• Do you have self-sufficient men? Self-sufficiency in relationships


    So, dear reader, let’s say you are already happy, even without being married. But happiness alone is not enough for marriage. A man who is ready to become the head of a family must also be self-sufficient. What does this quality mean?

    Self-sufficient manThis:

    Someone who has no psychological, physical, moral or material problems. He is able to provide his life with everything necessary.

    This is a man who does not complain about fate, does not try to hide behind circumstances or other people’s backs, who solves problems as they arise.

    If he is alone, it is not because no one needs him, but because he cares who is next to him.

    It would be appropriate to quote the famous actor here Oleg Menshikov, who for a long time held the status of the most eligible groom Russian cinema:

    “People are told that loneliness is dangerous. Magazines replicate “universal” ways of finding mythical “other halves”... But every person is lonely. And this is a rare, almost impossible happiness when you find your soul mate. Loneliness is defined as abandonment, uselessness: “they left you, you are alone in this world”...

    But for me, loneliness is the need to come to terms with the fact that a person is alone in principle, from birth to death.

    People's problems are most often not loneliness, but only what is commonly called so. Drunkenness is not loneliness, drugs are not loneliness, indifference and selfishness are not loneliness. Loneliness is a high and noble category, in my opinion. As Nietzsche defined it, you respect your state as an autonomous planet and you respect the state of the other planets around you. Loneliness is very beautiful...

    Oleg Menshikov

    This statement confirms the truth that it is better to go hungry than to eat anything. A man should not marry just to avoid being alone or because he is bored. A man must first become self-sufficient, that is, gain a state of autonomy and independence, and then only think about marriage.

    What else distinguishes a self-sufficient man?

    He has a developed sense of responsibility, he is a reliable person - in the sense that for him: “yes” is “yes”, and “no” is “no”, everything else is from the evil one. That is, his words can be trusted.

    He is a man who is strong in spirit and generous, and therefore open (only people who are strong in spirit can be truly kind and sincere).

    His work is his passion, hobby, and not a duty.

    Kindness, directness and openness are a natural manifestation of his strong nature.

    This is a person whom a woman agrees to follow, and at the same time the thought does not arise - “where are we going”? She is sure that he knows the way, and if he decided so, then it will be better.

    He respects himself so much that he will never stoop to drunkenness and rudeness.

    He is an optimist in life - but not at all a conformist or an opportunist. He just knows that there is a way out of every hopeless situation.

    He doesn’t care what others think about him, he doesn’t seek approval from people - he’s confident and knows his worth. Such a person, of course, respects the opinions of others, but at the same time adheres to his own, it is difficult to upset him.

    He is able to build his own own life on your own, without any help. He takes responsibility for it without shifting it to others.

    He feels good alone with himself. He does not need the attention of others, since he is able to pay this attention to himself. The attention of others is not a source of self-affirmation for him.


    1. A man’s happiness does not depend on the world around him and circumstances.

    2. The source of happiness should be sought in oneself and this can be done through building one’s personality, self-development and establishing relationships with the Creator, who is the source of any energy, including happiness.

    3. You should get married only after you become self-sufficient, that is, a person who needs happy life enough of oneself and does not require moral, material or psychological help those around you.

    So, in this chapter we examined the sixth quality, the presence of which indicates a man’s readiness for marriage - this is a feeling of happiness and self-sufficiency.

    Do you want to marry a “ready” man? Are thoughts of a self-sufficient man keeping you awake? Have you ever wondered why the rich, successful, developing, without bad habits and a spiritually rich man?

    I want to marry a rich and caring man! I want to marry a leader famous person! I want to future husband was strong, successful, prosperous! I want to be rich, developing, vegetarian, without bad habits, spiritual! And so on ad infinitum. Then I ask:

    “Why do you need a rich, successful, developing, without bad habits and spiritually rich?”

    This is not a provocative question. I sincerely hope to hear an answer. I want to hear a confident answer from a woman who knows her strengths and values ​​herself.

    Relationships are always an exchange. If a man gives you money, fame, status, position, shares good qualities, leads you on the path of spirituality, what, as a woman, can you offer him?

    Most women are offended by my question. And those who are not offended say “I’m beautiful / slim / smart. I have a good education / I have an apartment / a job / money"

    • Well, let's figure out how unique all of the above is.
    • beauty? We live in Russia, and this is a country beautiful women, we have a lot of them. Beauty will not make you stand out from the crowd for such a man!
    • Slimness? There are a lot of slim people, here again you may not be able to withstand the competition.
    • Smart? There are a lot of these in Russia. Smart, educated, candidates and bachelors, doctors with two and three degrees. And there are women whose education is many times better than yours. For example, I have a friend, she is beautiful, smart, slim, studies at Harvard, has many degrees, but she is still alone!
    • good lover? This, of course, is a plus, but if you evaluate only on this scale, then any woman of the most ancient profession (courtesan / concubine) will “make” you! Sorry.

    This is really, no offense, why a “ready” man with all the equipment should choose you masculine qualities? What is unique about you? Don't be shy, don't be offended, just voice your strengths!

    1. Maybe you know how to listen with sincere interest in your eyes?
    2. Or maybe you can see the good in a man and sincerely admire it?
    3. Maybe you know how to inspire heroic deeds?
    4. Maybe you know how to remain silent when necessary and leave decisions to the man?
    5. Or maybe you are easy-going and always in a good mood?
    6. Maybe you are a household charmer and know how to create such an atmosphere at home that a man can completely relax?
    7. Or maybe you know how to cook so that everyone who eats this food groans with pleasure?
    8. Maybe you know how to get pleasure and enjoyment from everything that life brings? Do you know how to enjoy while enjoying yourself?
    9. Maybe you know how to accept a man with all his strengths and weaknesses?
    10. Maybe you know how to be grateful for everything, even for little things?
    11. Or maybe you know how to obey and follow a man with trust?
    12. Or do you know how to serve while maintaining your own dignity?

    If you have 5 “yes” on this survey, then you are beyond competition, and someone will definitely appear in your life. worthy man because these skills are in modern world make a woman unique, rare, in demand!

    If you value only your beauty, figure and ability to satisfy a man sexually, then most likely you will be used. With such values ​​one cannot expect a serious relationship. After all, if you treat yourself only as a body, then why should others get to the bottom of your soul?

    If you value only your mind, then relationships will be built on equal terms. Like good friends, like-minded people. But you can’t expect any care, admiration, or romance.

    Eat good exercise, which will help you understand your blind spots that you need to work on in order to meet that “ready” man (if you really need him).

    Write a list of 20 qualities that you want to see in a man. Imagine his image without going into details of his appearance. Watch him. What position does he hold? Where does he go? What kind of friends does he have? How does he spend his leisure time? How does he behave with women? With parents?

    Feel it. Immerse yourself in it. Imagine that you have become one. You may want to straighten your shoulders and straighten up. You can feel the vibrations of masculine strength and confidence filling you.

    And you (in the image of that man) accidentally meet a girl (this girl is you yourself, look at yourself through the eyes of this man). As a man, what do you think about this girl? What is she like? Is she attracted to you? What does she need to become your woman? Listen to what words come into your consciousness. Write them down.

    In this practice, your inner man comes into contact with your inner woman. They need to be honest to become a couple! And after these realizations, return to yourself, to your female body.

    Maybe this practice will show you why this man hasn’t stopped you on the street yet, why he hasn’t recognized you, hasn’t seen you.

    Most of my clients, having carried out this practice, understand that it is not the beauty of the face that needs to be increased, nor the waist made to be slimmer. Most men think that a woman is too nervous, twitchy, emotional, fussy, insecure, unkempt, and lacks the proper polish, grace and charm.

    Of course, you need to take care of your figure and face, you need to learn the art of sexual intimacy, but believe me, this is not paramount.

    This practice will also make you understand what level you are at now, and if you are comfortable there, then maybe you don’t need a “ready” man. Perhaps you will agree to a relationship with a person of your level, with whom you will constantly develop, and, as a result of this development, you will come to prosperity.

    Many of my clients are still lonely because of their exorbitant demands.

    One woman, aged 35, quite successful financially, received counseling from me on the issue of marriage. She really wanted a family and children.

    I look at her card and tell her:

    — You have been in a favorable period for marriage for four years now! Very favorable! You should have already received marriage proposals...

    - No, no one suggested!

    I was surprised, I continue to talk to her and find out. And finally, I “split” her when I started talking about my husband’s type. I say, your husband will be older than you, such and such features, such and such character, social status will be lower than yours.

    How about lower? - she was indignant - and what should I do with him? I live in Europe, I'm used to dressing in boutiques, going to spas, visiting expensive places. Why do I need this? Over the past three years, I have rejected four of these people; they have offered me marriage.

    I was a little confused and began to explain that he would not be poor, just that his income level would be a little lower than hers. And this can be corrected with its help. But she flatly refused. And then I asked her:

    Do you want a happy loving family with children, loving and faithful husband or do you need a wallet on your feet?

    She replied that, of course, she wants a family, but it is very difficult for her to accept into her life a person who is at least inferior to her in some way.

    And if only she were the only one! Alas! I have many such clients. But the favorable period for marriage does not last long, and then it is difficult to count on the help of the Universe.

    But the reality is that many Russian/Ukrainian girls are very beautiful, smart, slim, and the more they invest in external development, the more their bar rises. By the age of 35, it is very difficult for a woman to get married, not because there are no men, but because the criteria for relationships are very, very, very high. So tall that these women themselves do not match them.

    Women have a serious mistake in “pumping up” themselves; they “pump up” the wrong muscles of femininity. You need to cultivate not only beauty and harmony, and, of course, not ownership of real estate and money. And you hear this: “What am I not good bride? She's beautiful, educated, has an apartment, has a car, and gets paid well. What more do men need? This is already a diagnosis. You need to cultivate those skills and qualities that will serve you throughout your life.

    • What are these qualities? I'll repeat it again.
    • Satisfaction;
    • Gratitude;
    • Women's self-confidence (self-sufficiency);
    • The ability to see the good and admire (not only in men, but also in women, including yourself);
    • The ability to always be in a good mood;
    • The ability to accept without judgment;
    • Interest in yourself and life;
    • Your women's goals in life;
    • A state of enjoying oneself and life;
    • The ability to remain silent;
    • Obedience and following;
    • The ability to speak, emphasizing advantages, without claims or reproaches;
    • Service with dignity.

    This is an indicator of a “ready” woman who has a high level of self-worth, who has a lot of love and acceptance of herself and people inside. Men are also in search of just such women.

    Few women are at this level, but they still expect to meet a man who has everything. But, in an amicable way, not every woman is ready for such a man.

    Imagine you come to a horse farm and really want to ride a horse. Your level of rider is amateur. And the instructor offers you options: “Here is a good, calm horse, very reliable, you can ride him.

    There is also a young stallion, you can start training with him now, he has very good characteristics for a racing horse. In a few years you can achieve great results, and during this time he will become attached to you and become a loyal, reliable friend for you.”

    But at this time your gaze is directed to the distant enclosure, where there is a very expensive, powerful Arabian horse. His fur shines, his eyes sparkle, and his stormy temperament does not allow him to stand still; he tramples, beats with his hoof and gracefully bends his neck. Fascinated by him, you no longer see other horses, and, as if under hypnosis, you approach him and say: “I want this!”

    But the instructor politely answers you: “This is a racehorse, a gold medalist, a champion. This stallion has a very strong character and great speed. Unfortunately, to ride one, you need to train for a year, because at this stage this horse can cause injury to you. The horse senses your condition very strongly and will react to all your “blind” spots!”

    Of course, you don’t want to listen to anything and say: “But I want it now!” - but the instructor cannot risk his profession, and he refuses you for YOUR SAFETY! And you develop anger at the instructor and contempt for other horses. You only want this horse and no other.

    This is what happens to many women. Moreover, in this story the racehorse is a man high level maturity, and the instructor is God, who, protecting you, does not allow you to cross paths with such a man. And in the end, as always, anger at God: “What did I do to deserve such a life? Don’t I deserve a normal man?” And refusal to communicate with other men...

    You need to understand that if they haven’t given you such a man yet, it means you’re simply not ready. But it’s difficult to prove to women! Very difficult!

    The power of the female psyche is enormous, and she begins to pull such a man into her life with all her mental powers, does austerities, reads prayers, and engages in futuristic practices for only one purpose - to attract.

    And then the instructor gives up and lets you into the enclosure.

    How many tears such women shed.

    Here comes a man. He starts courting, gives flowers, buys expensive clothes, takes him out into the world, says compliments... Do you think the woman is happy about this?

    Fig! She begins to panic and plunge into the abyss of fear, she waits for it all to end, she is jealous and checks his phone and mail, with every expensive gift the thought comes to her: “What should I do to deserve this?” - she becomes twitchy, nervous and fearful.

    She begins to curry favor, which completely kills the man’s interest in herself. And then it begins: “You don’t love me / you could find a more beautiful woman / why did you choose me / I’m sorry that I don’t match / you probably have someone else” - and that’s all! This kills all its value.

    Because for this level of relationship you need to have sincere self-sufficiency, awareness of your uniqueness, awareness of your feminine power, interest in oneself and in life, the ability to live happily without a man.

    It’s as if a calm, confident jockey approached that thoroughbred horse, who knows his professionalism and understands that if they don’t give him this horse, then they will give him a better one! And he calmly looks into his eyes and smiles. For a horse, such a rider becomes incredibly attractive. After all, horses (like men) very strongly feel the internal state of the rider.

    I used to ride horseback quite often, and the owner of the stable always told me: “If you are afraid of a horse, do not ride it. She’ll smell it and smash you through the forest!” But, of course, I didn’t listen to her.

    That is why I chose racing two-year-olds, almost unbroken, with a wild disposition. That is why I fell head over heels from them, they dragged me along with stirrups along the ground, I turned over with the horse in the icy conditions as I galloped along on the fastest horse. Because of stupidity! Because of the usual stupidity.

    Therefore, I appeal to all women: please try to be adequate and reasonable in your desires and choice of a man! Try to look at it from the outside. Do you really need such a stallion?

    Will this bring you happiness?

    Or maybe you need a man with good qualities, who is yet to become outstanding, thanks to your faith in him, your ability to see his strengths and inspire him?

    With this appeal, I encourage you to work not only on your appearance, but also on the qualities necessary for happiness, on your own “depth”!

    It's too late to go back to start everything right, but it's not too late to rush forward to finish it right...

    Only we ourselves know what is best for us. We intuitively feel when we are betraying ourselves and our values, but sometimes we are afraid to say so and defend our opinion, our vision of the situation, our decisions. Sometimes we are so afraid of losing something - a man, a job, the approval of others that we are ready to betray ourselves. First in small things, then in more important matters. It takes inner strength and courage to speak up about what is important to you. And be prepared for the fact that if a person is not ready to hear and accept your values, then he may leave. However, the paradox is that it is honesty with yourself and with others that creates closer and more sincere relationships.

    My mood and condition do not depend on others

    Our integrity is also reflected in how we react to the moods and actions of other people. Including the beloved man. If any criticism and missed calls make you depressed, then this indicates that you do not feel in harmony with yourself. What hurts us most is that which resonates with our prohibitions to act in this way or, conversely, with our non-acceptance of these qualities in ourselves. Therefore, before you reproach others or shed tears, figure it out with yourself: why you react this way. What's your pet peeve that you keep getting stepped on? Only what we allow to happen happens to us. Once we understand ourselves, everything begins to change in amazing ways. The more independent we become, the less we are provoked and irritated.

    I do what I like

    When a woman does what she loves, she is inspired, passionate, and full of energy. It is the energy that overwhelms us that is the magnet that attracts attention to us. Those around us, especially men, feel our passion. Any man is excited by a woman who has a favorite thing to do. Her eyes are burning, she is overwhelmed with passion for life, her thoughts are not only occupied with him. And this is again about the courage to be yourself and follow your desires. And if your favorite activity also provides excellent income, then the man understands that you choose him not because you are chasing his money, but because you are interested in him as a person.

    I have my own interests, hobbies, things that I am not ready to give up for a man

    There is such a beautiful metaphor: when two drops merge into one, they dissolve into each other and lose themselves, and when two lit candles begin to burn together, the flame becomes larger, but each of them can carry its own light. Our passion for our favorite hobby, sports, personal development allows us to maintain individuality and uniqueness, without becoming a shadow of a man, but on the contrary, opening up new facets of life for him. It is important to find a balance: not to give up everything for a man and not to give up a man for everything. The famous psychologist, coach and writer Marilyn Atkinson says that a couple should spend 12 hours a week together, and the rest of the time can be devoted to something else. And then your life will be full and rich, and not boring and monotonous.

    I have my own social circle, friends and fans

    Communication with other people inspires and develops, giving us the opportunity to take a fresh look at ourselves and the world. And if a woman isolates herself in a small family world or the world of a relationship with a man, then at some point she falls into the trap of the same type of thoughts and reactions. She becomes predictable, dependent and boring. A circle of friends and fans keeps your perception fresh, the exchange of new information, knowledge, as well as the feeling that you are interesting to many people, including men. It is important that you only communicate and flirt with other men, but in no case cheat on your loved one, as this destroys intimacy. The interest of other men keeps not only you in good shape, but also your man, who understands that he is in competition, and it’s not a fact that the palm will always remain with him. This gives the relationship a slight unpredictability and at the same time makes it stronger.

    I don't reveal all my secrets and problems

    The ability to keep something silent also increases interest and desire to get to know you more deeply. When a woman shares too openly the details of her life - her pains and problems, the flair of mystery and romanticism is lost. At such moments, a man begins to feel like a pathologist, in front of whom all his insides are being turned out. It is not surprising that after this not only disappears sexual attraction, but also just a desire to communicate. The feeling that there is a stranger next to you, even if you have been living with him for twenty years, does not allow you to let go. And the very thought that you have little secrets excites and excites.

    I do not allow myself to be neglected, humiliated and disrespected

    Sometimes we confuse acceptance with connivance. Acceptance is when we understand that everyone has their own path and their own manifestations, we respect a person on a deep level, but at the same time we do not allow him to violate our boundaries. Clear rules about what is acceptable to you and what you will never tolerate make people listen to you and respect your values. It is important to talk about this and agree, without blaming, but firmly declaring your position and principles, feelings and expectations on issues that are really important to you.

    I am well-groomed, well dressed, educated

    A self-sufficient woman knows her worth and invests time and money in herself. How we treat ourselves, how much we value ourselves, determines how others treat us and value us. When a woman forgets about herself, does not develop, does not pamper herself beautiful clothes and self-care, men - and everyone around her - regard this as her disrespect for herself and allow her to be treated the same way. But the point is not what men think and how they perceive us, but the fact that self-love fills us with energy, inspiration and joy!

    I don't throw tantrums for any reason

    Wise and self-sufficient women They are distinguished by their composure and ability to control their emotions. This does not mean that she is always smooth and calm. She can throw a tantrum when she is absolutely calm inside and remain outwardly calm when a storm of emotions is raging inside. It is this contrast that gives it piquancy, and the relationship - sharpness. But her performances are precisely controlled and thoughtful, and this is what gives them such power and makes them memorable. When a woman is hysterical too often, this only speaks of her lack of self-confidence and inner promiscuity.

    I choose the best and don't settle for less.

    A self-sufficient woman can allow herself to be herself, defend her principles, do what she loves, communicate and live a full life without getting hung up on a man and at the same time always find time for him and give him love without demanding anything in return. But at the same time, she can allow herself to choose the best man for herself, realizing her strengths and accepting her shortcomings, and knowing “that it is better to be alone than to be with just anyone.” And loneliness does not make her unhappy, but on the contrary, it allows her to remain in harmony with herself, without wasting herself on unnecessary relationships, meetings and affairs. By choosing the best, you become stronger.

    A self-sufficient man values ​​his independence very much. He considers himself the master of life, and those around him must take this into account. If a woman accepts the games he sets, the family can be quite strong. The man is satisfied that he has the situation under control, and those around him can be sure that they will be protected from the vicissitudes of fate at the right time. A self-sufficient man likes the feeling of responsibility, including for others. Therefore, he can make a very good father.

    Knowing how to live your life allows a self-sufficient man to not care much about what others say about him. He has his own opinion about everything, including about friends or co-workers. They do not like gossip, never tell others what someone else said, and argue with their superiors without any fear. If a wife tries to say that her mother condemns some action, this can lead not only to a breakup, but also to the disintegration of the family.

    A man of this type will never explain why he did this and did not do that. He does what he thinks is right, and those around him must either accept it, or they can get out of the way. Arguing is usually useless; such a man will not make excuses. He never proves anything to himself, because he realizes that he is right. He has reasons for this: as a rule, such men do not do anything spontaneously and think carefully about what they have to do.

    A self-sufficient man has several magnificent ones. He is generous and kind, he does not seek to assert himself at the expense of others, he is not petty and not vindictive. He considers himself above this. In fact, that's how it is. He fulfills the wishes of those around him quite often simply because he enjoys bringing joy to others.

    You should not try to manipulate such a man. First of all, this is impossible. He sees such attempts immediately and stops them in the bud. Secondly, he does not want to turn into your slave and will never take even a tiny step that gives you the opportunity to limit his freedom.

    Such a man needs a family, but only if certain requirements are met. He is the head, and a woman should not pretend to take his place. In any case, the family is secondary; it should not interfere with the business to which the man decided to devote his life. Such a man cannot be given conditions like “me or science.” Of course, he will prefer science, and at the same time he will find a partner who will not put him before such a choice. But he will happily agree to a long-term relationship with a woman who is ready to accept him for who he is and live by his laws. Women quite often agree to this because they feel calm and confident.

    So I would like to ask: “And who is a self-sufficient man here, and “who is a deer”? But, self-sufficiency of a person is just an additional term that carries absolutely nothing new. Because in fact, a self-sufficient man is...

    Let's figure it out together. Who do you call with these words in this picture? To be honest, I'm a monk. Who else is shaking his cup to is unclear. Proud before the sky? With the same look (only more sincerely) you can put your left palm on the elbow bend of your right, and raise your right, clenching your fingers.

    Does a self-sufficient man really need someone to “show his pride?..”

    Greetings to visitors to the “Find Yourself” blog!

    Several times a last month the demand for self-sufficiency flashed through my life. Thank God, I am not poor in my sense of the Russian word. I asked. I read it. I stopped completely understanding what was new about this combination and why it was introduced.

    And I decided to continue publishing in the “” section. Let's start a conversation.

    A self-sufficient man is...

    Nothing is asked for except 3 dots at the end of the title. This is like the popular “three letters”.
    By the way, Word underlines the word “self-sufficient” with a red line.

    I heard and read about the desire to meet this self-sufficient person. What benefit (joy) will it bring you? He is “self-sufficient” and not “sufficient for you.”

    The same can apply to the financial side of life: a man has enough to be “self-sufficient”, but a family, and with advertising requests, will no longer be able to handle it. Of course, he is immediately transferred to the category of “insufficient”.

    I'll be more serious. I quote:

    Self-sufficiency is when you are enough of yourself, and you are not afraid of loneliness.

    When you have everything important, when you can do without others.

    But life is a movement: thoughts, deeds, feelings... Then logically the question arises: “Are you enough for what?” Maybe so?

    Everything here exactly corresponds to another opinion: “A self-sufficient man always knows what exactly he wants now and how to achieve it.” In my opinion, the phrase is in somewhat frivolous tones. This one knows.

    Of course, the picture is not “first fresh”. Just like the lying citizen. And the volume of its self-sufficiency is only 0.5 liters. But isn't it possible to grow up? Can. Up to 0.7 l, for example.

    “Male self-sufficiency in development.”

    And here the quotation marks are in place. There are tips for development. But, tell me, how to strengthen something uncertain?

    Let's look at some tips that aren't even detailed. Therefore, I will change their places in accordance with my own priorities.

    1. “Take responsibility.”

    Obviously, it was unspokenly implied: for your thoughts, words and actions. I wasn’t raised particularly well, but I was taught to do it. And I wrote about it.

    I will not specifically refer to Jesus, Socrates or King Solomon, but smart people have been saying for centuries: “Everything that happens to a Man in life, he brings into it himself. And only through his own intentions and deeds is he able to correct it.”

    Naturally, asking for advice is not forbidden to anyone. But this is closer to the next point.

    2. “Be able to make choices.”

    This task faces everyone many times a day. From small choices about what pants to wear, from whom to study, to choosing the path of life. And it’s called simply, having your own opinion and independence in life. See point 1.

    3. “Perceive others as your own reflection.”

    Here an explanation is simply required, and it is due to the fact that there are no “random events” in life. Every collision, every meeting takes place so that each of the participants pays attention to something, thinks about something. I asked myself my favorite question: “Why am I seeing THIS?”

    Since in life we ​​blindly rush past, if we do not scream in horror, we will not betray ourselves here either.

    4. “Live in the moment.”

    To return from someone else’s list to the original source, let’s reformulate: “Live in the present moment: here and now.” And this “news” comes all the way from the ancient East.” What does modern self-sufficiency have to do with it?

    There was also some incomprehensible advice: “Don’t jump in over your head.” Why not set the following exercise in developing self-sufficiency: “Don’t break the butt with a whip.”

    And it turns out that in order to “develop self-sufficiency” people need to strengthen completely different properties. Isn't it easier to start doing this earlier and more directly?

    Self-sufficiency of a man: “Dismemberment is like death.”


    What do three people have in common? Yes, the appearance of the bottom right corresponds to the idea of ​​an accomplished man. That is, one who has achieved financial independence.
    The one on the left is simply focused on the dream of strong muscles, but “ White shirt"does not allow us to present them. And the top one demonstrates complete indifference and independence from the outside world in general.

    What unites them is the gesture of complete closure. Open any book about sign language, and you will understand that everyone is closed to the world within themselves. I cannot estimate the richness of these worlds.

    Is this what you want to become? Are you looking for such a companion?

    What then will you captivate him with if he is satisfied with himself?

    But, as they say, let’s return to our... male self-sufficiency. It turned out that the self-sufficiency of a man (and in general) is divided into psychological, economic and social self-sufficiency. Or maybe it's falling apart.

    I quote: “Social self-sufficiency is when you are not just smart and strong, but also successful, wealthy, in your business.”

    It turns out that, for example, an accountant or some kind of engineer with a salary of 50-70 thousand rubles. will never be able to become self-sufficient people?

    We were unlucky. But it’s also not easy for them who are self-sufficient. Because there are a lot of reservations, pitfalls, rapids and even waterfalls. Here's just one example:

    And very important point- absence of sick attachments.

    If you understand that someone’s existence is necessary for you like air, letters or calls from someone are a matter of life and death for you, it is difficult to talk about self-sufficiency.

    These are YOUR sick attachments.

    Somehow it turns out “not in a self-sufficient way.” No, the monk melting snow in the Himalayas with his energy (1st picture of the article) is more attractive to me than a similar man in a suit. Even with a tie.

    Yes, he is socially and financially successful. But this success also depends on other people. What does “self-sufficiency” have to do with it? Although the combination “Success in Life” itself is subjective. .

    Conclusion: “A self-sufficient man is an advertising phantom.”

    I'll start with the main surprise. Sorry, the “surprise” happened involuntarily. I warned you that I am on friendly terms with the Russian language. The final conclusion of the materials read.

    Absolute and permanent self-sufficiency does NOT exist in the world.


    There is something about weather, social and other conditions. It really reminds us of the well-known accuracy of weather forecasts: “Precipitation is possible in some areas and at times. Somewhere even strong.”

    What then is the meaning behind this common cliche? Why was it created from a mixture of personality characteristics, practical education and preparation for independent life? It turns out

    Dismember and conquer.

    This, in my opinion, is the motto of trainers and coaches: self-sufficiency. It’s not for nothing that they are most often photographed with their arms crossed. What can a person who isolates himself from them give to others? Only words.

    If you are engaged in esotericism and “send to the sky” requests to bring a self-sufficient man into your life, I assure you, he will appear. Only he will need you in a completely different way than you imagined. IN soft version So.

    Self-sufficient man
    Has good reasons
    Stay self-sufficient
    And... self-satisfaction.
    * * *

    Because a self-sufficient man is advertising eclecticism, or in Russian, “ lazy cabbage rolls"from the characteristics and traits of personality at all stages of its formation. These words did not bring anything new to the understanding of human relations. And there will be misunderstanding and confusion. Express your opinion in the comments. I only ask that, speaking about a man’s self-sufficiency, we operate with his qualities at the level of actions. How else do you think?

    Thanks for reading

    Stanislav Stepanov

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