• Postcard house template. Postcards house. How to make a New Year's card with your own hands


    In today's master class I will describe how to make a postcard with your own hands. But the postcard is not a simple one, but a very original three-dimensional one in the shape of a paper house. Very suitable for an invitation to a party or celebration at your home. The house folds up and fits into a small invitation envelope. In my opinion, the ideal birthday invitation card that you can make yourself from paper.

    Having taken it out of the envelope, you need to pull the strings on the sides.

    The walls of the house will straighten out and it will turn into a three-dimensional one.

    And the message itself with the date and address can be read by looking through the window of the house. The handwritten text is placed on the interior wall of the postcard house, which can be clearly seen through the cut-out window.

    How to make a postcard with your own hands

    In order to make such an original three-dimensional postcard, we will need thick printer paper up to 200 g. and of course, a diagram for a house postcard that will need to be printed on this paper. This idea, as well as the diagram itself, was developed for the mr Printables website.

    We print it on a printer using double-sided printing. A printer without double-sided printing can of course also handle this task - just turn the same sheet over in the paper feed when it prints the second side. Cut out and bend the edges along the dotted lines on the diagram.

    You will get something like this.

    Now you need to take a thick white thread, fold it in half, thread it into a pre-pierced hole at the fold, at the base of the roof, on the side wall of the house. Tie the ends of the thread into a knot from the inner wall of the house and glue a colored triangle to the outer wall. The same thing, and at exactly the same distance, needs to be done on the second wall of the house.

    And with reverse side, in the signature area, write the time and place of gathering of guests.

    Now all that remains is to glue where there are narrow bends of the strips, in two places - the bend of the edge of the roof and the bend on the edge of the wall. To properly glue, spread glue on these folded strips and fasten them to the opposite parts of the folded house.

    Let the glue dry properly, or use double-sided tape, which is even easier.

    Now you can put the invitation in an envelope and send it to the recipient.

    We love holidays and love gifts. And we all love postcards - receiving and giving. Postcards are given for many events - birthday or New Year, March 8 or the birth of a child.

    You go into a store - there are a lot of postcards, even the text is already printed inside - everything has already been thought out for you and said, but not from the heart.

    Gift with love

    Only handmade postcards can convey your feelings towards the recipient. Buying a regular cardboard card is easy, but making one yourself means putting a part of yourself into it. After all, when making such a gift, you imagine the person for whom it will be intended.

    Remember, we are all in childhood, in kindergarten or at school they tried, they made cards for parents for the holiday - they carefully cut it out, folded it, and glued it on. Then they handed it over. Remember how carefully mom and dad accepted the gift, kept it, and many still keep it with your children's drawings and crafts.

    Today, handmade products are becoming more and more popular. Embroidered pillows decorate the home, knitted items are worn with pride. Only the very lazy don’t sew, knit or glue.

    Scrapbooking is gaining more and more admirers - photo albums, paper cards, made with love, made in a single copy - are becoming a unique gift for various holiday events.

    For anyone who has mastered at least the basics of scrapbooking, there is no question of what to give to a loved one, and these gifts evoke admiration.

    The art of giving joy

    Creating postcards from paper is called cardmaking. It is based on the use of paper and various additional materials. An experienced scraper will use everything when making a postcard - ribbons, small paper flowers, fabric flowers, cutting - elements cut out of paper, buttons, lace and much more.

    There are many techniques for making postcards from paper.

    Experienced craftswomen make multi-layered three-dimensional products; the more layers, the more interesting the postcard looks.

    The elements are connected to each other with glue and even stitched. The styles in which the craftsmen work also differ - shabby chic, steampunk and others.

    It is impossible to create two completely identical postcards.

    It is impossible to say that cardmaking is a simple art. Indeed, in the process of creating just one thing, a composition is created, changed, and formed. A scraper must be an artist - know the basics and subtleties of creating an ideal composition, selecting materials, and combining colors.

    Sometimes this process of selection and application takes more than one hour, or even a day - the artist is a delicate nature, there is no inspiration, and nothing masterpiece will be created. And sometimes everything seems to come together on its own - and here is a do-it-yourself card for the birth of a child or for a birthday loved one ready.

    Look at a variety of photos of postcards - how rich the imagination of the craftsmen is, creating harmonious compositions from many small scattered details.

    We create the gift ourselves

    Experienced scrappers use special scrap paper for their work - it is thick and has the property of not fading or fading over time. This ensures that your gift will retain its beauty for a long time.

    Scrap paper comes with various designs and is sold in sets or individual sheets.


    We will also need:

    • Thick plain paper for the base - watercolor is suitable.
    • A utility knife and a metal ruler (if you get into scrapbooking, you can later purchase a special cutter to cut the paper evenly - scissors are not the best option for this).
    • Scissors for cutting out small parts.
    • Glue - ordinary PVA, stationery - will not work, it warps the paper, and over time it will turn yellow. Take Titan, Moment and the like - scrap goods stores will advise you and others - see what is available to you.
    • Double-sided tape - it can also be used to connect elements of a postcard, and with porous tape you can create multi-layer three-dimensional compositions.
    • Decorative elements - flowers, cuttings, ribbons, pieces of lace, elements cut out of scrap paper - butterflies, birds, twigs and others.

    Buttons, pendants, buckles and other small objects can be used to create the composition.

    Stamps are often used - with their help you can create an interesting background for a future postcard, add certain elements, and make inscriptions.

    An interesting technique when creating three-dimensional cards is embossing - a transparent stamp is applied to the base, which is sprinkled with special powder.

    The last stage - the powder is dried using a special hairdryer - the result is a three-dimensional image: most often this technique is used when creating the contours of a picture and inscriptions.

    Figured hole punchers - they can make an openwork edge, they can be used to make voluminous flowers and cuttings.


    At all professional tools There are many for scrapbooking and cardmaking; it only makes sense to purchase some when making postcards for sale. But having mastered the art, you will not only please your friends original gifts, but also replenish the family budget.

    Select several sheets of scrap paper that match the style and color, apply a background to the base, and then decorative elements, selected by color. The composition must form a cohesive whole so that each element has meaning.

    You can use special sketch diagrams; they will tell you how to arrange the elements to create a harmonious composition. Having carefully prepared everything, making sure that every element is thought out, glue it.

    If something seems to be missing, add a couple of sparkles along the edges of the flowers, rhinestones, half beads. The main thing is the unity and thoughtfulness of the composition so that the postcard does not look like an appliqué.

    There are many tricks - how to do it beautiful postcard:

    • quilling - curls are twisted from thin strips of paper, then they are shaped various shapes- these elements are glued to the base, creating a pattern, a drawing - three-dimensional postcards are obtained;
    • iris folding - small strips of paper, ribbon, fabric are folded in a spiral, overlapping each other - an unusual pattern is obtained;
    • shaker card - a multi-layer card with a transparent window, inside which small elements move - foil rhinestones, beads;
    • postcard-tunnel - a three-dimensional postcard with many layers, the cut out elements of each layer create an overall spatial pattern.


    The inside of the card can also be decorated with stamps and paper. You can make the inside of the card unusual - when opened, the three-dimensional element expands - a heart or a bouquet of paper flowers will undoubtedly surprise the recipient.

    You can't help but like such a paper postcard - it keeps warmth and a piece of your soul. If you want to master the art of cardmaking, attend master classes experienced craftsmen, which will tell you all the subtleties - how to make a beautiful postcard with your own hands.

    Photos of postcards with your own hands

    There is just a little time left until the New Year, but there are still a lot of things to do. After all, decorating the house, the Christmas tree and New Year's table, this is just part of the task for this holiday. Do not forget that you need not to miss anyone and be sure to prepare something for New Year. Every little thing under the tree seems a huge gift. But be sure, no matter what the surprise and congratulations are, we must not forget about the most important point, the obligatory presence of a postcard with wishes, which you can also make with your own hands. Moreover, now there are so many different decorations. With which you can make beautiful and extraordinary cards with your own hands.
    To make such interesting houses we will need to take:
    Watercolor paper A3 format;
    New Year paper for scrapbooking, six sheets of 15*15 cm and one sheet with New Year's borders;
    House postcard template;
    New Year's pictures;
    New Year cards;
    Laser cut snowflakes, 3 pieces;
    Organza ribbon bright red and bright green 25 mm wide;
    New Year brads with a diameter of 10 mm;
    Stamp "Happy New Year";
    Ink black and green;
    Cut-out frames of light green and gold color, green curls from the cut-out;
    Green and silver rhinestones;
    Liquid glitter in gold and silver color;
    Curb punchers;
    Ruler and scissors;
    Double-sided tape;
    Glue gun;
    Glue stick.

    The most interesting thing about these cards is their shape, so first of all we need to use a template to cut out the bases for such cards. So, we take a template and cut out the connected houses.

    You can cut it with a window, or without it. We will make cards without a window. Cut out three watercolor bases.

    Fold them in half. Now we cut the template in half to make a single house and using this template we cut out two houses for each card from New Year's scrapbook paper.

    We look at the color scheme and select paper to harmonize with each other. It is advisable to take bright colors red, green, blue, brown, colors that are characteristic of the New Year holiday.

    We cut out lace strips from a sheet with borders; we will glue them to the bottom of each scrap paper blank.

    We stamp and cut out three New Year's inscriptions, cut out three New Year's cards and three pictures. It is better to tint pictures with inscriptions around the edges.

    We take one house at a time and glue it with tape on a card, a picture and an inscription. We sew all the elements separately on a machine.

    Now we tie bows from organza and attach them to the top of each house using brads.

    Now we glue the scrap parts of the postcard to the base with double-sided tape. We sew each side of the houses with a machine. Now all that remains is to glue the decorations.

    1. Draw a sketch. We make a sketch and design it, entering it into required sizes. My version is ~ 14.8 x 14.8 cm.

    2. Cut out a cardboard blank according to template No. 1.

    3. We design the back of the card. Using template No. 1, we cut out the outline of the house from whatman paper and glue it to the cardboard blank. Using template No. 2, we cut out a postcard stand from whatman paper and glue it.

    4. Using template No. 1, cut out the outline of the house from designer paper and glue it onto a cardboard blank.

    5. For the tiles I used bronze (metallic) color paper. Tiles are the most difficult stage of the work. Using curly scissors, we cut strips - 1.5 cm wide. We leave a pencil marking (see the red dotted line on the diagram) - we will align the tiles according to it, gluing it.

    Please note, to shape the edge of the roof, I continue a little - forward and upward - the step of scissors. We glue the bottom tile so that the figured cut falls below the roof level - we align it with the pencil markings (see the red dotted line on the diagram).

    6. I glued the tiles directly onto the workpiece, but I suggest simplifying the task. Let's cut out templates No. 3 and No. 4 from whatman paper and glue the cap on them, and then glue the roof slopes to the house. To glue the tiles at equal intervals, mark parts No. 3 and No. 4 - divide them into 6 parts - about 1 cm high. Then we draw and glue the tiles along these marks, placing one row on top of the other, starting from the bottom of the roof. Trim the top strip of tiles slightly to maintain 1 cm pitches.

    7. We decorate the central part of the roof. We outline the slopes according to template No. 5. We make an indentation inward - 2 mm - and draw lines (blue color in the diagram). We make an indentation outward - 1 mm - and draw lines ( yellow on the diagram). We cut along the inner lines with ordinary scissors. We cut along the outer lines with curly scissors (green line in the diagram).

    8. Cut out the door, make a handle from brads and glue the door to the blank. Cut out the door frame (3 mm wide) and glue it.

    9. For the windows I chose blue pearlescent paper (from the children's creativity). We cut out the windows and glue them. We cut out the window frames (2 mm) and glue them. Using template No. 6, cut out the grass (I chose paper with a pattern) and glue it. We draw a path leading to the door, cut it out and glue it. The path narrows towards the house. For the path I chose pastel paper - it has a “sandy” rough texture.

    10. We begin to decorate the house. On one of the houses I outlined only the windows and door with a bronze acrylic outline, on the second I also outlined the tiles. On the path to the second house I glued several “pebbles” - from the same pastel paper - and drew a few grains of sand with the same bronze outline. I also made an outline drawing on the door and an outline drawing on the “glasses” - I drew the inside of the window frames.

    11. Now, if you are in the mood, you can decorate our “plot” with a basket, flowerpot, watering can or other figurine. I used plastic figures - a basket and a watering can. And we cut out the branches of garden trees. Draw a 14 x 6 cm rectangle on dark brown paper (plain or patterned). Now draw two branches directed towards each other within this rectangle. The lines are arbitrary, but it is desirable that all the tips of the branches reach the house so that they can be glued to it (so as not to wrinkle, etc.). Even if you don’t draw at all, you can definitely handle these branches - the more crooked they are, the more impressive they will look...))) Cut out the branches and glue them to the house.

    12. We cut out flowers and doves with hole punches. We curl the apple tree petals with any tool that has a hard rounded edge. I do this with a needle that is used to insert an elastic band - it has a ball at the end. Flowers in the grass: twist the petals, then turn the flowers over and press the same ball into the middle. We decorate flowers with microbeads, or beads, or an acrylic outline, etc. We glue flowers and doves - on the branches and on the grass.

    And in this photo you can especially see why I chose this particular paper for the “glasses” - as if, indeed, the sky was being reflected...)))

    So original New Year's card You can give it as a gift or hang it on your holiday tree. The manufacturing process is simple and not labor-intensive, so even a child can make a New Year’s house with his own hands. The materials you will need are quite accessible.

    Materials for the postcard “New Year’s House”:

    • white and colored cardboard;
    • printout with New Year's greetings;
    • border hole punch or curly scissors;
    • ribbon;
    • leaves, rhinestones;
    • glue.

    How to make a New Year's card with your own hands:

    1) Draw the silhouette of a house on checkered paper. Any size can be made. IN in this case the height of the postcard is 9.5 cm, 5.5 cm is the width of the base of the house and 9 cm is the width of the bottom of the roof. You can take the easier route and print it already ready-made template or translate it directly from the computer screen by attaching a sheet of paper to the monitor.

    2) Trace the part on white cardboard. At the base of the house, fold the sheet in half (you can use a ruler).

    3) Carefully cut out the double base of the card. You should get a spread as shown in the photo.

    4) Cut out the “facade” of the house from colored cardboard and glue it to the white base of the postcard. It is better to use moment-crystal or desmokol glue; PVA may cause the postcard to become deformed. It is not necessary to select cardboard with an “imitation brick” color; you can use thick paper with a small pattern or embossing.

    5) Using a border hole punch or curly scissors, we make an openwork trim from white thick paper. We measure out pieces of the required length to decorate the roof and base of the house. If your household has a pad with silver ink, you can tint the edges of the borders with it. We glue the openwork trim to the house with desmocol.

    6) The base of the card is ready, let's start decorating. You can decorate the house in any way you like, based on the available materials: various New Year-themed cuttings, snowflakes, half-beads, stamps, and bows are suitable. In this case, we will use a minimum of decorations. So, we cut out the printout with the congratulatory text and glue it in the center of the house instead of the window.

    7) Using a hole punch, punch out 3 leaves from green cardboard or thick paper (you can cut them out by hand), and glue them to the card. We glue 3 red rhinestones on top with super glue.

    8) Take a thin ribbon (no more than 3mm wide), burn the ends and thread it through a gypsy needle. Pull the ribbon through the top of the roof using a needle and tie a bow.

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