• Speech corner in kindergarten in kindergarten. principles of organizing speech corners presence of a game character filling variety of material. Speech corner in the second junior group “Snake-talker Speech corner 2 junior group


    Nadezhda Nikolaevna Nekhorosheva

    In order to create effectively developing subject-spatial environment, in group designed cognitive-speech corner, which provides the child with the opportunity to act individually and together with adults. In our speech corner there are many educational games, benefits for speech development, fine motor skills. These are massage balls, a breeze, for development of speech breathing, bubble, Balloons, windmill. In our corner a lot was done by the hands of parents, this is a tactile book, where there is a butterfly with a zipper inside which a cord with movable beads is hidden, children learn to unfasten the zipper and move the beads with their fingers. Velcro with different shapes, red apples with rivets and worm-beads. My children and I use the book with great pleasure, each time discovering something new for the children. We also have a magic box with different lids that stimulate the motor skills of the fingers, which leads to the activation of the speech center, a cord and a sleeve that helps children consolidate their ability to put on a blouse.. A clearing pillow, where we collect a bouquet of flowers using Velcro With their help, children pronounce and remember colors. With great pleasure we play "cloud" who helps us develop speech breathing , evokes positive emotions, we also use a stand with which we secure seasons, t. By winter there are snowflakes, green leaves in spring, flowers in summer, yellow leaves in autumn.

    For development fine motor skills we have containers with different cereals with which we play d/i "find a toy" and a tray with semolina, on which we paint with our fingers. For development auditory attention we have noise tools for development breathing there are bottles with fillers for development speech breathing there are also homemade breezes "blow on a butterfly", "balloons".

    Publications on the topic:

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    "Experimental Corner" Children's experimentation is one of the methods of teaching and developing children. During experimental activities.

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    Ostapova Galina Ivanovna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: MBDOU d/s 67
    Locality: Kiselevsk city, Kemerovo region
    Name of material: Article from work experience.
    Subject:"Organization of a subject-specific developmental speech environment in the junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education".
    Publication date: 14.11.2016
    Chapter: preschool education

    Organization of a subject-specific developmental speech environment in the junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Preschool Educational Institution. An important component in speech development younger preschoolers - this is the creation of a subject-developing speech environment. In our group we build a subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard., One of the conditions for full-fledged speech development is a competently organized developmental subject-spatial environment. The environment should be: 1. Content-rich. 2. Transformable. 3. Multifunctional 4. Variable. 5. Affordable. 6. Safe. In the 1st junior group there should be bright toys of different sizes, object pictures with a plot accessible to children, books for reading and looking at. In the 2nd junior group, you can already allocate a separate zone with games and materials for speech development. These are sets of plot pictures, theater
    Theater is one of children's favorite activities. Our children know how to dramatize fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, etc. We widely use the bibabo puppet theater, finger theater and flannel theater. Theatrical activity contributes to the development of intonation expressiveness
    speech, evokes positive emotions and interest in transformation. The music corner contains various musical instruments that help develop children's musical ear. We use them in didactic games “Listen to what we hear”, “Guess what sounds”, “Knock louder and softer”. Children willingly play musical instruments and outdoor games using them, for example, “Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell”, “Funny Tambourine”. A center has been created in the group sensory development
    which promotes the development of fine motor skills,
    tactile sensations , visual perception, auditory analyzers, sense of smell and the development of all mental processes. Large mosaics are collected here, puzzles, pyramids, insert toys, lacing, stencils, etc. The group has a book corner. A variety of works of art have a great influence on the development of children's speech. We introduce children to fairy tales, stories, talk about what they have read, and teach poems. Children on their own
    look at illustrations in books.
    To develop proper physiological breathing, we use toys and exercise equipment such as: pinwheels, pipes, inflatable balls, plumes, butterflies, snowflakes, leaves on strings, soap bubbles.
    It includes: 1. Information stands with recommendations from teachers, consultations, and reminders. 2. Folding folders with recommendations for organizing children’s routines, leisure time, materials for games and homework. For greater opportunities for the development of children's speech, we have created a card index of physical exercises, exercises, poems, proverbs, finger games
    , which we actively use in dynamic pauses, during classes, in the morning, before lunch, afternoon snack, etc. regime moments
    - washing, dressing, getting ready for bed. Story-based pictures and printed board games provide rich opportunities for speech development. They allow you to teach children to correctly name the objects depicted, to group objects by shape, size, and purpose. For the timely development of speech, it is necessary to accustom children to playing together as early as possible. The game center allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of game plans, the cultivation of friendly relationships in which their direct verbal communication occurs. The play corners are equipped with attributes for role-playing games, taking into account age characteristics children.. In conclusion, I want to say that the construction subject environment- this is an external condition

    pedagogical process , which allows you to organize the child’s independent activities and must perform educational, nurturing, organizational, and communicative functions.


    Study corner 2 junior group “Bee”

    Our group has a corner for speech development, in accordance with the age and interest of the children. The corner is located next to the theater, music and book corners, which complement each other perfectly.

    The main characters of the corner are

    "Magic snake". "Cheerful Parsley"The speech corner is based on gaming and didactic material aimed at developing: Articulatory motor skills"Magic Snake"

    , album "Funny Tongue" with a card index of articulation exercises object pictures-supports, mirrors for a subgroup of children,) In a corner for development correct breathing»,

    , we have created educational games: “Butterfly on a flower”, “Autumn leaves”, and also there are “Windmills”, “ We use mnemonic tables and diagrams - models: tell a fairy tale, tell us about vegetables and fruits, tell us about animals, seasons. Sets of subject and subject pictures: “Moms and Babies”, “Furniture”, “Tools”, Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Berry”, “ Mushrooms", "Professions", Seasons"; didactic games and manuals: “Professions”, “whose tail?”, “vegetables and fruits”, “Animals and birds”, “train for animals”, “paired pictures”, “Forest domino”, “Fairytale domino”, “Find the shadow”, “Who what to eat”, “Tell a story”, as well as baby books and works of art according to the program, cut-out pictures,

    Lotto cubes. A very multifunctional game aimed at enriching and consolidating vocabulary. It comes with a manual with riddles of different difficulty levels, tongue twisters and much more.

    For development motor skills a card file of finger gymnastics has been createdAnd, everyone knows a game"Wonderful pouch ", when the child is asked to put his hand in pouch and get a certain item. The purpose of this game was mainly to develop tactile sensations. We decided to diversify this game a little and instead of a simple bag we made "Merry Parsley" You need to stick your hand into the sleeves of the parsley and find the offered item, find two identical toys, just feed parsley only fruits or only vegetables, find a certain item geometric figure, get an object and describe it, get a character from a fairy tale and determine where he is from, describe his character, guess the object that is gone, etc.D.

    Games with clothespins, roaming animals for fingers and mouse winders.

    Games and tutorials for automating sounds: album on automation of sounds, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems and nursery rhymes, different types theater: finger, table, theater masks.

    Material on onomatopoeia: “Sound discs”, “Noise instruments”, children’s musical instruments, educational game “Whose voice?”

    We actively use in in the speech corner, subjects from the theater and music corner, since dramatization contributes to the development of coherent speech.

    Thank you for your attention!

    Yana Timoshina

    speech corner in the second junior group"snake talker

    Speech is the most complex mental process. The issue of speech development in modern children is relevant, because every year the number of children with speech disorders increases.

    In our a corner for speech development was created for the group"Workshop snake-talker» , according to the age and interest of the children.

    Corner located next to the theater, music and bookstore corners, which complement each other perfectly.

    The main character corner is« Snake"

    The basis speech corner includes gaming and didactic material aimed at development:

    1. Articulatory motor skills (object pictures-supports, card index of articulatory gymnastics, mirrors)

    2. Proper breathing is the key to success in mastering difficult to pronounce sounds. Using breathing exercises, it is possible to prevent nervous overstrain, restore correct speech breathing, create a positive emotional mood, and also overcome speech child disorders.

    In that corner, to develop proper breathing, we have created didactic games: "Butterfly on a flower", "Tuchka", "Autumn Leaves", "Butterflies", "Football", "Gluttonous Berries", there is also "Windmills", "Bubble", "Cotton balls".

    1. To develop coherent speech, we use sets of subject and plot pictures (By lexical topics weeks): "Moms and Babies", "Furniture", "Tools", Wild animals", "Pets", "Birds", "Insects", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berries", "Mushrooms", "Professions", Seasons"; educational games and benefits: "Professions", "Seasons", “Whose house?”, "Where is my mom?", "Favorite Fairy Tale", "What is what?", "Color", "Animal world", "Gifts of Nature", "Part and Whole", “What is made of what?”, « Live nature» ; as well as baby books and works of art according to the program, cut-out pictures and different types of theater.

    2. Benefits for the development of small businesses motor skills:, walnuts, cones, stencils, clothespins ( "Sun", "Hedgehog", lacing, small toys(kinders, card index of finger games.

    3. Material on onomatopoeia:, "Noise Instruments", children's musical instruments, did. a game "Whose voice?"

    4. Automation games and tutorials sounds: pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems and nursery rhymes, subject and plot pictures, different types theater: finger, table, theater masks; small toys.

    5. Vocabulary games and grammar: subject pictures on lexical topics.

    IN speech corner we use theatrical and musical subjects corner, since dramatization promotes the development of coherent speech.

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