• Scenario for initiation into first-graders with fairy-tale characters. An interesting dedication to first-graders: examples of modern holiday scenarios with poems


    Holiday scenario

    "Initiation to first graders"

    The progress of the holiday


    Hello adults!

    Hello children!

    Today is an unusual day in the world -

    Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

    The school has opened its doors to everyone,

    And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

    According to games, ventures and fairy-tale books,

    It all starts with school life,

    We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

    1 Presenter: Let's check if everyone is here?

    2 Presenter: Diligent girls?

    1 Presenter: Brave boys?

    2 Presenter: Wise dads?

    1 Presenter: Caring mothers?

    2 Presenter: Strict but fair teachers?

    1 Presenter: Is it here?The heroes of today's celebration are the first-graders of 2014!

    The song "Small Country" is playing.

    1 student. On this holiday on a November day

    We will all call our parents

    So, it's time to start,

    Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

    2 student. Hello guys,

    Girls and boys!

    Hello viewers,

    Dear Parents!

    3 student. We are very happy today

    To our mothers, our fathers.

    We welcome guests

    Dear teachers!

    4 student. A month or two ago

    We went to kindergarten,

    We played, sang a lot,

    They really wanted to grow up.

    5th student: We are very big now

    We came to school.

    And now no one will say

    That we are kids.

    6 student. If everything is ok:

    Desks, books and notebooks,

    Friendship with a book forever,

    We invite you here!

    Presenter: Hello, dear guys and dear adults! Guys, I heard that you want to become real schoolchildren, real first-graders! And I have good news for you. I received a telegram from my old friend from the Land of Knowledge, professor of all-school sciences of the Alphabet Umych Znaykin.

    Here's what he writes:

    Dear Guys!

    I am pleased to inform you that you have the opportunity to make an exciting journey to the wonderful land of Knowledge! I look forward to your arrival! Good luck to you and have a safe journey!

    Professor of All-Scholastic Sciences

    Alphabet Umych Znaykin.

    Presenter: This means that today you have a big journey ahead of you. You must show ingenuity, the ability to make friends, attention, courage and dexterity.

    Guys, are you ready?

    Children: Yes!

    Presenter: Then, let's go.

    The chieftain runs in.

    Atamansha (shouts): Stop! Stop! Stop! Where are you going?! A! We decided to travel around the Land of Knowledge, right?! Do you want to become real students?! WILL NOT WORK!


    For the first time, in first grade,

    I won't congratulate you!

    I'll dirty the board with chalk

    And I’ll interfere with studying.

    I’ll put some blots in the notebook,

    I'll leave you without textbooks.

    I will do dirty tricks

    Have fun, laugh,

    You kids, off to school today

    I definitely won't let you in.

    Chieftain: Wow, how many people have I killed, how many people have I ruined... What, were you scared? Thousand devils!

    Presenter: No, Atamansha, we were not afraid of you. Our guys are smart, resourceful and brave.

    Chieftain: I'll check this now! I will only let you travel if you complete all my tasks! First, guess my riddles.

    First test. Trick riddles.

    1. Crows when asleep

    Dear, kind...


    2. Who is gnawing on a pine cone on a branch?

    Well, of course it's...


    3. Who is about to fly off the flower?



    5. Lacy web

    Weaved skillfully... (spider)

    6. There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

    Who are the instigators? Two... (roosters)

    7. Very slow and quiet

    Crawling along a leaf...


    Chieftain: You have solved the riddles. Okay, so be it, swim, I’m kind today! Just don’t think that you got rid of me easily! No one has ever just walked away from Zlyuka Khuligankina! We'll meet Again! (leaves)

    The sound of the sea, the whistle of the ship.

    Presenter: Sea travel is full of dangers and adventures. You never know what fate has in store for you.

    Neptune: Who are you and why are you sailing the seas and oceans without my permission?

    Presenter: We are travelers. We are sailing to the great Land of knowledge.

    Neptune: To the Land of Knowledge?! I will let you through if you complete my tasks.

    Presenter: We are ready, great Neptune, for your tests! Our guys are brave, dexterous, and not afraid of anything!

    Neptune: Let's check it now!

    Game "Collect a briefcase".

    So, children, if I name an object that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands.

    If this subject is not needed in school, you stomp your feet.

    Textbooks and books,

    toy mouse,

    Clockwork locomotive,

    Colored plasticine,

    Brushes and paints,

    New Year's masks,

    Eraser and bookmarks,

    Stapler and notebooks,

    Schedule, diary,

    Student ready for school!

    Presenter: Well, Neptune, have we completed your task?

    Neptune: Well done guys, you did it.

    Presenter: Now you can hit the road.

    Atamansha appears.

    Chieftain: What, you didn't wait? They're getting ready to go! We were daydreaming. All! That's it, little ones! You won't sail anywhere. The journey is over. Here, you will stay with me, on this very island, and no talking!

    Presenter: Atamansha, why are you so harmful?

    Chieftain: You will become harmful here! I also want to go to the Land of Knowledge.

    Presenter: That's the problem! Then come with us.

    Chieftain: I would be glad, but I can’t! The island won't let me go.

    Presenter: Tell us what happened?

    Chieftain: I need to solve problems first, but I can’t. Help, will you?

    Presenter: Guys, let's help Atamansha solve the problems.

    Chieftain: listen to the first problem:

    A magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds were there?

    Chieftain: Of course 4, what to think.

    Presenter: But this is wrong.

    Chieftain: Why is it wrong?

    Presenter: And you ask the guys.

    (The chieftain asks the guys and finds out that there are only 2 birds, since the butterfly and bumblebee are not birds).

    Presenter: Give me one more task, Atamansha.

    Chieftain: Fine. Listen.

    From under the fence 4 legs and 4 paws are visible. How many living creatures are behind the fence?

    (The chieftain thinks for a long time and comes to the conclusion that this problem cannot be solved. She turns to the guys in the hall for help. If there are no answers, then the presenter helps. She says that there are 2 people and 1 dog behind the fence.)

    Chieftain: All my tasks are difficult! Now I’ll solve other problems with the guys. Guys, do you like problems in verse? (Yes!) Then listen carefully!

    Vadim found six mushrooms,
    And then another one.
    You answer the question:
    How many mushrooms did he bring? (7)

    Three daisies - yellow-eyes,
    Two cheerful cornflowers.
    The children gave it to their mother.
    How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)

    Mom baked us four pies this morning
    We ate three of them right away.
    How much did we not have time to eat? (1)

    Chieftain: Thank you, now I am free and can sail with you.

    Presenter: Guys, let's take Atamansha with us?

    Children: Yes!

    Presenter: The journey continues, and to make it more fun on the road, let's sing a song:

    Atamansha (interrupts): I know, I know: This one, my favorite:

    Sings the song “They say we are byaki-buki” (1 verse and chorus).

    Presenter: Atamansha, you guessed wrong! You have the wrong songs. We will teach you good, kind songs to sing. Really, guys?

    The song is "First-Grade Song".

    Presenter: Look, guys, we have already sailed to the Land of Knowledge. And here is Professor Alphabet Umych Znaykin himself!

    Professor: Hello guys! Glad to see you in the Land of Knowledge! You have come here, overcoming obstacles, to become true first-graders! But this title is awarded only to the worthy! Now I will conduct an exam and choose from among you those who can truly bear the proud title of FIRST CLASSER! You are ready?

    Children: Yes!

    Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

    Professor: Guys, let's play game“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you hear sentences about you, then say in unison: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" and if not, then silently nod your head negatively.

    - Who walks to school every day in a cheerful band?

    - How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

    -Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

    -Who, tell me, guys, does exercises in the morning?

    - Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

    - Which of you comes to class an hour late?

    - Who completes their homework exactly on time?

    - Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

    - Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

    - Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

    - Which of you, I want to know, likes to sing and dance?

    The chieftain deliberately confuses everyone.

    Professor: Well done, guys! You were attentive.

    Our journey is coming to an end and the solemn moment of our “Initiation into First-Graders” holiday has arrived. It's time to say first graders' oath and become full members of our school family.

    I ask you to take the first grade oath. Repeat in unison: “I swear!”

    First-grader's oath:

    I promise everyone to be healthy

    It’s okay to go to the Postal School.

    In chorus: I swear!

    And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.

    In chorus: I swear!

    I promise everyone that I will try

    No more fighting with my friends!

    In chorus: I swear!

    I promise to be a well-mannered child,

    Don't run around the school, but walk.

    In chorus: I swear!

    I will always be a perfect child

    And I won’t forget my promise!

    In chorus: I swear!

    Presenter: Dear Guys! Don't forget the promises you made today and try to follow them until the end of your studies.

    1 Presenter: Guys, today your dedication will take place together with you. class teachers– Maria Vasilievna, Gulnara Vaitovna and Pakize Kurtvelievna.

    2 Presenter: We invite them to the stage.

    1 Presenter: Dear Maria Vasilievna, Gulnara Vaitovna and Pakize Kurtvelievna! Today we give you a compass, because you, like the captain of a ship, are responsible for determining the course of your class, for the future of your children. Let this compass help you choose the right direction among the ocean of school knowledge.

    1 Presenter: Do you vow to teach your children everything?

    2 Presenter: Should they be an example in everything?

    1 Presenter: Serve the school faithfully?

    2 Presenter: Do you love your job?

    1 Presenter: From now on, you are real class teachers of first-graders.

    1 teacher: Time will fly by and the hour will come,

    If only he would come sooner.

    2nd teacher: Our children will become smarter than us,

    Much smarter.

    3 teacher: We give everything in the world to our children,

    We give from the heart, not as a loan.

    Together: If only the children, our children

    We would become people, we would be people.

    Student 1: Now life is different

    It will come for me.

    Oh, dear mother!

    What an adult I am!

    Student 2: No, school is better than kindergarten!

    I'm happy to go to school.

    After lessons you leave the class,

    And no quiet time!

    Student 3: On a sunny, cheerful holiday

    The heart beats joyfully.

    "Student primary school" -

    This sounds great!

    Student 4: Getting smarter and older

    We will conquer all sciences.

    What a great holiday this is

    We say thank you to everyone.


    Well, friends, now you are real first-graders: brave, responsive, ready for great feats. And you have a long and difficult path ahead, but if you are always diligent and cheerful, then this path will be filled with bright events. Good luck, dear first-graders!

    The song "As friends should" plays.

    The abstract is presented on 10 printed pages.

    Poems on the board:
    Let's laugh

    Let's be friends,

    Let's study

    And have fun living!

    To the song “First-grader, first-grader,” the children enter the hall with the teacher and take their seats.

    Children, accompanied by their parents, enter the classroom. Based on the balls on which the names of the first-graders are written, each student determines his place at the desk.

    Teacher's word.

    And again in the gilded poplar,
    And the school is like a ship at the pier...
    Teachers are waiting for students here,
    To start a new life!

    Dear girls, dear boys! Today is your special day. Today you crossed the school threshold for the first time. You have become first graders! And not ordinary ones, but the first first-graders of the twenty-first century, the first first-graders of the third millennium!

    We have been walking together through the Land of Knowledge for 4 whole years. I really want you and I to become friends, so that you come to school every day dressed up, cheerful, and most importantly - with good mood, with the desire to learn something new every day! At school you will find friends, learn to be friends, and help each other. I, your teacher, and your parents will always be next to you!

    Children's opening remarks.
    On this holiday in September
    We will all call our parents
    So, it's time to start,
    Our holiday is open, we are glad to see you, friends!

    We are very happy today
    To all parents, children,
    We welcome guests
    Dear teachers!

    A month or two ago
    We went to kindergarten
    We played, sang a lot,
    They really wanted to grow up.

    We are very big now
    We came to school.
    And now no one will say
    That we are kids.

    We want to learn quickly
    Make friends with the ABC book!
    From page to page
    We'll read it by spring!

    On this wonderful bright day
    We are not too lazy to go to school,
    We say: “Cozy class,
    Make us welcome!”

    We're going to school for the first time,
    Goodbye, preschoolers!
    We're in a school fraternity now
    We want to join, guys!

    Song "What They Teach at School"
    Here it is autumn. Hello school!
    The cheerful bell rang,
    And you entered for the first time
    To a bright and spacious classroom!

    What is needed here? Don't be lazy
    And study diligently
    To know about everything in the world
    And get straight A's.

    In our classroom the floor is painted,
    Clean walls.
    These are your dads, moms
    Everything was done skillfully.

    Mothers washed all the windows,
    The curtains were hung here.
    So that it is light and clean,
    Make learning fun.

    Bought new books
    Pens and notebooks,
    I'll try to keep it in my briefcase
    Everything was fine.

    I will study with my soul,
    Do all tasks.
    I will make every effort to get straight A's.

    I will help adults
    Do everything carefully
    I will print the letters
    I'm very diligent.

    Among the words, find those items that are needed at school:

    Rite of “Initiation into first graders.”

    Get ready to perform the ceremony of “Initiation into first-graders” of 26 children who crossed the school threshold for the first time on September 1, 2001! This ritual is to be performed by 5th grade students who successfully completed primary school in 2001!

    (To the beat of drums, 6 “priestesses of Science” appear in the classroom. These are fifth-graders girls in clothes imitating the clothes of ancient Olympus, with wreaths of leaves on their heads. They perform the ceremony.)

    1. - Everyone who crossed the threshold of school No. 20 on September 1, 2001 and entered office No. 2 closer to 11 o’clock in the morning is considered a 1st grade student! (drumroll)

    2. - Anyone who wishes to study in this class from 2001 to 2005, step on the foot of your desk neighbor 3 times. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts in the next 4 years. (drumroll)

    3. - Anyone who wants to gain solid knowledge during these 4 years, please his first teacher and, most importantly, manages not to upset his parents, and open his mouth and taste the elixir of attention and memory! (to the sound of the girl’s drumming, each first-grader is given a drop of juice from a pipette on which “elixir of attention and memory” is written)

    4. - Everyone who has found his place at the desk and on the chair, let him not forget it. Let your hands feel the power of the balm of diligence. Whoever rubs this balm on his hands harder will study harder! (to the sound of a drum, the girls put a strip of chalk on the hands of the first-graders; they try to rub this chalk with their palms)

    5. - Everyone who wants to avoid failures, let him hear the order of his ancestors, let him remember what he considers necessary once and for all, and let the rest go in one ear and immediately fly out of the other! (drumroll)

    Instructions from parents to first graders.

    6. - Everyone who brought at least one first-grader to school No. 20 on September 1, 2001 should be considered his parent. May your patience never run out, may your energy flare up, may your imagination develop! (drumroll)

    Teacher's address to parents.

    It is difficult to raise your own children. There is a lot you need to know for this.
    I would like to wish my parents: always help their children in everything,
    Get the child ready for school in the morning, give good parting words on time,
    Have time to read a smart book, and don’t forget to go for a walk on the weekend,
    Also attend all meetings, help the school (to the best of your ability);
    In order to avoid illnesses for everyone, we need to harden the kids even more!
    And if you have to cry because of school, let my gift be immediately unwrapped...
    This gift, look, has a secret: my phone numbers are on a handkerchief on this one,
    Dial any number as quickly as possible, solve any questions with me!

    (The teacher gives the parents handkerchiefs with a piece of paper on them with the teacher’s phone numbers: home and work)

    A word to the parents.

    Parents ask the teacher several humorous questions from Russian fairy tales and hand them symbolic gifts: gingerbread, twig, bag with the inscription “pound of salt.”

    Final words from the teacher.

    Our ritual is now complete. You have become students, schoolchildren. And in confirmation of this, I want to present you with your first school document “First-Grade Certificate”. (Each first grader receives a personal identification card).

    The school is nice, a good home,

    We'll be fine in it

    Step by step every year

    We will begin our journey towards knowledge.

    You must say the first grade oath.

    Fanfare. Oath of all first-graders of the Kayal School. I ask everyone to repeat the word “I swear”

    1.I'm in this new world came of his own accord.

    Now in front of everyone and forever I make a promise.

    2. I swear to pass the test with dignity.

    3. I swear I will find friends here and make an effort.

    4. I swear to love teachers!

    5.And live in peace with the whole world!

    6. I swear not to be lazy for an hour,

    And have fun learning!

    Please accept our first-grader certificates.

    Ved: And now I will read the Order _____________________________________

    They perform a song from the t/f “Quiet C-grade students” “Song about Friendship”

    (words by V. Pototsky, music by V. Ivanov).

    You, me, and you and I...
    You, me, and you and I...
    It's great to have friends in the world.
    If everyone lived alone,
    It's been in pieces for a long time now
    The earth would probably fall apart. (2 times)

    You, me, and you and I...
    You, me, and you and I...
    We'll go around the Earth, then we'll go to Mars.
    Maybe by the Orange River
    There are already sad people there,
    Because we've been gone for too long. (2 times)

    You, me, and you and I...
    You, me, and you and I...
    No one will ever separate us,
    Even if we part
    Friendship still remains.
    Friendship with us remains forever. (2 times)

    “We divide everything in half” (words by I. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).
    As friends should,
    We divide everything in half:
    And raindrops and snowflakes -
    In half, in half, in half.
    As friends should,
    We divide everything in half:
    And laughs and tears -
    In half, in half, in half.
    As friends should,
    We divide everything in half:
    Adventures, sorrows -
    In half, in half, in half.
    As friends should,
    We divide everything in half:
    We even share the song honestly -
    In half, in half, in half.

    Teacher: Now, guys, you are full-fledged students of our school. I hope that you will remember this day for a long time.

    Response from first graders:
    On a sunny, cheerful holiday
    The heart beats joyfully.
    "Elementary School Student" -
    This sounds great!

    Getting smarter and older
    We will conquer all sciences.
    What a great holiday this is
    We say thank you to everyone.

    Yesterday I was just a child,
    There's nothing you can do about it.
    They called me a preschooler
    And now they call me a first-grader.

    No, school is better than kindergarten!
    I'm happy to go to school.
    After lessons you leave the class,
    And no quiet time!

    Now I'm a student.
    I write with ink.
    I'm afraid to move
    I'm sitting and not breathing.

    We are not just children now -
    We are students now!
    And now on our desks
    Books, pens, diaries.

    I won't be lazy
    I will manage everything.
    I want to learn
    Read, write, count.

    Now life is different
    It will come for me.
    Oh, dear mother!
    What an adult I am!

    Our very first
    Ring, ring, bell!
    Go home, moms!
    It's time for us to go to class!

    Presenter: Guys, I congratulate you! But today we have to celebrate another event - the birthday of our class! Tell me, without what is there no birthday?
    Children's answers. Among them is the answer: cake.
    Presenter: So let's bake a birthday cake now.

    Game "Cake"
    All children join hands and line up in one long chain. If there are few children, involve adults. The Leader is in front of everyone, the Atamansha is behind. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: The leader turns around herself, winding the entire chain. The presenter spins until a large “cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the entire chain wraps around the leader, you should stop. During the game, the melody of Gena the crocodile's song sounds.
    Presenter: This is how the cake turned out! (asks the children) Why do we have it?
    Children's answers: With banana, with jam, with cream, with strawberries, apples...
    Presenter: What's missing from the birthday cake?
    Children: Svechek.
    Presenter: Correct! All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.
    The children run away in different directions.
    Presenter: Guys, what do we wish for our class?
    Children's answers.
    Presenter: And now, in honor of two significant events, we will arrange a festive fireworks display!
    The song “On the Road of Goodness” sounds, with shouts of “Hurray!” children throw balloons up.
    Photo for memory. Tea party.
    All competitions were held to cheerful music. The children and parents were very pleased. The whole celebration lasted a little over an hour.
    All the best to you!

    Game "Collect the word."
    Pictures of sea animals are hung on the walls, children collect them and form the word A-Z-B-U-K-A.

    Let's play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." I will ask you, and you will answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Be careful, there may be a trap.
    Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
    - Who walks to school every day in a cheerful band?
    - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
    - Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
    — …
    - Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?
    — …
    — Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?
    — …
    - Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
    — …
    - Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?
    — …
    - Who completes their homework on time?
    — …
    - How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
    — …
    - Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
    — …
    - Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
    — …
    “Which of you, I want to know, has an A+ in diligence?”
    — …
    — Which of you comes to class an hour late?
    — …
    -Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?
    — …
    - Tell me, guys, who does exercises in the morning?
    — …
    Professor: Well done, guys! You were attentive. Now help me open the magic chest. To do this, you need to correctly guess all my riddles!
    The children solve riddles, and the professor gradually takes them out of the chest. school supplies in 2 copies. and lays it out on two tables.
    Second task. "Magic Chest". (author of the riddles - Natalya Ivanova)

    1. You colored pencil
    Color all the drawings.
    To correct them later,
    It will be very useful...
    2. I’m ready to blind the whole world -
    House, car, two cats.
    Today I am the ruler -
    I have…
    3. I'm big, I'm a student!
    In my backpack...
    4. A straight line, come on,
    Draw it yourself!
    It's complicated science!
    Will come in handy here...
    5. And every schoolchild understands
    What I really need...
    6. I look like a box
    You put your hands on me.
    Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
    Well, of course I am. ..
    (pencil case)
    7. Glue together a ship, a soldier,
    Steam locomotive, car, sword.
    And it will help you guys

    1. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
    Feel free to write on me
    You can also draw
    Because I... (notebook)
    2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,
    With filling in the middle.
    I am friends with a sharp sharpener,
    And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)
    3. How boring, brothers,
    Ride on your back
    You don't respect
    Somehow you throw
    Week after week...
    This is a complaint... (briefcase)
    4. He is a help to the teacher,
    He strictly orders:
    Then sit down and study
    Then get up, go away,
    Getting ready for class
    Teacher's friend... (call)
    5. In this narrow box
    You will find pencils
    Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,
    Anything for the soul. (pencil case)
    6. I love directness
    And it's straight.
    Make a straight line
    I help people. (ruler)

    7. They live in a difficult book
    Cunning brothers.
    There are ten of them, but these brothers
    They will count everything in the world. (numbers)
    Professor: Well done, guys! You know that a real student must learn to assemble a briefcase quickly and accurately. Now you and I will practice.
    Game "Collect a briefcase".
    Three students participate in the game. On command, they assemble a briefcase to the music: put a pencil case, plasticine, ruler, etc. In it. Who is faster?
    Professor: I see you know how to put together a briefcase. In the morning for school you have to get up early, and you really want to lie down for an extra minute... And then, in order not to be late for class, you have to run to school... Here's your third task: run around a chair with a backpack, pass it to someone else, etc.
    Children complete the professor's assignment.
    Professor: You know how to pack a briefcase, and you run well, and you know a lot, but a real schoolboy must be able to behave correctly, be polite and know all the magic words. I'll now check if all of you know what it means to be polite!
    Courtesy competition.
    It will even melt ice block
    From a warm word...
    (Thank you)

    The old stump will turn green,
    When he hears...
    (Good afternoon)

    The child is polite and developed
    He says when meeting...

    When we are scolded for our pranks
    We say: Sorry,...

    Both in France and Denmark
    They say goodbye...

    Professor: Well done, guys! You completed my tasks. I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and awarded the proud title of FIRST CLASSER. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronouncement of the first-grader’s oath, after which you will become members of a large and friendly school family!
    The teacher reads the oath. Children repeat each line in chorus.

    The oath of a first-grader is read while standing. Mrs. Science reads the lines of the oath, and the children and Dunno repeat the word “we swear.”

    The oath taken on September 25, 2009 at the great event
    initiation into first graders at the Kayal SO school.

    We are first graders
    Girls, boys.
    We swear to be obedient
    Cheerful, not boring.

    Help mom and dad
    Don't hurt kids
    Always be diligent
    And true to our friendship.
    Discover a world of knowledge for yourself,
    Serve for the good of the Motherland!

    Student #1:
    Look at me!
    That's how happy I am!
    I'm already in first grade
    I wear a school uniform.
    When the bell rings, I study and eat,
    True, I have to sleep.
    And for now for the game
    There is no time.

    Student #2:
    We know a little letters
    We learned to count.
    We can count on our fingers:
    One two three four five.

    Student #3:
    We want to learn quickly
    Make friends with the alphabet book,
    From page to page
    We will wipe it down by spring.

    We'll learn before summer
    Draw, write, count,
    And always in all subjects
    We will receive “five”.

    Development of Prototype in the section Ready lessons, Class hour, Lesson notes and published on September 22nd, 2015
    You are at:

    Most modern Russian schools conduct “Initiation for first-graders.” A celebration is held after several weeks of training. By this time, the children are already getting used to the new team well, they have friends and girlfriends. A month after the first day of school, first-graders no longer feel embarrassed when communicating with the teacher, head teachers, principal and classmates. They get used to the rhythm of school life, long lessons and short breaks, easily memorize poems and take part in extracurricular activities with pleasure. The holiday script for 1st grade is usually drawn up by teachers and the most active parents. High school students help host an event in the library or even in the school yard, initiating students into readers and walkers. Often fairy-tale characters come to visit first-graders - younger children are much more interested in communicating with famous characters literary works, and they are happy to complete their tasks. Sometimes a holiday for children is held directly in the classroom, with a video presentation about the history of the school.

    Initiation into first graders - An interesting holiday scenario

    Initiation into first graders is the most long-awaited and interesting day for children, the first holiday in their school life. The event scenario provides for the ceremonial awarding of first-graders with symbolic medals and the presentation of gifts to them. High school students come to visit former preschoolers. They share with them funny stories that happened to them during their training, they tell funny incidents, show photos from their extracurricular activities.

    Examples of interesting scenarios for the celebration of initiation into first graders

    When working on the script for the “Initiation into First-Graders” holiday, teachers can call for help from parents of 1st grade students, high school students, and other teachers. For children 6-7 years old, such an event is best held in game form. First-graders will be interested in guessing riddles and inventing short tales, compete with classmates for speed. Outdoor games should be organized in the hall, in the school yard or in the gym.

    First-grader's oath:

    I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy,

    Go to your favorite school regularly!

    And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.

    I swear that I will try very hard

    No more fighting with my friends!

    I swear to be a well-mannered child,

    Don't run around the school, but walk.

    And if I break my oath,

    Then I give away my baby tooth,

    Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

    And I won't play on the computer!

    I will always be a perfect child

    And I will never forget my oath!

    It's hard to raise your children,

    There is a lot you need to know for this.

    I would like to wish my parents:

    Always help children with everything,

    Get the child ready for school in the morning,

    Give good parting words in time,

    And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

    To avoid everyone's illnesses,

    We still need to toughen up the children,

    Everyone also attends meetings,

    Help the school as much as possible.

    And most importantly - without a doubt -

    I wish you patience!

    Modern scenario for the celebration of initiation into first graders

    By the age of 6-7, modern children can not only read and write well, but also work with a computer, phone, and tablet. When drawing up a script for the first-grader initiation celebration, the teacher can ask the most active and intelligent students to help them choose a video for the event, select suitable songs that are popular among young music lovers. High school students can give the kids a quiz. A child who answers all questions correctly is awarded the honorary title of “1st grade student.” Of course, children should not ask tricky questions - by giving the correct answers, first-graders should sincerely rejoice at their success.

    Initiation into first graders at school - Scenario for a modern holiday

    Modern schoolchildren love music, dance well, love to sing popular songs and take part in humorous skits. When organizing initiation into first-graders, the teacher must take into account the interests of the majority of the children. The celebration cannot be held as an official event with congratulations and instructions from teachers and their parents. Before the holiday, it is better to decorate the classroom with balloons, photographs of first-graders, funny pictures about school life. Especially for this event, you need to write a first-grader’s oath on a large sheet of whatman paper - everyone can read it together. After the oath, boys and girls are given the honorary title of “1st grade student.”


    Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away or tear it... We swear!

    Do your homework completely... We swear

    Come to school on time... We swear

    Become smarter and more mature in a year... We swear!

    Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear! We swear! We swear!

    Initiation to first-graders - Holiday scenario with fairy-tale characters

    For initiation into first-graders, fairy-tale characters come to visit the students - Dunno, Carlson, Pinocchio, Alice from Wonderland. They tell them riddles for children about school, sing songs about friendship with them, and play educational games.

    Video of the celebration of initiation into first-graders - Scenes with fairy-tale characters

    The heroes of skits on the day of initiation into first-graders often become heroes of fairy tales. They amuse the children by telling them ridiculous facts about school life, play catch-up with them, and later reward the winners of the mini-quiz with sweet prizes.

    Poems for 1st grade for initiation into first graders

    Their parents and grandparents are always invited to attend the initiation of first-graders at school. The closest people of the first-graders enjoy listening to them recite poems about school from the stage and show funny skits making fun of careless students and “nerds.” They always begin to prepare for the event two to three weeks before the holiday: children must have time not only to memorize all the rhymes, but also to pronounce these quatrains with expression.

    Examples of poems for dedication to first-graders in 1st grade

    When choosing poems for dedication to first-graders, the teacher can choose funny quatrains Gregory Oster. The work of the popular modern writer, known as the author of “Bad Advice” for children and adults, is sure to evoke a lot of positive emotions in children 6-7 years old. Of course, such “unrhymed rhymes” are chosen simply to make the holiday as fun as possible. You can include touching lines about the school and teachers in the event script.

    I promise to study with A's!

    I promise to remember and know everything!

    I promise to learn science

    And become an academician in the future!

    All paths are open to us,

    All roads are ahead of us.

    We'll be famous someday

    But for now we are only first class.

    And for now we just need to learn,

    To reveal the secrets of the world,

    Always strive for the unknown

    So that it can become famous.

    For the people and for the native country.

    We all study not for the sake of boredom -

    We must glorify our Motherland.

    Dedication of first-graders to readers - Celebration in the library

    The purpose of initiating first-graders into readers is to make yesterday's preschoolers intimately familiar with the school library. Organizing an event, teacher primary classes Together with the librarian, they prepare library cards or homemade “young reader certificates” for children. At the festival, children are told how to learn how to quickly and without outside help find the book they need on the shelves. The youngest schoolchildren will learn detailed rules for handling books.

    Celebration of dedication of first-graders to readers - Event in the school library

    In preparing for the initiation of first-graders into readers, the teacher and librarian should select for the holiday idioms and proverbs related to books, writers, literature. It is best for the children to organize a short excursion to the school library and explain to them in detail the principle of arranging books on the shelves. At the end of the event, it is best to give first-graders books with fairy tales, short stories or children's poems.

    Meeting my tried and tested friends,

    Whose life is forever extended.

    They grow up just like you,

    And they teach quietly, year after year,

    Move forward, resist adversity,

    And see eternity in a fleeting day.

    Heroes of books. They are all akin to us:

    Dubrovsky, Chatsky, a little bit - Pechorin.

    Our character is born from grains,

    which they sowed.

    Winter is on the street. And light snow

    Spun into silent fibers.

    Scenario of the holiday "Initiation into first graders"

    Celebration progress:


    Follow me with a good step,
    Let's go, friends.
    Come to us for the dedication holiday,
    There's no way you can be late
    We are very happy to see all guests!
    The holiday has knocked on our door!

    That's it, guys, come in!

    We look forward to seeing you!

    Presenter 1. Hello, dear guys, dads and moms, guests of the holiday. The long-awaited day has come, the holiday of initiation into first-graders! I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check!

    Leading Are the diligent girls here?

    Girls. Here!

    Presenter 2. Smart boys here?

    Boys. Here!

    Presenter 1. Are there caring mothers here?

    Moms. Here!

    Presenter 2. Handy dads here?

    Dads. Here!

    Amazing. Everyone is here. This means that our holiday “initiation into first-graders” can be considered open.

    Leading: Dear Guys! I'm glad to see you all! Today we have the first school holiday"Initiation to first graders"! I want to sincerely congratulate you on this memorable day in your life. I wish you health, happiness, success in your studies. Guys, today your fathers, mothers, grandparents are worried along with you. Both your parents and I would really like you to be successful students, persistent and persistent in your studies, polite and well-mannered with your elders and with each other. But your parents and I will definitely help you.

    Leading: Dear guys, you have already been at school for a month. Let's now remember how it all began?!

    (Video “First month of school”)

    Leading: Now whoever can hear me, clap your hands 3 times (children clap). Well done! I want to remind you that my name is Inna Leonidovna. When you hear your name, clap your hands. Get ready! 1,2,3!!!

    I have big children:

    There are Kirill and Andrey,

    Lisa, Anya and Polina,

    Ira, Daria, Vitalina,

    Roma, Slava and Bogdan.

    There is Nikita, there is Olya,

    Lesha and Vika are there too

    I haven’t forgotten Yaroslav, Alexandra, Alevtina.

    In general, a complete first class.

    I - big family parent.

    Did you guess it? I - …. (teacher)

    And now a word to the guys (poems)

    Well, now I propose to go to journey through the galaxy of Knowledge and check whether you are ready for school or not? Ready?

    First planet "New Home".

    The first-grader is seven years old.

    I have a backpack behind me,

    And in your hands large bouquet,

    There is a blush on the cheeks.

    What holiday date is this?

    There is a cheerful, bright house.
    There are a lot of agile guys there.
    They write and count there,
    Draw and read. (School.)

    In black and white
    They write every now and then.
    Rub with a rag -
    Blank page. (Blackboard)

    He calls, calls, calls,

    He tells a lot of people:

    Then sit down and study,

    Then get up, go away (Call)

    Time between two calls
    It's called... (Lesson)

    Schools are not simple buildings,
    In schools they receive ... (Knowledge.)

    Well done! You answered perfectly.

    Leading: Guys, to receive the honorary title of first grader you need to show your attentiveness. I will read the text, and if you agree with it, you will answer me: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If not, then remain silent.

    Which of you will keep your books and notebooks in order?

    Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

    Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face?

    Which one of you scores a goal through the window in a game of football?

    How many of you give up your seat to older people in crowded transport?

    How many of you managed to catch flies here today?

    Who among you does not look gloomy, loves sports and physical education!

    Leading: Well done! You guys are very friendly and attentive!

    Leading: Only schoolchildren can travel through the Land of Knowledge. - Who are the schoolchildren? (Children who are in school).

    How else can they be called? (Students).

    That's right, students learn in class! You and I have to find out what a lesson is and what kinds of lessons there are!

    Well, guys, keep quiet!

    The lesson begins.

    To become a student

    This is what we need to know.

    You are sitting in class

    Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

    If you want to say

    Either get out or get up

    You have to hold your hand like that.

    Amazing! Do you remember everything? But before you go to class, you need to pack your briefcase. Each of you now knows what to take to school and what things are best left at home? Let's check it now!

    Game "Collect a briefcase"

    - So, children, if I name an object that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed in school, you stomp your feet.

    Textbooks and books,

    toy mouse,

    Clockwork locomotive,

    Colored plasticine,

    Brushes and paints,

    New Year's masks,

    Eraser and bookmarks,

    Stapler and notebooks,

    Schedule, diary.

    Student ready for school!

    Well done! But to be a real first-grader, you need not only to be able to pack a briefcase and not be late for school, but also to cope with various tasks. .

    Next planet “Give me a word”

    I will start the sentence and you will continue. Ready?

    The pachyderm takes the hay with its trunk …(elephant)

    Who likes to run around on branches? Of course, redhead …(squirrel)

    In the thicket, he raises his head and howls with hunger …(wolf)

    Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown …(bear)

    Loves to crow on the fence in the morning …(rooster)

    Planet mathematical

    1. Stumps have 5 mushrooms

    And under the tree - 3.

    How many mushrooms will there be?

    Come on, look! (8)

    2. In the clearing, by the stump,

    He found another one.

    Who has the answer ready?

    How many fungi did the hedgehog find? (3)

    3. One birch grew

    It has 8 branches.

    There's an orange on each one.

    How many oranges were there on the birch tree? (0)

    Leading: From today you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the first grade oath. Repeat in unison: “I swear!”

    First-grader's oath

    I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy,

    Go to your favorite school regularly!

    And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.

    I swear!

    I swear that I will try very hard

    No more fighting with my friends!

    I swear!

    I swear to be a well-mannered child,

    Don't run around the school, but walk.

    I swear!

    And if I break my oath,

    Then I give away my baby tooth,

    Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

    And I won't play on the computer!

    I swear!

    I will always be a perfect child

    I swear!


    It's hard to raise your children,

    There is a lot you need to know for this.

    I would like to wish my parents:

    Always help children with everything,

    Get the child ready for school in the morning,

    Give good parting words in time,

    And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off,

    To avoid everyone's illnesses,

    We still need to toughen up the children,

    Everyone also attends meetings,

    Help the school as much as possible.

    And most importantly - without a doubt -

    I wish you patience!

    Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath as parents of first-graders!

    Oath of parents of first-graders

    I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

    Always say “Well done” to your child!

    I swear!

    I swear to leave in due time,

    I swear I won't be late for class.

    I swear!

    I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

    I swear to master a foreign language with him.

    I swear!

    I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

    And help him do his homework.

    I swear!

    And if I break my oath,

    Then I give away my last tooth,

    Then I promise my child

    Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!

    I swear!

    Then I will be an ideal parent

    And I will never forget my oath!

    I swear!

    (Students sing the song “Strong Friendship”)

    Leading: Your holiday is coming to an end. And now all parents and children are invited to the classroom for tea!


    1 competition"Artists"

    Exercise: draw a cat with closed eyes.

    Draw a big circle, a small one on top, two ears on the top of the head, this will be the head, let’s draw it for beauty, make his mustache fuller, now the fluffy tail is ready. You are the most beautiful of all cats.

    2 competition"Straw"

    Exercise: Who can drink juice faster through a straw?

    3 competition"Who is faster"

    Exercise: Who can remove all the clothespins faster with their eyes closed?

    4 competition:"Sweet competition"

    Exercise: Who can eat a banana faster?

    5 competition"Who will burst faster balloon»

    Exercise: Who will burst the balloon faster?

    6th competition “Sharp eyes, clean ears, quick hands”

    Exercise: who will take the prize for the word faster 3

    I'll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases,

    I'll just say word 3. Take the prize immediately.

    Once we caught a pike, gutted it and inside,

    We saw small fish, and not just one, but... two!

    A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, look, don’t be cunning at the start,

    And wait for the command one, two... march!

    When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night, but repeat them to yourself once, twice, or better yet... five!

    Recently I had to wait 3 hours for a train at the station.

    Well, why didn’t your friends take the prize when they had the opportunity to take it?

    Municipal educational institution

    Pribrezhnenskaya secondary school

    Staromainsky district, Ulyanovsk region

    Summary of extracurricular activities

    in 1st grade
    "Initiation to first graders"


    Deputy Director for HR

    Pogodina Nadezhda Mikhailovna

    Coastal 2010

    Celebration "Initiation into first graders"

    Pogodina Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

    Deputy Director for VR

    Municipal educational institution Pribrezhnenskaya secondary school
    Staromainsky district, Ulyanovsk region

    Decoration: the classroom is decorated with balloons, drawings, and handicrafts made by first-graders; children's songs are played.
    Presentation (Appendix 1)
    Presenter 1. Hello, friends! Hello guys, dear teachers, mothers and fathers, grandparents, guests.
    Presenter 2. Let the holiday “Initiation into first-graders” be considered open. Stand still to the sounds of the Russian anthem! The Russian anthem plays.
    Presenter 2. You have studied a whole quarter and half of the second at school, learned a lot and learned a lot.
    Presenter 1. Today we are dedicating you to real first-graders of our school.
    Presenter 2. But for this you will need to pass several tests, pass the so-called exam.

    Presenter 1. Your teacher Nadezhda Vasilyevna and your parents will help you with this.
    Presenter 2. But we all have high hopes for you, dear first-graders.
    Presenter 1. Who knows, maybe today a future cosmonaut will perform on this stage, a future poet or teacher will read a poem, a future singer or doctor will sing a song.
    Readers take the stage
    Student 1.
    School! The best friend,
    Our second home!
    Here we comprehend the course of science
    We are a friendly family.
    Student 2.
    I grew up when I entered this house.
    Here I learn to read and write.
    But furtively under his desk
    I continue... to play with toys.
    (Holds a toy in his hands.)
    Student 3.
    We all come with bows.
    Now we iron the trousers ourselves!
    Look, there are arrows.
    Maybe 5, maybe 6
    Student 4.
    I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school.
    Hooray! I'm a schoolboy! I'm studying?
    And here is my class.
    My first class.
    I studied here for a quarter.
    I learned so much that, friends,
    I give you my word -
    I've become a "scientist"!
    Student 5.
    Even though we have been able to read for a long time,
    There is never a dull moment at school.
    After all, we were put in first class
    To teach scientifically.
    Student 6.
    We live together in class and have fun.
    We read, sculpt and sing.
    Write poetry and rhyme -
    It's very difficult, I must tell you.
    Student 7.
    Together we will try -
    It's not a waste of time and effort.
    We will successfully overcome
    Our beautiful ABC book.

    Student 8.
    Everyone in class is busy
    From bell to bell,
    It's just a pity that there's a change
    The school is very short.
    Student 9.
    We are getting used to order.
    We place the notebook correctly.
    And we get up every time
    When the teacher enters the classroom.
    Student 10.
    How much do we learn in school?
    How many books will we read?
    We're on this path
    Ten years still to go!
    The readers leave the stage.
    The song by V. Shainsky “They teach at school” is played. Children sit in their seats to the music.
    Presenter: Today our first-graders face great challenges. They must show ingenuity, the ability to make friends, attention, courage and dexterity. Dear first graders, don't worry, your older friends, your teacher and your parents will be next to you. The one who passes all the tests will be awarded the proud title of “Apprentice”. So, hit the road, an exciting journey awaits you. And now you will find out what we will take on the journey:
    The brothers are ready to visit,
    They clung to each other
    And they rushed off on a long journey,
    They just left some smoke.
    What is this?
    Children: These are train carriages.
    Presenter: Now you will receive paper trailers. Draw on them yourself and the people closest to you - your family.
    Children perform the task to the music of V. Shainsky’s song “Blue Car”; the finished carriages are attached to the board with “snake” magnets.
    Presenter: The train is ready. A cheerful little train will take us from Romashkovo.
    Let's go, friends! The first stop is “Veselaya Polyanka”. Look at this wonderful tree. (The presenter draws the children’s attention to the applique on the board). This is the tree of friendship. And on its pieces of paper are the names and surnames of our first-graders. I will take off one leaf at a time. Whose first and last name I name, let him come to the board and tell about himself: what he loves, what he is interested in, how affectionately they call him at home.
    Children come to the board and briefly talk about themselves.
    Presenter: Look how many daisies there are in our meadow! Among them there is the largest one - the mysterious chamomile. There are riddles hidden on its petals.

    4th grade students read riddles, first graders guess them.
    Thirty-three sisters
    Not very tall.
    If you know their secret,
    Then you will find the answer to everything.
    I don't know how to read
    And I’ve been writing all my life.
    He writes when dictated,
    He draws and draws.
    And this evening
    He will color the album for me.
    Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
    Feel free to write on me
    You can also draw
    I call myself...
    I carry a new house in my hand,
    The doors of the house are locked.
    The residents here are made of paper,
    All terribly important.
    Presenter: Guys, when do you think is better to pack your briefcase - in the morning, before school or in the evening?
    Children: It's better in the evening, otherwise you might be late for school.
    Presenter: Well done! A true student must learn to assemble a briefcase quickly and accurately. Attention, we are playing a “pack a briefcase” game.
    Presenter: Let's compete to see who can assemble the briefcase faster.
    Three students participate in the game. At the command “Start,” they collect the briefcase to the music; put in it: “ABC”, a folder with notebooks, an album, a pencil case, colored pencils, plasticine. The winner is awarded. The game can be repeated.
    Presenter: Children, have a little fun in the cheerful meadow, play with a balloon, but when the bell rings, sit quietly in your seats.
    Children move to the music.
    Presenter: Well done! You heard the bell and very quickly took your seats. The journey continues. At this time there is a knock on the door. 5th grade students enter. They have come to give you guidance and useful advice.

    First student.

    Wake up early in the morning
    Wash yourself well
    So as not to yawn at school,
    Don't peck your nose at the desk.

    Second student.

    Train yourself to order
    Don't play hide and seek with things.
    Treasure every book,
    Keep your briefcase clean.

    Third student.

    Dress neatly
    So that it was pleasant to watch.
    Don't giggle in class
    Don't move the chair back and forth.

    Fourth student.

    Don't be teasing, don't be arrogant,
    Try to help everyone at school,
    Don't frown in vain, be brave -
    And you will find friends.

    Fifth student.

    Tell everyone about the school
    Cherish the honor of the school,
    Learn to write, read, count,
    To get a "five" mark.

    Sixth student.

    That's all our advice,
    They are wiser and simpler.
    If you carry out the order,
    Get ready for the second class!

    Presenter : Literaturnaya station. Let's do a literary warm-up. Give the missing name of a literary character:

    brownie..., dad..., old man..., uncle..., postman..., doctor..., baron..., signor..., prince..., king...
    Children name literary heroes: Kuzya, Carlo, Hottabych, Styopa, Pechkin, Aibolit, Munchausen, Tomato, Gvidon, Saltan.
    It is very important for a poet to be able to choose a rhyme, for example, stove - candle. Let's play rhymes: mole - (raccoon, compote), red - (dangerous, terrible), fox - (beauty), duck - (joke), smile - (mistake), book - (bump).
    Presenter: Station "Mathematical".
    Math is hard
    But I will say with respect:
    Math is needed
    Everyone, without exception.
    I propose very interesting tasks.
    1. Birds flew across the sky: a magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee. How many birds were there?
    Children: Two.

    2. From under the fence 4 legs and 4 paws are visible. How many living creatures are there under the fence?
    Children: 2 people and a dog.
    3. How many girls are there in your class; boys?
    The children answer.
    Presenter: Well done! You are good at math, but at school they will teach you how to solve more difficult problems.
    Presenter : Station "Musical". Do you remember Leopold the cat's favorite song from the cartoon?
    Children: “If you are kind...”
    Presenter: Let's sing it all together.

    Presenter: You sing great, I give everyone high fives.

    Presenter : Station "Merry Colors". Guess the riddle:
    What a wonderful beauty!
    painted gate
    Appeared on the way!..
    You can't drive into them or enter them.
    Children: This is a rainbow.
    Presenter: Name the colors of the rainbow in order.
    Children name, remembering the words “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”
    Presenter: Let's draw a rainbow.
    First-graders take turns running out and using a wide brush to paint colored arcs of the rainbow.
    Teacher: Oh! Words appeared on the rainbow! Let's read them.
    The words were pre-drawn with a candle.
    Children: Mom, sun, peace, homeland, happiness.
    Teacher: What words are dear to the heart. I would like to add one more thing.
    Shows a sign that says “School.”
    The school is a glorious school house,
    You will feel good in it.
    Step by step every year
    We will begin our journey towards knowledge.
    Presenter: Dear first graders! You passed all the tests with honor, we initiate you as students and accept you into our friendly school family!
    Response from first graders:
    Student 1:
    Happy sunny holiday
    The heart beats joyfully.
    "Elementary School Student" -
    This sounds great!
    Student 2:
    Getting smarter and older
    We will conquer all sciences.
    What a great holiday this is
    We say “thank you” to everyone.

    Student 3:
    The bell will ring loudly:
    “It’s time for us to go to class!”
    Students from our entire school
    They shout loudest: “Hurray!”

    First student (holds the drawn letter "SH" in his hands) .

    Look at me!
    That's how happy I am!
    I'm already in first grade
    I wear a school uniform,
    When the bell rings, I study and eat.
    It's a pity that you have to sleep
    And for now for the game
    There is no time.

    Second student (with the letter "K") .

    Yesterday I was just a child.
    There's nothing you can do about it.
    They called me a preschooler
    And now they call me a first-grader.

    First student (with the letter "O") .

    No, school is better than kindergarten!
    I'm happy to go to school.
    After lessons you leave the class,
    And no quiet time!

    Second student (with the letter "L") .

    Now I'm a student.
    I write with ink.
    I'm afraid to move
    I'm sitting and not breathing.

    Third student (with the letter "A") .

    We are not just children now -
    We are students now!
    And now on our desks
    Books, pens, diaries.

    And now your teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna will sprinkle you with water from the “cup of knowledge.”

    Presenter 1 . Attention! The right to read the oath of the students of Pribrzhnenskaya high school provided to 1st grade students. (Appendix 2)

    Students' oath.

    I swear to everyone to be diligent,
    And go to our class regularly.
    I swear! (All children repeat in chorus.)

    I swear that I will try very hard
    No more fighting with my friends!
    I swear!

    I swear to be a raised child,
    Don't run around the school, but walk.
    I swear!

    I swear not to be afraid of the thorny road
    And I swear to cherish the title of schoolboy.
    I swear!

    And if I break my oath,
    Then I give away my baby tooth,
    I swear!

    I will always be a real child,

    I swear!

    Presenter 2 . Now you are not just schoolchildren. You are real students, first graders. Be proud of this title. In memory of this solemn day, we present you with an oath that you will hang in your home above your desk and a diploma that you are true students.
    Children are given vows and diplomas to the accompaniment of solemn music.
    Presenter. We hope that not only your teachers, but also your parents will help you keep the words of your oath. (Appendix 3)
    Parents of students take the stage.
    Parents' oath.

    I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)
    Always say to the child: “Well done!”
    I swear!
    (All parents present in the hall say in chorus.)

    I swear to leave in due time,
    I swear I won't be late for class.
    I swear!

    I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,
    And understand and master the Teacher’s thoughts.
    I swear!

    I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.
    And don’t interfere with his homework.
    I swear!

    And if I break my oath,
    Then I give away my last tooth,
    I swear!

    Then I will be a real parent
    And I will never forget my oath.
    I swear!

    Presenter 1. Our holiday ends.
    Presenter 2. I ask everyone to stand.
    The anthem of the "Staromainsky District" is played.
    Presenter 1. The holiday "Initiation into students - first graders" is declared closed.
    Presenter 2. Goodbye, friends.

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