• Preparing the breast before breastfeeding. Do your breasts require washing after feeding? If a woman has flat nipples


    Whether it is necessary to prepare the breasts for feeding or not, doctors argue about this among themselves. But as in any business, the best is an individual approach.

    Any woman who has already given birth will tell you that the first days after meeting the baby were filled not only with joy, but also with pain. And the main source of pain was the mammary gland.

    A newborn baby is born with the most important instinct; as soon as he is born, he already knows that he needs to suck in order to satisfy his hunger. But, oddly enough, he usually doesn’t have the skills for this.

    The child often takes the breast incorrectly, which, combined with the mother’s inability to give it to the baby, ends in failure. Within a day after the baby is born, painful cracks appear on the nipples.

    More recently in antenatal clinics There were instructions and illustrations for expectant mothers, showing how to prepare the breasts for feeding during pregnancy. It was even suggested to rub the nipples with waffle or terry towel so that they would “coarse”, walk around bare-chested and do many other strange things.

    The opposite opinion, which also exists among obstetricians and is absolutely justified, is that during pregnancy it is impossible to prepare the breasts for feeding. All manipulations with the nipples, if you are ready for childbirth, can provoke them, which is very dangerous if there is a threat of premature birth. In response to stimulation of the nipple, the pregnant woman's body releases the contraction hormone, oxytocin.

    Of course, in the absence of a mature cervix and general readiness to give birth, this is not scary, and will only tone the uterus, but if you already have a risk of not carrying the pregnancy to term, you can induce labor yourself.

    Only in special cases is it necessary to prepare the breasts for breastfeeding during pregnancy. This is necessary for those women who by nature do not have correct form pacifier. Of course, it is not always possible to prepare the breasts before childbirth in such situations. Flat and inverted nipples can cause very big problems, for example, the extreme form of inverted nipples (hidden nipple) is caused by very short connective tissue fibers at its base, and no massage or stretching will help here - only a surgeon’s scalpel. However, this rarely happens, but the paradoxical reaction of the nipple to irritation is common. If your nipple retracts during an erection, it can be “trained” to behave correctly with the help of simple exercises, we wrote about them. In all other cases, pregnant women do not need to prepare their breasts for childbirth. You just need to take care of it and provide support with good underwear.

    When going to the maternity hospital, it is only important for you to get ready for successful breastfeeding, to master the techniques of putting your baby to the breast, this is shown in childbirth preparation courses. Nature has already done everything for you - millions of women have breastfed their children and, of course, you can do it too.

    The first days after giving birth will be difficult for you and you should be aware of this. The first flow of milk can be painful, it is difficult to learn how to properly attach a baby to the breast, and the baby also does not always manage to learn how to latch onto the breast correctly right away. This is often accompanied by the appearance of painful cracks in the nipples and pain when putting the baby to the breast, so when going to the maternity hospital, be sure to put breastfeeding products in your bag.

    Now in the Russian Federation the most popular are Bepanten and Purinal, although the whole world uses Lansinoh HPA lanolin ointment when breastfeeding, which has huge advantages: it does not need to be washed off before feeding, it allows the breast skin to breathe and instantly relieves pain in nipples with cracks, so often occurring in the first days of breastfeeding. Until recently, it was not possible to buy this ointment in Russia - it was simply not supplied, today you can purchase it when ordering a bag for the maternity hospital from our partner.

    Preparing the breasts for feeding is not difficult; breastfeeding experts believe that it is not the breasts that need to be prepared, but the head. Because the breast is ready from the very beginning - it is created for breastfeeding, and all problems arise due to fear, reluctance to feed, or simply lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

    Today, no one doubts that breastfeeding is beneficial. Preparation for it should begin even before the birth of the child. It is advisable for the expectant mother to attend classes at the antenatal clinic, where they will tell and show how to prepare the breasts for feeding, how to properly attach the baby to them, how to prevent the formation of cracked nipples, and what to do if problems occur during lactation. The expectant mother should understand that feeding is a way of communication between her and the baby, bringing positive emotions.

    A woman does not need to make any physical efforts to prepare for feeding her baby. This is a natural process. A pregnant woman's body produces hormones, under the influence of which the mammary glands enlarge, their blood supply increases, a network of ducts develops, and the number of cells responsible for milk production increases. Shortly before giving birth, some women experience colostrum.

    Often pregnant women are advised to rub with a terry towel, treat with alcohol solutions and intensively knead the nipples so that the skin becomes rough. Supposedly this will help avoid cracks in the future. This should not be done. Such procedures only cause skin irritation and pain.

    Exposure to the nipples during pregnancy causes contraction of the uterus, increases its tone and can lead to the threat of miscarriage.

    If a woman has flat nipples

    Sometimes inexperienced mothers with inverted and flat nipples have difficulty feeding. If applied correctly, this will not interfere with feeding, but you can make the baby’s task easier if you help the nipples stretch out.

    To determine the type of nipple, you need to squeeze the areola between two fingers. If the nipple is squeezed out, then this is a normal shape; if it retracts inward - retracted, it will remain as it was - flat.

    To change the condition of the nipple, you can use a special pad that is placed in the bra, a special device, or make gentle rubbing movements with your fingers in the direction from the nipple. You can use a breast pump or hand expression.

    A woman with any nipple shape is able to feed her baby if she does it correctly.

    Baby feeding technique

    To avoid standard mistakes, you need to master correct technique breastfeeding. During feeding, the baby's head should not be turned, he should be positioned straight, with his stomach facing his mother. The head is held directly in front of the chest; it is not permissible for the baby to stretch his neck or throw his head back. You can use a feeding pillow. It is sewn in such a way as to comfortably place the baby and reduce the load on the mother’s back and neck muscles.

    The chin should be pressed tightly against the mammary gland. The baby should grasp with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola, so that during the sucking process, pressure with the tongue occurs specifically on the areola.

    It is recommended to feed the child on a free schedule, that is, at every request. But it is not advisable to offer your baby a pacifier or feed from a nipple, as this can weaken the sucking reflex. The number of feedings sometimes reaches twelve times a day, and the duration of each is individual, one child eats greedily and quickly becomes full, the other suckles slowly and the feeding process is delayed.

    Hygiene for a nursing woman

    Proper preparation of the breast for feeding will avoid injury and pain.

    • Experts do not recommend washing your breasts with soap before each feeding or treating them with disinfectant solutions. This causes the skin to dry out and increases the likelihood of cracks.
    • For hygiene, a daily shower is enough. Do not wipe your breasts with a rough towel; it is better to use a soft cloth.
    • If cracks or abrasions appear, you can use ointments only after the baby has eaten to avoid changes in the smell and taste of the milk. After absorption, the remaining ointment is washed off with boiled water.
    • If the mammary glands are healthy, then there is no need to wash them after feeding. The remaining drops of milk will be absorbed and give the skin additional protection.
    • Wearing a well-fitting cotton bra is recommended. It should not be tight; squeezing the ducts can lead to the formation of a milk plug.
    • If an arbitrary flow of milk often occurs, then special pads or napkins ironed with a hot iron are placed in the bra, which will absorb the liquid.

    Regulating breast milk production

    The formation of milk is triggered by the hormone prolactin, and release occurs under the influence of oxytocin. The production of these hormones is caused by irritation of receptors located on the areola and nipples during sucking movements.

    Reduced breast milk production caused by a lack of hormones is very rare. Problems usually arise due to improper feeding child.

    Night feeding increases lactation, since it is at night that prolactin is actively released. The baby does not receive milk for the first few seconds, until the oxytocin release mechanism turns on. Under its action, there is a rush of blood to the breast and contraction of the milk ducts, pushing the contents of the alveoli towards the nipple.

    There is a misconception that a woman with small breasts produces little milk and the baby may not have enough milk. In fact, there is no such dependence: breast size depends on the amount of fatty tissue, and the presence of milk depends on hormones.

    The level of lactation also depends on emotional state. If a woman feels tired, irritated or afraid, then problems with milk production may occur. In this case, a lot depends on those around you; help in caring for the newborn, a warm atmosphere in the family, and pleasant communication create a favorable atmosphere for mother and child.

    Gymnastics to maintain breast shape

    If there are concerns that feeding may spoil the shape of the breasts, then you need to do gymnastics to strengthen the pectoral muscles. Exercise will also improve blood flow, which will improve the quality of lactation.

    • The exercise is done while sitting upright on a chair. Hands should be folded with palms facing each other at chest level, fingers up. Spread your elbows to the sides. Press your palms against each other for about 10 seconds to tense the muscles under the mammary glands.
    • The exercise is performed in a standing position, raise folded arms up, squeeze the lower parts of the palms and count to 10, then relax the muscles.
    • Alternate rotation of the straight arm around the shoulder joint is performed.
    • The palms are placed in the opposite armpits. Make circular movements with your elbows.

    The exercises are repeated 5 times at first, then gradually increase the number of repetitions. It is necessary to exercise without overload; lactic acid should not be produced in the muscles.

    Breastfeeding is invaluable for children. Obtaining natural food containing all the necessary nutrients, trace elements and vitamins lays the foundation for its future development. It also has a positive effect on the mother’s health: the risk of osteoporosis and cancer is reduced. And most importantly, mother and child become emotionally closer friend to friend.

    Hello, expectant mothers! Breasts are on the agenda today. And three main questions regarding maintaining its shape, improving lactation functions and reducing nipple sensitivity during the period when the baby hangs on the chest and begins to actively “chew” it with his gums.

    Wise nature conceived the birth of a baby without teeth in order to preserve your nipples, but “soft” gums can cause severe damage to the nipple-areolar complex (NAC). A child can injure it, cut through the gums and even bite off a piece of the nipple.

    It is necessary to prepare the breasts for feeding in order to:

    • avoid injury tender zone SAH, or at least reduce it to a minimum;
    • prevent ;
    • facilitate lactation (especially important for firstborns);
    • and carry out prevention of stretching of breast tissue to severe extent.

    You need to start preparing before the baby is born.

    Prenatal breast exercises

    The ability to fully feed the baby breast milk depends:

    • on the amount of milk;
    • correct attachment of the baby to the breast.

    Open sources recommend starting to prepare nipples and glands from 25-30 weeks. Believe me, there is no need to wait so long. If you were happy with the shape of your bust before conception and did not take care of it, as soon as an intuitive push or someone’s advice tells you that the girl’s breast shape is not eternal and the child should be fed fully, correctly and with minimal losses for yourself, start caring for yourself. It's better if you start before giving birth.

    For example, according to this scheme:

    1. Buy something convenient and natural underwear.
    2. Sign up for a course for young mothers or watch a video about the rules for attaching your baby to the breast.
    3. Do it.
    4. When taking a shower, massage the skin of the mammary glands with warm streams of warm water in a clockwise direction. Apply after shower nourishing oils. We'll talk about them later.

    From 25-30 weeks, when your breasts are full enough, consider purchasing a nursing bra. This convenient invention is made from natural fabrics, supports the bust well and does not injure the shoulders thanks to the wide straps.

    Before using the regimen, consult your doctor. Myometrial hypertonicity and other complications of pregnancy are a contraindication to shower and massage.

    Massaging the mammary glands will help the ducts “open up”. This will make it easier for your child to suck out deep milk.

    Nipples and more nipples...

    SAH in women has an individual form. The nipple itself may be:

    • elongated and thick;
    • very small and neat, but when the breast is stimulated, it “gathers” into a “bump” of sufficient size for the convenience of feeding the baby;
    • flat;
    • pulled in.

    In the last two cases, breastfeeding (BF) may be difficult or even impossible. Consult your doctor about what to do.

    Exercise your nipples

    You can use it yourself:

    • underwear with a nipple corrector;
    • breast pump (after the start of feeding and in the absence of contraindications).

    The massage is performed:

    1. Pulling and twisting movements. Do not get carried away with such stimulation so as not to cause uterine hypertonicity. Hands should be washed clean when performing a massage.
    2. Using the Hoffman technique. We grab the nipple with our thumb and forefinger and move one finger up, the other down, as if we were twisting the cap on a bottle back and forth. The procedure combats adhesions at the base of a flat or inverted nipple.

    P consult your doctor. Hoffman's method is controversial. Some doctors are categorically against its use.

    Correctors cannot be worn for a long time. Before giving birth, shapewear is worn once a day, starting from 5 minutes and continuing to wear for up to half an hour. After the baby is born, the corrector is put on a quarter of an hour before feeding.

    Tempering the SAC

    These are not all recommendations on the topic: “how to prepare nipples for feeding?” The skin of the areola can also vary in sensitivity and “thinness”. Those with a hypersensitive SAH zone will help prepare for breastfeeding:

    • still the same massage;
    • rough tissue in contact with the nipple;
    • air baths;
    • massage with simulated feeding.

    But air baths are useful and necessary for every expectant mother. Start taking them by strengthening your chest. After all, you will have to bare your chest long time when feeding the baby. Unusual and full of milk breasts may react with inflammation to prolonged cooling.

    Simulating feeding is simple: lightly pinch the nipple between your index finger and thumb and periodically pull it forward.

    You can also practice shaping the nipple with the expectant father from 37 weeks. Before the procedure future dad Thoroughly brushes teeth and rinses the mouth with any alcohol solution. Then he grabs the nipple with his lips and gently sucks on it. The duration of the procedure is 7 minutes, done once a day. Resorption improves the shape of the nipple and stimulates labor without chemicals.

    Preventing the development of cracks

    To avoid “cracking” of the SAC during breastfeeding, if you have not started nipple care earlier, starting from the 30th week of gestation:

    • do not use aggressive modern detergents to cleanse the skin of the bust and areolar area;
    • do not use lotions containing alcohol;
    • make lotions from black tea or oak bark;
    • treat nipples with any sterilized vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower).

    This way you nourish the tissues, saturate them with nutrients, stimulate the formation of collagen, and prevent the skin from drying out.

    You can enhance the effectiveness of the oil by preparing an oil infusion. For example, by infusing marigold flowers (calendula) or chamomile in oil. To do this, fill the bottom of the jar with flowers, pour the raw materials on top with oil. Place the jar in a water bath for 40 minutes, remove the jar and leave the composition for a week. Then strain and use. The composition is stored for up to six months in the refrigerator.

    This composition can be used to wrap the breasts, not just the areolar zone. The use of sea buckthorn, flax or olive is an excellent prevention of stretch marks during the period when the breasts are full and after the cessation of lactation.

    With this, we say goodbye to you, with the hope that we have helped you choose your path to breast preparation. Visit our website again and invite your friends via social media.

    A woman about to become a mother for the first time has many fears. Breastfeeding seems difficult to many; expectant mothers believe that it is necessary to prepare for it. But there is no more natural process than breastfeeding. Almost any woman can breastfeed her child. But you still need to figure out how to prepare your breasts for feeding during pregnancy, and whether it’s worth doing.

    What it looked like before

    IN Soviet time The generally accepted recommendation was to prepare nipples for lactation by rubbing them with a hard towel or sewing rough fabric to a bra. And now you can still hear such advice from old-school gynecologists, as well as from mothers and, especially, from grandmothers, to whom doctors once recommended such a procedure. Now such chest training is considered outdated. After all, hard tissue can injure the skin, and microscopic scratches will become an entry point for infection.

    The previously used soaking of nipples in alcohol is not recommended. To reduce their sensitivity, you can use compresses made from black tea or oak bark infusion. During pregnancy, the breast skin develops a protective lubricant. Rough cloth and especially alcohol will erase it. The nipples remain unprotected. In addition, too much breast stimulation can, in some cases, lead to premature birth. If a pregnant woman has increased uterine tone, then it is better to touch the nipples as little as possible.

    Prevention of cracks during lactation is not hardening of the nipples, but correct attachment to the breast, starting from the very first feeding. The technique should be studied during pregnancy, because the baby’s first feeding should ideally take place as soon as he is born.

    Breast care

    It is quite enough to wash your breasts with clean water while taking a shower. It is better not to use soap or use it very rarely. It removes protective lubricant and dries out the skin of the nipples. If there are any skin diseases You should consult your doctor. He may prescribe ointments to prevent dry skin. But you don’t need to lubricate your nipples with anything unless necessary and on your own initiative.

    During pregnancy, it’s a good idea to harden your breasts. It is better to carry out air baths first. Then you can move on to dousing. It is most correct, of course, to pour not only the chest, but the entire body. Just do this carefully so as not to catch a cold. Hardening should be gradual. A contrast shower is ideal. It is very beneficial for the skin and minimizes the possibility of catching a cold.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is important to choose the right bra. The chest should not be compressed. You need to change your bra on time. Breasts change individually for each expectant mother.


    It’s a good idea to learn how to do it during pregnancy. First of all, this will be useful for mothers who will have to pump during lactation. All massage movements should be very careful and soft.

    Massage techniques:

    • circular stroking of the breasts simultaneously with both hands, bypassing the areola area;
    • massage both mammary glands simultaneously, from above to the nipple, from the side, and finally from below;
    • slight compression of the chest. Right hand slightly lifts the right breast, and the left gently presses on top.

    Each movement is performed 5 times.

    Flat nipples. What to do?

    Some women have flat or inverted nipples. This happens quite often, and even in the same mother, one nipple can be normal and the other inverted. This form does not interfere with feeding the baby, but it still requires special attention, since it is more difficult for the baby to take such a breast normally.

    A nipple is called flat if it:

    • does not protrude forward when the areola is compressed;
    • does not react to cold;
    • does not harden upon stimulation.

    During pregnancy, you can try to correct the shape of the nipple. But not all breastfeeding consultants recommend doing this.

    There are special plastic covers to correct the shape of the nipples. They can be worn during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby in between feedings. But you should not use breastfeeding pads in the form of a pacifier. They only make the problem worse. A child accustomed to a long silicone nipple may refuse to take his mother's real nipple.

    There is also a special Hoffman technique for nipple traction. But he has quite a lot of opponents.

    You can also use a regular breast pump to traction the nipples. You must first pump a little, and then give the breast to the baby. It will be much easier for the baby to latch onto the breast correctly.

    You should always remember that with proper latching, not only the nipple, but also the areola appears in the baby’s mouth, so the shape of the nipple does not affect feeding too much.

    Gymnastics for the chest

    Of course, every mother wants to feed her baby and at the same time preserve beautiful shape breasts Exercises for the pectoral muscles can help with this. They are the ones who support the breasts and are responsible for its shape.

    1. Starting position: standing straight. Place your hands in front of you, fingers pointing up. Press the lower parts of your palms against each other with force. Stay in this position for about 15 seconds. Relax.
    2. Place your hands above your head, fingers up. Press your palms against each other again and relax.

    Each exercise must be repeated 10-30 times.

    The most important aspect of preparation

    Even if the expectant mother has not prepared her breasts in any way for feeding the baby, but she really wants to feed the baby herself and is sure that she will succeed, if her family supports her, everything will be fine with milk. And mother and baby will enjoy the closeness that will arise between them while the baby eats.

    And, it may be the other way around, if a woman is not psychologically ready to breastfeed a child, and relatives believe that “children grow up just fine on formula.” No matter how she prepares her breasts, the likelihood of problems is high.

    Both difficulties and their solutions come from the head. And you need to prepare the baby for feeding first, and then the breast.

    Mom needs to be like good courses, communicate with breastfeeding women. It would be ideal to watch the feeding process. It’s a good idea to find the phone number of a lactation consultant in advance so as not to lose milk due to late help.

    When choosing a maternity hospital, it is important to find out how they treat breastfeeding. It is advisable to agree with your doctor about as natural as possible. medical indications, management of childbirth.

    At first, the mother will be busy only with the baby. This means she will need help around the house. Relatives, especially the husband, need to explain this in advance.

    During breastfeeding, mother and baby experience the most beautiful moments that will never be repeated. And we must make sure that they are not overshadowed by anything. Perhaps the mother will want to have another child. But this will be a different baby, and a different story.

    To raise a healthy baby, it is important to provide him with adequate nutrition and nutrition from the first days of life. comfortable conditions for development. Natural feeding and physical contact with the mother cannot be fully replaced by anything.

    Expectant mothers often fear that breastfeeding will cause their breasts to lose their shape, and that the process itself will be associated with discomfort and cause health problems (cracked nipples, lactose, mastitis).

    Proper preparation of the breast for feeding will minimize the risk of damage to the nipples, congestion and inflammatory processes in the mammary glands.

    In addition to physical preparation for breastfeeding, it is important to pay attention and the right psychological attitude. It is useful to communicate with mothers who have happy experiences of long-term breastfeeding. Close contact with the child– these are deep emotional experiences Breastfeeding gives a feeling of comfort and happiness to mother and baby.

    If from the beginning of pregnancy you tune in to natural feeding baby, many problems can be avoided because psychological barriers inevitably affect the physical condition. Classes for expectant mothers and consultations with breastfeeding specialists will help you prepare properly.

    How to prepare your breasts for feeding? Prenatal preparation of the mammary glands includes:

    • maintaining hygiene;
    • correct selection of underwear;
    • strengthening the skin of the nipples;
    • hardening;
    • breast massage.

    Features of the physiology of the mammary glands

    From nature female breast is perfectly prepared for feeding children, so special manipulations are necessary only in extreme cases - if the shape of the nipple is flat or inverted, and the skin of the areola does not stretch well.

    But even such a nipple can be used by the baby for its intended purpose; it is only important to spend some time teaching the baby to grasp correctly.

    To check the shape of the nipple, gently squeeze it with your index finger and thumb, placing them on the border of the areola on both sides. If the nipple sticks out forward, it is convenient for feeding the baby. An inverted or flat nipple will hide with this manipulation.

    Preparing for breastfeeding is especially important if your nipples are Not good suitable shape . If the child grasps incorrectly, painful cracks form on the nipples. To avoid complications, it is recommended:

    1. perform a special massage;
    2. use devices to correct the shape of the nipple.

    The massage is performed as follows: The nipple is grabbed with two fingers and slowly pulled out with gentle twisting. To avoid injury delicate skin nipple and not to cause infection, nails should first be cut and filed, hands should be washed thoroughly. The duration of the massage is about a minute for each nipple.

    This type of massage must be agreed upon with the doctor monitoring the pregnancy, since nipple stimulation provokes uterine contractions. In some cases, this must be avoided in order to maintain the pregnancy.

    Devices that allow you to change the shape of your nipples are sold in pharmacies. Correctors help to stretch out the nipples, making them comfortable for feeding the baby. Correctors are worn in the last trimester of pregnancy, gradually extending the time of use from five to thirty minutes a day.

    After the baby is born, correctors are put on for 10-15 minutes before each feeding.

    General nipple preparation

    Several decades ago, expectant mothers were advised in antenatal clinics to make their nipples less sensitive. To roughen the skin, the nipples needed to be rubbed with a terry towel or pieces placed in the bra coarse fabric. Today it has been proven that these measures are more harmful than beneficial:

    • when rubbing the nipples, its natural protective layer is removed from the skin;
    • the risk of mechanical damage to the skin and subsequent infection of microwounds increases.

    The breasts should be washed daily, avoiding soaping the nipples, so as not to remove the natural protective barrier and not to dry out the delicate skin. If your nipples are healthy, there is no need to lubricate them with cream.

    During pregnancy, the mammary glands increase in size. To prevent your breasts from sagging, it is important to wear a properly fitted bra. It should not compress the chest, preventing proper blood circulation. It is recommended to choose underwear with wide straps, made from breathable, hypoallergenic natural materials.

    Helps strengthen nipple skin compresses or baths of strong black tea or oak bark. Tannins penetrate the skin and help strengthen it without losing elasticity. For compresses and baths, decoctions at a comfortable temperature are used.

    Hardening of the mammary glands

    Hardening stimulates the expectant mother's immunity and prepares her body for serious stress. The mammary glands need gradual hardening using air and water procedures. It is important to gradually lower the water temperature and not bring it to extreme values.

    Air baths are recommended to be taken for 10-15 minutes. To do this, just walk around the apartment with your chest open. At the next stage, the chest is successively doused with warm, cool and cold water. It is also worth pouring cool water over your chest at the end of your daily shower.

    Healthy nipples can be wiped with pieces of ice. This procedure hardens the body, stimulates blood circulation in the mammary glands, makes the skin of the nipples stronger and less sensitive. It is useful to use frozen herbal decoctions to nourish the skin.

    Breast massage and gymnastics

    • soft circular stroking of both glands, without affecting the areola of the nipples;
    • stroking the breast in the upper part (up to the nipple), side and bottom, massage is performed on both breasts at the same time;
    • one breast is taken in the hand and slightly raised, with the other hand you should gently press on top.

    Breastfeeding can affect its shape, and in order to minimize the consequences, you should not neglect special gymnastics during pregnancy. Exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles are performed during the morning warm-up.

    Exercise "prayer". You should sit on a chair with your back straight, or stand up. The palms are folded at chest level, fingers pointing up, and the elbows are spread out to the sides. The lower parts of the palms press against each other with force, due to which the muscles that protect the mammary glands from sagging are tensed. The exercise is repeated 10-30 times. In each approach, you need to count to thirty, then relax the muscles.

    If future mom If she collects and considers information in advance about how to prepare her breasts for feeding and follows the recommendations, she has every chance of giving the baby adequate nutrition with breast milk and close physical contact, which is extremely important for both.

    The infancy period of a child’s life will remain in the mother’s memory as bright and comfortable if her body is correctly tuned to the upcoming loads, and family and friends help create a favorable psychological background and help with housework so that the mother devotes maximum time and effort to her baby.

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