• Black and white pictures for newborns. Paper crafts for kids! The best ideas and master classes with step-by-step photos Paper crafts for children: a toy cabinet


    Today we will learn to do interesting and original crafts from paper with or for children.

    First, let's see what we need for this:

    To create crafts we will use different types paper and cardboard:

    napkins for decoupage on boxes;

    newspaper to create balloons from papier-mâché;

    old magazines for crafts with beads;

    crepe and wrapping paper;

    colored double-sided paper;

    corrugated and regular cardboard;

    paper plates, cardboard tubes, various boxes and much more.

    For creativity, a child will need such basic materials and tools as scissors, glue, paints and felt-tip pens.

    Does it ever happen to you that you collect a lot of small necessary items, but have nowhere to put them? Let's make a fun pocket that will hold everything and hang it in a visible place.

    Paper crafts for children: USEFUL POCKET

    What you will need:

    colored paper


    lace scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Draw the outline of the face of an animal, such as a bear.

    Cut out two such shapes along the contour. Make details for the ears and nose as shown in the photo.

    Apply glue along the edge, connect the parts to make a pocket inside. Make two holes with a hole punch.

    Glue on the ears and nose. Pull in a ribbon that you can use to hang it.

    This pocket is perfect for storing small things: hairpins, combs or stationery.

    Paper crafts for kids: RACE RACE

    Did you know that you can make unusual racing cars with your own hands? Let's create them and have a real race. I wonder what car number will win?

    What you will need:

    cardboard paint tubes, markers

    colored paper, cardboard

    scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Color the straws in bright colors.

    Cut out parts for cars from colored and white paper (for wheels, it’s better to use black cardboard - then your “car” will stand firmly). Use a felt-tip pen to draw what you need.

    Make a hole in the tube as shown in the picture (you can ask an adult to help).

    Now glue all the parts. Wait until it dries, and go ahead, play!

    Paper crafts for children: PAPIER-MACHE BALLOONS

    Who doesn't dream of flying in a hot air balloon? Someday you will definitely do it. Now let's try to make an unusual balloon from an ordinary newspaper.

    What you will need:

    glue ball

    needle knitting needle

    cream paint

    Sequence of work:

    Inflate the balloon and coat it with any cream. Prepare newspaper for the craft - to do this you need to tear it into small pieces. Wetting them in water, glue the ball so that there is no gap.

    Now apply a layer of glue to the ball and paste it again with pieces of newspaper soaked in water - so you need to make 2-3 layers. You may need the help of an adult.

    When the ball is completely dry (you will need to wait 1-2 days for this), pierce it with a needle - we don’t need it now - and cut the ball as shown in the photo.

    Now color the ball with paints.

    Now let's make a basket. To do this, divide the newspaper sheet into 4 parts to make rectangular blanks. Then, starting from the bottom corner, use a knitting needle to roll the newspaper into a tube and glue the tip.

    Take 5 tubes and place them side by side, and stretch the sixth across under the first, over the second, under the third, etc., alternating. The next tube needs to be woven in reverse: what was below will be on top.

    To secure our base, take one tube and weave it around, also passing it between other tubes through one.

    Now you can make the basket itself: to do this, bend all the ends up and start weaving them around in the same way as you did before. Weave 4 rows.

    Weave the unnecessary ends on top and glue them, some you can simply cut off. Paint the basket with gouache.

    Make holes at the bottom of the ball and secure the basket with thread. Balloon ready!


    It turns out that you can quickly and easily make yourself a striped friend. And so that you can play with friends, let's find out how to make not only a tiger, but also other animals.

    What you will need:

    colored paper

    scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Take a sheet of colored paper and fold it as shown in the picture. Glue the ends together to make a strip.

    Bend the strip like an accordion in three places to form the letter “M”.

    Cut out blanks for the animal from colored paper.

    Glue the blanks onto the base. Ready! You've got a tiger.


    What if you set up a real theater in your home? It will be possible to invite adults to the performance and show them some fairy tale, for example “Kolobok”. I think they will definitely appreciate your skill!

    What you will need:

    colored paper compass scissors glue

    felt-tip pens

    Sequence of work:

    Draw a blank on a sheet of colored paper as shown in the photo.

    Cut out the blank and glue it.

    Cut out the base for the animal from colored paper

    Glue the parts onto the base. Look who we got

    Take your favorite fairy tale with animals as a basis and make all the characters out of paper. If you glue sticks to the blanks, you can show the performance from behind a screen, like in a puppet theater.

    Paper crafts for children: FUNNY CATERPILLARS AND SPIDERS

    Have you ever seen a real spider? What about the caterpillar? Let's make it out cardboard box from under the eggs of funny animals with furry legs. They will look like the real thing!

    What you will need:

    egg carton

    scissors glue

    colored paper


    Sequence of work:

    Cut out blanks from a cardboard box: three cells for caterpillars, one for bugs and spiders.

    Paint the blanks with gouache.

    Prepare parts for the animals: cut out eyes from colored paper, make legs from fluffy wire.

    Make holes in the blanks and insert the legs. Then glue on the eyes.

    Try to make them exactly the same.


    You can celebrate your birthday in an unusual way by throwing a masquerade party. Invite your friends and let everyone make an animal mask for themselves. It will be fun!

    What you will need:

    cardboard plates

    colored cardboard and paper

    scissors rubber band

    Sequence of work:

    Paint the plate blue.

    Cut out the ears and color them too.

    Prepare parts for the bunny from colored paper.

    Cut out holes for the eyes and glue the parts as shown in the picture.


    What girl doesn't love jewelry? Let's try to make beads from old magazines. You will get bright ones that you can wear with your favorite dress or give to your mother.

    Sequence of work:

    Cut out details from a magazine sheet: strips approximately 1 cm wide and elongated triangles.

    Wind the blanks onto a knitting needle - these will be paper beads. Glue the tip well.

    Make enough beads to fill the entire decoration. Take a needle and thread and carefully thread all the beads onto the thread.

    This is how you can easily make unusual ones: original multi-colored beads, bright bracelets. You can even give them to someone: what girl would refuse such beauty?!

    Paper crafts for children: JEWELRY FOR PRINCESSES

    All girls dream of becoming real princesses. What princess is there without a crown? Let's make it from a regular cardboard roll.

    What you will need:

    cardboard paint tubes

    colored paper

    scissors rubber band

    Sequence of work:

    Cut a crown from the roll. You can make several.

    Paint the blanks in different colors.

    Decorate the crowns. For this you can use beads, ribbons and laces.

    Make holes on the sides and thread the elastic through so that the crown can be worn.

    You can make a decoration for a real princess from an ordinary hoop: use colored paper to turn it into a beautiful tiara.

    Paper crafts for children: TOY LOCKER

    Probably, like all children, you have a lot. Sometimes there are so many of them that it becomes difficult to stack neatly. Let's do beautiful cabinet for storing small toys.

    What you will need:

    boxes of different sizes

    white gouache

    napkins with a pattern

    stationery knife

    pen tassel

    Sequence of work:

    Paint the boxes white so that the pictures and text on them do not show through.

    Cover the box on all sides with a napkin. To do this, place it on the box, pressing it along the edges, and using a brush, apply a thick layer of glue on top so that it sticks.

    Cut out the doors with a stationery knife - here you will need the help of an adult. Glue the handles with superglue and fasten the boxes together to create a cabinet.

    All! Our chest of drawers is ready. Now you can put your toys there. Mom will be happy when she sees how tidy you are!


    Do you like to draw? Or maybe you like to cut or craft something? This is cool! Let's make a creative bag-box where you can put everything you need for creativity.

    What you will need:

    shoe box


    colored paper

    glue lace

    Sequence of work:

    Cover the box and lid on all sides. If you find it difficult, ask an adult about it.

    Make blanks inside the box. At the bottom of a sheet of colored paper folded in half, make a cut to the middle, as shown in the photo. Cut two identical blanks as long as the width of the box from top to middle.

    Insert the blanks into each other and place them in the box - these will be the compartments of our bag.

    Make holes on the sides of the box: they should be located at such a level that the box can be closed with a lid. Make handles of the same length from the cord so that the box is comfortable to hold in your hand.


    Where did you go on vacation last time? Maybe it was a trip to the sea with your parents or a vacation in the village with your grandmother? Surely you still have memorable photographs. Let's make a photo album for them in the form of a suitcase.

    What you will need:

    colored paper and cardboard

    hole punch scissors lace

    Sequence of work:

    For the cover of a photo album, take a sheet of colored cardboard and fold it in half.

    For the pages, take sheets of double-sided paper of different colors and also fold them in half.

    Now connect the cover and pages together: to do this, fold everything together and use a hole punch to make holes on the side. Tie the sheets with rope or string.

    Cut out the parts for the suitcase from colored cardboard and glue them to the photo album.

    Paper crafts for children: FUNNY BOOKMARKS

    What's your favorite book? Or maybe there are several of them? It's great that you love to read. Let's do interesting bookmark for a book.

    What you will need:

    colored paper

    Sequence of work:

    Using a ruler, draw three squares on a sheet of colored paper, as shown in the photo. You won't need the triangles that are shaded.

    Cut out the workpiece.

    And it, as shown in the photo: first bend it to the inner corner, then another one on top of it. Glue them together. Cut out parts from colored paper.

    It turned out great, didn't it? Now you can easily find the place in the book where you finished reading. You can also make a bookmark in the form of another animal, for example, a dinosaur with sharp teeth.


    Do you know how you can make a bright bag from an ordinary box? Very simple! Let's get creative and make a handbag that you can take with you outside in sunny weather.

    What you will need:

    breakfast cereal box

    colored paper

    scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Paint the box with gouache.

    Cut out a bag with handles from the box. An adult's help may be needed here.

    Cut out a strip and a circle from colored paper - this will be the core of the flower. Fold the strip like an accordion and glue the ends together. To keep the flower in place, stick it on a small square. Glue the core on top.

    For butterflies, cut out blanks from 1 colored paper. To make the figure three-dimensional, you need to make 5-6 identical parts. Glue them together in the middle. Glue all the parts to the box.

    DIY paper crafts: pencil holder

    Do you want to give a gift to a friend, but don’t know what to choose? Don't worry, I have an idea! Make it from a regular cardboard box original stand for office supplies. Your friend will definitely like this gift!

    What you will need:


    same width

    white and colored paper, cardboard

    glue tape

    Sequence of work:

    Make a ship out of the boxes: cut off the lids and trim them to height. Make the bow of the ship and pipes from cardboard.

    Cover each piece with colored paper inside and out.

    Cut and glue the windows, lifebuoy, steering wheel, anchor.

    Glue the boxes together and glue them to the base cut along the contour.


    Do you have unnecessary puzzles in which many parts have already been lost? I have an idea how they can be used. Let's make an amazingly colorful applique with autumn leaves.

    What you will need:

    unnecessary puzzles crepe paper

    paint glue

    Sequence of work:

    Color the puzzles in bright colors autumn leaves: yellow, orange, red.

    From crepe paper cut out a rectangle Brown- this will be a tree trunk - and make the grass green.

    Glue the brown blank in the shape of a trunk: to do this, you need to compress the paper in layers somewhere, and straighten it somewhere.

    Make a tree crown from the prepared puzzle pieces. Also glue several layers of grass to make it look voluminous.

    Paper crafts for children: 3D PICTURE

    Do you want to do volumetric applique? It's not difficult at all! You will get a real painting that you can give to your grandparents.

    What you will need:

    candy box

    corrugated cardboard

    double tape glue

    Sequence of work:

    Cut from corrugated cardboard necessary details for the picture.

    Glue the first layer of applique to the bottom of the box - what will be in the background.

    Glue other parts on top.

    What a beauty! It turned out real three-dimensional picture. In this way you can make a city with cottages and high-rise buildings, or an underwater world with shells, algae and fish.


    Do you want to give it to your mom? unusual flowers? Let's make a bouquet card from colored paper. Believe me, she will like it.

    What you will need:

    double-sided colored paper

    scissors ribbon

    Sequence of work:

    Draw a blank on a sheet of colored paper as shown in the picture.

    Cut out the blank and a separate triangle.

    Glue the small triangle on the bottom and fold the larger piece as shown in the picture.

    Draw and then cut out flowers of different sizes and colors. Make leaves for the bouquet.

    Glue flowers in the form of a bouquet inside our card and tie it with a ribbon at the bottom.


    You've probably watched a cartoon in 3D and noticed how the characters come to life in three-dimensional images. It turns out that making objects three-dimensional is quite simple. Let's try to make a postcard with a 3D effect.

    What you will need:

    colored cardboard, double-sided colored paper

    scissors ribbon

    Sequence of work:

    Take two sheets folded in half: one of cardboard, the other of colored paper.

    On a sheet of colored paper, make cuts on the fold side, as shown in the photo. You should get 3 even squares of different sizes.

    Now push what you cut forward and inward. You should end up with a ladder, as if made from boxes.

    Glue the blank onto a sheet of colored cardboard. Decorate the boxes: glue colored paper and ribbons.

    Using this principle, you can make a postcard with balloons


    Do you want to make another unusual card? You don’t need anything special for this: just a sheet of colored paper and cardboard, scissors, glue and your wonderful pens.

    What you will need:

    colored cardboard and paper

    Sequence of work:

    Trace your palm on a piece of cardboard.

    Cut out the workpiece with scissors. You will need two of these parts.

    Cut a strip out of colored paper and fold it like an accordion.

    Glue one edge of the accordion to one “hand” and the other to the other. Cut out a congratulation from colored paper or write with felt-tip pens.


    Do you know how to decorate a small gift? You don’t have to be an adult to do this and you don’t need any special equipment. Repeat after me, and you will definitely succeed!

    What you will need:

    colored paper glue


    Sequence of work:

    Draw 4 identical circles on a sheet of colored paper. This is easy to do if you take a mug, put it upside down and trace it.

    Cut out circles and fold them in half.

    Glue the circles together as shown in the picture.

    Bend the loose circle halves so that one is on top of the other. Then take the bottom one from one side to the top.


    Have you ever seen a gift shaped like a candy? Maybe they gave you something similar? Let's make this a surprise, and you can “treat” someone with it.

    What you will need:

    cardboard tube

    wrapping paper glue

    scissors ribbon

    Sequence of work:

    Cut from wrapping paper square. It should be larger in size than a cardboard tube.

    Cover the tube with paper. Tie a ribbon on one end of the candy.

    Fold the candies into a gift and tie the other end.


    Have you ever wanted to decorate your room in an unusual way? Let's make three-dimensional decorations from colored paper. They can be placed on a nightstand or hung on a thread from a chandelier.

    What you will need:

    colored paper glue

    scissors ribbon

    Sequence of work:

    Draw half an apple on a sheet of colored paper folded in half, as shown in the photo.

    Cut out the blank and, using it as a template, make 5 such copies. Additionally, cut out the details for the apple.

    Glue the blanks together as shown in the photo.

    Glue the remaining parts.

    Fruits and vegetables can be anything!

    Crafts from cardboard and paper: bright flowers

    Do you want to grow bright flowers on your window? Let's make them from cardboard tubes, but so that no one will guess what material they are made of.

    What you will need:

    cardboard paint tubes

    colored paper glue

    scissors skewers

    Sequence of work:

    Make cuts on both sides of the tube so that they do not reach the middle.

    Color the tubes in different colors.

    When the blanks are dry, straighten the petals as shown in the photo.

    Glue the centers cut out of colored paper.

    Cover a skewer with colored paper and cut out leaves.

    Connect all the details. Use a skewer to make a hole in the center of the flower.

    This flower can be placed in a vase and given to someone.


    Do you have a boring monochrome frame at home? Let's make a real masterpiece out of it!

    What you will need:

    egg carton

    scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Cut out petal blanks from the cells of a cardboard box, as in the picture.

    Color them one color. You should have 15-18 such sets of different colors (depending on the size of the frame).

    Glue the petals together in the middle, press carefully and let them dry.

    Glue the flowers to the frame. You won’t be able to attach everything at once, so do it in stages and wait until everything dries.

    The frame is ready. Now you can insert your favorite photo into it.


    How do you like such a cute cactus? It is completely safe for children, because the thorns are painted on it. Let's make a cactus like this and put it on the windowsill.

    What you will need:

    felt-tip pens

    Sequence of work:

    Draw a cactus in a pot on cardboard.

    Color the picture on both sides and make another one exactly the same.

    Make cuts: on one cactus from bottom to middle, and on the second - from top to middle.

    Insert the blanks into each other. The cactus is ready.

    You can make a rocket or a bear cub using the same method.


    Is it your birthday soon and you want to decorate your room to make it festive and beautiful? Then let's make unusual colored lanterns.

    What you will need:

    toilet paper tubes

    crepe paper


    scissors glue

    Sequence of work:

    Cut out a square of crepe paper and glue one side of the tube.

    Make blanks from crepe paper: cut out strips and make cuts on one side along the entire length.

    Start gluing the tube from the bottom. You should end up with a skirt like in the photo.

    In this way, cover the entire flashlight. Make holes on the top sides and thread a ribbon through them so that the craft can be hung.

    Such lanterns can be not just decoration, but also useful thing. For example, at a party you can arrange a game with prizes: hang lanterns on a rope and put something valuable in them, gluing the bottom. Each blindfolded guest must use scissors to cut off a gift for themselves.


    Do you dream of having a bird? Of course, nothing compares to the real thing, but still, an unusual and beautiful bird can be made from ordinary colored paper. See how it's done.

    What you will need:

    double-sided colored paper

    crepe paper scissors



    Sequence of work:

    Draw silhouettes of birds on a piece of paper.

    Cut them out. Make several of these. They must be different colors.

    Make wings from crepe paper: to do this, cut out rectangles of different colors and fold them like an accordion.

    Make cuts in the bird blanks and insert the wings there. Tie ribbons to the figures and hang them on a circle prepared from wire.

    The idea of ​​making a bouquet of paper flowers is very good. To make paper crafts, we will need to purchase colored paper, cardboard, markers, a stationery knife, tape, scissors and PVA glue.

    Paper bouquet

    First you need to make three blanks for each flower, two of which should be the same color, they should have six petals.

    Place one blank in front of you and glue a circle on top of it.

    On the mug, first make holes for the eyes and mouth in the form of a smiley face.

    After gluing the mug with the flower, you need to color the eyes with a black felt-tip pen, and then bend the petals inward.

    The next step is to cut out the stem, which we then attach to the flower, and on the other side of the flower we need to attach the same blank.

    You can also make leaves for the bouquet, which can be made from green paper.

    First you need to draw an oval and cut it out, and then use scissors to make notches.

    In order for individual pieces of paper crafts to become a single whole, tie the flowers with ribbon or some other fabric to decorate the bouquet.

    This bouquet will never fade and will be an excellent decoration for your home.

    Simple crafts from plastic bottles

    The simplest crafts for children include bottle crafts.

    For example, from a bottle you can make a piggy bank, which requires only a marker, a stationery knife, dice (4 pieces), a small bottle, glue and colored paper.

    The first step is to cut a straight line, the width of which can be 5 centimeters, and the length of this line should be enough to encircle the bottle.

    We draw eyes with a marker, and draw nostrils on the bottle cap. Using a utility knife, cut a hole for coins.

    As legs for the pig, you need to attach the dice using glue.


    This craft develops a child’s imagination and is also useful in everyday life.

    Ball of thread

    The craft can be used as a lampshade for a lamp or simply hung as a decoration.

    A ball of thread is made very simply; to make it you will need colored threads, a ball, and transparent glue.

    First, we need to inflate the balloon and tie its tip so that the air does not escape.

    Then you need to wrap the inflated ball with threads, then apply glue to the surface of the ball and wait until it dries.


    Now you need to separate the ball from the threads, to do this, just pierce it with a needle and the craft is ready.

    Plasticine gnome and pine cones

    As a simple DIY craft, you can make a gnome. For crafts you will need directly Pine cone, plasticine light color, pieces of fabric, glue and a brush.

    First of all, the child should roll a ball out of a piece of plasticine, after which, using a brush, they need to make indentations for the nose, eyes and mouth on the ball.

    At the next stage of our craft, we need to attach the resulting head to the top of the cone.

    Then the child must cut out a triangle from the fabric and glue it on the sides, resulting in a cone. The cone will act as a hat for our character.


    Finally, you need to make mittens from fabric, and then attach them to the pine cone using plasticine and our gnome from the pine cone is ready.

    Paper bookmark

    As a simple craft for kindergarten A paper bookmark is perfect. For children to be able to make this simple craft, they will need a pencil, ruler, colored paper, scissors and glue.

    To begin, children must draw a square measuring 20 by 20 centimeters.

    Then divide the resulting square into 4 equal parts using a pencil and ruler, resulting in 4 squares measuring 5 by 5 centimeters.

    The second step is to divide the upper right and lower left squares in such a way as to obtain triangles, that is, you need to draw a line diagonally from the upper corner to the lower corner.

    We don't need the triangles with the outside and can cross them out.

    Then you need to cut out a figure from paper without taking into account the crossed out triangles.

    The top triangle needs to be trimmed. If everything is done correctly, the paper will be in the shape of a diamond, to which two triangles are glued.

    The next step is to fold all the triangles in half, and then one by one place them on the tip of the rhombus. You should end up with a pocket that fits over the tip of the book page.

    To make a bookmark original, you can advise children to cut out some kind of applique from colored paper.

    Photos of simple crafts

    What to do on a rainy or windy evening with your baby? Of course, creativity! We share ideas for quick crafts for autumn evenings.

    Even if you are the busiest mother in the world, do not forget that it is very important for your child to spend time together and engage in interesting joint activities.

    Nothing brings people together like solving problems and spending time together. A win-win- handmade. Doing small crafts, you will be able to analyze your child’s behavioral patterns, assess abilities and give the most important thing for any person on the planet - communication.

    We have made a selection of the most simple crafts And quick crafts that you can do together with your baby. Even if you hated labor lessons at school, here you will definitely find something to your liking.

    1. Multi-colored pebbles

    If in the summer you collected not only shells, but also pebbles from the sea, it’s time to decorate them.

    What do you need: acrylic paints, pebbles, water and brush, sippy cup.

    2. Bottle with sand

    Making another beautiful piece of furniture together is very simple.

    What you need: colored sand (you can take colored crayons, rub them on sandpaper and mix with fine sea salt), transparent dishes.

    N.B. In order for the bulk mixture to fall directly into the narrow neck of the bottle, you need to make a small cone with a hole out of paper.

    3. P anno "We're cooking" jam" .

    What you need: A4 paper or cardboard, scissors, apples and pears, gouache, brushes.

    Cut out the shape of a jar from cardboard. Cut apples and pears in half. Using a brush, apply gouache to the cut halves and press them down to leave imprints on the cardboard. We complete the bones, leaves and tails after making the prints.

    You can also make such an applique using leaves. Apply to one side of a leaf or flower with a brush and gently press onto colored paper for an imprint.

    4. Craft “Kapitoshka” (or Christmas tree toy )

    What you need: colored cardboard, an inflatable ball, PVA glue, a small container in the form of a bowl, thread.

    Inflate the balloon and tie it. Pour PVA glue into a small bowl, coat the entire length of the thread in glue and wind it in a chaotic manner around the ball. Let it dry and burst the ball, decorate it with different details - nose, eyes, hairs.

    5. Developmental toy for hand motor skills

    What you need: Flour, watering can, balloon, marker, multi-colored threads.

    Using a watering can, pour flour into the ball and compact it. We tie the filled ball, add eyes, and tie a thread in the shape of hair.

    6. Butterfly pin

    What you need: A4 paper or multi-colored cardboard, pencils, clothespin.

    We cut out “wings” from paper in the form of two figure eights: one larger, the second smaller, and clamp them closer to the base of the clothespin.

    7. Underwater world

    What you need: Paints (acrylic or gouache), colored cardboard, scissors, disposable plates, imagination :)

    8. Mouse on a plate

    What you need: Paper, markers or paints, disposable plate, scissors, thread.

    First you need to cut a circle out of A4 paper, paint it one color, roll it into a cone and glue it. Cut out, paint and glue the ears. Cut out eyes from cardboard. Glue the thread like a tail.

    9. Crafts from disposable cups

    What you need: Disposable cups, colored paper and cardboard, glue, scissors (additional needle and thread) .

    10. 3 D aquarium

    What you need: An old box, threads, shells, scissors, colored paper, regular tape, double-sided tape, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache or acrylic), you can additionally take cling film to “close” the aquarium.

    At the “bottom” of the box, use felt-tip pens or paints to draw a “background” underwater world. Cut out fish, seahorses, and seaweed from colored paper or cardboard. We hang fish from the “ceiling” of the aquarium on strings. We glue “algae” to the opposite edge. Glue shells to the bottom with double-sided tape. Wrap the aquarium in cling film.

    11. Lamb from napkins And cotton wool

    What you need: Cotton wool or napkins, divided into small pieces, one sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue or glue stick, felt-tip pens.

    12. Handmade jewelry -made

    What you need: Threads, a set of large beads (can be found in Montpasier stores), cardboard and scissors.


    What do you need: Plastic bottle, two tablespoons, thread and knife

    We all know that with the onset of cold weather, birds have nothing to eat. With older children, you can make such a feeder at home and hang it in the park near your house.


    What you need: Floss threads, colorful cardboard, stickers, rhinestones, felt, colored paper, scissors and glue.

    You can make bookmarks like these for your favorite books and teach your child discipline from childhood.


    What do you need: colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick or double-sided tape, needle or hole punch, rubber band.

    You don't need a reason to make masks. A mask can be a great excuse to have a masquerade!

    16. Angel

    What you need: Glass napkins, wooden beads, scissors, wool threads, floss threads, PVA glue

    We cut out the napkin in the shape of a “candy”, as shown in the picture, make small cuts in the form of unfinished triangles and a hole in the center of the circle. We bend it in half and get the body of an angel. We take 6-8 pieces of thread, tie them together in the middle with floss threads, which we throw to one side, string a bead on them and thread them through the hole in the center of the circle. We tie a knot. We stretch another thread through the bead so that you can hang the toy.

    17. Christmas tree made of wine corks

    What do you need: wine corks, paint, glue, paper.

    To make a Christmas tree from wine corks, you need to prepare a cone shape, drape it with colored paper and stick wine corks on top, which will act as “needles”.

    18. Button applique

    What you need: A lot of multi-colored buttons, double-sided tape, PVA glue, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue stick.

    19. Chest of drawers with a secret

    What do you need: matchboxes, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, colored paper.

    We glue together 4, 6 or 8 matchboxes (9 or 10 are possible, the main thing is to get a rectangular shape), wrap the fixed part and glue colored paper onto it. We draw decor with a felt-tip pen - handles, coils, flowers, etc.

    20. Hedgehog

    What you need: plasticine, sunflower seeds

    We sculpt a small oval and press it on one side to create a “muzzle”. Using the sharp end, we insert the seeds in rows into the hedgehog’s body. Don't forget about the eyes and nose.

    Depending on the time of year, you can also consider certain types of activities. In the fall - collect and dry a herbarium together, cut out or paint a pumpkin for Halloween. In winter, cut out snowflakes or garlands and decorate them Christmas balls, to make a snowman. Decorate in spring Easter eggs, plant seedlings or just small flowers. And in the summer...Imagine what you can do together in the summer.

    When Seraphim was born into our family, I was very actively interested in the Montessori method. I learned about the low bed and other principles of creation, and I also learned about Montessori mobiles and black and white cards. Then I found a lot of contrasting pictures, printed them out and hung them like a garland near the place where Sima spent time when she was not sleeping. Now many of my friends have newborn children and I remembered that it would be nice to make such material so that mothers could develop the vision of tiny babies :)

    Why black and white pictures?

    It's simple. You've probably heard that newborns have poorly developed vision. In the first days of life, a child's eyes move chaotically. After 20 days, the baby is able to hold his gaze on an object for a short time. Gradually, the child’s gaze develops and he can see further and more clearly.

    Newborns also cannot distinguish colors. Yes Yes! This is due to the fact that the retina of the human eye contains special cells (rods and cones). With the help of rods we see contrasting black and white images, and cones allow us to distinguish colors. So, in the first month and a half of life, babies have more rods, and cones develop a little later.

    To help your child learn to concentrate, you need to show him contrasting black and white pictures. The principle of introducing new images: from simple to complex. At first these may be the simplest lines, geometric figures, then animal silhouettes and ornaments. From 2 months - then more.

    I have developed a set of pictures from simple to complex. The very first pictures are very simple, then there are silhouettes of animals of varying detail. Select first those silhouettes that have a clearer shape, and then enter more complex drawings. The most detailed in my selection are the patterns. Introduce them closer to 3 months.

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    You should change pictures no more than once a week.

    How to use black and white cards?

    1. Hold the picture in your hands and just show it to your baby for a while, talk to him about something, let him hear your voice. The distance to the picture is no more than 30 cm.
    2. Attach the picture to the wall of the crib or somewhere in the baby’s field of vision at a distance of no more than 30 cm.
    3. Hang the card on your mobile so that the design is horizontal.
    4. Place the picture in a frame and place it next to where your baby is feeding. When he eats, he will be able to carefully examine the drawing.

    I will be very glad if this material helps you enjoy new things together with your newborn little man. Let him learn early to distinguish what he sees so that he can soon carefully examine your face!

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