• I'm a former drug addict. Constant quarrels with my wife. Constant quarrels and breakdowns with a guy


    How to stop quarreling over trifles?

    There are disagreements in every family, you cannot do without it. Everyone quarrels: children, teenagers, parents, wives and husbands. Every time there is a reason for the dispute and its consequences. The worst thing is if quarreling occur between husband and wife, gradually developing into a serious conflict.

    It often happens like this: a young family solves everyday difficulties and simply lives. And quarrels seem to appear out of nowhere.

    For example, a husband goes to another city for work and calls his wife every day.

    And then for some reason the calls become less frequent, he makes friends with whom he has fun. His wife, naturally, expects at least a call from him in the evening, but he simply forgets about her.

    Just think, I didn’t call her, I’m just tired! - that’s what my husband thinks.

    And it won’t even occur to him that the girl will be upset to such an extent that she won’t be able to sleep all night.

    How could he go to bed, and even turn off the phone, without talking to me and asking how I was doing?! – the wife will worry all night.

    Of course, she would call him in the morning herself and ask him what happened. But different thoughts will pop into her head, and not all of them will be pleasant. The husband does not understand what the claims are against him, and the wife is offended.

    Then mutual grievances will begin, they will interfere with the relationship, and it remains to be seen how it will all end, because trust will begin to disappear.

    At first glance, it will seem that there is no serious reason for the quarrels. But the “hotbed of conflict” in in this case will be the husband's behavior. He does not want to understand that his inattention to small things offends his wife. She remembers him and will never go to bed if she doesn’t know how his day went.

    A woman may not be interested in her husband if she has stopped feeling for him old feelings. Therefore, as soon as her husband forgets to call her or at least send her an SMS, she, by her logic, understands everything unambiguously: he has a new hobby, and now he doesn’t need her!

    A husband, if he finds out about such women’s thoughts, will not even understand on what basis they appeared in principle. But do not forget that a woman lives by love and for the sake of this feeling, but for a man everything is different. If you don’t know how a man loves, be sure to read this interesting information.

    But a woman can make mistakes, because men are structured completely differently, and their logic is very different from women’s. Therefore, the most important thing to do is to simply talk and find the cause of the conflict. Otherwise, the wife will come up with so many things and spin them in her head...

    In this case, there was a cooling of relations between the spouses, since they both live at a distance from each other. And now both are rethinking their family life and get used to it.

    When quarrels in the family begin for no apparent reason, simply because of trifles, then a serious problem lies at the heart of these conflicts. For example, there is a closed topic between a husband and wife that both do not want to talk about.

    Maybe some old grudge, inflicted many years ago, or even the fear of losing each other. The husband forgot about this long ago, but the wife did not!

    If a wife does not trust her husband, and he does not believe her words, this can also be a cause of disagreement.

    When you realize that a quarrel may soon begin, ask yourself a simple question: what exactly are you trying to achieve? What exactly do you want? Why You Need It?

    Remember that any quarrels in the family are a snowball. Once they start happening on a regular basis, no one knows what consequences this may lead to in the future. And these consequences can be serious, up to a complete breakdown of relationships and family breakdown.

    You, of course, know that it is easier to put out a fire before it breaks out.

    In any dispute, one word spoken with anger in a fit of anger can ignite your ordinary quarrel into a global conflict, when a calm conversation turns into shouting.

    And that’s it, here all the insults that the spouses inflicted on each other will be remembered. last years. Words spoken in a fit of anger will remain after the quarrel is over. It will be very difficult to forget them. And they will then become the cause of the next quarrel. The result will be a vicious circle when in a family one conflict begins to feed another.

    Therefore, do not forget one simple rule: always think what you say. Don't put each other down with words. After all, they can hurt the person you love more than a knife. And such a “weapon” that you plant in a person’s heart will cause an incurable wound.

    It will, of course, drag on over time, but the heart will be more vulnerable than before.

    And you will no longer be treated with the same trust as you once were.

    And who is to blame for this? Only you, because you were too cruel to your significant other.

    A heart that is hurt by a loved one in this way can not only hurt, it can be torn apart along with your soul. Many women know about this, but men don’t even suspect it.

    And then they wonder why his wife leaves him for someone else. Any woman has a limit of patience, after which there is no return to previous feelings.

    During a conflict, you cannot cross certain boundaries if you do not want a complete break in the relationship in the future. You cannot humiliate a person, call him names, compare him with others.

    For example, a wife shouts at her husband: “Everyone’s husband helps with the housework, but you just sit in the garage with your friends, your hands won’t fall off if you at least take out the trash!”

    Why do this, what will you achieve by doing this?

    It’s better to talk to your husband in a calm atmosphere and explain to him how hard it is for you to carry not only children, but also the entire household, and at the same time go to work and perform all the responsibilities around the house.

    A man cannot be such a blockhead as not to understand this!

    Simple human conversation always brings results.

    Children, if they happen to be nearby at such a moment, will receive psychological trauma, and then this will affect your life.

    The reproaches with which spouses attack each other gradually kill love. Are you constantly reproached and accused of something? You naturally become defensive.

    An invisible wall appears between you, which gradually becomes so thick that it is impossible to hear behind it what they are trying to tell you. What kind of love is there?

    The abuse that spouses exchange can not only affect their relationship, but it will certainly affect their children. Your children will perceive this pattern of behavior in the family as normal, and then transfer it to their spouse when they grow up and start a family themselves.

    Any quarrel does not exist on its own. It is a consequence of a problem that is hidden deep, deep. Tension gradually builds up between husband and wife, and instead of just talking, they quarrel.

    For example, financial issues, jealousy or misunderstanding are the reasons why you are constantly nervous. Because of money problems, a man loses all desire to have sex, he becomes bitter and may even yell at his wife.

    If you don’t like the way your husband treats you, tell him, explain clearly and intelligibly “on your fingers” what is very important to you and what you would like to receive from him. Most likely, for a man, everything you tell him will be a revelation.

    After all, something like this had never even occurred to him. He'll be surprised when he finds out!

    During quarreling both people who participate in it behave according to strange rules that they themselves came up with. For example, wife ready to shout out all my complaints, and husband suddenly falls silent and simply refuses to speak. He believes that everything is useless and no one hears him. Or the wife begins to remain silent, and she does this for several days in a row.

    One of the spouses is ready to apologize for being wrong. And the other one is not going to do this at all. The stubbornness of the husband may clash with the exact same stubbornness of the wife, especially if she or he happens to be melancholic.

    The temperaments of the spouses are of great importance, because, for example, a choleric person starts half a turn and will never ask for forgiveness. And period!

    If you find yourself in a situation that you don't like, and you both understand that things can go far, you need to urgently take action.

    Think about this simple question: why are you quarreling?

    There is a good reason for this, and it lies in your relationship. If you are afraid or don't even know how to talk to each other, try smoking a peace pipe. You need to sit down next to each other and talk in order to pull out the problems that have been accumulating inside both of you for years.

    If there are conflicts in the family, it means that the spouses are hiding something in their souls from each other.

    As long as any problem is hushed up, it will destroy your relationship from the inside. No problem - quarrels will disappear, because there will simply be no reason for them.

    Learn to give in to one another, there is no need to prove that you are right with foam at the mouth. Try to treat each other more tolerantly, forgive and do not be angry with your loved one.

    If dissatisfaction arises, tell us about it right away so that the problem does not go inside you and take root of resentment for many years. You even need to be able to be offended without destroying your relationship. Love can always melt the ice between you, you just have to fight and not offend each other.

    We quarreled, which means we urgently need to make peace in order to return to good relations.

    You can always fall in love with your spouse again, but to do this you need to try a little and work on your relationship.

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    We quarrel all the time

    Hello! I've been dating a guy for 1.5 years. He pursued me for a long time, appreciated me, but after about six months everything became somehow different. During quarrels, he used to ask for forgiveness, hug, reassure, and never let go. But a year later, we constantly quarrel, almost every day. Many times it came to separation, and in the end we broke up. It happened like this.

    We once again had a big quarrel, didn’t communicate, and in the evening he wrote a message with an apology, a declaration of love, and the next day he simply stopped contacting me. I wrote to him, and he said that he simply did not want to communicate. So we parted. Without explanation, everything happened so strangely. It was a very difficult period in my life. I felt bad, nothing attracted me at all in life. This separation lasted approximately 15-20 days. Then he begged me to come back, he cried, it was very touching and difficult. He promised me everything. He said that he would give me a fairy tale. A few days later I forgave him. For the first 3 weeks everything was just great, but then the quarrels started again. We quarrel constantly, almost every other day.

    Quarrels happen over stupid things. He is making a mountain out of a mountain, and this is not my invention, but an objective opinion! The last time we quarreled was because mall some guy was spying on me in the locker room, I told my young man, and he answers me “well, it’s okay.” Naturally, I was shocked. He knew it from my face. He says you misunderstood me, I didn’t mean it that way. Then he wanted to go up to that guy so that he would apologize, but I stopped him. It seems to me that I needed to react somehow immediately, and not after 15 minutes. The rest of the time he walked around without any mood. The two of us started freaking out and that’s how we quarreled.

    During such seemingly small quarrels, we may not communicate for several days, about 1-2 days. If you start talking to him, explaining something, he will not admit his guilt, but will make me guilty. After a few days, he calms down and makes reconciliation. But I'm already tired of this. Now, after the quarrel over that locker room, we have not communicated for the second day. I don’t know what to do, how to behave... I’m very worried, I’m afraid that he might do the same thing again as last time, leave me... I get all exhausted during such quarrels. I am a completely non-conflict person, I always try to make concessions. I love him so much. And I know that he loves me too. Help me please.


    After six months or a year from the start of a relationship, this is a common occurrence. During this period, adaptation usually occurs, an extension to each other. Each person has his own beliefs about how things should be in a relationship, his own habits and rules. When steam is formed, production begins after some time general rules how everything will be in this relationship. These cannot be the rules of only one of the partners, because both must agree with them, otherwise someone will definitely feel bad.

    Apparently, this essentially normal process is quite difficult for you. Do you have the impression that in most quarrels you are right and he is wrong? If this is so, then this means that each of you stands on his own in quarrels, no one is convinced that the other is right, and no one changes anything in their beliefs. That's why you quarrel all the time: instead of adapting to each other, you try to change the other person to suit you.

    When you explain something to him about an argument, are you trying to explain to him that he is wrong? If this is so, then such behavior cannot but cause resistance in him and retaliatory accusations in your direction, because he also has his own point of view, which you do not want to understand.

    To reduce the number of quarrels, you should begin to perceive his point of view as having the same right to exist as yours. When two people have different points of view, this does not always mean that one is right and the other is wrong. It may be that both people are reasoning from their own point of view and both are right in their own way. You should not assume that you judge everything correctly, and he judges it incorrectly. It is impossible to establish mutual understanding with such a position.

    If you don't like something about his behavior, you should ask him to do it differently next time because you feel that way when he does it. At the same time, you need to understand that the other person is not obliged to fulfill 100% of your requests, because he may not agree with something. If you insist that all of your wishes be followed, the other person feels that their opinions and desires are not important to you.

    In quarrels, try to always find out his position, ask: “what do you think about this?”, “why do you think so?” etc. With such clarifications, you should not immediately argue or refute his opinion, just think about it for a while: maybe you will find something rational in it.

    If you find that you are not really interested in his position, then you will know that you are more concerned own desires, and he is needed only to carry them out. With this question posed, it is not surprising that the guy is angry at this attitude towards him and that you constantly quarrel.

    Changing your position in a relationship is not easy; it takes time and effort. If you need these changes, please contact me, I work in person, via Skype and by correspondence.

    It would seem: here he is, your ideal man, the guy of your dreams, whom it is so pleasant to see in dreams and in reality. You feel like a fairy-tale princess, who is given so much attention, given so much warmth... But suddenly endless conflicts burst into your kingdom, unsettling you and leading you to nervous breakdowns. And the strangest thing is that the cause of these conflicts is you, you start them and inflate them practically from scratch, terrorizing both yourself and your boyfriend. Article " Constant quarrels and breakdowns with a guy” will highlight the main reasons for the emergence of causeless conflicts of a particularly violent nature.

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    Photo gallery: Constant quarrels and breakdowns with a guy

    So, why can there be constant quarrels and breakdowns with a guy? And it would be okay, you have always had such a restless conflicting disposition, but all your friends and acquaintances remember you as an infinitely patient and flexible girl who will never cause a scandal without understanding the reason and without first trying to eliminate it peacefully. What kind of confusion happened in your bright head? However, it’s not so much your friends who are asking about this, but the very guy on whose head all those pokes and slaps, generously scattered by your violent hand, are pouring down. At the same time, you move away very quickly, and immediately you are the first to run to make peace and make amends. But all this is only for the sake of soon starting quarrels again and provoking nervous breakdowns both for myself and for the guy. Why does this happen?

    First of all, pay attention to your health. No, we do not want to subtly hint that your constant breakdowns are associated with some kind of psychological disorder. Perhaps your body simply suffered some kind of malfunction - for example, as a result of taking some medications, it was disrupted hormonal background. This very often causes increased nervousness or anger. In this case, a timely contact with a specialist will save both of your nerves and help solve the problem as quickly as possible. Well, in the meantime, try taking a sedative - after all, it’s not the guy’s fault that you have any health problems. His job in this situation is to support you as much as possible and not give rise to another scandal, avoiding sharp corners with all his might.

    During the unfortunate period, which in medicine is called “PMS,” we often become especially irritable. We are not satisfied with absolutely everything: the way he looked, the way he dressed, what he said. We are capable of flaring up at any moment and burning to the ground in our aggression. Not all of them, of course, but there are some among us. Therefore, if you live separately, try to see your loved one less during this unfortunate period in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels and nervous breakdowns.

    Another reason why quarrels arise lies directly within you. And it's called mistrust. And mistrust is generated by one powerful feeling - jealousy, which can corrode even nerves of steel. You will monitor yourself: perhaps you are groundlessly jealous of him for every pillar? Maybe you accompany him to work with jokes about how his employees are waiting for him? Or maybe it always seems to you that he turns around on the street to look with an appraising glance at some beauty with endless legs? Well then, at the same time, take a look at the entire situation of the area where your man has fixed his gaze. Perhaps there is a sports BMW parked on the side of the road - just the one your boyfriend has dreamed of all his life? Don't get angry with him instantly, don't start right in the middle of the street. He's coming with you. Where did he happen to look? And don’t look at his feet all the time. But, if the situation still hurts you, organize a silent boycott of him at home. Just don’t disgrace us (and they think that we are disgracing them with public scandals) by quarreling on the street. Or make a counter maneuver. And look with lust at some attractive young man. Just be sure to make sure your sweetie notices it. You can trust that he will understand your lesson.

    Constant quarrels can also arise due to a discrepancy between your views on life and relationships. But there’s nothing you can do about it - we all have our own perception of what is happening, our own ideas about what is right and what is wrong. And to achieve harmony, despite these differences, only by trying to understand how your other half sees this world. Try to penetrate deep into his feelings and sensations, compare them with your own and find those points of contact that will help leave all conflicts and misunderstandings in the past forever. But this takes time and effort. Not everyone is ready to start this journey, but those who are persistent, tenacious and truly value their relationships will be able to follow it to the end.

    Now let's be honest with ourselves. Perhaps those quarrels and conflict situations, which you arrange for your boyfriend for no apparent reason - is this an internal boycott of your subconscious, which means your desire to break up with this man? You met, and everything was fine with you, but the further your relationship goes, the more you realize that he is not at all the person, not the life partner with whom you would like to go into old age hand in hand? After all, this can happen - there is nothing shameful or terrible in it. Rather, on the contrary: it is better to realize in time that you are not a couple and separate, than to understand this when there is already something more to unite you than just romantic relationship. The only question is how you behave, having concluded that you can’t be together... Maybe you just don’t want to put an end to it? Are you scared, are you afraid that you won’t find another guy? Or do you simply not want to be the initiator of a breakup? When two forces fight inside a girl, one of which pushes her towards a truthful showdown of the relationship, and the second forces her to lie and create quarrels and breakdowns so that the guy leaves on his own, then her whole life turns into a living hell. There is nothing worse than such a struggle. And it’s better to pull yourself together and talk frankly with him than to pester him with scandals and finish him off with your coldness. He is also a living person, he loves you, since he does not leave, despite your unbearable character. Be loyal to him: he deserves it the truth.

    In fact, the reasons that cause constant scandals, breakdowns and quarrels with a guy may also be a carriage and a small cart. Perhaps these are some little things in life: for example, he doesn’t provide enough for you, he’s not as romantic as Irka’s neighbor’s boyfriend and he doesn’t have a cool car, he doesn’t know how to dance well, and doesn’t write songs. But did you fall in love with him for something? Surely, he is sensitive and kind and cares about you very much - and this is so rare to see in modern men! So learn to value the relationships you have and not mar them with ridiculous scandals.

    Is your life a series of incessant quarrels? Have you already forgotten when you and your husband thought something good about each other? Are you tired of this life, but not ready to get a divorce? So, it's time to solve this problem...

    Who is guilty?

    Do you remember what was the bone of contention? Do you remember the moment when peace ended and war and eternal quarrel began? No? Then it is obvious that both are to blame. From the perspective of an adult, even if your husband is wrong, you could always be smarter and solve the problem. But they didn't do it. Accordingly, they are also to blame.

    And if by your behavior you turn on the “you’re a fool” mechanism: “he didn’t come on time, I won’t cook dinner,” “she didn’t cook dinner, I...”, then it’s simply pointless to look for those to blame.

    If we have not convinced you, then use the simple wisdom that says that you will not change another person. Only the person himself can change, and this never happens through violence (read: reproaches, claims, quarrels). Thus, you have only two options: refuse this person or inspire him to change with your behavior, become the initiator of a truce.

    What to do?

    Constant quarrels between spouses have completely different reasons. They can be associated with major events in the family: the birth of a child , relocation, job change, loan, etc. They have one thing in common - the reasons still lie not in what happened, but in the fact that both partners cease to feel the happiness that once united them as a couple. And they compensate for this in their own ways. You can get out of the “vicious circle” only by working on yourself and your attitude towards your partner:

    Break the habit

    Over time, arguing can become a habit. We get used to certain events, we begin to think that “everyone lives like this” and we no longer try to do anything. Endless claims accumulate, entail more claims, and then it all ends up in a huge tangle, which turns out to be easier to carry around than to untangle. If you realize that you are tired of this, then it’s time to identify the problem and enlist his desire to change something in the relationship.

    Admit that both are to blame

    You can only start solving problems from the position of “we were both equally wrong.” In addition, prohibit yourself from building logical chains and blaming others for what happened: “I stopped cooking for you because because of your meager salary I work more and I don’t have time.”

    Sorting out complaints

    This is the most dangerous part of the plan to reconcile with your husband. Some psychologists recommend writing a list of things you don't like about your relationship as preparation for the conversation. Some advise concentrate on desires . The second method appeals to us more, because... an exchange of claims has the risk of escalating into another skirmish.

    How to properly prepare and conduct a conversation

    Write what you would like. Of course, all this will be based on what does not exist now, and because of which the complaints arise. In order to eradicate the taint of egoism phrase "I want" we will replace it with the phrase "I would like to".

    Total, instead “throw tea bags in the trash rather than leaving them on the table; do not enter the room or kitchen with dirty shoes" you write “I want our house to be clean, so that we both keep our apartment clean, and you respect my cleaning work”. The meaning is the same, but the attitude is different, right?

    Both prepare this list in advance. At the beginning of the conversation, clarify your intention once again: stop quarreling and demanding happiness from each other, learn about each other’s real desires and needs and start fulfilling them together. Accordingly, the most important rule of conversation is to find together way to satisfy needs each other. Even if you don’t like it, it’s not possible now, you think together how to realize what you want so that your partner is satisfied.

    Constant quarrels with my husband: who is to blame and what to do?

    Take the position of an adult in this conversation "Let's see what we can do about it", not the child's position “And I want everything!”.

    The ideal quarrel: setting the rules for conversation

    • only one speaks;
    • don't make excuses;
    • talk only about desires (and not repeat claims and reproaches);
    • questions can only be asked for clarifying (“what do you want me to do regarding cleanliness?” in this case you answer about bags and dirty shoes);
    • speak calmly;
    • all needs are equally important.

    Constant quarrels with my husband: who is to blame and what to do?

    Such a conversation, as well as compliance with agreements after it, will help you tune in to the right wave - the wave of peace and problem solving. Even if it is difficult, the goal achieved will justify all the efforts.

    Reset counter

    It is impossible to start observing agreements from a conversation based on yesterday’s quarrels and reproaches. Therefore, reset all the counters, forgive each other for everything that happened “yesterday”: for not taking out the garbage, for a small salary, for an unprepared dinner, etc. Imagine that you are just starting to build your relationship, you don’t know how your partner will behave. spouse. He knows your desires, you know his desires. The game has started, the score is 0:0. Not a game, of course, but according to the rules and with a zero score.

    Say and do only good things

    Have you noticed that you talk about your husband to your friends and colleagues? Surely not much good. Try not to include society in your life at all during such a difficult period for relationships.

    Close your eyes to what "I love you" before going to bed it will be said through clenched teeth, sweet words will not be from the heart, but the flowers will be bought as an accountant’s anniversary professional activity. See what happens over time.

    We fight constant quarrels alone

    Constant quarrels are often based on the fact that everyone is winning their territory and with words “And I want you to...” climbs the barricade, breaking everything in its path. And the method of conducting a conversation that we proposed is precisely based on raising the white flag for both and finally finding out the needs of the other.

    It feels like someone has “jinxed” us...

    Before the wedding, we lived together for almost a year. The relationship was wonderful! I believed in what exists in the world ideal men. So I fell madly in love with him. He captivated me, charmed me, bewitched me. I can't find the exact words to describe what happened to me. I know for sure that I was “blind” by love and did not see any of his shortcomings.

    We got married - everything changed beyond recognition!

    I was shocked. I got used to the new life as best I could. She did everything to return to the old (“before the wedding”) times. And she gave in to him, and pleased him, and fulfilled all his desires... What's the point?! Roma always doesn’t like everything. It seems that he is specifically looking for a reason to quarrel.

    I often (constantly) quarrel with my husband. Yesterday we had a fight because he couldn't find the second sock. He said that it was impossible to live with me. My husband lost his sock “thanks to my love of neatness.” I laughed for a long time when I heard this statement.

    And last week the quarrel arose because I came home later than I promised. Both explanations and oaths did not help! It’s not my fault that the trolleybus got off schedule. How insulting I am! I hate it when they don't believe me! I to my to a loved one I always believed until the very end. Why doesn't he treat me the same?

    I can’t decide to take such a step! Love him. Yes, I'm used to it. Love is not a potato. Why didn't I stay the same as I was before? I thought that you need to live solely for your own pleasure and not fall in love with anyone. Roma did everything to steal my heart! And I didn’t resist.

    My sister will be happy if we run away. She has been in love with him for a long time. I don't want to stay with him out of principle. I cannot “give” Veronica the life that I lived and live. She doesn't even want to listen to me! She can't believe that her lover is exactly as I describe him.

    I found understanding and faith only in my best friend. It's so good that I have it! Lilya sincerely sympathized with me when I told her my whole difficult story. She shared with me her personal version of the reasons for what was happening. It seems to Lilka that Roman has been cheating on me for a long time. It hurts to even think about it!

    We need to teach him a lesson, not forgive him!

    Otherwise he will offend, and then ask for forgiveness thousands of times. This happens almost constantly. I have a great plan! I'll tell it only to you. I'm not afraid that my husband will read it. He never goes to such sites. I managed to learn it!

    Here's the plan!

    First I'll find the most Nice dress in the online store and order it. I'll wait until it's delivered, try it on and hide it in my closet for a while. Then I’ll buy all the cosmetics in the hypermarket, go to the beauty salon and the nearest hairdresser. I want to be the most beautiful for myself and others.

    I have enough money for all this! My husband gives it to me (for expenses), but I don’t spend it. I’m learning, so to speak, to be a “piggy bank.” I keep it in a safe place. I asked my neighbor to leave my wallet with her. For this favor, she promised to babysit her twins. Unfortunately, their daddy abandoned them.

    Why did I plan all this? To be the best! To make my loved one fall in love with me again! I know this can happen. I also fell in love with Roma twice. I do not rule out that I will fall in love for the third time if he changes his “wrong” attitude towards me.

    I was wrong about the attitude change. My plans didn't work out in my favor at all. I'll tell you what happened after these plans were implemented.

    I’m standing at the mirror, preening myself…. And he comes up to me, looks at me for a long, long time and makes a huge scandal. My husband began to suspect that I was going on a date because I was too beautiful. He accused me of not trying so hard for him. He called me bad names, shouted, brought me to tears, slammed the door and left.

    I don't remember how much time passed. I only remember that I dozed off and somehow ended up on the floor. I was brought to my senses by the doorbell ringing. I didn't open it. Two minutes later the door opened on its own, and a loved one appeared on the threshold. In his hands he held three huge bouquets flowers and big box. He fell to his knees, throwing everything on the bed, and carried me to our sleeping place. He kissed me for a long time and whispered words of apology. I saw him cry, but for the first time I didn’t feel sorry for him.

    I fell asleep and didn't talk to him. In the morning I woke up “surrounded” by flower petals. Roma decided to give me 100% romance. Thanks to him for this, of course, but more important is a good and respectful attitude towards me as an individual! He doesn't always understand this.

    There were five in the big box luxurious dresses. I asked to return them to the stores. I thought that a new scandal would “develop”, but I was wrong. He said: “Okay, dear, I will do whatever you want.” He won't be like this for very long! Men don't change at all. You have to enjoy only moments of happiness.

    Frequent quarrels...

    Today he surprised me again!

    I bought two gold rings and tickets to the concert. I thanked him and kissed him. He again began to ask for forgiveness. How banal and expected everything is! Honestly, I'm tired of it! What is the use of his “I’m sorry” and “I’m very guilty”?

    She didn’t calm down with sweets, but asked to leave me alone for a while. My husband did not refuse my request and went to his neighbor - a friend. And I invited Lily to visit. She arrived fifteen minutes later. She flew to me in a taxi to support, listen, and give advice. I hope that she will be able to somehow change what is going on in my loving and wounded soul... And you help me, please! Write your tips in the comments. I promise that I will thank and respond to each of you. I’ll run, otherwise I didn’t have time to completely set the table! Thank you all so much for your attention! See you in the virtual world!

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