• How to make a napkin holder with your own hands. Beautiful napkin holders made from plastic bottles. Plywood napkin holders


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    If, while setting the table, you suddenly discover that you don’t have a napkin holder, don’t be upset. You can easily make it yourself from any available material. For example, from cardboard. It is always in the house, and it is convenient to work with it.

    Thanks to this publication, you will learn how to make a variety of napkin holders with your own hands - I present as many as 10 step-by-step master classes with unique photographs and descriptions.

    DIY napkin holders made of cardboard

    Bright with openwork trim

    Take a double-sided sheet of cardboard with a beautiful, bright design. Cut out a rectangle measuring 10 x 3 cm and 2 semicircles.

    Glue all the parts together using a heat gun (as shown in the photo).

    Decorate ready product elements cut from white openwork braid.

    This napkin holder is suitable for napkins folded in half.

    Butterfly shaped

    From colored double-sided cardboard, cut out 2 butterfly silhouettes and a strip measuring 2 x 18 cm. Bend it as shown in the photo.

    Glue the strip onto one of the butterflies using a heat gun.

    And then apply hot glue to the edge of the strip and secure the second butterfly.

    The result is such a narrow napkin holder.

    It is better to place napkins rolled into tubes in it.

    Metal option

    Take the cardboard cylinder that always remains from the paper towel roll.

    Cut it into rings 1 cm wide. You should get 8 pieces.

    Leave four blanks in their original shape, and form stars from the rest. Insert the stars into the rings and secure them with PVA glue. Cut a piece corrugated cardboard size 5 x 3 cm..

    Glue 2 rings on it on both sides.

    First paint the craft black, and then apply a little gold paint to the surface. Now the cardboard elements appear to be metal.

    White napkins look very beautiful in such a stand.

    Cut 6 squares measuring 10 x 10 cm from double-sided cardboard with a bright print.

    Glue them into tubes, wrapping them around a cardboard cylinder and securing the corners with superglue.

    Then glue all the tubes together in a circle and cut off the lower corners. Cut a circle with a diameter of 8 cm from cardboard of the same shade.

    Glue the tubes onto it so that the sharp corners are on top. Decorate the craft with a satin ribbon and miniature flowers.

    In this stand there is a place for each napkin.

    DIY napkin stand made from paper sticks

    Prepare paper sticks. They are easy to roll from the pages of an old magazine, wrapping them around a thin, long object. You will also need a piece of thick cardboard measuring 4.5 x 12 cm.

    Cover the rectangle with white paper on all sides. Bend two paper sticks in half.

    Glue them to the sides of the white piece using PVA glue. Also cut two strips measuring 11 cm, 9 cm, 6 cm and 4 cm.

    Glue them one at a time in descending order of length onto the previously formed side walls.

    Do the same manipulations with the second batch of paper strips.

    Now all that remains is to paint the craft in Blue colour. Use acrylic pearlescent paint for this.

    After drying, the napkin holder is ready for use.

    As you can see, it won't be too difficult to do original stands under napkins made of the most popular material for needlework - cardboard.

    How to make napkin holders from improvised materials

    If you like unusual and original things, then you can make napkin holders from pasta, tree branches, multi-colored pencils and even from plastic bottles (transparent or colored). Now let's talk about everything in order.

    For this napkin holder you need to take pasta, which is called “wheels”.

    Place on a flat surface plastic bag and glue the pasta on it in three rows of 7 pieces. Just apply a drop of PVA glue to the side and attach the wheels to each other.

    Then form 2 side walls. To do this, glue the pasta vertically, decreasing it by 1 piece in each row.

    Extend the lower part of the napkin holder a little by adding 3 wheels.

    The napkin holder is ready!

    If you are confused by the appearance of pasta, then you can paint them in any shade using special paint in a can.

    DIY napkin holder made from a transparent shampoo bottle

    Wash the empty bottle, then wipe it dry.

    Cut off the bottom and make side cuts.

    Cut out the curly edges, a window on one of the edges and fringe on the sides.

    Decorate the front of the craft with a dot pattern. To do this, use acrylic paints in golden and blue shades.

    Use this beautiful thing as intended.

    Napkin stand made of wooden sticks

    Using a garden pruner, cut sticks 6-7 cm long from a dry branch of any tree.

    Cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard and glue 7 blanks onto it using a glue gun.

    After this, glue 15 sticks in a vertical position on one side of the bottom.

    Do the same on the other side.

    Decorate the craft with linen rope (stripes and bows), as well as pieces of twigs.

    The original napkin holder is ready.

    It conveniently holds large format napkins.

    From a colored plastic bottle

    Take a yellow plastic bottle, wash it and wipe it dry.

    Cut the bottom part so that you get 2 symmetrical cockerels with beaks and scallops.

    Using a black marker, draw feathers, eyes, and beaks on the outside and inside of the craft. Cover the scallops with red plasticine or self-adhesive film.

    Fold the napkins several times and place them in a napkin holder.

    A white bottle makes graceful swans, an orange one is suitable for making cats, and a brown one can become material for a napkin holder with bears.

    Collect the pencils different shades up to 8-9 cm long, but not less than 4-5 cm. Sharpen them well.

    Cut out a rectangular blank from thick cardboard and cover it on all sides with beautiful bright paper.

    Decide on alternating pencil colors.

    Glue them in a vertical position using a heat gun. First on one side, then on the other.

    Decorate one wall of the napkin holder with the shortest pencil.

    All that remains is to put napkins and use them, enjoying the appearance

    It's not always possible to buy necessary accessories for the kitchen or living room, but you can always make the necessary items yourself. Handmade crafts will perfectly decorate any room, and their main feature is uniqueness. In this article we will talk about the methods and materials from which a napkin holder can be made with your own hands. It will be exclusive, beautiful and will perfectly complement the kitchen interior.

    Possible materials for work

    Today, a do-it-yourself napkin holder can be made from different materials, which are found in almost every home. These include:

    • plastic bottle caps;
    • CDs;
    • plywood;
    • cardboard;
    • paper;
    • clothespins;
    • plastic or plastic.

    Below we will present only the most popular types of napkin holders and the materials that are used to make them. We will provide step by step guide for the production of these items.

    Cardboard napkin holder

    A cardboard napkin holder will allow you to master the basic rules and techniques of cardboard making, which will help you make cardboard boxes, boxes and other items in the future. To create the product you will need:

    1. Cardboard 4 mm thick.
    2. Colored paper - 3 sheets.
    3. PVA glue.
    4. Glue "Moment".
    5. Scissors.
    6. Ruler, pencil.
    7. Clothespins.

    Step-by-step manufacturing guide:

    1. From cardboard you need to cut 4 semicircles for the walls, as well as 2 rectangles for the bottom. Sizes and shapes are arbitrary.
    2. The cut parts need to be joined with Moment glue. For secure fixation, you can use mounting tape. Only half of the napkin holder is connected with glue - this will allow you to paste it over without much difficulty.
    3. A drawing of the necessary figure to decorate the napkin holder is made on colored paper. The allowance should be left about 4 cm.
    4. Parts of paper are folded and pasted over the cardboard from the outside. For these purposes, PVA glue is used. The allowances are glued inside the napkin holder. For secure fixation, you can secure the paper with clothespins.
    5. After the glue has dried, you need to start gluing the inside of the workpiece. Colored paper is cut a couple of millimeters smaller in size and glued inside, similar to the previous point.
    6. After all the parts are pasted over, you need to connect both parts of the workpiece using Moment glue.

    So you made your own napkin holder! You can use not only paper, but also fabric as decoration. The sequence of work is similar, but before pasting with fabric, the cardboard must be covered with white paper.

    Napkin holder made from discs

    CDs are practically not used now, but such material is available in almost every home. A napkin holder made from discs, meanwhile, can be an excellent addition to the kitchen. The process of creating it is simple, and a person can handle it even without much experience:

    1. Markings should be made on two disks for trimming. It is recommended to use a ruler and marker for this. The cutting line depends on the height of the future product.
    2. Then the marked part is cut off with scissors. To give evenness, the cuts are processed with sandpaper.
    3. Next, you need to cut the cork plug into two parts and sand it with sandpaper.
    4. You need to put plugs on the discs and measure the places where they are attached with a regular napkin.
    5. The surface of the disk is degreased and both parts of the cork are glued to one disk, after the glue has set to the other.
    6. After finishing the work, you can apply paint or varnish to the surface of the disc. You can also cover the napkin holder with paper or cloth.

    On discs, the varnish may appear in stripes, but do not worry, after complete drying they will disappear, and the texture will be perfect.

    How to make a napkin holder from plywood

    It turns out the strongest plywood napkin holder. The procedure for its manufacture is as follows:

    1. You need to make a drawing of the elements on a sheet of plywood. In the described case, the length will be 145 x 75 mm, and the depth will be 28 mm.
    2. The intended parts are cut out with a jigsaw. For decoration, you can cut a shaped hole in the plywood. To do this, initially a hole is drilled, and then the required shape is sawed out with a jigsaw.
    3. You need to decide on the width of the product and cut out the necessary strips from the material for the connection. The size of the planks is 10-15 mm.
    4. Next, you need to attach all the parts to each other and check the evenness and compatibility. If necessary, remove humps and irregularities on the plywood with sandpaper.
    5. Now you can glue all the elements with wood composition.
    6. When the plywood napkin holder dries, it can be painted or varnished.

    In order to give the product an antique look, you will need to apply white paint, and after it dries, rub it with a little sandpaper to artificially age your napkin holder.

    Decorating napkin holders

    You can decorate the finished product different methods. There are no restrictions in this - it all depends on the design and personal imagination. You can use not only fabrics, paper or paints. Additionally, you can glue ribbons, beads, stones and other accessories.

    If you don’t have the necessary elements for decoration at hand, but the kitchen design requires them, then you can buy accessories in special stores. As a rule, they cost a penny, but the napkin holder looks much better.


    As you can see, making a napkin holder with your own hands is very simple and from any available materials. It is important to show desire and allocate a little time for production. It is worth noting that this can ultimately be an excellent gift, because it handmade and no one will have such a product. And if you use your imagination and do quality work, you can sell the products and earn extra money from it.

    Today I will show you how easy and simple it is to make a napkin holder from materials that are probably found in every home. You don’t need any additional skills to make it, so you can use a child if you wish.
    What do we need in our work?
    - 2 discs
    - scissors
    - ruler
    - pencil
    - marker
    - colored paper
    - thick cardboard
    - PVA glue
    - glue Moment Crystal
    - glossy varnish
    - (I have ribbons and butterflies)

    If some materials are missing, then I think, with some ingenuity, they can be replaced with something else.
    Begin. The first thing we need to do is trim the disks. Fortunately, we use disks less and less, so I think that in every home there are a couple of old unnecessary disks. As you may have guessed, the discs will serve as the basis of our napkin holder, so carefully measure the height as you wish. We mark with a marker, preferably a permanent one, and draw under the ruler.

    We take stronger and larger scissors. I took scissors from the kitchen set. Carefully trim.

    We prepare small scraps of newspapers.

    Using PVA glue, seal the holes in the disks on both sides. Apply several layers of newspaper, coating each layer with glue. Leave until completely dry. Tip: as the newspaper dries, it may ripple on the surface of the disk. If this happens, straighten the newspaper with your fingers while it is damp.

    While the discs are drying, let's work on the bottom of the napkin holder. To do this, take cardboard, preferably thick, this will give our napkin holder stability. Unfortunately, I didn't have thick cardboard. Therefore, I cut three strips from the cardboard that I managed to find in the bins, dimensions 10x2 cm.

    I glue them together with PVA glue.

    Because If my cardboard has an air gap inside, it will be both unstable and soft. I decided to cover the resulting bottom of the napkin holder with scraps of newspaper and PVA glue. After drying, the bottom will become hard, like plastic. Leave until completely dry.

    In the meantime, let's start decorating the napkin holder. I chose for this colored paper for gift wrapping. We cut out 2 parts exactly the same size as the walls of the napkin holder, and 2 parts 5 mm larger on all sides, leaving them to be folded.

    Using PVA glue, glue the sides of the napkin holder.

    We decorate. At this stage, let your imagination run wild. Here you can use everything you have at hand: beads, beads, ribbons, lace, bows, in general, whatever your heart desires. I found some leftover decoupage napkins and cut out 4 butterflies, which, using PVA glue, took their place on the daisies.

    When the bottom of the napkin holder is completely dry and hard, cover it with colored paper.

    The moment of truth has come. Let's put all the details together. You can use a silicone gun for this. But somehow it didn’t work out for me, so my choice fell on the time-tested Moment Crystal.

    We cover our napkin holder with 2 layers of varnish. I have acrylic gloss varnish. In principle, if desired, this stage can be skipped. Important: the varnish may streak slightly during application. Don't worry, after drying the streaks will disappear and you will have a smooth, glossy surface.

    Good afternoon, my dear friends!

    Today I am sharing with you my new experience, it will be a napkin holder made from disks. I'll tell you how you can make a napkin holder from CD/DVD discs. Disks themselves are rarely used these days. But I’m sure that many people have them lying around idle. I, too, like a hamster, did not throw them away, I kept hoping that they would be useful on the farm. And finally, I found a use for them. In one of the previous master classes, I decorated. in techniques – Decoupage and Paper art. Therefore, I decided to make a napkin holder in the same style, so to speak, a set.

    Napkin holder made from CD/DVD discs

    For work I needed:

    • CD/DVD discs – 3 pcs;
    • Napkins;
    • PVA glue;
    • Glue gun;
    • Acrylic paint, gold;
    • Acrylic paint, white;
    • Acrylic varnish;
    • Wine cork.

    I want to say right away that this napkin holder was decorated in the same way as the bottles. Therefore, in this master class, I will not describe Decoupage and Paper Art in detail, only general principle. You can see more details about the decor itself

    And so, two disks will go on the walls of the napkin holder, one disk will be the base.

    At the disk, I cut off one part. I applied a metal ruler and ran it with a utility knife several times. When the cut got deeper, the disc simply broke. I did the same with the second disk. These will be the sides of the napkin holder.

    Cut off the edge

    I cut off the edges of the third disk; this will be the base of the napkin holder.

    Cut off two parts

    In the middle of the disks, I glued small polyethylene circles with PVA glue. I did this so that the holes would not break through.

    Cutting polyethylene circles

    I diluted PVA glue with water and used the Decoupage technique, and glued napkins onto the discs.

    I pasted a napkin

    Now you need to let the napkin dry (to speed up the process, I constantly used a hairdryer).

    Then, I painted the middle, where the polyethylene is, white. acrylic paint. I painted it only on the outer sides, there will be a drawing here. When the paint had dried, I cut out two designs from a Decoupage napkin and glued them with acrylic varnish.

    After the varnish had dried, everything (except for the drawings, of course) was covered with blue acrylic paint. For uniformity, I painted it a second time. Dried it. And I used gold paint all over the blue background.

    I glued the pictures and painted them with blue paint.

    All that remains is to apply napkin flagella (Pape art). This is probably the most painstaking part of the work. But, due to the flagella, the napkin holder will turn out elegant and openwork. I have done paper art only on the sides so far. I will decorate the bottom after I glue the sides.

    Glued napkin flagella

    The decoration of the napkin holder is finished, all that remains is to assemble it.

    With a stationery knife, cut wine cork into four parts.

    Cut a wine cork

    And covered them with gold paint.

    Covered the corks with gold paint

    On one side (from the inside), glue gun I glued two plugs. They will serve as napkin stops.

    Then, I applied glue to the other sides of the corks and glued the second side. To make it even, first I put a side panel with corks, tried it on, applied glue and attached the second side panel.

    I glued two corks to the sides

    Now, quickly and carefully, I applied hot glue to the lower edges of the side panels and glued them to the base.

    Glued the sides to the base

    All that remains is to make “legs” for the napkin holder. I glued the remaining two mugs to the bottom of the napkin holder using a glue gun. And the protruding parts of the base were decorated with napkin flagella.

    That's it, the napkin holder made from discs is ready.

    Well, now it comes complete with spice bottles.

    Napkin holder made of discs complete with bottles

    This is how you can make a napkin holder from disks with your own hands.

    Friends, if you found my master class useful, share it with your friends!

    We are not always able to select the necessary and matching accessories for the interior of a kitchen, bedroom or living room. Fortunately, you can always make them yourself. Homemade accessories will fit perfectly into the design of the room. Their additional advantage is that such a thing will be unique. So you can be sure that no one you know will tell you that they have the same accessory. Today we will talk about ways to make a beautiful and bright napkin holder with your own hands.

    What are the possible options for a napkin holder?

    There are many options for homemade napkin holders. They can be made from the following materials:

    • Disks;
    • Plywood (chipboard);
    • Cardboard;
    • Busin;
    • Papers;
    • clothespins;
    • Trees;
    • Salt dough;
    • Plastics,
    • Plastic/plastic bottles.

    Variations of crafts in the photo







    Salty dough


    We will look at the process of creating the most popular options - napkin holders made of cardboard, disks and chipboard. Making them is quite simple.

    From cardboard

    You can create such a napkin holder very quickly, and you do not need any special skills

    The assembly template for our proposed cardboard napkin holder is very simple. By creating such an accessory, you will simultaneously master several basic techniques cartoning techniques. In the future, they will help you make beautiful and unusual decorative boxes, boxes and much more.

    Materials and tools

    We need all this for work.

    • Thick cardboard 3-4 millimeters thick;
    • Colored paper (needed for interior and exterior decoration). Approximately 3 sheets of A4 format;
    • PVA glue;
    • Reliable glue for gluing parts (Moment is suitable). It is most convenient to use a hot glue gun;
    • Mounting tape (in other words, kraft tape);
    • Scissors;
    • Roller knife (if you don’t have one, use a regular stationery knife);
    • Ruler, marker or pencil, compass, glue brush;
    • Self-healing mat for cutting (if you don’t have one, take care of the safety of the table in other ways);
    • Metal office clips or regular clothespins.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Take thick cardboard and cut out 4 semicircular blanks (for the walls) and 2 rectangular ones (for the bottom). You can determine the size of the blanks yourself, this also applies to the shape.
    2. Proceed to connecting the parts. Take a wide mounting tape and glue all the joints of the bottom and walls with it. The tape should fasten them both on the outside and on the inside.
    3. Trace the shape of the blank on a sheet of colored paper. Then make an allowance of at least 4 centimeters on each side.
    4. Fold the colored paper and cover the outside of the cardboard blank with it. To do this, use PVA glue. Try not to leave any pimples or folds on the paper.
    5. Then make 4 cuts on the “cover”. To do this, use a marker or pencil to extend the line of the inner fold of your napkin holder by allowances and make cuts along it, slightly short of the end of the part (about 3-4 millimeters). Also make cuts diagonally to the edge of the product.
    6. Glue the seam allowance to the inside of the napkin holder. Next, trim the side parts of the “cover” in the same way. Lay the product on its side and make a straight cut from the fold line. Step back 4 millimeters from the edge and finish with a triangular cut.
    7. Make jagged cuts along the edges, slightly short of cutting to the edge of the cardboard piece (about 4 centimeters). If this is not done, sloppy gaps may appear at the end.
    8. Glue these teeth to the inside. In order for the glue to adhere better, press the folds for a while with clothespins or paper tucks.
    9. While the main piece is drying, return to the rest of the cardboard pieces. They should fit inside your napkin holder. So make them a little smaller by cutting off about 2 millimeters from the flat side of each semicircular piece and one edge of the rectangle. Don't forget to check the fit by trying to put them inside the napkin holder.
    10. For the inside of your product, use colored paper of any other color. Glue the blanks onto the paper, leaving gaps of at least 2 centimeters on each side. Cut the edges at a 45° angle and make zigzag cuts along the rounded edge of both pieces, also slightly short of the edge of the template.
    11. Glue the side parts of the bottom part, leaving the long parts free. Fold and glue all available allowances onto the side parts.
    12. Now all you have to do is connect the outer and inner parts of your product. To do this, first glue the bottom so that the previously unglued allowances are secured to the side walls. Then attach the side parts using Moment glue.

    Helpful advice: You can decorate your napkin holder not only with colored paper, but also with any cotton fabric. The sequence of work remains the same, however, before attaching the fabric to the napkin holder, glue plain white paper to the workpiece.

    Photo guide to the manual

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 4

    Illustration for point 5

    Illustration for points 6-7

    Illustration for point 8

    The creation of the napkin holder is complete, congratulations!

    From disks

    This napkin holder will decorate the interior of your kitchen.

    Now let's look at another very interesting option creating a napkin holder. It will consist of CDs, which are probably present in large quantities in every person’s home. Believe me, even if this is your first time doing something like this, everything will work out the first time! You don't need any special skills, because everything is very simple.

    Materials and tools

    We will need all this for our work.

    To make such a napkin holder from CDs you will need the following materials:

    • CDs (2 pieces);
    • Scissors;
    • Ruler;
    • Marker or pencil;
    • Several sheets of colored paper;
    • Thick cardboard of any color;
    • PVA glue;
    • Glue "Moment";
    • Stationery knife;
    • Varnish for coating the finished product;
    • Decorative elements at your discretion (in our example there will be ribbons and butterflies).

    If you don’t have any of the above materials on hand, it doesn’t matter, they can always be replaced with any others.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. The first thing you need to do is trim the discs. They will serve as the basis for your napkin holder, so decide what height it should have. Mark the desired location with a marker (permanent is best) and draw straight line using a ruler.
    2. Take scissors and carefully trim the disc along the marked edges. It is better to do this with a small allowance the first time, so that if there are any unevenness, you can then straighten them out.
    3. Prepare several small pieces of newspaper.
    4. Using PVA glue, seal the holes on the disks on both sides. Proceed to attach several layers of newspaper. Be sure to coat each layer thoroughly with glue. Set them aside until completely dry. Please note that while the glue dries, unevenness may appear on the surface. Try to carefully straighten them with your hands while the base is still wet, and make sure that this problem does not recur until the end of drying.
    5. While the discs are drying, work on the bottom of the napkin holder. Take cardboard (it is better if it is thick), which will give the required form and stability of your product. If you don’t have thick cardboard at hand, you can glue thinner ones in several layers with PVA glue. After this, the density will be sufficient.
    6. Once the cardboard is completely dry, it will become stable and durable.
    7. Now start decorating your napkin holder. In our example it is color gift paper. Cut out a couple of pieces the same size as the walls of the product. Make the other 2 parts 5 millimeters larger on each side, leaving room for folding.
    8. Using PVA glue, glue the sides of the napkin holder.
    9. Start decorating. At this stage, show your imagination. You can use absolutely any materials and objects that you have at home - for example, beads, seed beads, lace, ribbons, bows, etc. In our example, decoupage napkins with butterflies are used. Glue the selected one decorative element using PVA glue.
    10. After the bottom of the napkin holder is completely dry and hard, cover it with colored paper.
    11. Now put all the parts together. To do this, use a silicone gun or Moment glue.
    12. Cover the craft with several layers of varnish. You can use glossy if you want the surface of the napkin holder to be shiny. But, in principle, it is not necessary to fulfill this point.
    13. Continue decorating. Glue the bottom of the product volumetric tape. The joint of the tape can be hidden under other decorative elements.

    Useful information: Please note that when applying the varnish it may appear in stripes. Don't worry - when it dries completely, they will come off and the surface will be perfectly smooth.
    Photo support

    Illustration for points 1-2

    Illustration for points 3-4

    Illustration for points 5-6

    Illustration for point 7

    Illustration for point 8

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    Illustration for point 10

    Illustration for paragraphs 11-12

    Illustration for paragraph 13

    Congratulations, you have just created a beautiful and unusual kitchen accessory yourself. It is very convenient to place both small and large napkins in it.

    From chipboard

    You can give such a napkin holder to a girl on February 14th

    Finally, we bring to your attention another option for creating a napkin holder. It is made of chipboard. Let us immediately note that this material can successfully replace ordinary plywood.


    • Chipboard sheet;
    • Jigsaw;
    • Drill
    • Sandpaper;
    • Wood glue;
    • Dye.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Draw the outlines of the future product. Its length in our example is 145x75 millimeters, depth – 28 millimeters.
    2. Using a jigsaw, make the first piece.
    3. Let's start cutting out the heart in the center of the napkin holder. To do this, first drill a hole. Insert a file into it and cut out a heart-shaped figure. If you wish, you can choose any other neckline shape.
    4. Having made the first blank, use a pencil to mark the contours for cutting out the second half of the napkin holder.
    5. Decide how wide the connecting strips will be. The best option– from 12 to 15 millimeters. Cut them out.
    6. Check the resulting set of blanks for “compatibility”. Combine all the pieces. If necessary, trim any excess projections that are in the way.
    7. Sand the edges of the workpieces with sandpaper.
    8. Check the prefabricated structure again. If everything is perfect, glue the pieces together with wood glue. Let the parts dry. When gluing, you can compress the walls of the product with a clamp.
    9. Finally, paint the piece any color you like. In our example, red paint was used.

    Useful information: If you want to create a napkin holder in Provence style, use white paint and then sand it a little with sandpaper. Note that all parts can be painted and sanded separately, even before joining.

    Execution steps (photo)

    Side wall sketch

    Hole for sawing

    Heart cutting process

    Painting individual parts

    All elements of the napkin holder

    Assembling the napkin holder

    The chipboard craft is ready!

    Decorating the finished product

    You can absolutely decorate a napkin holder different ways. There are no restrictions, it all depends on your imagination. Various beads, ribbons, pebbles, special figures, decoupage materials, paper, feathers, leaves, decorative flowers and much more. If you want to make a kitchen decoration that will fit perfectly with the overall style of the room, you should choose the shade as accurately as possible and choose harmonious decorations. They can be created from almost any material. If you don’t have the opportunity to do this, go to specialized stores that offer a wide range of decorative elements.

    Making a beautiful and stylish napkin holder with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is that you have the desire to create a high-quality product that can complement the interior of your kitchen. We hope our master class will help you do all the work quickly and efficiently. Finally, we note that a homemade exclusive can be a wonderful gift; however, handmade work, during which you put your whole soul into the product, is highly valued.

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