• Keeping a toy terrier in an apartment. Toy terrier puppies: charming creatures without any special pretensions (photo)


    Not everyone likes dogs large breeds, since with their maintenance, especially in a small house or apartment, certain problems arise. In this case, future owners often choose representatives. And, just about one such breed of dog - o toy terriers(toy dogs) we want to tell you today.

    What do you need to know if you decide to bring this adorable little dog into your home? Our publication will tell you all the intricacies of keeping toy terriers at home...

    What do toy terriers look like?

    Not every small dog can be considered a toy terrier. And, if you are planning to get a representative of this particular breed, you should be well acquainted with some of the external features of that terrier. First of all, these dogs are unusually graceful, and are somewhat reminiscent of Bambi the fawn from children's cartoon. They should have thin long legs, a deep chest (this can be seen even at an early age), and the dog itself has a square format - when you look at it from the side, the height of the puppy at the withers is equal to its length. Moreover, not approximately, but as accurately as possible.

    If you see a small creature with short legs, don’t be fooled – the legs won’t grow back by the time they are a year old; they will remain short, and this indicates that this is not a purebred toy, but a mixed breed.

    As for coloring, toys should not have light spots of fur on the body, however, breed standards allow for the presence of a small white spot on the paws or chest, but such dogs may not be accepted for participation in the exhibition in the future, due to doubts about their purebred. There are no marble toys in nature either - this is a defect in the breed. Acceptable breed colors are dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or chocolate with brown and tan spots. Any deviations in color should alert you. Read more about the colors and breeds of dogs.

    Another characteristic breed feature of toy terriers is convex, but not bulging, slightly bulging eyes. At the same time, they must look in the same direction. If you see in front of you a funny creature with bulging eyes that look into different sides- not quite in front of you healthy dog, which has increased intracranial pressure(in the future this will affect her behavior and health in general), and she has a fontanelle (which is generally allowed, but not recommended for dogs that will take an active part in exhibitions). ABOUT .

    The terrier should have a smooth and even back; if the dog in front of you is a hunchbacked dog or has a clearly visible deflection in the pelvic area, they are not offering you a purebred toy. Focus on the fact that the back should be level in the butt area, it should in no case be higher than the withers area, but it will be better if it is a little lower.

    Characteristics of Toy Terriers

    One of the most striking features of the character of toy terriers is the activity of these miniature dogs.. Pay attention to this fact before you purchase a toy, so that subsequently his active and cheerful behavior, and reluctance to lie on the couch all day and enjoy laziness, does not become an unpleasant surprise for you. It's hard to believe, but these tiny dogs produce a source of inexhaustible energy.

    Another feature of them is The gender of toy terriers affects their behavior. Thus, boys are more active and cocky, they look like little bullies, their psyche is more mobile, although they learn a little more slowly and in the process need periodic repetition of the material they have covered. But Toychiki girls, on the contrary, are more gentle and attached to their owners. At the same time, they choose one of the family members and literally idolize him, while male dogs evenly distribute their love among all family members.

    Another one sexual peculiarity The character of terriers lies in their... cleanliness. No, don’t think that any of them are dirty, they’re all clean. At the same time, these dogs understand where to go to the toilet earlier than representatives of other breeds, and they can easily. But toy males have the ability to leave their territorial marks, especially if other animals live in the house besides them. So, this may be an unpleasant moment that may disappoint you, but girls do not have this disadvantage.

    As for the generally accepted opinion that all small dogs are hysterical at heart, they behave aggressively towards strangers, and sometimes even strive to bite and bark at their owner or, on the contrary, they are fearful and unsure of themselves - then these are clear signs... breed defects, instability of the animal’s psyche, which, by the way, can be genetically transmitted to offspring. When faced with such behavior of an animal during its selection, you should not ignore these points, since in the future, as the terrier grows, these problems will only get worse.

    History of the Toy Terrier breed

    Even in pre-revolutionary times, you could see salon dogs in the houses of nobles - and these were not only lap dogs or Pekingese dogs, but also toy dogs. This breed of dogs appeared abroad, and the ancestor of Russian toy terriers is considered to be English toy terriers - miniature representatives of the Manchester terrier, who, by the way, were excellent rat catchers. However, during the Stalinist regime, the breed was almost lost, and only enthusiasts in the 50s managed to restore it, however, far from the best breed representatives were taken for restoration, but in the absence of the best, they too came up. True, restored appearance The breed began to differ significantly from the English Toy, and Soviet cynologists developed their own breed standards accordingly, but these dogs were still called English Toy. But already in the 80s, when the Iron Curtain fell, Soviet dog handlers were able to see how far they had gone from English standards in their breeding, and decided to call their dogs Russian Toy Terriers.

    Today, the majority of toy terriers still continue the Russian line of breeding, and since smooth hair is the standard for them, long hair was until recently considered a breed defect, although today breed standards support both types of hair. And, long-haired toy terriers, with characteristic feathering on the ears and limbs, today are even separated into a separate branch of the breed - Moscow longhaired toy.

    How to choose a toy terrier puppy

    Having learned the history of the origin of the breed, as well as the character traits of the terriers, you can move on to more practical aspects of communicating with them - to. Regarding gender differences that affect the behavior and character of a dog, you are already aware. Now all that remains is to pay attention to the puppy’s appearance (you have also already studied its compliance with breed standards).

    What should a healthy toy terrier look like? He should be active, playful, should not be afraid of people, run away from you, and hide under the sofa. When visually examining your future pet, pay attention to the condition of its coat - it should be shiny and smooth, without bald spots, eyes and ears should be clean. The presence of purulent discharge or traces thereof in the inner corners of the eyes – dangerous symptom, indicating the dog’s ill health. The tip of the nose should be shiny and moist, and the fur in the anal area should also be clean. Please pay attention Special attention puppy teeth. If he is 1 month old, you can already judge the correctness of his bite. This way you will avoid common breed defects - underbite or overbite, protruding fangs.

    If the puppy is older than 6-8 weeks, it should already have its first vaccinations - this is a guarantee that you are buying a healthy animal. Regarding the availability of a pedigree, veterinary passport, etc., you will need to discuss all these points in advance with the puppy breeder.

    As for the size of the dog, it is quite clear that when buying a decorative dog, you want it to be small, but a bitch that is too small may later have problems during childbirth, and without a caesarean section she may not be able to whelp, whereas a small male , even despite its high class, may not win first place at the exhibition. Moreover, tiny toy terriers are not recommended for breeding. So, take this point into account.

    Features of caring for dogs of the Toy Terrier breed

    The peculiarities of keeping a toy terrier at home and competent care for representatives of this breed are within the power of even a newly-minted dog breeder who previously only dealt with cats. However, there are still certain nuances that you should pay attention to in order to create a comfortable conditions. Remember, although the toy terrier looks like a toy, it is not a toy, but a living creature that will constantly need your attention, your care and, due to its small size, your protection. The dog will need to be walked, played, exercised, provided with a balanced diet and timely veterinary care.

    Toy terrier in your house

    So, you brought the puppy home. Now there should be a place for it. Choose a place not in a draft or in the hallway, away from heating devices - it should be a warm and cozy corner. Considering the size of the breed and the character traits of the toy, a house, a mini booth or a professional cage can be a place in your home for a toy. Here the dog will feel comfortable, protected, and will be able to retire if he wants to relax. Take care of a warm bedding for such a house, but it should not contain stuffing - feathers or foam rubber, as the puppy can tear the cover and try to chew on the filling of his mattress, this can cause problems with his health and lead to. That is why it is not recommended to use mini kennels or houses made of soft materials for small puppies.

    The puppy must know its place and get used to it. As for the fact that this cutie can sleep with you in the same bed - this is not too safe for a small dog, since its skeleton is very light and fragile, you can injure it, or the terrier himself may jump from the sofa or even spine. If the dog does not know the temptation of the owner's bed or sofa - in your absence, it will not try to jump on it - thereby reducing the risk of injury to the dog in your home. By the way,

    The risk of fractures and bone injuries is especially high in the period from 3 to 7 months, since at this time the formation of the bone structure, the change of baby teeth occurs, the body experiences a calcium deficiency, while they continue to grow until 12-15 months.

    If you really want to sleep with your dog in the same bed, wait until the dog’s bones get stronger.

    Keep electrical wires away from your puppy, as he will definitely decide to test them; do not leave him alone in the room when you leave home - it is better to lock him in a carrier or in a special cage (metal frame and plastic retractable tray). This is not a restriction of the dog’s freedom, but a concern for its safety. Yes, and most toys are fine with such forced confinement, especially if the cage is equipped for them comfortably. In the future, you can use the cage or carrier at exhibitions, for a visit to the veterinarian, or on the road if you go to.

    Until he has been vaccinated, you shouldn’t take him outside, or let him sniff shoes in your hallway. ABOUT .

    Toy terrier toilet

    The Toy Terrier is exactly the breed of dog that can and should be trained to use the toilet in the house. Only, it must be done correctly. From the very first minutes of your puppy’s stay in the house, show him where his toilet is - put a tray, fill it with litter, or simply place a grid with newspapers or paper on top. As a rule, puppies go to the toilet after sleeping and after eating. Immediately after feeding and resting, take the puppy to the litter box. When the puppy goes to the toilet, do not rush to remove the wet paper - it will become a guide for the dog where to go to the toilet next time. A few times are enough for the dog to learn what is required of it. In general, toy terriers are distinguished by their cleanliness, and within 5-10 days in a new home they get used to their toilet, freeing you from the need to walk them in bad weather.

    If the puppy stubbornly relieves himself in another place, try moving the toilet there. Toy terriers, like cats, can attract attention with this behavior if they don’t like something.

    If you don’t want to, you don’t have to teach your terrier to use the toilet in the house, but as practice shows, it’s much more convenient for the owners.

    What to feed your toy terrier

    Be sure to ask the breeder what he fed the puppy, and try to stick to this diet for the first days of the puppy’s stay in your home. And, if you want to switch him to another food, do it gradually.

    A sudden change in diet can lead to the dog losing his appetite, dysbiosis may develop, and the dog may get sick and die.

    At the age of 1.5 to 3 months, the toy should be fed 6 times a day, every 2-2.5 hours, and at the age of 3 6 months - 4 times a day. From 6 months of age, a dog can be switched to 3 meals a day, while from 8 months it can eat 2 times a day. Food (natural food) should be served to the puppy heated, not cold. The dog should have constant access to clean and fresh water.

    If you want to feed your toy terrier dry food, choose super premium food, however, such food will need to be given to the toy in a soaked form (pour a portion and fill it with warm water for 10-15 minutes). Before serving it to the dog, the remaining water will need to be drained, and the food itself can be poured with kefir. Make sure your dog eats food appropriate for its age and in portions that are appropriate for its weight.

    The use of cheap food or an unbalanced diet can cause serious health problems in toys, as they have a very capricious digestive tract. These dogs should not be fed food from the table, and a piece of cheese or sausage can become real poison for them, which will cause death.

    If you decide to feed your dog natural food, the basis should be a fermented milk diet. You can give dishes such as rice porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled veal or beef (should be chopped before serving to the dog), lean chicken, semolina and buckwheat porridge. Oatmeal and millet should not be given to toyam. Never add salt to your dog's food.

    It is impossible to keep a dog on a mixed diet - giving either dry food or natural food. This causes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and leads to hypervitaminosis.

    The more monotonous but balanced your toy’s diet is, the more clearly you adhere to its feeding schedule, the better physical shape your pet will be.. As for vitamins, it is better to choose them on the recommendation of a veterinarian. ABOUT .

    A playful, friendly and energetic dog that does not require special care and gets along well with people and other pets.

    Features of the toy terrier: care, maintenance and what to feed

    Toy terriers do not tolerate cold well, so they are kept in an apartment or house.

    He must have his own place where he can sleep and relax.

    You can build a bed and an enclosure where he will spend time while you are not at home.

    You also need to purchase a toilet for that terrier, since his walks in the cold season will be short, and he will go about his “business” at home.

    Is it possible walk with that terrier in winter?

    It’s possible, but not for long, and be sure to dress your baby warmly, as he gets cold even in summer. Especially if you have a smooth-haired toy.

    You can often see Toy on the street in cool weather in overalls or on the chest in the owner’s jacket.

    For good maintenance, you need to have brushes for combing, a special toothbrush and toothpaste, a nail clipper, a separate first aid kit with medications, and clothes for different weather conditions.

    On a note! Pets love outdoor games, so they should have their own toys.


    Toy Terrier unpretentious in content dog, but for different breeds care is a little different.

    For example, a mini toy terrier is very dangerous. Due to his small height and weight, he is susceptible to injury, and he also has a weak digestive system, so he needs a more careful person to take care of the mini toy. Even the slightest jump can cause a broken paw: the bones are fragile.

    In general, caring for representatives of this breed is not difficult.

    Important! Mini Toys are difficult to tolerate vaccination.


    One of important points his care. Nutrition should be according to a schedule, since undereating or overeating is fraught with digestive disorders.

    Food does not have to be varied, but must be balanced and of high quality.

    If the puppy is fed dry special food, then it contains all the necessary vitamins.

    The terrier can be fed natural products, but then it is necessary to add vitamins and supplements for bones, joints, and coat to the diet. You need to follow some rules:

    • Lean meat - up to 30% of the diet.
    • Vegetables - up to 25%.
    • Porridge - up to 35%.

    A puppy's diet must contain milk; an adult dog cannot have it. Eggs (yolk) and fish are also required. The portion is calculated per 1 kg of pet weight - 80 grams of food.

    Important! Terriers are prohibited from giving sweet, floury, fatty meats, egg whites, spices, and smoked meats.

    A balanced diet will protect your pet from disease digestive system.

    DIY bed

    The pet must have its own place in the apartment: it can be a bed where it can retire and relax.

    You can make it yourself: roll up a blanket and cover it with a diaper or woolen cape. You can sew a pillow to the size of a basket, box or house, or you can knit it from wool threads, then the pet will be warm.

    The shape of the beds can be round or square, with or without sides - here everyone decides to their own taste.

    Attention! For dogs of this breed, feather and down beds are contraindicated.

    As a filler you can take foam rubber, dried grass, sheep wool. Replaceable pillowcases can be made of cotton for the summer and wool or fleece for the winter.

    Content Features

    To avoid any difficulties in keeping a pet, from the very beginning early age he is being trained. Toy needs to be taught to stop barking on the owner's command, and also taught to sleep on his bed and not climb onto his owner's bed.

    When your pet is left at home alone, he should have his own toys so that he has something to do. Otherwise, out of boredom, she will begin to spoil the owner’s things.

    With good upbringing, training, timely care, proper nutrition From Toy you can raise a real devoted healthy friend.

    Toy Terrier is a breed of mini dogs that is one of the most popular among women and children. Small pets can become a real decoration of your home and give a lot of positive emotions. Before getting a dog of this breed, it is worth learning how to care for a toy terrier: what to feed the dog, how to make it calm and obedient. This is what we will talk about in our article.

    Toy Terrier training often comes down to teaching the dog a couple of the most popular commands. Puppies under six months of age can learn simple commands if you are not too persistent.

    You need to teach your dog patiently, trying not to raise your voice or frighten him. Training will give good effect, if carried out in game form. It is best to train dogs up to six months, adhering to the following scheme:

    • give the puppy a command, trying not to raise your voice too much;
    • if successful, praise the toy terrier - this way you will help form the idea in the dog’s head that he needs to follow the command, because then he will receive a reward;
    • if unsuccessful, give the command again, trying to show exactly what you require.

    If the terrier is more than 6 months old, you can make the training more serious. Using the carrot and stick method will speed up your progress. This does not mean that force should be used against a dog for disobedience. Just show that you are unhappy with her behavior: leave her without attention for a while or scold her in a serious voice.

    Here's how to teach your puppy specific commands:

    • "Sit!". Hold your pet's favorite food in your hand. Hold it at eye level with the dog. Say “Sit!” while lightly pressing on the dog’s lower back with your other hand. As soon as she understands what the owner is trying to achieve and sits down, give her the prepared delicacy. Pet and praise the dog.
    • "Ugh!". Repeat this command every time your terrier does something bad. At the same time, it is worth making a stern and reproachful voice. The dog should be punished for disobedience, and praised for immediate compliance.


    Caring for a toy terrier includes timely trimming of fur and claws, combing, and walking. A toy terrier puppy needs to be looked after carefully and carefully. The coat should be inspected after every walk outside. If the puppy gets dirty, try to immediately clean its fur with a wet cloth to eliminate the threat of disease.

    Make sure that the hair and nails are trimmed and do not interfere with the dog. You should cut from the bends, and you should also periodically clean the claws.

    Take your boy or girl outside every day. Try to walk in quiet places where there is no unnecessary noise or large dogs. This way you will protect your pet from stress.

    Conditions for keeping

    Features of keeping a toy terrier include specific zoning of space. Separate areas for sleeping and playing should be provided.

    A pet's bed can be made from a soft blanket with a woolen cape. You should not use foam rubber or a feather mattress for this purpose.

    Not far from the “bedroom” it is necessary to organize a “game room”. Collect your pet's favorite toys here. Toy bones, balls, various squeakers, Stuffed Toys. Try to join your dog's play as often as possible so that he feels the care and attention of his owner.

    You don't have to bathe your dog every day. Those terriers whose coat has average length, 2 will be enough water procedures in Week. Dogs with more long haircut baths are indicated 3–4 times a week.

    The terrier's eyes should be washed with warm water. This is done with a soft swab in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. If your dog is experiencing persistent problems with its eyes, you should consult a veterinarian.

    Don't forget to clean your pet's ears as well. This should be done as soon as it gets dirty. It is also worth brushing your dog’s teeth periodically to remove accumulated plaque.

    You can protect your pet's health with timely vaccinations. Adult dogs are vaccinated every year. Puppies are vaccinated at 2, 7 and 10 months.

    In winter, when the puppy is at home and does not walk outside much, he may experience a deficiency of vitamin D and other microelements. You should give your dog a vitamin-mineral complex in a timely manner, thereby improving the pet’s immunity and well-being.

    Features of feeding

    The dog’s food can be organized as follows: natural products, and with the help of specialized feed. You should not resort to mixed feeding - this will only harm the dog’s digestive system.

    The main care for your four-legged friend is proper nutrition. The diet of the toy terrier is no exception. General health and the health of the dog depends on how much the owner adheres to and observes simple rules feeding the toy terrier.

    The variety of food nowadays is off the scale, because for a person, monotony in food can be harmful to health. However, this rule does not apply to animals. The Toy Terrier needs its food to always include vegetable fats, animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. No more variety required.

    General information about feeding Toy Terriers.

    Restrain yourself from the desire to pamper your pet with treats from your table. Nothing good, even the most expensive sausage or chocolate candy They will not be good for your pet, but on the contrary, they can lead to digestive system disorders. Please note that any spice or seasoning that we often generously add to food is contraindicated for dogs. Only salt, and even then small quantity, can be used as a food additive.

    In addition to food, make sure that the animal always has fresh water in sufficient quantities.

    The miniature size of the decorative terrier is more than compensated by its activity and energy. It seems like the little dog is everywhere, even on your plate.

    The gluttony of a miniature dog can confuse you. Where does everything fit in it? Don’t follow the beggar’s lead, no matter how plaintively or funny he begs for treats. Wean not only your pet, but also yourself, from the habit of feeding your animal tasty morsels from the table.

    If you are touched by your toy’s talent for begging and your plans do not include depriving him of the pleasure of begging for food, then pamper him with special dog treats sold in “dog” stores. The only thing you should do is feed treats only during the main feeding.

    Remember your school biology course; dogs are classified as predators based on their feeding habits. And it doesn’t matter what height and weight she is. And who is the predator? One who eats meat. So don't commit typical mistakes When feeding your toy terrier, do not give him millet porridge. You wouldn't offer meat to a cow, would you? Otherwise, don’t be surprised at the appearance of a whole bunch of diseases and loss of hair and teeth in your pet.

    The maximum amount of protein your pet needs is in meat. When a tiny living creature chomps a piece of meat with a growl, the owner has a feeling of pride in his own, albeit small, predator. But feeding a terrier with meat alone will not only not provide a rational menu, but will also hit the owner’s pocket.

    The menu for a toy terrier should not consist of only meat; then the nutrition is inadequate and does not meet the animal’s needs for vitamins A, C and D, phosphorus and calcium. Since there is no fiber in meat, the intestines will not be able to function normally. An exclusively meat diet reduces immunity and promotes leaching of calcium from bones, which leads to brittle bones, constipation and other problems.

    Many owners make the mistake of stuffing toy with minced meat. The physiology of a dog requires a whole piece of meat, which the animal swallows, having previously torn it off with its molars. When a dog eats meat, he makes movements that are similar to chewing, but this is how he bites a large piece into small ones. Dogs can't chew.

    The basis of the diet when feeding, yes, should be meat. Ideally, its percentage in the total volume is 50%, but no more.

    How many times a day should you feed a toy terrier?

    Nutrition for an indoor dog includes not only issues related to the rationality and usefulness of food, but also how to feed the toy terrier. For people, eating at strictly defined times has a beneficial effect on well-being and general health. physical condition, so for Toy the feeding regime plays a big role.

    You shouldn’t make up your mind about the regularity of feeding your toy terrier, but use the nutrition plan - how many times a day you need to feed your toy terrier, developed by leading veterinarians.

    Once the dog reaches one and a half years of age, it is allowed to leave feeding once a day, but if you notice that the dog is not getting enough, then continue feeding it twice a day.

    An adult two-time regimen involves feeding in the morning and evening. The first morning feeding should not start late, otherwise the dog will risk “hungry vomiting”. A dog's dinner doesn't have to be "heavy" for the body.

    You have a choice of food options for your toy terrier. You can use both natural and ready-made food in granules, or use mixed feeding of the toy terrier.

    If you are a supporter of natural food for dogs, then the serving size should be determined based on the weight of the animal: per kilogram of weight - 50-80 grams of food. Adjust the caloric content of food depending on the age of the pet. Puppies, pregnant, lactating and active representatives of the breed need more calories, but an elderly toy terrier does not need high energy value of foods.

    For those who are given ready-made granulated food, the recommended serving sizes are indicated by the manufacturer on the pack.

    At what age can a toy terrier be given dry food?

    Ready dry food for toy terrier represents a balanced diet. Additional feeding is not required when feeding the toy with ready-made food.

    Feeding your pet is allowed both dry and soaked granules. Just know that chewing dry granules by a miniature terrier helps cleanse the dog’s teeth of plaque and tartar.

    Ease of use is evident. You are not tied to the choice of fresh products for cooking, there is no need to heat up ready-made food, there is no need to rattle pots in the kitchen. At any time, be it a trip to nature or to the country, you take a bag of granulated dog food and are not afraid that the food will spoil along the way.

    The balance and consistency of the composition of food for dogs affects the regularity of the animal’s stool. As soon as you notice changes in the stool, this is a reason to contact your veterinarian.

    For gluttons who tend to be overweight, using dry food granules allows them to control their calorie intake.

    You shouldn’t wait until how many months can your terrier be given dry food. There is a ready-made meal for every age, size, and even lifestyle. Without resorting to the services of a salesperson in a dog store, you can independently select dry food in granules, focusing on the labels on the packages.

    Soaking of the granules is done by filling the required volume with warm water and leaving it all to swell for an hour. Attention! Do not leave the soaked granules in the bowl for more than a day, and in the summer - for more than a couple of hours.

    What dry food is best for that terrier?

    Opponents of feeding dogs dry food appeal by adding by-products of low quality to ready-made dry food, replacing animal fats with vegetable fats, and adding flavorings. Yes, these claims are not unfounded, but they relate to economy class offers. These widely advertised foods are affordable and can be found in every supermarket.

    High-quality industrial food is based only on meat, with the addition of grains and animal fats. This dog food can only be purchased at a dog store.

    There is a classification of ready-made food for industrially produced dogs, which will help you in the dilemma of “which dry food is best for terriers.” The grading of commercial dog food is influenced by the presence and percentage of protein and fat.

    The “super” and “premium” class lines are suitable for decorative breeds.

    Food suitable for Toy Terrier puppies.

    The world's best manufacturers have special lines of food for small breeds of dogs.

    Manufacturer Feed

    "Purina Pro"

    "Plan Growth"

    “Mini junior”

    “Medium junior”

    “Maxi junior”

    “Premium junior”

    “Pedigree junior - 1”

    “Pedigree junior - 2”

    “Pedigree advance puppy”

    “Pedigree advance junior”

    “Pedigree advance junior maxi”

    “Eukanuba puppy”

    “Eukanuba junior”

    “Eukanuba junior rich in Lamb and Rice”

    "Canine Growth"

    “Canine Growth with Lamb and Rice”

    “Medium and Larger Breeds Puppies”

    If you are in doubt about what food to choose for your pet, consult with the veterinarian who cares for your dog.

    Do not be afraid that eating the same food throughout your life will worsen your appetite and health. Wildlife is stingy when it comes to food variety. Therefore, you should not artificially create something that is not inherent in nature. Foie gras and chocolate are not for that terrier.

    How and what to feed a toy terrier puppy from 1 to 9 months

    While the puppy is being fed by its mother, no thoughts arise about what to feed the toy terrier puppies. But as soon as the mother no longer has enough milk for everyone, the babies should be given additional food. It’s good if this happens after a month, but most often additional food or full feeding begins to be given starting from the third week of life.

    When the bitch has lost or has no milk at all, the cubs must be fed strictly according to the scheme, which was developed taking into account how much the mother would feed him:

    • once every two hours – 1-2 weeks of life;
    • once every three hours – 2-3 weeks.
    • once every four hours – 3-4 weeks.

    After reaching the age of one month, transfer the puppy to six feedings a day.

    The puppy's diet must include dairy products (milk and cottage cheese). Dilute homemade milk, purchased at the market or from a grandmother in the village, with water, since it is very fatty and a small stomach may not be able to handle it.

    You already know that the basis of the terrier’s diet, like any other dog, should be meat. The only thing I would like to add is that the meat should be either chicken or beef. If there are cartilages in the meat, then you don’t have to take them out - they are useful, but you need to take them out from the bone. Moreover, sea fish also need to be cleaned of bones. Pork and lamb, as well as sausage, frankfurters and sausages are not acceptable for feeding.

    Raw eggs are not given to you, especially when it comes to protein.

    For cereals, give preference to buckwheat, rice and rolled oats. Other cereals are undesirable when feeding.

    Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins, so add them to your food, both raw and heat-treated (stewed).

    Any foods containing sugar should not be given to your dog. Replace sweets with fruits and sometimes treat your toy terrier with honey.

    White bread and pasta will not benefit the animal due to their high fiber content. But your pet will eat black bread with pleasure. Cut this bread into small cubes and lightly dry it.

    How to properly feed a toy terrier puppy

    The growth period of a puppy is conventionally divided into several stages, which are characterized by the development and formation of the physiological structure of the dog and therefore require different ratios of nutrients. In order to have no doubt about how to properly feed a toy terrier puppy, you need to clearly understand what the baby needs at this stage of growing up.

    Active puppies need to replenish their energy, which they happily spend. We know that energy is replenished by fatty and high-calorie foods. But the baby’s pancreas is still very weak, so replenish the toy’s energy with proteins that are easily digestible.

    The puppy goes from the breeder to its immediate owner after a month of life, or even later. All responsibility for care, in particular feeding, falls on the shoulders of the owner. Therefore, every owner needs a feeding schedule from 1 to 9 months.

    For a tiny toy who has recently been weaned from his mother, we offer you sample menu, designed for ages over one month:

    • First breakfast (7 a.m.). Boil the rice (or better yet, grind the rice in a coffee grinder) and add low-fat cottage cheese to it in a 1:1 ratio. Plus warm milk.
    • Second breakfast (9 a.m.). On a fine grater, grate half a hard-boiled egg and add a couple of drops to it vegetable oil. Boiled egg You can replace it with a mini omelette.
    • Lunch (12 o'clock). Serve your puppy warm chicken broth, add finely chopped chicken or other boiled meat.
    • Afternoon snack (3 p.m.). Grate the boiled offal (heart, liver) and combine with grated carrots. Supplement your afternoon snack with the broth in which the offal was cooked.
    • Second afternoon tea (7 p.m.). Feed the puppy boiled fish, but be sure to remove all the bones and serve in small pieces. Plus milk.
    • Dinner (22 hours). A hearty dinner will ensure that your terrier sleeps soundly, so at night we give him chicken or other meat with warm broth.

    From two to three months, the composition of foods for feeding remains the same, but the portion size increases and the number of feedings decreases. Now there are five of them. If your pet eats up four times, don’t force him to eat. Gradually reduce the amount of dairy products, but do not eliminate them, replacing them with meat.

    From three to five months, introduce more stewed vegetables and fish, and then add raw vegetables and fruits. Milk should still remain in the dog’s diet.

    After reaching the age of five months, feel free to transfer your pet to three feedings a day. You can take as a basis and vary the nutrition menu for a toy terrier puppy from 5 to 9 months, developed for a whole week.

    Menu for a toy terrier puppy for a week.


    • For breakfast, we offer your pet finely chopped beef with rice.
    • For lunch, mix honey or egg yolk with cottage cheese.
    • For dinner, boil sea fish and add carrots.


    • breakfast will consist of finely chopped beef with rolled oats.
    • lunch - dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk).
    • Prepare dinner from boiled sea fish and add seaweed in its pure form.


    • For breakfast we cook beef with buckwheat.
    • for lunch – cook or stew vegetables (beets, carrots, zucchini).
    • for dinner - beef broth and some sauerkraut.


    • We prepare breakfast from chicken and rice porridge.
    • lunch will be with cottage cheese.
    • dinner will consist of chicken broth with grated carrots.


    • in the morning – buckwheat porridge with chicken.
    • for lunch - dairy products.
    • in the evening - fish with seaweed.


    • For breakfast we serve rice porridge with offal.
    • for lunch – stewed vegetables.
    • for dinner - broth in which offal plus vegetables were cooked.


    • In the morning we cook buckwheat with offal.
    • For lunch, a little honey with homemade cottage cheese.
    • We finish dinner with fish and herbs (parsley, dill).

    What you can and cannot feed your toy terrier, list.

    To make it easier to navigate when creating a menu specifically for your pet, we offer a tabular list of what you can and cannot feed your toy terrier, compiled from the most frequently asked questions.

    Question Answer Note
    Can a toy terrier have watermelon? No
    Can a terrier have grapes? No
    Can a toy terrier eat peas? No All legumes cause gas in the intestines
    Can a toy terrier have bones? No
    Can a terrier have potatoes? No Potatoes contain a lot of starch
    Can a toy terrier have pasta? No
    Can a toy terrier have milk? Yes Only for puppies and young toy dogs. Adult dogs have difficulty digesting milk. This does not apply to dairy products.
    Can a toy terrier have oatmeal? Yes
    Can a toy terrier have a peach? Yes
    Can a toy terrier have cheese? Yes
    Can a toy terrier have chicken liver? Yes
    Can a toy terrier have a banana? Yes
    Can a toy terrier have a pear? Yes
    Can a terrier have seeds? In small quantities You can give peeled (not salted peanuts) nuts.
    Can a toy terrier have an egg? Yes Only boiled
    Can a toy terrier eat raw meat? No
    Can a toy terrier have a yolk? Yes The yolk can be given either boiled or raw.

    Despite his miniature size, the two-month-old Toy demonstrates with all his behavior that he is a real dog, and not a porcelain figurine. And this often baffles the baby’s owners. On the one hand, they are afraid to blow on him, but on the other hand, they understand that they got a pet with character! And caring for a toy terrier at such a tender age should fully take into account both of these characteristics of the breed.

    So, you brought the puppy home. Don’t rush to immediately shove different goodies at him. Let him first examine his new home. If at first you decide to limit his territory for the sake of safety or faster training to the tray, then let him get acquainted only with the room where he will live.

    Show the baby his place. It would be better if it was a soft, covered dog house durable fabric. IN otherwise the baby will deal with it in a couple of weeks.

    Typically, Toys quickly overcome fear and easily settle into a new place. But, if your baby is having a hard time with the change of environment, huddled in a corner, trembling and whining, calm him down. Carefully pick it up, stroke it, give it a piece of meat or cheese. Perhaps he is just tired and will continue his research after sleep. However, there is no need to carry the puppy in your arms all the time. You won’t notice how he will make this method of transportation his main one.

    What to feed?

    Caring for a toy terrier at the age of 2-3 months involves four meals a day with serving sizes of no more than 30 grams. At 4 months you can switch the puppy to three feedings a day, and from 6 months he can eat like an adult dog - 2 times a day, 50 grams.

    Do not try to fatten the puppy at any cost. Yes, three to four month old toy dogs often look skinny, but this is normal for this breed. The standard clearly states that this is a dog “with fine bones and lean muscles.” Also, by feeding your baby heavily, you risk seriously undermining his health and disrupting his metabolism.

    As for the set of products, for a very small puppy it is minimal. This may be special food for puppies small breeds, or porridge (rice or oatmeal), lightly boiled meat plus lean dairy products. And there is no need to rush to diversify your baby’s menu. At least until all vaccinations are completed. As you approach 4 months, start introducing vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and fish into your diet. And, of course, no food from your table, especially bones, smoked meats and sweets.

    Usually babies have no problems with appetite. But if the puppy is too picky and often refuses to eat, then the reason for this may be health problems, rare walks, or a sedentary lifestyle. And the owners themselves often pamper their pets.

    Baby's health

    In order for the puppy to grow strong, you will have to:
    - make sure that the baby does not get injured, do not allow him to jump from a height, start fights with other dogs, etc.
    - remove everything dangerous items(electrical cables, household chemicals, easily chewed and breakable things)
    - examine and, if necessary, clean the puppy’s eyes and ears weekly
    - do not overfeed and do not give the baby food from your plate
    - until the toy’s teeth change and his ears stand up, give him multivitamins containing calcium and phosphorus
    - do not overcool or overheat the baby.
    - once every three months, give him an anthelmintic drug no more than is necessary for his weight
    - in the spring and summer, treat your pet for fleas and ticks by special means for puppies.

    In addition, be sure to find a good veterinarian who knows the characteristics of the breed and is always ready to help the baby and give helpful advice just by phone. And make sure that there is always hydrogen peroxide, enterosgel, allergy medicine, bandage and cotton wool in the house.

    Walking and toilet

    Caring for a toy terrier will not be complete without regular walks. Your baby is an extremely inquisitive and active creature. And depriving him of the opportunity to get to know the world around him and other dogs is cruel! In addition, walking with a puppy has a positive effect on its immunity, strengthens the baby, and contributes to its socialization.

    It is recommended to start walking your dog after all vaccinations and quarantine. However, even before that, you can carry it in your arms into the yard and carry it around a little. And before you start walking fully, be sure to accustom your baby to a collar and leash. For his safety, do not let the baby go far from you and do not let him come into contact with large and stray dogs. But playing with kids his age, on the contrary, is very useful.

    It is clear that caring for a toy terrier will not be complete without toilet training. Whatever one may say, you can’t do without a tray or a diaper, because... take the baby outside in the rain, snow and severe frost Not recommended. But a puppy is not a kitten, so be patient and persistent, let your baby understand when he goes to the toilet correctly and when he doesn’t. And not any physical punishment! This can ruin everything. It happens that the puppy himself determines a place for the toilet in the house. Then just put a diaper there and put the tray in later.

    Let's educate correctly!

    The character of a toy is energy and perseverance in achieving goals. And his goals are very different. From "get this one" beautiful shoes housewife” to “urgently beg the owner for a piece of cake.” And now who will win! Therefore, caring for a toy terrier is unthinkable without education and training from the first days.

    Decide right away what exactly your puppy should not do in your home, and never let him do it. Do you want your pet to stop barking in vain? – Give a strict prohibiting command, hit the floor with something, and as soon as the toy is silent, praise and give a treat. And do this constantly until the dog learns his lesson.

    Surprisingly, you can train your pet in the same way as a large service dog. The same persistence, multiple repetitions, system of reward and punishment. You just need to make an adjustment for the size of the crumbs and the quality negative impact Your severity, a loud sound and a light tug of the leash will be enough.

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