• What to do when you are beaten. Instructions for parents: what to do if your child is beaten at school. Between Scylla and Charybdis


    I, as a person who was a school director, and as a parent of schoolchildren, went through different stages the process of defending the rights of certain children, our own or others. Therefore, I can tell you what steps a parent can and should take in a given situation when your child is bullied at school. Classmates (or one) offend you, older guys offend you. It is clear that you can offend in different ways. You can be brought to tears with insults, or you can be beaten every week. And this is what you need to pay attention to.

    First. If you hear the same “last name” from a child several times in a fairly short time (and time flies quickly, so if four times a month), call the class teacher and try to find out , whether he noticed something in their relationship and how relationships with the offender develop among other children. If according to indirect signs It will be clear that the mother of that boy or girl you don’t yet know is sane, then you can try to meet her and talk. It would be easier for fathers to resolve the conflict in general at this stage. But, I repeat, subject to the sanity of the parties.

    Second. If complaints do not stop, contact with parents stops, at the level class teacher the question is stalled, this makes you anxious and, to be honest, the bruises are starting to get to you - go into battle, but with full confidence that you will go to the end. Because the path to the end is too nervous, burdensome and requires a lot of bureaucratic red tape, albeit short-lived on your part. It is not at all necessary that you will have to drown the ring in boiling lava, but there should be confidence. And for it to exist, you need to clearly remember the goal and algorithm of actions.

    Target- what you want in the end. Do you want the offender to be flogged in front of the whole school? Do you want him to be given 15 years? strict regime? Any goal can be realized, it’s a matter of time and personal mental health.

    Let's say you want the bully to be transferred to another school. This is possible, I agree. But it is illegal to demand this: it is the parents’ right to decide where their child should study.

    The most realistic goal is to record and loudly declare the situation so that it begins to be rationally resolved and attention is paid to it maximum amount interested parties, including those within the school. Because sometimes information simply does not reach the director until you write a written statement addressed to him and send it through the office. Or make an appointment with him for a personal appointment. But the meeting should be preceded by a written statement with a detailed description of the situation and what was done, carried out through the secretary, and you should have a copy in your hands with the incoming number, certified by the secretary. Perhaps this will begin to resolve the issue. And if not?

    Extreme case

    The situation escalates and beatings begin. Small pokes, pushes, humiliating nicknames and bullying. After all, your child was beaten at school. I note, not after school on the street, but directly at school. Your actions.

    Go to school, call the class teacher or someone from the administration on the way, go inside and immediately call the police. Dial 112, choose by voice - and go ahead. You report that you are at such and such an address, this is a school building, your child was physically injured, you ask to send a police squad to record what happened. You will be offered ambulance- decide for yourself depending on the severity. If you have a broken nose, then maybe it’s worth calling an ambulance so they can take a picture. In any case, you will need to appear at a medical facility on the same day and have the beating removed. But more on that later.

    You inform the person accompanying you about the police call and wait for their arrival. When the police arrive, you have the right to write a statement (and have them ask you for explanations) right on the spot. But this is rarely implemented in practice for one simple reason: in any case, you will need to have a counterfoil for registering your application in the registration register, which is located at the police department. Therefore, if the child is not in mortal danger and he is simply sitting, sniffling and holding a nickel to his black eye, then agree to the kind invitation to proceed to the department to testify as the legal representative of your child. Next, you will be assigned a juvenile affairs inspector, who will ask you for an explanation of what happened: the child will tell you, you will tell you. You will certify both sheets of testimony. Afterwards, you will write an application, give it to the duty station window, and - most importantly - do not forget to take the registration stub, it will be useful to you, this is the only document proving that you have submitted an application. Within ten days, they must verify the information you provided and give you a written response. It would be nice to take a contact phone number when saying goodbye to the PDN inspector and keep track of whether something is being done or not.

    The inspector will ask you for a certificate from the emergency room documenting the beatings, so you go to the emergency room and go today.

    Attention: adult emergency rooms do not issue such certificates to children; you need a children's emergency room.

    After receiving the certificate at home, scan it. In general, now you scan all the documents, they will all be needed in in electronic format. From the emergency room, the doctor is obliged to inform the police, since the beating took place at school. This is another plus for your record because you will be reported to the juvenile department twice.

    At home, first of all, without delay, open the website of the department of education of your city or region and write to the electronic reception. The Moscow Department of Education responds very quickly.

    Describe the situation, attach scans of all documents that confirm your words (including all scans of applications addressed to the class teacher or school director, papers from the police), ask to organize a verification of the stated facts. Do it right away, tomorrow you won’t have enough strength for it, and your mood will disappear. At the same time, one must understand that the federal law"On the procedure for considering citizens' applications Russian Federation" is interpreted in such a way that it allows you to send a letter for “competence consideration,” that is, to the school. It will be so, so with your letter you will once again encourage the school management to delve into the situation, but you will not punish them in any way. That is, once again: your letter to the education department - this is a waste of the director’s time to compose an answer to you. But your problem will be solved if you have already formulated for yourself what you want, and not in a fit of righteous anger, fire all your guns around.

    If nothing works

    Your actions do not bring results - something is stuck at all levels, during three days no signals reach you. Unlikely, but still. Don’t wait - look for media that are ready to cover your situation: the school topic is relevant. It will take you three days to do everything - describe the situation, confirm it with documents, make a decision at the planning meeting about the need for the material. Usually the media understand that such topics may not work, and should be ready to stop your publication at your request if the situation changes and with the proper ethical level of relations, but you must also understand that they can marry you without you. This is the last step towards publicity. The consequences will vary depending on the extent to which this information is disseminated - you yourself have seen different examples.

    But the publication gives you the next step - along with a link to the publication, you write a letter to the Moscow City Hall, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Education, the President of the Russian Federation with a request to check the facts stated in the article, since you are the person in question. Then the whirlwind of papers begins again, but it additionally stimulates some rational changes in the situation, and perhaps it will lead to the initiation of a criminal case for negligence.

    I described the maximum number of levels that I witnessed or went through myself. Rarely are all steps required. The most important rule is to stop on time! Make any contact that is offered to you, look for options for resolving the situation, for opportunities to transfer everything into the area of ​​human relations. Your child still has to study at this school, and you still have a few more years to meet these people and graduation party try not to ruin each other's mood.

    Good night, dear editors of BroDude from Rainy! I am that first medical student, now a happy student of the 7th Faculty of the Military Medical Academy thanks to you! Thank you very much for that.
    Pysy: we read you as a whole group, you are the best.

    But let me move on to my new question. It is simple to the point of disgrace: in what cases should you hit the face? It is clear that I am an educated and well-mannered person and I will not just beat anyone, especially for some small insult; it is more advisable to simply ignore the rudeness and leave. But what to do if, for example, your girlfriend was rude, thank God this has never happened before. Or was it even worse that your elderly mother was rude? You will probably write about weighing and assessing the situation, balancing strengths and the presence/absence of weapons on the part of the offender. But are there certain points in our male code that cannot be violated, and for which we must definitely beat? Thanks for the answer.


    Good afternoon, and many times please. I'm really proud of you! And a little for myself. I am glad that our articles are not only interesting to read, but also bring practical benefits. We hope that in the future you will not be disappointed in medicine and will not blame us.
    And by the way, influence other groups, let them read us too, because we need to expand.

    So, the question is as simple as the answer: you need to beat in all cases when the brutalized offender goes beyond all permissible limits and cannot be stopped in any other way. But here it is important to distinguish insults from a bad joke. Yes, I'm sorry, but you will always have to evaluate the situation so as not to be branded as a reprobate, scare off your friends and not do unpleasant things. So, if they make fun of your mother, girlfriend, or your favorite fish without malicious intent, then you can take them aside and hint, they say, comrade, don’t go too far. Usually, insinuating requests are convincing, especially when it comes to friends. It’s just that some of them, imbued with a close relationship, go beyond all boundaries of friendly, tough banter. But even if someone you don’t know is bullying you, you don’t need to hit them in the face right away; you first need to figure out what’s going on. Because as soon as the repulsed people start punching people in the face at every opportunity.
    But if your comrades do not understand the words, you need to beat them. If after this they increase the pressure, hit. It's shameless to hit. And if it floods you with a stream of verbal shit, threats, and at the same time it becomes clear that it won’t be possible to come to an agreement - just kill to hell.

    There are times when talking is pointless. The most common is that you were attacked, hit, or started to run into you, sticking out your chest and gradually pushing forward. Then you have to hit right away. Or when your loved ones are exposed to such a threat. You are walking, and they slap your girlfriend on the ass, try to snatch her purse, and insult her. How can you stand it here? After all, if you want to impress her, it’s better to grab it proudly than to run away in shame. It’s clear that there are a lot of young ladies, and you’re the only one with your mother, but when people you care about are offended, you can’t stand it. Although, the choice is yours.

    It is also very important to be able to feel when you need to hit, when the permissible line is refracted. Complex art comes only with experience, so fight harder. And be able to distinguish between a joke about your mother and a real insult. (no matter whether she is elderly or not) is sacred, and if some guy specifically humiliates her, you need to call the Dagestanis, they will thoroughly explain why you can’t speak badly about your mother.

    To some, the advice given may seem too domostroevsky and old-fashioned, but if you are constantly beaten, this does not mean that you cannot hit you in the face. A hit in the snout is a natural stop signal for the majority of the population; many do not understand otherwise. A border tower that is scary to approach. And also a tool of respect. No matter how frail you may be, the very fact that you were not afraid to punch him in the face inspires respect. It means you’re not such a coward, it means you have some values. The main thing is not to be afraid of disgracing yourself, there is nothing shameful in this, it is much more shameful to be branded a weakling who is spanked as they please.
    My father once said: “If I find out that you didn’t fight back or didn’t hit for the cause, I’ll beat you myself.” As a child, it seemed strange to hear this from my father. But over the years you begin to realize how right you are. If the frail, short boy had not gotten into fights, he would have become an adult outcast and a loser.
    But we must warn again that many conflicts can be resolved with words. Many, but not all. After all, we need to understand the reasons, maybe the collision was wrong, and the misunderstanding can be corrected, and the citizen can be forced to apologize. You just need to do this not with a frightened, but with a serious face, and competently present your claims, and not show yourself as a frightened weakling. Solutions with a suspended tongue are valued in all social strata. In the end, a good blow can lead to unpleasant consequences; another thing is that you cannot do without it.
    And one last piece of advice - don’t fight drunk. When drunk, reality is distorted, and some words are perceived differently. Especially if after the “green serpent” you become violent. When your nose, the victim, stops breathing, ten years from now, you will understand that the sacrifice that made your appearance brutal was in vain.
    And it’s better not to mess with drunks, they are so fragile and brittle.

    When sending their child to school, parents are often faced with an unpleasant problem - their beloved son or daughter is bullied. Moreover, this does not always happen only in moral and emotionally, but also physically. TO psychological characteristics children are added to the extreme activity of the modern public, when even in harmless children's cartoons you can see the bloodthirsty actions of heroes against each other. Why and what to do if a child is bullied at school? Let's consider the main reasons and find out the advice of a psychologist on what to do in this situation.

    Who gets bullied the most?

    Perhaps there are no school classes in which there is not at least one “special” child - he gets buttons on the chair, notebooks with lines, offensive words scratched out on his desk. They laugh at him, take him for a nerd or a black sheep, try to avoid him and don’t even say hello. What is he doing wrong? Let us highlight the main reasons why a child begins to be offended in a group.

    Physiology “Not like everyone else” - it would seem that this is wonderful when a child has his own peculiarity. But it is precisely this factor that often becomes the reason for ridicule and offensive words from classmates. Overweight, excessive thinness, big ears, freckles, bright red hair, short stature, some flaws like acne or scars - there are many options.
    Diction Problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds or words often provoke children to offend each other.
    School marks Moreover, both bad and good. You do worse than everyone else in the class - “a bad student”, the best - “nerd”, “crammed”, “boring”.
    Behavior Children are different: active and slow, aggressive and calm, smiling and dejected, open and withdrawn. Many people will decide to offend a child because he does something slower than others or more hectic.
    Appearance Often children from low-income families who are forced to wear modest outfits, have a meager supply of personal belongings, and who lack mobile phone or money for lunch. They are sometimes treated very cruelly, especially if the contrast with the others is significantly noticeable.

    When is it time to sound the alarm?

    The problem can be identified and eliminated at the root. It is important to notice in time which child is being ridiculed and take action. It’s worth taking steps to eradicate trouble if:

    • Behavior has changed dramatically. He began to talk less often about what happened during the day and at school, in particular, he became withdrawn into himself, has a bad mood, cries for no reason, sleeps poorly, and his personal belongings disappear. Even then, it’s worth thinking about what to do if a child is bullied at school.
    • School has become a place where you don’t want to go at all. He suddenly began to try in every possible way to avoid classes, inventing illnesses or complaining about discomfort in some organs. You should be especially wary if this is done frequently.
    • Traces of any injuries, be it abrasions, bruises, scratches. Children are active, especially at a young age, but a child is not able to give himself a black eye or twist his arm. If he often begins to complain that he fell, slipped, or hit himself, it’s time to take action.

    As soon as you notice that a problem is brewing, it’s time to solve it. Let's consider what measures to take and to whom to complain about offenders, and also find out where to turn for help in case of a serious conflict.

    Parents love their children and are ready to do anything for them - this is normal. But it’s not worth running headlong to punish the offenders and fire the entire school staff. Tough measures on the part of adults can lead to even greater difficulties in the child’s team. He will be offended twice as much. Approach this issue calmly and judiciously, as psychologists advise. Here are some recommendations:

    Conversation with a child

    Sometimes a sincere conversation with your beloved child reveals all the root causes of the problem. You need to turn to yourself - what’s wrong with me that I’m being offended? Perhaps this is done in response to or for something frankly unpleasant to other children (for example, constantly lying to the teacher). And then the decision comes by itself when adjustments are made to behavior after their explanation.

    Finding out the causes and eliminating them

    If a child becomes the subject of ridicule and insults because of his appearance, take care of his wardrobe, change his hairstyle to a more fashionable one. If poor physical fitness is to blame (the child cannot sit down the required number of times, one of the entire class is not able to jump over a goat), it is in your interests to influence the situation - psychologists advise sending the child to a sports section.

    This way he will become more self-confident, stronger, more resilient. A problem with speech can be solved in the same way - you need to consult a speech therapist; with academic performance - hire a tutor or study on your own.

    Teaching correct relationships

    Tell your child how important it is to be active, communicate with other children, be friendly and supportive. He must be able to both stand up for himself when necessary, and restrain himself when necessary and yield to his opponent.

    As it comes back, so will it respond

    In the case when a child is constantly shouted at at home, beaten, oppressed, he comes to school as a victim on a subconscious level. And he himself provokes others to negative actions. Or, on the contrary, he begins to consider such behavior absolutely normal and becomes an offender himself - then you need to complain about your parents and think about how to deal with them.


    It is necessary to make it clear to the child that there are always those who will protect him and to whom he can turn for help. First of all, this is his family, and also - Good friends, like-minded people. Other children, whom we will call potential offenders, literally read how much of a protector for their classmate their father or mother is.

    Fostering collectivism

    Arrange some events in which the child can invite friends or classmates home. This is how he learns to be in demand, interesting to others, and understands how to act correctly so that you are respected and appreciated.

    Sometimes it happens that not children, but teachers try to offend a child they don’t like. What to do if a child is bullied by adults at school? IN in this case you need to figure out whether this is really so, talk with other parents, with the teacher himself. If this does not help, you can take administrative measures: talk with the head teacher and other teachers, write an official statement to the director, assemble an educational council. After all, the question is not that the child is different from the rest, but the competence of the employee of the educational institution.

    If administrative measures do not bring results and even the school director does not intend to solve the problem, you can go further and complain to the Department of Education. Most likely, as a result of the trial, the school will need to be changed to another. But this is for the better - in the new team the child will be able to prove himself with best sides and find real friends.

    Where to complain if a child is beaten at school

    If other schoolchildren at school begin not only to offend your child, but also to beat him, and there is a real threat to his life and health, it is necessary to take strict measures. Administrative proceedings at the school level may not result in the desired result. What to do?

    To begin with, we note that criminal liability for children begins at the age of 16, and from the age of 14 they can be imprisoned for a number of violations of the law ().

    And 14 years, for a minute, is just 8th grade. Children must understand that they are responsible. Of course, you can try to intimidate the offenders and not complain anywhere if the incident was a one-time event and there are no serious injuries. But if beatings are a “trick” of high school students, peers, or simply those children who regularly choose a new object for themselves, contact the police.

    What to do if a child is bullied at school? It is worth following a certain sequence of actions:

    1. Come to school. At a minimum, you need information about the offender. In addition, each school is assigned a juvenile affairs inspector (JI). He is brought up to date.
    2. Record the beatings. You need to do this even if you do not intend to submit an application. Without making this certificate, later you will not be able to prove the fact of the beating.
    3. Contact the police. The PDN inspector (part-time psychologist) will dissuade you from doing this after the first beating. In any case, the offender will be registered in the children's room of the police, even if you make no effort to do so. This is one very small, but still a step towards criminal liability. There is a possibility that the beating was the only and last one, but it is not that great. If the child has been injured a second time, it is time to file a police report. It indicates: the circumstances (do not forget to mention the first case of beatings), the measures taken initially, a certificate of recording of the beatings, and the requirement to take measures.

    If a child who physically abuses another person is over 14 years old, criminal charges will be filed. Then the trial - everything is like in adults. At the very least, this will scare the offender, and will force parents to think about what their child might become in the near future, and to start doing something.

    Try to be supportive with your children trusting relationship, so that you don’t have to think about what to do if your child is bullied at school. If you see that your child lacks courage, self-confidence, physical strength, sign him up for the wrestling section. Talk to him more often, make joint efforts to resolve existing conflicts, if any. And be careful. Not only your child can be bullied - he himself can become an offender for someone. Find the right approach and grow up worthy person who knows that his family is behind him.

    Often on the street, in a bar or any other place, you can encounter someone trying to provoke a conflict. How to talk to gopniks, hooligans and just drunk assholes? Is it worth fighting in any conflict, for an insult or a challenge? How to get out of such situations?

    A punk insulted you on the street, hurt your companion, or found fault with your appearance? Got into difficult situation and don't know how to behave? Is it worth fighting immediately in any conflict or is it better to try to avoid the conflict? What to do with pride, insults and similar antics from scumbags?

    Is it worth fighting in any conflict?

    Stay confident at the start of a conflict

    Are you thinking about fighting or not? Don't rush to rush into a crowd of enemies. It is not at all clear how the conflict will end. The enemy may be a professional fighter, he may have a weapon in his pocket or friends nearby. Often, after a fight, its participants go to jail, are injured, or are sent to a cemetery. The best fight is the one that doesn't happen.

    Keep your inner calm. Demonstrate confident behavior rather than fear, fear, fuss or anxiety. Let the enemy feel that he is dealing with a strong opponent who is not afraid of conflict: “What, those?”, “What do you want?”, “Did someone ask you?”, “Who are you?”, “Easy”, “Do we need this?” The enemy must understand that he will not escape unscathed either.

    How to talk to a gopnik, punks or thugs

    If you are recommended to come closer or have complaints about your appearance, then you should not be led by the gopniks. As soon as you obediently approach them or start making excuses for the color of your sneakers, everything is gone. They are boys, and you are a sucker. There are universal answers to the claims of punks and gopniks. The main thing is not to bend and not to give in to provocations.

    • Gopnik shouts: “Hey, come here”, “Hey, stop”
      You can just stop and say: “What?”, “What?”, “You need it, you come”
    • Gopnik extends his hand.
      Don’t shake back, but ask: “Who are you?”
    • Gopnik runs over: “Where are you from?”, “Do you have any money?”, “Give me your phone!”, “Who are you in life?”
      Response to complaints: “I don’t know you,” “For what purpose are you interested?”

    In a conversation, hold your position, don’t explain anything, don’t make concessions, don’t apologize, don’t bend. Do not give the opportunity to provoke and gain the moral right to attack, rob, humiliate. Be polite but firm. The purpose of your conversation is that he himself must explain what he needs. In 90% of cases, just remain silent and answer in monosyllables. For you, a draw is a victory. Let Gopnik finish the dialogue first.

    How to fight in conflict

    Is it worth fighting in any conflict? Try to avoid it, but act confident. If a fight is unavoidable, hit. In case of great danger and a crowd of attackers, run, scream, call the police, break a window or set the car alarm to go off.

    Often a normal conversation can come to naught and there will be no reason for a fight. This the best option. But when talking, be ready to start a fight at any moment. Watch right hand the enemy, the space around you and the actions of his friends.

    If you see that a fight cannot be avoided, then strike first. Don’t wait, depending on what effect your first blow had on him. Hit him while he's on his feet. If the crowd is against you, then do not hesitate to use a stick, brick or other objects to fight.

    Often, even the presence of a spray can, knife or pistol may not stop the attackers. But don't be afraid to use them. It is better to go to jail for exceeding self-defense than to go to heaven or become crippled for life.

    Even if, most likely, you win the fight, you should not tempt fate. Hit a couple of times and run. Don't wait for his friends to appear, for a knife to appear in his pocket, or for a police patrol. Run away as quickly as possible.

    Jason Statham in the movie "The Hummingbird Effect" in a fight with hooligans

    Beating of children is a common phenomenon, although carefully hidden from prying eyes. What to do if a mother or stepfather abuses a child? Where should I report information about neighbors’ abuse of children? What should a teenager who is beaten at home do? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

    Parents beat their child, what should I do?

    In Russia, 40% of serious violent crimes are committed in families. Children also suffer. They are killed, raped, beaten. As a rule, the torment of a child and the inappropriate behavior of fathers and mothers are noticeable to neighbors, but not every one of them knows where to turn for help.

    The Criminal Code does not provide for liability for failure to report cases of beating of children to law enforcement agencies; this is a matter of conscience.

    Caring people have many ways to protect a child within the framework of the law. To do this, there is not even a need to enter into direct conflict with the offenders. There are structures that are obliged to ensure the safety of a child upon learning that he is being beaten.

    Where to go if neighbors beat a child?

    Where to turn if parents beat their children depends on the specific situation.

    If you directly witness parents brutally beating a child, call the police. A squad will arrive when called. Employees will record fact of beating and the child will be sent for a medical examination. Based on the conclusion of the forensic expert, it will be decided what type of liability can be brought against abusive parents. In any case, the question of temporary isolation will definitely arise beaten child and on limiting parental rights for criminals. Further deprivation of rights to children in court cannot be ruled out.

    More often than not, neighbors do not see that a child is being beaten, but information about the beating leaks out in other ways, for example:

    • in the neighbors’ apartment they often yell, make trouble, and hear a child crying;
    • the child appears on the street exhausted, fearful, abrasions and bruises are visible on his body;
    • the mother or legal representative of the child avoids talking about his psychological and physical condition;
    • other children who know him or her tell about the beating of a child by his mother, father or stepfather, or relatives;
    • Other neighbors, who are not ready to go anywhere officially with their suspicions, gossip about the cruel treatment of parents and children.

    In cases where it is not known for certain whether the parents are beating the child, but there is still a need to check, you should contact:

    • to the local police station. If the work of the district police officer does not inspire confidence, you can send a statement or make an appointment with a higher authority;
    • to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. This is a body whose powers allow it to carry out appropriate checks, involve the police, and file lawsuits in court;
    • to the prosecutor's office. This supervisory body has the broadest powers and capabilities, including the ability to check the work of both police officers and guardianship employees;
    • to the Commissioner for Children's Rights. It should be borne in mind that the commissioner will need to send requests and requests for inspections to the police, guardianship or prosecutor's office, and this will take time;

    Turning to the media for help is becoming popular. However, it is necessary to understand that communicating with a journalist is one thing, open judgment, for example, on social networks is another matter. You can go from being a public defender to becoming a victim of criminal prosecution. Therefore, wherever you decide to go with a statement that a child is being beaten, consult a lawyer to avoid mistakes.

    What should a teenager who is beaten at home do?

    A teenager who is being bullied at home should first seek help at school. It is enough to contact any teacher who inspires trust. The teacher, in turn, will independently contact the guardianship authorities. Employees will check and notify the police.

    You can trust your friends who will tell their parents, let your relatives and neighbors know - they will decide where to turn. If there are no people who would like to open up, but there are bruises from beatings, something hurts (there may be internal injuries) - you need to go to the emergency room. It is not necessary to tell who beat, where they beat and when. Doctors are required by law to report injuries to the police, and they are required to find out who beat the child.

    Many teenagers are afraid to reveal the situation to others. But the pain and humiliation should not be endless. If you don’t want to seek help anywhere, you just need to not hide your physical injuries. Both school employees, acquaintances, neighbors, and caring people will definitely notice this and provide help. The police and guardianship authorities will figure it out themselves and protect the teenager who is being beaten.

    Article for child abuse

    Punishment for child abuse is inevitable. Any violent actions that cause physical pain are subject to a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles, arrest for up to 15 days, and compulsory labor for up to 120 hours. Responsibility for beatings with hooligan motives:

    • compulsory work up to 360 hours;
    • correctional labor for up to 1 year;
    • restriction of freedom up to 2 years;
    • forced labor for up to 2 years;
    • arrest for up to six months;
    • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

    If a child is physically injured, even slightly, the liability is greater. The applicable articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in this case depend on the severity of the damage. The severity of bodily injuries (external and internal) is determined based on the conclusion of a forensic expert.

    Intentional infliction of physical or mental suffering on a minor through systematic beatings or violent acts is punishable under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The penalty is imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years.

    In addition to responsibility for pain, torture, and harm to the health of the child, his parents or legal representatives are responsible for cruel treatment. The punishment for this is:

    • fine up to 100 thousand rubles. or in the amount of the perpetrator’s income for a period of up to a year;
    • compulsory work up to 440 hours;
    • correctional labor for up to 2 years;
    • forced labor or imprisonment for up to 3 years with possible deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities for up to 5 years.


    The fact that a child is beaten is always visible to caring people around him. They are able to seek protection from various structures. The penalties for child abuse are severe. If you don’t know what’s the best thing to do in a particular situation—where exactly to turn to protect the rights of a child or, conversely, how to get rid of false accusations—our lawyers will help you. You can get advice through the website chat or by calling us at the indicated phone numbers.

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