• We knit gloves using knitting needles with a folding flap. How to knit gloves with knitting needles with a description: diagrams, patterns. How to knit women's, men's and children's gloves with knitting needles? Description of knitting gloves-mittens


    Wrist circumference: 16 – 17.5 (18 – 20) cm


    Yarn Berroco Ultra Alpaca (50% alpaca wool, 50% wool, 100 g/198 m) 1-2 skeins. Double or circular needles 3.25 mm, stitch holders, markers.

    Knitting density

    24 p. and 32 r. = 10 x 10 cm in stockinette stitch


    Left mitten glove

    Cuff: cast on 38 (42) loops, join in a circle and place a start marker. Knit with 1x1 rib to a height of 9 cm. Next round: knit all stitches in stockinette stitch, adding 2 (4) stitches. Next, knit another 2 (3) rounds. Next, knit a gusset for thumb:

    1 circle: k1. p., put a marker, at the end of the circle – put a marker, k1. P.

    Round 2 (increase circle): knit 1. p., 1 p. from the broach, move the marker, at the end of the circle - move the marker, 1 p. from the broach, k1. P.

    Rounds 3 and 4: knit in stockinette stitch

    5th circle: circle of increases.

    Rounds 6 and 7: knit in stockinette stitch. Continue knitting the gusset until there are 16 (18) stitches between the markers. Next, knit 2 more circles in stockinette stitch on 54 (56) stitches. Knit the next round only up to the second marker, then remove the marker and transfer the next 16 (18) gusset loops to the holder. We will knit them later. Turn the work and cast on 2 stitches, turn the work and connect the loops in a circle (now there are 2 new loops on the needles above thumb). The beginning of the circle is in the middle between these 2 stitches. Place a marker and continue knitting for 40 (46) stitches, knit 4 (5) circles.

    **Next round: Work the first 21 (24) stitches in the round, before continuing to knit, pull a piece of yarn through these loops. Knit another 3 (4) rounds, in the last round knit all the loops, leaving the last 6 (7) stitches. Try on the glove to make sure that you can then start knitting the fingers.

    1 finger: transfer all loops except the first and last 6 (7) stitches to an additional needle. The resulting 12 (14) stitches will be used to knit the finger. Knit 12 (14) sts, turn the work and cast on 3 sts, turn again and join the loops in a circle - 15 (17) sts on the knitting needles. Knit 4 (6) rows.

    Note: in order to get rid of possible holes in the base of the fingers in the work, it is recommended to cast on 1-2 extra loops and make decreases in the next round, thus removing them from the work.

    2nd finger: take 5 sts of the front part of the glove from an additional knitting needle, cast on 3 sts, take another 5 sts of the back of the glove from an additional knitting needle, cast on 3 sts at the base of the 1st finger. Total 16 stitches on knitting needles. Knit 5 (6) rows in stockinette stitch and then 4 more rows in rib stitch. In the next row, bind off all stitches according to the pattern.

    3rd finger: knit as for the 2nd finger.

    4th finger (little finger): transfer the remaining 8 (12) sts to the working needles and pick up 4 (3) sts at the base of the 3rd finger. Total 12 (15) stitches on knitting needles. Knit 1 circle. p. In the next circle, decrease 0 (1) p. and knit 2 more circles with stockinette stitch. Next, knit 4 circles with an elastic band and bind off all the loops according to the pattern.

    Thumb: transfer 16 (18) stitches from the additional needle and then cast on 4 new stitches. The beginning of the circle is in the middle between the 4 new loops - place a marker.

    1 circle: 2 persons. p., 2 p. together, at the end of the circle - 1 decrease (remove 1 p. without knitting, 1 knit p. and stretch it through the removed one), k2. P.

    Round 2: knit. P.

    3rd round: knit as 1st round.

    4th round: knit as 2nd round. *Continue to work on all loops until the length is 2 cm. In the next round, start making decreases, knitting 1 knit. p. and then 2 p. together. Next, knit 1 circle of faces. p. and in the next round close all the loops.

    Lapels: cast on 21 (25) sts and knit with 1x1 rib, then start casting on new stitches along the outer part of the glove along the line where the thread is pulled. As a result, you should get 42 (49) sts on the knitting needles. Join the knitting in a circle. In the next round, knit the first 21 (25) with an elastic band, and the cast-on loops in stockinette stitch. Knit 4 more rounds. In the next round, decrease 0 (1) stitches and then knit with stockinette stitch on all stitches to a height of 4 (5) cm from the first decrease circle. Then, in every 2nd round, decrease on both sides of the stitch until 18 (20) stitches remain on the needles. In the next round, bind off the remaining stitches in any way convenient for you. Using the same principle, knit a lapel for the thumb, casting on 9 stitches to start knitting.

    You will need: mohair yarn (550 m/100 g) -100 g melange yarn, set of stocking needles No. 2.

    The product is knitted with 2 folds of thread.

    Rib 1x1: knit 1 alternately. p., 1 p. n. In from. rows of loops knit according to the pattern.

    Front stitch: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

    Knitting density: 26 sts x 38 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

    Description of knitting gloves-mittens:

    Cast on 48 stitches and distribute them onto 4 needles. Knit the cuff in the round for 50 rows using an elastic band. Next, continue knitting faces. satin stitch Knit 4 rows, then make increases for the thumb wedge - before and after the 1st loop of the 1st knitting needle, add 1 stitch. Knit the stretch between the two loops with a knit stitch. The added loops are on the first knitting needle. Repeat these increases 5 more times (increase 1 stitch along the edges of the newly cast on loops) in every fourth row. Next, temporarily set aside 13 stitches of the wedge - to do this, transfer the loops to a safety pin.

    Between the last loop of the 4th needle and the 1st loop of the 1st needle, cast on 5 stitches for the jumper. The beginning of the row for the left glove is behind these loops, on the right glove - in front of these loops. Knit 10-11 rows, decreasing 5 stitches - in every second row, 1 stitch on each side of the jumper made. There should be 48 stitches left on the knitting needles. Next, start knitting your fingers. Divide the loops - 14 stitches for the index finger, 12 for the middle finger, 12 for the ring finger and 10 stitches for the little finger.

    Forefinger: knit 14 sts from the main part and cast on new 2 sts for the jumper = 16 sts. Distribute these loops onto 3 knitting needles and knit with the fourth. For the index finger, knit 7 rows of knits. satin stitch and 3 rows of ribbed stitch. Close the hinges.

    Middle and unnamed knit the fingers in the same way, but with two jumpers on both sides of the fingers, each of the two loops = 16 stitches per finger.

    Little finger knit on the remaining 10 loops + 2 sts. Jumpers = 12 sts. For the little finger, knit 5 rows of knits. satin stitch and 3 rows of rib.

    Thumb: take the set aside 13 sts, pull 5 sts from the jumper = 18 sts. Knit to a height of 5 cm. Follow the fingertip as follows - in one row, knit 2 sts together, from these 11 sts, knit another row, then pull the loops working thread.

    Hood-mitten: in a row 4-5 rows below the beginning of the fingers, cast on 24 sts from the outside of the glove. Cast on another 24 sts. Knit the hood on 48 loops in a circle - on the outside of the faces. stitch, from the palm side, knit 6 rows with an elastic band, then continue with knits. satin stitch After about 20 rows from the start of knitting (4.5-5 cm), start decreasing in every second row: on the 1st knitting needle, remove the first loop unknitted, knit the next one and pull through the removed loop. Knit the penultimate and last stitches of the 2nd needle together. At the beginning of the 3rd knitting needle, perform a decrease as on the 1st knitting needle, on the 4th knitting needle - as on the 2nd knitting needle. Decrease the stitches in this way until there is only 1 stitch left on the knitting needles. Gather the remaining loops onto the thread, tighten and fasten the thread to the wrong side. side.

    Second mitten knit symmetrically.

    Mittens have always been the most practical and convenient for cold winter. Today there is a huge selection of mittens in stores for the whole family, but it is much more pleasant to wear things that were created with love with your own hands.

    Having learned to knit, you can create entire sets: hat, scarf, mittens. They will harmonize beautifully with each other if they are made in the same style with the same pattern.

    I propose to go directly to the discussion of the topic: “how to knit mittens with knitting needles - step-by-step instructions.”

    How to knit mittens with knitting needles (step by step for beginners)

    In order to learn how to knit beautiful stylish mittens, you need to learn how to knit the simplest ones, on the basis of which you can create the most original models for the whole family.

    Seamless mittens - master class with detailed description (photo)

    The most interesting thing is that even the lazy can handle this model. They can be plain, but the author suggests adding a few red stripes for variety.

    Popular articles:

    For work we will need wool thread (70 g), 5 double needles No. 3.

    The product is knitted from top to bottom on five needles, as a result of which it will turn out without a seam. Calculation of the number of loops: 20 x 1,7 = 34 loops. Distribute 34 stitches onto 4 knitting needles. I suggest rounding up and casting on 36 loops, so we get 9 each.

    To make the explanation easier, let's give each knitting needle a serial number. Closing the circle, we knit four loops of the 1st knitting needle together with the end of the yarn remaining on the 4th knitting needle from the set of loops, so that the circle closes tightly around the edge.

    The thumb will be knitted on the 1st needle, for the left - on the 2nd. To do this, knit the first loop on the 1st knitting needle with a thread of the main color. All other loops, except the last one, are knitted with colored thread. Then we return the loops connected with the colored thread to the 1st knitting needle and knit again with the main thread. We get a colored touch. This will be the hole for the thumb in the future. Next, we simply knit up to the little finger (about 8 cm).

    Then we proceed to decreasing the loops on the toe of the mitten. On the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, at the beginning, we knit the first two loops together using the front stitch in the second way (at the back walls), having first turned over the 1st loop. On the 2nd and 4th knitting needles we knit two loops together at the end of the knitting needle using the first method (behind the front walls). So we decrease the loops through the circle until each knitting needle has half the number of loops (in our case, when the number of loops on each knitting needle is odd, we decrease the smaller part through the circle - 4 loops), then we decrease the loops in each circle (5 loops). At the same time, on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, in those rows where we do not decrease the loops, we also turn the first loops over and knit them in the first way. When there are 2 loops on each knitting needle, tighten the loops and secure them on the wrong side.

    Now let's get started thumb tying. To do this, carefully pull the colored thread out of the thumb hole. Then we insert two knitting needles into the free loops, we get 7 loops on the lower knitting needle, 6 on the upper knitting needle. We begin to knit the finger, distributing the loops on 4 knitting needles: 4 loops on the first, 3 on the second and pull one loop from the side edge of the hole, on the 3rd and the 4th knitting needle will also have 4 loops (3+1 from the side edge of the hole). To make it more convenient, the end of the working thread can be lowered into the hole (on the wrong side of the product).

    We continue to knit the finger in a circle until the middle of the nail, and then begin to decrease the loops in the same way as when knitting the toe of the mitten: on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles at the beginning, on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles at the end, but decreasing We do it in every row. When there is 1 loop left on each knitting needle, we tighten the loops and fasten them on the wrong side.

    Left mitten knitted similarly to the right one, but in a mirror image: we knit the hole for the finger on the 2nd knitting needle.

    Step-by-step instructions for knitting on two needles

    These long mittens can also be knitted on two knitting needles. You can knit two parts separately and then join the halves, but we will consider the option where you only have to make one invisible seam (this will be correct and visually more beautiful).

    Needed: yarn, knitting needles, regular and knitting pins, measuring tape, hook, needle.

    Let's start with the right part.

    We measure the circumference of the wrist, the length of the palm and thumb. It is also necessary to measure the knitting density by knitting a little. We measure how many loops there are per 1 cm. My girth is 20 cm, there are 2 loops in 1 cm. You need 40p-4 = set of 36p + 2 edges.

    We start from the bottom with a 2x2 elastic (knit 2, purl 2). It turned out to be approximately 10 cm (15 rows).

    Next, we move on to the main fabric, where you can choose knitting needles of a smaller diameter. In the second row, add 4 stitches evenly. Next we simply knit 7 rows to the base of the thumb. You can try on and knit more/less if necessary.

    The finger in the mitten is not on the side, but somewhat closer to the palm, so for the right mitten we knit as follows.

    • A. - edge, 2p. We knit according to the drawing and remove it with a regular sewing pin.
    • B. - For a finger, take 6-7 loops. Depending on completeness. We knit 7 loops according to the pattern, and remove all the remaining ones with a pin.
    • V. - we only have 7 thumb loops left on the working knitting needle.

    We knit in height with the main pattern, without edges!!! We multiply the length of the finger by 2. My finger is 6 cm * 2 = 12 cm in height. 21 rows came out. WE KNIT THE FIRST AND LAST ACCORDING TO THE DRAWING!!! We return the loops from the large pin to the knitting needle.

    Divide all the loops by 2. Slip one part onto a pin.

    Let's start cutting down.

    We knit the purl row according to the pattern. I don't have 20 stitches on my needle. I knit like this: edge, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 12, knit 2 together, knit 1, purl 1. Total 20 stitches. We shorten this way in each front row until there are 6-8 loops left on the knitting needle. I have 7.

    Close the loops and do the same procedure with the second half. To finish correctly, simply knit two stitches together, transferring the knitted one to the main needle.

    From these lessons we can conclude that knitting is not that difficult. Knitting mittens requires basic knowledge and a little free time.

    Knitted mittens with a pattern (diagrams and description)

    Having learned to knit the simplest patterns, you can dilute them beautiful patterns, giving free rein to your imagination. In the article “” you will find them in large quantities.

    And now I suggest switching to more complex mittens with knitting needles (diagrams and descriptions will help you understand this difficult task).

    How to knit beautiful mittens with braids for women

    Mittens with braids, knitting patterns and descriptions for lovers of the classics.

    The braid will be the main decoration. We chose a simple braid, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, you can choose a more complex and original option.

    Yarn - acrylic (can be made from angora), approximately 70 g; stocking needles No. 3.5.

    Elastic pattern: K2, P2.

    Knitting a braid pattern: 8 loops cross to the left (leave 4 loops on the auxiliary needle before work, knit 4 and knit loops from the auxiliary needle).

    Cross 8 loops to the right (leave 4 loops on the auxiliary needle while working, knit 4 and knit loops from the auxiliary needle).

    Cast on 48 stitches and distribute them onto stocking needles, resulting in 12 stitches on each needle. Knit with a 3.5 cm elastic pattern (if the elastic is not enough for you, knit more than cm).

    Then, we start knitting the main pattern. For the convenience of knitting the “braid” pattern, I transfer the loops from the 1st and 2nd knitting needles to one knitting needle. Those. I have the loops distributed over 3 knitting needles (not 4 knitting needles), on the first knitting needle there are 24 loops of the main pattern, and on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles from the palm side there are 12 loops each.

    So, the first row after the elastic begins with a knitting needle with 24 loops, we begin to knit the main pattern.

    Rows 1-6: K1, P2, K8, P2, K8, P2, K1, knit stitches on 2 knitting needles from the palm side.

    7th row: K1, P2, 8 loops cross to the left, P2, 8 loops cross to the right, P2, K1, loops on 2 knitting needles from the palm side we knit. Repeat rows 1-7 throughout the entire work.

    At a height of 10 cm from the beginning of knitting (you don’t have to have 10 cm, everyone’s hands and fingers are different), we form a hole for the thumb. Let's start with the left mitten. On the knitting needle from the side of the palm (3rd knitting needle) we knit 4 knits, remove 6 sts on a pin, put 6 sts on the knitting needle (so that there are 12 left, as before), k2.

    We knit the hole for the thumb of the right mitten symmetrically, i.e. on the second knitting needle from the palm side: knit 2, knit 6, slip onto a pin, and knit 6, knit 4 on the knitting needle.

    Formation of the toe carried out after the little finger on the hand is closed.

    For a rounded toe, knit two middle stitches together on each needle.

    Decrease stitches in each row until only 1 stitch remains on the needles (4 in total). After this, tear off the thread of the ball and thread it into the needle. Use a needle to pick up all 4 stitches, pull them off and fasten them from the inside of the mittens.

    After the two mittens are knitted, we begin knitting the thumb. To do this, remove 6 sts from a pin onto a knitting needle, cast on 6 sts on a parallel row and cast on 4 sts on two side rows. In total, we got 20 stitches, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles (5 stitches per knitting needle).

    And we knit circular rows of faces. to the required finger length. We form the toe of the finger similarly to the formation of the toe of the mitten.

    Knitting mittens for children

    Children really love it when their mother creates, for example, beautiful foxes or bears with her own hands, which they can put on their hands and go play in the snow.

    Knitted children's mittens with owls

    There is nothing more interesting for a child than mittens with a pattern. He wears such things with great pleasure, so I propose to please the child with wonderful owls.

    Materials and tools:

    1 skein;
    stocking needles No. 1.5;
    additional knitting needle or special stitch remover;
    yarn needle;
    four beads;
    thread and needle for sewing on beads.
    The mittens are knitted in two threads.

    So, we cast on 32 loops, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles (8 on each).
    Rows 1 - 10: knit 1 rib. x 1 purl.
    11th row: faces.
    Row 12: knit; add 2 persons from the broaches. on every spoke
    13 - 18 rows: faces.
    Row 19: we begin to knit the “owl” on 12 loops of the third and fourth knitting needles. The first knitting needle is knitting; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - knit 4, purl 6; fourth needle - 6 purl, k4.
    Row 20: same as row 19.

    21 row: first knitting needle - knit.; second knitting needle - k2, slip 6 stitches onto a pin for the thumb hole, cast on 6 additional stitches, k2; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.

    22, 23 rows: first knitting needle - knitting needle; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.

    Row 24: first knitting needle - knit; second knitting needle - faces; third knitting needle - knit 4, purl 2, remove 2 loops for additional stitches. knitting needle at work, knit the next two knit stitches, then knit stitches. spoke - persons; fourth knitting needle - remove two loops for extra. knitting needle before work, knit the next two knits., then loops on extra. knitting needles, knit 2, knit 4.

    25 - 31 rows: first knitting needle - knit, second knitting needle - knit, third knitting needle - knit 4, purl 2, knit 4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.
    Row 32: same as row 24

    33 - 35 rows: first knitting needle - knitting needle; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - k4, p2, k4; fourth needle - k4, p2, k4.

    36th row: same as 24th and 32nd.

    Row 37: first knitting needle - knit; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - k4, p2, k2, p2; fourth needle - p2, k2, p2, k4.

    38 - 41 rows: first knitting needle - knitting; second knitting needle - faces; third needle - knit 4, purl 6; fourth needle - 6 purl, k4.

    Row 39: we begin to decrease. First knitting needle - knit the first 2 stitches together. behind back wall; second knitting needle - knit the last 2 knit stitches. behind the front wall; third needle - knit the first 2 stitches together. behind the back wall; fourth needle - knit the last 2 knit stitches. behind the front wall. Knit the remaining loops according to the pattern (knit and purl)

    When there are only 8 loops left on the knitting needles, tighten them with a needle. For the thumb, transfer the 6 loops removed on the pin to the knitting needle, and cast on 2+6+2 loops from the edges onto three knitting needles.

    We knit 12 rows in a circle. Then we transfer all the loops to two knitting needles and begin to decrease: on each knitting needle we knit the first 2 loops together behind the back wall, the last 2 - behind the front wall. We knit the second mitten in exactly the same way - only we leave the hole for the thumb not on the second knitting needle, but on the first.

    Sew on bead eyes and enjoy this wonderful new product for winter.

    Ideas with bullfinches (embroidery)

    Having simple mittens on hand, you can decorate them with original embroidery, which will look great in a children's set.

    Video lessons from the best masters

    YouTube today has become a real treasure trove where you can find a huge number of educational videos. For example, on Svetlana Bersanova’s blogs you can watch a video lesson for free. And there are quite a few such good authors. You can find a mentor to your liking and receive valuable knowledge absolutely free.

    Original mice or white hedgehogs for kids

    How to knit mitts

    Warm openwork for girls (double mohair)

    Interesting two-color minions for a boy 7-8 years old

    Jacquard products (video tutorials)

    Jacquard with a winter theme is a classic that will always be relevant, so I suggest moving on to the most complex options that require maximum time and attention to detail.

    Original knitting with ornaments (Norwegian patterns)

    For girls with deer

    If you want to learn how to knit a complex but very original “deer” pattern, this lesson with detailed description will help you.

    Men's mittens with arans for little men

    If you learn all the lessons we offer, you will be able to fantasize and create products of any complexity: women's gloves without fingers, with a folding top, with a false pattern, from thick yarn and embroidery. Good luck in your endeavors. Try, experiment and pamper your family with pleasant fagots.

    Flip-top gloves, or mitts as they are also called, knitted made from warm yarn will always look relevant. Their popularity lies in high level comfort. Initially, this style was invented for market sellers who found it inconvenient to work with gloves, and without them it was very cold.

    Workers found a way out of the situation by cutting off the ends of standard gloves. But the fingertips still remained cold. Therefore, it was decided to create an additional convertible top, which allows you not only to confidently count money and take various goods, but also protect your palm from the cold.

    Not only market sellers liked the ability to quickly free their fingers. Nowadays, flip-top gloves can be found not only among adults, but also among children. In this case, such a model can be connected independently.

    Where to start knitting gloves with opening fingers?

    First of all, to make transformable gloves with your own hands, you need to collect all the tools for the job. Experienced and novice needlewomen will find the following useful when doing needlework:

    • Spokes in the amount of 5 units;
    • Yarn– 1-2 skeins of 140 g each (acrylic, acrylic with wool). You can take skeins of different colors;
    • Needle. It is necessary in order to bring all the elements together.

    Attention! The size of the knitting needles should correspond to the thickness of the yarn. For the winter period, denser yarn is used, which means the knitting needle size will be from 4 to 4.5 mm. The product for the spring-autumn period will be made from a thin thread. This means that 2.5 mm knitting needles will be useful in your work.

    For ease of use, the folding top of the transforming mittens can be fixed. To do this on back side A small button is sewn onto the palm. And on the convertible top there is a loop.

    Some craftswomen knit a fixing elastic band separately. It looks like a thinly knitted flap, which will be sewn on both sides and will act as a retainer for the convertible top.

    General job description

    The flip-top gloves will consist of three parts: a back and front base, a flip-up top and five fingers. Work begins with creating the foundation. Then they move on to knitting the fingers and creating a convertible top.

    On a note! The technology of knitting convertible gloves is not as complicated as it seems at first. The only important thing is to monitor the knitting density. In this case, all the parts will be symmetrical and fit together well.

    The convertible top must be tied as tightly as possible. It is important that it fits well to your fingers, which will provide warmth in cold weather.

    Gloves can be plain or patterned. Both options can be additionally decorated with buttons or sequins. When creating a model for a child, it is important to pay due attention to the elastic band. It must fit tightly around the wrist, otherwise the child may lose the gloves.

    Main stages of work

    Determining the size:

    1. We trace our hand on a piece of paper;
    2. We measure the circumference of the wrist - usually 15.5-18 cm. We will count on an average of 17 cm;
    3. We measure the circumference at the widest point of the arm. We will count on an average of 18 cm;
    4. We measure the distance from the beginning of the thumb to the base of the hand - usually 6-8 cm;
    5. We fix the number from the beginning of the little finger to the base of the hand - 9-10 cm;
    6. Measurements from the base of the thumb to the base of the hand are approximately 10 cm.
    7. Based on these measurements, we form a control sample in which 2 loops should be 1 cm.

    Important! All measurements must be taken with the hand relaxed. It is important to record the numbers with a small margin of 0.5 cm so that it does not become tight.

    For beginning needlewomen who are knitting gloves with cut-off knitting needles for the first time, it is better to knit with light threads. On dark yarn, the knit and purl stitches are difficult to see, so you can get confused.

    Let's start knitting gloves with open fingers

    1. We cast on 36 loops and divide them equally into 4 knitting needles;
    2. We knit in the round with an elastic band (1 knit, 1 purl);
    3. Use a marker to mark the beginning of the row. We knit an elastic band 5-6 cm wide. You can have more if you want to make the cuff long;
    4. As soon as the cuff is completed, we begin to knit with facial loops. On each knitting needle you need to add one loop;
    5. So we knit three rows;
    6. Then we form a wedge for the thumb. If we knit gloves for right hand, then at the beginning of the first knitting needle we make a yarn over, for the left hand - at the end of the fourth knitting needle we make a yarn over.
    7. We knit three rows in stockinette stitch;
    8. On the fourth row, add a loop, knit three loops and make another loop;
    9. We knit the remaining three rows in satin stitch;
    10. In the next row we form a yarn over, knit 5 loops, add a loop;
    11. We knit three rows in satin stitch. We start the row with a yarn over, form 7 knit stitches and then yarn over again;
    12. We form three rows of satin stitch;
    13. Using the same pattern, we knit further and form a wedge for the thumb to the end;
    14. Slip 11 stitches onto a pin or knitting needle. We distribute them in half;
    15. We begin to decrease the loops (we knit together the last loops from the quadruple and the first knitting needles) until the wedge goes away. It is necessary to reach the level of the little finger.

    Finger formation stage

    We knit the folding top of transformable gloves
    • Turn the glove over with the back side and cast on about 25 loops at the marked place;
    • We form an edge loop, turn the glove over (upside down) and knit purl rows;
    • We put two knitting needles together and form another 25 loops;
    • There will be 51 loops in total. We knit the loops formed from the glove using stockinette stitch, the rest using an elastic band;

    Important! To ensure a neat edge of the elastic, you need to turn over all the loops in the first row of elastic before knitting.

    • So we knit 5 rows and begin to decrease, gradually knitting two loops together in each row.
    • We connect the folding part together.
    Knitting the thumb
    • We tie the thread and form 6 loops;
    • We remove the remaining loops from the pins and distribute the loops onto the knitting needles;
    • We knit several rows along the length of the thumb;
    • At the end of the loop we gradually remove and tighten the edge.

    Gloves (mitts) with a folding top can be original and a useful gift for a loved one. This accessory will appeal to all ages. The product is much warmer than classic version gloves and will protect your hands even on the coldest day.

    Video: Mittens-gloves with a folding valve

    Features of knitting warm, openwork, convertible and fingerless gloves.

    Gloves remain a relevant element of the wardrobe in the cool season.

    Needlewomen are trying to please their hands with new models and make them for gifts to family and friends.

    In gloves, our fingers are free and it is more convenient for us to perform various actions with them. In addition, knitted models:

    • beautiful
    • attract the attention of others
    • highlight your style preferences

    Openwork gloves with knitting needles: pattern with pattern

    girl holding ready-made knitted openwork gloves

    Openwork models of gloves are relevant for autumn and spring. In combination with a beautiful scarf they will complement your feminine, delicate look.

    If you knit gloves made of wool mixture or cotton thread, they will retain the elasticity and beauty of the openwork pattern.

    Select the latter, for example, from the following options:

    openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 1

    openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 2

    openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 3

    openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 4

    openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 5

    Knit an openwork pattern on:

    • back of the glove
    • rubber band
    • half of each finger from the back

    Some models contain it from the beginning of knitting to the fingertips only on the outside.

    Be sure to do your hands correctly before you start knitting the gloves.

    How to knit long and short fingerless gloves with knitting needles?

    the girl has knitted long fingerless gloves on her hands
    • The first step is to determine the length of the future product to the wrist. That is, in short version, for example, 5 cm, and in the long one - above the elbow.
    • For long mitts, take an additional measurement of the circumference of the place where they begin - above the elbow, elbow, below it.
    • Select a pattern or several to work with and make a test pattern. Determine the knitting density.
    • Draw a diagram of future fingerless gloves, mark the narrow and wide areas. For them, plan to decrease the loops and widen the fabric. For example, for high mitts with the beginning just below the elbow, it is convenient to decrease 3-4 loops every 2 cm and continue until the wrist. Then pick up the loops for the palm.
    • Mark the wrist area with a short elastic band, a purl row, and openwork holes for decoration with a lace or ribbon.
    • A number of needlewomen mark the place for the thumb with a wedge of extension from the wrist. Others knit straight fabric and leave open loops for opening it.
    • Continue working the main pattern/s up to the knuckles or a little higher.
    • Decrease to 8 stitches and switch to a tight elastic band, garter stitch, openwork insert to the height of the middle of the middle finger. Or distribute the loops as for knitting the fingers of a glove and knit them to a height of 2-3 cm. Close the loops in the usual way.
    • Return to the thumb and knit the fabric for it to a height of 1.5-3 cm.
    • Repeat all steps to knit a second fingerless glove.

    Decorate the finished products with beads, seed beads, stones, and ready-made compositions of flowers, leaves, and fur.

    For inspiration, a few ready-made mitts different lengths:

    ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 1

    ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 2

    ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 3

    ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 4

    ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 5

    a series of short mitts with knitting needles of different colors on the hands of a model

    Knitted men's gloves: video

    interesting model knitted men's gloves

    Men's glove models are laconic in appearance and easy to use even for novice needlewomen.

    Nevertheless, there are “gourmets” who connoisseurs of braids and weaves on the fabric of gloves.

    Video: knitting men's gloves

    How to knit women's gloves: diagram

    cute ready-made knitted women's gloves

    There are probably more women's models of gloves in magazines and on the Internet.

    They are:

    • long and short
    • openwork, stockinette stitch and warm patterns
    • decorated with ribbons, knitted and ready-made decorative elements
    • with flared and fitted hems

    The knitting pattern for women's gloves is close to the classic one:

    • elastic cuff
    • blade with extension to thumb hole
    • decrease over it and smooth work other base of the little finger
    • distribution of finger loops
    • knitting each separately from the little finger to the index finger, vice versa or in discord
    • completing the glove by knitting a thumb house
    • repeating actions for the second instance in mirror order

    Several diagrams in the pictures:

    knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 1

    knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 2

    knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 3

    Gloves - mittens knitted

    cute mitten gloves with a heart and buttons

    The combination of knitted mittens and gloves in one product has found its fans among all generations and ages.

    • Getting started is the same for both mittens and gloves. Rib the cuff and continue with the base pattern, adding an extension wedge for the thumb. Be careful in its location. For the right mitten glove there are 2 knitting needles at the end, for the left one - 4.
    • Leave loops for the thumb hole, add half of them. Continue knitting in the round, decreasing over the remaining stitches to the original number at the start of work.
    • Having knitted 3-4 cm, knit the back of the mitten, and knit the inside. This is where you marked the start of the finger flap.
    • Distribute the fabric to work over each finger and tie them halfway.
    • Return to the thumb hole and knit the fabric for it.
    • Pick up stitches from the purl row under your fingers and cast on the same number of stitches. Close into a circle.
    • The first ones are knitted in stockinette stitch, the second ones are knitted with an elastic band, for example, 2x2.
    • After 2 cm, switch to the same pattern in a circle.
    • Having reached the height of the upper phalanx of the middle finger, decrease the loops on the valve in a manner convenient for you.
    • Pull the final 4 loops with thread. For a more rounded finger house, perform this step with 8 loops.
    • Knit the second mitten-glove symmetrically.

    For originality and convenience, sew on finished goods 1 button in the area where the cuff transitions to the main fabric on the back. Tie a tourniquet to the tops of the valve, roll it into a loop and secure its free edge.

    In the open finger position, hook the flap onto the button.

    How to knit children's gloves with knitting needles?

    winter gloves knitted on the hands of a child

    For children, gloves can be knitted using similar patterns as for adults. These models also have:

    • wedge extension for thumb
    • distribution of loops for the remaining fingers
    • knitting them one by one
    • optional decoration of finished gloves

    See the pictures for several descriptions of work from knitting magazines.

    description in the magazine of knitting gloves-mittens

    description from a magazine for knitting children's gloves

    Knitted gloves for boys

    knitted blue gloves-mittens for boys

    Boys love to do a lot of things with their hands, so it is important for them to have access to each of their fingers. Mother craftsmen just have to put on a few pairs of gloves per shift.

    Consider the color scheme of the boy’s main wardrobe, combination with a hat, scarf and shoes. Then there will be much more room for your imagination to fly.

    In future articles we will look at the features of knitting gloves for children and adults. Therefore, we will not dwell on them for a long time.

    See below for several models of knitted gloves for boys with a description of the work.

    several descriptions of knitting gloves for boys from magazines

    description of knitting gloves for a boy from a magazine

    Patterns for knitting gloves: diagrams

    ready-made knitted gloves with several patterns

    Once you've trained your hands in knitting gloves using stockinette stitch, it's time to learn other patterns.

    For example, these:

    diagram and pattern of knitted gloves

    patterns for knitting gloves, example 1 patterns for knitted gloves, example 2

    patterns for knitting gloves, example 3

    patterns for knitting gloves, example 4

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 5

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 6

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 7

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 8

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 9

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 10

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 11

    patterns for knitted gloves, example 12
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