• GCD for speech development in a preparatory school group topic: “Good and bad language. Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group “Seasons in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin


    MKDOU "Kindergarten" combined type No. 4" Novomoskovsk, Tula region.

    Generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn changes in nature.

    Formation of ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features. Replenishing the active vocabulary with complex words (leaf fall, carpets).
    Expanding the idea of figurative meaning words (golden autumn).
    Improving the grammatical structure of speech (selection of homogeneous definitions, agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender, case, number.

    Program content:

    Introduce children to the sound “M”;
    expand and systematize knowledge about proposals;
    practice coming up with sentences with a given word;
    consolidate the ability to name words that begin with the sound “M”;
    cultivate a desire to gain knowledge, a desire to study at school.


    A bear toy with a backpack on its back and a jar of honey;
    cards depicting the vowels A, O, U, Y, E;
    typesetting cloth;
    a stand with images of objects beginning with the letter “M”;
    cubes with letters depicted on them;

    Methodical techniques: explanation, demonstration, reinforcement, reminder, game, use of artistic words, instructions, generalizations, encouragement.

    Preliminary work:

    Learning the game “He’s furry, he’s big...”;
    didactic game “Make a sentence with a given word”;
    looking at the alphabet in pictures; learning physical education lessons;
    playing with cubes with letters on them;
    individual work to improve the sound analysis of words.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational point: breathing exercises.

    Game "Gurgling"

    The child sits, in front of him is a glass of water, in which there is a straw for a cocktail, you need to blow into the glass through the straw so that in one exhalation you get a long gurgle, inhale through your nose, exhale into the tube: “glug-glug-glug”.

    Outdoor game

    He's furry, he's big,
    He sleeps in a den in winter,
    In summer he chews berries,
    Takes wild honey from bees,
    Can roar menacingly
    Clubfoot beast bear

    As soon as they heard the “growl” of the bear, they scattered to their workplaces.

    Educator: “Oh, what a prankster you are, Mishutka! Sit with us in class, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.”

    I place a toy bear near the board.

    2. Working with the proposal.

    Guys, what does the bear do when it catches you? (The bear growls)

    Right. The result was the sentence “The bear growls.”

    Tell me, how many words are in the sentence “The bear growls”?

    What is the first word in the sentence “The bear growls”?

    What is the second word in the sentence “The bear growls”

    Come up with new sentences about Mishka that consist of two words (children’s answers)

    Well done, you completed the task.

    3. Next task:(I draw the children’s attention to Mishutka.)

    Our Teddy Bear has completely calmed down and no longer growls. To make him really happy, let's tell him what sound his name begins with.

    That's right, with the sound M.

    Many words begin with this sound.

    Remember and name words that begin with the sound M (honey, milk, raspberry, fly, moth, Moscow, tangerine, mine, moss, March, metro...)

    What is the most favorite word all the children in the world? Who is closest to them and dear person? (Mother)
    I agree with you. “Mom” is the most precious word for us.
    Now let's work with the cubes.

    Make up the word “mother” from the letters that are located on the cubes (children at the board make up the word “MOM”
    After composing, the children read the word “mother”
    Well done.

    And now Mishutka announces a fun break.

    Physical education minute.

    Mishka has vowels in his backpack. Children make movements to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, Mishka “takes out” a card with a letter from his backpack, and the children, having recognized the letter, recite a familiar chant about it.

    A-A-A- Winter is coming soon.
    Oooh- milk to whom.
    OOO- We're going to the subway.
    Y-Y-Y– we read the book.
    E-E-E- give me some grass.

    We played and sat down in our seats.

    4. Introducing the sound “M”.

    Children, what kind of sounds are there? (vowels and consonants)
    -How do vowel sounds differ from consonants? (vowels are sung, drawn out, but consonants are not sung)
    -What sound does our guest’s name begin with? (with the sound "M")
    Look carefully at what the sound “M” looks like.

    ABOUT appearance Many poems were invented with this letter. Here are some of them.
    Holding hands we stood up
    And they began to look like “M”
    (accompanied by a show of children).
    Stick and wand
    There is a tick between them
    And it’s clear to everyone at once
    The result is the letter "M"
    (I show in the picture)

    We got acquainted with the sound “M”

    - First draw the sound “M” in the air with your finger (children do)

    “You have matches on your tables, and please use the matches to make the letter “M.” (Children perform)

    5. Guys, who else is in a hurry to visit us?(music from the film “Masha and the Bear”)


    — Guys, Masha really likes to play music games. She suggests the game “What did you hear?” (for auditory perception)
    (clock ticking, water dripping from a faucet, refrigerator noise, water pouring, cat meowing “Meow”) - phonograms

    6. Summary of the lesson. The children's work is assessed.

    - But what is it? It seems to me that our Mishutka has moved. This is not without reason, maybe he has some surprise for us? (I call one child over to see what Mishutka brought in his backpack)

    - Oh, it’s honey!

    - Thank you Mishutka. How wonderful this letter “M” is, tasty and healthy. Mishutka, we will definitely eat your honey with tea.

    Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group on the topic “Spring”

    Subject:"Hello beauty Spring

    Target: To consolidate and clarify students’ knowledge about spring.



    • Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with adjectives and verbs); consolidate the skills of using comparative phrases in speech, consolidate the ability to correctly construct complex sentences with a causal conjunction because.
    • Practice intonation expressiveness of speech using different voice strengths.
    • Enrich children's active vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of spring flowers.
    • Develop the ability to compose descriptive story according to the mnemonic table, consolidate the ability to figuratively talk about nature in the spring.
    • Reinforce the rules safe behavior on the pond in the spring.
    • Continue to introduce the work of A.K. Savrasov, develop the ability to see means of expression in a painting: the color and shape of objects, features of composition.
    • Practice the ability to feel a picture (“enter into it”) by conveying your feelings, sensations, and moods (TRIZ).


    • Develop cognitive interest in nature and imagination.
    • Improve speech hearing and attention.
    • Develop coordination of speech with movement through logorhythmics and sound gymnastics.
    • Develop the ability to creatively apply previously learned methods paper design.


    • Cultivate speech activity and emotionality.
    • Cultivate a respectful attitude towards adults and peers: listen, do not interrupt.
    • Form an emotional response to works of fine art and the natural world.

    Integration of educational areas: “Social-communicative”, “Artistic - aesthetic development», « Physical development».

    Vocabulary work: thawed patches, drops, swell, snowgon, pollen, reproduction.

    Preliminary work: observing children in nature, reading fiction, looking at reproductions of paintings about spring.

    Materials and equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, mnemonic tables and flashcards topic, a cloud, paper for making boats, a stream, a stand “Rules of Conduct on a Reservoir,” a flower meadow.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Sketch “Good morning”

    Invented by someone and wisely

    Say hello when meeting

    Good morning!

    Good morning! - the sun and the birds.

    Good morning! - smiling faces.

    And everyone becomes kind


    Let Good morning lasts until evening.

    Let's take each other's hands and say kind words.

    Emotional game“I like it about you...”

    Did you feel the warmth of your hands? How nice to hear Nice words, I don’t want to quarrel and be offended. Let our whole day go like this.

    2. Poem “Who came so quietly and quietly...”

    Listen, can't you hear anything? Who was that walking so quietly outside the window?

    Who passed by so quietly?

    Well, of course, not an elephant,

    And, of course, the hippopotamus

    I couldn't go through this quietly.

    And none of you heard

    Like a leaf coming out of a bud,

    And you couldn't hear

    Like green blades of grass

    Taking off my green shoes,

    They quietly emerged from the ground.

    And the snowdrop quietly came out.

    And there is silence everywhere.

    This means, this means

    Quietly came spring.

    Have you already guessed what we will talk about today?

    So she came to us spring.

    The sky is lighter, the snow is melting

    We will tell you about spring,

    How birds fly to us from the south,

    Like streams running and ringing.

    After what time of year and before what time does it come? spring?

    3. Spring fairy tale.

    Guys, look, today in group something unusual appeared. What do you think this is? (cloud) What does she want to tell us about? Let's get a look.

    Cloud invites us to a fairy tale. (viewing on multimedia equipment)

    Once upon a time there were four seasons. Did you recognize them? The seasons lived together and took turns ruling the world. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give up her place Spring. The plants became sad under the blanket of snow. The birds stopped singing. People are tired of heating their houses just to stay warm. Summer and Autumn became worried. A Spring said: "Don't worry, I have a miracle that can defeat the cold!"

    What kind of miracle is this? Maybe the cloud can tell us? (fire, light bulb, sun).

    What do you think of this could be a miracle that will help? Spring? Why do you think so?

    Will it come spring, if the sun does not shine and warm? What will happen?

    4. Didactic game“Pick up signs, actions”

    The sun is the most important helper spring. It is the biggest and kindest miracle. But somehow our sun is sad. Do you want to cheer him up? Give him kind words.

    What sunshine?

    What does it do?

    5. Didactic game “Compare and name.”

    The sun is yellow like...

    The sun is round like...

    The sun is gentle, like...

    The sun is cheerful, like...

    The sun is warm like...

    The sun is bright like...

    The sun smiles at us, and we smile at him.

    Let's say the sentence " In spring the sun shines brightly"Quiet, loud, joyful.

    Indeed, the sun rises higher, shines brighter, and warms more.

    And what spring months does it bring with it? Guess the riddle:

    A warm south wind blows,

    The sun is shining brighter.

    The snow is thinning, softening, melting,

    The loud rook flies in.

    What month? Who knows?

    What do people call this month? Why?

    6. Didactic game “Be careful”

    Listen, what is this sound?

    Let's get closer to the stream, but first look at what these pictures are? What are they warning us about? (reinforcing the rules of behavior on the reservoir in the spring)

    7. Stories about spring.

    Brook has prepared a surprise - “spring pictures on a piece of ice”:

    white - mnemonic tables - telling poems (for children with a low level,

    blue (for children with an average level) - compiling mnemonic tables that will help talk about spring,

    blue (for children with high level- reading) - composing proverbs about spring from individual words.

    Spring It turned out different for everyone. Listen, the stream is making noise and calling us to follow it.

    Listen to another riddle:

    The river roars furiously

    And breaks the ice.

    The starling returned to his house,

    And the snowdrop suddenly woke up.

    A lark trills in the sky.

    Who came to us?

    What do people call this month?

    8. Physical exercise “Flowers”

    As soon as the snow melts, the flowers bloom.

    Go out into the clearing.

    Straighten your backs

    Give me your palms.

    Let's name the flowers

    And play with your palms.

    Whom I touch with my palm,

    He names a flower.

    One two Three! The children turned into flowers.

    What kind of flower are you?

    There has been no spring rain for a long time, our flowers have completely withered.

    First they lowered their heads,

    Then the leaves.

    And then the whole stem bent

    All the way to the ground.

    Suddenly it began to rain,

    And the flowers began to come to life.

    The breeze blew

    The stems rustled.

    The breeze has died down.

    One two Three! You have become children again.

    Let's smell what the flowers smell like. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale say: “Oh, how wonderful the flower smells.”

    The distance of the fields is green,

    The nightingale sings,

    IN White color the garden is dressed,

    Birds fly in flocks

    Thunder rumbles, guess what?

    What month is this? What do people call it?

    9. Didactic game “Find a mistake and correct it”

    My mischief maker! Painted the world in different colors. And I want to play with you. Listen carefully to the sentences, is everything in them correct?

    It became warm because birds flew in from the south.

    The sun warmed up because the flowers bloomed.

    The ground has thawed because trees are being planted.

    Has arrived spring, because

    The bear woke up.

    10. Examination of the reproduction of A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks have Arrived”

    A lot of beautiful words said about spring, artists have painted many paintings.

    Now let's prepare our eyes to see one famous painting.

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    The eyes see everything around

    I'll circle them.

    The eyes can see everything

    Where is the picture, where is the window.

    I'll draw a circle with them,

    I'll look at the world around me.

    Look guys, who recognizes this picture? Who wrote it?

    Let's look at it carefully.

    One morning the artist was awakened by restless bird cries. He looked out the window and was shocked. Outside the window the sky was blue and the puddles were glistening. But the main thing is the birds! With a jubilant piercing cry, in packs and alone. They circled in the clear spring air. The dull black nests came to life: the long-awaited guests who had arrived from across the sea were fussing around them.

    This picture of nature was captured by the artist.

    11. Conversation on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

    How the artist showed the approach spring?

    Look into the sky. What is it like?

    Look carefully, is there a sun in the picture?

    How do you see snow?

    Tell us about birch trees.

    What do you see in the distance?

    Imagine that we now suddenly found ourselves there in this picture for us to see and hear?

    Close your eyes and imagine that you are there.

    12. Manufacturing paper boat- origami

    Our stream began to rustle louder. He has grown big and will soon reach the River of Desires. I suggest you make a boat, make a wish and send it on its way. And then all your dreams will definitely come true.

    13. Reflection

    Guys, I liked the way you worked today, you completed all the tasks. What do you remember most?

    The ships will sail along the magical river and all your dreams will come true. And my wish has already come true. Look carefully at what kind of basket this is standing on the shore. Let's see what's in it. Spring gives to everyone little sun. May your soul always be light and joyful.

    Nikitina Olga Vasilievna

    MBOU "Pustoshkinsky Education Center" preschool department

    "Kindergarten of a combined type "Sun"

    Pskov region, Pustoshka

    Abstract of GCD on speech development (literacy) in preparatory group"In Search of Treasure"

    Topic: “In search of treasure”

    Goal: To develop preschoolers’ interest in learning to read and write.


    Fix the image of the letter,

    Offer analysis,

    Graphic recording of a proposal,

    Drawing up a proposal,

    Strengthen reading skills;

    Repeat the rules you have learned.

    Expand words knowledge


    Encourage children to answer questions;

    Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination. intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness;

    Preserve and strengthen the health of pupils;


    Cultivate discipline, perseverance, and attentive attitude towards each other

    Equipment and materials:

    A drawn chest with three locks,

    Pictures depicting a crocodile, lion, antelope, porcupine,

    Knitted letters: K, L, A, D,

    Cards with puzzles for each child,

    - “Russian alphabet” for each child,

    A pen for every child.

    Preliminary work:

    Teaching children to read,

    Explanation of the rules for “Make a word from the first letters”, “Living words”,

    Teaching children to solve puzzles,

    Conversation “Animals of hot countries”

    1. Psychological attitude;

    Hello guys, guests. How good and pleasant it is to say this wonderful word. After all, when we say it, we not only greet someone. But we also wish him good health. Look at each other, hold hands and say hello to each other again.

    So be healthy.

    Now let's repeat our motto, which will set us up for good work:

    Every day, always, everywhere,

    On a walk and at play

    We speak boldly and clearly

    And we sit quietly.

    2. Motivational - incentive;

    Guys, come to our place today kindergarten a letter arrived from trackers from the Magic Land of Words. Here it is (letter read out)

    "Dear friends! We are pathfinders from the fabulous Magic Land of Words. Pathfinders are those people who are the first to set foot on new lands, solve mysteries, and find something new and unusual. We want you to become Pathfinders too. To do this, you need to go on a journey where you will perform various tasks. To go faster, you need to be attentive, disciplined, and attentive to each other. At the end of the journey, if you cope with all the tests, a surprise awaits you. Good luck!"

    Guys, do you accept the invitation of the rangers from the Magic Land of Words? (Yes!)

    Then stand near your chairs. Let's go on a trip.

    3. Expansion of existing ideas;

    There is a fallen tree ahead. We raise our legs high.

    Oh, some animal ran by. Who did you see?

    We took binoculars and looked into the distance. What or who did you see?

    But look who I saw during our movement.

    (pictures: crocodile, lion, antelope, porcupine.

    These are not just animals. They are our helpers. They will help us guess what we found.

    Game “Make a word using the first letters” (TREASURE)

    What is a treasure?

    Where is the treasure kept?

    Do you want to know what's inside our chest?

    To do this, you need to open all the locks. But castles are not simple. Before removing the lock, you need to complete the task. Do you agree?

    This lock with a question mark. I don't know. What kind of task is this? You choose it yourself. It can be Rebuses

    Game "Find the Animals"

    Find the letters among the numbers and read the words.

    What do these diagrams mean?

    We will now make sentences and write it down using diagrams. Your sentence should contain the name of an animal from warm countries or the north.

    Imagine that you need to send a telegram home. What sentence would you write?


    Game "Living Words"

    Making a sentence from the letters of the split alphabet.

    4 Dynamic pause;

    The giraffe has spots, spots everywhere:

    There are on noses, on bellies,

    Knees and toes.

    (Touch the named parts of the body with their palm)

    The elephant has folds, folds everywhere:

    On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows,

    There are on noses, on bellies,

    Knees and toes.

    (Perform pinch movements called body parts)

    The zebra has stripes, stripes everywhere:

    On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows,

    There are on noses, on bellies,

    Knees and toes.

    (Draw horizontal stripes on the named parts of the body)

    I know everything, I teach everyone,

    And I myself am always silent.

    To make friends with me,

    You need to learn to read and write.


    Reading using the ABC's

    5 Final stage.

    Well done! The chest was opened, and in it was a surprise - a golden star with a five.

    What did you repeat during the trip?

    What did you enjoy doing the most?

    Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Traveling by sea”

    Target: Enrich vocabulary, develop visual and auditory
    perception, attention, thinking, memory.

    Tasks: Develop coherent speech, verbal communication skills, achieve complete answers to questions;
    consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about antonyms, the concept of “one is many”,
    the ability to name generalizing words, find an extra object;
    cultivate independence, activity, culture of communication and feeling
    to promote kindness and the desire to help those in need
    in help;
    create a positive emotional background.

    Materials: Pirate notes, bottle, treasure chest, task cards, tree with a bird, colored pencils for drawing, birds template, pencil, scissors, glue, white paper.

    Vocabulary work:Sea mail, mackerel, swims, long-eared, blue-eyed, gray-haired.

    Preliminary work.
    Conversations about domestic and wild animals, looking at illustrations about
    birds, drawing birds and animals, reading educational literature, d/i
    “Say the opposite”, “What’s extra?”, “Loto”.

    Progress of the lesson.
    The guys stood in a circle, held hands and said:
    So we stood together in a circle,
    To set us on our way.
    We will speak beautifully, loudly and slowly,
    What will we see around us?
    We will remember everything.
    Today we will go on a trip. And on what
    can I travel? (by car, by plane, by train, by ship). We are with
    We are going on a sea voyage with you, so what will we go on?

    (On the ship).
    I'll be your captain. Let's swim.
    Guys, look what's overboard? (It's the same bottle)
    This is sea mail. Let's catch the bottle and read the letter, it's interesting
    who wrote it, maybe someone needs help? (reads the letter)
    "We found the treasure and hid it. You can find it, but only if
    complete the tasks that we have come up with for you. "Sea Pirates".
    Guys, are you ready to go treasure hunting? (Yes). Then we swam for
    me. Hands to the sides “shhh” (representing the sound of a wave). Look ahead
    an island is visible, we swam to it. We land on it.
    Look, the note, what's in it? Oh, this is the first task from the sea

    Game exercise "Say the opposite."
    Guys, I tell you a word, and you tell me its opposite meaning.
    Night-day, dirt-purity, light-darkness, cold-heat, peace-war, lie-truth, good-evil, friend-enemy, joy-sadness, brave-cowardly, white-black, winter-summer, high-short, quiet-loud, sad-cheerful, slow-fast, large-small, back-forward, up-down, gray hair-gray-haired.
    You guys are great, you know everything.

    Game "Say it in one word"
    oak, birch, aspen, pine, apple tree; (trees)
    horse, cow, cat, sheep, goat, dog, rabbit; (Pets)
    wolf, fox, hare, tiger, jackal, bear; (wild animals)
    chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey; (poultry)
    swift, crow, dove, magpie swallow, sparrow; (birds)
    shark, cod, herring, perch, mackerel; (fish)
    bumblebee, butterfly, dragonfly, mosquito, bee, spider, fly (insects)
    Well done, you completed the task. The next game is "The Fourth Wheel".
    Mosquito, fly, heron, dragonfly (Heron is a bird, and the rest are insects)
    Sparrow, swallow, hare, cuckoo (A hare is an animal, and the rest
    Fox, wolf, bear, cow (A cow is a domestic animal, and the rest
    Guys, stand in a circle and let's play the game "One-Many".

    One doll - many dolls, one glass - many glasses, one mug - many
    mugs, one ball - many balls, one circle - many circles, one chair - many
    chairs, one table - many tables, one hand - many hands, one girl - many girls, one boy - many boys, one sock - many socks, one car - many cars, etc.
    It's time for us to move on, the tasks that we had on this island
    Well done, well done, keep it up! We sailed further to meet new ones
    tests. And so that we don’t get bored while sailing, let’s play.

    Game exercise "Finish the sentence."
    in the fall the birds fly away, and in the spring... (arrive)
    The cat climbs down from the tree, and onto the tree... (climb)
    The moose jumps over the ditch, and across the river... (swims across)
    a snake crawls under a stone, and from under a stone... (crawls out)
    sparrows fly over the road, and snakes... (crawl).

    How wonderful it all worked out for you. Let's swim further. Look in yours
    binoculars (fists), there is an island ahead of us, we swam towards it.

    Physical education minute
    On your boat(turn the steering wheel with your hands)
    Let's sail together on the sea.
    Here's a wave and there's a wave,
    (look into the distance through binoculars)
    We don't need silence.(stomping feet)
    A lot of smart guys(turns right and left)
    They want to help everyone.(clap hands)

    Another note, probably again from sea pirates.
    A note.
    “A bird lives on this island, it lives alone and it’s bored. Help her, make sure she doesn’t feel sad.”
    Guys, look what I found here: sheets, pencils, scissors and
    stencils. I figured out how we can cheer up the bird, we'll cut it out
    paper, and then we will color the birds with pencils, and then she will definitely not be
    It's sad because she will have so many friends. (Children circle
    stencils, and then cut out the birds and paint them).

    Here is the sad bird, I found it on a tree, bring your birds here, we will
    Let's put it on a tree next to this bird. Look how many friends the bird has made, what a beautiful tree it turned out to be. We helped the bird and she thanks us. Take a close look at the tree, at what time of year do such trees appear?(spring)

    What signs of spring do you know?
    -snow melts in spring;
    -birds fly from warm regions in the spring;
    -the night becomes shorter and the day longer in spring;
    - the sun warms stronger and shines brighter in spring;
    -leaves appear on trees in spring;

    Guys, you guys know the signs of spring. On this island we have completed
    All the tasks, it's time for us to move on.
    I see the island again, let's sail there. Again a note from sea pirates, they
    again we are given a task:

    Game exercise "Complex words".
    Leaves are falling - leaf fall,

    green eyes - green-eyed,

    stars are falling - starfall,

    it's snowing - it's snowing,

    the woodcutter is cutting down the forest,

    ice breaks - icebreaker, etc.

    Next game

    "How are the words different?"

    The teacher says the words.
    T-shirt - bike bunny - nut - seagull (they are different from each other
    first sound).

    We swam further.
    Look what's floating towards us? (This seems to be a chest) Let's get it
    Let's fish it out and see what's inside. This is a primer, here's another one
    note from sea pirates:“You have completed all the tasks and you have coped with
    They are great, and we, as promised, are giving you the treasures. We
    We found out that you will soon go to school, which means you need an ABC book to learn to read. The primer is a treasure for you, so we are giving it to you, take care of it and be sure to use it.”
    Guys, that's all, it's time for us to go home, our journey
    comes to the end.

    Result: What do you remember most about our trip?
    Which task did you find most difficult?
    Which one is the easiest?

    You are so great, you were very smart, attentive, so we easily
    completed all the tasks.

    Larisa Malysheva
    Summary of educational activities with pupils of the preparatory group for speech development“We are now preppers”

    Target: Expand and clarify children's knowledge about school.

    Psychological and pedagogical tasks:

    1. Continue to practice children in selecting nouns with similar and opposite meanings.

    2. To develop children’s ability to form singular genitive entities.

    3. Activate words with a general meaning in the children’s dictionary.

    4. Cultivate interest in learning activities.

    The type of children's activity that directly underlies educational activities: communicative.

    Form of work with children: frontal.

    Methods and techniques: visual, verbal (questions, explanation, instructions, encouragement, artistic language (riddles, practical (physical exercises).

    Preliminary work: conversation about school.

    Creating an educational situation

    B: They rustled underfoot

    Leaves with yellow sides.

    It became damp, it became bare,

    We need to get ready for school.

    I barely write notebooks

    Posted in my portfolio

    Among the rowan berries,

    Maple and aspen leaves,

    Acorns and russula...

    And, probably, Olezhek,

    My desk neighbor will ask:

    "What is all this?" “This is …” (T. Agibalova)

    Q: What time of year is the poem talking about?

    D: About autumn.

    Q: How did you understand that the poem was about autumn?

    D: It became damp outside. The children went to school. The leaves have turned yellow.

    Motivating children for upcoming activities.

    Q: Someone threw us a letter at the window, look!

    Maybe it's a ray of sunshine that tickles my face?

    Maybe the sparrow dropped it while flying?

    Maybe someone lured the letter like a mouse to the window?

    Q: Who do you think this letter is from?

    D: From Pinocchio

    Q: “Hello children. I have to go to school in the fall, but I lost a very important subject that I will need for school. Help". Would you like to help Pinocchio?

    D: Yes. Certainly.

    Formulating the goal of the upcoming activity and the children’s acceptance of it.

    Q: To do this you need to complete 5 tasks. For each correctly completed task you will receive a letter. By making a word from the letters, you will find out what Pinocchio lost.

    We will help Pinocchio,

    We will solve all tasks

    We're the good guys

    At least they are still preschoolers.

    Clarifying children's knowledge in the process of activities carried out in close contact with an adult.

    Did. game "Collect a briefcase"

    Q: What do you think it is?

    D: Briefcase

    Q: How can I say it differently?

    D: Satchel, backpack.

    Q: But it's empty. Let's help Pinocchio collect it. You will guess the riddles and see the answers. (The teacher puts the answers on the table)

    Did. game "School riddles"

    Before us is a cramped house

    Pencil and pens in it.

    The schoolboy recognized this house.

    What is the name of the house? (pencil case).

    I don't know how to read

    I’ve been writing all my life. (pen)

    A simple pencil

    There is one assistant:

    If he makes a mistake,

    She will erase it in an instant. (eraser)

    I love directness, I am direct myself.

    Make a new line

    I'm helping you.

    Anything without me

    Draw some money.

    Guess what, friends.

    Who am I? - (ruler).

    If a pencil is broken -

    I am your faithful assistant.

    I'm like a doctor, treating him -

    I'll sharpen it quickly and sharply. (sharpener)

    Either I'm in a cage, then I'm in a line

    Write a kz on them!

    You can also draw.

    What am I? (notebook)

    Q: How to call all this in one word?

    D: School supplies.

    Q: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles and for this you will receive the first letter. Name it.

    D: Letter "A".

    Did. game "What is missing"

    Q: Children, how should you handle school supplies?

    D: Children's answers

    Q: Our Pinocchio is very absent-minded. Let's check how attentive you are.

    Did. game "What's missing"

    You are my friend and I am your friend

    Collect the circle faster

    Look away my friend

    Turn around at the signal. (Children stand around the table on which school supplies are located)

    Q: What's missing?

    D: The pen is gone, etc.

    Q: Well done, you are very attentive, you will get the second letter. Name it.

    D: This is the letter "R"

    Did. game "On the contrary"

    Q: Guys, Pinocchio very often says the opposite.

    The pencil is sharp, but vice versa (dull).

    The book is thick, but on the contrary...

    The briefcase is full, but on the contrary...

    The eraser is soft (hard, dirty, but on the contrary...

    The handle is new, but on the contrary...

    The notebook is clean, but on the contrary...

    The pencil case is big, but on the contrary...

    Q: Well done, get the third letter. Name it.

    D: Letter "U".

    Did. game "Fourth wheel"

    Q: Guys, where do you think they sell school supplies? I invite you to the stationery store. There are pictures in front of you school supplies. Look and tell me which picture is the odd one out. And why? Well done guys, get the fourth letter. Name it.

    D: Letter "K"

    Physical exercise.

    Q: During breaks, Pinocchio likes to pull himself up and bend over. Let's catch up with him.

    Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice,

    He spread his arms to the sides, apparently he couldn’t find the key,

    And so that we can get the key

    You need to stand on your toes.

    Ex. "Labyrinth"

    Q: Guys, we collected Pinocchio’s briefcase. And he forgot the way to school. There is a plan map on your tables. Maybe you can find and draw the shortest route to school. Try it with your finger first, and then with a pencil. (children complete the task).

    Well done guys, get the fifth letter. Name it.

    D: Letter "C".

    Implementation stage independent work children.

    Q: Now try to make a word from the letters. Children make up a word. What item did Pinocchio lose?

    Q: Why is a pen an important item?

    D: Because they write to her.

    Summing up the activities. Pedagogical assessment results of children's activities.

    Q: Guys, what advice would you give to Pinocchio?

    D: You need to take care of your things. Study well at school, listen to the teacher.

    Q: What was your favorite task? Why? What new have you learned?

    We helped Pinocchio,

    All tasks were completed with ease,

    We quickly collected the briefcase,

    They showed the way to the school.

    Pinocchio, don't be lazy at school,

    You study for A's and B's.

    Publications on the topic:

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    Topic: "Insects." Goal: development of children's speech, preparation for learning to read and write. Objectives: Correctional and educational: teach children to read.

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    Summary of educational activities on physical development with pupils of the second junior group “Artists” Program content: Physical development: develop the ability to walk on toes, with high knees; carry out general developmental activities.

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