• Party in 80s style. New universal scenario for an anniversary or party “made in the USSR”


    There are many various forms organizing holidays. But lately, stylish parties have become increasingly popular.

    Creative ideas combined with original themes turn even a modest home celebration into a bright celebration.

    Scenario “Back to the USSR” in the style of the 1950s - 80s. with good humor it will remind you of the times of the construction of communism and, of course, will appeal to all lovers of non-standard and funny solutions.

    Hall decoration

    A red red red tablecloth on the table and a homemade platform for speaking comrades (you can put a glass and a decanter of water on it for added importance) will help to recreate the atmosphere of the USSR era in the hall where you plan to celebrate a birthday.

    Posters with comic mottos and slogans should be hung on the walls of the room.

    Festive atmosphere and Soviet spirit the party will be further emphasized by balloons, carnations and red bows in the buttonholes of the guests.

    Plays an important role right choice a presenter who must have a loud, expressive voice and good, clear diction. The success of this scenario largely depends on how his word sounds.

    The song helps us build and live

    Any marches and patriotic songs from the times of the Soviet Union are suitable for the musical setting of the event.

    For the background it is better to use minus phonograms (without voice). Their main goal is to provide “immersion in the era” and create the desired emotional mood. And the presentation of awards to the heroes of the holiday, of course, will be accompanied by a touch or fanfare.

    • "Spring March" music. I. Dunaevsky.
    • "Exit March" music. I. Dunaevsky.
    • “Leisya, song, in the open” music. V. Pushkova.
    • "March of the Aviators" music. Yu. Khaita.
    • "March of Young Builders" music. B. Terentyeva.
    • "March of the Installers" music. R. Shchedrin.
    • "March of Enthusiasts" music. I. Dunaevsky.
    • "May Day" music. K. Listova.
    • "Song about the Volga" music. I. Dunaevsky.
    • "Song about the Motherland" music. I. Dunaevsky.
    • Touche, fanfare for the awards.


    The “Back to the USSR” scenario will not require much or lengthy preparation from the organizers. To implement it you will need to print on a printer:

    • The text of the birthday girl's speech (which she will see immediately before the performance).
    • Lyrics of reworked songs (according to the number of guests).
    • Medals for presentation to participants of the holiday.
    • Posters and banners with inscriptions to decorate the hall.
    • Examples of slogans

      ...(name) is the mind, honor and conscience of our company!

      Glory to the leader of production (heroine mother, builder of a bright future, etc.) ... (name)!

      We welcome the delegates of the Merry Congress!

      Toasts of the congress - to life!

      Let's hit the depression with the iron fist of optimism!

      Let's destroy whiners as a class enemy!

      Let's uproot boredom from our ranks!

      Let's fill our homeland's bins with jokes!

      Let's celebrate your birthday in a big way!

      A feast for the world!

      Everyone is ready to storm the table!

    Birthday scenario

    Fanfare sounds.

    Leading: Dear comrade delegates! We have gathered for the Cheerful Congress, which has been given a very important task - in the best Soviet traditions, to congratulate wonderful woman, mother-heroine, shock worker... (name) happy birthday!
    Let's fill our glasses and raise the first toast to the birthday girl! Thus, the work of the congress can be considered open. Hooray!

    The guests raise the first toast to the birthday girl.

    Leading: Attention, comrades! The following issues are on the agenda of the Merry Congress:

    1. Honoring ... (name)
    2. Report…(name) on the work done.
    3. Social competition of flying teams.
    4. Rewarding heroes.
    5. Cultural program.
    6. Festive fireworks from a bottle of champagne.

    I propose to approve the agenda of the congress by open vote. Who agrees? Who's against it? Unanimously! Let's proceed to the first part - honoring... (name). Let's sing the song!

    Guests sing an adaptation of a song to the music of the “March of the Aviators” composer Yu. Khait. (The printed text of the song should be distributed to the guests in advance).

    You were born to make the world more beautiful
    Our true friend, reliable helmsman.
    We march in orderly ranks
    Towards the sun right behind you!

    Everything is better, wiser, and more beautiful!
    You challenge the years.
    Faster than a rocket
    More fearless than a hurricane.

    In our country there is such honor and glory,
    The earth composes songs about such people.
    And at this time the West is rotting,
    All because you are not there.

    You always burn like a torch at work,
    You warm the house with warmth and light.
    You were born to turn problems into dust,
    And we'll sing a song about it.

    Leading: The family ... (surname), comrades, is exemplary. She makes us proud and serves as an example to follow.
    The couple approached building a new social unit consciously and with a sense of serious responsibility. They not only formed and strengthened the cell, but also noticeably compacted it. Look what a worthy replacement they are raising for themselves...(names). The floor for congratulations is given to the head and worthy descendants of the family.

    There are congratulations from the husband and children of the birthday girl.

    Leading: For several years now, our dear ... (name) has successfully headed the area of ​​​​work entrusted to her. The homeland can sleep peacefully when ... (name) is at work.
    Her professional merits have been repeatedly noted by senior management.
    How good friend and a youth mentor, she shares her knowledge with the new shift free of charge.
    I give the floor to the members of the labor collective who were lucky enough to work shoulder to shoulder with the hero of labor.

    Congratulations from work colleagues.

    Appears new hero. This is a “special correspondent” who must enliven the program of the festive feast with a cheerful interview of the birthday girl. He carries a camera, a notepad and a pen.

    Special correspondent: Comrades! The editorial office of the newspaper “Glory to the Workaholics!” sent me to your event, setting an important and responsible task - to highlight the work of the Merry Congress from all sides, and also to ask comrade ... (name) a number of questions that concern our readers. You can read the report in the editorial on the front page of our publication tomorrow!

    The special correspondent interviews the birthday girl.

    So, let's begin. “Glory to the workaholics!” I have repeatedly published materials about your heroic activities. In particular, articles were published about how you stopped a galloping horse and entered a burning hut.

    What other feats can we expect from you in the near future? (answer)

    The next question concerns personal life, which is of great interest to the public.

    Where and how did you meet your husband and friend ... (name). Do you share the ideological beliefs of your spouse? (answer)

    The whole country is excitedly watching the recruitment of volunteers for the cosmonaut corps, participants in the first expedition to Mars.

    Have you already thought about how you will enter into alien contact and what you will say to your brothers in mind if your application is accepted? (answer)

    You are a tireless fighter, opposing war and violence, environmental pollution, the destruction of historical monuments, discrimination against blacks, etc.

    What else requires your immediate intervention? as soon as possible? (answer)

    As an active participant in the socialist competition of allied workers, today you combine in yourself a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, cook, cleaner, seamstress, laundress, driver.

    What new related specialties do you plan to master in the coming five-year period? (answer)

    Now I’ll ask you to take a few pictures for the newspaper. Attention, comrades! Now the bird will fly out!

    A photo session is being held for the birthday girl and her guests.

    Leading: The floor for the welcoming speech is given to friends ... (name)!

    Congratulations from friends

    Friends sing a reworked song to the music of “Float Up the Bonfires” by composer S. Kaidan-Deshkin.

    Whip the champagne into thick foam,
    Let's raise a toast to the birthday girl!
    We've known her for many years,
    Everyone is proud to know her!

    May your birthday last until night,
    We don’t really want to separate!
    We'll shout hurray to her until the morning,
    The country should know the name of the hero!

    Leading: I ask for attention and silence, comrades! The time has come to hear the report of our dear traitor about the work done over the past years.
    According to the rules of the Merry Congress, three and a half hours are allotted for the speech. Let us support the speaker with stormy and prolonged applause.

    Birthday girl: Dear comrades, friends, like-minded people! All my achievements are connected specifically with you. After all, you always believed, helped, influenced, sympathized, spurred on, stimulated, inspired, supported, inspired, rescued, contributed, encouraged, accompanied, favored.
    This helped me a lot to understand, feel, experience, get stronger, realize, overcome, overcome, act, fight, accomplish.
    It is only thanks to you that over the years I have been able to show, prove, win, master, catch up and overtake. Together with you, we have done so much, built, nurtured, created, raised, heaped, heaped up.
    And I know for sure that together we will still show, amaze, stun, shock, stun! Hurray, comrades!

    Leading: The socialist movement is growing and expanding throughout the country, filling our hearts with a feeling of great pride.
    In the vast expanses of our native land, shock brigades are growing like mushrooms after rain. Every day they report on their new labor victories. And we must not lag behind, comrades! Let's join the ranks of enthusiasts and join social competition here and now!

    Competitions and games

    The guests are divided into two teams - brigades, they come up with original names (for example: “Awesome Brigade”, “Mad Leap”, “Triple Ram”, “Above Plan”, “Our Norm”, “Children of Stakhanov”). Competitions are accompanied by fast background music.

    Competition "Brigade Contract"

    A fun speed competition for two teams of at least 5 people. After the signal, teams need to line up as quickly as possible according to:

    • by height
    • by seniority
    • by hair color from brunette to blond
    • by weight
    • according to shoe size

    Whoever completed the task first wins.

    Competition "Iron Fist"

    One participant per team is invited. The players' task is to crumple the unfolded newspaper with one hand.
    The winner of the competition will be the team whose representative is the first to collect a newspaper sheet into a fist.

    Competition “Chained by One Chain”

    In this competition, players must “tie” their team with twine or rope as quickly as possible, pulling its ends through loops, straps, and clothing straps. As always, the fastest participants will win.

    Competition “Everyone to pass the GTO!”

    To participate in this speed competition, teams are paired with a guy and a girl.

    Twos will have to work hard - burst in 3 hot air balloon without the use of sharp, piercing or cutting objects.

    Fans not only watch the game, but also cheer on the participants. The first bursting balloon signifies a friendly “Ready!”, the second – “To work!”, the third – “And defense!”.

    A couple that passes the standard brings the team victory.

    Leading: However, not everything, comrades, is going smoothly for us! Recently, cases of drunkenness and sloppiness have become noticeably more frequent in our ranks. And as conscious citizens, we must enter into a merciless fight against this blatant disgrace.
    It's no secret that alcohol dulls vigilance. This circumstance will help us identify drunken comrades when carrying out cleansing of our ranks. Drunkenness is our most decisive battle!

    Comic game “Drinking is a fight!”

    Volunteers from each team are invited to participate in the game. The presenter demonstrates an exercise for repetition. Participants need to grab their left earlobe with their right hand and the tip of their nose with their free left hand.
    After the leader’s signal (clap of hands), the players quickly change the position of their hands to the opposite. Right hand touch the tip of the nose, and with the left touch the lobe of the right ear.

    The tempo of clapping increases and the task becomes more and more difficult to complete. Those who miss are eliminated from the game.

    The participant who lasts the longest wins.

    Leading: Dear comrades! I remind everyone who has forgotten that it’s time for business, time for fun! It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! We cannot put off until tomorrow acute problems that require immediate solutions.
    We barely relaxed and, please, Sylvesters, Roberts, Evelinas are already walking along our streets. But we know which way the wind blows. But we have our own wonderful names Dazdraperma, which means Long live the first of May, Dotnara - Daughter of the working people, Rosik - Russian Executive Committee!
    These names not only have a beautiful sound, but also carry deep meaning. Now, comrades, let’s get down to business together, let’s go crazy, so to speak, and enrich the Russian language with new big names.
    Let's put a barrier to Western corrupting influence! By the way, I have already taken the first step in this direction. You are first - You are always first! Perpanader! - The first guy in the village! Congratulations! – Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Please take up my initiative, comrades!

    Competition to come up with new names

    Participants are given pens and sheets of paper. Players must come up with as many unusual and funny names as possible. The team with the longest list wins. 3 – 5 minutes are allotted to complete the task.

    Leading: And now the time has come to name the names of the best of the best, our leaders and record holders who have gathered at this table. Let's start the awards ceremony.

    The presenter announces the name of the medal and the name of the recipient. The presentation is accompanied by a vigorous march or touch

    • For dedication to a hopeless cause
    • For heroism shown in family life
    • For the sincerity of feelings on the love front
    • For good spirits in an emergency
    • For naked enthusiasm from scratch
    • For the kindness of an open soul
    • For many years of loyalty to friendship
    • For unpretentiousness in everyday life
    • For beautiful eyes

    Leading: The work of the Merry Congress, comrades, is coming to its logical end. Allow me, on behalf of those present and on my own behalf, to express dear ... (name) gratitude for good mood, the elation and joy of unity that she gave us today. Our threefold cheers for the birthday girl! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

    To this day, disputes between supporters and opponents have not subsided. Soviet system, which has already become our history.
    However, it is obvious to everyone that these were hours when everyone felt like an important and necessary part of society. Hard work a strong family, the strength of spirit of the Soviet people were placed on a podium.

    The script “Back to the USSR”, built on the glorious traditions of praising the working man, woman, mother, will undoubtedly become pleasant surprise and will allow me to warmly congratulate the birthday girl from the bottom of my heart... just like in the good old days!

    Despite the fact that many unpleasant events occurred in the 80s (Chernobyl accident, Cold War, the emergence of AIDS...), for many it is still an unforgettable time of youth! This means an 80s themed party is a great theme for them!


    Here are some ideas:

    Cut a circle out of paper and decorate it like a vinyl disc, or take a real, no longer needed disc and write the invitation text in the center of the label.

    Search the Internet for photos of popular 1980s artists or actors, such as objects or events, movie stills, or anything else you associate with that era. By using computer program create a colorful collage and send invitations via email.


    - Cases from vinyl records, hung on the walls.

    Notes cut out of paper, strung on a thread and suspended from the ceiling.

    Bright shades on chandeliers and lamps.

    Colored home textiles, for example, in the contrast of black and white or with an animalistic pattern.

    Posters depicting youth idols of that time: Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, ...


    Photos of you and your friends during those glorious years.


    80s fashion is characterized by a riot of colors, animalistic motifs and fluorescent colors, both in clothing and accessories. For example:

    Men wore very narrow ties, skinny or holey jeans, jumpers with V-neck, belts with huge studs, high-top sneakers.

    Women sported miniskirts, as well as skirts made of transparent materials, wearing leggings underneath them, shoulder pads were sewn onto sweatshirts, and ballet flats were their favorite shoe.

    For originality, you can try on the image of one of the popular characters of that era (movie, cartoon, singer).

    Brightly colored accessories were in fashion plastic bracelets, wicker baubles, large and different earrings, bandanas.

    Don't forget about makeup features! It was quite extravagant, with glitter and eyeliner. The goal was to get noticed!

    As for the head, there was an excess of varnish and gel on it. And the men wore large mustaches.


    Who is this?

    You will need:

    Photos of popular people of that era,

    Answer cards and pens.


    Number all photos from reverse side. Please note that these photographs can initially hang on your walls in a chaotic order and scattered as decor, and you can also use them to make a special gallery for this game.

    Progress of the game:

    Each participant in the game writes on his card in two columns the number of the photo and the name of the person depicted on it. The one who does it faster and more correctly wins.

    Who am I?

    You will need:

    Photos of popular people of that era.

    Progress of the game:

    Each participant in turn comes forward, pulls out a card, looks at it without showing it to anyone, and for two minutes tries to imitate the person from the photograph without words. The goal of the other participants is to guess who it is. The first one to guess correctly gets a point. The one who scores the most points wins.

    What kind of song?

    You will need:

    A selection of songs from the 80s.

    Progress of the game:

    Participants are asked to listen to a fragment from an 80s hit. The first person to pronounce the name of the song and artist gets a point. The one with the most points wins.


    Progress of the game:

    Participants compete with each other in the skill of performing the moonwalk.

    Rubik's Cube

    Progress of the game:

    Whoever collects it faster (or collects it at all) wins.


    Surely, you already have ideas about musical accompaniment, however, we offer our list: Madonna, Michael Jackson, Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, Queen, Depeche Mode, George Michael...

    Exit of the presenters.

    Good evening, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you today to the New Year's Eve party!

    New Year is the most fun, bright and joyful holiday! Both adults and children love it, and everyone celebrates it in their own way...

    Do you know that before the New Year a sociological survey was conducted on the topic “Where do Russians celebrate the New Year?”

    And where is?

    — To the question “where do Russians celebrate the New Year,” the following answers were received:
    Under the Christmas tree – 8%
    Under the table – 20%
    With mayonnaise – 32%
    Under the thumb of the wife – 17%
    Under the supervision of law enforcement agencies - 23%

    You and I, dear friends, are lucky because we are celebrating the New Year at the Cuba nightclub at the Blue Light in the style of the 70s!

    — Dear friends, we invite you (despite the fact that 2008 is just around the corner) to plunge into the atmosphere of the 70s and remember everything that you associate with this “golden” time. We'll arrange an auction.
    (explains the rules of the auction)
    The winner receives a “present” from the 70s.

    Competition - auction
    "Nostalgic Moment"

    Presentation of a gift to the winner
    (bottle of Zhigulevskoe beer)

    By the way, dear friends, you compiled the announcement of our New Year's Eve"Blue Light of the 70s."

    Competition "Battle for Lemon":

    Dear friends, we offer you to celebrate with honor Old year Pigs - do a little brainstorming and earn what you didn’t manage to earn in the past year.

    It's no secret that the best reward for work is money, and for work of thought it should be big money. Let's say a million. Or, as they say now, “lemon.”

    - But since we have “Blue Light in the style of the 70s”, then the lemons will also only be those that could have been in those years. Each correct answer is worth one lemon.

    (The presenters ask a question to which there are several possible answers. This game is more about speed of reaction.)

    1. “What song does Myagkov perform in the film “The Irony of Fate...”:
    A). "If you don't have money.."
    B). “If you don’t have a mother-in-law...”
    IN). "If you don't have an aunt..."
    G). "If you have nothing at all..."

    2. What is the name of the New Year's television concert:
    A). Red lantern
    B). Yellow lightning
    IN). Black ember
    G). Blue light

    3.What comes after the New Year:
    A). hangover
    B). dirty dishes
    IN). Amnesia
    G). 1st of January

    4. Who melted at the stake in the famous Russian fairy tale:
    A). pay
    B). The Snow Queen
    IN). Snow Maiden
    G). Snowman

    5. What phrase is most often said during New Year celebrations:
    A). "Do you respect me?"
    B). "Where I am?"
    IN). "Everybody dance!"
    G). "Happy New Year!"

    6. The most New Year's drink:
    A). brine
    B). champagne
    IN). Ruff
    G). "Rastishka"

    7. One of Eldar Ryazanov’s films is called:
    A). "Phase Shift"
    B). "Roadside Picnic"
    IN). "Zigzag of luck"
    G). "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

    8. What is the favorite holiday of Russians?
    A). Bastille Day
    B). Friday
    IN). Centenary of the birth of Budyonny's horse
    G). New Year!

    9. What do you call summing up at the end of the year at work?
    A). Annual report
    B). Last straw
    IN). Terror that flies on the wings of the night
    G). Last Stand

    10. In the most famous New Year's song there are these words:
    A). “I don’t know what to do with this trouble”
    B). "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
    IN). “And the little clock laughs - tick-tock”
    G). "My bunny, I'm your bunny"

    11. What is traditionally placed under the Christmas tree?
    A). Empty bottles
    B). Overflowing guests
    IN). Present
    G). Skis

    Summarizing. The one who receives the most lemons is declared the First Honorary Millionaire of the 70s.
    (+ you can organize a competition “Eating Lemons at Speed”)

    TOAST for seeing off the old year:
    Tired old year!
    You've been with us too long!
    We will remember you now
    And we take you to the gate.
    Take the trouble with you
    And sadness and loss,
    So that we don't have them
    In the coming year!
    Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    - without whom not a single New Year is complete - Without Santa Claus.

    Well, so, do you want Santa Claus to come? No problem. You don't even need magic words here. All you need is your great desire! Let's call him together!

    Guests call Santa Claus 3 times.
    The appearance of Santa Claus.

    Oh, hello, good people! Have they already called me, or are these hallucinations from last year? I still hear in my ears: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!"

    D.M. communicates with guests, asks what year 2008 is eastern calendar(yellow pig)

    The presenters invite everyone who was born in the year of the Rat (1996, 1984, 1972,1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912...) to stand up, raise their glasses and shout in turn: “Happy New Year!...”, “Happy new happiness!” .
    And all together: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!"

    Elections of the Snow Maiden:

    - Dear friends! Did it seem to me or, in fact, is there something missing from our holiday?

    - Let's check. Are there any guests? Eat.
    The table is set? Covered.
    Music plays? Playing.
    Is Santa Claus present? Present.
    Where is the Snow Maiden?

    That’s right, that’s what we miss about the Snow Maiden. And where can you get the Real Snow Maiden on New Year’s Day? You do not know? No? And I know. Now together we will choose the best of all possible Snow Maidens among the women present at the festival.

    “For this we will need contenders for the title of “Miss Snow Maiden 2008.”

    (Women are called from the audience).

    — Dear participants, we invite you to present to the attention of the public best outfit season "Winter 2007-2008". Moreover, the outfit should consist of items of the favorite color of all Snow Maidens - blue.

    1 Competition “Winter outfit”:

    (Several contenders for the title of Snow Maiden must collect and wear, hold in their hands, etc., as many blue objects as possible).

    Dear friends! We are starting... no, not KVN, but the most grandiose show in the world - the New Year's show of the new collection!

    Chic fashion show “Blue Light”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a difficult task ahead of us. With the help of applause, choose “The Bluest (in the literal sense of the word) Snow Maiden 2008”!

    Based on applause, the bluest (in the literal sense of the word) participant is selected and awarded the title of Snow Maiden.
    The Snow Maiden is wearing a tiara on her head.
    Toast from the Snow Maiden.
    Option 2: “Advertisement in the newspaper: “Ladies and gentlemen! Do New Year unforgettable for your children, invite Santa Claus to your place!”
    P.S. Gentlemen, do not deprive yourself of pleasure this evening - invite the Snow Maiden to your place.”

    1. “Flares” (dancing in shorts with a twist and shake) and striptease of the 70s
    2. “Hippie” (who can place the most cigarettes on their head or in their hair)
    3. “Letka-enka” (like “Lambada”)
    4. “Mouse King” (fatten with balls)
    5. “Longest X”
    6. Getters (“The Diamond Arm”)


    1 Vedas: Good evening, guys! We are glad to welcome you to the school SHOW “Disco of the 80s and 90s”!

    Let's throw away age complexes and plunge headlong into those golden 80-90s! Let's remember what we were like. Today we have SiDishki, Kompashki, Flash Drives, DVDs, sometimes it’s hard to pronounce. And then? Cassette players, reel players, turntables, and in very rare cases, VIDEO! And that's it!!! But everyone was happy!

    2 Vedas: The eighties are not just a period of history. This is a whole universe, a special view of the world and state of mind... The eighties are forever. And I invite everyone to remember this period!Today throughout the evening we will tell you about the RETRO style that was popular in the 80s; you will hear the most popular songs of the 80s, which at that time occupied the 1st line of the charts.

    1 Vedas: The “Retro” era is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's remember today, if not everything, but a lot: what was created, sung, played, lived, felt, which gave us the opportunity to be sensitive and beautiful people.

    Also today you will have the opportunity to compete in your ability to dance DISCO in front of your peers and take part in competitions.

    Performance of the song “Somewhere in the White World” - Ekaterina Kozlova, Elizaveta Khmeleva.

    1 Ved. and 2 Ved.( together): So, let's begin?

    1 Vedas: So, dear friends, let's remember. I suggest starting with cinema.
    I think that each of you has favorite old films. We can talk a lot about films. And how many phrases we love, the so-called “catchphrases”, are in these films. I suggest you remember them. I say a phrase, and you name the movie.

    Our dear teachers can also take part in this competition.

    Auction " Catchphrases»

    ...and you will be cured... –

    I demand that the banquet continue!

    Lepota!..– “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

    Everybody dance! -“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”

    To live well! A good life is even better! –"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

    Komsomol member, athlete and simply beautiful! –"Prisoner of the Caucasus"
    You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome -
    "The Diamond Arm"
    Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump!
    "The Diamond Arm"
    Announce the whole list, please! –"Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik"
    It’s always like this: you work, work, and then - bam! - and second shift -"Big change"
    You shouldn't sit there, there won't be any apartments until next spring!– “Girls”
    Hey citizen! Don't go there, go here! The snow will fall on your head... –"Gentlemen of fortune"
    The speaker will make a report, briefly, for about forty minutes... -
    "Carnival Night".

    1 Vedas: Yes, you know films well.

    2 Vedas : Now let's talk about what girls and boys wore in the 80s and 90s.

    Typicalday off Soviet fashionistas of the 80s consisted of something unimaginable - bright pink or azure leggings, a lace short fluffy skirt, a wide top with a print, preferably sliding off the shoulder, a denim or leather jacket to the waist, a wide belt on the hips and pumps. The look was completed with a large bow in the hair or a bright scarf tied with a ribbon with a knot on the top or side. Lace gloves, short or elbow-length, sometimes with cut off fingers, and heavy plastic earrings and bracelets added special charm. bright colors in incredible quantities. The bracelets could also be rubber.

    Highlighted strands predominated, perm and high bouffant, including bangs.

    1 Vedas: The guys kept up with the girls and also changed their usual style of proper Komsomol nerds.

    Aggressive thinking affected not only hairstyles, but also the . The guys put on leather biker jackets. Lots of rivets, metal badges, fingerless gloves andjeans - “bananas” have become integral attributes of any self-respecting informal. In winter they rushed“puffy” jackets and the same"Puffer boots or Andmade of fabric, without heels.Varenka jeans and wide sweaters with shawl collar . Sneakers with neon laces , bright to the point of pain in the eyes.

    Particularly zealous fashionistas and fashionistas trimmed their jackets and sweaters with hundreds of buttons different sizes and flowers, trimmed them with plastic rhinestones and sparkles, pinned the sleeves with a couple of dozen huge pins, and applied various inscriptionson , Andspent nights boiling out incredible designs on their newly purchased jeans with bleach.

    2 Vedas: Makeupbecame just as aggressively expressive. Eyes – eyelids highlighted with black along the contour of the lower and upper eyelids. The shadows are dark, applied with a bold stroke to make the eyes resemble those of a fox. A very good layer of mascara on the eyelashes.

    Lips - any color, but must be pearlescent.

    In the ears and on the hands there is heavy gold jewelry with stones. Preference was given to anything that resembled the shape of a chain.

    Everyday bags had to match the look business woman and meet these needs. It had to fit not only a cosmetic bag and a notepad, but also a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs with a bottle of milk, plus a couple of kilograms of sausages.

    Girls dancing flash mob.

    1 Vedas: How did the fathers and mothers of those times dress? Very beautiful and elegant. Take a look at today's representatives of show business, and you will see your grandparents. Women wore turtleneck sweaters and long skirts, slightly flared at the bottom, with a thin shiny belt to match the shoes and a rectangular “clutch” handbag, the size of a folder. Shoes - open-toed, stiletto heels or wedges. And if you wore a shirt under a suit, then a stand-up collar was a must. From costume jewelry - long, up to the navel, beads and pendants from semi-precious stones or mufflers tied in an intricate knot at the throat.

    2 Vedas : Now let’s play the game “Recognize the idol of the 80-90s?”

      Victor Tsoi

      Group "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov



      Irina Saltykova


      Vlad Stashevsky

      Hands up

      Inveterate scammers


      Alena Sviridova

      Alena Apina

    1Ved: And now it's time for the disco!!!

    The era of the 80s is long gone, however, those who still remember the time of good disco and unbridled love can plunge into the atmosphere of that time at themed party. Bright colors, favorite songs and outrageousness - you will get all this at a birthday party in the style of the 80s. The choice of this theme will be more appropriate if the childhood or youth of the birthday boy and guests fell during this wonderful time. In this case, those invited will be able to feel similar emotions and remember a distant era that is so dear to everyone. However, among the younger generation there are also many fans of the culture of those years, so choosing an 80s-style party for a birthday celebration guarantees unbridled fun and a memorable evening for a long time.

    Be sure to warn guests that the party is themed at least two weeks in advance. Preparing outfits and accessories in the Disco style is not an easy task.

    The place of celebration is not so important; you can spend this significant day at home. The main thing is that the environment must correspond to the spirit of that time. If the party will be held at home, try to move the furniture and make as much space as possible for dancing. Be sure to hang a mirror ball; not a single disco of the 80s could do without it. Also, take care of the light and music. The walls of the room can be covered with records and posters of idols of those years. There must be a cassette recorder in a prominent place, even if it doesn’t work, it will complement the ambiance. Hide metal-plastic windows behind floral curtains. Take out old toys, a lava lamp, long glass beads, and serpentine from the bins. To more accurately match the room to those years, decorate the wall with a carpet, and put an old TV on the cabinet. Surely your friends still have things from the past that you can borrow for a party.

    How to dress?
    Clothes of the 80s were distinguished by bright colors rich colors and shocking combinations in clothing. Girls can wear a loose T-shirt dress, and under it wear multi-colored leggings in acid colors, fishnet or short tights denim shorts. You can also wear a sweater or blouse with large shoulders on top. A mandatory addition to the image will be many bright accessories: large beads, plastic bracelets, hoop earrings. 80s hairstyles consisted of voluminous curls and backcombing, fixed with an incredible amount of glitter hairspray. The makeup of those years differs from the modern one in its bright combinations and catchiness: arrows on the eyes, pearlescent shadows, bright blush. Rich plum, coral and carrot colors are preferred for lipstick. Shoes can be different, but be sure to attract attention with bright shades.

    Men can create their own look from a shirt or golf shirt in light green, orange, purple flowers. On top you can wear sportswear, denim or leather jacket. As a "bottom" the best option There will be parachute trousers or jeans. You can also wear a tracksuit or sweater with a fun diamond pattern. Another option male image for an 80s-style party - a black or shiny turtleneck under a white jacket. Shoes different will do, depending on what the man is wearing - these can be sneakers, moccasins or shoes. Those with thick hair can comb their hair back and fix it with gel.

    Forget about modern gastronomic trends, only “mother’s” food should be on the table. Olivier, “herring under a fur coat” salad, cutlets, cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, jellied meat, oven-baked chicken - and other culinary “hits” of those years are preferred on festive table in the style of the 80s. You can also supplement the menu with sandwiches with cheese and boiled sausage, sprats, sprat, and dried fish. The main drink of the evening will be beer. You can choose other alcoholic drinks, but there should be fewer bottles on the table. Pour alcohol into kettles or jugs - this is exactly what they did during Prohibition. Ideal desserts include: Bird's Milk and Napoleon cakes, meringue cakes, potato cakes, eclairs, chocolates.

    Musicand entertainment.
    The musical arrangement of a birthday party in this theme plays a very important role, because painfully familiar and beloved compositions will accompany the holiday throughout the evening. The tracklist should include songs by the following performers: Donna Summer, Toto Cutugno, Boney M, Diana Ross, ABBA, Joy, etc. Complete the list with compositions by the group Arebesky, Yuri Loza, Kuzmin and other Soviet performers. During the break between fiery dances, guests can be entertained with fun competitions:

    • Guess the melody. Guests will name the artist and the title of the song based on the musical fragment.
    • Huge bubble. Participants cheat chewing gum, and whoever gets the biggest bubble wins.
    • The best dance. Guests show off their best dance moves. The winner is the participant whose dance the guests liked the most.
    • Pop the ball. Participants are tied to their feet air balloons. The goal of the competition is to burst your neighbor's balloon and keep yours.
    • Birthday card. Interesting task for guests. On a large card prepared in advance with the text already half printed, each guest writes a word on a blank line and in the end it turns out to be a nice present for the birthday person.

    In addition to competitions, guests can have fun playing Tetris or “Well, wait a minute!”, jumping in rubber bands, playing dodgeball or blind man’s buff. Prizes can be old toys, CDs with collections of songs from the 80s and small items associated with that era.

    A birthday in the style of the 80s or in the Disco style is a stunning and colorful holiday that will undoubtedly cause delight and bring a lot of joy to the birthday boy and guests.

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