• Spa treatments at home. Setting up a spa at home Body treatments at home


    Spa salon at home - fairy tale or reality? Definitely a real piece of paradise in the bathroom of any representative of the fair sex. Sometimes you really want to relax, take a break from worldly affairs, but, as a rule, someone does not have time, someone does not have money to visit specialized spa salons. But there is no reason to be upset, you can easily arrange a spa salon at home - a feast for body and soul. And in general, I think every girl is simply obliged to have a spa day at home regularly. Speaking about a spa at home, we can highlight the main stages of spa procedures at home: 1) atmosphere 2) cleansing 3) moisturizing 4) finishing touch (rest, manicure and pedicure).

    So, in order to make a spa at home we will need:

    • free time (Very important! Don’t do anything in a hurry, relax, rest, and get the most out of the spa treatments. You may not do everything, but at least do what you do with pleasure.)
    • good mood (if it’s not there, it doesn’t matter, as soon as you complete the first stage of spa procedures, it will inevitably appear)
    • in addition: regular and aroma candles
    • rose petals (for the bath, you can also cut an orange, lime or lemon into rings, whoever likes what... - and the smell is enchanting and pleasing to the eyes)
    • shower gel
    • essential oils
    • scrub for body, arms and legs
    • sea ​​bath salt
    • shampoo
    • nourishing mask for hair
    • body milk
    • hand and foot cream

    Moreover, please note that you don’t have to buy a number of spa products at home in a store; you can prepare them yourself. Below are several healthy recipes for spa treatments at home.

    So, the first item on our home spa list is: ATMOSPHERE: Your main goal here is to create a relaxing, soothing atmosphere in one word - heaven. Turn on your favorite music (only calm), light simple candles, maybe a couple of aromatic ones - for the appropriate smell, or you can add a little essential oil (to your taste) to the bath, the main thing is not to overdo it, the smell should be pleasant, but in no case irritating, In addition, you can add some rose petals to the bath. Why am I telling you that we are all magicians and wonderwomen, I think this stage of preparation for a miracle will not be difficult for anyone.

    But let's talk about the second in more detail. CLEANSING. I suggest doing this: take a short shower, wash your body with shower gel. Then we do peeling, for this we need a scrub. I offer you several options, which one is right for you (choose for yourself).

    Body scrubs


    All spas offer chocolate treatments. Why is our “spa at home” worse? So to prepare this chocolate scrub we will need: 2 bars of dark chocolate, 3 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream (can be replaced with cream). Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave (whichever is more convenient for you), add coffee and sour cream to it and mix thoroughly. Now apply the resulting mixture to the body with massaging movements, and continue to do self-massage for about 15 minutes. Then rinse everything off with warm water.


    Ingredients: 200 gr. Australian walnut, 0.5 cups of dead sea salt and 0.5 mineral salt, 40 drops of pink grapefruit oil, 20 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 20 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix the oils together, add salt to them and mix thoroughly again. Apply the resulting scrub to the body using a soft sponge or washcloth. Massage with gentle movements for some time, then rinse with warm water.

    Sea salt scrubs:

    Sea salt is an integral part of many scrubs.

    Take half a glass of sea salt and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. And you will receive a scrub that, in addition to cleansing, helps remove excess fluid from the body.

    And add 1 tablespoon to half a glass of sea salt olive oil with a few drops of sandalwood oil, you will get a scrub with antiseptic properties, useful for oily skin.

    Tones, cleanses pores and saturates the skin with minerals, a scrub made from: 1 glass of sea salt, 3 drops of ginger oil, 2 drops of cedar oil and crushed peel of one orange.

    Oatmeal and bran scrub:

    In addition to the exfoliating effect, it whitens and softens the skin. Pour the mixture of oatmeal and bran with warm water for 5 minutes. And then, depending on your skin type, add additional components. So, if you have dry skin, supplements in the form of honey and milk are suitable for you, if you are the lucky owner normal skin then your choice is low-fat varieties of cottage cheese, and for those with oily skin, cucumbers and apples are suitable. And one more option: 1 cup oatmeal, 3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil, and cinnamon on a knife.

    If you don’t have the time, ingredients or desire to make any complex scrubs, you can: simply use coffee grounds. With this scrub you will not only cleanse your skin, but also give it a light tan. Yes, and simple table salt or coarse brown sugar can also help out - their effect is also good.

    Hand scrub

    Coconut hand scrub:

    Ingredients: 0.5 cups of coconut oil, 0.5 cups of sugar and juice of one lemon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to our hands, leave for one minute, now massage. Wash off with warm water.

    Now that you've taken care of your hands, it's time to start caring for your face: brew fresh chamomile tea and steam your face over it, now cleanse it with a gentle scrub (you can use the coffee grounds mentioned above). Afterwards we apply a soothing mask. So our second stage of spa treatments at home smoothly transitions into the third.

    After such a pleasant cleansing of the body, it’s time to do a WRAP.

    Here, too, the choice is very large: wraps with sea ​​salt will remove toxins from the body and help reduce body volume, fruit wraps will moisturize the skin, and will help get rid of cellulite blue clay. In addition, they may contain components such as honey, ground cinnamon, egg white etc. Well, actually the choice is yours, because this is your day of spa treatments. Here are some recipes for you:

    Anti-cellulite wrap:

    You will need blue clay, water and 1-2 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon.

    Rejuvenating, firming wrap:

    We do this wrap on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Ingredients: 0.5 cups sea salt, 2 tbsp. l. honey and egg white. Melt the honey and add salt to it, then the egg white.

    Chocolate wrap:

    3-4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, boiling water. Mix in such a proportion that the chocolate paste is not too liquid.

    Citrus wrap:

    2 oranges (squeeze the juice out of them, but we just need the juice), a couple of drops orange oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey

    Coffee wrap:

    Take coffee grounds and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to it. Green tea wraps: 2-3 tbsp. l. green tea, hot water (a little, you should get a mushy mass), a few drops of essential oil - lemon, rosemary or anise.

    Oil wrap:

    10-15 drops peach oil(can be replaced with almond or something else), and 5 drops of a mixture of essential oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit, fennel, rosemary) - you can choose one.

    Wrap with honey and mustard:

    We will need honey and mustard in a ratio of 1 to 1. Heat 100g of honey in a water bath and add mustard powder. Mix. Apply to the body for half an hour.

    Algae wrap:

    2-3 tbsp. l. fucus or kelp (dilute them with warm water and let it brew for 15 minutes). 1 egg yolk, 20 drops of camphor oil, 10 drops of citrus oil. Mix everything well.

    In all cases, apply the resulting mixture to problem areas (for an hour on average, with the exception of those recipes where time is indicated), wrap the top with cling film and put on a warm robe.

    The body is securely packed, it's time to make a hair mask:

    Banana hair mask:

    1 ripe banana, a handful of grapes. Grind them into porridge in a blender. Apply with massaging movements to the hair and cover with film (leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo).

    Chocolate hair mask:

    4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. cognac Mix and apply to hair for 15 minutes, cover with film and a towel.

    Strengthening hair mask:

    2-3 onions, grind them into a pulp and wear on your hair for an hour on average. (the smell after it is certainly not great, but it will amazingly strengthen the hair roots).

    It remains to devote time to your feet:

    Pour warm water into a small bowl, add 4 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil or sea salt. We lower our feet into our bath for 15 minutes, then clean them: apply a foot scrub to problem areas and remove rough skin using a pumice stone. And now we apply a mask to our cleansed feet (Ingredients: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 tbsp honey, any vegetable oil, chamomile or lavender oil 5 drops). Before applying, slightly warm up the mask in the microwave, apply it to your feet, wrap it in cling film or a plastic bag and put on warm socks. You can do this before wrapping, whichever is more convenient for you.

    After the time is up, we go to the shower: we wash off all the masks.

    And here it is! It's finally time for a bath in our spa at home. Read below to find out which bathtub is best to choose for our spa at home.

    Cleopatra's Bath:

    1-2 liters of milk (can be replaced with dry 1-2 kg), a small cup of honey, vanilla and sandalwood extract (you can replace them with some other essential oils). Dissolve honey in warm milk. We fill the bathtub with water at room temperature, pour milk mixture, oils, rose petals into it, I also love mint leaves. In addition, you can add some herbs, oat milk to such a bath... In general, whatever your soul dictates. We enjoy this bath for 15-20 minutes.

    Flower-milk bath (by the way, a great alternative to Cleopatra’s bath):

    5 tbsp. l. rose petals, 3 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 2 glasses of milk, 3-4 tbsp. l. honey Pour flowers into milk and heat slightly, then add honey. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath.

    Citrus bath:

    Well, just very invigorating! Ingredients: zest from 3 oranges or grapefruits (dried, grind in a coffee grinder), 2 oranges (juice from them), 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

    After taking a bath, we do self-massage and take a contrast shower, pamper our body with creams or lotion (this, of course, is not necessary - depending on how your skin feels, in principle, a milk bath with oils will well moisturize and saturate useful substances your body), relax, drink green tea or juice. And now you have two options: 1) go to bed like a baby, if it’s already late and you don’t want to do anything else. Or 2) after a short rest, we can tidy up our nails.

    Before using any components, make sure that you are not allergic to them. And most importantly, having had so much fun at home, imagine what you will experience in a spa salon or even better at a spa resort. And which spa resort to choose, read in the article “Spa resorts: where to go on vacation.” I wish you success in creating your own spa salon at home!

    A relaxed, calm atmosphere is an indispensable attribute of any good spa, including a home one. So make sure in advance that nothing and no one interferes with your vacation. Send your family for a long walk or to the cinema, or even better - to the dacha or on a visit, so that you can leisurely take them to the spa for half a day rather than a couple of hours. Turn off the main lights in the apartment, turn off phones and TV, light candles (you can leave a dim lamp).

    Advice: If you like to enjoy spa treatments at home, you should pay maximum attention to the design of the bathroom and creating the appropriate atmosphere. After all, you should feel absolutely comfortable in your home SPA!

    Music track

    The traditional musical accompaniment of spa sessions is “nature music”: the murmur of water, the sound of nature, birdsong and similar melodies with a meditative effect. Take care of the necessary disks in advance! Here, by the way, one of the main advantages of a spa at home is revealed: your playlist will correspond exactly to your musical preferences.

    Advice: alternative option“sounds of nature” can be relaxing classical music. In particular, British scientists from London Metropolitan University They believe that soft-sounding waltzes are perfect for relaxation, recuperation and uplifting mood; among the most effective, in their opinion, works are, for example, "On the Blue Danube" Strauss.


    The atmosphere of a spa is largely dictated by aromatherapy. So the choice of fragrances for bath lines and scented candles should be approached especially carefully. Which scents do you like best - floral, fruity, sea, oriental?.. Or maybe you should focus on the effect you ultimately want to achieve?

    If you need to feel invigorated and full of energy by the end of your spa session, a coffee scrub and spa cosmetics with coffee extract or caffeine will help. The main goal is to relax at home in the SPA? Give preference to soothing scents (lavender, mint, lemon balm) for maximum effect You can also take a bath with a decoction of mint, lemon balm, thyme and other soothing herbs. Not enough endorphins? Note the sweet edible and citrus flavors! Again, since you are the absolute and rightful mistress of your home spa, you are free to choose scents and cosmetics to suit your taste and mood. By the way, the word “taste” in relation to spa treatments can have almost a direct meaning: the latest spa hit is the so-called “edible” massage candles, which can be used to scent a room, and also use them for massage, instead of oil or body cream ( waxes and oils from which such candles are made, when melted, do not burn the skin, but become pleasantly warm). But despite the fact that “edible” candles consist of absolutely natural ingredients plant origin, spa specialists still advise using them for aroma sessions and skin care, and not for food.

    Health through water

    As follows from one of the main variants of the origin of the word SPA (after all, many believe that it owes its birth not to the Swiss resort village of Spa, but to an abbreviation from the Latin Sanus per Aquam, or Sanitas pro Aqua, “health through water”), without water procedures you can't get by. Our choice for a SPA at home is a warm, relaxing bath - foam, with oils, with seaweed, depending on your mood... But don’t rush to take it right away: first use a body scrub to rid the skin of old cells and at the same time make it light lymphatic drainage massage. Then rinse off the scrub in the shower and start filling the bath.

    Advice: While the water is being collected, you can, for example, make a face mask or do a manicure.

    A moment of rest

    Having completed cosmetic procedures, do not rush to immediately return to your usual rhythm. IN otherwise the pleasure of the spa treatment will immediately evaporate. Allow yourself to be a little lazy: lie on the couch with a book, listen to music, dream.

    Advice: a visit to many Indian and Thai spas includes a mandatory tea ceremony in between treatments. This ancient ritual of beauty and healing helps to put thoughts and feelings in order, rejuvenates, gives the right mental attitude and a charge of positive energy. So why not end with a leisurely spa tea at home?

    What are the benefits of spa treatments? This, of course, is a state of relaxation and complete pleasure when your body receives pleasure. And, of course, every woman should treat herself to such procedures from time to time.

    Before you start, you must first create the appropriate environment: curtain the windows, turn on a light melodic melody, light a lot of candles, create a state of peace and quiet around. Nothing should distract you, so you need to isolate yourself from the outside world and turn off all phones

    What needs to be done to organize a Spa in?

    • Smells play a significant role in the procedure. The aroma should be gentle and in no case harsh. It will be created by special aromatic candles and incense.

    • We prepare the bathroom itself. Under no circumstances should the water be hot or cold. The temperature should be comfortable for your body. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water. Once in the bath, close your eyes, try to relax and not think about anything.

    • You can also add a liter of milk or kefir to the water. Both of these products are beneficial for the skin of the body. Well, and, of course, for variety, you can add various decoctions of medicinal herbs. Remember that you cannot spend a lot of time in the water. The procedure will take 20-30 minutes.

    • After taking a bath, apply the scrub to your body with gentle massage movements. Don't forget about your face. The skin needs to be cleansed, and then apply a face mask (nourishing, moisturizing or vitamin).

    • For complete relaxation, a special anti-stress cocktail is perfect. Its composition: a drop of ylang-ylang essential oil, a drop of sandalwood, two drops of grapefruit oil, 1/2 teaspoon of nut oil and jojoba oil. This composition intended for application to the temple area (use your fingertips to gently massage the skin for 2-3 minutes).

    • After all procedures, the body must be thoroughly rinsed with a contrast shower. It must be taken for at least 5 minutes.

    • After a shower, remove any remaining moisture with a soft towel. The skin should not be rubbed, you just need to gently blot it.

    • Apply a light moisturizer or nutritious cream. Do not forget to massage, patting the skin with your fingertips.

    • Body oil is applied to the body. It is better if someone helps you with this by giving you a relaxing massage.

    • Feet and hands should be generously lubricated with a rich, nourishing cream and special socks and gloves should be worn.

    • The procedure will be completed with a cup of aromatic herbal tea for complete relaxation.

    Spa treatments are very beneficial for both your appearance, and for the internal state. Therefore, do not waste your time and devote several hours a week to this amazing pleasure.

    Arrived New Year, and with it, most people began long holidays, when they can pay themselves a little more attention and arrange spa treatments at home . offers a five-day skin care program for the face and entire body using taking water procedures at home. During this time, you can pamper your face and hands with “delicious” masks, and your body with honey scrub, yogurt wrap and aromatic baths.

    First day. For the benefit of the body

    An hour before spa treatments, it is better to eat, of course, avoiding fatty, fried and generally heavy foods, and after the procedure, refrain from eating for another hour. But you can drink a lot of mineral water without gas and.

    1. Steam the body

    Fill the bath with hot water (temperature no more than 40 degrees). When it is one third full, hang the switched-on shower on the holder so that the room is filled with steam. Add 2 handfuls of sea salt to the water and immerse yourself in water (up to the heart area) for 10 minutes so that the skin pores open and can further absorb beneficial nutrients.

    2. Cleanse the skin

    To cleanse the skin, we will prepare a scrub from a mixture of sea salt and honey (you can take twice as much honey as salt or in equal quantities) - it perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin at the same time, and removes excess fluid from the body. Or use coffee grounds, which tonic and improve microcirculation. Rub the scrub into damp skin in a circular motion away from the abdomen, then rinse with warm water.

    3. Do the wrap

    To moisturize and nourish the skin, mix yogurt and brewed rolled oats in a ratio (1:1) to a paste. Apply this mixture evenly to the skin of your body, wrap yourself in cling film, and wrap yourself in a sheet. Cover yourself with a blanket on top. Lie like this for half an hour, listen to pleasant music.

    4. Relax

    Take a warm shower and apply your favorite remedy for the body - milk or moisturizing lotion.

    It's hard to find a woman who can refuse relaxing spa treatments. Alas, beautiful ladies do not always have the time and money to visit a spa. But it is quite possible to enjoy spa treatments at home. Today we will share with you tips, how to perform spa treatments at home.

    The Land of Soviets has already written about. Most of them can be done at home without much difficulty. For a spa at home, it is better to set aside a weekend, then you can fully relax and get maximum benefits and pleasure, without being distracted by work and home affairs.

    It's best to start your day of spa treatments at home with some light exercise. You shouldn’t overexert yourself, exercise is needed to feel more energetic. Half an hour after charging, have a light breakfast. It is best to opt for useful ones natural products: fruits, vegetables, muesli, low-fat yogurt, sugar-free crackers. If it’s oil, then olive oil; if it’s fish or meat, then it’s low-fat. Herbal teas are suitable drinks, mineral water still, skim milk, fruit juices low in sugar (eg grapefruit).

    After breakfast, you can proceed directly to the spa treatments. For spa treatments at home you will need cosmetics: sea ​​salt for bath, shower gel, body scrub, moisturizer, face mask, cuticle softener. Many cosmetics manufacturers produce entire lines of spa products at home, but you can easily make a body scrub and a moisturizing face mask yourself. Also for spa treatments at home you will need large terry towels, pumice and natural sponge.

    For spa treatments at home, the appropriate atmosphere is very important. Therefore, prepare an aroma lamp and a set of aromatic oils (citrus oils are best), candles in beautiful candlesticks, CDs with relaxing and meditative music or sounds of nature. If you want to take a bath with rose petals, stock up on those too. It is better not to use candles with artificial scents; if you are not sure, take unscented candles.

    First, take a shower and exfoliate your entire body with a scrub and a natural washcloth. Then fill the bathtub with water; the most comfortable water temperature for spa treatments is 37 degrees. You can add sea salt or aromatic oils to the water. It is better to buy salt from a pharmacy; it should not contain artificial flavors. Essential oils do not dissolve well in water, so before adding them to the bath, dilute them in milk or drop them on sea salt. Different essential oils have different effects on our mood and well-being.

    • Orange oil helps relieve fatigue and gives a feeling of joy
    • tangerine oil reminds us of childhood and New Year's holidays, gives a feeling of happiness
    • Lemon oil invigorates, refreshes and energizes
    • grapefruit oil revitalizes, helps to see joy in everyday little things
    • Lime oil helps you look at the world more optimistically

    In addition to essential oils, you can add half a teaspoon of glycerin to the bath, it will moisturize the skin. You cannot wash your hair in this water - it dries it out. Before taking a bath, you can apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask to your face - this is another important component spa at home. Remember that a bath should not last longer than 15-20 minutes- it's harmful to of cardio-vascular system and has a bad effect on the condition of the skin, which begins to lose moisture.

    After taking a spa bath at home, you can continue with a massage. You have a lot of choice. This could be a relaxing foot massage that will help relieve fatigue if you've been wearing heels all week. Or you can do an anti-cellulite massage using a special gel. However, you can make a massage mixture for spa treatments at home yourself by adding refined olive oil essential oil grapefruit. This mixture binds fats and is therefore good for fighting cellulite during spa treatments at home.

    After the massage, you can begin facial care. Steaming your face over freshly brewed chamomile tea, clean it with a gentle scrub. If you haven't made a mask before taking a bath, now is the time for it. Then apply moisturizer to your face. If your eyes are inflamed, swollen or swollen from frequent work at the computer, you can put fresh cucumber slices or chamomile tea compresses on your eyelids (but keep in mind that you cannot wash your eyes with tea). Now you can move on to the next stage of the spa at home - hand and foot care.

    For hand care Take a bath with sea salt - it will help soften the cuticle. Then move the cuticle wooden stick and apply a special softening agent to it, and after five minutes you can remove it with a stick. Another element of an at-home spa is hand mask. Apply nourishing cream (or preheated olive oil) to your brushes, put on cotton gloves and cellophane gloves on top (they are used when coloring hair). After 20 minutes, you can wash off the mask and apply moisturizer.

    To soften foot skin, You can add sugar (about a quarter cup) and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to a bowl of warm water. After steaming your feet, massage your feet and put on cotton socks. Now spa treatments at home can be considered complete.

    And remember that a spa at home is not just about self-care with... cosmetics. A spa at home is, first and foremost, a way to relax and get away from everyday problems and worries. Turn off your phone and dedicate the day to yourself: listen to music, read interesting book, which we couldn’t find time for. And then an at-home spa will help you enter a new working week cheerful and rested.

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