• 60 years since the wedding. Diamond wedding (60 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS


    60th wedding anniversary is an anniversary that is rare in modern world. Therefore, it is simply necessary to celebrate such an event in the life of the spouses. Moreover, it should be noted precisely in the circle of those closest to you. And it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for such a celebration.

    Diamond wedding

    60th wedding anniversary - diamond wedding. Having reached this date, the spouses confirm that love exists, and that it does not last 3 years, but much longer.

    Why is the 60th wedding anniversary compared to a diamond? This drago valuable stone has the highest strength, purity and dazzling shine. These are the qualities that a sixty-year marriage of spouses is endowed with. At the beginning of his journey, he is like a diamond, beautiful, valuable, but uncut. And over time, being “in the hands” of the spouses, it is processed: it acquires its true, beautiful appearance.


    60 years of marriage is an anniversary that is celebrated relatively recently among the inhabitants of Europe, but among the Russian people it has been known since the existence of Rus'. Therefore, such a celebration has not yet acquired traditions. But there is already something.

    It is also known that from the very beginning of the celebration of the diamond wedding, this celebration was accompanied by pomp, wealth and a large number of guests, mainly relatives.

    So, the Russian people came up with and followed a very good tradition. On the eve of their 60th anniversary, the elderly couple wrote a letter to their children, married and single. In this written message, a husband and wife shared the secrets of a long and happy life with their children. They also warned against possible errors, talked about the hardships they experienced in their marriage and how they overcame them.

    The completed letter was tied with a beautiful ribbon and hidden in a box specially prepared for this. During the celebration, when all the congratulations were said, the parents handed over this box with a letter to the children. After this, in most families, this message became a relic that was passed down from generation to generation.

    Closer to the present century, mothers began to transmit such letters to their daughters on their wedding day, so that they family life was successful at the very beginning.

    As a tradition, experienced wives passed on to their daughters or daughters-in-law some family jewelry or their ring, which should subsequently be passed on to their descendants.

    How to congratulate the “newlyweds”?

    On the eve of the 60th wedding anniversary, a lot of things arise, not only for the spouses, but also for the guests. How to organize a celebration? What to give for your wedding anniversary? What congratulations on 60 years life together will they be appropriate, original and beautiful?

    Congratulations to spouses, especially if they are parents, should start “from the doorstep”, leaving the giving of gifts until the height of the holiday. Words of congratulations written from the heart will be of particular significance for the heroes of the occasion. And it is absolutely not necessary if it is poetry.

    If the celebration is held only in the presence of close relatives, then the guests should agree in advance to come to the spouses all together, bringing a huge armful of flowers and/or balloons, vying with each other to say wishes. Such a number of people will immediately create an atmosphere of not just an anniversary, but real wedding.

    Gift selection

    Having found out what kind of wedding is being celebrated for 60 years of marriage, guests are puzzled by another question: what to give? The diamond anniversary predetermines the value of the gift. Of course, if you don’t have enough income, you will have to choose something budget-friendly, but donated from the heart. The main thing is to understand that trinkets will be completely inappropriate.

    What to give to the heroes of the occasion for their 60th wedding anniversary?

    • earrings for the “bride” and cufflinks for the “groom”;
    • pendants with photographs of spouses;
    • wedding rings with an engraving of the date or the name of the spouse, as well as with an insert of a diamond or cubic zirconia;
    • Nowadays, photo frames made of wood according to your own sketch are very popular (there can be several frames, connected to each other with words made of wood, a wedding date or a wish - all depends on your imagination);
    • a wooden clock containing photographs of the spouses instead of a clock on the dial;
    • a pair of rocking chairs for cozy evenings together;
    • clip from family photos or clippings home video;
    • kit beautiful glasses made of expensive gold-plated glass;
    • some household appliances, if a married couple needs something;
    • certificate for joint photography;
    • a trip to a European country or choose something exotic or something that the spouses prefer (let a new honeymoon begin for them).

    Whatever the budget, remember that the gift should be useful and meaningful. The honorable age of the heroes of the occasion is in no way compatible with jokes and youth jokes.

    Where to celebrate?

    Choosing a place for a celebration is a responsible matter and depends not only on the wishes of the spouses, but also on the number of guests. And yet, your own apartment or house is an ideal place.

    But, if a couple decides to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in another place, then a reasonable decision would be to book a restaurant hall, and an expensive and reputable one at that. It would be appropriate to decorate in a classic style, with elements of luxury and sophistication. This will once again positively emphasize the noble age of the “newlyweds” and the importance of the event.

    An original and appropriate addition would be to dilute the interior of an apartment or restaurant hall wedding photos spouses.

    How to celebrate an anniversary?

    It is better to think through the holiday scenario for the children of the spouses. This will be an unnecessary manifestation of love for parents.

    Of course, you can trust the professionals and order a host who will take care of all the entertainment issues. But it will be much more pleasant for parents to receive congratulations from their children.

    So, how can you celebrate?

    What is appropriate to serve?

    Preparing the table for the arrival of guests is one of the important tasks for a diamond wedding. If the celebration is held in a restaurant, then the menu should consist of meat delicacies, tasty and satisfying side dishes, vegetables and fruits, desserts and drinks.

    If the 60th wedding anniversary is celebrated at home, then home cooking with the obligatory presence of traditional family dishes would be quite appropriate. The main rule is that everything should be satisfying. Pickles prepared by the hostess of the evening, compotes and fruit drinks are perfect additions to side dishes and meat dishes. Homemade baking will also not be superfluous, but will only add coziness to the festive atmosphere.

    There is no need to put any pizza, fast food or rolls on the table; this food is “not the format” for such a respected celebration. You should also avoid the buffet. Plenty, satisfying and tasty - this is suitable for a diamond anniversary. And don’t forget about alcohol: cognac and champagne should decorate the table.

    Among those closest to you

    It is better to celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary with your family and closest friends. This will not only give family cohesion, but also emphasize the importance of the event.

    If the holiday is celebrated at home, then it will be very symbolic to prepare dishes together with children and relatives.

    Of course, no invitations are required. If you intend to invite other people, then in this case you need to take care of the way to notify them.

    You can, like at a wedding, send cards or just call.

    Even if only the closest ones will be there, this is far from a reason to refuse outfits. A holiday is a holiday, so dressing beautifully is another condition for celebration.

    It's not about evening dresses and tuxedos, although if the spouses are celebrating in a restaurant, such an outfit would be quite appropriate. The spouses - the heroes of the occasion - can stand out with the help of clothes. If you don’t want to wear wedding attire, you can find an alternative: let the “bride” wear a white dress or suit, and the “groom” wear a suit, decorating it with a flower boutonniere.


    Diamond wedding- an anniversary that not all spouses can boast of. Therefore, if such a wonderful occasion is planned in your family, it should be celebrated with dignity.

    Every little detail needs to be thought through. What to give for a wedding? What kind of wedding - 60 years? How to congratulate the “newlyweds”? On this day, you need to show special respect to the heroes of the occasion, as they are true role models.

    60 years of marriage - one of the most significant and record-breaking wedding anniversaries. And if the spouses lived to see such a rare event, then they must certainly celebrate it, taking into account the symbolism of the holiday and the customs of its implementation. Let's figure out how to do this correctly, in accordance with established customs and traditions, and how to congratulate the heroes of the day on this date.

    Holiday psychology

    60 years is a serious date for spouses. Very few couples live to see such an anniversary, if only for the reason that minimum age spouses - 80 years old. Having lived together for more than fifty years, people know everything about each other. They went through many trials, difficulties, problems. During this time they raised not only children, but grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This time-tested marriage is named after the most durable mineral - diamond.

    Symbolism of the holiday

    The symbol of the 60th anniversary of family life is:

    Diamond or diamond

    This stone was not chosen as a symbol by chance: the hardest and most durable, beautiful and valuable - it is like the life of spouses who were able to save their family, despite life’s obstacles. That is why the wedding is called a diamond wedding. It is noteworthy that in esotericism, a diamond is considered a mineral that was formed from the mixed energy of earth and air, and therefore will become an excellent talisman for spouses for their future lives.

    Number 60

    The number 60 is considered “sacred” and the most significant: after all, there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 6 times 60 degrees in a circle, and so on. Therefore, a marriage that has survived for so many years can truly be called sacred. In terms of time, this date comes after a significant wedding – golden. Therefore, it absorbs the characteristics of both elements - the invaluable value of gold and the strength of a diamond. Therefore, sometimes such a wedding is called a platinum wedding.

    Diamond Jubilee: Customs and Traditions

    Since a diamond wedding is a rare and not common anniversary, it has no traditions deeply rooted in antiquity. It was first celebrated at the end of the 19th century by rich and noble people who wanted to introduce new family traditions.

    But very quickly people of all classes began to celebrate such a holiday. Therefore, today there are several traditions associated with this date:

    • On your wedding day spouses must present each other with diamond jewelry. Alternatively, these could be new wedding rings with this stone.
    • Traditionally on the 60th anniversary The local registry office honors the anniversaries, if the spouses live in the same place where they got married. They usually present a Diamond Certificate, flowers and memorial gifts. In addition, they are asked to sign the book of honorary anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere.
    • On this day, the spouses draw up a kind of “instruction” for their descendants. The letter reveals the secret of their long-lasting family happiness. However, it is not customary to read it out. Moreover, the “order” must be hidden in a hidden place (for example, in a box) so that only those descendants who will also live until the Diamond Jubilee can read it. In some European countries, this order is taken with great seriousness: it is given to a notary's office and there it awaits its recipient. Usually it is additionally accompanied by a deed of gift for a family heirloom (for example, a piece of jewelry or any other significant thing).

    Briefly about the script

    When organizing a diamond wedding, you need to take into account some nuances:

    • In this case, an overly lavish celebration (with a toastmaster, actors, musicians or entertainment shows) is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that the heroes of the day and their friends are already in old age, and will quickly get tired of too noisy and active actions.
    • An ideal holiday is something between a formal ceremony and home gatherings.
    • It is necessary to completely free the celebrants from organizing the event: their children, grandchildren or friends can do this.
    • The holiday should be elegant festive table no frills or exotic: simple dishes and snacks are welcome.

    After all the features are taken into account, you can choose the scenario for the upcoming holiday:

    Home concert

    Celebrating with a small family circle is the best alternative to chic restaurants and cozy cafes on this day. Gather all your relatives together: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren - the anniversaries will be happy only because everyone will come to congratulate them. We need to organize a small concert for them: let everyone recite a poem or sing a song dedicated to the heroes of the occasion.

    Retro style

    Organize a retro celebration of the times when the couple first visited the Wedding Palace. An appropriate design would be appropriate - any suitable vintage items (antique paintings, old-fashioned tablecloths and curtains, furniture, and so on). The main highlight of the design should be black and white photographs of the spouses from the time of their youth: print them out and hang them like posters throughout the house. In addition, you can arrange a screening of a film made in advance about the life of the heroes of the day (it’s better if you find a projector and set up an impromptu cinema hall). And, of course, an old gramophone with your favorite melodies will create the right atmosphere. If you don’t have a gramophone, you can look for digitized recordings of songs from those times.

    At the family hearth

    You can arrange a small theatrical performance. To do this, you will need an improvised hearth - a fireplace, a fire lit in the yard, or an imitation of it (for example, special lamps). Guests sit around the hearth, and on the most comfortable and place of honor- anniversaries. They, as guardians of the family fire, will accept your gifts and talk about the life they lived together: some stories - funny and not so much.

    Such a holiday will be useful and enjoyable for everyone: the elderly will make up for the lack of communication, and the grandchildren will have the opportunity to learn more about them.

    Makeshift kingdom

    Arrange honoring the founders of your family dynasty. To do this, you need to make two improvised thrones and two crowns: for decoration you can use foil, beads and rhinestones similar to diamonds. When you seat the heroes of the day in the royal seat, let them be entertained and honored. The heroes of the occasion can issue laws and decrees, give parting words and reward their descendants. Prepare in advance small cardboard medals on ribbons that the celebrants of the day will give to their grandchildren and children. And of course, don’t forget that such an event must be captured in photographs.

    What to give to spouses

    Like any other holiday, it is customary to give gifts for a diamond wedding:

    How to congratulate the “diamond” heroes of the occasion

    On this day, it is necessary to congratulate the old-timers of family life. There is no need to invent idle speeches and toasts - just put words of gratitude, respect and love into them. You can write your speech based on the following examples:

    Take such a date as a diamond wedding with all responsibility. After all, there are so few married couples in the world who live to see such an anniversary. Therefore, arrange a real holiday for the soul and pamper the old-timers with your attention.

    In conclusion, watch an educational video and learn a lot interesting facts about diamonds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvgLNwQFvxk

    50 years of marriage is a whole half a century together; you must admit, not every married couple manages to reach such an anniversary. This anniversary is called the golden wedding and for good reason, because the spouses overcame various difficulties, for which they can now receive their reward.

    The precious material has every right to bear the name of the 50th anniversary. After all, gold is a durable and expensive metal, just like the relationship between spouses who have lived to see their semicentenary anniversary. Now only death can separate them.

    The meaning of a wedding anniversary

    The 60th anniversary is an incredible event, because very few married couples live to see it. And this is not due to the fact that the family is falling apart, but due to the state of health and age of the couple.

    After all, this anniversary comes when the spouses turn 80, and sometimes more years. That is why 60 years of marriage is called a diamond wedding. Because not everyone manages to maintain a relationship until such an anniversary.

    Any anniversary is of great importance not only for the married couple, but also for all friends and relatives. Especially those who are with their family from the beginning of their journey.

    50th Anniversary Celebration

    A golden wedding is most often celebrated on a grand scale, and the newlyweds are constantly in the spotlight. The room for the celebration should be decorated luxuriously. It is best to use gold color, which represents wealth. If desired, it can be combined with silver.

    The bride must be in a beautiful gold dress or other outfit. It is also recommended that the groom wear a wedding suit. This could be a tailcoat or trousers with a shirt. 50 years of marriage most often.

    Many married couples attend church and get married on their golden anniversary. After all, now they can be sure that they will be together for the rest of their lives.

    Diamond Jubilee Celebration

    The 60th anniversary is called an expensive and valuable stone. This material has a high density; it is even used to cut glass. So, the anniversary received a completely justified name, because the relationship of the spouses was able to withstand all the obstacles and overcome more than one obstacle.

    A diamond wedding, like a gold wedding, is usually celebrated on a grand scale. Children and grandchildren are most often involved in organizing the holiday, because their parents’ age does not allow them to do this. You can gather with your family and... The heroes of the occasion must also participate in this.

    If you don’t want to organize the holiday yourself, you can use the services of special companies that are competent in this matter. Whatever the holiday turns out to be, the spouses will be glad that it was organized for them. And it doesn’t matter at all if it was done through your own efforts or with the help of specialists.

    What to give your wife for a gold and diamond wedding?

    A husband and wife who have lived together for 50 or 60 years probably know each other’s interests and preferences. On this day, a representative of the stronger sex should try hard and truly surprise his soulmate.

    But men are practical creatures and sometimes it is very difficult for them to please a representative of the fair sex. After all, women love romance and attention; they don’t necessarily need to be given gifts that will be of any use.

    Gifts for wife for golden wedding

    You can simply select based on the meaning of the anniversary. 50 years of marriage is called the golden wedding. Based on this, you can choose a gift from this metal.

    Jewelry will be a good and memorable gift; it can be one item or a set. With great desire and good imagination it is possible choose a gift in the form of a figurine. It can be a large heart made of gold or painted to match its color.

    You can also present your significant other with a beautiful towel or scarf embroidered with threads of this color. In general, women at this age are difficult to please, because over the years they have acquired a lot of things. But don’t be sad, the main thing when choosing a gift is to rely on the name of the anniversary and the preference of your spouse.

    Gift for a woman for a diamond wedding

    The 60th anniversary is a long journey traveled hand in hand by the spouses. With her arrival, the man thinks about what to give his beloved wife. This anniversary is also called a diamond anniversary, but you must agree that not every representative of the stronger sex has the opportunity to purchase such gem.

    If you cannot afford to pamper your spouse with diamond jewelry, then you can choose something else. For example, a good gift will be a trip for two to some sanatorium or recreation center. This will allow you to spend time together and improve your health, if necessary.

    Representatives of the fair sex can be given a large diamond made of glass or crystal. Its value will be much less than a real stone. Remember, no matter what gift you choose, your significant other will appreciate it.

    Gifts for spouse for 50th and 60th marriage anniversaries

    Men love gifts that can be useful. Therefore, with the arrival of any holiday, a woman begins to rack her brains. Let's begin with practical gifts It's better to do it for a birthday or any other holiday. A wedding anniversary is an important event together.

    Gift for a man's golden wedding

    With the arrival of the 50th anniversary, the man is at such an age that he does not have any special wishes. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully, perhaps there is something left that a representative of the stronger sex dreams of.

    Most men at this age love books. Therefore, you can choose an interesting scripture for your spouse, decorated in gold. There are many beautiful and rare books that a man can appreciate.

    Great for coffee lovers a suitable gift in the form of a mug with his name and kind words. This gift can be supplemented with real coffee beans. In general, it is recommended to give a joint gift, for example, tickets to a movie or to a concert of your favorite artist.

    Diamond Wedding Gift for Spouse

    With the arrival of the 60th anniversary, the wife will have to make every effort and dream up a gift for her other half. Of course, a representative of the stronger sex can be presented with jewelry with a diamond, but he is unlikely to like it.

    As you know, the 60th anniversary is celebrated in quite mature age, so it’s better to choose a gift that will please the eyes and soul of your loved one.

    A gift in the form of a collage will be excellent and at the same time original. You can use photos from the beginning of your married life before this anniversary.

    For connoisseurs of alcoholic drinks It is recommended to present expensive cognac in beautiful bottle in the form of a diamond. It is not at all difficult to please a representative of the stronger sex at this age. For him, the main thing is that you love, appreciate and respect.

    What do parents get for their 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries?

    Most children try to present some gifts to their beloved parents on every anniversary. 60 and 50 years of marriage are no exception, but what to buy for people who have everything.

    Golden wedding gifts for parents

    You can choose a gift for your beloved mom and dad based on the name of the anniversary. A good present will be the holiday itself, which you organize in their honor. It is advisable to invite close friends of your parents. Also you can present new wedding rings with engraving “50 years of marriage”.

    Many children try to please mom and dad as much as possible. They take them on a journey. You can also give a trip to the sea or to a sanatorium.

    Diamond wedding gift for parents

    Sometimes the 60th anniversary can be difficult, because they are already at that age where they have almost everything. If you don’t know or even have no idea what to give, then you can ask the parents themselves. Perhaps they have been dreaming about something for a long time.

    On the 50th and 60th anniversaries, you should not give gifts that could have been given on other dates. It is also not recommended to make gifts intended only for one of the spouses. It will be wrong and ugly in relation to the second one.

    If the spouses are superstitious, then piercing and cutting objects will not be a very good gift. Watches and slippers are also not best present on such a beautiful day. It is recommended that a few weeks before the anniversary you ask what your spouse would like to receive as a gift.

    Useful video

    50th wedding anniversary.

    Congratulations on your golden wedding.

    Diamond Jubilee – 60 years of marriage.


    50 and 60 years of marriage are important and memorable dates for any married couple. Not every family manages to spend such a period together.

    Therefore, they try to celebrate such significant dates on a grand scale so that they are remembered not only by spouses, but also by relatives. And as for gifts, it all depends on the interests of the married couple. Based on them, you can easily choose something worthy.

    Diamond wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

    At a diamond wedding, toasts are most often made to love, mutual understanding, patience and support, because without them it is impossible to imagine a happy family life. Congratulations can be short and memorable in the form of a bright toast or connecting memories of the past with warm wishes for the future. An ode to love dedicated to the heroes of the occasion will be more appropriate than ever.

    60 shimmers with brilliant shine summer anniversary weddings! I heartily congratulate the strong and loving couple! I wish you optimism, fun, calm warm evenings in your favorite arms and a youthful sparkle in your eyes when you see each other. I wish you health, longevity and all-encompassing happiness!

    Dear anniversaries! In my imagination, you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife, personifying a pure diamond and a flawless setting - her husband. It was he who was not only able to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also complemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is very rare. And if fate gave it to you, it means you are wise and worthy. I would like everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! Happiness to you and good health! Happy holiday again!

    Happy Diamond Wedding! 60 years is whole life, life together with the person who is closest to the rest of the world! May everyone repeat your happy and successful marriage, and may you continue to live in love and harmony. Happy anniversary and thank you two for being you!

    Congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary! Perhaps no one came up with such words so that they could contain everything sincere about you: you are kindness, decency, tenderness, courage! We love and appreciate you very much! Live in health, harmony, love! Let peace and kindness reign in your soul! Bitterly!

    Congratulations on your diamond wedding! Your family is a sparkling diamond. The beauty of your feelings is difficult to describe in words, and your devotion and fidelity will be the envy of many married couples. So we wish you that you will continue to be able to preserve your love and the warmth of your feelings until the platinum wedding, to which we are definitely waiting for an invitation from you!

    Dear anniversaries! Today, on such a beautiful and sunny day, we congratulate you on your diamond wedding! 60 years have passed since the beginning of your married life, there is something to remember, something to talk about. Today you are surrounded by children and grandchildren who love and respect you very much! We wish you continued happiness family years and congratulations again! Bitterly!

    Congratulations on your anniversary! We want to raise a glass to your health and happiness! May your home continue to be filled with joy, comfort and the children's laughter of your grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

    Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is an entire era that is both frightening and exciting. Over these many years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather... - may this list continue ad infinitum for many, many more years! You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day! Happy holiday, our dear heroes of the day! Let your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

    Dear anniversaries! You are God's chosen ones, since the Lord does not grant everyone such a long and happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you shared all the difficulties, but at the same time preserved your love and raised worthy people- their children and grandchildren. This means that you truly have a heart of gold, a golden mind and golden hands. I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you that your future life will be as bright as today’s holiday!

    Dear Parents! I congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary! I want to thank you so much for giving me life, for love and understanding, for good advice and support in difficult moments, for my happy childhood dreams, for home comfort! Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance! The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Happiness to you and for long years life!

    Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your diamond wedding today! Thank you, dear ones, for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the most the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For my children's children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - creating and taking care of our large family! May your life be filled with only bright moments! Let it be light and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved ones!

    Our dear anniversaries! On this wonderful day, with a feeling of deep gratitude for kindness, love, all support and help, accept our my sincere congratulations and wishes for long life, good health, a lot of joy and happiness. Sixty times bitter!

    A wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of the 60 years we have lived together! Congratulations on your diamond wedding! I wish you to remain the most precious and beloved diamond for each other for many years to come! I wish you health and prosperity, great luck, family understanding, care and respect for loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy!

    Congratulations to our dear heroes of the day! The symbol of this holiday is the diamond, which translated from ancient Greek means “indestructible.” In its natural form, a diamond is not considered beautiful; its beauty is enhanced by its filigree cut. A diamond can cut any hard substance, but the diamond itself can only be cut with another diamond. Life generously created the conditions for your perfect cutting, and you perfectly complemented each other and warmed each other with your inner light. You are the greatest asset of our family!

    Today is not just a day when we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that were able to keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good children. You have supported each other all your lives, such understanding as yours is very rare, and that is why it is so highly valued - like a rare beautiful diamond. Diamond wedding - fairy tale! May it never end! We would like to wish you many years of happy life, smiles and highlights! Happy holiday, our beloved ones!

    Dear anniversaries! Today you are celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary - your diamond wedding! Let the diamond of your life play with its facets - your children and grandchildren. For your health! Bitterly!

    I sincerely congratulate you on your diamond wedding, on the 60th anniversary of strong ties and happy marriage! I wish you to live long and prosperously, keep good hope and bright love in your hearts, take care of each other and gather with your big family on holidays!

    Dear anniversaries! Your diamond hour has come! Nowadays, it is so rare to see a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you proved that we can live together happy life Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with your own traditions. People admire you and want to be like you. I sincerely wish you long life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Congratulations on your diamond wedding, dears!

    Today we are all gathered here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. Diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, may your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let it be just as valuable to you mutual love and tenderness! May your home be filled with joy, and may illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dears!

    Dear father! Congratulations on turning 60 summer anniversary. Your life with your mother is a wonderful example of love and mutual assistance. The bonds of marriage did not become chains for you, but turned into thin golden threads of spiritual kinship. Thanks to your help, life’s hardships did not bend my mother’s back, thanks to your love and tenderness, my mother’s eyes still sparkle with diamonds, thanks to your example and your advice, I learned to overcome any difficulties! Thank you for everything! And I wish you all the best! Sunshine and joy to you!

    Dear anniversaries! Like a spring flood, 60 years of family life quickly passed. The years have proven that you have wisdom, a sense of responsibility, devotion to family, as well as kindness, generosity of soul, and high decency! Be, our dears, always healthy and happy with your family and friends! Bitterly!

    Your family is incredible beauty necklace! And what can we say about its cost and value. The wife is the diamond, and the husband is the frame that holds it tightly. And only when you are together, there is no similar product in the whole world. So live in such idyll, harmony and tandem until your platinum wedding!

    Diamond wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

    You were once the bride and groom,

    And now sixty have already been lived together,

    We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,

    We wish you health and joy in life!

    Diamond wedding, six decades!

    Congratulations today. May your century be

    Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to everyone,

    Whatever a person needs. Let it be no problem

    Let life be kinder and fate more tender!

    Happy Anniversary!

    This is a diamond!

    Back in the white dress

    The women are standing.

    We believe in happiness again

    After the wedding we!

    Bad weather will pass!

    All dreams will come true!

    Diamond wedding!

    You've been together for 60 years!

    Today we will shout again: “Bitter!”

    “Love,” we tell you, “is advice!”

    They proved by their example

    You say there are no obstacles to feelings!

    I wish with admiration

    Long and happy years to you!

    Diamond you are rare, precious,

    In the frame of happy years!

    Your family is like a priceless gift,

    Bringing warmth and light to everyone!

    I wish you health, good luck, and good luck!

    Peace in the house! From fate - bounty!

    Let the clouds not hide the sun,

    And the wind will carry away troubles!

    A diamond is a valuable and expensive stone!

    For sixty years we have been together with you,

    We are glad that we passed this path with honor,

    Children and grandchildren were born in love!

    May our family be the happiest,

    Let him have energy, strength,

    And everyone in it achieves what they want,

    Good luck, let the star smile on us!

    There is no need for diamond placers,

    When such people exist!

    And next to you are young people

    Today it would be an honor to be

    Great. Diamond weddings

    Not so much on Earth.

    For your loyalty, my deepest bow!

    For devotion to your destiny!

    It's already sixty days and nights,

    You can't imagine life without each other.

    We want to help you now,

    We all understand you right away.

    We wish you great happiness,

    May the evil clouds pass by!

    So that there is no bad and bad weather,

    And all the bad news has passed!

    Scattered diamonds on tender palms!

    Scattered diamonds on the palms of the faithful!

    There is joy in the shimmer, like tears sparkle!

    We wish you happiness! Let love sparkle

    You love too, tenderly and without falsehood!

    The diamond wedding anniversary has arrived!

    I sincerely congratulate you on this!

    Let there be an ocean of happiness in life,

    Let only the sun shine in your souls!

    Passion has been replaced by trepidation,

    Which has been maturing for years!

    Love and tenderness are with you forever,

    And there will never be enough love!

    Let the applause ring out

    Everything today is in your honor!

    After all, for bright compliments

    There is a very nice reason!

    You're having a diamond wedding

    And this is a significant anniversary!

    We congratulate you, dear ones,

    With all my heart today with her!

    Behind the shoulders of a wonderful couple

    Sixty happy long years!

    Your union has illuminated today

    Diamond wedding precious light!

    We wish you excellent health,

    Care and attention of relatives.

    Thank you for your wisdom and love,

    You kept them in your hearts!

    Don't grow old, dear parents,

    I wish you happiness, health, long years!

    We have always seen a bright image in you,

    We have no one dearer!

    For warmth, for your kind souls

    And for raising us!

    For your care and patience

    May God give you health!

    I wish you warm relations,

    60 years left behind

    Congratulations on your diamond wedding!

    May God reward you with patience.

    You've got half your life behind you

    But half your life is ahead!

    You share joy and sorrow together,

    Don't miss out on success and good luck!

    Diamond time has come

    Dear, our wedding anniversary!

    Life was lived with love and faith,

    Today is a day warmed with hope!

    We will remember all the events with sadness,

    They have become our value!

    And we will fill our hearts with love again,

    May all your days be happy!

    Diamond wedding is a venerable date!

    Just by looking at you, we immediately understand:

    After all, a feeling is more expensive and harder than a diamond!

    Let us not wish you banal, lengthy wishes;

    Let the cheerful edges play brighter -

    We want to admire your love!

    Let the world push its boundaries,

    And the distant distances beckon!

    And may you want to sparkle

    A diamond of several carats!

    You will find happiness and comfort in your family,

    Warmth, prosperity, beauty!

    Also for you - the feeling of Miracle,

    And also - a dream come true!

    Happy anniversary, friends!

    The diamond sparkles!

    We can’t help but congratulate you!

    It happens.

    You have lived for many years

    Together, it's a miracle!

    Let the seed of troubles dry up.

    May you be lucky everywhere!

    This wedding is called a diamond wedding!

    The most precious anniversary!

    Everything passes, but remains with you

    The one who is most valuable on Earth!

    For 60 years you walked through life side by side,

    We shared joy and sorrow together!

    Let happiness be an endless waterfall

    Flows into your hospitable home!

    You can't find anything more expensive than a stone,

    You found a diamond on the way.

    But brighter than diamonds, richer in treasures,

    Your family union is a great success!

    Health to you, joy, attention to your loved ones,

    May there be patience and understanding!

    Stick to each other and get sick less,

    Pour a glass for this glorious toast!

    Happy wedding to Brilyantova! Nice couple

    It’s not without reason that your relatives are all proud of you.

    We managed to build such a family,

    Save, increase your luck!

    We were able to preserve and cherish our happiness,

    Appreciate each other and believe in good things!

    Only diamonds twinkle

    Dazzling sunlight!

    They don't call it a wedding for nothing

    Now often by this name!

    You have a diamond holiday,

    On your anniversary we wish

    Heavenly life and different

    Success, victories and wishes!

    On this glorious anniversary

    From family and friends

    Allow me to wish

    Don't get sick, don't be sad,

    Waiting for no troubles and no end,

    And the diamond crown!

    You are still fifteen years old

    Be patient until the crown.

    We will monitor this strictly.

    Have a good, smooth journey!

    We lived sixty years,

    They deserve the diamonds

    Your character is a diamond

    Your marriage is the best option!

    You are always an example for us,

    Have you survived the years

    And hungry, dashing,

    Fruitful and evil!

    Live well for many years,

    And forgive and love!

    To live together for many years,

    You need to know a lot -

    When to give in to each other

    When to start over

    When to scold each other,

    When to rush to make peace,

    We wish you to live and prosper!

    Fall in love with each other again!

    That's how it's an anniversary!

    Champagne is sparkling all around,

    We give you diamonds,

    A great reason to have fun!

    We've been married for 60 years, it's just a fairy tale!

    We wish you inspiration and, of course, affection!

    May luck be near you

    Our congratulations - you are rewarded!

    Diamonds, diamonds!

    These are best friends!

    Congratulations on your wedding,

    Your whole friendly family.

    We want to wish you

    The feelings are mutual, very long!

    There are no tears, no sorrows.

    Realize that life is beautiful

    Joy to you, good mood!

    On this particularly passionate day,

    May good luck accompany you!

    Congratulations on your diamond wedding,

    You've been together for 60 special years!

    What do you wish? I wish you well!

    After all, there is nothing more important in life,

    Than every moment and every minute

    Constantly sharing with each other,

    No fear of rain, no fear of severe frost,

    If you can understand each other!

    Diamond wedding -

    We have no words today!

    We've been through a lot together

    Joys, problems and troubles.

    The blizzard of happiness did not break,

    You didn't betray love.

    Through adversity and bad weather

    We walked together hand in hand!

    We wish you good health,

    Peace and warmth in the soul!

    You have proven in detail -

    With my dear one, heaven and in the hut!

    Your marriage agate was worthy,

    Crystal, silver and gold.

    Today we celebrate our anniversary

    Two diamond people.

    You've come a long way together,

    And we are so proud of you!

    We wish you to live as long as possible

    To be in love as before!

    Our dear “young people”,

    We sincerely congratulate you

    Happy Diamond Jubilee!

    May your life be full!

    May this wedding bring you

    An avalanche of happiness and warmth!

    We wish you good health,

    Getting younger in soul day by day.

    So that there is a new counter in your life

    Counting back the years!

    Like a scattering of the most precious diamonds,

    60 years are left behind!

    And we wish you everything at once -

    Great happiness and great love!

    Good health to you, help each other,

    Always support your loved ones!

    Give them the most valuable advice,

    May trouble not touch you at all!

    Happy anniversary

    Your strong family!

    Diamond wedding

    Not in a dream, but in reality!

    We wish you good luck,

    Strength, joy, love!

    Let fate not hide happiness

    From the hearts that are in love!

    Sixty years - yes!

    Super friendly family!

    We lived together for so many years -

    He is the groom, she is the bride,

    Today again at the table,

    And we drink champagne

    For love and goodness,

    And family warmth

    What warms their souls

    And he helps everyone’s relatives

    In a difficult, difficult life

    Let everyone be a friendly family!

    Love is a striped phenomenon:

    Warmth and intimacy impeccable

    Creepy quarrels replace

    And disagreements in families are eternal!

    But your pairing is not banal:

    Problems don’t interfere with feelings!

    And happy diamond anniversary

    Everyone congratulates you today!

    Like the edges of a bright diamond,

    Your eyes are burning with fire,

    Even though you got married so long ago,

    But you two feel so good!

    You are a friendly family together

    We lived for six decades,

    Today is our wedding anniversary,

    There is no more beautiful couple than you,

    We wish you love, health,

    Don't lose your strength,

    We respect and appreciate you,

    And we love you two very much!

    We can hardly hold back our tears from joy,

    And we bow our heads low before you!

    For having lived together for so many years,

    We know of no other such examples.

    May God generously reward you with health,

    May you be around for as long as possible!

    We need your worldly wisdom,

    And we promise to please you as much as possible!

    We're celebrating our diamond wedding today

    Now we wish you health for centuries!

    Believe in your strength and sing forward,

    Let the children be strong and the grandchildren grow up!

    May your beloved great-grandchildren bring happiness!

    Let the sun shine on your hearts

    And may loyalty increase in the coming years!

    Glorious anniversary of our life together,

    And it’s also called very beautifully -

    Diamond wedding

    In sixty years it’s counting!

    This is a very rare and beautiful stone

    And not everyone can afford it.

    Only selected before this date

    We can survive together!

    Diamond wedding is an honorable date

    She has a lot to say

    About the main thing, that life is a great reward

    Preserve love and family for so many years!

    We wish you to go through life with love

    Let faith in each other strengthen your marriage!

    Happy anniversary to such a special you,

    We lived in perfect harmony for 60 years,

    I want to wish you happiness,

    Life is also not boring for you.

    I wish you health and goodness,

    I wish you to live in harmony and peace,

    Happy diamond wedding to you,

    I wish you to live to 100!

    Your marriage is now 60,

    It is durable and valuable, like a diamond.

    Your eyes shine the same way,

    I want to tell you a lot!

    Happiness in the family is something to cherish.

    We congratulate you and wish you continued

    Be able to protect and cherish feelings!

    You met together years

    I wish you health

    Only understanding!

    Live in harmony with yourself,

    Tender attention!

    To become a diamond, you must

    Be a cut diamond!

    Now let's shift it

    We are on this thesis for you,

    Two diamonds cut

    As a result of common years

    And perfectly preserved

    Decorating the white light!

    We look at you with pride

    And ecstatic dreams

    We sigh with quiet envy.

    Eh, we should do the same too!

    I have a long marriage behind me,

    He is no joke, no trifle!

    It lasts sixty years,

    The light of diamonds is hidden in it!

    I will say without flattery or embellishment,

    What an honor it is to congratulate you!

    Let all bad weather recede,

    I wish you a lot of happiness!

    Like a big, faceted diamond,

    Six decades are priceless!

    And may the hearts of two lovers

    They make us happy like poppies!

    Holding hands you will walk

    Countless more years to come!

    So let them be in flight

    Problems, old age and trouble!

    You have lived together side by side for 60 years!

    Your strong union has become an example for us!

    As before, your eyes sincerely sparkle,

    And your diamond anniversary is filled with faith!

    We lovingly congratulate you today

    Happy magical date! We wish you happiness

    Good health and strong spirit,

    So that children and grandchildren visit often!

    Diamonds are not hidden in the depths -

    They glow in your eyes!

    Not under the thickness of the earth kilometers -

    In a kiss on wet lips!

    IN warm words“I love” with a breath,

    In mutual admiration of the two,

    Before the registry office of holy promises

    And in events dear to you!

    You have achieved a wonderful record,

    Be proud of your Diamond Wedding!

    After all, not everyone is capable of

    So that love and warmth remain!

    Always be young

    Don't lose love and hope!

    Let them not be enemies of the year,

    On the contrary, let them give you tenderness!

    You deserve all the diamonds!

    60 happy years

    You passed easily, calmly,

    Keeping the vow of love!

    And today, congratulations

    Happy great day to you,

    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

    Live together to be a hundred years old!

    Happy diamond wedding and brilliant anniversary!

    Happy solemn holiday of love!

    You've been together for a long time, because there are reasons for that,

    In due time you found half of your heart!

    Let your affection, understanding, care

    They continue to live and prosper!

    Let the years not grow old, let not the feelings break,

    You are yet to celebrate a stone wedding together!

    You've been on the road together for six decades,

    Today you are the bride and groom again!

    The diamond rings on your hands shine,

    This best gift from loving grandchildren!

    Be happy, live richly,

    We wish you vigor and strength from the bottom of our hearts!

    Let your love be winged,

    Let all your dreams come true!

    All the guests together will not stop clapping,

    Everyone is surprised at the strength of the family.

    Even though the years you have lived cannot be darned,

    And there’s no need, it’s all for love!

    And six dozen is a huge time,

    This is a big part of life.

    Let it be with bottomless tenderness

    Fate is for you to spin smiles!

    You are a sincerely and deeply loving couple,

    We call you a living legend!

    The strongest union unites you,

    You are the best example for all of us!

    Congratulations on your diamond wedding,

    Live in love and harmony for up to a hundred years!

    Give us wise advice every hour,

    Thank you, dear ones, for being with us!

    Your wedding happened one day!

    You were spinning in a charming dance!

    Graceful and well-coordinated

    The crowd gave compliments!

    Since then, just as clearly and boldly

    You get down to business together!

    Kernel strong family laid,

    We made it to the diamond wedding!

    Wonderful story!

    He has no equal in the world!

    We counted at our leisure:

    You've been together for five dozen years!

    “One year - one carat”,

    Each with a fortune,

    It turns out he's rich!

    But I won't waste an hour

    In the bustle of crackling phrases -

    Happy Diamond Wedding

    I hasten to congratulate you!

    You are united by swan loyalty,

    You are the most beautiful and happiest couple!

    For 60 years you have been side by side all the time, together,

    Today we call you bride and groom again!

    We sing a hymn to your love,

    We always take you as an example,

    Strong love cut two diamonds,

    And she gave me a beautiful diamond for the wedding!

    Diamond wedding

    It speaks of lasting family happiness,

    Take you as an example,

    Fate orders you to look up to.

    Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

    You carefully keep your love,

    May all your dreams come true,

    Appreciate each other like the apple of your eye!

    Only you can love like that

    So that the feeling multiplies over the years,

    And you know - love to extend

    You can only do good deeds!

    The feeling that the light gives us,

    You managed to prove by deeds,

    And now for sixty years

    Your wedding day has flown by!

    This couple is the rarest specimen in the world,

    Like a 7 carat cut diamond

    And your couple is a diamond anniversary today,

    For sixty years the hearts of lovers have been beating!

    You honored the birth of your family every year,

    And there was a lot in fate - love shone,

    Such family experience inspires respect,

    May the Lord give you strength!

    Diamond is the hardest of stones,

    Accept congratulations from dear guests!

    We wish you all health, happiness,

    Don't let bad weather bother you.

    May your family union

    It will not be subject to the years,

    May the thread of marriage be strong,

    We wish you extraordinary strength!

    Like a diamond in an expensive setting,

    What is more valuable than any treasure,

    Your union has been limited for years,

    What did you share between the two of you?

    We were in joy, happiness and sorrow,

    We shared fun and work,

    We wish you strength and health

    To see how great-grandchildren grow up!

    Diamond wedding - six decades,

    This is a real feat,

    You have survived so many different storms and troubles,

    We wish you great, intoxicating love!

    Let pain and sadness pass by,

    Your six decades are priceless,

    Let the family only bring positive things,

    Descendants delight like poppies!

    The name of your union is diamond

    You created it surrounded by love

    Both the grandson and great-grandson will be happy today,

    What a family the gods have given you!

    Let your eyes not know your tears

    From grief, failure and shock

    And there will be happiness in life - how many stars,

    And gentle, kind and sincere explanations!

    Gold wedding rings

    You are connected forever,

    You spouses are simply perfect,

    Not a hindrance to the love of the year!

    And diamonds can't compare with their brilliance

    With sparkles that play in the eyes,

    Your youth lasts forever,

    May the taste for life never disappear!

    The golden wedding is behind us,

    And another ten years on the road

    With the same jubilation in my chest,

    With the same life

    In joy and in God!

    Have a good, long life to you

    And friends

    Full cup

    And the same love!

    To meet

    New anniversary,

    Having become no older in feelings,

    And younger!

    Family celebrates today

    Sixtieth birthday!

    And your couple is calling

    We all have nothing but admiration!

    We wish you only happiness,

    So that there is enough strength for everything!

    Let it not be subject to the years

    Your union is strong and beautiful!

    The anniversary sparkles with diamonds!

    You've been together for sixty years already!

    Today for loved ones, family and friends

    You are the bride and groom again!

    There is no more reliable couple in the world, dear.

    We'll raise a glass to you!

    We wish you happy and sunny days!

    We will hug you tenderly and warmly!

    Everyone should pray for you,

    For you to ask God for happiness,

    You are the embodiment of spiritual beauty,

    We should all look up to you!

    We'll shower you with diamonds from head to toe,

    You are worthy only of admiration,

    We wish you good luck, happiness,

    Let adversity bypass you!

    Diamond wedding!

    Sixty is not an easy time!

    To the ageless soul

    The anniversary will come like this!

    Today you are two heroes:

    Sixty lived together!..

    And here they sit side by side,

    They touch everyone with themselves!

    We wish you good health.

    The evening of life is so beautiful

    If your friend is still good

    For conversations over fresh tea!

    Beautiful gem

    Will cut through years and glass.

    When family life beckons?

    When you expect the best.

    We wish you - let the edges of sparks

    Your life will be illuminated like the dawn!

    Let your heart remain pure

    The anniversary is named so for good reason.

    We wish you to remember the date

    What a good day the light gave.

    A day like this is definitely a payment itself

    For a sea of ​​exerted forces!

    You have confirmed: there is

    A huge light of goodness!

    Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law, father-in-law,

    Happy wedding! Hooray!

    Sixty have passed since then

    Have a very happy day -

    Before the diamond wedding

    You've had enough fire!

    Cheerful, warm, smart meetings!

    Let's sing and circle:

    You should take care of your fire of love,

    And live just as long!

    Diamond is a dangerous stone.

    Specifically for glass.

    Make sure it's under your hands

    The bottle didn't leak.

    We will find a place for her

    On the festive table.

    Rejoice, bride and groom

    On the Diamond Jubilee!

    May you have a happily ever after

    The two of you still have to live!

    Be life as full as the Volga,

    Which we don’t drink!

    Diamond date!

    Sixty wonderful years

    Flew by unnoticed

    But love is your amulet!

    Leaning on each other

    Understanding and enduring

    You performed a miracle

    Living together like this for a long time.

    And today, on the wedding date

    Let us not be timid!

    And probably so many more

    Be together and have no regrets!

    We hug with all our hearts

    We are so happy for you!

    Your feelings are so noticeable

    In the gentle shine of your eyes!

    There was nothing in life,

    And happiness and adversity,

    And there was no noise in your house

    What kind of weather?

    But everything was accomplished with perseverance,

    And counted as experience

    Reliable support for each other

    You've been around for a long time.

    Diamond wedding -

    Incredible day!

    So let it disappear in the future

    Even a shadow of sadness!

    Please accept congratulations from the children,

    You have lived 60 long years,

    We wish you, without any doubt,

    May you have amazing victories in life!

    Health is the main victory,

    Manage to achieve your goal!

    May troubles always pass you by,

    We wish you only the best!

    Six decades have passed

    Like a young maiden in a white dress,

    The groom, who was dressed in uniform,

    He promised that there would be happiness!

    He said - and he was true to his word,

    He carried his love through the years,

    In the world he only loved her

    And protected from bad weather

    And today is the anniversary

    We celebrate diamond weddings

    Your faces are no dearer to us

    More important and warmer than hugs!

    Six decades pass

    According to fate, not milky -

    You can't find a needle in a haystack,

    Don't flutter around carelessly!

    Only one love led

    Only she kept

    And the reward was

    And it gave me strength!

    Congratulations, wise ones,

    I wish you happiness, health,

    And the burning of clear eyes,

    And goodbye to the new one!

    Isn't this talent?

    Six decades on the road?

    Isn't this a diamond?

    There is no higher happiness!

    Well, of course, talent!

    Give a diamond

    Affectionate, the only one,

    The most faithful, sincere,

    Even though he is no longer young,

    Tired and gray-haired,

    But dear forever,

    Sweet and cordial!

    Call all your friends

    For a wonderful anniversary.

    Rejoice, create,

    Live to be a hundred years old!

    Your union is strong, it is as hard as a diamond,

    And the confirmation is the passing of years!

    We endured both grief and adversity,

    But there is still energy reserve!

    You find all your strength in each other,

    And today we want to wish,

    So that the world does not become scarce for you,

    May you be together and turn back time!

    Happy diamond wedding!

    You are heroes, no doubt!

    We lived in marriage without difficulty

    Sixty happy years!

    Who knows how to have fun

    He cannot live any other way,

    Will never get angry

    And in misfortune he will not cry.

    Forget all your illnesses and troubles,

    If your circle of friends is large.

    We are all grandparents

    Only the young at heart!

    For happiness, the Lord himself blesses -

    We saw our grandchildren grow up,

    We managed to live together for many years,

    Live long - so be it!

    We will pray to the Lord for you,

    So that he can give health,

    So that you never know despondency,

    And so that they always help each other!

    Anniversary!... Sixty.

    This wonderful date

    Today poets dedicate poems,

    Because love and hope


    Because these things are not trifles.

    You are our dears!

    May happiness and joy

    Continue to guide you

    On earthly roads,

    For everything to work out, to appear,

    Don't stop!

    Like a diamond after cutting

    Became a beautiful diamond

    Such a strong family

    I have become a gift to you!

    Sixty years have passed

    Live together and in love,

    How we lived for many years,

    Strive to accomplish everything

    May the whole world be happy for you!

    I am very grateful

    I am addressing you, dears!

    I wish you peace and quiet,

    You are almost saints to me!

    We lived together for 60 years,

    I wish I could live longer!

    To be tender to your mother, like a bride,

    For a father - how to be on your wedding day!

    I have drawn the path for you

    Whimsical fate:

    Six decades is a lot,

    Only the wedding is young.

    Smile, dears,

    And love like it was the first time!

    Let the elements rule

    Over the drooping grass.

    But for you they are empty:

    Love is the barrier from everything!

    Yes, make noise and sing the feast,

    Clink the glasses!

    Today is a rare day for you,

    Diamond wedding is a miracle!

    Diamond is a great reward of fate,

    For everything that has happened in life and everything that will happen!

    And there will be many more - life is long,

    And all the sharp turns are behind us.

    I raise my glass of wine

    Here's to the happiness that lies ahead!

    May your life be long and pleasant!

    Let illnesses forget you!

    Let there be immense joy!

    And great-grandchildren will arrive!

    Diamond of the purest water -

    A gift from fate to you!

    And it doesn’t matter how many carats it has,

    It is important that the eyes are still burning.

    The one who cherishes his love this way,

    Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

    Both words and congratulations fade,

    In front of the couple - a feast for all!

    May your health be as strong as a diamond,

    Celebrate your wedding many more times!

    Leaf fall, snowfall,

    Sometimes dry winds -

    Everything is so often

    It happened on the road.

    Sixty years old

    Among family and friends

    you passed

    And we didn’t meet old age!

    You are young at heart,

    And you have a holiday,


    From the heart,

    Speaking dear words

    Without embellishment:

    I wish everyone

    So bask in joy!

    Diamond wedding - sixty!

    What is the diamond among stones famous for?

    Everyone, of course, knows that a diamond is

    The hardest gem!

    He will save you from all troubles,

    Popular belief says.

    And popular rumor does not lie,

    We believe in the power of this stone!

    Those whose wedding is full sixty -

    Their love is indestructible, like a diamond!

    Diamond wedding -

    60 wonderful years!

    Never regretted it

    For “yes” in return.

    Great health to you,

    Calm, warmth!

    Let the family prosper

    I wish you well!

    Let the children be proud

    And grandchildren give light!

    And the little great-grandchildren

    They're coming for lunch!

    The years have flown by like a snowstorm,

    And I won’t get them back to you now,

    Life wasn't very sweet

    How the boat sailed on the sea!

    You are together for exactly sixty years,

    You have great-great-grandchildren!

    And your marriage is brilliant,

    Let it be as bright as a poppy!

    May God extend your years,

    Let them not step on the threshold

    Trouble, misfortune or grief,

    There will simply be a sea of ​​happiness!

    Diamond wedding - sixty!

    Magic erases the boundaries of time,

    Young people sitting side by side

    And love still sparkles in the eyes.

    But the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,

    And hearts beat with one sound,

    Your union is strong and indestructible,

    You hold hands all the time!

    Only a few people celebrate this wedding,

    Both troubles and adversity have passed you by!

    May it remain so forever,

    All the good things that have been created over the years!

    What to wish on your diamond day,

    Success, of course, is only the beginning.

    So that every time he is even more successful,

    And life is happier and more fun!

    For sixty years you walked confidently,

    You always cherished both happiness and love.

    So let fate sparkle like a diamond,

    Let fortune give you its lucky phantom!

    Diamond wedding

    Suddenly sparkled

    Lots of happiness, laughter,

    Joy all around!

    Happy anniversary


    Many wishes

    We'll read it to you now!

    May you be healthy

    Let the illness go away

    Your life is like a rose

    It will bloom with happiness!

    Let the family be big

    loves you very much

    And there will be a smile

    Light as it is now!

    We wish you from a loving heart:

    All the blessings of earth, and at the same time heavenly!

    Live long just like this:

    Without knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,

    In love and harmony for many years.

    I also wanted to wish

    To raise good grandchildren and great-grandchildren -

    A bunch of girls and guys

    Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

    Who could have said in those gloomy years

    (Enemies could destroy you a hundred times!)

    What are you up to diamond before the wedding

    Will you love each other the same way?!

    May you not accumulate diamonds,

    Your work is unfairly assessed,

    But children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren are talented,—

    Taking life from you, they mature and grow!

    You are treated to: wine, meat, fish...

    For work, health, strength, pride, honor,

    We thank you for your love!

    For the fact that you exist in this world!!!

    Even though your hair turns gray

    And sometimes it's sad

    But souls don't grow old

    And always young.

    Here’s to you, “newlyweds”!

    For eternal love!

    To her laws

    Reigned again and again!

    Our loved ones, relatives,

    You can’t hide the gray hair at your temples,

    For us you are always young,

    For us you are always alone,

    Let the date of the diamond wedding

    This will only be the beginning for you!

    May our dad be healthy

    And happy glorious mother!

    So that your dear eyes

    We didn’t know treacherous tears,

    And your great-grandchildren are getting older,

    They bring you bouquets of roses,

    May you be with us forever,

    They gave us warmth and affection,

    After all, we value you very much,

    You made a fairy tale come true for us!

    Diamond - what a wonderful stone!

    Once again we have a holiday and celebration.

    On this day, many friends and relatives came to you,

    And together we feel joyful and warm!

    And friends and relatives, without sparing words,

    We are in a hurry to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

    You are full of light and joy, happiness,

    We need your advice and it is important!

    Your family loves and appreciates you,

    Your reliable and loyal friends!

    We all wish you health and strength,

    So that you always have everything you want,

    So that youth, happiness, luck, success

    Fate has always given you without hindrance.

    You have not yet had time to drink your autumn,

    At least the diamond wedding is at the gates.

    To live a long time without getting sick, we ask with love

    Well, don’t let old age and sadness await you!

    Diamond wedding - 60!

    This is worthy of admiration!

    Your young ones will be surprised by your feelings:

    You look and you smile involuntarily.

    For so many years to understand each other,

    To be together in joy and sorrow,

    What fate has given me to humbly accept.

    You are two captains of the sea in life!

    May fate give you only happiness,

    Joy and fun for many days.

    You have long become an example for everyone,

    May your anniversary inspire you!

    You are exactly sixty today!

    We congratulate you on your wedding day!

    Let the years fly by like a bird,

    We wish you good health.

    Your age is not for ardent passion,

    But we've come a long way together!

    Now the most important thing is peace, participation,

    And understanding is the essence!

    Any year is good

    And those in their youth, and these!

    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

    Live longer in this world!

    The path is strewn with diamonds,

    Your life is goodness and grace!

    Love is alive in her, and that's the point,

    Destined to meet each other!

    God-bound destinies

    Two dear and loving hearts,

    Sixty years inseparable

    Union of two golden rings!

    Adversity and bad weather have passed,

    May you never return

    And so that there is happiness in life,

    And so that we always stand shoulder to shoulder!

    Where you go

    Flowers are blooming!

    A smile is the light of the sun,

    There is no boredom with you.

    No need for many words:

    After all, you are love itself!

    Not broken by misfortune

    She was always with me.

    You are light, fire, water.

    I wish you always be!

    Be as gentle and simple

    For me, just as young!

    Life with you is not a burden for me,

    You are my love, you are my joy!

    Diamond wedding - 60 years!

    Only a few people note this.

    Diamond strength love in your hearts

    Even erases the boundaries of time!

    We wish you to live like this again

    Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.

    Leave warmth in the memory of your love


    Let it be preserved

    All that has been dear to you for so many years!

    Everything that was created by labor with the soul,

    Let it stick.

    Love and live for many years,

    Happy days are coming

    Just let it last!

    Diamond wedding - an incomparable date!

    Years passed, the world around changed,

    And only love remained unchanged,

    And the strong interweaving of your hands!

    Walk like this, holding hands

    We will have years and years of joy!

    Meet sunsets and sunrises together!

    And may adversity pass you by!

    Your bright anniversary inspires us,

    Makes it cleaner, better and more beautiful!

    May fate protect you,

    Live many years, our dear ones!

    Sixty wonderful years

    Life has counted down.

    So, is everything in the past? Oh no!

    Sixty is the beginning.

    Yes, the start of new things

    In the field of knowledge.

    Being an example is your destiny -

    Kindness and knowledge.

    We are not the same as before:

    Every year is like a new dream,

    But hope burns in the soul,

    That he will be happier.

    We wish you, dear ones,

    Joyful, happy years,

    Let the yards pass through

    God will take you away from troubles!

    Today is an extraordinary day:

    You are close together sixty!

    You found words of support,

    When there was no strength to dream.

    This life's path is not easy,

    But you two were always together:

    Shared joy, happiness, sadness,

    Stubbornly staying close by.

    This is a super diamond:

    Such a strong family!

    We wish you to always burn,

    Burn out a flame from a spark!

    Example worthy of wisdom

    And a valuable life lesson:

    I created a family - be faithful to it,

    This act is appreciated by God!

    You are the most best mom and dad!

    You are the wisest grandparents!

    How lucky we are that once

    A young man met a girl!

    How lucky they got married

    You have found your soul mate!

    Lived, raised children and worked

    Happiness, adversity - all passed together!

    How we love you and how we respect you -

    Simple words cannot express it!

    Today we only wish you:

    May heaven send grace!

    Over six decades of joint

    We will tell you: “Thank you, dears!”

    From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:

    “Thank you for existing, dear ones!”

    Two people met once

    And together we walked through an entire era,

    Not everyone is capable of this:

    Share joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

    But we won’t remember the sad things,

    Today is a holiday - the best of dates!

    We celebrate the merger of your destinies,

    Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

    This date exudes magic and fairy tales,

    She sparkles with diamond edges,

    After all, to live so many years in love and affection,

    Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

    Let the diamond be a magic stone,

    Fate sends you grace!

    And you stay with us longer,

    To convey the wisdom of life!

    In this article:

    Do you know what kind of wedding is celebrated at 60 years old, and what name it received among the people? This delightful anniversary is one of the most honorable and respected marital dates, rightfully earning the name “diamond” celebration.

    It is believed that by this time the spouses manage to accumulate amazing life experience, which they must certainly pass on to their descendants of subsequent generations. Unfortunately, such a date is celebrated quite rarely, but it is also an excellent occasion for organizing an unforgettable family holiday.

    Main aspects of organizing a sixtieth wedding anniversary

    Usually such an amazing date is celebrated in a vast family circle, because by the age of sixty years of marriage, an elderly couple manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren. Such a significant event is an excellent occasion for everyone to get together and congratulate the happy anniversaries on their diamond date.

    As a rule, the venue for a festive banquet dedicated to the celebration of the sixtieth wedding anniversary is the home of the spouses or the territory of their garden. Agree that not every elderly couple will like the idea of ​​celebrating their anniversary in a noisy, fashionable restaurant, therefore, the calmer and quieter the celebration location, the better.

    The venue for the festive evening is decorated in advance with posters, festive banners, posters with congratulations from close friends and relatives of the couple. A book of wishes, in which each guest invited to a memorable anniversary will be able to leave a personal note, will not be superfluous. warm congratulations With Best wishes for spouses.

    They will add even more festive atmosphere to the anniversary evening. beautiful bouquets in floor and table vases, Balloons and compositions from satin ribbons. In addition, the elderly spouses will be pleasantly pleased with a colorful and bright wall newspaper with photographs of the heroes of the occasion and their big, friendly family. You can design such a newspaper either independently or with the participation and assistance of private craftsmen engaged in scrapbooking and other creative types of needlework.

    Experts also remind all those who are poorly informed what kind of wedding is being celebrated on 60 years of marriage and what program it provides, that the entertainment and congratulatory part of the evening deserves special attention. When working on this part of the event, organizers should take into account that excessively noisy competitions at such an evening would not be very appropriate. In this regard, it is better to focus on congratulations from relatives and friends, as well as on the calm musical part of the program, presented by the couple’s favorite songs from the youth.

    Gifts for sixtieth marriage anniversary

    According to ancient traditions, on their sixtieth wedding anniversary, husband and wife should exchange commemorative diamond rings. These jewelry will be even more valuable if they are presented as gifts by the children and grandchildren of the spouses.

    The diamond, the symbol of the described anniversary date, was not chosen by chance by our ancestors, because it is one of the most durable representatives among all known jewelry stones. The purity and nobility of this amazing stone personifies the depth and inviolability of feelings that the spouses managed to acquire over the years they lived together.

    In addition to rings, all kinds of jewelry with inlay with this noble stone, namely:

    • earrings, pendants, pendants, bracelets - for a charming lady;
    • cufflinks, tie pins, watches - for the head of the family.

    It is worth noting that many spouses, even in old age, do not refuse the pleasure of appearing before their guests again as the bride and groom. If a married couple, even many years after registering their relationship, has not lost their sense of humor, and mutual love has only become stronger over the years, then this option for holding an anniversary evening will be very suitable and interesting.

    The organizers of the sixtieth anniversary will also have to worry about inviting professional photographers and videographers to the celebration, who will be able to record every moment of such a significant event.

    For children and grandchildren involved in organizing the celebration, specialists from event agencies also recommend preparing in advance a short film highlighting the most important and memorable stages in the life of a married couple. This film can be recreated from photographs, surviving audio or even video recordings of past years.

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