• Quotes about love are short, beautiful, and will bring tears to your eyes. Poems about life with meaning to tears


    The guy loved one blind girl very much, and she said that she loved him, and after the operation she saw that her boyfriend was blind, and she broke up with him, and as he was leaving he whispered: “Take care of my eyes, my love!” ...

    I used to think, “I’ll become something that will make him proud.” Almost pointless. If he loves, he will be proud even of the way you clumsily break dishes.

    They stood on the edge of a cliff, She asked:
    - Tell me, do you love me?
    - I love…
    - Then prove it... jump off...
    He smiled, looked into her eyes and said:
    - Do you love me?
    - Yes!
    - Then push!

    You like him? - Yes - And he likes you... - I know - So why aren’t you together?! -Once I said “no” and he didn’t ask again.

    Look for those who will hear you, recognize you in the crowd, call you, with whom, like a thin thread from above, fate will tie you tightly together; stick to those who, arguing with you, remain in the main thing for one thing, who shared tears, grief and stormy joy, wine...

    I have never been jealous of my exes; since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those who are less fortunate.

    I believe only one man who, when asked: “Do you love me?”, answers: “Of course, daughter!”

    You understand, I don’t deserve you, only a whore on a city highway deserves you, so talk to her.

    Sooner or later... Everyone meets that person: with whom it will be just good... Cozy and calm... And then it doesn’t matter: what eye color... height... what matters is something completely different: what place you occupy in life this man

    If it gets really bad, call. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if we smoke with each other.

    He loves who is ardently jealous,
    Loves the one who is silent when we meet,
    And not the one who kisses all the time
    And he always talks about love...

    When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you love yourself, you doubt everything.

    She is a woman who clearly knows how to treat whom. If you say NO, go away and don’t fight, there’s no chance. She will always answer the same thing to you personally. You're not her type. Go away and don’t interfere with her life.

    Men declare their love before they feel it, women - after they have experienced it.

    My mind is in turmoil, he timidly informs me, his mistress and mistress, that never before have I been so perfectly prepared to try on a straitjacket.

    Why do you hurt those who love you, because they are defenseless because of their love for you?

    Sometimes you hold back your tears just because you don't want to ruin your makeup...

    Loneliness is when the one you love is happy without you...

    And so once again I swallow sedative pills... I smoke one after another until I feel sick... I smear salty mascara on my cheeks... And I tell myself... I’m strong... I’m strong.

    The strongest and most passionate hugs are farewell ones. During these hugs you feel all the affection for to this person, emotions are overwhelming and it seems that everything is not so hopeless...

    Previously, chocolate was enough for me to be happy, but now I’m trying to somehow get rid of the sediment on my soul and the pain in my heart... Apparently this year I’ll eat a lot of chocolate more than ever...

    She: Just recently, I couldn’t even imagine that I would constantly think about you... and now, I understand that every day I fall more and more in love with you. I’m getting more and more used to you... I’m sorry that I can’t be there, although in my mind I’m always with you...
    Him: I’m eating sausage now...

    Please. I beg you... Burst into my life like a hurricane. Smash and break everything in it. But don't leave me alone in this ringing silence.

    Know how to make concessions. Relationships are the art of compromise. Try to forget about excessive pride and stubbornness and give in to the person you love.

    You know, the swan has a law... When his beloved dies, he dies too...

    beautiful statuses about love with meaning, short, for your page on VK or Odnoklassniki. Which will help you express own feelings, as well as convey the emotions that love is associated with.

    I'm too strong to cry for you, and too wise to keep hatred.

    In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.

    - What to do with those who don’t love us? - It's better not to be with them.

    For love to be happy, you also need money.

    The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different ends of the earth, they certainly meet their gaze. (E. Safarli)

    A person is inspired by happiness when his life is filled with the aroma of love.

    To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a huge world.

    A touch of love can make a person a poet.

    I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.

    I went for a walk on the rooftops and thought about you...

    “Being together and loving are not the same thing. Often it goes in parallel.”

    The pleasure of love lasts only a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime

    “In love, like in chess, you can’t lose your queen to save your pawns.”

    Respect has limits, love never does.

    “Fate never sends us unnecessary people.”

    I have the most the best man in the world…

    “This is not jealousy. This is me taking care of my happiness.”

    A caring man is the most best gift any woman.

    Even the strongest and most formidable is capable of being gentle.

    You managed to find the key to my heart.

    God created two of the most beautiful creatures in the world. This is the Earth and you.

    You are my life and soul.

    To be capable of true love is to become mature and have realistic expectations of the other person.

    You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you

    I don’t play with love, I don’t enter into correspondence.

    You are like the variable wind - you lie and smile at the same time.

    There are two sins in relationships: breaking off living relationships and holding on to dead ones.

    My world is forever in you!

    Only yours.

    Glances are the first tender notes of love.

    I give you love and tenderness alone.

    Memories are perfume for the soul.

    All women are lovely, and what gives them beauty is the love of men.

    Old love never rusts.

    Above truth is Love. Above the law is Mercy. Above justice is Forgiveness.

    The most effective cure for all ailments is love.

    Dressed head to toe in Love... this is the only label that never goes out of style! Let's keep our love forever.

    Jealousy is an acid that eats away love.

    Even the one who is far away is nearby if he is in your heart.

    Path true love never been smooth. William Shakespeare

    Two hearts - one rhythm, two souls - one feeling, two people - the same thoughts.

    To forgive is to set a captive free and discover that that captive was You.

    Europe is sleeping, Australia is falling asleep. It’s getting dark in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world are now reading my status.

    From hatred to love there is one step.

    If love kills time, then time takes revenge and kills love

    They were made for each other, but they were terribly stupid.

    If it is not possible to come closer, people disperse further.

    One Love - one Life.

    Show her that she is the most needed of all, and you will see that she is the most tender of all...

    If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

    There is no happiness without your love.

    Excess of love strangles, lack of love kills.

    Unspoken love is a heavy burden

    Sometimes just one word is enough for happiness..."prints"

    It is not beauty that decides who we love, but love that decides who we find beautiful.

    Sometimes what you have been looking for all your life is found in an instant.

    Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy...

    Artificiality in love, various restrictions - it’s like killing or stopping a bird in flight. It won't be possible to stop her, but to kill her is to kill love.

    Real love always mutual.
    The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”... He thought and answered: “Beloved”...

    To my dear, seven miles is not the outskirts.

    My whole life is still ahead, but I loved and was loved.

    When people leave, let them go.

    You can love all your life and stop loving on Wednesday.

    When a man and a woman are attracted to each other, no one can stop them.

    People always destroy what they love most.

    There is no immunity against green-eyed people

    Hot love quickly cools down.

    His smile makes you lose your balance.

    Even someone who is far away now can be close if he is in your heart...

    But again the word “But”... And again there is pain, tears and it’s all the same...

    If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment but with you.

    Don't get used to me. I'm not forever.

    If you don't see the sun, don't cry - because of your tears you won't see the stars! R. Tagore

    True love doesn't expect anything in return.

    True love suffers in silence.

    Love for all ages.

    Love is tested not by time, but by relationships away from love.

    To love means to live the life of the one you love.

    Love conquers all.

    Strength is in Love!!!

    True love is a relationship in which there is no room for humiliation.

    One born in love cannot be weak. Samurai proverb

    Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

    You need to love not for words, but for actions.

    Love is for two.

    You can't lock up love.

    Love is not about finding the “right” person, it is about creating the “right” relationship.

    Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

    When I look at you, I forget all my sorrows...

    Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.

    What a great happiness it is to love and be loved!

    Love, like a tree, is strong, but susceptible to various “insects” - insults and quarrels.

    The art of love... is largely the art of consistency.

    My behavior is the result of your attitude.

    Sometimes love has meaning in life

    A man must find the right purpose in life, and a woman must find a man with the right purpose.

    If faith dies, love dies.

    Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

    If they love, then not only with their soul or heart, they love with their whole body.

    Tenderness and Love are healing tools that are suitable for everyone and never cause allergies.

    The soul, like a cherry, has ripened to love...

    She drove away his cold, and he cooled her heat.

    Even the most faithful and loving person will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels coldness and indifference towards her.

    Relationships are a couple's dance. Both partners must catch the rhythm.

    You are made for each other!

    Different things Love and Infatuation... The first is Eternity... The second is Seasonality...

    Lovers invent each other. Those who love will know.

    The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.

    In overcoming difficulties, a smile has more power than sighs.

    Your desires are my weakness.

    Love requires faith, faith requires firmness.

    Only true love knows how to forgive.

    You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel...

    You are like a string in my life that combines all octaves and notes...

    “Love can lift you to the skies and smash you against the rocks with the same composure.”

    You can fake a smile, but not happiness.

    A loved one is the one whose pain hurts you more than your own.

    The mirror has two faces.

    Love those who put a smile on your face

    The extinct fire of love needs to be rekindled from the coal...

    Walk with me through life... that's all I need for the journey.

    A good memory is the basis of friendship and the death of love.

    The more people I get to know, the more I love computers!

    I may be different, but I will always remain yours.

    Love is the only feeling that does not depend on anything.

    Love knows no pride.

    Love is laughter and joy, not reproaches, and not a cage, and not the desire to possess.

    Love can do a lot, but money can do everything.

    Love is evil...you will love me too

    Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.

    Love is true between souls, not their bodies.

    I am your most independent dependency!

    I am like the wind between the wings, always nearby and always invisible.

    A person is not perfect until someone falls in love with that person.

    Gone love does not return.

    Only true love can withstand all tests.

    Dear men! Remember! From frequent changes of holes, any nail will bend!!!

    One love, one heart, one destiny.

    You look at him... And he looks at you...

    “Someone’s hope always lives in friendship between a man and a woman”

    You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent.

    “Read my status and think about me”

    To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

    To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

    Your love is calm in excitement and comfort in sadness.

    In the necessary there is unity, in the doubtful there is freedom, in everything there is love.

    Sometimes pride destroys everything! Even strong love and close friendship.

    My friends, family and love are not negotiable - they are perfect, period.

    Sometimes you get into relationships, and sometimes relationships tie you down.

    He who loves many knows women, He who loves one knows Love.

    True love is like a masterpiece: there is only one, but there are many fakes.

    Love is, first of all, a gift.

    When people ask me about my life, I talk about you.

    Love is the wisdom of a fool and the folly of a wise man.

    It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone. Marilyn Monroe.

    Love is blind, but family life- a brilliant ophthalmologist!

    Love and loved…

    Love takes away pride, but gives wings.

    To love means to stop comparing.

    Love turns dead ends into freeways.

    The one you love is not the one you will die without. And the one without whom there is no reason to live

    Love is not subject to reason.

    The best way to fight temptation is to give in to it.

    Love is a powerful source of human activity.

    A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal. We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself.

    Love is the energy that moves life.

    If you knew how few you were... .

    They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.

    This section contains beautiful, meaningful, short statuses about love for your page on VK or Odnoklassniki.
    Only by loving, giving oneself to another and penetrating into him, a person opens himself, opens another, opens a person.
    The experience of love is the only answer to the question of what it means to be a human being, and only love can serve as a guarantee of mental health.
    For most people, the problem of love is first and foremost how to be loved. In fact, being loved is much easier than loving yourself. Love is an art and you need to be able to master it just like any other type of art.
    Love is always an action, a manifestation of the strength of human nature, which is possible only under conditions of complete freedom and never due to coercion.
    Love cannot be a passive manifestation of feeling, it is always active, you cannot “fall” into a state of love, you can “stay” in it. Erich Fromm.

    Tears kill beautiful women, but are a salvation for the ugly.

    True pain is quiet and unnoticeable to others. And tears and hysterics are just a cheap theater of ostentatious feelings.

    Day and night she cries to the same music. Tears are rolling down, and she is still trying to convince herself of indifference.

    You are the only reason for my past happiness and present pain.

    Best status:
    Why is the room dark? – Saving light. - Why are you sitting on the floor? - The chair is on the bank. - Why is your face in tears? - I'm cutting onions. - Right now? In the dark and on the floor?

    Words can squeeze out the soul, and it flows out through the eyes. That's why people cry.

    Do you want to save your happiness? Don't tell anyone about him.

    Was he going to destroy anyone who dared to offend me? Do you have the courage to deal with yourself?

    At four years old you cry out of resentment and scream at the whole world, at ten years old you cry quietly in the corner, and after fifteen years you learn to cover your mouth with your hands so that no one sees your tears.

    If a woman cries, she was simply offended; if a woman is silent, then have no doubt that right now she is going through the most difficult moments of her life.

    How hard it is when friends move to another city 🙁

    Don't be sad! After all, every minute cannot be exchanged or returned)

    Sometimes we don’t run away from the person who hurts us, but try to be as close to her as possible...

    Only the one who gave him the most happiness can inflict the most terrible pain on a person. – sad statuses

    If I am silent, it does not mean that I have nothing to say... just silence is the most painless and a sad status will not help here.

    you know it's such a shame when dear mother acts like you're the last piece of shit in the world

    Sooner or later you discover that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you have run out of cash and it’s time for sad statuses.

    Looking for a prince. To forget the king(s) - sad statuses

    It can't be so sad when your best friend leaves you because of a guy!

    Tomorrow will be a new day, again sadness, longing.

    how strange it is when there is not enough time for love. we shout, we whisper that this is the most important thing in life, but in the end, what is more important is study_work_some other parallels and constant sad statuses.

    Beautiful does not mean a toy. Bitch does not mean heartless. Lonely does not mean loner. Being in love doesn't mean happy.

    Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

    Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up! – sad statuses

    Only cigarette smoke will dispel thoughts about you, but not for long... And only gray rain hides tears, love is so painful... And in my dreams I don’t see flowers - everything is erased from my soul... I love, I’m dying Are you silent? shut up...

    In complete despair and hopelessness, close your eyes and imagine that you are blind, and then open your eyes - you will understand that you are happy!

    Time passes, feelings remain, time passes, but the pain does not heal, only the tears on the face dry up, but everything is remembered about him, and the heart keeps beating so fast, and still one cannot breathe….

    Almost every woman would like to be faithful, the only difficulty is to find a man to whom she can be faithful. by

    She always makes eye contact, but no one understands her. She loves flowers, but does not know how to care for them. She believes people, often regretting it...

    Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.

    There are simply not enough words and there is no more breathing... After all, I love you and I don’t think this is stupid! (With)

    I quit drinking, smoking and falling in love. I take care of the liver, lungs and nerves..

    When I answer the question “How are you?” I answer “I’m doing great”, I want someone to look me in the eyes and say “Tell the truth”...

    [The worst thing is, you wait for him to write... and then... HURRAY! “my messages (1)”. You open it, and there’s spam...].

    People are often lonely because they build walls instead of bridges and drown in sadness.

    I'm allergic to changes in your mood.

    Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.

    If you don't like me...FUCK OFF...I won't improve...

    Sometimes you just want to turn around and tell everyone: Fuck you!

    anger and sadness at the same time... I want to yell at someone and then regret it...

    It’s a shame that there are very few people who will just write like that, for no reason or reason, simply because they are bored.

    A beautiful girl is almost never alone, but, alas, she is often lonely... - sad statuses

    You must be able to close a boring and sad book, leave a bad movie, quit a bad job and part with bad people - sad statuses

    Tears are a defensive liquid.

    Spring is a great time of year to cry and pretend it's just allergies.

    Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people who love you and understand you, but each of them has someone closer than you... - sad statuses

    [Crazy, abnormal... But beautiful, sexy... A selfish, insatiable creature... Still sweet and naive... There is no conscience, no repentance... Only sincerity and despair...] - sad statuses

    It happens... you exist, but no one needs you...(((

    she sleeps little. afraid of evil people. bites his lips until he bleeds. takes everything to heart. she is like that. quickly gets used to people. gets burned. disappointed. crying..(c) – sad statuses

    Never forget two things about me: firstly, I know more about you than you think... and secondly, I never regret what I did. – sad statuses

    - Yes, it’s rubbish, especially if you fell in love with such a hysterical woman like you! – I’m not hysterical!!! - well, here it is again: I said that I love you, but you only hear Hysterical!

    Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They don't make sense to me. Memory? You can't erase it. Heart? If it's broken, you can't fix it. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You can't change them

    It is at that moment when you realize that you know a person 1OO%, he will prove to you that you know nothing about him.

    Stupid thoughts, cigarettes, clubs... I wish I could find time to put on lipstick... I wish I could find time to admit to myself... That's all. The End. time to change…

    The girl, seeing the guy off to the army, gave him her photo, and six months later she wrote to him: I met someone else, return the photo. The guy collected photos of their girlfriends from all his friends and sent them to his ex, with the words: I don’t remember where you are, choose, send the rest to me

    I am too happy to love someone... Love is an experience... But I don’t want to worry - I want to live!... There is no place for sadness in my statuses... - sad statuses

    Proud - because they have already humiliated me! Eternal - because she died in soul... Bitch - because she was once abandoned! ...I vowed never to love anyone...

    I will always remember this phrase, I an old man said: "They can't be beautiful eyes who have never cried"

    But once upon a time I was so meaninglessly happy when the sun set for tea in the evenings

    As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today...

    Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven

    If FRIENDS don’t call or write….that means EVERYTHING is fine with them!

    There are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective stories, comedies, thrillers in my life... Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera... But it’s not there... And then I understand - this is my life... Interesting and varied... in which the sadness is only contrived by me - sad statuses

    She wears little makeup in the morning and sleeps little. He is afraid of evil people, bites his lips until he bleeds. He takes everything to heart. She is like that. He quickly gets used to people, gets burned, gets disappointed, cries...

    It’s no more difficult to put an end to it. It’s more difficult to marvel at how the person for whom you wished less pain constantly draws two more to this point...

    The worst thing that could happen to me is an allergy to tangerines:(((

    I will always smile... even when you are very sad... so you can see how much I don’t give a damn about you! – sad statuses

    We make people who love us unhappy and try to make people happy who are happy without us.

    She can sit like this for hours: listening to the same song, wiping her tears with her palm and convincing herself that she doesn’t care...

    “...time doesn’t heal. Time only helps you come to terms... heal deep wounds. But scars still remain... just little souvenirs for life.”

    When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

    Sometimes we cry from laughing... but lately, we laugh more and more often in order not to cry... we are consumed by sadness

    If the world were good place, we wouldn't cry at birth. ©

    I miss you very much. I love you so much. I just ask... don't come back

    The biggest problem in life is the suffering you cause, and the most sophisticated philosophy cannot justify a person who tormented the heart that loved him. When you write sad statuses, you expect him to read them and understand... - sad statuses

    From the outside I give the impression of a person happy with his life. But inside, underneath the outer veneer, despair reigns.

    She forgot how to cry a long time ago, She passes off tears as laughter. So much has happened to her in life, Everyone thinks there is ice in her soul. She takes the pain back to the beginning, She hides fear behind a mask. Too many people promised to suffer any failure for her.

    I want gouache the color of her eyes. Paint all the walls and slowly die of happiness.

    Sometimes I feel useless to anyone, even my parents... just a scum of society...

    Tears from laughter are better than laughter through tears.

    I will wait for you, just to know that you need it...

    I would really like to be slapped on the cheeks and told: “You fool, this is not love, there is nothing at all, understand this and move on with your life.”

    Sometimes it becomes so scary because it has become so indifferent to what was so important.

    Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I am having fun... but not many know that under the mask of a jester there is sadness, and laughter only hides tears.

    do you know what's scary? when your parents live in the same apartment, but at the same time they hate each other more than anything in the world... and you look at it and can’t do anything...

    Why are you crying? ...-Because I’m a fool... -Why a fool?...-Because I’m crying!

    As a rule, the phrase “Don’t cry” provokes hysterics...

    You don’t even know how much it hurts her. You don’t want to hear. You play with her and she makes fun of her - sad statuses

    You're sitting in fun company and you laugh loudly until you cry... and at night you cry quietly...

    Cold floor... A pack of cigarettes... A glassy look... And there is only one question in my head: “Why is everything like this? So strange and difficult?

    At night we try to think about what we couldn’t say during the day.

    -Have you seen her eyes? - Well, yes, I saw it. Blue, so beautiful. - And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, fool... (c)

    I dedicate this status to every girl who is now reading it and is sad, don’t be sad, bunny!!! Everything will be great! 🙂

    Having arrived home, he will go online again, open the site, but VKontakte is no longer there. He will click on its page and look at the status, “You know, everything could have been different...

    Today I accidentally found your scent in the bedroom. Never... At the same time, my heart was spinning and my head was shrinking...

    Angels do not condemn those who are crying... Angels simply cry from the pain that their loved ones caused them...

    I want to cry, but I'm having fun. I hide deadly sadness behind laughter. I draw a smile, I joke endlessly, I live behind the façade of someone else’s face... Everyone thinks I’m happy, I smile at everyone, but my soul is torn!

    Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile - sad statuses

    All will be. It's worth the roses alone.

    here you are cheerful and smiling, and there you are sadder than the Irish sheep Doris... life is a game... love...

    Let's play a game. The rules are simple: don’t call him, don’t write, don’t read his status, don’t wait for his call, because you know it’s right. And the main prize in the game is a feeling of lightness and liberation from the past. Because that's what you want.

    Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. . . Do you think it hurts? No, I’m used to it... – sad statuses

    The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable. Try not to call again...

    ... sometimes you want to forget about everything: about problems, enemies and even about friends whom you haven’t seen for 100 years... and think only about you... but you’re not around. sad.

    I was always nearby, but you didn’t always notice it.

    Time heals, but the liver needs to be treated first... – sad statuses

    How tired I am... I want to wrap myself in a warm blanket and, sitting in a comfortable chair, drink hot chocolate and not think about anything... And so that no one pesters with stupid questions... Just sit alone, hugging your beloved cat... Only he with understanding eyes will look at me and just bury his cheek in my cheek, as if saying: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine...”

    Everyone has had a moment in their life when they tripped and fell. You lie there and think that there is no more left to fight...

    Having caught the corner of my eye on all the ugliness of our life, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it awakens.

    Life is like a telephone without network. At first you search long and hard for her, but once you catch her, you realize that no one is waiting for your call.

    When you have everything planned, life suddenly happens to you.

    Best status:
    Today, life once again gave me a powerful kick in the ass for my childish naivety, as if hinting that I should know my place in this unfortunate and cruel world. And then you think, what could I hope for?

    When rage doesn't want to be alone, it also takes sadness with it. Together they come to anger, which also hides sadness and hides powerlessness.

    Sometimes it seems that people with a sad look have understood something in this life or have gone through its severe trials and pain.

    Only real fools take life seriously, those who don’t understand that they won’t get out alive anyway.

    Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it.

    There are things that teachers cannot teach, life teaches these things

    Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough!

    Life is just a long road to death...

    Childhood is a whole long field of naive eavesdropping, hearing what one should not hear.

    If you ask me in 200 years what is happening in Russia, I will answer – THEY DRINK AND STEAL.” (Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls: because they can. It's part of physiology.

    Life leaves like gas from a lighter. Without fire and with stench

    Life is a complicated thing, but only for those who are trying to understand what life is.

    I found my place in life, but it’s taken...

    Sometimes time likes to repeat old stories...

    Life here is like in a chicken coop - move your neighbor, shit on the one below.

    Life goes away so quickly, as if it is not interested in us.

    Life is shit, but we have a shovel

    Life is beautiful even when tears are flowing down your cheeks... but when you cry, you don’t think so

    On our radiant horizon one can always find dark spot- and this is our own shadow.

    A person's secret desires are easy to guess. You just have to listen to the fact that he most often scolds and criticizes

    do you want anything?? – yes, strong coffee without sugar, “Davidoff black”, and so that the heart can’t stand it

    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, doesn't mean they don't love you with all their soul.

    Hello! How are you? -Yes, everything is great! But you don’t even realize that I’m writing about the fact that I’m all super choking in tears...

    It's time to change not your status, but something in your life...

    In the twilight there is no difference between the absence of light and the absence of darkness

    We get used to smiling at those who don’t want to smile, and looking great at the moment when we want to scream in pain...

    Life is terrible only when you think about it, but when you live it it is beautiful!!!

    Yesterday's children are no longer interested in their once-favorite toys or bedtime stories... For some, drugs and alcohol become a priority. It's "fashionable". They spend a long time on the Internet. And what's in there? Instead of emotions - emoticons. They take everything to heart => Suicide. And what will happen next?

    There's only one in my life white stripe– roll of toilet paper

    Life is controlled by two people - Horseradish and Toad, horseradish knows everything, and the toad strangles everyone..

    Everything in life is going well, it’s just passing by

    Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding little thing, but giving flowers is already a serious step...

    Life gives you a lot of topics to think about, but little time!

    They say that our life is a striped zebra. My life is a black donkey!

    Life is a game! poorly conceived, but the graphics are awesome!

    a decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind

    Life, of course, is not sugar... but it will be okay with beer.

    It's better to burn out than to fade away (Kurt Cobain)

    I pour some coffee, take out a chocolate bar, take my favorite book and lock myself in the kitchen for half an hour. - Mom, what are you doing there? - Children, don’t interfere, I’m doing a good job for you...

    At night: - Maaam, bring water. - Get up and bring it yourself! - Well, maaam, well, bring it. - If you whine, I'll give you a belt! - Well, when you get up to get your belt, bring some water at the same time.

    We would give up a lot if we weren’t afraid that others would pick it up... Sometimes dialogue with ourselves leads to disappointment in ourselves...

    She wandered the streets, these wet and gray streets, as gray as her soul... soiled and thrown into the trash.

    When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man, she starts doing dirty tricks

    She will smile, dream, invent and will definitely become the most for someone great joy in the world..

    Law of life: handsome boys there is always a lot in public transport, but for some reason they are not in my personal life

    In a moment of all-consuming fear, a person is able to love everyone who shares this fear with him

    And why are men afraid of women? Well, what can a woman do? Well, spoil your mood, ruin your life... Well, that’s all!

    The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeats and disasters.

    There are no sadder words than “everything could have turned out differently”...

    She loves to break the rules. That's why she has a bad reputation. No, not because of her behavior. She just lives the way others want.

    Look out the window at 5 am, the world is so beautiful without people

    Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream about you in my dreams. I love, I scream, I cry...what do I mean in your life???

    Don't hit someone who's lying down! HE'S TRAMPLED!!

    Sweet girl, but sad. Kind, sensitive, but the joy is artificial... Cantankerous, smart and disobedient, to certain people soulless...

    Time does not heal, alcohol heals, seconds spent with someone else heal. Long streets and avenues with lights are cured, huge glasses behind which tired eyes are not visible, dreams of summer, about the new life, and time. Time does not heal, time passes by, but nothing changes...

    Why all this showdown through contact messages or SMS? Isn't it better to sit down next to each other, have a good conversation and understand that you are made for each other?

    The higher the culture, the more refined the rudeness.

    Life is shit, but we have a shovel

    She loves to dream... Although no, she lives in dreams. She always thinks about things that will never come true. And he believes... that there is not long to wait...

    My business? For all the “norms”, for him – “the best”. And only for best friend: “The sun, crap out of nowhere...”

    There are people I regret knowing

    If you love life, don't waste time - time is what life is made of

    We are silent when we should scream... we stand when we should run... we laugh when we should cry and we lose what we should not lose...

    she now rarely cries at night, she only tells her mother about the most important things, now access to her heart is closed, and you are unlikely to understand what she is so often silent about..

    Temporarily unavailable. She left to arrange her personal life. I don’t know where. When I will return, with whom and for what purpose is unknown...

    Vanilla lipstick, long eyelashes, mountains of chocolate and the night when she stopped dreaming about him..

    Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

    She stopped blushing her cheeks and painting her eyelashes so thickly, she began to distinguish what it means to love and fall in love..

    It’s bad, very bad that people don’t purr like cats. It would be immediately clear how a person treats you and, if anything happens, you could purr in response

    She walks along the main street of the city with her friends... Laughs loudly... And she doesn’t care what people around say... She is happy!.

    She doesn't smell like expensive Gucci perfume a kilometer away. She doesn't click her heels on the asphalt.. She smells like coffee and cinnamon and wears Nike.. And you love her like that, because she's real, because she's.. Yours.

    Life is beautiful... and I don’t care if it’s not true!!!

    Announcement! Lost the meaning of life. Please return for a fee...

    I want a dark streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley =))

    It is closed and difficult to reach. She's sick, it's hard not to fall in love with someone like that...

    It is better to love and lose than not to love at all.

    who cares what others think, huh? Look into your heart and do what will help you become happier.

    There is no need to smile in a person’s face if there is so much hatred in your soul...

    Remember, if it’s difficult for you, it means you’re walking on the right road, in the right direction.

    A resourceful person, if he falls face first into the dirt, gets up and convinces everyone that it is healing and he did this on purpose

    I’m not the last bastard... There were two more people behind me.

    I hid from the cruel reality under a warm blanket...

    Only fools never change their minds

    Ability to fill smartly free time- is the highest level of personal culture...

    Sometimes you even have to simulate a shipwreck so that the rats can escape further

    Sometimes, when you feel that everything is in chocolate, life is wonderful, you turn your back on it, but that’s when it hits you right in the head!

    she cried for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor, with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of her... she left beautifully, with her head held high...

    Today I feel bad, but tomorrow I will definitely smile for you...

    She doesn’t say anything, she knows too much.. She puts on a smile out of habit.. Here She is, look! Everyone hates her, she is adored by a select few.

    I will drink, smoke, swear... And wait until YOU tell me “enough”...©

    If you live a long time, you will soon grow old.

    If you want to be Great in life, then first you must overcome the Great Laziness within yourself!

    We present to your attention beautiful quotes and meaningful statements about love.

    Over time, this article will be updated with new quotes and sayings.

    And we will be very grateful if you share other quotes that are interesting to you in the comments.

    In the meantime, sit back and study this news.

    Beautiful quotes with meaning, short

    1. Your beloved is not the one you will die without. And the one without which there is no need to live.

    2. Dying for love is easy. It's hard to find a love worth dying for.

    3. Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

    4. That heart will not learn to love that is tired of hating.

    5. Women fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and men lie.

    6. Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

    7. “Well, it seems to me that better relationship- those that are the latter and often rooted in friendship. One day you will look at a person and see something more than you saw the day before. It was like a switch had been flipped somewhere. The person who was just a friend suddenly became the only person you could ever imagine yourself with.” (Gillian Anderson)

    8. “I once read that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand, and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love.” (Brian Andreas) "People from History"

    9. “If you live to be a hundred years old, then I would like to live the same, only minus one day. Then I’ll hardly ever be forced to live without you.” (A. A. Milne)

    10. “Love is a crazy, crazy, beautiful thing. So when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that rest to begin as soon as possible.” (Unknown)

    Beautiful quotes with meaning about love

    11. Love brings suffering even to the gods.

    12. I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply - I can’t read...

    13. Too many people are designed in such a way that they easily get used to being the object of love and do not value enough the feeling in which they are too confident.

    14. True love is limitless. It's like life or death. When you are ready to die, when you part, because the feelings are so pure, so strong.

    15. By loving, you can forgive all sins, but not the sin committed against love.

    16. Men declare their love before they feel it; women - after they have experienced it.

    17. “How much trouble is there in an old door? Depends on how loud you closed it. How many slices are there in bread? Depends on how thin you cut it. How much good a day? Depends on how well you live. How much love is inside your soulmate? Depends on how much you give it.” (Shel Silverstein)

    18. “You need to dance like no one is watching.
    To love so that you will never be hurt.
    Sing like no one is listening to you.
    And live as if it were heaven on earth.”
    (William W. Purkey)

    19. “I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me: “I love you.” There is an African proverb: “Be careful when a naked man offers you his shirt.” (Maya Angelou)

    20. Love is two solitudes that greet each other, touch and protect each other.

    Beautiful words and quotes that will make life better

    21. Love is when you are not compared to anyone, because they know that there is no one better than you.

    22. Loved ones are not compared, they are simply loved.

    23. Love is the desire to make your loved one happy.

    24. If you are in love, then you will do everything to give happiness and not cause pain.

    25. It only takes a few seconds to say “I love you,” but it takes a lifetime to show how much you love you!

    26. You can talk about love without experiencing this feeling, so the main thing is not words, but actions.

    27. Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

    28. You can be close to your loved one and not trust him, or you can be at a distance and be confident in him.

    29. Love is when he sees her sleepy in the morning, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful...

    30. Well-groomed, beautiful, with makeup and hair - such a girl for everyone, but without makeup and with natural beauty- such a girl is only for her beloved.

    Quotes about love with meaning

    31. There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you don’t love.

    32. Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

    33. If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

    34. Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

    35. You always need to know what pain you cause to the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing it.

    36. Love is like a butterfly: squeeze it too hard and crush it, let it go and it will fly away.

    37. I know that you are burning in the flame of love, but I am not afraid to play with fire... Touching each other, we lose our heads...

    38. I realized that your love is the best melody I have ever heard in my life.

    39. The same thing happened with love as with ghosts: since they stopped believing in them, they no longer show themselves to anyone.

    40. I will name the first summer rain by your name, and I will wait for you under it until you come. To touch your lips with a gentle breeze and dissolve in a billion endless minutes...

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