• Application on the theme of traffic lights in the preparatory room. Summary of the lesson on the application “Traffic light. Independent work of children


    Lesson summary application for traffic rules in the preparatory group “Traffic Light”


    Continue to familiarize children with the rules of road safety, with the concepts of “street”, “road”, “sidewalk”, “traffic light”;

    Develop the ability to create an image of a traffic light through application, master the sequence of work;

    Continue to develop the ability to hold scissors correctly, use them and follow the rules for handling scissors;

    Develop cutting skills round shapes from squares and carefully stick them onto the silhouette of the traffic light.

    Progress of the lesson.


    Guys, look carefully, what do you see in the picture?

    What are traffic lights for?

    You and I know that you need to cross the road only in places marked road sign“Pedestrian crossing”, at a green traffic light, and children only with an adult holding hands.

    Guys, guess this riddle:

    I blink my eyes

    Relentlessly day and night

    I help cars

    And I want to help you.

    (Traffic light)

    Yes, the traffic light gives us signals to wait or go ahead.

    Red light - no road

    Yellow means we'll wait,

    When the light is green, let's go.

    Guys, a bear from the forest came to visit us, he brought a letter from the forest inhabitants. The letter says that a disaster happened on a forest street: Baba Yaga bewitched all the traffic lights and they went out. And now neither pedestrians nor drivers want to give way to each other. The bunny was hit by a car and his legs were crushed, now he is in the hospital. They are asking for help. (The teacher takes out damaged traffic lights from the envelope and asks the children how they can help forest dwellers restore the traffic light)

    Fine. Now let's play the game “Red! Yellow! Green!" Let's check! How attentive you are!

    A game of low mobility is played.

    Children sit on chairs. The teacher shows each time a traffic light of a different color (red, yellow, green), and the children must perform the following actions at the teacher’s signal: on red - sit on chairs, on yellow - stand up, on green - march. The game is played 2-3 times.

    Now you and I will help Mishka make new traffic lights.

    Guys, on your table on trays there are silhouettes of traffic lights and 3 squares of different colors. What color are they?

    The traffic light eyes are the same color.

    Which geometric figure do they remind you?

    And you need to cut a circle out of the squares. This must be done very carefully.

    The teacher hands out scissors and reminds them of the rules for handling them.

    The cut out circles must be carefully glued into place. We start gluing from the top circle. Be careful not to confuse colors!

    Now we glue thin strips folded in half around the circles!

    Children work independently.

    Works are posted on the board.

    All parents want their children to develop according to their age. Pediatricians say that every child can be taught a lot, the main thing is to work with him.
    One way to improve the overall development of a child is. Due to the fact that the baby will have to do painstaking work, a situation that directly affects development occurs. mental abilities and speeches.

    In order to complete the “Traffic Light” applique you will need a simple sheet of paper, plain colored paper, scissors, pencil, glue.

    On a blank sheet of paper, draw a traffic light. Drawing does not require the parent to have any special abilities in the visual arts. It is better to draw together with your child, so at the same time you will familiarize the child with some geometric shapes.

    Then from paper red, yellow, green and Brown You should cut out small circles. If the child is over 3 years old, this procedure can be taught to the child. You can do this with a hole punch, which will make the work much easier.

    Next, teach your child how to glue the circles over the outline of the picture. Explain that the work must be done carefully and beautifully.

    Of course, do not expect excellent results from your child after the first application work. Accuracy, hard work and composure come with time. The main thing is to have patience and the desire to teach your baby everything. Praise your child and encourage him more often, this will serve as a good incentive for him.

    And the resulting application can be an excellent gift option for family and friends, for example, for dad or grandfather.

    Vera Nikishova

    Target: Formation of artistic and creative abilities.


    develop fine motor skills hands;

    practice working with templates;

    develop creative thinking;

    make children happy by talking about signals traffic light;

    contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

    To work you need the following equipment:

    Black cardboard colors;

    - Colored double-sided paper or note paper;


    Glue stick;

    Compass, ruler, pencil;

    Heart templates of different sizes.

    1. From colored paper(red, yellow, green) cut out hearts of different sizes.

    2. Fold the cut out hearts in half.

    3. On cardboard using a ruler, pencil and compass, draw three circles of equal diameter.

    4. Let's get started make our traffic light. We lay out the pattern at our discretion. Apply glue to half of the heart and glue it on. First we make a red signal traffic light.

    5. Using the model, we make yellow and green signals traffic light.

    6. I decided to make a frame. This is what happened.

    A. Rakhimov

    Helps for a long time

    To the children, our friend, traffic light

    Explains without stress

    Traffic rules for children.

    Publications on the topic:

    DIY attributes. “Traffic Light” Purpose: To help create a game environment. Develop children's interest in role-playing games. For this.

    I would like to present to you a master class on design. We will need paper, we will decide on the color according to our choice. Let's take a square. Fold it up.

    Master class for teachers “I am a master of arts and crafts myself”“If you can teach a child in his childhood to feel beauty, to be amazed at the marvelous creations of human hands, the beauty of nature, then grow up.

    To make a gnome we will need: - a 19-liter water bottle; - 5 liter water bottle; - Polyurethane foam 2-2.5.

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    The guys and I decided to hold our own Victory Parade, and for this we made these soldiers. Next up is the equipment and the audience. Needed for work.

    During preparations for the event “Road rules, we are all supposed to know,” the need arose to create a mobile “traffic light” suit.

    The traffic light applique can be made with children in classes in kindergarten or at home. To create a craft, you need to prepare materials (paper, cardboard, fabric, leather) for the base and the templates themselves.

    It is worth worrying in advance about the method of securing the application. It can be threads or glue, depending on which option is chosen. The degree of difficulty of the work depends on the age of the child and his level of training. A traffic light applique can be made using almost any execution technique as a basis.

    This article discusses ideas for making a traffic light using the most popular application methods and provides photo examples.

    For preschoolers, practicing applique activities appropriate for their age will be very useful in terms of developing fine motor skills, spatial and imaginative thinking, sensory perception, intellectual abilities, abilities for analysis and synthesis.

    Photo master class “Traffic light”

    For children in younger group You need to prepare in advance a traffic light template and circles of the appropriate diameter from green, red and yellow colored paper. It is better to choose the overlay applique method for beginners. With its help you can get an interesting and not complicated multi-color option. Guys younger age They will spend time with interest and benefit by simply gluing circles onto the base with their own hands, step by step. The lesson will reinforce their knowledge of the shape of a circle and a rectangle, as well as the corresponding shades, and will give them an understanding of the basics of composition.

    Video: Application for kids

    Application for middle and older children

    IN middle group kindergarten You can also conduct a lesson on appliqué and make a traffic light. But, a child of this age will find it interesting and easy to prepare stencils from colored paper. Having cut out the circles and rectangles themselves, the children will then glue them together step by step, according to the color arrangement scheme. If the usual applique in the group is already working well, then you can move on to more complex methods. For example, conduct classes on making a traffic light using modular or cut-out appliqué. Creating crafts based on them develops creative thinking especially well.

    Modular applique involves the use of fairly small pieces of the selected material of the same size and shape. For the craft you will need pieces of three colors: yellow, red and green and a base. It is better to prepare them in advance, and also print out a drawing with the outline of a traffic light for each child, so that it is easier to stick on its base. a large number of blanks

    Cut-out appliqué is an even more entertaining activity for middle preschool children. They can make the traffic light entirely themselves, but it’s still better to prepare pictures with its drawing.

    To create a broken traffic light applique, you will need to tear out colored paper four the right colors on fairly small parts, and then glue them according to the appropriate pattern.

    Lessons for the senior group

    For children in the older group, you can complicate the traffic light applique, for example, through the use of symmetrical blanks various shapes. The children must cut them out from colored cardboard or paper themselves. Or you can give each of the circles additional individuality by adding facial expressions.

    Turning a traffic light signal on and off can be indicated different ways, adding darkening bars, or instead of using a “on” signal, use not a circle, but a star-shaped, radiant shape.

    In senior preschool age Modular or cut-out applique turns out much better. In such classes you can make many original traffic lights. Additional pictures with an auxiliary outline will no longer be needed; instead, it is better to use sheets of cardboard or plain paper.

    Unusual traffic light applications are obtained by combining applique and origami techniques. To do this, some identical characters with different facial expressions must be specially made from red, yellow and green colored paper for gluing onto the base.

    It is not necessary to make faces using the origami technique. If not step by step instructions or a detailed description process, you can prepare simple flat templates of faces for children, according to which they themselves will redraw and cut out the blanks, then completing the necessary features.

    Video: Simple application “Traffic light”

    Applications for older children

    In the preparatory group of a kindergarten, you can successfully practice all of the above methods of application and carry out more educational activities on the topic of rules traffic And existing types traffic light. Children at this age are able to work together to create amazing compositions, and not just individual works.


    A traffic light applique using the quilling technique, which is based on creating an image from paper rolled into ribbons, may seem like a craft too complicated for a preschooler. But, if available detailed instructions And with the sensitive attention of the teacher, you can get interesting and high-quality options.


    To diversify the process of preparing for school, you can conduct classes on creating an original traffic light applique using the cutting technique. This method involves winding a piece of paper onto a piece of rod, then the resulting shape is glued onto a base sheet, with or without an outline.

    The presence of empty spaces is minimized and a multi-colored, three-dimensional image with an interesting texture is obtained. To apply a traffic light, you should prepare yellow, green and red colored paper.

    Learning to cross the road

    Children senior group should know that traffic lights are at intersections and regulate traffic. But there is also a traffic light for a pedestrian crossing. And what does each color mean?

    For preschoolers preparatory group The process of creating such an unusual traffic light, as well as preparations for it, will be incredibly exciting and entertaining.

    Target: to consolidate through practical activities children’s knowledge about the means of traffic control - traffic lights.


    1. Strengthen children’s knowledge about traffic lights.

    2. Learn to work in pairs and help each other.

    3. Develop fine motor skills and accuracy in work.

    Methodological support: thick wool threads three colors: red, yellow, green, black cardboard, colored paper red, green, cardboard bookmark, wicker bookmark.

    Vocabulary work: bookmark.

    Motivation: personal interest of children.


    Conversation about bookmarks

    —Have you heard the word “bookmark”?

    (Children's answers)

    -What does this word mean?

    (Children's guesses)

    — A bookmark is a thing that is placed in a book on the page where a person stopped reading. And to help him quickly find the place where he read, there are bookmarks. They are usually made of cardboard so that they do not wrinkle. Look, schoolchildren buy these bookmarks for textbooks.

    (Lets the children look at the bookmarks)

    — And I read in one newspaper about unusual bookmarks that people use. In England, in London, in one of the libraries, library workers began to collect what people put in books instead of bookmarks. These items turned out to be: napkins, toilet paper, razor blades, pieces of cheese, slices of bread. What the library staff didn’t find in books! I also know that some people, when they close a book without a bookmark, bend the corners of the pages. How do you think they are doing?

    (Children's guesses)

    - That's right, they act ugly. The corners of the book become unusable and may tear off at the fold. That's why you should always have bookmarks in your house. When I went to school, stores didn’t sell bookmarks, so we made them ourselves. I'll show you this bookmark.

    (The teacher shows a bookmark woven from thread and sewn to the book)

    “We made such bookmarks during labor lessons, and then sewed them onto the textbook. This sewn bookmark was convenient. She was never lost. What does this one look like?

    bookmark? I can tell you that it resembles the hairstyle of a girl who has long hair.

    - Do you want me to teach you how to make such bookmarks? (Children's answers)

    - Fine. And we will decorate the wicker bookmark with a traffic light. Here, look at her. Like?

    (Children's answers)

    Explanation of the work sequence

    — Today we will learn to work in pairs. I'll tell you how. Who will be with me now when I explain how to make a bookmark?

    (Takes one child as an assistant)

    - First, each of you will take 3 thick threads: red, yellow and green. The threads must be placed in front of you and aligned just like I do. Then you need to tie a knot at one end so that the threads do not fall apart. Now you can start weaving a braid from threads. But you will take turns weaving: one holds the thread by the knot, and the other weaves a braid of three threads. Like this.

    (Demonstration of braiding)

    - After the braid of threads is woven, you also need to tie a knot from the braid at this end so that it does not unravel. The wicker bookmark is ready. Now you are changing: whoever braided the braid will now hold the threads. Do not forget that you need to weave after the knot is tied. And after you weave, you also need to tie a knot.

    Independent work children- braiding

    “You’ve worked hard, you need to rest a little.”


    Our fingers worked

    And, of course, we were tired.

    You and I will crush them

    And we will shake off the fatigue from them.

    Let's all get up from the tables,

    And we will start charging:

    1,2 - stretched,

    3, 4 - bent down,

    5, 6 - stood up straight,

    7.8 - reached the shoulders,

    9, 10 - sat down quietly

    And they wanted to work.

    N. Elzhova

    - Now everyone has woven bookmarks. What kind of flowers did we take the threads from?

    (Children's answers)

    — What do these colors remind you of?

    (Traffic signals)

    Application: “Traffic light”

    - Let's decorate our bookmarks with a traffic light. You have colored cardboard and colored paper on your tables for this. What will we make a traffic light from?

    (Made from black cardboard)

    - What geometric figure does it resemble? (Rectangle)

    — When you make signals at a traffic light, do not forget about the sequence of location of the signals at the traffic light.

    Independent work of children

    - Now cut out exactly the same second rectangle from black cardboard. The traffic light should be coated with glue, a braid of threads should be placed in the middle and a second rectangle should be glued to the traffic light. The rectangles must be coated well with glue and pressed tightly together, placing a pigtail between them.

    Independent work of children

    - These are the ones interesting bookmarks you made. Now all you have to do is sew the bookmarks at home to the book that you often use, or you can give the bookmark to your brother or sister or parents.

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