• Why is massage contraindicated for pregnant women? Types of massage: recommendations for the expectant mother


    It is almost impossible to find a person who does not like massage, and even more difficult to find a woman who is indifferent to stroking and rubbing on various parts of the body. People have known about the benefits of massage since ancient times; massage was used to treat and prevent diseases. Even in Ancient China, Japan, Egypt and India, massage was widely used to alleviate the condition. expectant mother. Even then, people understood what special processes occur in a woman’s body and what needs to be done for the successful course of the entire pregnancy period.

    Much has been written and said about the beneficial effects of massage. But just a massage is one thing, a massage for a pregnant woman is completely different. The first question a woman asks when she feels that she is carrying a child under her heart is why, usually in Everyday life, should she refuse so as not to harm her baby? So, you shouldn’t refuse massage; on the contrary, doctors even recommend it for pregnant women.

    Can pregnant women have a massage?

    Who should massage, how, with what frequency and where can the body of the expectant mother be massaged?

    Before answering these questions, it should be noted that the decision to conduct a professional massage for a pregnant woman is made by the doctor observing the woman, since in addition to general contraindications to massage, there are also individual ones that manifest themselves depending on the course of pregnancy,

    A common warning for all expectant mothers is not to overuse massage in the first three months of pregnancy, since the impact on the so-called “abortion zones” on the woman’s body (sacrum, coccyx, Achilles tendon, heel and base) thumb hands) can provoke disruption of the normal course of pregnancy, even spontaneous abortion. That is why massage is undesirable when this danger is especially high. In the short term, pregnancy and massage are compatible only in the form of self-massage, these are light strokes performed independently or by loved ones. Such a light massage will be useful throughout pregnancy; it relaxes and calms not only the mother, but also the baby.

    Massage for a pregnant woman is distinguished, first of all, by ease and gentleness of movements. Massage during pregnancy relieves pain in the spine, neck, lower back, hips, as well as legs and feet, and relaxes tense muscles. It helps reduce and alleviate swelling, has a beneficial effect on improving well-being, relieving stress and general fatigue; improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the child and mother.

    You can also perform massage at home. It is important to learn massage. You can trust your loved one to do it. It's very nice and deep family process when you can feel the warmth and care of the hands of your beloved husband. In the nature of massage, it is especially important that in addition to the physical effect on the body, massage also has a beneficial psychological impact on a woman: relaxes, calms. Regular massage during pregnancy can establish and establish a pleasant emotional background for the expectant mother. The production of endorphins during massage and blood circulation have a beneficial effect on the body, giving a feeling of lightness and good mood. Massage during pregnancy relieves fatigue and fills you with positive plans and a great mood.

    You can perform massage using essential oils. Some types of oils can be allergens, so before performing a massage it is important to find out whether there is a reaction to this particular type of oil. This can be done by placing one drop of oil on the skin and checking the reaction after a while. If the area is swollen and red or itchy, this type of oil should not be used.

    Various types of aromatic oils have effective effects during massage. Some of them, such as lavender, sandalwood and cypress oils, can relieve swelling in the back, and cedar and juniper oils can prevent veins on the legs.

    The main areas affected during massage are the back, neck and shoulder girdle, legs and arms. Many women perform special types of massage, for example, anti-cellulite massage, and are interested in whether it is possible to continue the procedures once they become pregnant. In addition, during this period, another “spicy” type of massage becomes relevant - in the perineal area.

    Features of massage during pregnancy

    - back massage

    Massaging the back and neck will help reduce the stress on the spinal column caused by the growth of the chest and abdomen. Indeed, as the duration of pregnancy increases, the load also increases: the spine bends, the center of gravity shifts, and the muscles become more and more tense. A back massage can be a wonderful way to make a pregnant woman feel better, but it should be done with caution.

    The technique and methodology of massage changes at all stages of pregnancy. If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman can lie on her stomach and a massage therapist can calmly massage her legs, back, lower back, and pelvis, then at 7-8 months it is no longer advisable for a woman to lie on her stomach. She should either lie on her side or sit on a chair during the session.

    In addition, you should always start with light stroking movements, and it is better not to perform a more intense effect at all if the person performing the massage is not aware of the placement of active points on the body.

    - foot massage

    Foot massage may also become increasingly necessary, especially if they are swollen. The legs bear, perhaps, the greatest load, because the burden becomes heavier every month. Whether it's walking or sitting for long periods of time, your legs get tired equally, especially in the third trimester.

    Massage of the arms and legs activates blood circulation, improves the functioning of all systems and organs by influencing biologically active points. One can only envy pregnant women whose husbands give foot massages. Foot massage is not only a pain-relieving procedure, but also completely calming. If you sit comfortably and create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere (muted lighting, quiet, calm music), then with the help of just such a massage the woman is completely restored and “rebooted”: her thoughts, mood, mental and physical state generally! And also such a massage performed before bedtime - excellent remedy from insomnia.

    When massaging the legs of a pregnant woman, you should pay special attention to the feet and calf muscles. Pressing should be smooth and moderate, and movements should not be fussy. In this case, it is necessary to avoid putting pressure on the vein area, especially if there is a predisposition to varicose veins.

    - abdominal massage

    Abdominal massage is usually performed to get rid of fat deposits in this area. But during pregnancy you will have to forget about this type of massage. The stomach is now the most vulnerable and most important part your body, protecting the baby from mechanical damage.

    But if the expectant mother feels the need to influence this area, then a light massage can be performed for the purpose of relaxation and pleasure. More often this is self-massage, in which a woman strokes her stomach, communicating in this way with the baby. But, without even suspecting it, she simultaneously provides herself with several more services: stroking increases muscle tone skin of the abdomen (which serves to prevent the appearance of stretch marks), helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and can help overcome attacks of nausea.

    When performing an abdominal massage, it is better to move your hand in a clockwise direction.

    - Anticellulite massage

    As for anti-cellulite massage, almost all of its types are prohibited for use during pregnancy. There are opinions that some of them can still be performed on expectant mothers, but doctors do not advise this. At a minimum, because the fight against cellulite during this period is pointless: the formation of fat deposits during pregnancy is programmed by nature. You should not be upset about this and exaggerate the tragedy of the situation: rounded buttocks and plump thighs, if desired, can be returned to their previous shape after your body recovers after the birth of a child.

    - perineal massage

    On later, immediately before childbirth, certain types of massage can also be used to stimulate the woman’s body and make it possible to speed up and ease the course of labor. This procedure is carried out by a specialist. Along with correct breathing, such a massage will relieve you of stress and pain before and during childbirth.

    In later stages, it is possible and even necessary to massage the genitals, since it is aimed at improving muscle elasticity and can increase blood flow, i.e. prepare the muscles to avoid tears during childbirth.

    Basic rules of massage for pregnant women

    To summarize, let us once again pay attention to the basic rules that must be followed when performing massage during pregnancy:

    • all movements must be performed without pressure, without force, with a relaxed hand;
    • stroking the back, buttocks, legs, arms is performed slowly but rhythmically;
    • rubbing is done slowly, without pressure;
    • there is no technique of “kneading” the underlying tissues;
    • vibration is performed with fingers;
    • the stomach is not massaged. Only slightly stroked. And it’s better if the pregnant woman herself does this;
    • if necessary, a woman, lying on her stomach, can place a pillow under her feet;
    • Massage time for pregnant women is limited to 30 - 45 minutes.

    Another important note: during pregnancy you should avoid using various types of massage devices; the use of vibrating massage belts, electric and muscle stimulators can have negative consequences not only for the woman, but also for the child.

    Contraindications and precautions

    But there are still cases when massage is not only useless, but can even be harmful to health. Everything is not so complicated - the general contraindications for massage for all pregnant women are the same as for regular massage:

    1. heat;
    2. Before you think about massage during pregnancy, find out if you have any blood diseases, since for some of them massage is also contraindicated;
    3. massage is also not advisable if you have a skin disease;
    4. purulent processes of any localization;
    5. acute inflammation of blood vessels and lymph nodes, thrombosis, pronounced varicose veins veins;
    6. heart disease;
    7. some diseases of the abdominal organs;
    8. disorders of intestinal functions;
    9. chronic osteomyelitis;
    10. tumors;
    11. advanced asthma;
    12. severe back pain;
    13. toxicosis and fluid retention in the body.

    In addition, your own rejection or reluctance may be a contraindication. If the touch of a stranger makes you feel discomfort, then it is better to refuse massage or limit yourself to self-massage.

    Especially for- Maria Dulina

    Pregnancy is an absolutely physiological state for the female body, but for unknown reasons, to this day many people are wary of any health procedures during this period, in particular massage. It is no secret that it is during the period of bearing a baby that the load on the back increases significantly. Therefore, most women begin to worry about the most main question: Can pregnant women have a back massage? The answer lies on the surface: this procedure has a beneficial effect on mother and child.

    What are the positive effects of back massage during pregnancy?

    1. Improving blood supply to the back muscles, joints, and ligaments.
    2. Normalization of blood flow in the uteroplacental system (especially if the massage is performed in a knee-elbow position).
    3. Relieving tension in the back.
    4. Improving the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman.
    5. Eliminate fatigue and stress.
    6. Reducing the load on the spine.
    7. Restoration of lymph circulation.
    8. Normalization of intestinal function.
    9. Decreased uterine tone.
    10. Increased skin elasticity.
    11. Normalization of sleep and rest.
    12. Strengthening the immune system.
    13. Regulation of blood pressure.
    14. Preparing for childbirth in late pregnancy.

    How should you do a massage?

    Before a massage, pregnant women need to create a relaxing atmosphere. The procedure should be carried out in a room with a comfortable temperature. It is important to remember that the lighting in the room should be dim and dim. You can also play relaxing music. You can also use aromatic oils, but only natural, hypoallergenic ones; it is advisable to first consult with an aromatherapist.

    What kind of massage can be done for pregnant women?

    During gestation, it is important to know how to properly massage a pregnant woman’s back:

    1. It is necessary to begin the procedure with gentle stroking of the back; the massage therapist’s palms must be warm, dry and clean.
    2. You can use the following massage techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing.
    3. The pressure applied to the back should be light.
    4. Particular attention should be paid to the lumbar region, since 90% of pregnant women experience back pain in this area. This is due to increased load in the lower back when the center of gravity changes.
    5. The procedure should be carried out in the following positions of the pregnant woman:
      • lying on your side;
      • or sitting on a chair and leaning on a horizontal surface;
      • create emphasis on your knees and elbows. It is most preferable to use the knee-elbow position, which normalizes blood circulation in the feto-placental system, as well as improves kidney function. It is known that as the uterus grows, excess pressure occurs on the ureters and kidneys, as a result of which diseases of the urinary system worsen. For this reason, this position is the most physiological for a pregnant woman when performing a massage.

    What types of massage should not be done?

    Most main principle during pregnancy - do no harm. That is why we must remember that the following methods are prohibited:

    1. You cannot use shock or vibration techniques. Any sudden movements can lead to uterine hypertonicity.
    2. It is strictly forbidden to use hardware massage techniques ().
    3. Anti-cellulite massage cannot be performed either.
    4. Electrical stimulation of the back muscles is also prohibited during pregnancy.
    5. You should not massage the sacral area, as this may cause an increase in the tone of the uterus. This zone is classified as abortifacient, which means that in the early stages of pregnancy, with pressure in this area, spontaneous abortion can even occur.


    In general, during a normal pregnancy, massage can be done at any stage. However, there are conditions in which you should refrain from performing this procedure:

    1. Severe toxicosis.
    2. Preeclampsia with unstable blood pressure, severe edema.
    3. Temperature rise above 37.5ºC.
    4. Exacerbation of various chronic diseases.
    5. Placenta previa.
    6. Bloody discharge due to premature placental abruption.
    7. Threat of premature birth.
    8. Increased uterine tone.

    Is it possible to massage pregnant women at home?

    It is advisable that the procedure be performed by a competent specialist. However, it is not prohibited to carry out this technique close and dear people. It is especially good if the massage is performed by the husband of a pregnant woman, due to which a warm connection is formed between the spouses, as well as caring for the mother and child. The main thing is to stick necessary rules, avoid sudden movements, do not massage prohibited areas (sacrum). All movements should be smooth and soft. A good helper There is a training video for massage.

    For example:

    There is no need to be afraid or avoid massage during pregnancy. On the contrary, this procedure is very favorable during this period. In addition, in addition to improving physical well-being, the woman also develops positive emotions. Thus, performing a massage during pregnancy represents caring for two organisms at the same time: mother and child.

    By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

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    • Want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
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    • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods treatment of lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

    Everyone knows about the beneficial effects of massage on the human body - during sessions, the functioning of everyone improves. internal organs, pain decreases or disappears, muscles become toned and the whole body heals. But while expecting a baby, the expectant mother should be wary of such procedures, and also need to know about the positive and negative consequences performing a massage.

    Massage during pregnancy

    Experts' opinions on the possibility of massage during pregnancy are divided into pros and cons. But first of all, the doctor’s recommendations depend on individual characteristics the woman’s body, as well as the condition and duration of pregnancy. After all, massage can bring benefit and pleasure to some pregnant women, while to others it can bring complications and pathologies of fetal development or, in the worst case, spontaneous miscarriage

    . Therefore, before visiting a massage therapist’s office, consultation with a medical specialist is required.

    Indications for massage and its positive effects

    • Massage during pregnancy can be prescribed in the following cases:
    • when swelling occurs;
    • for problems with the spine;
    • for pain in the lower back;
    • for stress and overexertion;

    in cases of dysfunction of the circulatory system.

    A visit to a massage therapist’s office helps to effectively eliminate these problems. In addition, massage allows a pregnant woman to get rid of muscle tension and fatigue, improves her mood and has a positive effect on the fetus - improved blood circulation provides the baby with oxygen and other useful substances


    , and also prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the expectant mother. Massage during pregnancy helps relieve back pain

    • Despite the benefits that massaging various parts of the body can bring, there are also contraindications in the presence of which massage is prohibited.
    • These include:
    • severe toxicosis;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • high blood pressure;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • infectious and viral diseases; exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;.

    heart disease and

    While expecting a child, the expectant mother should be responsible and attentive to her health and situation, therefore visiting a massage therapist without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.

    Massage techniques

    The most common type during pregnancy is self-massage, which consists of light stroking and gentle rubbing of the collar area of ​​the body, neck, ears, hands and feet, abdomen and chest. Gently massage the permitted areas and can close person - for example, the husband of a pregnant woman. During self-massage, it is possible to use essential oils, provided there is no allergic reactions

    • on them:
    • Eucalyptus, mint, lavender, lemon - help relieve headaches during pregnancy, as well as nausea and vomiting.
    • Rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang, chamomile - massage with these oils relieves insomnia and nervous disorders.
    • Anise, tangerine, orange - light massaging of the abdomen (stroking) with the use of these oils solves the problem of constipation.

    Geranium, lavender, calendula, orange - when adding these essential oils to the base - olive or wheat germ - the likelihood of stretch marks and stretch marks on the skin is significantly reduced.

    Gentle self-massage of the abdomen is a unique way of communication between mother and baby

    We should not forget that the dose of essential oils during pregnancy should be halved - this will help prevent allergies.

    During pregnancy, the use of oils of nutmeg, fennel, cypress, sage, cedar, rosemary, jasmine, lemon balm, cloves, cinnamon, oregano, marjoram, patchouli, juniper and others is prohibited.

    Massage of the back and cervical region relieves pain in the spine and lower back, but it should only be performed by a professional - at different stages of pregnancy the technique is different.

    Massaging your legs and arms helps prevent swelling of the limbs and also relieves fatigue.

    Massage of the abdomen and chest while expecting a baby should be carried out with caution - careless actions can cause contractions of the uterus, which will lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

    During pregnancy, the massage process differs significantly from the classical one - the massage therapist’s movements cannot be strong and sharp.

    Permitted and prohibited types of massage during pregnancy

    Not every type of massage is allowed for women during pregnancy, and some are allowed only at certain stages of the “interesting position”.

    Experts do not approve of this type of massage. Firstly, its implementation involves the use of rough and strong movements (in classic version execution), which is unacceptable during pregnancy. And secondly, this type of massage is not effective when carrying a child, since fat deposition in the abdomen, hips and buttocks is inevitable during this period of time.

    Massage aimed at combating cellulite can be used to correct the figure during the postpartum period.
    Anti-cellulite massage in manual technique performance is not advisable during pregnancy

    In the first half of pregnancy, it is possible to use vacuum massage, which is performed with a special device in a professional’s office.

    This type of massage promotes the narrowing and expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels - so-called vascular gymnastics occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the body's metabolism and blood circulation. Under the influence of a vacuum massage, toxins and waste are removed, swelling disappears, and your well-being improves.

    Vacuum massage can be performed during pregnancy only after the approval of the attending physician and in the absence of cardiovascular and skin diseases, as well as thrombophlebitis.
    Vacuum massage has a positive effect on the body

    Cupping massage It is effective in the fight against cellulite and is very popular due to its accessibility - it can be carried out at home independently. But despite the same principle of operation with vacuum massage these two types of massage differ from each other and cupping massage is prohibited on any part of the body and on different dates baby's expectations.

    The use of cups may cause spider veins on the skin, which is almost impossible to get rid of. Also, the consequences of cupping massage can be spontaneous miscarriage or pathology of pregnancy development.
    Cupping massage during pregnancy is not recommended, as the consequence may be a miscarriage.

    General massage

    General massage sessions during pregnancy can only be carried out by a professional, since there are certain points on a woman’s body that, when exposed to them, can lead to spontaneous abortion. These include:

    • base of the thumb;
    • coccyx and sacrum;
    • heels;
    • Achilles tendon (or heel tendon).

    Massage movements should be smooth and soft, without pressure, and the whole process consists of stroking, rubbing and lightly massaging the body, avoiding dangerous areas.

    In the absence of contraindications, it is not prohibited to massage all areas except the abdomen - the back (lying on its side), neck and shoulders, legs and arms. To prevent the appearance of edema, lymphatic drainage can be used.

    General massage helps improve blood circulation, metabolism, and the general health of the expectant mother.

    A visit to a massage therapist should occur no more than once a week with a session lasting 15–20 minutes.
    When performing a general massage, the specialist’s movements should be smooth and soft.


    Using this type of massage during pregnancy has a positive effect on a woman’s body - it relieves stress, helps in the fight against insomnia, and strengthens the vascular system.

    The principle of hydromassage is to apply jets of water of varying pressure to the body (you should start with the weakest) - special shower heads are used for this.

    Hydromassage has many positive properties:

    1. Relaxes muscles and relieves back pain. To do this, massage the collar area and part of the back to the lower back (hydromassage of the lower back can provoke premature birth).
    2. Reduces the risk of edema and varicose veins. The jets should be tight and move in the direction of movement from bottom to top. The water temperature can be alternated from +25C to +38C - the contrast enhances the effect.
    3. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks. For this purpose, a contrast shower is used - cool water alternates with warm, but not hot.
    4. Helps fight cellulite. Getting rid of the “orange peel” occurs due to a change in the pressure of the jets, which are able to “break” the fat mounds.

    A contraindication to hydromassage is the threat of miscarriage. And it is also forbidden to massage your legs with jets of water if you have varicose veins.
    Hydromassage, when performed correctly during pregnancy, brings benefits and pleasure

    Features of massage according to pregnancy

    Every week of pregnancy changes occur both in the development of the fetus and in the health and well-being of the expectant mother. Therefore, the possibility of performing a massage and its type depend on the period of gestation and the nature of its course.

    After conception and throughout the entire first trimester, a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes, and the most important processes occur in the life of the unborn child - all internal organs and systems are formed. At this time, it is important not to endanger the pregnancy, which could be interrupted by any careless action. Therefore on early stages In anticipation of the baby, you should refuse all procedures that could cause harm - this includes massage. To relax and calm the nervous system in the first trimester, you can use light stroking of the body.

    Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, massage of the face, collar area, back (without affecting the spine), arms and legs is allowed. But we should not forget that the movements should not be strong and rough, and it is also important to take the correct position - sitting or lying on your side. If discomfort occurs, the session must be interrupted.

    Breast massage involves smooth hand movements towards the nipples from the outer sides. Such a massage should not last more than 10 minutes and cause pain - in otherwise Breast massage should be avoided.

    At first labor activity A gynecologist can perform a perineal massage, which facilitates contractions and increases the elasticity of tissues, which prepares the woman’s body for childbirth without ruptures.

    Throughout my pregnancy, I carried out only light self-massage of the abdomen - gentle stroking and gentle rubbing of moisturizing baby oil into the skin to prevent stretch marks. In my case, the decisive role in refusing professional massage was played by a psychological factor - fear of the threat of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, I did not think about massages, because I thought that this procedure would harm me. In my opinion, during pregnancy a woman needs to listen to her own feelings and needs, even in the absence of contraindications to any manipulations. But at the same time, you should not recklessly expose your health and the life of your unborn child to possible negative consequences massage.

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    Everyone loves massage. Since ancient times, people have treated many ailments using this method. In every corner of our planet it is done differently: from influencing biologically active points to stone massage, when hot stones are laid on the back. It is recommended to use massage during pregnancy, when stroking and light kneading of the body is perceived with double pleasure. Massage for pregnant women can be beneficial or harmful, so the decision to perform it should be made by the supervising doctor.

    Can pregnant women have a massage?

    The gynecologist, even without a request from the pregnant woman, will recommend a course of relaxing massage. It eliminates pain in the legs and back, reduces stress on joints, improves blood circulation, relieves stress, and improves mood. However, self-referral to a specialist during pregnancy is not advisable. Only the observing doctor knows for sure whether the expectant mother has contraindications.

    In the first trimester, a pregnant woman should not undergo such procedures so as not to provoke a miscarriage. During this period, doctors recommend that expectant mothers do self-massage. Light stroking is also beneficial for the baby; it calms and relaxes him. It is better to carry out such procedures on your own, but the help of loved ones will not be superfluous. Self-massage is stroking and stimulating:

    • hands;
    • stop;
    • ears;
    • shoulder girdle;
    • breasts;
    • belly;
    • collar area.

    A light massage during pregnancy will ease back pain, relax muscles and lift mommy's mood. Touching and smooth movements will reduce swelling, and due to increased blood circulation, more oxygen and nutrients will flow to the fetus. During self-massage, aromatic oils are used, the main thing is that the woman is not allergic to them. In the first trimester, you are allowed to lie on your stomach during the session.

    General massage

    During pregnancy, general massage should only be performed by a professional. Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, kneading your arms, legs, back, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body will help avoid pain, eliminate swelling and increase blood circulation. During the session, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness, which charge a woman with euphoria and lightness, removing stress and anxiety.

    It is recommended to conduct sessions of 15 to 30 minutes once a week. Starting from the third trimester, doctors usually give permission to perform them daily if there are no contraindications. General massage differs from classical massage, because during the classical procedure the skin is subjected to harsher touches. Kneading the body for expectant mothers has its own characteristics:

    • The main areas for massage are the legs, arms, shoulder girdle, neck and back.
    • The main techniques are light kneading, rubbing and stroking.
    • The movements are soft and careful, especially in the sacrum and lumbar region. No pressing or sharp influences are allowed.
    • It is allowed to massage everything except the abdomen.
    • To prevent swelling of the arms and legs, lymphatic drainage is used.
    • The back is massaged only on its side.

    Sessions should be conducted by a professional who has great experience working with pregnant women. There are “abortion” zones on a woman’s body: on the hands, the bases of the thumbs, heels, sacrum and coccyx, and Achilles tendon. If you influence them incorrectly, it will negatively affect the course of the entire pregnancy.

    Back massage

    In pregnant women, the growth of the abdomen and chest increases the load on the spine: it bends, the center of gravity shifts, and the muscles are constantly tense. Acupressure back massage will be an excellent solution to ease the well-being of the expectant mother, but it should be approached with extreme caution. At each stage of pregnancy, the back massage technique changes along with the woman's position. If at 4 months a pregnant woman can still easily lie on her stomach, then already at 7 months she has to lie on her side.

    During the session, only the back muscles are massaged - the spine cannot be touched. First, the specialist performs stroking, then rubbing, and then kneading. The entire session should be controlled by the pregnant woman’s sensations - she should not have any inconvenience or discomfort, much less pain. During the session, a professional should stimulate the lumbar area to relieve tension in it.

    Foot massage

    The condition of the expectant mother will be alleviated by a professional foot massage. It should be performed regularly, because during pregnancy the main load falls on the legs. During the entire period, blood circulation in the legs decreases, which leads to cramps, swelling and tumors. A pregnant woman's legs are stretched one at a time: they start with one leg and then move to the other.

    • First, the leg is stroked from the knee to the thigh up.
    • Circular rubbing is performed in the same direction.
    • The calf muscles are stretched thumb in a circle, without touching the hole under the knee.
    • The ankle is grasped with one hand, and the foot rotates in different directions with the free hand.
    • Each finger is warmed up separately.
    • The session ends with uniform, calm stroking.

    Abdominal massage

    Massage during pregnancy necessarily includes a session for the abdomen. But this must be done with great caution. Its purpose is not only to reduce skin stretch marks - it helps reduce the risk of fetal loss and improve the condition of the woman’s reproductive system as a whole. A professional abdominal massage will strengthen the ligaments and muscles around the uterus, ease the last months of pregnancy, and improve conditions for the growing baby.

    During the session, the condition of the placenta improves, providing the baby with nutrients. Also, observing gynecologists note that after a session of abdominal massage, problems such as flatulence, indigestion and constipation go away in a pregnant woman. It should be done by stroking with light movements in a clockwise direction.

    Breast massage

    Breast massage during pregnancy is a wonderful preparatory course for feeding the unborn child. You need to devote about 20 minutes a day to this procedure. Due to circular strokes starting from the mammary gland and ending with the nipple, the pregnant woman’s metabolism is normalized, blood circulation is improved, and the skin of the breast does not lose elasticity during the difficult 9 months for the woman’s body.


    Cellulite is a change in the structure of the body's fatty tissue in the thighs, buttocks and legs. It occurs when the skin loses its elasticity and fluid is trapped underneath, which over time leads to fibrous, dense subcutaneous nodules that make the skin look lumpy. To prevent cellulite, pregnant women are recommended to undergo anti-cellulite massage.

    Professionals begin to massage from the limbs to the body, moving along the lymphatic pathways. If there are varicose veins on the legs, then specialists avoid these areas. The skin is compressed with two palms so that a triangle is formed, and then with the thumb, from the center of the triangle, it is smoothed towards the rest of the fingers. This improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, excess fluid is removed, eliminating the problem of cellulite.


    Massage using a vacuum is one of the varieties of the fight against cellulite. It is done only in beauty salons in a specially equipped room using special vacuum devices. During pregnancy, it is used on problem areas (hips, buttocks) and only with the permission of a gynecologist, so as not to harm the fetus.

    The essence of the procedure is that the problem area is smeared with oil and, using a vacuum apparatus, suction cups adhere to the skin. Gradually, the device shifts, carrying out a deep impact on the subcutaneous tissue. The skin is drawn into the suction cups using a vacuum, which increases blood circulation. This reduces the risk of cellulite, improving the overall condition of a woman's skin.


    Cupping massage, like vacuum massage, should be done very carefully during pregnancy. If it is performed incorrectly, it threatens not only the appearance of bruises and stars on the skin, but also the successful course of pregnancy. This type of massage helps improve tissue metabolism, train lymphatic and blood vessels, and reduce swelling, which often plagues pregnant women.

    The procedure is the same as with vacuum, only good old cans are used, which are not inferior in efficiency to newfangled vacuum equipment. During the session, the pregnant woman should not feel any pain. If severe redness of the skin is observed, the compressive force of the can is immediately reduced by a specialist, releasing a dose of air. The bank moves in different directions:

    • in a spiral;
    • directly;
    • in the form of a figure eight;
    • zigzag;
    • round.

    Postures when performing massage

    Expectant mother on recent months pregnancy is not able to take traditional poses. But massage is a relaxing procedure, so she needs to take a position in which the massage movements are more calm, relaxed and effective. The main thing is to create a relaxing atmosphere before the session with the help of an aroma lamp and calm music. Suitable postures for a pregnant woman are:

    • The woman lies on her back and leans on pillows.

    • In recent months, it has become difficult to lie on your back for a long time, so it is recommended to lie comfortably on your side with one leg resting on a pillow in a bent state.

    • Sitting on your heels is also easy; for this, your knees are apart, your hands are folded on your hips, and your back remains straight.

    • It is easiest to sit on a chair when your legs are bent and your feet touch each other.

    Contraindications for massage

    A gynecologist can prohibit a woman from having a massage during any month of pregnancy. This may happen for the following reasons:

    • any manifestation of toxicosis;
    • epilepsy;
    • high blood pressure;
    • tumor;
    • skin diseases;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • severe back pain;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • threat of miscarriage;
    • heat.

    Massage sessions cannot be performed in the first months of pregnancy; abdominal massage is not performed until 4 months and at any stage if strong hormonal or physical changes have occurred in the body of the expectant mother. In other cases, doctors even recommend massage starting from the third trimester, two or more sessions per week. Before childbirth, it is recommended to massage the abdomen and perineum to activate labor.

    Video: Massage in early and late pregnancy

    A psychotherapist and director of the Pregnant Mothers Club will tell you more about how best to give a massage to a pregnant woman so that she feels not only physical relaxation, but also psycho-emotional contact with her baby:

    It has a beneficial effect on all body systems, relaxing and putting in order not only the body’s vital activity system, but also the psychological side of the person himself. It is quite difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect of massage on the psychosomatic nature of a pregnant woman.
    It helps maintain a comfortable state of both the expectant mother and the fetus, compensate possible violations and prepare a woman’s body for the most important physiological moment of her life – childbirth. The pregnancy period is accompanied by a number of serious changes in the functioning of various organ systems and tissues, starting with psychophysiological changes that occur literally from the first weeks, and ending with the birth of a new organism. All these processes are a test of endurance and form the conditions under which conditionally compensated pathological conditions, associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, psychoneurological sphere and disorders in the functioning of internal organs. In each case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy is necessary.

    It is performed on a special table with holes for the chest and abdomen;
    - sessions are conducted by professional massage therapists with specialized education;
    - attending sessions is possible during normal pregnancy after 12 weeks.

    Classic massage for pregnant women

    Massage improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and skin, cleanses them, frees them from toxins, restores blood supply to subcutaneous fat, removes swelling, relieves stress and muscle blocks, increases physical and psychological tone, relaxes, and prevents the occurrence of osteochondrosis. This massage works like an additional heart, mechanically pumping blood and lymph through many vessels and capillaries, as a result of which blood circulation is restored in previously stagnant areas, which means the nutrition and respiration of cells and tissues improves.
    Massage “awakens” the body and mobilizes its defenses. The massage is done using natural oils. Pregnant women can have a massage after the third month of pregnancy if the during pregnancy, without pathologies. In this case, a side lying position and a soft, relaxing mode are often used.

    Hemolymphatic drainage for pregnant women

    Hemolymphatic drainage has an excellent effect on every system of the body, successfully solving many problems. As a result of hemolymphatic drainage, blood circulation improves, metabolism is normalized, excess water and metabolic products are removed from the body, the layer of subcutaneous fat is reduced, swelling is reduced, and the structure of the skin improves. It is especially relevant during pregnancy. The undoubted help of this technique in solving problems associated with an increased load on the circulatory system, especially the peripheral one, since varicose veins during pregnancy and the presence of lymphostasis are integral companions of every second pregnant woman. Pulsating, wave-like, slow movements perfectly imitate both the pulsation of blood vessels and muscle contractions. A wide variety of techniques does not allow you to get used to tactile stimulation, as a result of which each massage is unique and effective. Lightness, a pleasant feeling of peace and bliss are achieved as a result of this massage. Regular massage is recommended starting from the fourth month of pregnancy.

    Thai oil massage

    Thai oil massage is an extraordinary mixture of acupressure, muscle kneading, characteristic of Thai techniques, as well as the gentle and smooth touches of a massage therapist. This massage technique involves working with the patient’s body not only with fingers and hands, but also with elbows and forearms. The main method is pressure varying in strength and intensity, as well as rubbing and stroking. During the Thai oil massage procedure, the master works quite gently, but also quite deeply, with all the muscles of the body, improving lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. The massage therapist also influences reflex zones, which helps restore energy flows in the body. The Thai oil massage technique does not use painful or forceful techniques; it has a very gentle effect. It is done both on the massage table and on the floor using natural oils.

    Thai traditional for pregnant women

    The history of Thai massage began more than 2500 years ago and dates back to the spread of Buddhism. Thai traditional is a unique practice, as it considers the human body as an integral system. When the flow of prana along the meridians is disrupted due to mental or physical obstacles, it leads to mental, physical and spiritual imbalances, which can manifest in the form of illness, discomfort, and emotional problems. Massage of these energy lines - meridians ensures the free flow of prana. The meridians are toned throughout the massage by applying pressure with the fingers and palms.
    A distinctive feature of Thai massage as a treatment method is gentle stretching of the entire body and opening of energy channels. Massage during pregnancy the entire body from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. The techniques used are pressing, stretching and twisting, reflexology, working with energy channels and the circulatory system, working with joints and muscles, reminiscent of yoga exercises. Pregnant women can do a general Thai massage of the whole body after the third month of pregnancy if the pregnancy progresses well, without pathologies. In this case, a position lying on one's side is used, excluding the bloodstops (wind gates) and the impact on the reflex zones associated with the reproductive organs.

    Thai foot massage for pregnant women

    Foot massage has been used since ancient times by Eastern peoples as a means of relaxation, treatment of many diseases and maintenance of health in general. There are reflexogenic zones on the feet that are directly connected to all internal organs. This is a real map that shows all the parts of the body. Massage for pregnant women helps cope with swelling and heaviness in the legs. The active influence of manual techniques leads to deep drainage of excess fluid and improvement of blood circulation in the legs and feet. After the first massage, swelling of the feet, ankles, calf muscles and knees sharply decreases. In addition, as a result of influencing reflex zones and points, possible dysfunction of glands and internal organs that contribute to excess weight can be reduced, improving overall health and overall health. appearance.
    Reflexive foot massage has a powerful effect on the human body. Therefore, contraindications and restrictions for this procedure should be taken into account. Foot massage is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy. It can be done during a normal pregnancy, without pathologies. In this case, the master acts on the reflex zones not with a wand, but with his hands, gently, not forcefully, and does not affect the zones and points corresponding to the reproductive organs. A foot massage, performed by a master in accordance with the restrictions for pregnant women, relieves fatigue and swelling from the legs, improves general health and promotes all the improvements in the body described above.

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