• Postcard with tea and chocolate. Master class on making a chocolate bowl with your own hands using scrapbooking technique. How to make a template for a chocolate bowl with your own hands


    There is less than a week left until the New Year and preparations for the fabulous holiday are in full swing. Let's imagine ourselves for a moment as wizards and create a beautiful New Year's packaging for gift chocolate.

    We will make a box for the “Babaevsky 75%” chocolate bar, the size of the chocolate bar is 16.3 x 9 cm.

    First, let's prepare the materials:

    • 1 sheet of A4 watercolor paper for the base (I have a Palazzo “White Rose” watercolor tablet)
    • scrapbooking paper 2 sheets 30x30 cm
    • New Year's decor (berries, artificial snow, chipboard, stamens, piece of knitted lace)
    • sheet for cutting or ready-made cutting
    • powder, ink and hair dryer for embossing (can be replaced with acrylic paint mixed with glitter, I told you how to mix)
    • glue for paper and decorations
    • scissors or cutter
    • ruler
    • pencil
    • eraser
    • scoring board (replacement for scoring stick and mat or crochet hook and mat)

    Let's start creating the base and for this we will need a template. I created a template specifically for your convenience; I indicated all the sizes in it. The dotted line indicates the fold line. The template is available in PDF format. You can download and print it, or when creating the base, check the template on the monitor screen.

    We take a sheet of A4 format, lay it horizontally and draw 4 stripes, retreating from each edge, first 0.5 cm, and then 1.2 cm, and also draw on the other side: 0.5 cm and 1.2 cm.

    Place the sheet horizontally again and draw lines vertically: 8 cm; 1.2 cm; 8 cm; 1.2 cm; 7 cm - these will be our fold lines.

    We cut off the excess

    We crease using a creasing board and a special stick. You can use a crochet hook and a mouse pad.

    Trying it on with chocolate

    Take scrapbooking paper and cut out rectangles. The paper for the inside and outside should be different, but the shades should match each other. It is advisable to use paper from the same collection.

    outer part: 17.2x7.6 cm - 2 pcs; 17.2x6.7 cm - 1 piece

    inner part: 17.2x7.6 cm - 2 pcs; 17.2x6.7cm - 1 piece

    sides: 0.9x17.2 - 4 pcs (2 pcs each different designs), must be glued to the inside and outside; 0.9x6.7cm - 2 pcs (1 pc of different design)

    Glue the paper to the workpiece

    Glue the box together and try on the chocolate bar

    We select the decor, photograph everything on cellular telephone or a camera, see if everything fits and start gluing the decor.

    First we decorate the chipboard. I coated it with clear glitter embossing powder. For this I needed special powder, ink and a hair dryer for embossing. Unfortunately, the powder turned out to be not very shiny, so I had to cover the chipboard with powder three times. If it is not possible to work with the embossing technique, then you can cover it with ink or acrylic paint suitable color, mix acrylic paint with glitter or spread glue and sprinkle with the same glitter, or you can leave it in craft color.

    Let's start creating volumetric decor. We cut off part of the lace and glue it to the box, then glue the chipboard.

    We cut out pictures from the New Year's sheet or take ready-made die-cuts and glue beer or bookbinding cardboard to the back for volume.

    Now we put everything together into a common composition

    We decorate the top of the box with artificial snow. First we apply glue. I use Tacky Glue, you can use thick PVA or any suitable glue.

    Then we decorate the inside of the box. I decorated with lettering and snowflakes from chipboard, die-cutting and die-cutting. The chipboard was covered with powder, first with white powder, then with transparent powder with glitter. I cut out the bunny from a sheet of die-cut paper and glued beer cardboard to the back for volume. I applied Tacky Glue to the die-cut, chipboard and under the bunny and sprinkled it with artificial snow.

    The chocolate maker is ready!

    Happy New Year, everyone! Creative success and good mood!

    Most people want to give their loved ones something special and want the gift to be remembered for a long time. You can always give money, but it won't surprise you. It’s another matter if you add a beautifully decorated chocolate bar with tea to it. Almost everyone loves chocolate very much and will be happy with such a gift, especially if you give it for the New Year.

    A chocolate box is an envelope in which chocolate or a pocket for banknotes is packed. This interesting product You can make it to your taste and with any color.

    Now we will look in detail at the basics of making a chocolate bowl, which is decorated with corrugated paper flowers tied with ribbons. Which tools You will need to create a chocolate maker:

    Gallery: DIY chocolate maker (25 photos)

    How to make a chocolate bowl with your own hands

    The size of the chocolate bowl varies due to many factors that are determined during operation. Take a sheet of A4 and find template for work and study the sizes.

    Then let's get started creating the basis: cut out the right size rectangle and mark the fold lines with a pencil. Take a ruler and press the folds from the wrong side of the designer cardboard using your knitting needle, but be careful not to tear the cardboard.

    Then we erase the lines that we drew with a pencil, we do not remove the ruler, we continue to bend the cardboard with its help. This measure helps to avoid creases; the box and folds will come out nice and even on both sides.

    Now let's move on to interior decoration. Draw along the cuts of the rectangle figured hole punch or you can use curly scissors and decorative tape. First, we make hearts at a certain distance from each other, after that we add more holes.

    We cut out two rectangles from cardboard with a golden tint, each part is 1 cm smaller than the dimensions of the canvas of each pocket. For example, the pocket fabric for bills and chocolates is 10x20 cm.

    The rectangles that are on the wrong side can be marked with a pencil and cut out using a stationery knife and a ruler. In this case, the cuts will be clear and even; if you choose simple scissors, creases may form.

    We will take one of the rectangles to decorate the front side, and we will need the second to decorate the backing for the money.

    At two corners of a rectangle with golden hue, we make two holes using a heart hole punch. We glue it with hearts in the center of the chocolate bowl onto the bill paper so that on each side of the rectangle there is a white border with the width we need. To glue everything together, it is better to use PVA glue.

    After all these actions place the workpiece under the press for ten minutes for good rolling.

    More you need to take care of the ties in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to thread the ribbon later. We cut the ribbon to the required length, then make sure that the ribbon wraps around the chocolate bowl along its narrow part and can be freely tied into a bow (before work, you need to iron the ribbon).

    We make cuts according to the diagram and thread the tape through the holes. We move the ribbon so that its center falls on the inner fold of the chocolate bowl.

    Let's move on to creating pockets again.

    Using the template, we cut out two ends from cardboard, make bends and cut off the corners. We apply two strips of tape to the front side of the cardboard wings, remove special paper from each part of the end and glue a chocolate pocket to each side of the body.

    Pull it off from one end protective paper and seal the pocket, do the same with the other side. Let's move on to the banknote pocket: apply a small strip of PVA glue to the top and bottom of the money pocket and leave the pocket under pressure. That's it, the inside is ready.

    DIY chocolate maker scrapbooking, master class

    This unique technique, which is needed to create the correct external finishing of the elements. After we have made a golden rectangle, we glue it with PVA to the desired surface. Then we cut out another rectangle and stick it on a large piece of tape to increase the volume of the cover of our chocolate box.

    Scrapbooking technique not very popular, but very simple. In the end, you can choose any packaging to your taste, design it beautifully and pack it.

    The most common chocolate bowls


    DIY chocolate maker: photo

    Hi all!
    Today I will finally fulfill my promise and tell you how I made this chocolate maker:

    However, the object of our attention will be the interior design. I have already said and I want to repeat again: the idea of ​​such a design does not belong to me, but to a talented person unknown to me, who posted a photo of his creation on the Internet. Here I will show and tell you how I made a chocolate bowl with such pockets.

    For work we will need cardboard, scrap paper, glue, cutting and creasing tools. I do not mention decorations here, because the decor of the outer part of the chocolate bowl will not be included in the master class. But what else will not hurt you when working with its “insides” is a real chocolate bar and tea bags :) I will tell you here all the parameters of my pockets, but keep in mind that they are tested only on a certain type of chocolate and tea :)
    So, let's start preparing the parts for our chocolate maker.
    For its base, cut out a 17x22 cm rectangle from cardboard and crease it in the middle (at a distance of 10 and 12 cm from the edge).

    The second detail is the future pocket for chocolate. It starts with a 10x12 cm cardboard rectangle. We make folds on the rectangle, as shown in the photo. The distance between adjacent lines is 1 cm. We crease the long side on both sides, and the short side on one side.

    And one more type of parts for which we need creasing. These are future pockets for tea bags. We take rectangles measuring 8.8x14 cm. long sides from two edges at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. We also make a fold line across, dividing the 14 cm side into 6 and 8 cm.

    The creasing tool can be put aside. Now we have to make several cuts. Let's transform the chocolate pocket like this (I think you can easily do this by comparing two photos)

    We cut the remaining punched squares on one side and turn them into “ears”:

    Then we simply bend our part along all the fold lines -

    ... and it will fold itself into a pocket like this. Glue the “ears” to the “bottom” of the pocket, cross stripe We also glue it around the edges.
    What you see in the photo below is the back view of the pocket. We will then glue it to the base using these folded edges.

    Now let's take care of the tea pockets. From our blanks we cut out such a part (we cut off the edges of the shorter half)

    We bend it and we get this nice pocket. I rounded the corners of the valves with a special hole punch.

    Glue the front side to the valves. We repeat the entire procedure with two other pockets :)

    That, in fact, is all the difficulty:) all that remains is to glue the pockets to the base (previously covered with scrap paper). Don't forget to try on the chocolate and bags :)

    Fauzia Kuleshova

    Each of us wants to surprise our loved ones on holidays. original gifts. A great idea for all occasions - to give postcard self made and put it in chocolate! Inside you can write wishes or make additional pockets for money, (in my case, tea bags) and decorate the outside beautifully and festively. Postcard chocolate girluniversal gift, suitable for the most different cases, from birthday to wedding, and for any recipients, from loved ones to strangers (special occasion - teacher's day or teacher's day). How to make it yourself, read in my master-class in scrapbooking technique.

    So we will need:

    1. white and colored cardboard with a density of 180 g. ,

    2. sheets of double-sided paper for scrapbooking,

    3. satin ribbon 5 mm wide. and 20 cm long.

    4. figured “leaf” hole punch and edge punch,

    5. universal glue, double-sided tape,

    6. hot-melt gun with transparent glue,

    7. knife, ruler, pencil,

    First of all, we need to cut out the base of the future box. To chocolate was securely fastened inside, it is best to use this template.

    We cut out a blank from white cardboard according to this pattern and crease all the fold lines using a knitting needle or an awl. The edge can be decorated with an edge hole punch. Next, to decorate the front part, we cut out rectangles from scrapbooking paper according to the size of the sides of our future box.

    note: It is important to glue the satin ribbons in place under the decorative paper in advance!

    The next step master-class will be the decor of the inside of the lid postcards. We cut out rectangles from plain paper according to the size of the sides and glue the inside. Next we need to make 3 pockets for tea. To do this, take plain cardboard and cut out these blanks.

    We decorate the inside with scrap paper and glue it to our postcard.

    This is what it looks like in the end.

    And now the most delicious and most difficult thing remains - decorating the front side postcards. I used ready-made flowers, stamens, lace, sisal, and “Sweets and Joys” stamping. Using a shaped composter, I cut out the leaves.

    Master class is over. Original chocolate maker postcard is ready! Making it yourself is quite simple; most of the time was spent thinking about the decorative details. With these chocolate girls my son congratulated his teachers on March 8th!

    Thanks everyone for your attention!

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    DIY chocolate maker using scrapbooking technique. Master class with step-by-step photos

    Master class "Gift chocolate bowl"

    Guseva Ekaterina Andreevna, MAOU DOD Children's and Youth Center "Sputnik", Yekaterinburg, Russia
    Description: master class is intended for children school age, pdo, teachers and parents.
    Goal of the work: making a gift item - Chocolate makers.
    1. Introduce scrapbooking techniques
    2. Get acquainted with new materials and tools
    3. Create a desire to make gifts with your own hands

    Materials used:
    1. Sheet of watercolor paper, A4
    2. Kraft cardboard sheet (brown), A4
    3. Paper for scrapbooking

    4. Metal loops + brads
    5. Chipboard (cut out of thick cardboard)
    6. Decor: Ribbons, artificial flowers, adhesive rhinestones
    7. Glue “Moment crystal”
    8. Hot glue gun (hot glue)
    Step 1. Print and cut out the template for the future chocolate maker. We transfer the shape onto watercolor paper and cut out the base of our box.
    Figure 1. Watercolor paper base

    Step 2. We print and cut out the templates (Figure 2.) for the components of the chocolate bowl. Templates numbered 1.1. and 1.2. transfer to a sheet of kraft cardboard (brown cardboard). Forms numbered 2.1. and 2.2. transfer to a piece of scrapbooking paper, in my case it is paper with a blue floral print. Patterns have different sizes, or rather the length and width of templates 1.1. and 1.2. 6 mm smaller than 2.1 templates. and 2.2., so that after gluing there remains a contour frame 3 mm wide.
    Figure 2. Templates for the components of a chocolate bowl

    Step 3. We glue the resulting forms from kraft cardboard and scrap paper together using double-sided tape.

    Step 4. We cover our watercolor paper base with the components of our chocolate bowl. Let's add thin strips of brown cardboard to the ends and sides of our box.

    Step 5. Using an awl, we pierce holes in the box for metal loops and brads (metal nails for fastening).

    Step 6 After our chocolate bowl is glued together, we move on to the decorating stage. Using Moment CRYSTAL glue, we place the chipboard (this is a die-cut made from thick beer cardboard) on our box.

    Using a heat gun we glue grosgrain ribbon along the circular contour of our chipboard, creating a wavy effect.

    Step 7 Next, we complement our composition with flowers, twigs and stamens using hot melt adhesive.

    Step 8 Add rhinestones or glue half-beads to taste and tie our chocolate bowl on a bow made of satin ribbon. This is what we ended up with:

    Thank you for your attention!
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