• 7 years of marriage, what a wedding. Copper wedding - a warm and magical holiday


    According to ancient traditions, the seventh anniversary life together spouses - this is a copper wedding or, as it is also called, a woolen wedding. Such definitions for the next marriage milestone are not accidental; the life of a husband and wife vaguely resembles these materials. Relationships are valuable, gentle and can be accepting. the required form- spouses adapt to each other’s tastes and preferences, value point of view loved one, they take care of something that was given with such difficulty. Cozy and warm, like wool, but sometimes they can be prickly - rarely does a couple get along without disagreements, they are still learning the delights of everyday life and do not always agree with the other half.

    The 7 years of weddings that have passed in worries extinguish the fire of passion, transferring it to the plane of regularity and cold reason. Children grow up, their views on life become similar, but occasionally outbursts of jealousy tone up one of the spouses, who relaxes with the flow, having stopped fighting for the attention of her husband (wife).
    It is believed that a 7 year wedding anniversary is a significant moment; if a couple experiences it together, it means that they will carry love and mutual respect until the holidays corresponding to other precious metals (gold and silver).

    Wedding traditions for 7 years of marriage

    The Russian soul is accustomed to celebrating everything on a grand scale, and the copper wedding is no exception. On this day, they do not gather a purely narrow circle of close people (children and parents), but call friends and acquaintances who want to congratulate the “newlyweds”.
    There are several traditions dating back to the distant past.

    1. The spouses were given copper rings, which they exchanged at the wedding and did not remove the jewelry for a year. This is a symbol of fidelity, prosperity and a vow for a long life together.
    2. The tradition that drove away all troubles and misfortunes from the family consisted of the husband and wife wearing costumes. They had to be “loud”, supplemented with coins and metal objects (necessarily made of copper); during the dance and meal, a melodious ringing could be heard, driving away evil spirits and envious people from the family.
    3. The spouses were given copper glasses or cups from which they drank throughout the evening. Our ancestors could serve the table with such dishes for a wide range of guests, but reviving traditions can now be limited to glasses for the young.
    4. A horseshoe (decorative or real) is hung over the threshold of the house; a copper wedding will be a turning point in the formation of the first family amulet. All negative energy, which is carried by ill-wishers, will remain outside the threshold.

    How to celebrate your 7th wedding anniversary

    The more interesting and unusual the copper wedding celebration is, the longer it will remain in the memory of friends and family. You can invite a professional toastmaster, who will come with a ready-made script and organize a holiday of the highest standard with music, toasts and jokes. A copper wedding can be a discovery for spouses in terms of eating habits - it is worth trying Japanese, Asian or Chinese cuisine. Fragrant food, moderately spicy, will symbolically add spice to a measured life. This is a subconscious hint that it's time to liven up and get rid of the routine.

    There is no desire to invite guests - you can go on an exciting, full of surprises a trip to the mountains (to the sea/forest) or to spend romantic evening on the shore of the lake, far from civilization and prying eyes. A gift for a copper wedding is a mandatory attribute that spouses must exchange. Jewelry, clothing items with metallic decor - anything that contains copper will be iconic and appropriate.

    What to give for your 7th wedding anniversary

    Guests can sometimes rack their brains over gifts for a long time, trying to find something unique, non-trivial and something that won’t gather dust in the backyard family hearth, but was useful in everyday life. What is given as a gift for a copper wedding is a very interesting question modern man. The following copper items would be an excellent option:

    1. Jewelry boxes - a gift given to a woman who will use it for its intended purpose, keeping things dear to her heart. It is better to choose exquisite products self made with forged elements, such a box can be placed in a prominent place to decorate the interior.
    2. Cast candlesticks - they must have 7 candles in order to bring good luck to their new owners. This unique gift for a 7 year wedding, its cost is high and the risk that another guest will repeat the idea is minimal.
    3. Copper flower vases or fruit bowls - copper is an environmentally friendly metal without harmful impurities, non-emitting unpleasant odor. It may come into contact with food or plants.
    4. Woolen scarves or socks that can warm and surround the newlyweds with warmth. Current option for those who celebrate their wedding day in the fall, very soon the cold winds will bring discomfort into a person’s life and you need to hurry up to make it pleasant and useful gift dedicated to a family celebration.

    Spouses living in an atmosphere of mutual respect and love will definitely turn a banal holiday into an unusual, memorable one, symbolizing feelings that have not yet cooled down. A copper wedding is an opportunity to rethink the past years, “work on mistakes” and receive a powerful charge of positive energy from friends and acquaintances who sincerely wish the well-being and well-being of the married couple.

    The seventh wedding anniversary is called the copper anniversary. And this has its own secret meaning, because copper is a durable material, of course, it is far from the noble materials of copper, perhaps because such a name for the wedding seems to hint to the spouses that they still have everything ahead of them. According to custom, spouses exchange coins on their 7th wedding anniversary as a sign of family happiness.
    Guests bring items and souvenirs made of wrought copper as gifts, a wife can give her husband a belt with a copper buckle, a husband can give his wife original jewelry made of copper or jewelry.
    The most suitable gift for tin wedding there will be a copper horseshoe as a symbol of happiness and family well-being. Also, a wife can give her husband a copper Turk if he likes to drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
    Well, and most importantly, these are, of course, original. On this page you will find congratulations on a copper wedding from parents, from friends, wishes from a husband to his wife and vice versa, poems with congratulations from a friend and boyfriend.

    Everyone is happy today,
    After all, fate is comfortable:
    You've been married for seven years,
    Wedding today is copper!
    Son-in-law, be strong as metal,
    Tender as mint
    So that he becomes a support for his wife,
    Yes - the boys grew up!!!

    We've lived together for seven years.
    How many joys and troubles
    What you have experienced
    But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
    Disputes in the family are not for show,
    Not for prying eyes.
    To live seven years -
    Don't drink tea together,
    This is a difficult date:
    The guys are running away...
    It's not clear what's wrong
    Is everyday life stuck or feelings broken?
    You were red-copper before the wedding
    We reached the victory path:
    Save your love
    They saved a family from trouble.
    We'll give you a copper cezve.
    There is coffee in the house - we love the house,

    Seven years are like seven days,
    We flew by brightly
    But, as before, bright words
    The heart thirsts hotly.
    Be happy, friends,
    And live long:
    The more reliable the family,
    The better the road.
    And God forbid you fold
    The wings are young.
    Your copper wedding - to live,
    To meet others.

    Number 7 is one of the main ones.
    This is the number of completeness,
    Happiness, peace, words of congratulations
    In a house where flowers reign.
    At a beautiful copper wedding,
    Noisy, loud and comfortable
    With copper coins
    Warm in your fingers,
    So that all the sorrows
    Gone forever!
    Life will continue to be fun for you,
    Affectionate and songful!

    Already a good part of life!
    Although many more anniversaries await,

    You lived together for 7 years,
    The period is not that long.
    Again you are the bride and groom,
    You are beautiful at this moment!

    This is a copper wedding, honey infusion -
    This is our honey year, a small milestone.
    We will ring silver all over the world again
    And we’ll play our golden one later...
    In the meantime, let this ringing copper ring -
    It’s not a small thing to overcome seven years.
    This is the resounding happiness that befell us,
    To celebrate, we will call our friends.
    This copper line is more fun than others,
    Because he found us so young.

    Seven glorious years have passed since the wedding day,
    Already a good part of life!
    Although many more anniversaries await,
    You are happy to celebrate your holiday.
    We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
    Let it burn in our hearts, let it burn hotly,
    Congratulations to your family today,
    You can invite us to visit you again!

    Congratulations for your wife on her copper wedding

    My dear, my wife,
    Today I will tell you, without hiding,
    That I was happy to live with you for 7 years,
    And for me there is simply no one better than you!
    Thank you for the warmth and comfort,
    Because they are waiting for me at home with dinner,
    Thank you for my son and daughter...
    You are the best in my destiny!

    We lived to see your copper wedding,
    And they have already become a very strong family.
    I'm happy that I met you in my life,
    I couldn't have dreamed of a better girl!
    Thank you for our every day and every night,
    Thank you for your beautiful daughter!
    I will say thank you for your love.
    Dear, I value you very much!

    Copper coin for luck
    You and I will leave on this day,
    So that the Russians, following signs,
    The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

    It's been seven years since you and I
    We breathe and live with each other,
    Since we shared the same fate
    Forever bound together

    On this day I wish myself,
    To be loved by you all my life,
    So that every evening, falling asleep,
    In a dream I saw your appearance.

    Congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary from friends

    We are happy to congratulate you, friends,
    Your family has been living for seven years!
    You, celebrating the copper anniversary,
    We have become one, indivisible!
    So may your happiness last forever,
    May your love be impeccable,
    It's a joy to see your children grow up,
    And be the happiest person in the world!

    Congratulations on your copper wedding anniversary!
    7 years - a considerable period of time has already passed,
    And you love everyone just as selflessly,
    Everyone has found happiness in each other!
    You have overcome many troubles together,
    And they shared the joy - all together!
    So let adversity lose you all,
    And happiness will forever come to your home!

    Congratulations for your husband on his copper wedding

    My dear, I'm glad to see you
    Happy anniversary!
    7 years together! This is necessary!
    What can I wish for you?
    I wish you health
    May only success await you in your business.
    And I will tell you with love:
    “For me, you are the best!

    I'm having a hard time finding words now,
    To convey how happy I am with you.
    We divide all adversities in half,
    And we multiply joy with love.
    When we started living together,
    Everything seemed new, unknown,
    We created our own cozy home
    And they looked for common interests.
    And on our wedding anniversary I will say:
    We succeeded, and even very well.
    Sorry, I can't find any more words
    And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

    Cool congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary

    Honeymoon is the first
    And the copper year is the seventh.
    Husband, open the canned food
    And wash your ears.

    Wife, you are a bride again! -
    The brass bell rings.
    This yeast is in the dough,
    And these are in moonshine!

    May the sun of the copper date
    It burns like a copper basin!
    Let everything that life is like a hunchback,
    Covers the copper basin!

    Congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary from your parents

    Happy copper wedding dears
    We want to congratulate you
    And an unusual gift
    Of course we will equip you.
    The eighth year is very treacherous
    They say he's complicated
    That even a crisis is possible,
    Where someone is not in love.
    So keep your feelings
    Don't worry us often
    You live in harmony
    Every day and every hour

    Many people do not take the problem of a marriage crisis seriously. 7 years, however, is a period that is a turning point when the family literally begins to burst at the seams. It is during this period that greatest number divorces. But don’t think that this is a death sentence and the end of everything. There is a way out of any crisis.

    The essence of the crisis

    Even the most is not immune from such a problem as a marriage crisis. 7 years is the approximate period when spouses begin to feel some discomfort. On the one hand, behind great experience, an established life and established relationships, and on the other hand, a lack of development and vagueness of future prospects.

    It is worth understanding that a marriage crisis does not just happen. 7 years is a fairly long period during which some grievances may accumulate, misunderstandings may arise, or a basic habit may form. Thus, people go to this for quite a long time and systematically, and at some point everything breaks out.

    Pay attention to your family’s life and existing relationships. Do you have any traditions or common goals? If yes, most likely you will get past this unpleasant situation. But if a family is exclusively living together, sooner or later you begin to think that the most better times already lived. And here it is very important to understand the value of your relationships and the years you have lived.

    Main causes of the crisis

    A crisis does not arise out of the blue. 7 years of marriage is a sufficient period for certain problems to accumulate. So, the most common reasons family crisis the following can be considered:

    • Boredom and monotony caused by everyday life. You no longer need to worry about finding a place to live together or getting used to each other’s habits. From some point on, you begin to live in accordance with a certain rhythm, which excludes the emergence of something new in the relationship.
    • Separation of interests and gradual distancing from each other. Spouses are no longer interested in spending time together. Weekends and vacations are increasingly spent separately, because ex-lover It just became boring in each other's company.
    • Intimate problems. After 7 years of marriage, it is difficult for partners to surprise each other with anything. Sometimes this forces spouses to look for brighter experiences on the side.
    • Disagreements in matters of life views and goals. Over the course of 7 years, people learn about each other what was not available at the beginning of their acquaintance. As a result, between spouses can arise
    • Lack of romance and sensuality in relationships. People stop treating each other with trepidation and no longer try to do something nice.

    Crisis of 7 years of marriage: symptoms

    In order to get out of a family crisis, it needs to be recognized in time. So, you should sound the alarm if you feel the following symptoms:

    • the desire for intimacy, contacts become extremely rare and do not bring pleasure;
    • you no longer try to please each other;
    • any problem turns into mutual reproaches and loud quarrels;
    • opinions on most issues become opposite;
    • spouses no longer empathize with each other's problems;
    • there is mutual irritation;
    • one of the spouses feels disadvantaged, deprived and offended;
    • you no longer want to share your joys or troubles with your significant other.

    How to hear each other?

    You need to learn to understand and hear each other, if you have not been spared by a marriage crisis. 7 years is a decent period during which enough arguments should accumulate in favor of preserving the family. To learn to hear and understand each other, it is important to consider the following points:

    • Learn to talk to each other. After 7 years of marriage, the spouses should be able to establish themselves enough to openly tell each other about their problems. Just by talking, you can break the ice and take the path of reconciliation.
    • Appreciate what unites you. This is not just a long-term life together. Remember those moments when you were not yet spouses. What attracted you to each other? How did you build yours? family life? All this should indicate the value of the relationship.
    • Treat the crisis not as a tragedy, but as an opportunity to look at existing problems and get rid of them, rather than hushing them up further.
    • Show the same respect and tenderness towards each other. Perhaps the absence of these very feelings led your family to a crisis. Speaking words of love and giving warmth makes it much easier to solve problems.


    In fact, it is not so difficult to overcome the crisis of 7 years of marriage. Its characteristics allow us to conclude that this is a problem of habit, regularity of life and misunderstanding. In this regard, the following measures can be taken to overcome the crisis:

    • Eliminate boredom from your life. Planning family budget, be sure to include the “entertainment” item in it. At least once a week, go to the movies, to a club, to a cafe, or just out into nature.
    • Try to solve intimate problems. If you haven't done this before, read a couple of books on this issue. You will surely find in them valuable advice that will make your partner fall in love with you all over again.
    • Learn to make concessions (at least in minor ways), for example, when choosing the color of wallpaper or tiles for the bathroom. Essentially, these are little things. But by showing respect for the opinion of your other half, you can again achieve her favor.
    • Try to return to the candy-bouquet period when you were driven by romance. Send sweet messages to each other, write notes with hearts, give nice gifts, have candlelit dinners, watch movies about love. The main thing is to do it sincerely, with soul.
    • Remember why you chose this particular person to start a family. It is advisable that the spouses put all this in writing and then read it to each other. It will take you back to those happy times when everything just began and allow you to fall in love with each other all over again.

    What should a woman do?

    If you have been married for 7 years, the relationship crisis should not scare you, because a lot has already been passed, and this is just another stage. A woman, as the keeper of the home, should be the first to sense that something is wrong and try to eliminate the trouble. Pay attention to your appearance. Do you look as charming as you did 7 years ago? If not, you need to work in this direction. Join a gym, visit a beauty salon, change your image. Finally, stop walking around the house in a robe and curlers. Make your man fall in love with you again, awaken in him former passion. If your appearance is okay, try working on your personality. Perhaps you should find some kind of hobby in which you can realize yourself.

    What should a man do?

    How to survive the crisis of 7 years of marriage? Many men prefer to seek solace on the side or even start new families. In the meantime, there is every chance to save the marriage, which has been built for many years. Take care of your appearance. Not only a woman should look brand new. A man should also take care of himself and his wardrobe. But most importantly, stop treating your spouse like a servant. A wife is not a cook, a laundress, or a maid. First of all, this is a friend who walks with you through life. Let the woman feel loved, protect her, do pleasant surprises. Then you won’t be afraid of any crises.


    Many couples face such a problem as the crisis of 7 years of marriage. Its characteristics and features have been thoroughly studied family psychologists, and therefore contacting a specialist is the most correct solution. He will probably tell you that the basis happy marriage- this is mutual respect. Spouses are not each other's property. These are people who have made a voluntary decision to go through life together. And this road should be happy. To make it so, always go back to the day you met. Try to become like you were a few years ago in order to return the former passion and novelty to the relationship.

    Seven years is a lot and a little,
    But still the main thing is to love,
    To go your own way
    And live a happy life!

    Health, children and your home,
    And a couple of warm kind words
    Tell each other in the evening -
    And happiness to you, the portrait is ready!

    Let all this be with you,
    And even more, in abundance!
    If only the fire in our hearts does not go out,
    It burned steadily and not in a flash!

    Seven tender years have brought you two together,
    And then we came to the threshold of the copper wedding,
    Let life be foldable, like this verse,
    And the warmth is mutual and reciprocal!

    Don't let anything make you sad
    Nothing upsets, nothing worries,
    May your nerves be strong as steel
    Money is cheaper, but love is more expensive,

    Let there be only joy in your eyes,
    Happy eyes that don't know how to cry,
    We congratulate you on this bright hour
    Happy marriage anniversary to wife and husband!

    My dears, accept on your copper wedding day my sincere congratulations. They say that the number 7 has a special magical meaning, so let your life together be filled with the magic of good magic and miracles eternal love. I wish you to always live in complete luxury, prosperity and happiness.

    Seven years you've been together is a long time,
    But not that big
    I wish you to linger
    Long lasting happiness, with all my heart!

    Always reach out
    To each other, be all relatives,
    And don’t let separation interfere
    Mark new anniversary!

    Copper wedding. Seven years anniversary.
    The family union is strong and strong.
    Let your feelings rage like an avalanche,
    Well, all the days pass to the blues.

    Joy to you, incredible happiness.
    Money - so you can't count it.
    Let bad weather avoid the house.
    You have inspiration and the desire to fly.

    Here it is - your copper wedding.
    You have already spent seven years together,
    May your estate prosper.
    God bless you with prosperity and comfort!

    We've seen a lot in seven years:
    Joy and quarrels, sadness and delight.
    They didn’t always admit their mistakes,
    But the copper wedding is a happy outcome.

    Wishing you love on your wedding day,
    Let the family live without interference.
    Show by example
    What does happiness and success mean?

    Copper wedding, which means seven years
    You live in a happy marriage,
    I wish you to continue to live without troubles
    In love and spiritual care.

    Blow off specks of dust from each other day after day,
    Cherish your soul mate
    May good luck surround you in everything,
    And there was no bitterness in life!

    Happy holiday, my dears,
    Dear newlyweds!
    It’s not the first year you’ve been together,
    Your union is heavenly bound...
    And again this bright holiday -
    The copper wedding is already knocking...
    Seven years seems like an infinity
    A sacred number for eternity.
    He is so loved and respected
    Coins are left as collateral,
    So that husband and wife exchange,
    And happiness so that you don’t get scared,
    And it came from year to year, -
    And may you be extremely lucky!
    The children grew up to be happy -
    And the relationship grew stronger.
    You will not know sorrows and troubles,
    And to keep the holy vow...

    Celebrate the copper wedding
    Today you are ringing
    You have been with each other for 7 years
    We know each other so closely.

    Let soft copper bend
    The characters of the spouses
    You managed to study
    For 7 years of each other.

    Sometimes you don't need words,
    Just a glance is enough
    I wish that love
    She was always there.

    Happy wedding Copper!
    You receive affection in return,
    Endless love
    And a carefree life!

    Live beautifully
    Kiss playfully
    And remember forever
    Warmth of the first meeting!

    Copper is a noble and valuable metal,
    He gave strength to a happy marriage,
    Let the couples around you envy you,
    Don't open your hearts, souls and hands!

    Happy copper wedding! May it be forever
    Feelings of beauty will remain with you,
    Believe, love, give warmth,
    So that all the bad things in life go away!

    The wedding anniversary of 7 years is a copper wedding, already quite strong and established. Copper is a strong and soft metal that cannot break. This copper alloy can be molded and shaped into any shape for relationships. However, copper is still transformed, when this stage comes to completion, the metal can turn into silver, and then into gold.

    What kind of wedding is this - copper jubilee, customs and superstitions

    Copper is the second metal that got its name in wedding anniversaries, but before it reaches full strength it still needs to undergo a complete transformation. According to traditional ancient beliefs, the copper jubilee was celebrated with ceremonies and rituals. According to beliefs and customs from ancient times, it is believed that the number seven is magical, bringing happiness.

    The seventh wedding anniversary is associated with copper, a durable but not precious metal with properties of strength and ductility. This is precisely what is a hint for spouses that relationships and bonds, if there is a desire and desire, are quite possible to fashion in the way that they want to see in the final result. In fact, there are certain traditions for this anniversary, expressed as follows:

    1. coins were pushed through the doorway, then they were laid out in all corners of the house - attracting money for the anniversary;
    2. gifts for children in the form of copper coins worn around the neck. During the anniversary day, children were not supposed to remove these coins;
    3. grains of wheat and copper coins were placed on the bottom of the plate, covered with a cloth, watered, and conspiracies about prosperity were spoken;
    4. Copper is a metal that personifies family wealth, blessings, and household wealth. On this anniversary, everyone has long given the family copper coins and household items made of copper. And the spouses gave each other coins. Metal gifts were also expressed not only in coins, but also in belts, jewelry, and household items;
    5. for welfare, on the seventh anniversary, the spouses were showered with coins.

    In addition to the copper, durable personification of the seven-year anniversary, another symbol of this date is wool. Essentially, seven years of marriage indicates a warmth that warms the spouses and their children. That flame that connected the two hearts has already subsided, and is now a measured and even heart rate. That's why this anniversary is called woolen. Woolen or copper anniversary They have strength and warmth, however, copper is a base metal, and wool is prickly, so it is important for spouses to be able to have patience, endurance and the desire to strengthen their bonds.

    How to congratulate spouses and celebrate this anniversary?

    Usually memorable date It is celebrated quietly and measuredly, but it is likely that it can be celebrated widely and on a grand scale. The anniversary is held according to the following principle:

    1. meeting with guests;
    2. direct celebration including food and dancing;
    3. congratulations to the spouses on their seventh anniversary;
    4. giving gifts to the family;
    5. games and competitions.

    The long-famous game consisted of performing an unusual performance. This performance was performed using a coin by a blacksmith. The blacksmith forged the names of the spouses with the date on a copper coin. This event was unique and also a great souvenir to remember.

    Planning and implementation stages

    The organization of this anniversary in Rus' was the congratulations of the spouses. Planning and holding the celebration implied the following stages:

    1. place of celebration. This location should match the preferences of the couple. It can be varied, a cafe, a chic restaurant, a small family dinner, a country house with a lot of surprises and an intriguing scenario. Moreover, for each individual place, the number of participants at a family dinner will be only relatives; in a restaurant or in a country house there can be a huge number of invitees;
    2. The room is decorated with a variety of copper items and towels. Also, pictures that match the theme and style of the celebration are suitable;
    3. The spouses' clothes for this day should be ringing, that is, the man put on daggers and other metal accessories to make the costume “sound.” Women had coins attached to their dresses. This is done to make life fun and scare away evil forces. Today, festive costumes are worn for this day;
    4. close friends and relatives are invited to celebrate the anniversary, although, if desired, the list can be more diverse;
    5. The seventh anniversary menu is filled with a variety of dishes. At the end, a dessert decorated with the number 7 is served. The table is decorated with copper vases, candles, and coins;
    6. the script is thought out to the smallest detail, or a presenter is invited.

    Congratulations on a copper wedding between spouses involve giving gifts.

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