• Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: cycle of lessons “amazing stones”. Project “These Amazing Stones”


    one of effective methods Children's development is a search activity, namely experimentation. The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied. The cycle includes three lessons. 1. SIMPLE AND PRECIOUS STONES IN NATURE. 2.STONES GIVEN BY THE SEA. 3. STONE BORN BY WOOD.



    Cognition. From work experience.

    Tell me - and I will forget,

    Show me and I will remember

    Let me try and I will understand.

    Development intellectual abilities children of preschool age is one of the pressing problems of our time.

    One of the effective methods of child development is search activity, namely experimentation.The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

    The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, relationships with other objects and with the environment.

    During the experiment, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, and a positive effect on emotional sphere child, for development creativity, on developing labor skills and promoting health.

    We present to your attention notes from the series of lessons “Amazing Stones”.

    Lesson No. 1 “Simple and valuable stones in nature"

    TARGET: To develop in children an interest in stones, sensory sensations, and the ability to examine stones using different senses. Name properties and features (strong, hard, cold, uneven, smooth, heavy, shiny, beautiful, etc.) Give children an idea that stones naturally exist in the ground, along the banks of rivers and seas. River stones are uneven, different shapes, there are also sharp corners. Sea stones are always round and smooth, the waves of the sea made them that way. Stones are heavy, very hard and durable, so they are used in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads and other structures. Give children a first idea of ornamental stones. Expand words knowledge.


    Set of river and sea stones

    - pieces of marble and granite

    A vessel with water, a magnifying glass, napkins (for each child)

    Illustrations: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow metro station, Moskva River embankment, Red Square

    Collection of various stones

    Audio recording “wave noise”


    Educator: Guys, I received a package today, but we will only be able to open it when we solve the riddle.

    It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

    Heavy, big, can't be lifted by one

    It's unnecessary to lie in the dust on the road

    Who can help me identify an object by signs?

    Children: stone

    Educator: let's talk about stones and talk

    Experience: (stone, piece of wood, hammer, nail, vessel with water)

    Hardness, strength (trying to drive a nail)

    Buoyancy (lowered in a vessel with water)

    GAME: “sea pebbles”

    The “sound of waves” sounds, children turn into “sea pebbles”

    Educator: look at them and tell me what they are like?

    (shape, color, what surface they have, what edges they have: smooth, oval, round, hard, cold, beautiful, different colors)

    Why do you think they are like this?

    Children: (answer options)

    Educator: Guys, I suggest you climb the mountains.

    (illustrations: mountains, rocks, volcano, volcanic lava)

    As a result of the cooling and hardening of volcanic lava over thousands of years, rocks (rock stones) are formed.

    And now I want to introduce you to one interesting stone. (children sit at tables)

    Take a close look at it. This stone is GRANITE.

    Children: look through a magnifying glass and speak out.

    Educator: granite is rock. If we look carefully, we can see that it all seems to consist of stone grains. They are different in color. The granite consists of three stones (sparkling quartz, dark mica, colored feldspar)

    Like the mountains themselves, this stone is very strong and durable.

    Educator: (shows MARBLE)

    Granite has an old rival - marble.

    Marble is also a rock. What can you say about this stone? What is he like?

    Children: smooth, shiny, beautiful

    Marble is the main finishing material for builders. You and I can see a real kingdom of marble in the metro; many stations are decorated with it.

    Educator: Do you think a person needs a stone? Where?

    (shows illustrations)

    Educator: Some stones are used in the construction of buildings and bridges, others are used in the manufacture of monuments and for decorating metro stations. But there is special stones- ornamental, precious. (Viewing the collection)

    Where do you think they are used?

    It burns with fire in my mother’s earrings.

    The unwanted one lies in the dust on the road.

    It changes shape, it changes color,

    And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

    It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand,

    It’s heavy, big, and can’t be lifted by one.

    Who children guessed my riddle?

    Who recognized this object by signs?


    Educator: you can become COLLECTORS and build your own collection of stones

    Lesson from the series “Amazing Stones”

    Lesson No. 2 “Stones given by the sea.”

    TARGET : introduce children to the stones given by the sea: coral, pearls, limestone. Give an idea of ​​the life of polyps, mussels and how corals, pearls, and limestone are formed. Strengthen children's ability to examine objects using different senses, name their properties and features. Develop children's sensory sensations and maintain interest in experimental work. Teach children to see the diversity and beauty of stones, admire them, and tell them about their use by humans. Expand words knowledge.



    For each child: a magnifying glass, a transparent glass of water, a napkin.

    Collections: corals, pearls, shells, pieces of chalk (enough for all children)

    Audio recording “Sounds of the Sea”, video film “Spirits of the Sea” - excerpt about coral

    Illustrations: coral reefs, coral reefs with their inhabitants, a pearl in a shell, limestone deposits.

    Exhibition of jewelry made of pearls and corals.


    Educator:- Guys, what is the name of the planet we live on? Children: Planet Earth - a huge rocky ball

    What is a globe?

    Children: planet earth model

    What do you see on the globe?

    Children: seas, oceans, mountains, forests, cities...

    You and I have already traveled around our planet. Last lesson we climbed high into the mountains. Guys, what did we find there?

    Children: stones, remember what kind of stones they have, what properties they have, what they are needed for...

    Today I invite you to go to the warm seas and oceans (display on the globe: Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific...). Show the equator line, explain that along it are the warmest places on our planet.

    Audio recording “Sounds of the Sea”

    Educator: We are going to the sea kingdom. You are ready. Close your eyes and imagine. Sea king, what will you give us?

    Showcasing a collection of corals. Give to each child. Guys, who knows what this is?

    What can you say about him? (color, shape, hardness, surface, what it looks like...)

    They are very diverse. All this - different types corals, there are about six thousand of them on earth.

    What words could you say to your coral?

    Children: Magnificent, beautiful, fabulous, carved, snow-white, patterned, fancy, faceted, needle-shaped, sparkling).

    Educator:- Guys, let’s go to our “laboratory”, sit down and look at this amazing stone again with a magnifying glass, and I will tell you how corals are born.

    If you look closely at the coral, you will notice that it consists entirely of many small cells. Did you find them? Corals are created by living, small, marine animals - polyps that sit in these cells. Together they lie in wait for prey, eat it together, and rest together. All corals are voracious nocturnal predators. Polyps have a soft body, so they make a strong skeleton house around themselves. When the polyps die, these houses remain and the next houses are built on them. This is how coral reefs are formed. Show illustrations. It is home to many marine life. They hide there, live, eat.

    Some sea creatures eat corals - this is a sea urchin, a starfish (show).

    A strange and beautiful underwater stone, not earthly.

    It grows slowly and creates reefs over the years.

    Without a gardener, nature created a fabulous flower garden.

    It decorates the underwater world, but prevents ships from sailing.

    Usually any ships go around such flower beds.

    Guys, you have a glass of water on your tables - a small sea, put your coral there. What happened?

    Children: drowned because it was a stone.

    Consider and hang coral jewelry at the exhibition.

    Physical education moment: They dance to the melody of the sea.

    Guys, put on your masks, dive deeper, look for something else.

    They find a large shell and listen to the sound of the sea in it.

    Educator: Look at my collection of shells, how beautiful and varied they are. There are very large shells, and there are tiny ones. What do you think shells are and where do they come from? (discussion, story).

    Guys, choose one sink for yourself and go to your places. I'll tell you about another amazing stone that mussels also give us. Pearl-stone amazing beauty is found in shells. (demonstration, addition to the jewelry exhibition)

    Where does the pearl come from in the shell?

    Let's take a closer look at our shell, maybe through a magnifying glass. Touch her inside, what can you say?

    Children: smooth, slippery, pearlescent.

    Why do you think mussels need such a smooth layer inside? (discussion - to quickly hide, for what?)

    What happens when a grain of sand falls into a sink? (discussion, story, hand out pearls).

    Guys, throw a pearl into your little sea, what are you watching?

    Educator: Which third stone I will introduce you to today, you can now guess for yourself. Come to me and listen carefully to the riddle.

    White little lump. It lies in my hand.

    They use it to draw on the asphalt, write letters on the board,

    Ceilings and stoves are whitewashed. Dissolves easily:

    Drop the lump into the river and it will flow away like milk.

    Well done, they guessed correctly that it was chalk. Take a piece, look at it, touch it, maybe draw it on the board. What can you say about him?

    Children: white, matte, hard, but softer than other stones, smudges, crumbles, which means fragile.

    Educator: back to the “laboratory”

    Let's see how chalk behaves in water?

    Drop it into your little sea. (sunk is a stone, bubbles are porous, there is air that is displaced by water and rises to the surface, if you rub it, it breaks up into grains and the water becomes cloudy).

    Chalk is a refined limestone stone (demonstration). Limestone is what was deposited on seabed. Let's remember what we found on the seabed? (shells, corals, algae, sea silt, skeletons of marine life). All this was compressed and hardened under a layer of sand. The sea receded and limestone deposits were found in these places. We can say for sure that where the limestone deposits are, there once was a sea. If you take a close look at the limestone after class, you will be able to see a lot of amazing things.

    Chalk, guys, is needed not only for drawing. It is used in agriculture for liming soils. In industry: for the production of cement, lime, added in the manufacture of rubber, plastics, varnishes, paints, glass. Purified chalk is used in the production of medicines and toothpaste.

    Today we learned a lot of interesting things about the amazing stones that the sea and marine life gave us.

    This week we will be exploring our collections. I will show you a very interesting film about life on coral reefs. You and I will draw them (by blowing air from the tubes onto the paint). We will also draw with crayons and arrange an exhibition of our works.

    Lesson from the series “ amazing stones»

    Lesson No. 3 “a stone born of a tree”

    TARGET: consolidate children's knowledge about inanimate objects. Introduce the stone born of a tree - solar amber: color, origin, its properties, use. Learn to see the beauty of stone. Introduce the properties and origin of coal. Give children an idea of ​​how coal is mined and how it is used by humans. Maintain children's interest in experimental work. Develop their sensory senses. Continue teaching children how to use a magnifying glass. Develop their vocabulary.



    For each child: magnifying glass, transparent glass of water, napkin

    Illustrations: resin, amber (frozen insects)

    Amber, coal (handout)

    Exhibition of amber jewelry


    Educator: guys, traveling around our planet (rotate the globe). You have already become familiar with many different stones.

    We climbed high into the mountains (grant, marble)

    We went deep underwater (pearl, coral, limestone)

    Here is the Baltic Sea. After the storm, the waves left placers on the shore mysterious stone. Let's get to know him.

    (we go to the “laboratory”)

    Educator: who knows what it's called? This is AMBER.

    Admire this sun stone. (Children look)

    What can you say?

    Children: (golden, sunny, yellow, smooth, shiny)

    Educator: Guys, amber is a fossilized resin. Millions of years ago, some species of coniferous trees healed their wounds with resin: whether a branch broke off or the bark of a tree was split off, resin immediately began to be released, which closed the wound.

    What do you think will happen if some insect lands on a sticky resinous surface? (Stick) resin - sticky, viscous. In the resinous puddles, all sorts of small animals and birds left their traces: some fluff, some a feather, some a hair. You can also see air bubbles or raindrops in amber.

    Take your magnifying glasses and take a closer look at the amber, what did you see?

    It took a lot of time for the resin to turn into amber. Coniferous trees grew old and fell. They were covered with earth, under the heavy layer of earth that had piled up, the resin hardened like stone and became amber.

    Educator: take a piece of amber in one hand, a simple stone in the other, and at the same time carefully lower them into the water

    What do you see? (they drowned)

    Is it at the same time? (no, amber is slower) Why?

    Educator: But how did amber get into the sea? A river flowed through the forest, amber was a light stone, and the waters of the river washed it out of the ground and carried it with them. The river flows into the sea. And the amber treasure ended up in the sea. The storm and waves carried the stone ashore.

    Guys, do you think amber is a sea or forest stone?

    The hardened resin could become a decoration.

    How beautiful decorations give them for birthdays

    It's time to invite you to an exhibition of amber objects.

    Educator: We saw another stone at the exhibition.

    An unsightly looking stone, it lies flat in the ground,

    To bring it up, you need to visit the mine.

    There are lights underground - these are miners in the mine.

    Hammers beat off this very the right stone. (Coal)

    PHYSICAL MINUTE: miners (with eyes closed) go down (squat), go up (stand up, open eyes)

    Educator: We return to the “laboratory”.

    Take coal, look at it and tell us about it

    Children: black, shiny, small pieces….

    Educator: Coal is not a very hard stone. On impact, it crumbles into small pieces.

    Coal is not just a stone, it is a mineral of plant origin. Dead ancient trees and plants rot, decompose and turn into loose peat. Such peat lies for many, many years before coal is formed from it in the ground.

    Educator: Does a person need coal?

    (it burns well and gives a lot of heat, energy makes work move - STEAM LOGO, STEAMER)

    Educator: and so traveling, together with the globe, we collected a whole collection of stones, each stone with its own interesting story. I suggest you consider our collection.

    I just can’t post the report, but I finally found the time. We spent a week "Stones". Natasha (NatalieFox) inspired me. I found a few ideas on the internet.

    First of all, we collected stones during our walk, washed them at home, dried them and began to examine them

    The planet we live on has rock clothing. Where clothing is visible, there are many stones on the surface, and stone mountains rise. They are very tall and have many protrusions. There are very few plants on the mountains. And the highest mountains are covered with snow, but due to the fact that it often rains and winds blow, the mountains are gradually destroyed, stones break off from them, and the wind carries them everywhere. Therefore, stones can be found everywhere.

    Then the following experiments were carried out:

    It turns out that stones have many different properties.

    Experience No. 1. The most beautiful and the ugliest.

    Look carefully at the pebbles. (Children examine stones with a magnifying glass)
    - Look how beautiful they all are, but among them you need to choose the most beautiful one and show me.
    - Why did he seem the most beautiful? (Children's answers)
    - So, what kind of stones can there be?

    Experience No. 2. Color.

    Guys, what color are your stones? (Children's answers)
    - So, how else do the stones differ from each other?

    Experience No. 3. The biggest and the smallest.

    Guys, now show me the largest and smallest stone. (Children show stones)
    - It turns out that stones can be large and small, that is, they differ in size.

    Experiment No. 4. The roughest and smoothest.

    Stones can be rough or smooth. Let's choose a smooth stone. It's nice to touch it with your hands. It is so smooth that it can slip out of your hands; it is called a naked. (Children choose a smooth stone and show it to the teacher)
    - Now let’s choose a rough, angular pebble. Show it. (Children show a smooth stone)
    - Water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they rub against the sand and the sharp corners gradually disappear, the stones become smooth, round
    - Guys, what other types of stones are there?

    Experience No. 5. The hardest or softest.
    - Guys, take a pebble in one hand and plasticine in the other. Let's squeeze both palms. Let's see what happened to the stone, and what happened to the plasticine? (Children's answers)
    - Why?
    - So, what kind of stones are they?)

    Experience No. 6. The heaviest and lightest.

    Now, put a pebble in the water and see what happens. Did the pebble drown? Why?
    - Guys, now let’s take expanded clay and put it in the water. What do we see? (He didn't drown.) There are a lot of air bubbles in the expanded clay, so it doesn't sink. This means that stones can sink or they can float.

    Experience No. 7. Color.

    Guys, let’s put a pebble in the water and take it out with a spoon. Has the color changed? Stones in the water change color and become darker.

    Experience No. 8. Sound.

    Let's hit the stones against each other. What we hear. You see, stones can still create sound. Let's try to make a musical instrument. Let's pour some small pebbles into a plastic box. Let's close and make some noise. What does it look like?

    Experience No. 9

    You will need a board, a stone, a nail. hammer. We drive into stone and wood. Let's draw conclusions.

    Experience No. 10

    How will stone and wood behave in water? There is a vessel with water in front of you, try to lower the tree into the water. What will happen to him? (Does the tree float?) Let's carefully lower the stone into the water. What happened to him? (Is the stone sinking?) Why? (Is it heavier than water?) Why does a tree float? (It is lighter than water.)

    Experience No. 11

    Take the stone in your hand and bring it to your eyes. Is it possible to see anything through stone? So is it transparent or not? Let's write down the first property: OPAQUE.

    Experience No. 12
    Take a stone in your hand and drop it on the floor. Did he crash? No. So what is it like? - durable. We write down the third property - DURABLE

    Experience No. 13
    Now let's check if there is air inside the stone? Did bubbles rise when you put the stone in the water? No. This means there is no air in the stone. We write down - NO AIR.

    Experience No. 14
    What is heavier: cotton wool or stone? Compare the weight on your hands.

    Experience No. 15
    Can a stone be torn like paper?
    We tear the paper and try the stone. Let's draw conclusions.

    Experience No. 16
    Let's see what the wind blows away: a pebble or a leaf

    Questions after the experiments:

    1. Does a stone sink in water?

    2. Is the stone transparent like glass?

    3. Can’t you drive a nail into a stone?

    4. Is the stone as light as cotton wool?

    5. Is a wet stone darker and a dry stone lighter?

    6. Is the stone as easy to break as glass?

    7. Can a stone be stretched like an elastic band?

    9. Can you sculpt from stone like plasticine?

    10. Doesn’t a stone float in water like a tree?

    11. Can a stone be torn like paper?

    Let's find out what kind of stones there are

    This is how the sensory box turned out

    Let's compare sea ​​stones and river

    Sea Stones are smooth, of different shapes - oval and round, hard, cold, beautiful, of different colors.
    The sea waves made them so smooth. In sea water, stones beat against each other, the water grinds down their edges, and they become smooth, smooth - without a single corner. Now find river pebbles and place them next to the sea ones.

    River stones - Rough, uneven, of different shapes, with sharp corners.

    1. Sorting river and sea pebbles

    2. Magic bag.
    We put sea and river stones in a bag. You need to guess what kind of stone it is by touch. Malvinka had only one mistake)

    "Stones given by the sea."

    GOAL: introduce children to the stones given by the sea: coral, pearls

    Coral. - And today we will talk about one more very interesting stone, in the birth of which living beings take part. Rough, hard, similar to a tree branch, reminiscent of a lilac bush, a young fir tree and a pine tree. If you look closely at the coral, you will notice that it consists entirely of many small cells. Did you find them? Corals are created by living, small, marine animals - polyps that sit in these cells. Together they lie in wait for prey, eat it together, and rest together. All corals are voracious nocturnal predators. Polyps have a soft body, so they make a strong skeleton house around themselves. When the polyps die, these houses remain and the next houses are built on them. This is how coral reefs are formed. Show illustrations. It is home to many marine life. They hide there, live, eat. Some sea creatures eat corals - this is a sea urchin, a starfish (show).


    "Stone born of a tree"

    Introduce the stone born of a tree - solar amber

    Guys, amber is a fossilized resin. Millions of years ago, some species of coniferous trees healed their wounds with resin: whether a branch broke off or the bark of a tree was split off, resin immediately began to be released, which closed the wound.

    What do you think will happen if some insect lands on a sticky resinous surface? (Stick) resin - sticky, viscous. In the resinous puddles, all sorts of small animals and birds left their traces: some fluff, some a feather, some a hair. You can also see air bubbles or raindrops in amber.

    Take your magnifying glasses and take a closer look at the amber, what did you see?
    -It took a lot of time for the resin to turn into amber. Coniferous trees grew old and fell. They were covered with earth, under the heavy layer of earth that had piled up, the resin hardened like stone and became amber.
    On occasion, they took it out of my grandmother’s (mine) box. amber beads. Malvinka didn’t take them off for several days, only to sleep)))))


    Precious and semi gems

    Onyx and what figures are made from it. Malvinka was sad. She really liked that the edges were shiny. I looked at it for a long time, it’s a pity that the magnifying glass was lost somewhere(

    We sorted small pebbles by color. I had a jacket with a pattern of stones. The sweater is long gone))) But I left the pebbles)))

    Outdoor games

    [Hit the target.
    I drew a circle in the sandbox and threw stones into the center.

    Built a mountain

    Here's a labyrinth, we walked through it

    They lined up rocks in a pile and jumped over them, on two legs, on one. sideways, backwards, half-sitting)


    We made this vase. I sealed the jar with plasticine.

    Further in full independent work daughters (given to grandmother). I was even surprised that it was enough, although the pebbles were glued for two days).

    The Kamushkin family
    Dad's name is hunter, mom's name is hostess. The children's names changed constantly)))) We made wishes in their ears.

    "Set of precious stones")))))

    I drew with crayons

    Along the way, I also included tasks for logic, such as: put the sizes in a row, build a tower so that there is balance, compare where there are more and less stones, etc.

    There was the following task for the development of hearing: First, we listened to how stones sound when you hit large, medium and small stones against each other. Then she would turn away and guess which stones I was hitting against each other. Not a single mistake, I guessed everything)

    Well, one of Malvinka’s favorite activities is massage. Of course it's a long way from the spa)))

    I accompanied it with a story something like this, just don’t laugh)))) I made it up on the fly)
    Mom stone went for a walk with the children using pebbles (she ran each pebble along the back)
    Then she said stand in a row behind me. (Laid it out in a row on the spine)
    The kids were playing around and falling off their backs. (I rolled each pebble down my back)
    Then mom said not to play around and get in pairs and go home. (Pebbles were walking down my back again)
    Then I just kissed the back)))

    I prepared this, but it never happened. Malvinka didn’t want to:

    Physical education minute

    We walked along the path and found a lot of stones.

    So we went to the right, found gray stones,
    We sat down, collected ourselves, and moved on.
    So we went up the hill and found colorful stones,
    And we went downhill - we found white stones,
    They brought it with them to kindergarten.

    The Old Lady Mountain stands -
    To the top of the sky.
    The wind blows through her
    The rain pours down on her.
    The mountain is suffering.
    And loses pebbles
    And every day,
    And every night
    Rolling, rolling
    Pebbles away

    Children raise their arms up, stretch on tiptoes, fan themselves with their hands, and shake their hands. They put their palms to their cheeks and shake their heads.

    Rock paper scissors game

    This is how our week went. Thanks to those who stopped by))))

    Throughout the entire period of human existence, changes have often occurred regarding customs, traditions, color preferences and tastes invented and constantly supported by all peoples.

    But still, the love and extraordinary interest in everything beautiful remained constant and, above all, this interest concerned semi-precious solids, thanks to which they made excellent costume jewelry. Gradually, first one and then another began to come into fashion. stones, their frames were constantly improved, they were either strict or openwork, the color scheme also changed, which is of no small importance in the life of every person.

    Legends and myths of different nations about stones

    Through many precious centuries stones have their unlimited power over people, over their imagination and feelings. Most of the population is confident that the beautiful creations of nature contain magical powers that can protect people from many adversities, diseases and failures. Unusual natural creations are constantly filled with various beliefs. Moreover, each of them bears a big imprint on the history of mankind, which is filled with legends and myths.

    Ancient peoples believed that pearls came from morning dew, which was formed from the tears of goddesses of love. They said about malachite that it would help make anyone invisible, but if you drink malachite from a container, you will be able to understand the language of living beings. The Egyptians believed that lapis lazuli was a deity and with its help it was possible to communicate with the Almighty. For turquoise, the ancient Persians said that it was formed from the bones of people who died of unrequited love.

    Ancient astrologers thought that agate helped drive away vampires, sorcerers and all evil spirits, and garnet, in turn, can bring happiness to purposeful and strong-willed people who completely devote themselves to their work. Perhaps the most dangerous mineral is zirconium - especially if it is in the hands of people with bad intentions. From time immemorial people have not abandoned their faith in medicinal properties solids and made talismans out of them to protect against various diseases and illnesses.

    These magical creations of nature carry both negative and positive energy. Maybe their magical power and action depend on this. There were strict rules based on which one could receive and give stones. For example, before giving to a loved one a gift-talisman, you must first rinse it in running water, and then hold it in your hands or, leaning it against your heart, mentally saturate it only warm feelings and bright motives. Such a gift can help and save the owner in any difficult situation, and for this, of course, it is not always necessary to carry out rituals, because they will already provide a person with considerable help. The main thing is faith, faith in the magical power of your talisman, because often attachment to such a talisman gives a person a lot of joy that he will consider it his amulet that brings good luck.

    Stones– twenty interesting facts that every person should know

    Precious stones are minerals that have a beautiful appearance(mainly after polishing and cutting) and are very rare and very expensive. They make beautiful ones Jewelry, collect collections and use them as banking assets. Despite this, there are many fakes that are almost impossible to distinguish from real ones, but their price is significantly less than the cost of real jewelry.

    The quality of a precious mineral is greatly influenced by color; only an experienced jeweler will be able to evaluate the color and indicate its value; purity is the second important criterion, even the smallest inclusions can reduce the cost; The third criterion is the cut, which must be simply perfect, but the most decisive criterion is the weight.

    Many people, when buying precious stones, have no idea what they are made of, what power they have and what functions they perform. Therefore, twenty facts about these creations of nature will help every buyer identify the real mineral and not fall for a fake:

    1. Today, there are more than four thousand minerals of various kinds in nature. Every year, scientists discover many new minerals, and also close others, proving this fact by the fact that these minerals no longer exist in nature.
    2. stones, belonging to the category of jewelry, are mined by scientists only with their own hands.
    3. For every carat of emerald found, on average, there are about twenty tons of soil that must be processed.
    4. Diamond is considered the greatest treasure; it contains only one chemical element - carbon.
    5. Every day the amount of minerals becomes less and less, based on this fact, the prices of precious jewelry will constantly increase.
    6. Very unusual fact contains pomegranate (it is also called ant stone), because it can only be found close to ant nests. Small crystals of this mineral are often found near ant nests. When ants build their nests, they throw up crystals of this mineral. Such ants live in the United States of America, whose area is called the “Four Corners”.
    7. Many people think that diamonds are colorless. But everything is not like that; all available minerals can envy its color range. These days, only a few diamonds have their own natural color, yet most of them are artificially dyed. This is why they are rare, but they do exist.
    8. Before the Mohs scale (also called the mineralogical hardness scale) was developed, all stones determined only by their color. All minerals that had a green color were called emeralds, all red minerals were called rubies, and so on.
    9. Many are sure that a diamond is more expensive than an emerald, but this is not so, the cost of an emerald is many times higher than the cost of a diamond.
    10. About ninety percent of all rubies are made more noble and sublime only artificially. Only truly beautiful and largest minerals can avoid this.
    11. Most people believe that ruby ​​and sapphire are two different minerals, but this is not true. These are the same thing, but the difference lies in their color scheme.
    12. Only ninety percent of diamonds obtained by hand are used in industry, and the remaining ten are used in the jewelry industry to create beautiful jewelry.
    13. Many people do not know that Alexandrite received its name in honor of Tsar Alexander, who eventually became Alexander the Second.
    14. Aquamarine, as well as Emerald, are two identical minerals, but the different chemical elements present in them allow their color to change their color. The chromium contained in emerald makes it green, and the aluminum contained in aquamarine turns it blue.
    15. Topaz is a rather unusual mineral; it has the unfortunate property of fading over time and begins to discolor when exposed to sunlight. It is not advisable to wear such jewelry that contains topaz to the beach.
    16. There is another very rare mineral called “red emerald”, it is mined only in America. But this emerald is just a variety of red bixbite or beryl.
    17. The most interesting mineral is pink topaz; it has a rare color. And it is precisely this kind of topaz that is easy to counterfeit, which often happens.
    18. There are also stones, which pose a significant risk. One of these is charoite - it can cause harm, which happened in Pripyat, but cinnabar can cause harm, as in the case of a broken thermometer.
    19. Almost all true emeralds should have inclusions of up to ninety-five percent. But this does not affect their price category, because the mineral is assessed based on its color saturation.
    20. Not many people know that Kremlin stars are made using ruby ​​glass.

    Useful information on how to choose and wear correctly stones

    It has long been believed that all minerals have a certain meaning in astrology, because they have a certain field and the ability to emit an information flow of data. Since ancient times, many instructions have been preserved regarding how to properly wear stones: for some, everything is possible, but for others, it is not recommended to wear some type of mineral, it all depends on the age category, character, and problems that are of great importance.

    Particular attention is paid to the frame, which must be correctly matched to the frame. Not many people know that some stones should be worn on a certain finger of the right or left hand, it turns out that not everything is as simple as we would like and it’s worth paying attention to Special attention. If a person knows how to wear stones, he will be able to improve his affairs and improve his health. But, in turn, if minerals are handled incorrectly, they can cause irreparable harm to their owner.

    Properly selected jewelry will not only become protection and amulet, but can significantly emphasize the image of any woman who owns jewelry. When choosing precious jewelry, you should pay attention to the style of clothing, equipment and the situation for which the jewelry is selected.

    It is advisable for young girls to wear jewelry made of amethyst, turquoise, pearls and rock crystal. Married women It is advised to wear diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies.

    As it turns out, a woman’s build also plays a role when choosing jewelry, for example, fat ladies It is necessary to wear massive jewelry (large stones of bright colors, necklaces, rings), but for thin people it is the opposite (small rings with small minerals, thin thread jewelry).

    The eyes will become the main criterion that will help with a more detailed selection of jewelry. Owners of blue and dark blue eyes will have sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue topaz, turquoise; owners brown eyes amber, yellow topaz, citrine are suitable; Girls with green eyes are recommended to wear malachite, jade, amazonite, emerald.

    It turns out that skin color is another criterion that allows you to choose jewelry, for example, for dark girls bright jewelry will give a special flavor (sapphire, ruby, turquoise), to people with fair skin– delicate tones will be just right (jade, amethyst, pink topaz), but diamonds and pearls are suitable for any skin type.

    When choosing jewelry, you should also focus on the style of clothing, its color, and the situation. For example, to evening dress with a deep neckline, a diamond necklace is suitable, with business suit a small brooch or a set consisting of a ring, bracelet and pendant will go well with light summer dresses Gem bracelets and beads are perfect.

    The stones got their names from the names of scientists and countries where they were mined.

    Very often, minerals received their name according to the name of the place where they were found; the names of some of them speak for themselves, for example - alyaksite - Alaska, murmanite - Murmansk and others. Some of them got their name due to the healing properties they have, for example, jade will help with kidney disease, amethyst normalizes the nervous and endocrine system.

    By the name of the mineral you can determine what it consists of: cuprite is made of copper, calcite is made of calcium, magnesite is made of magnesium, galena is made of lead, and so on. But since the eighteenth century solids began to assign the surnames of those individuals who became the first known discoverers. Since the seventies of the twentieth century, most of them were named after their discoverers.

    When choosing protective talismans, you need to know exactly which stones will be suitable

    Everyone wants to have fewer troubles in their life, and to always have luck on their path in life. Of course, all this depends on how much effort a person puts into achieving his goals, but no matter how much a person tries, without magical strength, as it turned out, is not enough here. For this, humanity began to come up with amulets that would protect humans.

    Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the world of stones and their properties.

    Program content:

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades and the teacher.

    1. Demonstration and handout material.
    2. Photographs, paintings of mountains and mountain landscapes. Fairy-tale heroine – Mistress.
    3. copper mountain
    4. Treasure box.
    5. Blue, white fabric.
    6. A set of large building materials.
    7. Box of sensations.
    8. A set of diagrams - drawings.
    9. A cassette with mysterious music.
    10. Scientist's hat.
    11. Marks: question mark, exclamation mark.
    12. A set of stones for each child.
    13. Magnifiers with 3, 4, 7x magnification.
    14. Glass of water, spoon.
    15. Large trays.
    16. The napkins are small.
    17. The napkins are big.
    18. Box with cells.
    19. Research algorithms.

    Maracas – 3 types.

    Preliminary work.

    Talking with children about mountains, looking at illustrations, large paintings with mountain landscapes. Examination of the globe, world map and finding the highest mountains of our planet and our state. Reading the fairy tale “The Stone Flower” by P.P. Bazhov.

    Vocabulary work.

    Hard, dense, rough, rough.

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator: Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle around the demonstration table. On it lies a box of sensations, inside of which lies one large stone. Children take turns approaching the box. They stick their hands in from both sides and feel the object. They conclude: what lies inside the box? - Stone.

    Guys, what are we going to experiment with? Yes, with stones. I ask you to sit comfortably at the tables. Now let's take a closer look at what kind of assistants we need for experiments?

    (The teacher quickly reminds the purpose of each organ.)

    Educator: And now we will all become scientists and begin our experiments. Open your napkins and move the trays closer to you. Our eyes are the first to work. Carefully examine all the stones with your eyes.

    Experiment No. 1. Determination of color and shape. Children share observations of what color their stones are.

    (gray, brown, white, red, blue, etc.). (the teacher shows an exclamation mark and a diagram - drawing, attaches it to the board.)
    Rice. 1

    Experiment No. 2. Determining the size.

    The teacher shows an exclamation mark and asks: “Are all the stones the same size?” - No. Find and show me your largest stone, smallest, medium. Who will make an important conclusion about the size of the stones? Riddle game with maracas.

    Conclusion: stones come in different sizes. For the next experiment we will need very sensitive fingers.

    Rice. 2

    Hand preparation - self-massage.

    Experiment No. 3. Determination of the nature of the surface.

    We will now stroke each pebble in turn. Are the surfaces of the stones the same or different? Which? (Children share their discoveries.) The teacher asks the children to show the smoothest stone and the roughest one.

    Conclusion: a stone can be smooth or rough.

    Rice. 3

    Experiment No. 4. Examining stones through a magnifying glass.

    To see the surface of the stones even better, we will use magnifying glasses.

    (Children look at all their stones.)

    Educator: What interesting things did you guys see? (Specks, paths, depressions, dimples, patterns, etc.). Well done, very attentive children. Guys, I have an interesting proposal for you to become a Libra for a minute. What do you do with scales? Yes, they weigh it.

    Experiment No. 5. Determination of weight.

    Children take turns holding stones in their palms and determine the heaviest and lightest stone.
    Conclusion: stones vary in weight: light, heavy.
    Guys, now put your palms on the table and quickly on your cheeks. What table? And the cheeks? Our skin can quickly detect temperature.

    Rice. 4

    Experiment No. 6: Determination of temperature.

    Now we will have a very interesting, very difficult experience. Among your stones you need to find the warmest and most cold stone. Guys, how and what will you do? (Children suggest methods of action, conduct an experiment. The teacher asks to show a warm, then a cold stone and offers to warm the cold stone.)

    Breathing exercises. Children take all the stones, place them on their palms, inhale through their nose, and exhale through their mouth, lips using a straw. (3 times).

    Conclusion: stones can be warm or cold.

    The teacher shows an exclamation mark and asks: “Guys, what do you think will happen to the stone if you put it in water? (Children's versions.) Why do you think so? (Children's arguments.) What needs to be done to find out the truth - the truth? (Children's suggestions.)

    Rice. 5

    Experiment No. 7. Buoyancy.

    Children take a jar of water and carefully place one stone in the water. They are watching. Share the results of the experience. The teacher draws attention to additional phenomena - circles appeared in the water, the color of the stone changed and became brighter.

    Conclusion: stones sink in water because they are heavy and dense.

    Rice. 6

    (Children take out a stone and wipe it with a small napkin.)

    Educator: Guys! Please look at the board. We ended up with an unusual letter about stones. Writing in drawings and diagrams. Who wants to become a scientist, put on a bachelor's cap and make an important conclusion about the properties of stones? (One child draws a conclusion about all the experiments performed.) The children put their workspace in order, and the teacher encourages the children and offers to go on an excursion and see an exhibition about stones.

    She pays attention to the beauty and variety of stones. The owner of the copper mountain gives the children a box with cells and asks them to create a collection of stones in their group.

    Educator: Guys, let us now, with our own hands, try to create a mountain range of three peaks.

    Children approach large building materials and build mountains. Cover them with blue cloth and the tops with white cloth. The teacher asks you to close your eyes. Mysterious music sounds. At that time, the teacher places a treasure box at the foot of the mountain. Children open their eyes and open the box.

    Educator: Guys! It was probably the Mistress of the Copper Mountain who performed the miracle. You will take the box into the group and examine the treasures through a magnifying glass. Guys! Our lesson has come to an end. Did you like the mountains and stones? Did you love them? Of course. Tell your friends and parents everything you learned and saw today. All the best. (Children take with them a treasure box, a box with cells for collection and a set of magnifying glasses.)


    1. N.A.Ryzhova“Me and Nature”, Moscow 1996
    2. N.A.Ryzhova“Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice”, Moscow 1999
    3. T.M. Bondarenko“Ecological activities with children 6–7 years old”, Voronezh 2002
    4. T.N.Zenina“Lesson notes for introducing preschoolers to natural objects” ( preparatory group), Moscow 2008
    5. A.I.Ivanova“Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten”, Moscow 2007.

    Project “These Amazing Stones”

    Educational area – cognition.

    Project type– group, information-cognitive-research.

    Project duration– September 2014 - May 2015

    Project participants– children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils, teachers.

    Relevance of the project

    Subject development environment

    Making the model “Mountains and Volcano”.

    Design of the exhibition “Photographs “These Amazing Stones”.

    Making crafts from natural material“Which is what?”

    Coloring pages "Jewelry".

    Excursion to the World of Stone store.

    Album design based on the results of the “World of Stone” excursion.

    Looking at a collection of stones.

    Reading fiction

    P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”, “Silver Hoof”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, Brothers Grimm “White and Rosette”, “Why”: “What is a volcano”, “What is underground wealth?”, “The Tale of Coal” ", "What's inside the mine", "Where does the gasoline come from?", "What were the pebbles whispering about?"

    Watching cartoons

    “Malachite Box”, “Stone Flower”, “Plasticine Story”, “Alyosha Popovich”.

    Compiling a card index of games for the “These Amazing Stones” project.

    3rd stage. Final (summarizing)

    Final integrated lesson “Journey to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.”

    Design in the “Stone Museum” group. Museum presentation.

    Lesson notes (integration of cognitive and productive activities):

    “Amazing Stones” (educational, non-traditional fine art);

    “Stones. How does a person use stones? (cognitive, experiences);

    “The gnomes' pantry” (cognitive).

    Experiments and practical tasks:

    “Water and wind wear away stones”;

    "What's inside the mountains";


    "What's for what"

    Summary of the final integrated lesson “Journey to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.”

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