• Scenario for meeting guests at a village festival. Sergievsky rural house of culture


    *Music before the concert starts (check repertoire with Vera Ilyinichna).

    HOST: Good afternoon, dear Kryukovites and distinguished guests!
    We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

    I love you at any time of the year
    My native Russian village.
    And on a warm day, in any bad weather
    With you my soul is always light.
    The familiar birch tree nods to me,
    And I answered her “Hello!” I say
    How good I feel, how simple it is in Russian
    Live in my bright, gentle land.
    And on this day there is revival in the village
    And the looks radiate a kind light.
    The village celebrates its birthday
    Many joyful and good years to him!

    May this holiday give you joy, laughter, smiles, good mood! And we give you our songs! And the first song of today is a surprise and a gift for everyone. Our village now has its own anthem! Words by Nadezhda Shmakova, music by Mikhail Obedkov. Performed by the Choir “Russian Soul!”

    HOST: Did you like our anthem? Well, that's great! Now we have our own Kryukov song for all occasions, for any weather and at any time of the year. Speaking of seasons, we must show ourselves in all our glory, since today we will be visited by all four seasons, and here is the first...
    SPRING – Zlata Sokolova
    From distant lands, where the sea wave
    Lace crumbles into foam,
    Spring flies to us on the wings of the winds
    And it brings change with it.
    Spring decorates the gardens and fields,
    Covers the ravines with flowers.
    The sun-warmed earth comes to life,
    Drinks fragrant drops of moisture.

    SPRING: Hello Kryukovites, you probably already guessed who I am. Of course, I am Spring! And I came to you in the middle of autumn for a reason. After all, today is your holiday - Village Day! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you happiness, joy, and of course, I and my little helpers have many, many gifts for you! And here is the first one! Children from kindergarten will now perform for you! They are very excited, and we simply must support them with loud applause!
    NUMBER 2 _________________CHILDREN'S GARDEN__________________________________________
    VESNA: These are the small and distant friends I have! But the surprises didn't end there! What's a day without dancing? And we dance at any time of the year, and now the guys from the dance group “Vizavi” will perform for you with the dance “………………………”, let's meet them loudly and loudly!

    NUMBER 3 ______________________VISIAVIEW_________________________________

    SPRING: These are the lively and creative guys who live in our village! And they danced and danced, but we must not forget about the song, it is needed at any time of the year! And now Maria Shmakova will give you some spring sunshine, welcome!


    SPRING: It’s become a little hot, apparently summer time is coming, it’s time for me to leave, but this means that you and I will meet again soon. Wait for me in March, see you again!
    “CELEMENTAL PART” 18:15/20

    SUMMER – Maria Tsvetkova

    SUMMER: Sings a song about summer:

    NUMBER 5 _______ MARIYATSVETKOVA – SONG ABOUT SUMMER__________________

    SUMMER: Our world is made of flowers and smiles,
    From the sun, love and warmth,
    From birds and small fish -
    In the river, turquoise to the bottom.
    Flowers of a happy childhood,
    Our Earth is filled.
    And again the song will be sung,
    We will sing together: you and me!
    And we will sing along and dance along with the summer group of our village - the Russian Soul Choir!

    NUMBER 6____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -_________________________________
    NUMBER 7____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    NUMBER 8 ____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    SUMMER: And here is another summer gift for the entire birthday village! Summer butterfly dance!!! Let's applaud!
    NUMBER 9: Tatyana Ilyina – dance with wings.
    SUMMER: In one famous fable, an ant said to a dragonfly, “You kept singing - that’s the point, so go and dance!” We will follow this advice and greet you with loud applause. dance group“Counterpart” with the dance “……………………”
    NUMBER 10 ____________________ “VISAVI”_______________________
    SUMMER: On the day of the village there is a feast in the mountains, but it’s time for me to go home! Wait, I'll be back in June! And welcome Autumn!
    NUMBER 11 – NADEZHA SHMAKOVA – “AUTUMN”______________________________
    Autumn: “Autumn time, the charm of the eyes!” Everyone knows these lines of the great poet A.S. Pushkin. Autumn is probably the most creative time of the year, and in our village there are many poets, some make themselves known, while others write their lines in secret notebooks.
    Now, I want to invite our Kryukov poetess Olga Shmakova to this stage, the head of the poetry circle, with poems that she writes equally well and positively, despite the seasons!

    NUMBER 12 _______________OLGA SHMAKOVA – POEMS__________

    Autumn: After such lines, you are not afraid of bad weather and slush, but you want to sing and dance, and behind the scenes the lead singer of the vocal group “Chic” Alexandra Krutova is already waiting for her appearance!


    Autumn: Our village lives with song both in summer and winter, and our young artists help the Kryukovites with this! Maria Meranyuk sings for you, applause!

    NUMBER 14 ______________MARIA MERANYUK – SONG

    Autumn: It's time to give way to Winter, but not for long, don't freeze, friends!

    Winter: I sow, weed, I sow,
    Happy Village Day!!!
    It got a bit chilly, even my feet were frozen, I should dance. Do you agree? Well, then I invite the new Kryukov dance group “DIVA-DANCE” to perform. Everybody dance!

    NUMBER 16 –____________“DIVA_DANCE” – DANCE

    Winter: Well, have you danced? No? Well, then let's start a big, big round dance and dance to the singing of my merry girlfriends! Come on ladies! Let's cheer the people up!
    NUMBER 17: ____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    NUMBER 18: ____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    NUMBER 19: ____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    NUMBER 20: ____CHORUS “RUSSIAN SOUL” -________________________________
    Winter: Oh, I’m out of breath from dancing! It’s probably time for me to go home, otherwise according to the calendar it’s too early for me. Thank you very much, Kryukovites, for your joyful greeting, now I give way to the legitimate Autumn! Until December, good people!
    Autumn: Well, finally - everything fell into place, And the concert has come to an end, but this does not mean that the holiday is over! After all, specially, in order to congratulate you, Kryukovites, on your holiday, honored guests came - artists from Moscow itself! Let's show what good spectators we are and greet them with a flurry of applause!!!

    In the modern world, for many, life in villages or towns is associated with an old rickety fence near an old house with a fallen roof or on a narrow village street. What if, instead, you just imagine a cozy mansion, which is immersed in spring and summer time? bright colors, and in winter lulled by the lukewarm sound of firewood crackling in the fireplace?

    The modern village today has all the opportunities for a cozy and comfortable stay. Such living is not at all different from urban living, and often exceeds it. Your own huge, modern house with a spacious terrace is fully equipped with all the latest technology, a backyard, a garden with an area for pleasant relaxation and entertainment - this is an absolute guarantee of living in peace, which is not found in the bustle of the city.

    Life in the countryside is a completely different way of life from the city, with its own rules and habits. That is why the scenario for the day of the village should be written primarily taking into account these features.

    Since the ancient Russian period, a lot of attention has always been paid to holidays. They personified preparation for the new, attracting prosperity and security to every home, as well as the richness of the harvest and good weather. Nowadays, the holiday has acquired an additional meaning: a reason to relax, get positive and take part in folk festivities.

    However, “Village Day” is a special type of event. It is celebrated as a tribute to the place of residence, acceptance of its characteristics, as well as gratitude for a calm and peaceful life. That is why it is especially worth celebrating.

    What parts should the event consist of?

    The village's birthday will be successful if all conditions are met, and the features of such an event are taken into account. So, it involves the execution of three main parts:

    1. Preliminary. It includes:
    2. Name of the topic, indication of the main goals, as well as a description of the participants.
    3. Schedule of main events.
    4. A detailed description of all parts of the holiday with a brief listing of spectators, guests and actors.
    5. Working with literary sources.
    6. Drawing up a scenario plan.
    7. Production and acquisition of improvised means and additional materials.
    8. Selection of key participants.
    9. Purchasing and preparing rewards for winners.
    10. Preparing the venue for the holiday, calculating the start and end time.
    11. Discussion of agreements by the head of the village - this should include the entire village administration.

    Correction part. It includes the following additional elements:

    1. Checking the functionality of all equipment and technical supplies.
    2. Distribution and playing out roles with the main participants.
    3. Reproduction of announcements about the event through all types of media.
    4. Sending out invitations and visiting all villagers.

    Main part. It includes, directly, preparation for the event:

    1. Decoration of a place for a village holiday.
    2. Arrangement of technical support.
    3. The event itself is according to the plan included in the script of the concert program for the village day.
    4. Summing up the results of the event.
    5. Drawing up manuals.
    6. Introducing the results of the event to the masses.

    Doing all the parts listed above will help make the event memorable!

    Basic requirements for the name, main idea and script:

    These three components are the basis of any holiday. Their correct distribution, composition and performance is the result of the correct holding of a spectacular and long-lastingly memorable event.

    The name is a reflection of the main idea of ​​the celebration. The village day scenario in a rural settlement should fully comply with this idea. In addition, it should be reflected in the invitations, which will later be sent out among the guests. Thus, the title should reflect:

    1. Venue of the holiday. For example, the title may read: “Village Day on such and such a street” or in such and such a building.
    2. Purpose of the event. For example, this could be a phrase such as: “The Birth of our Motherland” or “The Birthday of the Village.”
    3. How would this happen. The title indicates: “Walk” or “Festive Concert”.

    The main idea of ​​the holiday is the name itself and a brief summary of the entire course of the holiday: preparation, use of additional details, etc. It can be very diverse - depending on the wishes of the organizers themselves, or on what the village administration wants to see.

    After the main idea has been drawn up and approved by the authorities from above, you can begin to write a script for a village day in a rural settlement. It should include everything from welcoming guests to holding competitions, celebrations and concerts. Here the following details must be taken into account:

    1. Presenter's outfit. A full description is the key to 100% transmission of the main idea to the organizers.
    2. Service staff clothing. Ideally, it will be fully consistent with the spirit of the event.
    3. Decoration of the hall and the area surrounding the building. All invitees should see the venue of the holiday from afar.
    4. Preparing packaging and gifts for guests.
    5. Drawing up a sequence of concert performances.
    6. Composing the names of dishes and drinks. It is recommended to prepare sufficient quantities of them in advance to avoid frantic shopping around on the eve of the event.

    Script writing work

    When a script needs to be drawn up for a village holiday, preliminary work should be done with the material. However, in order for it to turn out in accordance with the rules and at the same time interesting, it is necessary to maintain a number of conditions:

    Study of sources. The following series of conditions must be met:

    1. There should not be enough literature. The optimal number is 4, as this will allow the topic to be revealed as much as possible.
    2. The material must be processed carefully. You should only select what is one hundred percent consistent with the idea of ​​the event.
    3. Requires careful reading of literature Soviet period. The presence of the leaders of the proletariat mentioning Marx and Engels is unlikely to be appreciated by the guests of the holiday.

    The main idea of ​​the script. Being the basis of the entire holiday, it should help in fully writing the event plan. This is a kind of skeleton on which other facts and pictures are built up.

    When the village day scenario in a rural settlement has acquired its concept, you can proceed to compiling a short list of stages of the entire event. It consists of content that includes the following points:

    1. General plan of the event.
    2. A brief summary of the entire course of action.
    3. List of used sources.

    Along with drawing up the content, you should also take a responsible approach to preparing the script on paper. On the title page it is written:

    1. Name of the organizing company.
    2. Scenario name. Not only the name itself must be indicated, but also the type of holiday: a festive concert or festivities.
    3. Indication of the author's initials. Complete data must be written: last name, first name and patronymic.
    4. Date of preparation of the event plan.

    When compiling the main part, the following sequence should be present:

    1. Name of the event.
    2. What form does it belong to?
    3. Name.
    4. What category of people is it intended for?
    5. Organizers.
    6. Materials and techniques used.
    7. Basic plan for the event.

    Correct script writing

    1. Lack of specifics. Generalized sentences should be used more often: the village holiday script should be compiled in such a way that, in the future, it can be used in other rural areas.
    2. The use of literary techniques is allowed. Phraseologisms and additional words can be used as them.

    As for the stylistic requirements, they should be as follows:

    1. Composition and brevity. If poems are written about the village, they should not be too long so that the guests do not get bored. If there is some kind of scene, then without numerous descriptions and dialogues.
    2. The presence of logic, coherence and consistency. You cannot write a script in which, for example, first there is a talk about congratulations, and then - abruptly - a scene and fireworks. The original event plan should be carefully adhered to.
    3. Absence of clichés and complete retelling. No matter how interesting the sketch in the manual is, you should add something of your own to it. Otherwise, there may be such unpleasant situations as filing a lawsuit for copyright infringement. It is also not recommended to use stamps.
    4. The presence of meaningfulness and rational grain. Every viewer present at the event should learn something for themselves and take something new away from it.

    Requirements for style, design and gifts

    The presence of style is an indispensable attribute of all events. It is this that often turns out to be the main component of the overall theme of the holiday. It is important that the style is present in everything: in the clothing of guests, staff and presenters, as well as in the design of the site where the festive concert and all other events will take place.

    In addition, the style should be reflected in memorable gifts for guests. Thus, two problems are solved at once:

    1. Guests receive a lot of positivity and joy from owning a gift.
    2. The organizers notify the entire village and beyond.

    As for the design, it must fully comply with the main idea of ​​the event. To make congratulations on Village Day as effective as possible, it is recommended to arrange some kind of photo collage describing the main milestones of history or arrange something in accordance with the customs or signs of the rural area. In addition, there must be balls at the entrance.

    Preparing for the meeting of invitees

    All holiday festivities begin with a meeting of the invited people. This, of course, is the shortest part of the entire event, however, it determines how successfully the entire holiday will go.

    It is recommended to pay attention to the techniques for the meeting. It could be a clown at the entrance giving away some funny trinket. Or you can come up with a person in national clothes, who gives out funny or stylistic ribbons to everyone. All this is necessary to create the appropriate mood for everyone and the general atmosphere of the holiday - in general. In addition, you should select greeters who skillfully navigate their approach to each person: all people are different, and what one person likes, another may not like.

    Carrying out the main part of the holiday

    To make the village day scenario interesting, you need to pay attention to absolutely all parts of the holiday. One of them is the main part of the holiday. At it, usually, the host of the event introduces the participants and also conducts the award ceremony.

    This part should be carefully considered. It is recommended to avoid lengthy speeches and plan the time for it in advance. So, if the head of the district administration goes first and is used to talking a lot, then it is recommended to take a cheerful pause after him. This way, guests will remain in a good mood and relaxed.

    An important element is the involvement of children or animals. So, when introducing the next member of the administration, you can use the presence of a child who will announce the exit of the participant. Or, when opening a building during a holiday, you can use the cat to be the first to enter the door or the dog to chew through the ribbon.

    Correct selection of presenters

    Not a single holiday can do without an experienced presenter who is able to adapt to any mood of the public. It is advisable if this is a person from the same village, who is well acquainted not only with the customs and characteristics of his homeland, but also with its inhabitants. Along with this, the event host must have the following advantages:

    1. Excellent diction. The holiday will be much more fun and interesting if the presenter speaks not only cheerfully, but also understandably for everyone.
    2. The ability to find a way out of any situation. In case of breakage of decorations or technical equipment this person must divert the public’s attention to something else in time - until the moment of repair and troubleshooting. In the same way, he must be able to maintain constant interest and intrigue among guests and invitees.
    3. Pleasant appearance. So that the same head of the village council does not blush because of the appearance of the presenter, you should select someone who knows how to dress beautifully and has pretty facial features.

    In general, the ability to find a way out of any situation is an important advantage of every professional presenter. And there are different cases: the guest is drunk, the absence important person, loss of valuable prizes or awards and much more.

    But what to do if there is no such talent in the village? In this case, you should hire a TV presenter or radio station. They have extensive experience in organizing large-scale celebrations: they brilliantly recite poems about the village, and also tell many funny incidents that will certainly make the audience laugh. And besides, such professionals will easily find a way out of any incident.

    Preparing for the feast

    After the administration expresses congratulations on the village day, and all the guests and invitees arrive, a mass feast begins. Usually these are huge tables filled with various delicious dishes, fruits and sweets. And here the most important thing is to choose the right menu.

    It should contain the general style of the holiday, as well as ease of preparation: not all guests can benefit from this or that product. Therefore, it is better to cook the dishes that residents are accustomed to. And, of course, the menu should contain elements of the holiday: it could be an image of a village in a cake or land in a salad. Applying these simple tips, you can always make the holiday memorable.

    Photographer's invitation

    Absolutely every holiday consists of three blocks: the ceremonial part, the festivities and photography. The first two parts have already been discussed above. As for the third block, here too there are some peculiarities and nuances.

    An experienced photographer should be invited to the Village Day holiday. He must have the following skills:

    1. Find the most successful shots. It is not necessary to take photographs at the table. You can use different places and situations: during a dance, near trees, and so on.
    2. Be able to adapt to the wishes of the public. If she wants to take a photo of herself in front of the lake, then that’s the photo she should take.
    3. Be able to navigate in any situations. If a tipsy guest does not want to fit into the frame, then he should be carefully excluded or, if this important guest, prepare for capturing on film.

    This person will have to be present throughout the holiday, regularly capturing the main milestones of the historical event. In this regard, the photographer must be hardy, resistant to alcohol and have a pleasant appearance.

    The final part of the event

    Along with holding a ceremonial part, walking, feasting and photographing, the event should include fireworks or any memorable action.

    When deciding to organize a fireworks display, preliminary work should be done. It includes:

    1. Preparation of props. It should be purchased in bulk - it is cheaper and completely eliminates the presence of defects. However, it would be a good idea to conduct a preliminary check of fireworks.
    2. Preparing the site. It must be subject to special conditions: complete fenced off from the place of celebration; compliance with safety regulations.
    3. Involvement of pyrotechnicians. They should be specially trained people with experience working with fireworks.
    4. Involvement of ambulances and firefighters. Despite preliminary work, situations such as fire cannot be completely excluded. This, in turn, entails sacrifices. The presence of services will help them, if not completely eliminate them, then minimize them as much as possible.

    At the end of the fireworks, the end of the event and the safe exit of the public should be properly organized. It would be useful to involve law enforcement agencies to remove troublemakers from the site or building.

    Ved 1:Native Mglinskaya land

    What kind of poet should I be?

    So that my love for you

    She was warmed with dignity.

    I've loved you so much since childhood

    How children love their mother

    I share my joy with you

    And the pain of the soul in an evil time

    Even mushrooms taste better in your forests

    In your gardens the fruits are sweeter

    Your bread is many times more satisfying

    How is bread different in our Russia?

    Ved 2: Good afternoon, dear residents of the Vysoksky rural settlement. We are happy to greet you. This long-awaited day has come when you fellow countrymen were able to get together and have a wonderful holiday.

    And may this day be yours.

    The tall will become even more beautiful, and your faces will light up with smiles and kindness. Happy holiday!

    Ved 1:And our holiday will be opened by the head of the Mglinsky district administration, Kondrat Nikolai Nikolaevich The village of Vysokoye arose on the Tenze stream, on its right, elevated bank. Maybe that’s why the name Vysokoe was assigned to it. There is no exact information about the time of its occurrence. However, in written sources of the first half XVII century High already

    referred to as the domain of Polish tycoon Nikolai Abramovich. At one time it was under the jurisdiction of the Mglin Town Hall (city government). And then the Cossacks lived here, town hall peasants and serfs who belonged to the Podluzskys, Esimontovskys, Romanovskys, Lishins, who were among the commanding officers of the Mglin Cossack hundred. In 1726, by decree of Empress Catherine I

    the village of Vysokoye was taken from the Mglinskaya Town Hall and given to Andrei Baranovsky for denunciation of the soldier Semikov, who pretended to be Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter I. In 1717, Vysokoye was mentioned as a village in written documents. This means that there was already a church in it, which has not reached us. In the first quarter XIX century, a stone church of St. Nicholas of classical architecture was built in Vysokoye. In 1890, the church was opened in our own building. It was called the Vysotsk parochial school of the Chernigov diocese. The first teacher of this school was Vera Stein.

    Ved. 2In 1917, with the advent of Soviet power, great changes followed in the lives of peasants. The lands were taken from the landowners and distributed to the peasants.

    Life in the village began to be built in a new way. People began to settle in farms and towns. These villages still exist: the village of Leninsky Ugolok, Zelenaya Roshcha, Progress, Peredovik.

    Many began to live prosperously.

    Crafts developed in the village: shoemakers, pushers, coopers appeared, and there was a balalaika-maker, Mikhail Dmitrievich Emelyantsev.

    They produced hemp oil, there were two water mills and four windmills, four churns, they drove tar, and they had their own wool beaters, Levchenko Efim and Kalinin Fedor. There was also a manufacturer of cart wheels.

    They grew flax, millet, hemp, potatoes, grain crops, everything was processed by hand; in villages and farmsteads there were threshing floors where grain was threshed by hand.

    With the advent of collectivization, collective farms “Bolshevik”, “Progress”, “Country of Soviets” were formed in Vysokye. Collective farming began to develop: a farm and a stable were built, where public livestock were kept;: a poultry farm appeared; crop production remained the same, only tobacco began to be grown on the collective farm fields, which was sent to the factory. Ved 1:

    The oldest residents of your Vysoksky remember this and many other things.

    rural settlement

    Vozhaeva Evdokia Nikiforovna

    Avramenko Alexandra Pavlovna

    Malashenko Anna Vladimirovna

    Gerashchenko Ekaterina Ivanovna

    Ved. 2Ved 1: The head of the administration of the Mglinsky district, Kondrat Nikolai Nikolaevich, will present the oldest residents of your settlement with valuable gifts and flowers. (photo)

    Gerashchenko Ekaterina Ivanovna 96 years old. All her life she worked on the Dubrova collective farm as a field farmer. She was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Second World War.” She raised and raised a daughter, has two grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren Ved. 1.

    Ved. 2Vozhaeva Evdokia Nikiforovna 95 years old, she worked as a school teacher all her life, and for her conscientious work she was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Second World War.” She raised two sons, and her sons gave her eight grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson

    Avramenko Alexandra Pavlovna93 years old. In her native collective farm “Country of Soviets” she worked in field cultivation. Awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Second World War” 93 years old. All her life she worked in field farming, was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Second World War”, raised and educated three children, eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren

    Ved. 2Dear elder residents, you have had a difficult fate, but you don’t choose times, you just live in them. With all our hearts, we congratulate you on the holiday and say many thanks to you for your long and hard peasant work, for your devotion to your native land, for your worldly wisdom. I wish you health, happiness, love from family and friends, and long life. We dedicate this song to you.

    N/H ____________________________________________________________________

    Ved 1:

    The brightest, most summer day of the year,

    The longest day is the 22nd

    The children were sleeping, apples were ripening in the garden.

    We remember, we remember it again.

    Ved 2:The Great Patriotic War - it violated all peace plans, the people took up arms. Many of your fellow countrymen went to the front in those years. They courageously fought for every inch of their native land, left to win and 173 residents of your village did not return home. They are not with us today, but the bright memory of them will always be in our hearts, we will always remember their feat.

    On August 17, 1941, your village of Vysokoye was completely occupied by the Germans. They did not spare either the elderly or children. When the Germans retreated, a strong battle was brewing in the village and all the residents secretly had to leave their homes and go into the ditch.

    Ved 1:And when they returned, the entire village from beginning to end was burning with a bright, consuming flame. Many families affected by the fire then had to live in cold dugouts and in the surviving houses, several families at a time.

    Today at our holiday there are living witnesses of that terrible war, our dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And we proudly say their names. Certificate of honor

    administration of the Mglinsky district and the district Council of People's Deputies and a valuable gift are awarded to:

    Malashenko Grigory Korneevich, resident of the village of Vysokoye

    Zhelezanov Egor Ivanovich, resident of the village of Vysokoye

    Mikheenko Nikifor Ivanovich, resident of the village of Vysokoye

    Tokunov Nikolay Nikolaevich, resident of the village of Sheverdy

    Prokhorenko Lyubov Logvinovna, resident of the village of Velikaya Dubrova

    Prokhorenko Ivan Galaktirnovich, resident of the village of Velikaya Dubrova

    Prokhorenko Vasily Petrovich, resident of the village of Zarechye

    Ved 2: Eltsov Anatoly Ivanovich, resident of the village of Zarechye Dear veterans

    Ved 1:The Afghan and Chechen wars became the next tragedy for our entire people. They did not bypass our Mglinsky district either; the best guys were drafted in those years to Afghanistan and Chechnya. There is a military duty to defend the homeland and our guys defended it with honor and today these places of honor Next to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, we ask you to occupy the internationalist soldiers of your Vysoksky settlement.

    A certificate of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the district council of people's deputies and a valuable gift are awarded to:

    Shchastny Alexander Fedorovich

    Lyudkov Nikolay Mikhailovich

    Eltsov Alexander Nikolaevich


    Ved. 2Dear defenders of the Motherland! Thank you very much for the great feat. We are proud of you and bow deeply to you for the peaceful sky above our land. We wish you long life, family well-being, love from family and friends. Be happy and today there is a song in your honor.

    Ved 1:The post-war years of devastation were difficult.Your village, which was almost completely burned, required restoration and a lot of physical strength from every resident of the village of Vysokoye. The ruined and destroyed collective farms had to be restored. In the field crews, the workforce consisted of old men, women and teenagers. There were practically no horses; the plow had to be carried by oneself.

    In 1950, the collective farms “Bolshevik”, “Progress”, “Country of Soviets”, “Mayak” were merged into a single collective farm “Country of Soviets”.

    The first chairman of which was Lev Vasilievich Maksimenko.

    Ved 2:In 1960, a new secondary school was built, and in 1970, a new House of Culture, in which a local history museum was opened. The initiative to create the museum belonged to Sergei Andreevich Gorokhov, director of the SDK. Now this museum has been awarded the title “People’s” and people from all over the area come here on excursions. Years passed, leaders changed. In 1979, at a general meeting of collective farmers, Aleksey Tetentievich Shchigortsov was elected chairman of the collective farm. 26 years old makes it seniority in a leadership position. For these

    The workers of the “Country of Soviets” collective farm understood and appreciated their leader and tried to support him with their conscientious work.

    For their high performance in work, many collective farmers were awarded awards and today on this holiday we want to name the names of labor veterans of your Vysoksky rural settlement who have received state awards.

    Eltsov Anatoly Ivanovich - Order “V.I. Lenin"

    Maksimenko Maria Moiseevna - Order of the Red Banner of Labor

    Gerashchenko Valentina Fedorovna - Order of the Red Banner of Labor

    Kiselev Sergey Vasilievich - Order of Glory III degree

    Klimenko Mikhail Ivanovich - Order of the Badge of Honor

    Prokhorenko Vasily Petrovich - Order of the Badge of Honor

    Surovy Vladimir Mikhailovich – medal “Labor Valor”,

    "For the transformation of the Non-Black Earth Region"

    Shandygaev Anatoly Dmitrievich – medal “For the transformation of the Non-Black Earth Region”

    Shchigartsov Alexey Terentievich - “Honored Worker of Agriculture”

    Berezovskaya Alexandra Fedorovna – “Honored Worker of Agriculture”

    Gorokhov Sergey Andreevich - “Honored Worker of Culture”

    Ved 2(photo)

    : Dear order bearers of the Vysoksky rural settlement! We congratulate you on this holiday and thank you very much for your long and conscientious work. Health, happiness, joy and long life.

    We wish you sunshine in bad weather

    Smiles of light and warmth

    Great earthly happiness

    Love, hope and goodness

    And let this song be our gift to you.

    N/H ____________________________________________________________:

    Ved 2

    If there is a lump in every land

    You were able to invest your soul,

    If every sprout from it

    Your breath warmed me,

    If every petal

    You hit me alive

    If in your difficult worries

    There is concern for the welfare of others,

    So that our people become rich -

    Avramenko Alexandra PavlovnaYou are worthy of his rewards

    For many years of conscientious work, the commemorative medal “In honor of the feat of partisans and underground fighters” is awarded today to:

    Churakova Ekaterina Matveevna

    Shadaya Alexandra Alekseevna

    Mikheenko Alexey Serafimovich

    Shchigartsova Tatyana Petrovna

    Shkaleva Raisa Sevastyanovna

    With the advent of collectivization, collective farms “Bolshevik”, “Progress”, “Country of Soviets” were formed in Vysokye. Collective farming began to develop: a farm and a stable were built, where public livestock were kept;(Photo for memory)

    : Dear workers of the Vysoksky rural settlement, we congratulate you on such high awards and wish you all the best: prosperity, prosperity, happiness, joy and long life.

    He gives you his song today: Ved 1.

    On a May morning the earth

    Called me son

    That's why I am faithful to flowers and spring

    And native birches and swirling rowan trees

    And a hundred-year-old pine tree pierced by a fragment Ved 2.

    Bowing over me

    That's why I love flooded fields

    No one is happier than me

    I inherited

    The cornflower blue sky of my Russia

    Vedas 1. EToday we dedicate these poems to the respected people of your Vysoksky rural settlement, former leaders and specialists of the “Country of Soviets” collective farm and the “Dubrova” collective farm:

    For many years of conscientious work, the following are awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people's deputies and a valuable gift:

    Malashenko Grigory Avramovich - former chairman of the "Country of Soviets"

    Soprantsov Mikhail Filippovich - former chairman of the collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Eltsov Vasily Vasilievich - former chairman of the Dubrova collective farm,

    Shchigartsov Alexey Terentvich – former chairman of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”, “Honored Worker of Agriculture”

    Ryzhikov Fedor Maksimovich - former secretary of the party organization of the Dubrova collective farm

    Dorokhov Nikolai Lukich - former chairman of the Sheverdy Village Council

    Eltsov Anatoly Ivanovich - former secretary of the party organization of the Dubrova collective farm

    Shkaleva Nina Ignatovna – former chief livestock specialist of the Dubrova collective farm

    Kapusto Valentina Vasilievna – former chief agronomist of the Dubrova collective farm

    Pankov Ivan Grigorievich - former chief engineer of the Dubrova collective farm

    Petrochenko Anna Maksimovna – former chief economist of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Cheshunkov Alexey Nikitievich – former veterinarian of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Soprantsova Nina Fedorovna – former farm manager of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Malashenko Petr Trofimovich – former Chief Accountant collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Morozov Petr Ivanovich - former chief engineer of the collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Klimenko Ekaterina Romanovna – former chief economist of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Gerashchenko Ekaterina Ivanovna

    Ved 2.Dear residents of the Vysoksky rural settlement. You have worked for many years, sparing no effort and time, for the benefit of your family’s economy. During all this time, you had to struggle with difficulties and failures, but thanks to your responsible work, your leadership, your farms achieved high labor success in everything: livestock breeding and field farming. And today, on this wonderful day, we congratulate you all on the holiday and say thank you very much for your fruitful work.

    Ved 1: We wish you happiness, longevity,

    Live without sadness and loss

    And only good health

    Let it be above all awards.


    Ved. 1

    I have a homeland - Russia

    I speak Russian

    And your work and skill

    I bring it to her mother’s house.

    And wherever I would go again

    Wherever on the planet I am

    Motherland - the sacred Russian word

    I call my native lands

    Pechurichko Nadezhda Ivanovna – calf worker, 45 years of experience

    Natalya Ivanovna Malashenko – calf breeder, 45 years of experience

    Morozova Maria Filatovna – pig farmer, 45 years of experience

    Kravtsov Alexey Antonovich – driver, 42 years of experience

    Shchigartsov Alexander Alexandrovich – tractor driver, 42 years of experience

    Sigulya Feofil Stefanovich – field farmer, 42 years of experience

    Malashenko Petr Alekseevich – driver, 40 years of experience

    Grigory Ilyich Malashenko – driver, 40 years of experience

    Maksimenko Mikhail Efimovich – combine operator – 40 years of experience

    Shandygaeva Ekaterina Ivanovna – milkmaid, 40 years of experience

    Maksimenko Yulia Sergeevna – calf breeder, 35 years of experience

    Proskofya Filippovna Morozova – livestock breeder, 35 years of experience

    Mikheenko Sofya Pantileevna – milkmaid, 35 years of experience


    Ved. 2

    Sings for you today

    Ved. 1

    We give glory and honor to people!

    We work, study, love and live together.

    The holiday has come to us

    And we all gathered here again

    To say together: “Glory to the working people”

    For many years of conscientious work, former workers of the collective farm “Country of Soviets” are being awarded a certificate of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people’s deputies and a valuable gift.

    Malashenko Ivan Efremovich – machine operator, 40 years of experience

    Kolesnikova Klavdiya Yakovlevna – livestock breeder, 40 years of experience

    Ksenia Grigorievna Maksimenko – field farmer, 40 years of experience

    Kuzikov Mikhail Vasilievich – tractor driver – 40 years old

    Yulia Filippovna Melnichenko – milkmaid, 40 years of experience

    Zhelezanova Evdokia Korneevna – 40 years of experience

    Silchenko Sofya Ivanovna – milkmaid, experience 37 years

    Maksimenko Maria Lavrinovna – livestock breeder, 35 years of experience

    Churakova Ekaterina Matveevna – pig farmer, 35 years of experience

    Anna Sergeevna Malashenko – field foreman, 35 years of experience

    Anna Filippovna Malashenko – livestock breeder, 31 years of experience

    Ryzhakova Valentina Vasilyevna – pig farmer, 30 years of experience

    Nina Ivanovna Tokunova – tractor driver, 15 years of experience

    Emelyantseva Tamara Alekseevna – tractor driver, 10 years of experience


    Avramenko Alexandra PavlovnaDear labor veterans! Today we congratulate you on this holiday and say thank you very much for your long, hard, peasant work. All the best to you!

    Sings for you today

    N/H ______________________________________________________________

    N/H ____________________________________________________________: Our truth is in the ground

    Our roots are in the earth

    And strength in the shoulders from fields and meadows

    The earth will clothe, the earth will feed

    Just don’t feel sorry for yourself for her

    Ved 1:People, as before, work conscientiously in their native fields and farms of their farms of the “Country of Soviets” collective farm and the “Dubrova” collective farm and deserve honor and respect for their conscientious work.

    For many years of conscientious work, the following are awarded with a certificate of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people's deputies and a valuable gift:

    Tsvetkov Mikhail Sergeevich – chairman of the collective farm “Dubrova”

    Malashenko Ivan Mikhailovich – chairman of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Kalmykova Anna Mikhailovna – chief accountant of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Melnichenko Ivan Nikolaevich – farm foreman in the village of Sheverdy, collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Ved. 1. A certificate of honor from the Committee on Agriculture and Food for achieving high production indicators during the spring field work is awarded to:

    Kazeko Vasily Ivanovich - tractor driver of the collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Ved. 2 For many years of conscientious work, a diploma of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people's deputies and a valuable gift are awarded to:

    Mikheenko Nikolai Alekseevich - cattleman - shepherd of the collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Levchenko Sergey Ivanovich - cattleman - shepherd of the collective farm "Country of Soviets"

    Golovanova Tamara Sergeevna – milkmaid of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Skorokhodova Natalya Nikolaevna – milkmaid of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Tokunova Elena Nikolaevna – milkmaid of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Tokunov Vladimir Vasilievich – tractor driver of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Sigulya Ivan Feofilovich – tractor driver of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Malashenko Alexander Ivanovich – driver of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”

    Tokunova Nina Ivanovna – calf worker, shepherd of the collective farm “Country of Soviets”


    Ved. 2.Dear agricultural workers, we congratulate you on your holiday and labor awards.

    We wish you good health, happiness, joy and further success in your work. Z

    and your work is honest, noble

    Glory and honor to you all

    And let us achieve new achievements

    Our song will call you

    Ved 1: N/H __________________________________________________________

    Fields and ravines, meadows, copses,

    I love you since childhood, my countryside is rural

    In winter the village is buried in snowdrifts

    In spring - in the white foam of gardens and bird cherry trees

    And in the summer there is golden wheat all around

    Ved 2:Well, how can I not fall in love with such a village?

    For long-term and conscientious work, the following are awarded with a certificate of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people's deputies and a valuable gift:

    Gulakova Ekaterina Filippovna – former director of Vysokskaya high school, excellent student in education, 43 years of experience

    Cherepkova Anna Vasilievna – former post manager of the village. V. Dubrova, 19 years of experience

    Morozova Maria Mikhailovna – former specialist of the Vysoki rural administration, 27 years of experience

    Lyudkov Vasily Minovich - former forester of the Southern Forestry, 20 years of experience

    Pankova Valentina Egorovna – former head of the library of the village. V. Dubrova, 18 years of experience

    Shchigortsova Tatyana Petrovna – former head of the library of the village. Sheverdy, 26 years of experience

    Ved 1:The Vysokskoe rural settlement lives, and people continue to work in their native land, thanks to the implementation of social projects of the United Russia party they continue to work:

    School - where children are passionate about the world of knowledge, the doors of KFOR are always open for you,

    local history museum,

    there is a post office,

    medical Center,

    rural library.

    Now we want to invite the workers of these named rural institutions and are happy to announce their names:

    Ved. 2 A certificate of honor from the administration of the Mglinsky district and the regional council of people's deputies and a valuable gift are awarded to:

    Eltsova Alexandra Nikolaevna – honorary worker of the Russian Federation, director of the Velikodubrovskaya secondary school, 27 years of experience

    Klyuev Valery Yakovlevich – director of Vysokskaya secondary school, 26 years of experience

    Maksimenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna – teacher responsible for the management of the Sheverdy school, 20 years of experience

    Shandygaeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna – head of the Vysoksky post office, 11 years of experience

    A valuable gift is awarded

    Gorokhov Sergey Andreevich – director of the Vysoksky Museum of Local Lore, “Honored Worker of Culture”, 34 years of experience

    Sheveleva Tatyana Vasilievna – director of the Vysoksky SDK, 6 years of experience

    Nadezhda Petrovna Eltsova – head of V. Dubrovsky SK, 4 years of experience

    Melnichenko Tatyana Yurievna – head of the Sheverdsky IC, 30 years of experience

    Klyueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna – head of the Vysoksky FAP, 25 years of experience

    Lobanova Natalya Borisovna – head of V. Dubrovsky FAP

    Shandygaeva Olga Mikhailovna – librarian at the Vysoki Rural Library, 4 years of experience

    Vera Nikolaevna Petrochenko – librarian at the Dubrovsk Rural Library, 7 years of experience


    Ved 1: Dear friends! Happy holiday to you! Thank you very much for your work and we wish you further success in your work.

    For your honest and noble work

    and your work is honest, noble

    And let you achieve new achievements

    Our song will call you.

    Sings for you



    From the moment of birth

    All our lives, without ever getting tired

    Giving us tenderness and warmth,

    Our dear mother walks nearby.


    We know God has awarded us with it

    Not everyone is given such happiness

    And with her grief and misfortune

    We divide equally into parts.

    Ved.2: Children are the most precious thing in a mother’s life.

    Their first smile, first steps, first words -

    And the mother’s face blooms with happiness.

    And how much strength, kindness, and patience mothers put in,

    Ved.1Families with many children are wonderful families.

    Good-natured, hospitable, responsive and very hardworking.

    Today, we want to invite mothers of large families from the Vysoksky rural settlement, who raised five or more children and gave them a decent upbringing, to these places of honor:

    We invite you to the stage:

    Sheludko Nina Aleksandrovna – 7 children, 7 grandchildren

    Malashenko Tamara Alekseevna – 6 children, 10 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren

    Shandygaeva Tamara Ivanovna – 6 children, 9 grandchildren

    Skorokhodova Valentina Makarovna – 6 children, 5 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson

    Churakova Ekaterina Matveena – 6 children, 7 grandchildren

    Klimenko Tatyana Lekandrovna – 5 children, 7 grandchildren

    Maksimenko Valentina Sergeevna – 5 children, 1 granddaughter

    Maksimenko Yulia Sergeevna – 5 children, 8 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren

    Malashenko Nina Tikhonovna – 5 children, 7 grandchildren

    Malashenko Nina Gavrilovna - 5 children, 7 grandchildren

    Tokunova Anna Kirillovna - 5 sons, 6 grandchildren, 2 great-grandsons

    Shchigartsova Yulia Pavlovna - 5 children, 3 grandchildren

    Kovtunova Anna Demidovna - 5 children, 2 grandchildren

    Komkova Tatyana Egorovna - 5 children, 10 grandchildren

    Tsvetkova Tatyana Filippovna - 5 children, 7 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson

    Ved. 1 And now the Head of the Mglinsky District Administration, Kondrat Nikolai Nikolaevich, will present you with gifts and flowers.

    (Photo for memory)

    Ved.2:Mothers are great workers of the earth, giving everything and demanding nothing in return except the health of their children. Mother's wealth -

    her kids.

    Dear mothers, you raised and raised wonderful children and had grandchildren. We congratulate you on your holiday and thank you very much. Let your children not forget about you, come to visit you more often, please you with their successes, and we wish you good health and long life.


    Ved.1 The human family is a holy stronghold,

    She gives hope to live,

    Gives space, gives warmth

    To spite problems and misfortune.

    Ved.2: Family gives us support

    She can do anything with her, she can handle it

    Everything is within our control and according to fate

    Family, holy bow to you!

    Ved.1:In your Vysoksky settlement there live many wonderful families, kind married couples who can be set as an example for young married couples. These families lived long and happy lives.

    They raised and raised wonderful children, had grandchildren and still live in love and harmony and mutual understanding.

    Ved 2:Today, on this holiday, we ask these places of honor to be taken by married couples from your Vysoksky rural settlement who have the longest experience family life, This:

    Malashenko family: Grigory Korneevich and Ulyana Vasilievna

    Prokhorenko family: Vasily Petrovich and Lyubov Konstantinovna

    Ved. 1 The family of Mikhail Ivanovich Klimenko and Tatyana Lekandrovna, who celebrated their golden wedding this year, 50 years old life together

    Today, the head of the district, Kondrat Nikolai Nikolaevich, will present our married couple with a valuable gift and flowers.


    Ved. 1The Malashenko family Grigory Korneevich and Ulyana Vasilievna have been living in love and harmony for 68 years and celebrated an iron wedding.

    Ved. 2This is a friendly and loving family. They gave birth to and raised two children, have four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Family Prokhorenko Vasily Petrovich and Lyubov Konstantinovna. Vasily Petrovich and Lyubov Konstantinovna have been together for 61 years and last year they celebrated diamond wedding

    Ved. 1, three children grew up in their friendly and loving family, and the children gave them five grandchildren and one great-grandson The Klimenko family Mikhail Ivanovich and Tatyana Lekandrovna celebrated their joint anniversary

    – 50 years, golden wedding. They raised and raised five children and have seven grandchildren.

    Ved. 1 Dear families

    Live peacefully and beautifully

    Live happily ever after

    Love your friends and family

    And invite them to visit

    Let your home be hospitable

    The family is strong, friendly, strong.

    Let life flow easily and freely

    Like an endless river

    Ved 1:

    We congratulate you all on this holiday. Bright love to you, happiness for many years to come, a lot of joy, respect each other, appreciate and live for many, many years, we dedicate this song to you.

    There are such places in vast Russia

    What you won't find on big maps

    There's a special way the sky seems blue there

    Ved 2:

    Cherries have a special smell there

    This is the place where you were born

    Often called a province

    Only the edges are dearer and more beautiful

    He will always be the only one for us

    Ved. 1 For active participation in the improvement of the territory of the Vysoksky rural settlement, the following are awarded with a valuable gift:

    Alekseev Vitaly Alekseevich – resident of Zarechye village

    Klimenko Ekaterina Romanovna – resident of the village. Sheverdy

    Pankov Ivan Grigorievich – resident of the village. V. Dubrova

    Lyudkov Vasily Minovich – resident of Leninsky Ugolok village


    Ved. 2All these residents of your Vysoksky rural settlement keep their households in at its best. They love cleanliness and order in everything, everything in their private household is done with taste and love, each flower bed has its own place, and the flower beds are fragrant with bright and varied flowers. They are an example for all residents of your rural community.

    Dear friends! We congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you success and creative victories. Our musical gift for you


    Ved. 1 The floor is given to the head of the administration of the Vysoksky rural settlement, Mikhail Ivanovich Gulakov

    Ved. 2 The floor is given to the head of the administration of the Mglinsky district, Kondrat Nikolai Nikolaevich

    Ved. 1

    Work while your hands serve

    Don't complain, don't be lazy, don't be cowardly.

    For all your deeds and torments

    Your grandchildren will thank you

    Rus' will thank you!

    N/H ____________________________________________________________:

    May the good wind tease you all

    We can't live without holidays

    Don't leave your heart for the holiday

    Until new holidays friends!

    Ved 1:

    Dear friends, the district administration and the Mglinsky local branch of the United Russia party congratulates you all on the holiday.

    We want you to remember it for a long time. Live together and happily, let hope, faith and love live in your souls.

    Photo of the village of Vysokoye Lomako by Alexey (May 2010)

    Scenario of the festive concert for Village Day
    Characters and performers: Akulina, Matryona, buffoon Thomas, buffoon Erema.

    Equipment and technical means: projector, screen. Scenery. Props. Attributes: Chest with the inscription "", "gems", gifts.
    Progress of the event.
    GZK: We live in Russia. The coat of arms of Russia is golden, a double-headed eagle, powerful and proud. On his chest is St. George the Victorious, he pierces an evil dragon with a silver spear. The Russian flag is tricolor white, blue and red. The capital of our Motherland, Moscow is an ancient and always modern city. Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is so big that when children go to school on one edge, they are already going to bed on the other. There are more than a thousand cities in Russia. On the Central Russian hill stands the ancient city of Voronezh, famous for its songs. Surprisingly, it was right here, far from the sea, that Peter began to build the Russian navy. In these places, Count Orlov bred the famous breed of fleet-footed Orlov trotters. Voronezh land is also the most fertile, wonderful wheat grows here, and delicious and fragrant bread is baked from it. And on this land, on the banks of the Khopr, stands the village of Makashevka, surrounded by forests. And, of course, people live in it, each of whom gem gem.
    The curtain opens, volunteers take away the screen

    1. Vocal ensemble “” - Russian folk song “Mother Russia”
    on the stage there is a decorated chest with the inscription “”, a Russian lyrical folk melody sounds, Akulina and Matryona appear on stage

    Akulina: Hello dear villagers.

    Matryona: Hello dear guests.

    Akulina: We live in Makashevka, and today our village celebrates its birthday.

    Matryona: And our distinguished guests came to congratulate us today. The word for congratulations is given to:
    (Guest performance)
    Akulina: We ask the leader to come up to the stage

    Matryona: Our village is like a wonderful casket.

    Akulina: And each resident is like a precious stone.

    Z learns a lyrical Russian folk melody. Akulina and Matryona open the chest - a playful Russian folk melody sounds. The buffoons Foma and Erema jump out of the chest and dance in front of the chest.

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: What, Erema?

    Erema: It's boring, being locked up!

    Thomas: Should we go to a holiday?

    Together: Wow, wow, wow, should we go to a holiday?

    Akulina: Hey, you two from the casket have identical faces

    Matryona: What have you stored in the chest, what have you saved for us?

    Thomas: People live in that casket; they are called Makashans.

    Erema: And there are more than a thousand of them in the chest; you won’t find such daredevils.

    Thomas: And today we are for you.

    Erema: We will present them at the same time.

    Akulina: Let's start the show.

    Matryona: We will sing a song for everyone.

    Vocal ensemble ""

    Thomas: We ……… guys, we won’t disappear anywhere.

    Erema: We can go to Anapa and take first place.

    Akulina:...... everything is not a mistake, even in studies, even in work.

    Matryona: We can sing and dance too, we will be useful everywhere.

    Thomas: On the ……. people go to resorts in droves.

    Erema: Balashov, Moscow and Murmansk, they’re just building a sanatorium.

    Akulina: And we grow strawberries, there is a school and a kindergarten.

    Matryona: Yes, of course, everyone is happy to live in such a good village.

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: What, Erema?

    Erema: Take out the stone first and present it to the people!

    Foma takes out a “gemstone” from the chest.

    Thomas: The first stone is excellent, the most precious, it is called a diamond.

    Erema: He is an honorary resident of ours!

    Akulina: The right to name the honorary resident of …….. is granted to the head of the ………territorial department

    Fanfares sound and the honorary resident of the village is presented with a commemorative certificate and a gift.

    2. Vocal ensemble “” - Russian folk song “Not White Dawn”

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: What, Erema?

    Erema: It’s not a village, but just a treasure and all the houses stand like toys along the side of the road.

    Foma takes out a “gemstone” from the chest.

    Thomas: Well, the best among the best will be the emerald stone. Well, whose estate is better?

    Erema: Here is the owner, right there.

    Akulina: We invite the owner of the best estate to the stage……..

    Fanfares sound and the nominee is presented with a commemorative certificate and a gift.

    3. Vocal ensemble “” - “Stoves-benches”

    Thomas: We played weddings for a whole year and got married all in a row

    Erema: And the hearts of the newlyweds burn like rubies

    Akulina: Come out, young people, stand together in a row.

    Matryona: We ask the newlyweds to come up to the stage.

    4. Vocal ensemble “” - Ukrainian folk song “Ivanko”

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: Why Erema?

    Erema: Addition to the chest. There are so many pearls. Will not fit in your hand.

    Akulina: And the pearls are our newborns. Within a year they appeared.

    Matryona: We ask happy parents to come up on stage.

    Fanfare sounds, names are listed, gifts are presented

    5. Kindergarten group “” - “Happy Birthday”

    Thomas: Look at amber, how it shines, it burns with hot gold!

    Erema: After all, love does not fade, even though whiskey turns silver.

    Akulina: This year on……the golden wedding is celebrated (…)we ask this wonderful couple to come up on stage.

    Fanfare sounds, presenting a gift

    6. Kindergarten group “” - “Golden Wedding”

    Thomas: This stone promises fulfillment of desires to everyone.

    Erema: The stone of the wise, hard-working is called malachite.

    Akulina: In Rus', malachite was considered a symbol of fulfillment of desires and material well-being.

    Matryona: And how good it is that in our wonderful village there are people who help make life better, brighter, more interesting.
    Fanfare sounds, names are listed, presentationgifts

    7. Vocal ensemble “” - Russian folk song “From under the dawn of dawn”

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: What, Erema?

    Erema: It's good to celebrate!

    Thomas: We will whole year work hard to celebrate more!

    Akulina: Our casket is superbly rich, no matter who is in it.

    Matryona: With such a population, we will never be lost.

    Erema: Listen, Thomas!

    Thomas: What, Erema?

    Erema: We need to wish people happiness, joy, success.

    Thomas: Live together and not get sick.

    Akulina: Time has passed quickly, we need to part.

    Matryona: We bow deeply to you for your support and attention.

    A lyrical Russian folk melody sounds, buffoons climb into the casket, Akulina and Matryona close the casket, the curtain closes.

    Compiled by: Herts O.V., cultural organizer of the Makashevsky SDK

    Post Views: 10,261

    Before the start of the holiday, a soundtrack of songs about the village, Russian folk songs, and songs about Russia is played.
    The screensaver sounds: a cow, cheerful folk music sounds
    Against the background of music, life-size puppets come out (bottom of the stage) and gesticulate to the words of the presenters.
    Presenter1: Listen, listen, listen, good people! In our village
    residents who come to visit us! Today we will have a village holiday!
    Presenter 2: Everyone gather on the lawn, come, don’t be shy!
    Presenter1: Dear friends!
    You can't frown these days!
    Come, come!
    Bring all your friends with you!
    Presenter 2: Come, both old and young,
    Throw your worries off your shoulders!
    Everyone is happy to have a rest
    After days of work!
    Presenter1: Let the village walk on this day,
    Let him have fun and relax!
    Presenter 2: Everyone here is having a surprisingly fun show!
    Presenter 1: So come in and take a look at the holiday!
    Presenter 2: You are welcome, dear villagers!
    Together: For the holiday of my native village!!! (they leave, then walk around the square for a photo shoot)
    The fanfare sounds and the choir comes out
    1. The Anthem of Georgievka sounds - the choir “Russian Soul”
    Music sounds for the presenters to come out
    Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers!
    Presenter 2: Good afternoon, dear guests!
    Presenter 1: Today, June 12, we residents of Georgievka celebrate our birthday
    native village!
    Presenter 2: We are glad to welcome you all to our holiday!
    Presenter 1: Our dear village, dear village, today is your birthday,
    not much, not little, just 211 years. Presenter 2:
    Favorite land, dear Georgievka,
    You can’t get around all the open spaces in a day,
    And starting my path from the Ukrainian
    You can take it to the Embankment.
    Every corner is sweet and dear here,
    Every blade of grass, grain of sand, drop in the river,
    And my house is illuminated by a light
    A candle brought for the holiday from the temple.
    Presenter 1:
    I really want every person
    Shore, loved, preserved my native village
    So that we are for each other from century to century
    They did only good and good things.
    We want to glorify our village
    Our native places are great,
    We will live so that our hearts are warm
    In my heart I only wish the best for everyone.
    Presenter 2: The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the rural settlement
    Georgievka Sergei Ivanovich Kolesnik.
    (Marina get ready to sing)
    Presenter 1: The word of congratulations is given to our guests:
    — Head of the Kinelsky municipal district Nikolai Vladimirovich Abashin.
    — The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Head of the Municipal
    Kinelsky district in economics to Alexander Vitalievich Esipov
    — The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the Security Department
    environment and nature management of the Municipal District Kinelsky -
    Alexander Valentinovich Suvorov2. Musical number Marina Stepanyan “Mother Russia”
    Presenter 1: Today we not only celebrate Selah Day, but also celebrate
    independence of Russia, which is celebrated by our entire vast country! Heartily
    congratulations, we wish you health, family well-being, love and most importantly
    independence...from bad mood, despondency and blues. Long live the fun
    smiles and loud laughter!
    3. Musical number d/s Ekaterina Zholonkina and Vlasov Semyon
    (Pause for formation on stage)4. Musical number d/s Dance of a young woman
    Presenter 2: Loud applause to our kindergarten students.
    Presenter 1: To award young artists “For active participation in cultural
    Village Life" invites the Head of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "Culture, Sports and Youth"
    Elena Alexandrovna Simonova.
    Awarding of children's pupils garden
    Presenter 1: I’m standing, looking at my native village
    With my eyes I measure the spaces, the beauty
    And I understand that there is nothing more beautiful in the world
    The village in which I now live.
    Presenter 2: And let them say that there are other places
    The bread is tastier there, the grass is greener there,
    And I love the village, all my relatives are here
    And love makes you dizzy.
    Presenter 1: Each era leaves its mark on the appearance of the village. Over the years the village
    changes, just like people. And in each period it has its own appearance, its own advantages:
    — today in our village there is a temple in a snow-white outfit with golden domes.
    Presenter 2: This year a new kindergarten opened its doors. Little ones
    residents feel cozy and comfortable there. They rejoice not only in modern
    colorful design of the building, but also new playgrounds.
    Presenter 1:— Tsvetochnaya Street is transforming before our eyes
    — pedestrians and drivers are pleased with the repaired roads, traffic lights,
    Presenter 2: This is our village in its 211! Behind all this there are people, people of different
    professions of different ages, different hobbies, they make our village beautiful.

    Presenter 1: The administration of the rural settlement of Georgievka expresses gratitude
    to the most active residents for their contribution to the renewal and prosperity of our village.
    Presenter 2: The head of the rural settlement is invited to the stage for the award ceremony.
    Georgievka Sergei Ivanovich Kolesnik.
    - SCHOOL
    -Hospital, CSC
    5. Musical performance by school teachers
    6. Musical number by Alena Mokshina “Chudesenka Song”
    — LPDS
    — HOA
    — IP
    7. Musical number by Zlata Kolokolnikov “Jolly Umbrellas”
    Presenter1: Today in honor of the celebration of Village Day at the universal site
    industrial sports competition “Jolly Guys” took place, in which they took
    participation of……….teams.
    Presenter 2: The head of the village is invited to the stage to award the teams.
    Georgievka settlement - Sergey Ivanovich Kolesnik.
    8. Dance number Tolokolnikova Ekaterina group “Caramel”
    "Bryanskaya Street"
    Presenter 1: A competition was held in our village from May 18 to June 10
    “The most comfortable territory of a personal subsidiary plot” and “The most
    landscaped area apartment building» in which they were identified
    Presenter 2 :
    May you always be under a lucky star,
    Fate led you along the road,
    In the house so that there is a deep river
    Life flowed calmly and peacefully!

    Presenter 1:
    Let only friends visit your yard,
    Bad weather passes by,
    From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,
    Long life, health and happiness.
    Presenter 2: The chairman is invited to the stage to award the winners.
    competition commission - Tatyana Aleksandrovna Chiklinova.
    Presenter 1: The ensemble "Russian Birch" from the village of Vertyaevka congratulates all residents
    Happy birthday to the village.
    9. -10. Musical number ensemble Russian birch - accordion 2 songs
    Presenter 2: Our next number holiday program(shapoklyak music
    cuts off)
    Musical intro to which it goes - Shapoklyak
    Shapoklyak: Everyone, dears, thank you, you can be free.
    Presenter2: How is it - free? We still have a concert to host.
    Shapoklyak: Don’t you read newspapers? I'm hosting a concert today, and from tomorrow
    I am in charge of the cultural center.
    Presenter 1: Here's more nonsense. They don’t even perform at the Philharmonic without a rehearsal, but here
    such a thing - Village Day! Just look how many people have gathered! Is it possible with
    streets, and straight to the stage?!
    Shapoklyak: Oh, fathers, it’s true. They will boo you, throw rotten eggs at you...
    Okay, lead the way yourself, and I’ll stand here, I really want to show off!
    Presenter 2: Okay, stay quiet. Now the number will be interesting. Meet!
    11. Musical number Lyubov Cherepovskaya with her son
    “You are the best girl in the class” NEWLYWED
    Presenter 1:
    Since ancient times, as legends say
    Love was sacred
    But the more sacred it is millions of times
    If the family managed to save her!
    Presenter 2: Of all human relationships, family is the oldest and most
    great value. Loyalty, love, raising children - serve as the most durable
    ties of family marriage.
    Presenter 1: We invite to the stage a married couple who have registered their
    marriage very recently
    — Igor and Evgenia Isaev
    Presenter 2: Dear newlyweds, these words ring true for you today!
    May you have love
    Great sky and living water
    Daily bread
    A cheerful song and a wild wind!
    All the best!
    To all the brightest!
    Presenter 1: This gift is for you!
    A gift is given
    Shapoklyak: Wait, dears, I want to ask you.
    Are you ready for the kids? Well, now let’s see, I’m asking you questions about...
    1.Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar? (little bear)
    2. It happens in the river, in the lake, in the ear, but it doesn’t happen in compote. Who is this? (fish)
    3.What do small children call a bad, nasty thing? (kaka)
    Okay, we can say we are ready. Well, go with God.
    12. Musical number Okladova Oksana “Angel Wings” SILVER ANNIVERSARY
    Presenter 1: Our village is beautiful, the people in it are good, the families are wonderful! And among
    There are also those who are celebrating their silver jubilee this year!
    Presenter 2: We invite you to the stage:
    — Alexander Pavlovich and Zhanneta Vladimirovna Reshetov
    — Yuri Ivanovich and Yulia Nikolaevna Avvakumov
    Presenter 1:— Mikhail Anatolyevich and Tatyana Mikhailovna Pronin
    -Alexander Nikolaevich and Tatyana Aleksandrovna Chiklinov
    Presenter 2:— Vladimir Andreevich and Lyubov Dmitrievna Boyko
    — Valery Ivanovich and Galina Aleksandrovna Sundikov
    Presenter1:— Alexander Yuryevich and Elena Valerievna Litvinov
    -Yuri Alexandrovich and Elena Nikolaevna Ivanov
    Presenter 2:— Nikolai Petrovich and Tatyana Andreevna Tatarnikov
    — Pavel Nikolaevich and Tatyana Vladimirovna Annenkov
    Presenter 1:-Sergey Alexandrovich and Yulia Viktorovna Pankeevs
    Sergey Yuryevich and Marina Yuryevna Arkhipov
    Presenter 2:— Sergey Vladimirovich and Yulia Mikhailovna Vaulin
    -Mikhail Konstantinovich and Svetlana Konstantinovna Gavrilchik
    Presenter 1: Valery Nikolaevich and Svetlana Petrovna Volkov
    Nikolai Evdokimovich and Natalya Konstantinovna Ruzaevs
    Loud applause to all married couples!
    Presenter 2: You really have been together for 25 years. Did you meet in Georgievka?
    Shapoklyak: And now I’ll tell you, I know everything about them! I was then the head of the registry office
    worked. True, I forgot something, but kind people will remind me. Remind me, will you?
    (Addressing the audience). Well, that's good. So it was like this...
    Old woman Shapoklyak reads the text, presenter 2 gives attributes to the heroes of the day -
    horse + words - for the groom, wreath - for the bride, green hat and casket - for any man,
    Over the mountains, over the valleys,
    Beyond the wide seas.
    Not in heaven - on earth,
    In the village of Georgievskoye, a girl was born. (pause points to the bride)
    I started to grow up quickly,
    Bloom in lush colors.
    She blossomed a little.
    Here I was sitting by the window,
    One evening she...
    Alone - alone.
    Suddenly the window slammed
    The wind blew wildly,
    He burst into the room like a whirlwind.
    He picked up and picked up the girl.
    He quickly took it out of the room
    You will understand the conversation
    It was, of course, a thief
    The thief turned out to be a dragon
    He became attached to the girl.
    A brave guy rode past (pause, the groom is riding a horse)
    The handsome guy is great.
    I rode for a long time or far,
    Suddenly in front of him is a tall oak tree.
    A casket hangs on an oak tree, (pause points to the casket)
    There's a dragon... ending.
    How events developed
    You guessed it yourself.
    And while the groom was galloping,
    That dragon gave up.
    And the bride was surprised
    That she was freed.
    Then the groom approached her, (the groom approaches)
    And he gave this speech:
    The groom says into the microphone: “Did I kill the villain?” (the bride answers and nods)
    And now the soul is a maiden,
    I want...to marry you!
    Shapoklyak: Instantly at the registry office... they signed. ….
    I said it correctly, isn’t that how it really happened?
    The spouses answer: that’s right, that’s how it was.
    Shapoklyak: And they didn’t want to let me on stage...
    Presenter 1: Now listen to what I tell you:
    When the temples were silvered with gray hair,
    A special love is given to us: There is more tenderness in it than in ancient years,
    When she was blind and young.
    Everything happened in life, after all, 25 have already passed,
    But you are celebrating your wedding again.
    People all call her silver -
    After all, the path we share in life shines like silver.
    Health. Joy, good luck, happiness light,
    We wish you to remain young for many years!
    Presenter 2: I invite you on July 5 at 15:00 to the St. George’s House of Culture for
    event dedicated to the Day of “Family, Love and Loyalty” to honor your
    silver jubilee. The holiday program includes a concert, presentation of gifts, and a memorial
    entry in the book of anniversaries (presenter 1 and Shapoklyak present invitations)
    Musical background for handing out invitations
    13. Musical number Julia Malova “Dad, Mom...”
    Presenter 1: And now we want to congratulate the oldest resident of our village
    Khlebushkina Klavdiya Andreevna! This year she turned 94 years old!
    Klavdia Andreevna, a native resident of Georgievka, participant of the Great
    Patriotic War. She worked for many years as a Russian language teacher in her native village.
    and literature. An amazing, cheerful, bright person.
    Presenter 2: Today she is not present at our holiday, but we are a gift
    we transmit via social worker– Gavrilova Anna Vladimirovna, please
    get up on stage.
    Presenting a gift
    14. Dance number by the group “Caramelki” - “Hey sailor”
    chair, small table. Desk, basket with eggs and glass,
    (fairy tale music)
    Shapoklyak: Eh, I, too, have lived in the world, and I haven’t seen anything! For a long life
    you'll see enough of everything. Even these fairy tales, I can correct them. I saw it,
    how it really was, but they made it up - folk art! Presenter 1: How did it really happen? What, they didn’t even come up with the Ryaba Hen?
    Shapoklyak: A reliable case! They just embellished it beyond recognition. The thing is
    it was completely different. I know that, I was then the chairman of the village council.
    -Once upon a time there was a grandmother (music for a grandmother).
    Shapoklyak: A good grandmother, a housewife. And she had a chicken, Ryaba. Applied
    chicken eggs, a pot full (grandmother points to a basket of eggs)
    Grandma: (calling) “Grandfather! Come and look, how beautiful it is!” (Grandfather does not respond.)
    Shapoklyak: Oh. Fathers! But grandfather didn’t show up! They lost him at work yesterday.
    Who will play our grandfather? Man, help me out. I'll give you tips!
    (takes the man out of the audience, music for the grandfather).
    Shapoklyak: And the grandmother is glad that the grandfather came. And out of joy, let’s treat them.
    (Grandma takes a glass from the basket and offers it to grandfather)
    Shapoklyak: Grandma, did you forget the snack?
    (The grandmother throws up her hands, leaves the basket near the chair and runs backstage.)
    And then, out of nowhere, a mouse came running.
    (Music for the mouse.)
    This is grandma's neighbor, and wag your tail!
    (the girl begins to court her grandfather: she will pat him on the head, then she will sit on his knees,
    In the end, he knocks over the pot of eggs with his hand.)
    Shapoklyak: And she tore her tail to the point that she broke her testicles! Oh, now
    Grandma will be back! Oh, what will happen! Hide, mouse!
    (The mouse runs here - here, finally, he grabs the grandfather, and together with him he hides under
    Shapoklyak: And then the grandmother returned and brought a snack. He sees, but his grandfather is not there! And come on
    look for him.
    (The grandmother looks for and pulls out the mouse by the clothes. There is a squabble between them.)
    Shapoklyak: Well, grandfather, are you scared? Get out and separate them!
    (Grandfather gets out and tries to separate them.)
    Shapoklyak: Somehow he broke it up, but the neighbors heard that there was noise in the house and made up
    God knows what. That's how it was - that was it! Of course, they scratched each other, not without
    I know, I was the head physician at that time.
    The actors leave
    Presenter 1: So what they say is true: the fairy tale is a lie. But young parents still
    they tell the children. But our children are visible and invisible! You don't know who is the youngest. While you consider one the smallest, lo and behold, another has already been born, even
    less. It’s downright impossible to keep statistics!
    Today we have the smallest one in the village, Roman Potapov.
    We invite young parents, Andrei and Ekaterina Potapov, to the stage.
    Presenter 2:
    Are you experienced parents?
    Nothing will surprise you
    'Cause we'll just say
    Let the baby be happy!
    He's your second child, after all.
    The youngest member of the family!
    Let him bathe from the cradle
    He is in parental love!
    A gift is given
    15. Dance number “Tango” Vasily Malashin and Yulianna Permyakova”
    Presenter 1: When there is longing in the chest, and autumn rules the heart,
    That is the Russian soul - soulful songs asks.
    About life and about love, about meetings and separations,
    About mother's eyes and gentle hands.
    Presenter 2:
    Like a winter garden in the snow, without leaves and buds,
    Without songs, life is boring and monotonous.
    But in every heart there is a favorite tune,
    You sing and suddenly, the ice floes will melt in melancholy.
    Presenter 1:
    Take with you the tune of your favorite song.
    Everything will be fine, if you believe in a miracle.
    Oh, Russian soul, wide as the sea.
    You always sing, always in joy and in sorrow!
    Musical number Choir “Russian Soul”
    17. White chamomile 18. Country road
    (Walk around the stage to talk so they can talk, we swear)
    Presenter 1: Our holiday does not end here, but we say goodbye to you
    Presenter 2: Goodbye, friends, see you again!
    Shapoklyak: What about you, who says goodbye like that?!
    Presenter 2: But as?
    Shapoklyak: And like this! In honor of the holiday, let's have some fun today, friends? Do we swear?
    Spectators: We swear!
    Shapoklyak: When we meet acquaintances and friends, will we smile? Do we swear?
    Spectators: We swear!
    Shapoklyak: To our great joy, shall we part ways without fighting? Do we swear?
    Spectators: We swear!
    Shapoklyak: Don't forget this oath!
    That's it now! Happy holiday to you!
    Presenter 2: Next you will find a flash mob, a disco and festive fireworks

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