantic). Or laugh and touch the guy (or stand as close to him as possible) to show your interest in him (this is a very common way to give a compliment).

    Check intellectual abilities young man. Complimenting a guy's intelligence is the most common way to show him that you love him for more than just his looks. By complimenting a guy's intellectual abilities, you motivate yourself (but this depends on how you phrase the compliment) - remember that only an intelligent person can recognize the extraordinary intellectual abilities of another person.

    It's hard to imagine a man who doesn't like compliments. No, you heard right, exactly a man. They not only love them, they also believe them.

    Without acknowledging even a fraction of our abilities, men believe our compliments. When we say: “Dear, I’ve lived on this street for 8 years, I know for sure that shoe repair is to the right!”, They grunt condescendingly and, like March cats, follow strictly to the left. But when we, looking down at their beer belly, sigh languidly: “You’re so sporty...”, they are filled with pride and, straightening their backs, prance in front of the mirror.

    After reading the lyrical introduction, you decided that since men are so simple and naive, then giving compliments and getting results is an elementary, intuitive task and anyone can do it. If everything were exactly like this, then the divorce rate in the country would tend to zero, and happy and rested women everywhere would sit in cafes, lie in the spa, or go shopping all day long.

    Let's look at the main goals for which a compliment to a beloved man can, in principle, work.

    Cheer up and help cope with difficult times

    If a man is upset about something, you should not rush to his neck with consolations. You are not his mother and you are not elder sister. If you continue to want to see a man next to you, and not a child, then give him the opportunity to cope with a specific annoyance or disappointment on his own, but at the same time create a “zone of strength” for him.

    There is an ideal training formula - the transition between zones of strength and zones of growth. Give a compliment, but let it be in a different area. If he lost at tennis and is upset, switch him up. By the way, any sports defeats (even if he lost in online billiards) can be compensated by light hints of his masculine strength.

    Here’s a great example with sexual overtones: “Dear, I’m sorry, I’m so inattentive - I completely missed your ending. I could only look at your hands and it completely turned my head.” Don't be afraid to look empty-headed at this moment - correct tone, readiness to turn everything into jokes - and your man is already smiling.

    To achieve some act or action.

    A simple example. If you want a man to do something, convince him that no one can do it better than him, first of all you. IN in this case, compliments to your beloved guy should be specific - “Do you remember when I got sick, you made hot sandwiches? It seems like a simple meal, but you did it absolutely amazing! No matter how many times I tried later, it was not the same...” No requests, just a statement. If you repeat such a compliment several times from different angles, then after a while you will have your own personal chef.

    Receive a return compliment or recognition.

    Berne claims that all our relationships are based on mutual “strokes” - signs of attention. Very often, when there is not enough attention, our mood deteriorates and we literally begin to demand it, resulting in displeasure and scandal.

    To get a stroke, you have to give it. A man must accumulate an internal resource before he can share it with you. Especially if your man is an introvert. When you want attention, give it light, complimentary attention.

    For example, you can do short compliment his appearance: “Darling, I really like your gait/posture/smile/look. Adore you".

    Adjust behavior.

    Forget “It just pisses me off when you’re not shaved!” Only compliments. “I love it when you’re so clean-shaven...” and a touch and a kiss. Positive behavior needs to be reinforced, not negative. When you give emotion to behavior, you reinforce it. Try to ignore annoying little things, breathe in and out and give compliments rather than swear. It's not easy, but it's extremely effective.

    If you want to know what men themselves think about this, watch this video:

    What compliments should you not give to your beloved man?

    The four-letter enemy is “but.” The main prohibition in complimenting a man. It is we, women, who can reasonably find an excuse for some of our imperfections. I can't cook, but I'm witty. I don't understand anything about painting, but I have beautiful ass. And so on ad infinitum.

    Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

    The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

    Men don’t hear what happens after “but.” The compliment “But you are smart (handsome, rich, successful, super hero)” has no value. If “but” means I can’t do something, if “but”, it means I was compared, if “but”, it means in something, most likely much more important, I’m a ‘loser’. Do you doubt that men are so suspicious? Remember your loved one with a temperature of 37.1, who is frantically looking for other signs of lupus.

    Don't compliment your friends. If in relation to his mother, grandmother and even sister you can lavish honey and oil almost without stopping, you need to be careful with friends. Be kind and forgiving to those who are less fortunate and are not recognized as leaders in the company. It’s almost never a good idea to compliment friends who are already very successful in some way. Men are extremely competitive by nature. Yours is no exception.

    Another one interesting topic, which any girl needs to study in detail -. Quarrels are inevitable. But if you don’t want them to ruin your relationship, learn to reconcile correctly.

    Besides the “wrong” compliments, there are a few other phrases you shouldn’t say to guys. You can read more about these in our article.

    Do you want your boyfriend to adore and idolize you? Here are some that will definitely come in handy.

    Another one feminine cunning to your piggy bank - come up with one for your loved one. Various options in the article at the link.

    Well done. Forget this phrase. Or at least don't take it as a compliment. This is not a compliment to the man you love - it is an assessment. “Well done” you can say to a dog, appreciating its efforts, and you praise and respect a man for his actions.

    Psychologists say that on a subconscious level, evaluation is humiliating, and this makes sense.

    Don't be lazy, think about what you really mean by “well done.” Maybe you should say: “I’m very pleased that you remembered your mother’s birthday,” “it’s great that you were able to fix the faucet,” “I admire how you handled this deal!”

    Avoid too high-flown phrases and expressions: “divine”, “mind-blowing”, “unsurpassed”. Such adjectives sound too unnatural and false. The simpler your words are, the better. Sometimes it’s better to do without words at all – a glance, a gentle smile and a light touch are enough. Believe me, he will appreciate it!

    Do you want to write to him? nice message via SMS or social media networks. Do not send him poems copied from the Internet. Give compliments in prose, in your own words. After all, a good compliment should come from the heart. The exception is poetry that you wrote yourself.

    Good video on the topic:

    Don’t take the trouble to sit down and write down on a piece of paper the maximum possible traits, actions, characteristics, and achievements of your man that deserve a compliment. Re-read this list from time to time to the right words and the associations were always on the surface. Write down the “zones of proximal growth” - what you would like to see a little different, and figure out what kind of compliments you can use to move a man in this direction.

    A compliment is our powerful weapon in the fight for long and happy relationship. Use it wisely.

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