• Scheme of swaddling a baby in a diaper. The benefits of free swaddling. Why is swaddling needed?


    Swaddling. How and when.

    There are so many opinions and myths about swaddling, and it is not surprising that young parents are completely confused about whether to use this ancient (the first data about it dates back to about 4000 BC) way of caring for a child. And common sense will help us figure it out. In this article, I consider swaddling, first of all, as a time-tested way to improve babies' sleep from birth to 5-6 months.

    To swaddle or not?

    • Tight swaddling of a baby from birth to 6 months. almost around the clock - a relic of the past. At the very least it interferes with the right physical development the child as a whole and his development chest in particular.
    • Swaddling a baby who sleeps well at night with his parents or sleeps in his crib at intervals of 3-4 hours (or more) - For what? Many children sleep well from birth ordinary clothes for newborns. In this case, it makes no sense to introduce swaddling for sleep.
    • Loose swaddling, when the baby can tuck his legs in night sleep(sometimes day dreams) an anxious, excitable baby - definitely worth a try. Especially if the child does not sleep for more than 20-40 minutes, wakes himself up with his hands, sleeps only in his mother’s arms, “walks” at night, suffers from colic (or what mothers consider so similar to colic).

    When to swaddle?

    Sometimes they are swaddled to sleep from birth, including in order to make the transition from the “usually cramped” mother’s tummy to our huge world smoother. People often come to this method of improving sleep “experimentally” - after sleepless nights.
    Swaddling as a means of improving sleep works well for the first time 3 - 4 months(“4th trimester of pregnancy”), because the baby is provided with similar conditions - the tightness, comfort and safety that he had in the womb for a long time. You can calm your baby quickly enough if you combine swaddling with other methods of calming the baby. This is clearly demonstrated by an American pediatrician Harvey Karp.

    Indeed, most children (especially restless ones) are the first 4-5 months They sleep better swaddled. Usually, starting from 1.5 months, they are able to sleep in periods of 3-4 hours.
    Swaddling also helps during the transition to the next stage of sleep, for example, when you can notice the Moro reflex or the so-called “waking up reflex” (startle reflex). The baby shudders, throws out his arms and legs, twitches and wakes up from this.

    It has now been established that shuddering when falling asleep and during the superficial stages of sleep are a natural phenomenon associated with changes in nervous excitability in transitional functional states (from wakefulness to sleep and between stages of sleep), they are called “hypnic myoclonus”. In young children, this phenomenon can manifest itself clearly due to the fact that the inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system are not sufficiently formed; in the future, the severity of twitches will decrease.

    How to swaddle?

    Exist different techniques swaddling: “with arms” - the baby’s entire body is wrapped in a swaddle, “free swaddling”, when the baby’s arms remain “free”, “only arms”, when the baby can freely jerk his legs, with the arms “up” (Australian swaddling, when the baby can suck his fist while swaddled), etc. Restless children of the first 4-5 months. It is better to swaddle “with arms” to give them the opportunity to get quality sleep, which is so necessary at this stage of development.

    You can swaddle your baby using an ordinary diaper. There is a note on our website with photographs of this process.

    However, recently special diapers have become very popular, helping to wrap the baby quickly, comfortably, and most importantly, correctly (without seams, without squeezing or straightening the baby’s legs).
    Baby-sleep.ru will prepare a review of all the most famous brands. In this article, I suggest watching a video about how one of the most popular and trusted brands among mothers, the Miracle blanket, “works.”

    See how you can calm your baby with swaddling in 1 minute. Miracle diaper in action:

    What if your baby doesn't like swaddling?

    Many babies seem to resist swaddling at first, as if the approach doesn't suit them. Maybe it is so. However, often the reason for “resistance” is that the baby is already tired, has “been too busy”, and the diaper serves as an additional irritant.
    Some babies calm down when they find a comfortable position, but if the child wants to sleep or eat, it is necessary to satisfy his vital need. In such a situation, there is no way to find out how the baby reacts to swaddling.

    Next time:
    Swaddle the baby, attach it to your breast, and soothe it in the usual way.
    Try not to miss signs of fatigue and swaddle your baby BEFORE tears appear (a table of approximate waking times by age may be helpful). Learn to swaddle when your baby is good mood. Introduce swaddling into your bedtime ritual, and then your baby will accept it well.

    To adapt, you can show your baby that nothing special is happening, everything is fine, it’s just bedtime. While swaddling, you can calm the baby with your voice (sing, talk, tell what is happening).
    Once swaddled, you can stroke it rhythmically (in time with the rhythm of your heart) or lightly pat it and at the same time pronounce the soothing sound “shhhh” (or another sound familiar to the baby to calm down).

    • The diaper should not “squeeze” the baby.
    • Beware of overheating. Don't cover your baby with an extra blanket "just in case." Maintain the optimal temperature in the room (not higher than +22).
    • Do not put foreign objects in the bed. Make sure that nothing covers the child's head.
    • Place your baby to sleep on his back. It is not recommended to swaddle babies who sleep on their stomachs.
    • Child's feet Not should be tightly swaddled.

    I will dwell a little more on the last point.
    In 1965, tight swaddling was widely used in Japan, in which the baby's legs were brought together and pressed tightly against each other. At the same time, doctors noted the high frequency of the diagnosis of “hip dysplasia” and began to recommend that mothers “avoid prolonged straightening of the legs in children during the newborn period.” Soon after, experts noted a significant decrease in the number of cases of dysplasia (study of the American Academy of Pediatrics, edited by Van Slewen, 2007).

    Russian orthopedists actively support this opinion. And they refute the myth that “without tight swaddling, the child will have crooked legs.” Doctors recommend “wide swaddling” as a preventive measure for congenital hip dislocation.
    Children like to be wrapped tightly, but straightening their legs does not correspond to their reflexive desire to bend and spread their legs wide. This baby is swaddled loosely, his legs are not forcibly straightened by the swaddling.

    How long can you swaddle?

    Swaddling at bedtime to improve sleep quality works well on average up to 5.5 - 6 months For some children, swaddling helps them sleep well even up to 8-9 months.
    There is nothing wrong with swaddling your baby until the baby learns to unwaddle himself.

    How to get rid of swaddling?

    The most common method is "gradual withdrawal" method.
    First, you “let the legs float freely.” Then 1 hand, and after a few days, remove the diaper.
    Some people prefer to start “with handles” - free one, and after a few days - the second. And when the baby has learned to sleep and not bother himself with his hands, remove the diaper.

    Real Expectations will help you get in the right frame of mind. Get ready for week (two)"perestroika". A child who has been kept awake for months will need time to learn to control his or her body at night.
    Try to organize your sleep so that you don’t have to get up and run somewhere at night. Use the usual methods of calming: “patting - hissing”, GV, voice, touch and others.
    For parents, such changes are not easy: swaddled children wake up 1-2 times a night, and without a diaper, the child will wake up (or give a signal) 4-8 times on the first night. Over time, the baby gets used to new sensations.

    What helps: have a certain bedtime, skills falling asleep independently, ritual before bed, usual ways of calming down, favorite “protector toy.”

    If your baby has not yet outgrown the hand-throwing reflex, you will have a particularly difficult time. Perhaps in this case you should continue swaddling for a few more weeks, and then try to “unswaddle” again. Children develop so rapidly in their first year of life, and what didn't work recently may work in just a few weeks.

    Parents of restless babies often remember the swaddling months as a time of “long sleep.” Consider this method of improving sleep; perhaps it will be suitable for your family.

    Currently, people are increasingly talking about the dangers of swaddling: it does not allow the child to develop harmoniously, limits the perception of the world, disrupts tactile functions, and inhibits individuality. It is not surprising that many young parents initially refuse to swaddle their babies, but come to him, exhausted from sleepless nights.

    In Russia, from time immemorial, it has been customary to swaddle newborns using a swaddling bag (midwife or swaddling bag) - a strip of homespun fabric about 15 centimeters wide, decorated with patterns with crosses.

    Midwives served as a talisman for generations. The child was wrapped in swaddling clothes, with a midwife wrapped quite tightly on top from the shoulders to the feet.

    Such tight wrapping was used in the first weeks to alleviate the birth stress that the baby experiences when born.

    Today, inexperienced parents are taught that any swaddling is a relic of the past, violence against a person who should move freely from the first moments of life.

    Friends, welcome to the site about sleep quality. I suggest considering swaddling using common sense. We will talk about physiologically based or free swaddling, which helps the baby gradually get used to his body and the new world.

    With this method, in the first weeks the arms are not tightly pressed against the body by the diaper (later they are not wrapped at all), and the legs are free and wrapped in the diaper.

    The harm of tight swaddling

    In the old days, children were tightly wrapped in a swaddle so that they could not move, their legs were straightened, pressed tightly against each other, and their straightened arms were tied to their body. Even tight swaddling was necessarily used as a therapeutic procedure for premature, injured during childbirth and weakened children.

    Currently, tight swaddling as a way of caring for infants can be found extremely rarely.

    Scientific medicine has proven:

    • prolonged and thoughtless tight wrapping inhibits the development of the baby’s motor functions.
    • Accustoming to their legs and arms occurs in such children only by six months. They can wake themselves up with startles in their sleep until 7 and 8 months of age.
    • Tight wrapping of the legs provokes dysplasia (dislocation) of the hip joint.
    • The general blood circulation in the child’s body is disrupted. The lungs are compressed.
    • Overheating occurs, immunity decreases.
    • With tight swaddling, the child’s physiological habitual posture is disrupted, his well-being, sleep, and nutrition deteriorate.
    • The child is nervous and excitable.
    • The risk of death of the baby increases.

    Psychologists are sure: tight swaddling fosters a disciplined, submissive personality, ready to submit, develops character traits such as passivity, weak character, and a tendency to be a victim.

    The benefits of free swaddling

    Creation comfortable conditions, close to intrauterine

    Before birth, the baby's body is tightly hugged by the walls of the uterus, they provide support for his legs and arms. These close hugs become familiar and desirable. Any imitation of them allows the baby to feel comfortable.

    The child experiences extreme fear at birth:

    • after a cramped, dark and warm habitat, he finds himself in a huge open, cool space, flooded with bright light and a variety of noise,
    • meets gravity, the pain of compression of the body during passage through the birth canal, the pain of the first breath when the lung tissue unfolds.
    • Deprived of their usual support on the wall of the uterus, the baby’s legs and arms dangle chaotically and frighten him.

    Fear is a very strong negative emotion, drowning out and slowing down the development of all other functions: cognitive, tactile, motor, etc.

    Swaddling limits the space surrounding a newborn baby, creates intrauterine tightness, gives a feeling of support, warms and allows you to take a familiar position - pull your legs to your tummy and suck your fist. This is how he learns to calm himself down.

    A similar effect can be achieved without swaddling - you need to press the baby to your warm body and hold the dangling legs and arms with your hand. Sensations close to intrauterine calm the baby.

    Development of touch

    The tactile function begins to manifest itself from three months of intrauterine development in children. By 4 months, coordination of movements of the head and hands appears, the baby finds his mouth with his hands and begins to suck his fist or finger, which becomes a habit.

    IN last weeks Before birth, the baby’s body increases significantly, the uterine embrace becomes closer, the legs and arms are pressed tightly to the body, which also becomes intrauterine. Periodically contracting, the uterus gives tangible bodily impressions of a tight embrace.

    Before birth source tactile sensations The entire surface of the baby’s skin in contact with the walls of the uterus serves.

    Leather infants- the most sensitive organ through which the baby receives 85% of all information about the world.

    After birth, the sense of touch continues to develop due to information coming from the outside through contact with his skin, especially with his legs and arms. Everything is a source of tactile information: a diaper, clothes, the body of mom and dad, your own body, and so on.

    For the sense of touch to develop successfully, it is necessary that the baby’s legs and arms bump into various surfaces constantly, rather than flying in the air uncontrollably. In this case, he does not have time to be frightened by the infinity of the surrounding space.

    The correct approach to developing the sense of touch in newborns:

    • during sleep, we swaddle with a minimum of clothing under the diaper (the arms will not only bump into the diaper, but also feel their body),
    • If the baby is in the arms of adults and is warmed by their warmth, there should also be as little clothing as possible.
    • Provide your baby with the opportunity to explore the world; let him touch everything that is safe. The more varied the stimuli, the more actively the sense of touch develops.

    Research has proven that Skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and parents is very important . A child who is given the opportunity to lie on his mother’s (father’s) stomach or chest feels better and quickly adapts to new living conditions. Stroke his body more often, gently massage his feet and palms.

    Undershirts with sewn sleeves interfere with the development of the sense of touch. When hands long time are closed, the baby is deprived of a variety of sensations: the ability to touch his body, surrounding objects, and his mother’s breast when feeding.

    Swaddling improves the quality of sleep of a newborn

    Our sleep consists of stages of superficial (rapid) and deep (slow) sleep. When transitioning from REM sleep to slow sleep, a change in nervous excitability occurs. Our body shudders at the same time.

    In babies, shudders can be quite strong, legs and arms shoot up sharply. The baby gets scared and wakes up. And the whole point is the absence of inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system. As they form (by approximately day 30), the child’s body will shudder less frequently.

    Swaddling helps a newborn learn in new conditions for him. The diaper keeps his legs and arms from throwing up.

    In order for a child to actively develop it is necessary:

    • avoid fear, which slows down development on all fronts. Raising your legs and arms should be avoided. Swaddling will help with this.
    • We create comfortable conditions close to intrauterine conditions: posture (legs are pulled up to the tummy, arms are half-bent and not tightly pressed to the body), tightness (reasonably limit the space), bodily contact (lay it on your stomach).
    • We allow the baby to touch surrounding objects, often leaving his palms open.

    When to swaddle

    The presence of the mother perfectly calms the baby and allows you to do without swaddling. It’s good if the mother has the opportunity to carry the baby constantly in her arms (in a sling) - the usual bodily sensations are created, the child sleeps peacefully without a diaper, parental hugs interfere with “throwing up”. A child warmed by his mother’s warmth can sleep and also walk naked, which is very useful for the development of tactile functions.

    But to ensure round-the-clock tactile contact with the baby in modern society unreal. The child still has to be left alone when the mother does household chores, eats, and washes.

    It is necessary to teach the child to be alone and not to be afraid. Swaddling will help with this; it will keep his unruly legs and arms from random movements and create a feeling of limited and cozy space.

    Experienced pediatricians and parents of many children It is recommended to swaddle from the first moments of life, until the baby himself gets out of the swaddling clothes, showing his need and readiness for greater freedom. Most often, swaddling continues until 6-9 months of age.

    How to swaddle

    We are talking about free swaddling - the limbs have sufficient freedom to move, the baby can habitually pull her legs up to her tummy and dangle them, and touch herself with her arms or pull them out and suck her fist. There should be as little clothing under the diaper as possible so that the child can feel not only the diaper, but also his body with his skin.

    While walking. Around the third week, the baby will begin to examine his surroundings with interest and will want to touch the rattles in the crib and other objects. At this stage of development, you can introduce swaddling “under the arms”: the swaddle wraps the legs, but does not interfere with their freedom.

    When he sleeps. Conscious reactions of the limbs are formed by the age of one month, throwing up weakens, the baby is less likely to wake up from his sudden movements. You can practice swaddling “under the arms”.

    If the tosses persist, then continue swaddling with your hands. Some babies continue to startle violently in their sleep for up to six months or more. What may be associated with severe stress during birth: the child is scared and does not accept the new reality. Don't rush him, he will adapt to new conditions over time.

    To swaddle or not

    The task of parents is to provide the baby with maximum safety and comfort for active development. Watch your baby, he will tell you the answer himself. For many children, swaddling is unnecessary; they sleep peacefully in rompers and undershirts, and respond to attempts to swaddle them with active protest.

    If the baby is afraid of his little hands in his sleep, then loose swaddling is necessary. At the same time, the diaper protects against hypothermia, because the baby’s own thermostat does not yet work in the first days.

    When a baby is born, every mother immediately has a fair amount of worries. The first question that interests parents is how to properly swaddle a newborn.

    In order to understand whether this should be done, it is worth understanding how the baby feels after birth.

    Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn?

    At the very beginning of pregnancy, the baby swims in amniotic fluid. Over time, it occupies the entire uterus, which causes difficulty in movements. This state is very comfortable and familiar for a child. After birth, it is very difficult for a baby to get used to a change of environment. He wants to get back to his previous state of comfort.

    Based on what has been said, we can conclude that the baby should be swaddled. Swaddling returns the baby to a state of comfort. Such actions help the child adapt to new living conditions as soon as possible.

    The adaptation period usually takes 2-3 weeks. By the first month of life, if the baby feels well, you can refuse such actions. If it is difficult for your baby to sleep with his arms outstretched, then you should swaddle him at night. It is necessary to monitor your child, as some people may like swaddling and the children calm down, while others, on the contrary, may be capricious. All that remains is to learn how to properly swaddle a newborn.

    Types and techniques of swaddling

    Many parents want to swaddle their babies, but are afraid to do it. Practice will allow you to do it correctly. There are several swaddling techniques. You can see in pictures how to properly swaddle a newborn.

    1. Swaddling with handles. After all hygiene procedures have been completed, you can begin swaddling the baby. To do this, spread a diaper on the diaper. Place the baby on top of it in the center. The top edge should be at neck level. Place the baby's hand along the body and twist the edge of the diaper obliquely under the baby's back. You need to do the same with the second edge. When carrying out manipulations, it is necessary to ensure that folds do not form. Spread the bottom edge of the fabric in the shape of a fish. They need to cover the crumbs under the neck or above the elbows. Using the ends of the diaper, wrap the baby on both sides. The free edge should be secured to the baby's tummy by tucking it in. At the end of all manipulations, you need to make sure that the legs are free and the arms fit snugly to the body. For a more accurate idea of ​​how to properly swaddle a newborn, you should watch the video.

    2. Free method. This type of swaddling allows the baby to move a little. The essence of this method is that the child is wrapped in cloth, but not squeezed. Thanks to this, the baby has the opportunity to move his legs and arms. At the same time, the intrauterine effect continues to persist, but the baby is not squeezed in a vice. It is acceptable that with this method of swaddling the baby’s arm remains free. To carry out all the manipulations correctly, you must:

    Spread the fabric in a rectangle on the diaper;

    Place the crumb so that the top side is at the level of the neck or upper limbs;

    The upper right side should be pulled and wrapped so that it lies diagonally (do not pull the fabric too tightly);

    The same must be done with the upper left corner, only it will be under the back on the right;

    Flatten the bottom side of the fabric and thereby pull it towards you;

    Raise the resulting edges and wrap the crumbs, and take the ends out from under the back and tuck them into the folds.

    3. Wide swaddling. This type is used for medicinal purposes. This type should be used for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in infants. Only the lower limbs are subject to swaddling. All manipulations must be performed using a specialized method so that the lower limbs remain separated. This fixation of the limbs will lead to the baby getting used to holding his legs correctly. How to properly swaddle a newborn this way? So:

    Use three cotton diapers;

    Fold the first layer in the form of a scarf;

    The second piece of fabric should be folded in several layers to form a rectangle;

    Place the baby on a rectangular diaper so that the top side is at waist level;

    Stretch the rectangle itself between the legs to make a diaper;

    Wrap the baby in a rectangle, tying the bottom side between the baby’s legs and the sides around the tummy (legs should be at right angles);

    Using a third piece of fabric, you should fix the baby's legs in a taut position so that the newborn cannot bring his feet together.

    4. Swaddling in a blanket. It does not act as an independent species. This method of swaddling is only an addition to all of the above options. You can swaddle your baby in a blanket to keep him warm. Very often, babies up to three months old are taken outside this way. There are several methods for swaddling babies in a blanket. Below are the most practical instructions on how to properly swaddle a newborn.

    Spread a blanket on the changing pad, unfolding it in the shape of a diamond;

    Place the baby so that the bottom edge is slightly longer than the top;

    If the baby's arms are not fixed during the main swaddling, then they should be placed along the body;

    Pull the left corner of the blanket, wrapping your left arm, and wrap it behind the baby’s back;

    Pull the bottom edge up and hide it in the resulting fold;

    Pull the right corner reverse side and put it behind your back;

    The top corner becomes the so-called protection;

    Secure the envelope with tape.

    These are the most common swaddling methods.

    Risks of swaddling

    The most dangerous type of swaddling is tight. Such fixation can cause health problems for the baby. A particular danger arises if parents use this method frequently. The most unpleasant consequences are:

    1. Slowing down the child's development. The baby, who is heavily swaddled and whose movements are specially constrained, acquires motor skills much later. Due to lack tactile contacts the process of learning about oneself slows down.

    2. Problems with the heart and breathing occur. Heavy swaddling has an impact on the lungs. For this reason, the blood circulation process is disrupted. Metabolism and the process of organ development slow down significantly.

    3. Character change. Restricting a child’s freedom causes changes in the psyche.

    These are not all the problems that may arise.

    Rules for healthy swaddling

    To rid themselves of possible dangers, every parent must adhere to certain rules. These include:

    1. Select the desired surface. Manipulations must be carried out on a special table or similar hard surface.

    2. Provide protection. Before the procedure, cover the surface with oilcloth and lay a warm cloth on top.

    3. Prepare all things. When the baby is already on the changing table, all things should be at hand of the parent.

    4. Avoid all distractions. The baby is too mobile, so he can easily fall off the changing table. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove all factors that distract the mother.

    5. Taking a bath. Before carrying out the manipulations, the baby should be bathed.

    6. Examine the baby. Before swaddling a child, it is necessary to carefully examine his body and genitals. If rashes occur, you should consult a specialist.

    7. Use hygiene products. Apply a special diaper cream to the baby's clean dermis in a loose layer. Put on a new diaper.

    8. Put on prepared clean clothes. The fabric must be only natural.

    9. Do not tighten the fabric too much, as this may cause pain to the baby and discomfort.

    10. Change location. If the baby falls asleep in a bundle, then its position should be changed from time to time.

    If you follow all the rules, then no parent will harm their child.

    One of the important skills that a new parent should have is swaddling. It helps the baby, who was recently in a cramped mother’s womb, to gradually adapt to the unusual world, and relieves pain in the small tummy (colic). Improper swaddling can lead to diseases and developmental disorders of the child, so during the procedure it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted standards. This article will talk about tips, methods and step-by-step recommendations will be given below.

    If necessary?

    Until recently, the question of whether it is worth swaddling a child did not arise. Today, this topic is becoming a frequent cause for debate between specialists, generations and young mothers. A tightly wrapped baby is thought to have difficulty breathing. In addition, its legs are forcibly stretched, which can lead to various pathologies. Why do they swaddle all children in maternity hospitals? This method has undeniable advantages:

    • the newborn feels calmer, since swaddling partly imitates the mother's womb;
    • thermoregulation of babies is poorly developed, and in a warm diaper they do not freeze;
    • the baby is fast asleep;
    • diapers significantly save the family budget.

    Already during pregnancy expectant mother Are you concerned about the question of how to swaddle correctly? In a hospital, a doctor can teach a young parent this, but often even a few illustrative examples are not enough to master seemingly simple manipulations. For this reason, you should learn the science of swaddling in advance.


    As a rule, a woman learns how to swaddle properly. Here, everything necessary is already prepared by the nurses - there is no need to wash and iron baby diapers yourself. Ensure that the fabric is clean, sterile and soft. IN otherwise irritations will appear on the baby’s delicate and vulnerable skin, which can cause pain and discomfort to the little one. The procedure is carried out in a certain sequence.

    1. Wash the hands.
    2. Wash the baby.
    3. Put on a diaper (if necessary), a vest.
    4. Spread a warm diaper on the changing surface, with a thin one on top.
    5. Swaddle your baby in a comfortable way.

    The room where swaddling will take place must be warm. A slight draft, unnoticed by an adult, can easily cause a cold in a baby. It will be easier for a young mother to carry out manipulations while standing, and a changing table will greatly facilitate the process. A soft, washable mattress should be placed on it to make the baby comfortable.

    Free swaddling

    Parents rarely have to talk about how to properly swaddle in the hospital. The first days of life, the baby is tightly fixed in the diaper, but after a few days the “grip” can be loosened, allowing the baby to learn new world and your body. According to experts, it is safe, and therefore the best option for babies - it does not constrain the body, does not impede movements (which, as you know, do not harm anyone), and does not interfere with blood flow.

    1. The toddler is placed in the center of the diaper.
    2. The edge of the fabric is located at the level of the armpits.
    3. The sides wrap around the body and secure behind the back.
    4. The bottom of the diaper is lifted and tucked into the resulting folds.

    With this method, the baby’s arms and legs remain mobile, so the method is not suitable for timid and weak children.

    Tight swaddling

    Many mothers wonder how to properly swaddle in the hospital? After all, there are several different ways. In modern maternity hospitals, they usually use a conservative method - tight swaddling. In this case, the child’s body is securely fixed with fabric, and the arms are pressed tightly to the body.

    1. The child is placed in the center of the unfolded diaper so that its edges are at neck level.
    2. Arms and legs are extended along the body.
    3. The edges are alternately tucked under the baby.
    4. The bottom of the diaper is straightened out.
    5. The ends are wrapped around the baby in the chest or neck area, depending on the size of the fabric.
    6. The remaining edges are fixed in the “pockets” formed during the swaddling process.

    The diaper should fit snugly to the newborn's body, but it is important not to overdo it. If the baby cries after swaddling, the fixation should be loosened.

    How to swaddle a baby correctly: photo with instructions

    In the maternity hospital, the baby is brought to the young mother, already wrapped in diapers. Moreover, many nurses help the parent and “pack” the baby themselves. Once at home, many women are lost. How to swaddle correctly? In the hospital, in the hands of experienced doctors, everything looked so simple!

    Above is the sequence of actions for tightly swaddling a newborn. The corner that bends over the child’s head can be released after manipulation. Then you will get a kind of envelope in which the little one will be completely hidden. This method is suitable for swaddling in a blanket while walking.

    Every mother should know how to properly swaddle her baby. The hospital does not always have medical staff available who will patiently teach the mother in labor the necessary skills. You should prepare in advance for the birth of a child and familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of care, including swaddling.

    The birth of a child adds joy to life and increases the number of questions. One of them is swaddling the baby. There are many items in a child's wardrobe that allow you to do without diapers. But swaddling serves not only the function of clothing.

    Is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

    A dozen years ago, newborns were required to be swaddled. Romper suits were worn when children began to crawl. The modern mother herself decides whether to use swaddling. This method has positive and negative sides, which must be taken into account and based on your own experience.

    The advantages include the similarity of sensations for the baby. While in the womb of the mother, the child felt some tightness and was always in contact with the surface of the walls of the uterus. After the baby is born, it is the sensations of contact that will soothe. He likes to be held in his arms; in the crib you need to surround the baby with pillows to calm him down. When swaddling, the newborn's skin receives a feeling of contact.

    Also, in diapers, babies are protected from their own awkward movements, because they do not yet know how to control themselves. In diapers, the skin breathes freely, and there is no danger of developing a rash. Swaddling has a good effect on the development of the sense of touch, which encourages the development of other sensory sensations.

    The “disadvantages” of swaddling include:

    • the monotony of a baby’s posture, it is not very natural for him to always be elongated;
    • squeezing the body (with tight swaddling);
    • violation of heat exchange, which leads to overheating;
    • delay in the development of the child (noted with prolonged swaddling, over 3 months).

    But you shouldn’t categorically refuse swaddling. After all, this method in ancient times was applied even to a woman who had given birth. Special postpartum swaddling helped the young mother recover faster after childbirth and avoid many complications. This procedure was performed by midwives using massage and heating. As a result, the woman who gave birth was tied with wide sheets of material in eight zones of the body.

    This type of postpartum recovery using swaddling is gaining popularity in last years. So wrapping the body in cloth (newborns or their mothers) has a deeper purpose. Moreover, there are several types of swaddling for babies.

    Types of swaddling

    The option is selected in accordance with the goals and age of the baby. Swaddling can be:

    1. Classic. The child is wrapped in a diaper up to the neck, the head is open, the arms are pressed tightly to the body.
    2. Full tight swaddling. The baby's head and entire body are wrapped in cloth. This type of wrapping prevents you from moving or turning your head. Most often used for newborns. The legs may be straight or slightly bent. Good for hyperactive children.
    3. Wide swaddling. In this case, the lower limbs are fixed in an abducted position. This method is often used when there is a violation muscle tone or hip dysplasia.
    4. Free. The diapers form a kind of “nest” that covers the baby, but does not limit his movements. The child has the opportunity to turn around.
    5. Swaddle the bottom. This is a variety free swaddling. The upper part of the body is dressed in a vest, the legs are wrapped in a diaper. For the baby, freedom of movement is not limited. This option is not very suitable for swaddling at night, as it may take too long for the baby to calm down and fall asleep. Also, in a dream, you can suddenly move your hand and wake up from this.
    6. Australian swaddling. It looks like it is free, the baby’s arms remain free, but are wrapped in a diaper and are located near the head. In this case, the baby can sleep on his back, on his side, or suck his fist.

    You can choose a swaddling option in the first days by observing the behavior of the newborn. Loose swaddling is often used. A young mother can learn swaddling techniques even before giving birth. Wrapping a newborn in fabric can be much faster than putting a vest and rompers on him.

    The benefits of free swaddling

    It is this type of diaper arrangement that allows the child to take a more comfortable position while sleeping. During the waking period, the baby can move, for example, sweetly stretch or move his legs. The diaper does not tighten the baby's body, but also does not allow it to open up. The baby will be comfortable on his side and tummy.

    Tactile sensations are very important for the development of the baby, and it is precisely them that he receives when in contact with soft cloth. Depending on the ambient temperature, you can swaddle your baby in one or two diapers, but free air circulation inside will prevent the creation of a greenhouse effect. The idea that wrapping a child tightly will create correct posture and straight legs turns out to be incorrect.

    A newborn's body will develop better if it is able to move freely.

    • There are several types of free swaddling:
    • with closed handles;
    • two hands free;

    her hand is free;

    How to choose diapers

    For free swaddling of a small child, you can use diapers of different sizes.

    • Diaper size, application possibilities:
    • 70 x 70, 80 x 95 – suitable for small children, as diapers or as napkins;
    • 95 x 100, 100 x 100 - the most convenient sizes for free swaddling; 110 x 110, 125 x 125 – suitable for large child
    • and for a baby who is already several months old;
    • 120 x 70, 135 x 95 – these rectangular diapers can be used to wrap the baby’s head or use them only for the legs;

    Very practical to use is a Velcro diaper or a special envelope for a newborn. They come in sizes 54 x 62 x 70. The photograph clearly demonstrates the convenience of the product. It is good to use such envelopes while walking or when visiting a pediatrician.

    Free swaddling technique

    You may not be able to swaddle your baby carefully the first time, especially since babies rarely lie still. But once you master the techniques, you will get better and better each time.

    Free swaddling with closed arms

    You need to place the baby on the center of the diaper so that he lies in the middle, and the upper edge of the cloth is at the level of his neck. We place the baby's left hand on the tummy, hold it lightly and cover it with the corner of the diaper on this side. Moreover, the edge of the canvas should cover the neck, handle, you can also thread it between the legs. The upper edge must be pulled, but not too much, so that the baby’s wrapped arm can move, but he cannot pull it out. The corner of the diaper is placed under the baby's bottom.

    On the other side they do the same. We place our right hand on the tummy, hold it and secure it with a cloth. The sequence of hands does not matter, you can start with right hand, as it will be convenient for the one who is swaddling.

    Then the lower corners are straightened and lifted up, covering the baby’s legs, as shown in the figure. The legs should also have free space; do not tighten them too tightly. The baby can bend his legs or spread them. Next, tuck the bottom corners under the legs and secure them in the folds of the diaper. If you need to freely swaddle a newborn with one straightened arm, then the fabric is placed not on it, but under it.

    Swaddling with two hands free

    Children especially like this method because it gives them a certain freedom of movement. Adults are very happy that the baby does things with his own hands and is not capricious.

    The technique of free swaddling with straightened arms is quite simple. Often it is the hands that are difficult to wrap in fabric because the baby moves them. During this swaddling, your hands will not interfere. You need to put a vest on the baby, put him in the middle of the diaper so that its upper edge passes under his arms.

    Take the edge of the diaper from either side, wrap it around the tummy, and tuck it under the back. Do the same on the other side, making sure that the fabric does not squeeze the baby’s tummy too much. Then straighten the legs and twist the fabric under them once. This is done so that the child’s legs have room to straighten.

    Then you need to straighten the lower part of the canvas, it looks like a rectangle. It needs to be lifted up to cover the baby’s legs with another layer. Fold the ends of the triangle back and secure in the folds. You shouldn’t wrap your legs too tightly; children love to move them, which is very useful for development.

    Australian way

    1. Straighten the diaper and tuck it in at the top by about 20 cm.
    2. We place the baby so that the shoulders are level with the top edge. Place the left handle under the fold of the fabric.
    3. We transfer this edge of the diaper to the baby’s right side and tuck it under the back. The left hand rests on the tummy; it should have enough space and not be tight.
    4. We place the child’s right hand under the fold of the fabric.
    5. We wrap the fabric on the side of the right hand under the baby’s left side. In this case, it is necessary to control the tension of the fabric; the handles should not be squeezed.
    6. We straighten the bottom edge of the diaper and tuck it under the baby’s legs.

    Diaper time

    Newborn babies are often swaddled with their head and arms. Already from the third week of age, the baby will want to pull out his hand or start fiddling around under the diaper. It will be possible to start freeing him first with one hand, then two at once. When the baby is unable to turn onto the other side, parents should do this, so the baby will sleep longer.

    Free swaddling small child can be used while sleeping or for going for a walk. Also, when carrying out some medical or hygienic procedures, it will be safer to swaddle the baby, for example, when instilling medicine or when cleaning the nose.

    But during the day you can give your child the opportunity to move around in a shirt and rompers, and in this way he will sleep better and develop faster.

    Babies get used to their body, arms and legs by 6 months, but they can startle in their sleep and get scared by this even up to 7–8 months. This is a reason to wrap them in diapers, because fright is much more difficult to treat. But at this age, babies need to be wrapped only during sleep. When the baby wants to roll over, let alone crawl, swaddling will disappear on its own. We must carefully monitor the baby, take into account his needs, this will make him and his family calmer.

    A little conclusion It is not wise to discard the experience of previous generations, no matter how strange it may seem. We need to process the information and extract positive traits . It is no coincidence that free swaddling of a baby is gaining popularity all over the world. Young parents may be told that this method of wrapping a child is violence against the individual, and that the child will grow up passive. But parental love

    , which the baby feels under a layer of any clothes will be support and support for him throughout his life.