• Knit an openwork cardigan with your own hands. Knitted cardigans for women: patterns and description. Knitted cardigan. Work by Irina Stilnik


    : useful tips

    1. Large knitting will not only reduce the time spent working on the product big size, but also create stylish outfit, which will be characterized by a kind of stylish negligence. However, the fabric should not look rough - practice on samples so that the loops are the same size.

    2. To knit a cardigan with large knitting, take knitting needles from number six to fifteen and select a working thread of the appropriate thickness.

    3. If you choose a working tool with a diameter of no. 10, that is, you are creating a voluminous and rather heavy fabric, it is recommended for convenience to knit in straight and reverse rows on circular knitting needles with fishing line.

    4. The optimal knitting on thick knitting needles is stocking, scarf and elastic. Large reliefs, such as braids and plaits, should not be chosen for thick fabric.

    Chunky knit cardigan back

    Try knitting simple numbers 7 and 8. For a size 48 product, cast on 102 loops on needles of a smaller diameter and knit 12-13 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Depending on the density of your knitting and the right size adjust the number of initial loops.

    After completing the bottom elastic placket, continue knitting the cardigan using larger needles in stockinette stitch or another chosen pattern. After 62 cm from the beginning of the product, begin to decrease the loops for. First, close 8 loops symmetrically on both sides.

    Then, every other row, decrease 1 stitch on the left and right 30 times in the following sequence:


    Slip one stitch as a knit stitch;

    Knit the next stitch and pull it through the removed one;

    At the end of the row in front of the edge knit a pair of adjacent stitches together.

    When 26 stitches remain on the knitting needles (this is 31 cm from the place where the beveling of the sleeve fabric began), close all the thread bows.

    Cardigan shelves

    Continue knitting the cardigan in chunky stitch from the left front. Using knitting needles No. 7, make an elastic pattern similar to the bottom of the finished back, then using knitting needles No. 8, work in the main pattern. At the same time, for the strap, make 8 outer loops on one side of the part with a 1x1 elastic band and end the row with an edge stitch. Counting 40 cm from the bottom of the product, make an entrance to the pocket:

    Set aside 25 stitches;

    Cast the same number of thread arches on knitting needles No. 7;

    From the newly cast on loops, make a pocket fabric using stocking stitch (10-15 cm depending on the desired depth of the part).

    Next, work on the cardigan using size 8 needles, using these 25 stitches cast on rather than the ones set aside. Make the raglan according to the pattern of the back. Having counted 70 cm from the beginning of knitting the front, begin to form the neckline: on the left, knit a pair of outer loops of the front stitch together through the row, continue to make the placket with an elastic band. Perform such decreases only 8 times. Then continue to make an elastic band on the eight thread arches for the strap, knit another ten centimeters in this way and set the loops aside.

    For the pocket, also make a placket with a 1x1 rib, 4-4.5 cm high. Work with size 7 needles on the 25 stitches that were set aside earlier. Start and end with knit stitches. Make the right shelf according to the model of the left one.

    Cardigan sleeves

    For the sleeves, cast on 58 stitches on smaller needles and knit an elastic band 8 cm high, then go to No. 8 and work in the main pattern. In this case, you need to make increases to form a wedge-shaped sleeve. Do them on each side in the following sequence:

    In every sixth row 14 times 1 loop;

    In every fourth row, loop 10 times;

    In every second row, loop 4 times.

    In total, as a result of knitting the bevel of the sleeves, there should be 86 loops on the knitting needles. When you count 36 cm of fabric from the edge of the sleeve, form a raglan, taking the back as a sample, and then close the row. From the bottom edge to the final row - 67 cm.

    How to assemble cardigan pieces

    You managed to knit a simple cardigan with knitting needles! Now all that's left to do is sew all the parts together. Sew seams from the inside out using working thread and a darning needle with a large eye. Connect the sides of the main parts and sleeves. The thread arms of the slats are left open on the shelves - attach them to the neck of the back.

    Sew the strips of each pocket (their short sides), and make the seams of the burlap from the inside of the product. All that remains is to attach the fasteners - buttons, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

    You can take this simple description of knitting a cardigan as a basis and make changes to your taste: adjust the length of the product; make sleeve cuffs; leave holes for buttons and decorate the cardigan with interesting accessories. By changing the diameter of the knitting needles and the pattern, you can get products of different textures and densities.

    Knitted cardigan "Winter cherry"

    Without a cozy cardigan in the chilly autumn and cold winter definitely can't get by. Not only experienced knitters, but also beginners in knitting can knit this warm and bright thing with their own hands. It is enough to put in a little diligence, and the result will be beyond all expectations: admiring glances and a feeling of warmth are priceless! Moreover, a knitted cardigan is unlikely to ever go out of fashion.

    Cardigan chest measurements: 34 ½ (or 37 ½, 41, 44 ½, 47 ½)”. In the photo - size 34 ½”, while the looseness of the fit is minimal.

    To knit, you need to get Bergere de France Origin's Merino yarn in flame color: 19 (or 21, 23, 25, 27) skeins. You will also need 44mm circular knitting needles 32" long, markers, a cable knitting needle, tapestry needle, stitch holders, and a color-matching zipper 30" or longer.

    The knitting density when performing a crossed rib is 28 loops per 27 rows - 4”.
    A crossed elastic band can be stretched up to 40% in length - it is quite elastic.

    Patterns and techniques:
    The crossed elastic band is knitted on an odd number of stitches:
    Row 1 (on the front side): 2 stitches purl, *1 knit crossed, 1 purl, repeat from *to last stitch, 1 purl.
    Row 2: Knit 2 stitches, *1 purl crossed, knit 1, repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
    The rows alternate.
    2 crossed facial loops, knitted together: 1 loop is removed purlwise, another 1 purl crossed, loops are returned to left knitting needle, 2 knit stitches together; decrease 1 loop.
    2 crossed purl loops, knitted together: (1 loop is removed purl crossed) 2 times, loops return to the left knitting needle, 2 loops purl together; decrease 1 loop.
    3/1/3 LC: 4 loops are removed on a braiding needle before work, 1 loop is knitted crossed, 1 purl, 1 knitted crossed, 1 loop is removed from the left edge of a cable needle on the left needle, 1 purl, (1 knitted crossed , 1 purl, 1 knit crossed) for stitches on a braiding needle.
    3/1/3 RC: 4 loops are removed from the knitting needle for braids at work, 1 loop is knitted with a knitted cross, 1 purl, 1 knitted crossed, 1 loop is removed from the left edge of the braiding needle on the left knitting needle, 1 purl, (1 knitted crossed , 1 purl, 1 knit crossed) for stitches on a braiding needle.
    For torsoyou need to cast on 327 (or 351, 375, 399, 423) loops, do not connect them.

    9 (or 11, 13, 15, 17) rows should be done with a crossed elastic band, ending with the front row.
    Set row (wrong side): work 56 (or 60, 64, 68, 72) stitches, place marker, another 65 (or 69, 73, 77, 81) stitches, marker, 85 more (or 93, 101, 109) , 117) stitches, marker, another 65 (or 69, 73, 77, 81) stitches, marker, knit until end of row.
    Decrease row (on the front side): (knit to the marker, 2 knit stitches crossed together, continue until 2 stitches are in front of the marker, 2 knit stitches crossed together, the marker is removed) 2 times, continue to the end of the row. A total of 4 loops were decreased.
    Decrease row (on the wrong side): (knit to the marker, 2 purl stitches crossed together, continue to 2 stitches before the marker, 2 purl stitches crossed together, re-slip the marker) 2 times, continue to the end of the row. A total of 4 loops were decreased.
    Knit straight 6 rows.
    The last 8 rows need to be repeated 2 more times so that 303 (or 327, 351, 375, 399) loops remain.
    Front row with decreases, purl row with decreases.
    Another 22 rows straight.
    The last 24 rows need to be repeated 2 more times so that 279 (or 303, 327, 351, 375) loops remain.
    Front row with decreases, purl row with decreases. 271 (or 295, 319, 343, 367) loops remain.
    Another 11 (or 13, 15, 17, 19) rows straight.
    Setting row (on the wrong side): knit up to 2 markers, remove it, knit 17 loops, place a marker, 51 (or 59, 67, 75, 83) loops, place a marker, knit to the marker, remove the marker, continue knitting until the end this row.
    Decrease row (on the front side): (knit to the marker, knit 2 stitches together crossed) 2 times, (knit up to 2 stitches before the marker, knit 2 stitches crossed together) 2 times, knit to the end. Reduced 4 loops.
    Decrease row (on the wrong side): (knit up to the marker, 2 purl loops together crossed) 2 times, (knit up to 2 loops before the marker, 2 purl loops together crossed) 2 times, continue to the end of the row. Reduced 4 loops.
    Knit another 6 rows straight.
    Front row with decreases, purl row with decreases. 255 (or 279, 303, 327, 351) loops remain.
    5 more rows straight.
    Making a braid at the waist line.
    Installation row (on the wrong side): 32 (or 36, 40, 44, 48) loops, marker for braid, 15 loops, marker for braid, continue knitting until marker, remove marker, another 12 (or 16, 20, 24, 28) loops, marker, knit to marker, another 14 (or 18, 22, 26, 30) loops, marker for braid, 15 loops, marker for braid, knit to marker, knit to 12 (or 16, 20, 24, 28) stitches before the marker, place a marker, continue knitting until the marker, remove the marker, 9 stitches, place a marker for a braid, 15 stitches, place a marker for a braid, continue knitting until the end of the row.
    Next row (on the front side): knit to the braid marker, 3/1/3 LC, 1 stitch purled, 3/1/3 RC, (knit to the marker, 2 knit stitches crossed together) 2 times, knit to the braid marker , 3/1/3 LC, 1 purl stitch, 3/1/3 RC, (knitting continues to 2 stitches before marker, knit 2 crossed together) 2 times, knit to braid marker, 3/1/3 LC, 1 The loop is worked purlwise, 3/1/3 RC, to the end of the row. 251 (or 275, 299, 323, 347) loops remain.
    Next row (on the wrong side): knit up to 2 braid markers, knit to the marker, 2 crossed stitches are knitted together purl, to the marker, remove the marker, 2 crossed loops are knitted together purl, knit up to 2 braid markers, knit up to 2 loops before the marker , 2 purl loops crossed together, remove the marker, knit up to 2 loops before the marker, 2 purl loops crossed together, to the end of the row. There should be 247 (or 271, 295, 319, 343) loops left.
    8 rows straight.
    Next row (on the front side): knit to the braid marker, knit to the braid marker, 3/1/3 LC, 1 stitch purled, 3/1/3 RC, knit to the marker, 2 knit stitches crossed together, knit to the marker braids, 3/1/3 LC, 1 loop knit purl, 3/1/3 RC, knit up to 2 loops before marker, 2 crossed loops knit together purl, knit to braid marker, 3/1/3 LC, 1 loop knit purl, 3/1/3 RC, to end of row. 2 loops should decrease.
    Next row (on the wrong side): knit up to 2 braid markers, knit up to the marker, purl 2 crossed stitches together, knit up to 2 braid markers, knit up to 2 stitches before the marker, purl 2 stitches crossed together, to the end of the row. Reduced 2 loops.
    8 rows straight.
    The last 10 rows are done again. 239 (or 263, 287, 311, 335) loops remain.
    In the next row, the markers should be removed.
    17 (or 19, 21, 23, 25) rows straight, finish this part of knitting with a right row.
    Next we need to divide our knitting into the back and shelves.
    Next row (on the wrong side): work 56 (or 62, 68, 73, 80) loops, then transfer them to the loop holder for the left shelf, 7 (or 7, 7, 9, 9) loops must be cast off, perform another 113 ( or 125, 137, 147, 157) loops, they are transferred to the loop holder for the back, 7 (or 7, 7, 9, 9) loops must be cast off and knitted until the end of the row. There should be 56 (or 62, 68, 73, 80) loops left for the right front.

    Let's do it right shelf.
    1 row front.
    For the armhole: at the beginning of the purl row, 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 5) loops are closed 1 time, then 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 4) loops are closed twice more, so that you end up with 47 (or 53, 59, 61, 67) loops.
    1 row front.
    Next row (on the wrong side): 2 knit stitches are knitted together, knit until the end of the row. 46 (or 52, 58, 60, 66) loops remain.
    Another 27 (or 27, 29, 31, 33) rows are worked straight. Finish with a front row.

    The loops are transferred to the loop holder.

    Let's do it left shelf.
    On the front side, the thread is attached to the loops of the left shelf.
    For the armhole: at the beginning of the front row, 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 5) loops are closed 1 time, then 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 4) loops are closed twice more, so that you end up with 47 (or 53, 59, 61, 67) loops.
    Purl row 1.
    Next row (on the front side): 2 purl stitches are knitted together, knit until the end of the row. 46 (or 52, 58, 60, 66) loops remain.
    Another 27 (or 27, 29, 31, 33) rows are worked straight. Finish with a purl row.
    For the shoulder: at the beginning of the purl row, 14 (or 17, 20, 20, 23) loops are cast off 1 time, then 13 (or 16, 19, 19, 22) loops are cast off 1 time. There should be 19 (or 19, 19, 21, 21) stitches left.
    1st row is purl, the loops are removed onto the loop holder.

    For backrests: On the front side, the thread is attached to the back loops.
    For armholes: 3 (or 3, 3, 6, 5) loops should be cast off at the beginning of the next 2 rows, at the beginning of the next 4 rows - 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 4) loops. There should be a total of 95 (or 107, 119, 119, 131) loops left.
    Next row (on the right side): Purl 2 stitches together until the end of the row. 94 (or 106, 118, 118, 130) loops remain.
    Next row (on the wrong side): Knit 2 stitches together until the end of the row. 93 (or 105, 117, 117, 129) loops remain.
    26 (or 26, 28, 30, 32) rows straight. Finish this part of knitting on a purl row.
    Shoulders: at the beginning of the next 2 rows, 14 (or 17, 20, 20, 23) loops are closed, at the beginning of the next 2 rows - 13 (or 16, 19, 19, 22) loops. 39 loops remain. The loops are transferred to the loop holder.

    Now you can start knittingsleeves.
    Cast on 51 (55, 59, 63, 67) loops; no need to join them.
    Next row (on the wrong side): knit 2 stitches, *purl 1, knit 1, repeat from * to last stitch, knit 1.
    Increase row (on the front side): 1 purl stitch, M1, *1 purl, 1 knit crossed, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, 1 purl, M1, 1 purl. 2 loops should be added.

    Increase row (on the wrong side): 1 knit stitch, M1, *1 purl crossed, 1 knit, repeat from * to last 2 stitches, 1 purl crossed, M1, 1 knit. 2 loops should be added.
    4 rows straight, added loops are included in the pattern.
    The last 10 rows need to be repeated 8 more times, borrowing the front row with additions. This makes 89 (or 93, 97, 101, 105) loops.
    4 rows straight, purl row with additions - 91 (or 95, 99, 103, 107) loops.
    Another 22 (or 22, 24, 24, 24) rows straight until the sleeve length is 17 ¾ (or 17 ¾, 18, 18, 18).”
    For the sleeve roll: 4 (or 4, 4, 5, 5) loops at the beginning of the next 2 rows are cast off, another 3 (or 3, 3, 4, 4) loops at the beginning of 4 rows, so that 71 (or 75, 79) remain , 71, 81) loop.
    2 loops need to be cast off at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and 1 more loop at the beginning of the next 2 rows. 65 (or 69, 73, 71, 75) loops remain.
    10 (or 10, 12, 12, 14) rows straight.
    Decrease row (on the front side): knit 2 stitches together, according to the pattern until the last 2 stitches, purl 2 together. Reduced 2 loops.
    Next row (on the wrong side): 2 purl stitches are knitted together, according to the pattern to the last 2 loops, 2 knit stitches together. Reduced 2 loops.
    Front row with decreases. There should be 51 (or 55, 59, 57, 61) loops left.
    At the beginning of the next 6 rows, cast off 3 (or 3, 4, 4, 4) loops, at the beginning of another 2 rows, cast off 7 (or 9, 8, 7, 9) loops. 19 loops remain.
    Purl row.
    Raglan shoulder strap:
    Next row (on the front side): 1 stitch is knitted, 1 purl, 3/1/3 LC, 1 purl, 3/1/3 RC, 1 purl, 1 knit.
    9 rows straight, ending with a purl row.
    The last 10 rows are repeated 1 time, then the braid row 1 time.
    5 (or 11, 11, 16, 23) rows straight, loops are transferred to the loop holder.
    It is better not to break the thread if there is a need to lengthen the raglan shoulder strap.
    Then the seams of the sleeves are made, the raglan shoulder strap is sewn to the shoulders of the front and back. The sleeves are sewn in.

    All that remains is to executecollar. On the front side, knit 18 (or 18, 18, 20, 20) loops of the right front, 2 knit together (1 front, 1 raglan shoulder strap), 17 raglan shoulder straps, 2 knit stitches together (1 raglan shoulder strap, 1 back), 37 backs, 2 knits together (1 back, 1 raglan shoulder strap), 17 raglan shoulder straps, 2 knits together (1 raglan shoulder strap, 1 shelves), 18 (or 18, 18, 20, 20) left shelves. You should get 111 (or 111, 111, 115, 115) loops. Don't connect them.
    19 (or 19, 19, 21, 21) rows crossed with an elastic band, you need to finish with a purl row. All loops on the elastic band should be closed without crossing them. The ends of the threads are tucked in.
    The zipper is pinned to the edges of the shelf. It is important to make sure that the braids, collar and bottom edge of the garment are at the same level. The yarn needs to be divided into separate threads, and then a zipper is sewn on and a WTO is performed.

    The knitted cardigan is ready!

    Let's try to decide , what is in front of us - a coat or a cardigan ?!

    Coat This is a type of winter and/or demi-season outerwear with a long cut. Typically, coats come in length up to and below the knee.

    Cardigan This is a knitted wool jacket, tailored to the figure, without a collar, with buttons, with a deep neckline.

    As we see, in the world of needlework, sometimes we can safely apply the term coat to a cardigan, and vice versa, when it comes to a collar, or rather the absence of one. On the other hand, is it so important what we call this irreplaceable part of the wardrobe?

    Knitted coat has become a part of our lives, and recently it has become very stylish and fashionable. It is much more pleasant to walk in something original, rather than bought in a store and often found on the streets of the city.

    A coat knitted from thin threads gives its elegance in the warm season. Oh! this tenderness and airiness, pay attention to the thin mohair! After all, this is a fairy tale, the mohair cardigan flows, it’s airy, and you definitely won’t go unnoticed.

    Are the days cold? A cardigan knitted with knitting needles with braids, weaves or even textured patterns from knit and purl loops is indispensable here.


    The cardigan is coming back into fashion and many women are happy to complement their wardrobe with new models of these knitted products. Classically, a cardigan looks like an elegant soft jacket with a loose fit without a collar or an elongated jacket with a V-neck, which is fastened with buttons or buttons, and is also complemented by side pockets.

    Some women prefer not to buy new models of outerwear, but knit fashionable items with their own hands according to patterns with detailed description all stages of work. We have already published several articles with video lessons, master classes, patterns and instructions, with the help of which our visitors have already knitted wonderful cardigans, jackets, blouses and vests with knitting needles or crochet. On our website you can also find patterns and knitting lessons for different models of outerwear for obese women, interesting options cardigans and tunics in large sizes.

    Which cardigan model would you like to knit? Useful tips from stylists who will help you choose the right option for the upcoming season.

    What to wear with a knitted cardigan:

    Winter, late autumn. Long women's cardigan made of wool yarn The tight knit will look perfect in tandem with a turtleneck or jumper. Bottom: tight knitted trousers, skinny leggings or thick, warm dark-colored jeans. Knitted cardigans decorated with fur along the edges (just below the line of fasteners and then along the entire bottom) look impressive.
    Summer, early spring. Can be knitted from thin threads knitting light model with a large pattern or design. A short cardigan will look impressive with a top, and middle length- with a fitted light dress.

    What does a cardigan without fasteners and buttons go with? This option is at the height of fashion today and knitted clothes without buttons can be combined with different dresses. You will look feminine and stylish if you knit a cardigan, the length of which will be approximately the same as that of the dress. You can also wear dresses that are slightly longer than the cardigan.

    Long cardigan midi (covering the hips) or knee-length. Such option will do slender, short women. You can knit a model with short sleeves and with large pattern in the area of ​​buttons. Can be worn with different models trousers - slightly flared at the very bottom or straight with arrows. Shoes: a knitted cardigan + trousers, dark shoes (or boots - in winter time) on a high platform or heels. This will make you look much slimmer and taller.

    Long cardigan (below the knee line). The perfect knitted clothing for tall women! It will look perfect as overweight women, and on women with slim figure. A wide belt (you can weave or knit it yourself and purchase a buckle) will perfectly complement your outfit, thanks to which your figure will look slimmer and more feminine.

    A long knitted cardigan can be worn: with long fitted dresses, with black skirts, with a light blouse, with skinny jeans or with knitted trousers. If your legs are slender, then you can wear breeches (or denim shorts in the summer) under the cardigan and tights to match the breeches.

    Short cardigan. In an ensemble with a fitted model, you can safely wear a pencil skirt, a stylish flared skirt and any maple dress to match the top.
    Short shorts or breeches with a plain T-shirt will look great in an ensemble with a short knitted cardigan in summer season. Below are photos of suitable clothing options for cardigans:

    Select the color of the yarn from which we will knit a suitable cardigan for a woman:

    A cardigan knitted from red yarn will go well with yellow, white, black, and golden colors.

    A beige cardigan can be worn with clothes of languid, muted colors. A good accent is golden clothes with a cardigan and golden high-heeled shoes.

    With a cardigan of blue color you can create a very stylish ensemble, but you need to consider the following - for a cold and dark blue color, choose an option from
    achromatic palette (black, gray or white), and for warm and light blue clothing options in yellow, orange and even dark green colors. In an ensemble with a blue knitted cardigan, such democratic options as denim shirts, denim dresses and other denim options.

    Universal black cardigan color. You can even wear an evening suit (both black and light) under a black knitted cardigan. Suitable options: clothes in white, silver, light pink colors.


    Materials and tools:
    lana grossa gala yarn (24% viscose, 48% silk, 11% polyamide, 17% linen), 750 grams of yarn - purple 29 tones; Knitting needles No. 4 and No. 4.5; 4 medium sized buttons to match the yarn.

    alternating 1 knit and 1 purl stitches.

    Main fabric pattern:

    Rows 1 and 3: * purl 1, knit 4, purl 2, knit 4, purl 2, knit 4 and so on constantly repeating from * fabric pattern repeat and ending with purl 2, knit 4, purl 2 loops.

    2nd and subsequent purl rows: knit loops (see photo).

    Row 5: * Purl 2, leave 2 braid loops before knitting, knit 2, then knit for face braids. loops from the back, purl 2, knit 4, purl 2, knit 4, so we constantly repeat from *, having finished purl 2, leave 2 braid loops before knitting, knit 2, then for knit braids. knit stitches from the back, purl 2. and repeat rows 1-6.

    Knitting density:
    25 loops, 28 rows 10x10 cm.


    Option #1:


    Option #2:


    Option #3:


    Option #4:


    Option #5:

    Option #6:


    Option #7:


    A cardigan is a large, showy item, so knitters want it to fit perfectly on the figure, look beautiful and have an interesting texture. It is most convenient to knit a cardigan with knitting needles on a fishing line, since you can cast on many loops at once to knit large parts, for example, a back or a shawl collar.

    A knitted cardigan is not necessarily a product with buttons, so even beginner knitters who find it difficult to make stitches can take it on. The product can be made with folded hems on the belt, and knitting it with knitting needles is much easier than fiddling with loops. There are styles of cardigans with a single button closure using air loop, though then you won’t be able to limit yourself to just knitting needles: you’ll have to pick up a crochet hook. But tying an elementary chain by closing it in a loop is a very simple procedure.

    With good crocheting skills, you can decorate the finished cardigan along the edges with various elements, knitted. It’s a good idea to knit flowers and leaves that can become a decoration for a product on the collar or in the form of a brooch on the chest. Such a cardigan can even be smooth, made in garter or stocking stitch.

    How to knit a beautiful cardigan with knitting needles, where to start

    The most spectacular cardigan is an openwork knit. There are many knitting patterns that feature interesting textures or even look like lace. A light cardigan with such a texture will look charming and will warm you well in cool weather or on an evening walk in the summer. To make such a thing, you need to study the elements of openwork knitting: yarn overs, knit stitches and purl stitches. A warmer product can be made with knitting needles and a special pin for weaving loops. “Braids”, “ropes”, “diamonds”, “bumps” - these are the main elements that you will have to master for such a cardigan.

    You also need to provide the cut details:

    • back;
    • shelves;
    • coquette;
    • collar;
    • sleeves;
    • cuffs

    It is good to knit a cardigan with knitting needles in the raglan style, which involves a minimum of parts that will have to be sewn together. Combining them beautifully is also a certain art that requires the acquisition of new skills. You will have to master kettel and knitted seams (vertical and horizontal). Alternatively, you can connect the parts crochet, knitting single crochets or half-crochet stitches.

    Selecting a model and knitting pattern

    When starting to knit a cardigan, you need to choose a model that would fit your figure perfectly. Next you need to understand what the yarn consumption is for the product. If you don’t have much yarn, it’s better to knit an openwork model: it’s more economical. If you knit with larger knitting needles, the work will be completed faster, but the threads should also be thick enough so that the finished cardigan does not look too loose and does not lose shape when washed.

    The knitting pattern depends not only on the style, but also on the pattern. Those who know how to make complex patterns well with knitting needles should knit a sample with the selected threads in order to calculate from it how many loops will have to be cast on in width. The height of the part can be adjusted while working on the pattern or by measuring with a centimeter.

    For those who are not well versed in patterns and patterns, it is advisable to choose a ready-made model with a pattern and strictly follow the recommendations for selecting yarn and knitting needles.

    Selection of yarn and tools

    The thread should not be thicker than the knitting needles, otherwise it will be awkward to knit. If its diameter is much smaller, the knitted fabric will lose its elasticity, which will lead to deformation of the cardigan. The thickness of the yarn is indicated on the label for the skein. With paired knitting needles it’s even simpler: a number is often stamped on their shanks, which is their diameter. But what about knitting needles on a fishing line if they have been in the household for a long time, and it is impossible to remember what was written on their label? You can use a caliper, or if you don’t have one, just pierce a piece of graph paper with a knitting needle and estimate the diameter of the resulting hole. It is convenient to simply compare the thickness of the thread and knitting needles by eye, and if they approximately coincide, then start knitting a sample of the selected pattern.

    New models of cardigans for women and girls

    Among the new models of cardigans, there are many samples made with knitting needles. In most cases, weave knitting is used. These are large “braids” or “ropes”, as well as their variations. Such a relief texture will make even a straight product unforgettable. There are practically no shaped tight cardigans among the newfangled designs these days. Therefore, before you start knitting a cardigan, it is worth practicing with a weaving pin.

    It should be remembered that the overlap of the loops slightly narrows the resulting fabric, and the holes, on the contrary, expand. This means that you need to not be lazy in knitting a large sample, for example, 20 loops for 20 or 30 rows, in order to correctly calculate the number of both for a cardigan piece.

    If you calculate correctly, you will receive a beautiful product. Examples can be seen in the photographs. There are also options for very simple knitting from yarn of different colors. Eye-catching stripes make all the weather happen. Garter stitch with thick threads and large knitting needles is another way to make a cardigan interesting.

    How to knit a cardigan with knitting needles - lessons for beginners

    The easiest cardigan to knit is a thick cardigan made with knit stitches from multi-colored yarn. You can choose only black and white threads of the same type to create a spectacular product. The cardigan pattern needs to be drawn into strips of unequal width (like a barcode placed on its side), count how many rows there are in each of these strips, and start knitting the back and shelves. Yarn can be selected with a thickness of 4 to 5 mm. If it is thinner, then you can knit it in two threads. You can even knit a cardigan using 7 mm knitting needles, but it is important to remember that the thread should not be very thin.

    Usually they start knitting parts from the bottom of the product to its top. The fronts and back are knitted straight, without decreasing stitches, right up to the place where the sleeves will be sewn in. If you don’t reduce the stitches here, you can make a cardigan with a low armhole, which is also welcome in this fashion season. The sleeve pattern must completely correspond to such an armhole, otherwise it will be difficult to sew it into the product.

    The fastener can be made with a “zipper”, which will have to be sewn on a machine using a large stitch. You will have to make sure that the machine does not pull the hem of the cardigan.

    Knitted cardigans - patterns with descriptions

    Those who are more advanced in knitting can safely take on an openwork cardigan. Even if you knit it with relatively thin knitting needles, the result will still come out quickly. Air knitting will not be required large number loops and rows. The thread consumption for a cardigan will be less.

    Knitted openwork cardigan

    Openwork cardigans are good for overweight and thin people. As soon as a plump lady chooses a trapeze silhouette, a cardigan thrown over her shoulders will make her look slimmer. A large pattern for an openwork weave cardigan with rounded elements is best chosen by those with a thin figure. The main thing is to find a knitting pattern on the Internet. A tight-fitting cardigan, the pattern of which has a diagonal direction, can also add slimness. If you add an elongated silhouette, then the correction of the figure due to clothing can be considered complete.

    Will it be possible to knit a cardigan with knitting needles in the Art Nouveau style if you choose a favorite one as a basis? fluffy style"Lalo"? Art Nouveau implies curved lines, which means a tight silhouette. “Lalo” are voluminous ropes, which in many designs are called braids. The cardigan turns out to be straight, but due to its volume, it acquires a barrel-shaped shape. This cozy cocoon can be worn with a belt, and then the figure will take on an hourglass silhouette. And this already fits into the concept of modernity. And flowing “ropes” also cannot be called straight lines.

    The “Rope” pattern for a cardigan is knitted using a special pin (hairpin, additional knitting needle). In the pattern of the product, the weave is done on a section of 30 or 32 knit stitches. To do this, 15 or 16 loops (respectively) are strung on a pin and passed forward, and the remaining 15 or 16 loops are knitted. Then the removed loops from the pin are sent to the non-working needle - attention! – without twisting and knitted in the same way with knit stitches. Since we only have two interlacing lines of loops, this is a classic “rope”. The “braid” consists of three “strands” in the same way as it is woven from hair. Using the example of 30 loops, it looks like this: after 16 rows from the beginning, the first 10 loops are removed with a pin and folded forward of the work. Another 10 loops overlap with them - the average of 30. Next, another 16 rows are knitted, after which the first 10 stitches are knitted with knit stitches, the second ten are removed with a pin and passed at the back of the work, and the last 10 stitches out of 30 are knitted in front. Then the loops are removed from the pin, and it is the turn to knit them with knitting needles.

    The “Lalo” cardigan can also be made in “braids”, then the weaving will be one and a half times smaller, the puffs will not be so convex, which is just favorable for women with a full figure.

    It is easy to make a non-voluminous cardigan with knitting needles full figure, since it is knitted simply - in garter stitch. With it, turning the work, you continue to knit only the front (or only the purl) loops. You can knit without really thinking about it. The main thing is to correctly calculate the loops and rows according to the pattern. To garter stitch knitting needles came out embossed, it’s worth arming yourself with large knitting needles and thick thread. Turn-down collar This model will be given those same diagonal lines that perfectly hide fullness.

    You can make asymmetrical shelves with knitting needles by adding loops; This will require a special pattern. The asymmetry of the cardigan consists of a diagonal line on the right hem, which can be secured with a single large button at the standing collar. The rest of the fastener should be made secret - with buttons or Velcro.

    Long knitted cardigan with hood

    If you want to knit a cardigan with a hood, then you should be responsible when choosing a pattern. It's easy to knit a cardigan using alternating vertical stripes of purl and knit stitches. Often this pattern is complemented by interlacing “ropes” or “braids”. But it is precisely this texture that can let you down, and a cardigan with a hood will turn out to look like a bathrobe.

    It is better to choose an openwork pattern for such a product that is easy to knit. If this item does not seem warm enough to you, then it is better to even knit a cardigan with knitting needles in a scarf or stocking pattern.

    If you are good at knitting needles with threads of different colors, then you can come up with some kind of letter prints or just geometric shapes, apply it to the cardigan pattern and build a knitting pattern based on it. Often, advanced knitters can keep such a pattern in their heads, and already knitted rows will serve as a “beacon” for them.

    Children's cardigan with honeycomb pattern for girls – knitted

    Do not think that a cardigan, especially with an elongated silhouette, is clothing exclusively for adults. Children's cardigans also came into fashion and became an integral attribute of a child's wardrobe. Knitting a cardigan for your daughter or granddaughter is an opportunity to hone your skills, learn how to cut and count stitches. After all, knitting a small cardigan means the work goes faster and the result becomes visible earlier.

    "Honeycomb" pattern

    Today, a children's cardigan made with knitting needles in the “Honeycomb” pattern is popular. There are several options for these “hundreds”. There is a spectacular two-color pattern for crochet; it is also suggested to knit it simultaneously with crochet and knitting. That is, the upper and lower lines of the honeycomb, which ideally have a slope of 120°, are knitted, and the vertical ones are then added using a hook.

    The second option is done exclusively with knitting needles. The cardigan turns out to be monochromatic, with a relief pattern, which is based on the technique of overlapping loops described above. But you will have to work a lot more on them than on the Lalo cardigan. To imitate the inclined lines of a honeycomb, you will have to “move” the loops in each row, both in the front and back.

    The complexity of knitting such a pattern with knitting needles will not make the work too long, since the cardigan is for children, that is, small. But in such a product the baby will be warm.

    It's good to knit a cardigan for a boy. For your baby, you don’t have to choose complex and elaborate patterns. Two-color “Honeycombs” are of no use here. But knitting convex “honeycombs” with knitting needles, choosing threads of a dark, cold tone is quite possible even for a schoolchild.

    Cardigan is not only women's clothing, and it was invented by a man of a very harsh profession. This Englishman was an officer and had the last name, as you may have guessed, Cardigan. It is not known what exactly these warm clothes for soldiers were knitted with then - knitting or crocheting, or whether they were in use knitting machines. But for army men who spent a lot of time in the field, this turned out to be a real salvation in the cold.

    Dear ladies, knit cardigans for girls and boys: the children will feel warm.

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