• Review and comparison of methods for depilation of intimate areas at home. Hair removal in intimate places - Best methods, reviews


    Brazilian hair removal acquired its name thanks to a team of women masters from Brazil who opened their beauty salon in 1987 in the USA and began to actively practice their method of hair removal.

    This term refers to deep hair removal: hairs are removed from the pubis, the inner thighs, the labia, and the intergluteal space. That is, the entire intimate area remains absolutely smooth.

    Features of bikini and deep bikini depilation

    Despite the fact that waxing is somewhat painful, the procedure solves the main problem - the presence of hair in unwanted areas.

    Plus - there is almost complete absence of irritation and ingrown hairs, so wax is good way remove hair from the bikini area for women who suffer from blocking pores with growing hair and do not want to repeat the procedure more than twice a month.

    Waxing (waxing) is a popular effective method to combat unwanted hair. This method is used mainly in salons. Self-depilation of the bikini area with wax is possible.

    Hair removal occurs in zones. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify how the bikini area differs from a deep bikini.

    • Classic depilation, or average.
    • Most suitable for girls who have decided to undergo the procedure for the first time. Hair is removed only up to the underwear line and on the inner thighs. This is a less sensitive area. With minimal pain, you can maintain it for a long time well-groomed appearance, don't worry about irritation. The session usually takes no more than 30 minutes.

      Deep bikini depilation.

      The treatment is carried out on the pubic area that is hidden under the underwear, as well as on the inner thighs. In this area, the hairs are hard, so they require the use of thicker wax than with the classic method. The skin in this area is thin and delicate, so painful sensations significantly higher during the procedure. Variety deep method is a Brazilian bikini. It additionally covers the labia and anal area. This is the most painful method. It is recommended to choose it only after getting used to the first two types of depilation.

    The hair removal technique is similar in all cases.
    The length of the hairs should be at least 0.5 cm. Each time they become less rigid, thicker, the bulbs are weaker, so the pain also decreases.

    Using a spatula, warm wax is applied in a thin layer to a small area. A strip of fabric is glued on top, pressed well to the body, held for 10–15 seconds and torn off from the body with a sharp movement against the growth of the hairline. To avoid it being too painful, apply the product to a small area.

    When depilating with cold wax, it is more convenient to use ready-made strips. They simply separate, stick to the skin, then come off.

    Using hot wax in a delicate area is not recommended; the skin there is very sensitive and may cause burns.

    After the procedure, the epidermis is treated with an antiseptic, and after 15 minutes a soothing cream or cosmetic oil(olive, peach, sea buckthorn, almond).

    The effect of wax is quite long-lasting - hair will not grow for 25-30 days.
    Each of these methods of getting rid of vegetation has its pros and cons.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a classic bikini

    Its main advantages:

    suitable for shy girls;

    you can do it yourself at home using wax or sugar paste;

    speed - performed quickly.

    If we talk about the disadvantages, it is believed that classic depilation is decorative. The hair is not completely removed. Remaining hairs can become a source unpleasant odor, become a medium for the development of pathogenic microflora.

      Advantages and disadvantages of a deep bikini

      The advantages of the method include:

      efficiency - complete removal hair in the delicate area ensures hygiene and comfort. You don’t have to think about choosing a swimsuit or underwear.

      achieving grooming, which is especially valued by men.

      performed different ways: wax, sugaring, photoepilation, laser and others.

        However, this method has significant disadvantages that scare off many women:

        Pain (especially sensitive and delicate skin near the labia; not everyone can tolerate hair removal in this area without pain relief).

        It is necessary to overcome shyness in order to be completely naked in front of a specialist.

        High price.

        It is impossible to do it efficiently at home. Cosmetologists recommend using only the hardware method.

        Ingrowth problem. You can get rid of it only by following the rules of skin care after hair removal and using special cosmetics.

          Preparing for bikini and deep bikini waxing

          Before you go for waxing, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. If in doubt, you can undergo an examination by a trichologist or dermatologist.

          A specialist cosmetologist will select the time of hair removal and the optimal method, a paste suitable for your skin type. First, you need to grow your hair to a length of 5 mm. If they are shorter, epilation will be painful, and some of them may remain. Too much short hair trimmed to the required length.

          Hot wax epilation is carried out after critical days, since sensitivity increases before menstruation. There is no need to use scrubs or peelings, steam the skin, or visit a solarium before the procedure.

          The skin is treated with an antibacterial spray or gel and, if necessary, numbed.

          Hair removal procedure in the salon

          You need to choose a salon with a positive reputation, where high-quality materials are used and experienced professionals work. A serious barrier to depilation of the bikini area is the client’s embarrassment. Such a visit can safely be equated to a visit to the doctor; do not forget that the cosmetologist is just doing his job, encountering dozens of patients every day.

          It is better to make an appointment in the first half of the day, at this time sensitivity is lower. To be on the safe side, you can take painkillers a few hours before. If cream or lotion has been applied to the intimate area, they must be wiped off for better adhesion of the material to the hairs.

          In a salon environment, the procedure is as follows:

          • The master will offer to sit comfortably on the cosmetology couch, to expose the area for hair removal; determine the limits of the intimate area where depilation needs to be performed.
          • The skin is degreased with lotion, wiped dry with napkins and treated with an anesthetic gel.
          • After maintaining the required time interval and waiting until the area loses sensitivity, apply preheated wax, distributing it evenly.
          • After time, the wax is removed with a cosmetic spatula, scraping off unwanted vegetation.
          • Use cosmetic wipes to get rid of waxy residue on the skin.
          • The area where intimate depilation was performed is treated with a soothing cream to avoid irritation.

          If hot wax is used, the material is heated in a wax melter, applied to the body with a spatula, and held until it hardens. The wax is applied according to the growth of the hairs, and comes off against the growth.

          If it seems that the wax is hot, you should definitely tell the master, he will lower the temperature of the wax melter.

          Bandage strips are applied to the wax or torn off by hand. The master must wear gloves; all tools are disposable. The remaining single hairs are removed with tweezers.

          Depending on the thickness of the hair and the client’s feelings, the duration of the procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes. Finally, a soothing gel is applied. The price depends on the skill level of the master and the prestige of the salon, ranging from $6-10.

          Which wax is best to use for depilation at home?

          There are several types of hair removal using wax.

    1. Cold wax. You can do quick waxing of the bikini area by using special strips that are applied to the intimate area, smoothed out, and removed with a sharp movement against the growth direction. This approach to eliminating vegetation is relevant for women with sparse hair. The cold method will not be effective on tough, dense vegetation.
    2. Hot wax used more often within the salon. The procedure requires a special heating device - a wax melter. At home, it can be replaced with a microwave oven or a water bath. The mixture is applied with a spatula, and after hardening it is abruptly torn off. The procedure is high-quality, but at home it may carry some risk. The fact is that wax is for intimate depilation needs to be heated to high temperature– it’s difficult to calculate correctly – you can cause a burn.
    3. Warm waxalternative way for people with sensitive skin. Suitable for deep hair removal bikini zones. The advantage is that the hairs grow back thin and soft. It is better to work with warm wax after a shower, after wiping the skin dry.
    4. Bikini waxing– a variation of this procedure: to the surface skin with the presence of hairs on it, wax is applied. For thorough distribution, use a spatula or roller specially designed for this purpose. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, rubber can be added to the paste.

    Depilation of the bikini area is usually a somewhat traumatic process. After all, to remove the hair shaft from the root means to inflict a microscopic wound, so after the procedure you have to treat irritated skin, apply a soothing cream and not expose it to ultraviolet radiation on the beach or in a solarium.

    Wax does not clog pores, which is also one of its advantages, and waxing itself allows you to slow down the growth of new hairs.
    One jar of wax will last for a long time, so there is no point in saving. Poor quality composition can lead to allergic reactions, irritation.

    Bikini hair removal at home

    Epilation of the intimate area at home is less comfortable due to the hard-to-reach area. With experience, the discomfort will become less and less. For a home session, you will only need a large mirror; otherwise, the procedure is no different from a salon session. A specialist can correctly respond to unforeseen circumstances (for example, hairs are not removed the first time, irritation has spread).

    Inexperience sometimes affects the result of the procedure. Therefore, it is better to entrust serious action professional cosmetologist, especially if you plan to use hot wax. Salon master high level service, gives detailed advice, and after the procedure will definitely offer cosmetics for the bikini area, which will slow down hair growth.

    Stages of implementation waxing Houses:

    1. The wax is heating up.
    2. An antiseptic is applied to the treated area.
    3. After talc.
    4. Then wax.
    5. The material comes off abruptly.
    6. The skin is processed.

    You should use a scrub every week to prevent ingrown hairs. If they do grow in and lead to inflammation, a cosmetologist can remove them with a needle.

    A day before the procedure, you should avoid a hot bath, sauna, or sauna. You should not visit these places for 24 hours after the procedure.

    Depilation of such a hard-to-reach area at home is done in parts. A strip that is too thick can cause severe pain and damage the skin.

    Suitable wax for the bikini area

    ABOUT the best wax for the bikini area and the choice for home use - only a specialist can tell you. He will take into account your skin type, take an interest in the characteristics of hair growth, its character: long, fluffy or bristly, short - this factor also determines the result of the action.

    Skin care after waxing

    After the procedure, a gel or spray is applied to the skin, which soothes the skin and prevents ingrown hairs. You should have this product at home and apply it daily after a shower. After 3-5 days, use a harder washcloth, scrub or peeling.

    Synthetic underwear should be replaced with cotton. If the red spots do not go away within a day, the skin can be treated pharmacy cream Boro Plus or Rescuer. The product has healing and restorative properties.


    Before waxing, women need to consider the phase menstrual cycle– if you decide to have the procedure a week before the onset of your period, you will be able to avoid skin irritation.

    The following conditions are contraindications:

    • high body temperature;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • neoplasms of an oncological nature;
    • high blood pressure is also a limiting factor for performing the procedure, since epilation of the intimate area is an exciting process;
    • panic attacks, nervousness, irritability;
    • diabetes;
    • formations on the skin;
    • injured skin;
    • inflammation, fungus, ulcers;
    • pregnancy;
    • allergy to resins;
    • too short or long hair in the proposed area;
    • early period after surgery.

    Possible negative consequences

    Usually the procedure is easily tolerated. Complications can arise when choosing low-quality wax, incorrect hair removal technique, or when hair has not grown back enough.

    If the material is overheated, burns, irritation or redness are possible. If the hair is not removed correctly and the rules of skin care are not followed, the follicles may change their position and the hair will grow in.

    Frequently asked questions and answers

    Is it painful to wax your intimate area?

    The sensations depend on the individual pain threshold and menstrual cycle. Each time the procedure will be more tolerable. Sensitivity – important aspect, since it is precisely because of the pain that some refuse this method, preferring traditional wet shaving. But the degree of sensitivity depends on the length of the hair shaft: for example, it is better to grow hair up to 6 mm for depilation with hot wax, and 3–5 mm if cold paraffin is used.

    Do I need pain relief when bikini waxing?

    The first time it is better to take a painkiller orally. The pain may intensify due to internal fear and emotional discomfort.

    How long does it take for hair to appear after bikini waxing?

    The effect lasts for at least 3 weeks, in some cases up to 5 weeks.

    Does the skin in the bikini area deteriorate from this procedure?

    If you neglect care procedures, the skin may become rougher and flake. Regular scrubbing will prevent epidermis from accumulating and will make the skin soft and elastic. When removing unwanted vegetation, you need to understand that after a certain period of time the procedure will have to be repeated - after waxing bikini, you need to visit the specialist again in 3 weeks.

    Hair removal in intimate places - quite sensitive issue, which almost every woman faces. The perfect bikini line is in fashion, and it takes a lot of effort to achieve it. Salon treatments, razors, special creams: all this does not always bring desired result. Which method should you choose and what should you do to keep your skin smooth and soft for as long as possible? You will learn about this by reading this article.

    Is it worth removing hair in intimate areas?

    This issue is considered quite controversial. On the one hand, many argue that depilation is not just a way to become more sexy and attractive: hair removal is a hygienic procedure. Opponents of removal believe that hair in certain places human body exist for a reason. In particular, hair in the pubic area protects against harmful bacteria. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers didn’t even know what hair removal in intimate places is called, but they didn’t have any problems with it: infections were less common, and women gave birth much more often than these days, when many women diligently get rid of from the “natural barrier” in the intimate area.

    However, there are no convincing studies indicating that depilation of “delicate” areas of the female body leads to an increased likelihood of urogenital infection. Therefore, you can safely remove hair (if, of course, that’s what you want).

    Advice!You can limit yourself to just hair correction: remove it on the sides and straighten it in the center using a special trimmer. This way you will minimize the risk of irritation.

    What hair removal methods are there?

    Skin in intimate areas The human body is distinguished by tenderness and sensitivity. Therefore, choosing a depilation method can be extremely difficult. As a rule, the following methods are used to remove hair in intimate places at home:

    • shaving using a machine;
    • hair removal with special creams;
    • hair removal with wax;
    • sugaring;
    • using a household epilator.

    Let's talk about the pros and cons of all of the above methods.

    Advice! To help your hair grow slowly, wipe your skin regularly nut broth: It helps to increase the time between hair removal procedures.


    Most women use a razor to get rid of unnecessary hair. This is indeed very convenient, but to achieve desired result, it is important to comply with a number of conditions:

    • You can shave your hair only on steamed skin; it is advisable to do this after a bath or in the shower;
    • You cannot refuse special creams and gels for hair removal in intimate places: they soften the hair and protect the skin. IN otherwise irritation and inflammation may occur;
    • to protect against irritation delicate skin, hair should be shaved not against the hair growth, as many do, but diagonally.

    The main advantages of the procedure include complete painlessness, low cost and the ability to quickly remove everything unnecessary hair. But there are also disadvantages: shaving with a machine often causes quite severe inflammation in the intimate area due to the fact that the blades damage delicate skin. Therefore, the machine is not suitable for everyone: for women whose skin is particularly sensitive, other methods are suitable.

    Advice! Use only new machines for hair removal in the bikini area! If the blades become dull, you risk damaging your skin quite badly. If this does happen, wipe the wounds with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant: this will avoid the development of inflammatory processes.

    Wax for depilation

    In order to remove hair with wax, you will need the wax itself, special spatulas for applying it and strips of non-woven material.

    The procedure is extremely simple: wax is applied to the hair and a fabric strip is glued to it. After this, the strip should be torn off with a sharp movement. It would seem that no difficulties should arise. However, wax depilation also has a number of subtleties:

    • the hair must be at least 5 mm long: otherwise the wax will not be able to “grab” it;
    • the strip is torn off against the hair growth with a sharp movement. Not all women are able to cope with this task: when removing the wax from the skin, quite painful sensations arise;
    • one day before waxing hair in intimate places, the skin should be thoroughly treated with a scrub: this will make the procedure more effective.

    Using wax, you can remove hair for a long time: wax, unlike a razor, does not just cut the hairs, but removes them along with the root.

    However, due to the fact that the procedure is painful, many women simply cannot perform such an “execution” on themselves. In addition, the intimate areas of our body have a rather complex “relief”, so dealing with hair with wax is quite a difficult task. If you want to try waxing of intimate areas, visit a beauty salon: specialists apply special compounds to the client’s skin that reduce pain. In addition, you will be able to learn the basic principles of wax depilation and ask the master all the questions that interest you.

    Advice! There are special strips for removing hair in intimate places: wax is already applied to them. This strip is glued to the skin like a plaster and is removed with a sharp movement. Using wax strips makes the hair removal process much easier.


    The most popular device for removing hair from intimate areas is undoubtedly the epilator. Removing hair in intimate areas using an epilator is a rather painful procedure, so it is advisable to buy a special cooling model or an epilator that can work in water. If your hair is thick and quite dark, you should avoid using an epilator.

    Using the epilator is very simple: it grabs the hair itself and removes it from the root. As a result, the skin remains smooth and soft for a long time. In addition, thanks to regular use of the epilator, the hairs will become thinner and thinner, and the pain will become less intense over time. However, for the procedure to be more effective, it is necessary to regularly exfoliate the intimate area and depilate after a bath, when the skin becomes soft and steamed.

    Advice! After using epilators, many women notice ingrown hairs. To avoid this, scrub your skin regularly and dry it with a stiff towel after showering. For even better results, use moisturizing and softening creams.

    Depilatory creams

    Cream for hair removal in intimate places seems to be one of the most simple ways cope with excess vegetation and achieve ideal zone bikini. After all, what could be simpler: the cream is applied to the skin, and after a few minutes it is removed along with the hairs. However, this procedure has a number of nuances:

    • Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. If your skin is irritable and sensitive, you should avoid the cream: it contains aggressive chemicals;
    • the cream should not be applied to the mucous membrane: this can provoke the development of a serious inflammatory process;
    • using cream can only remove Thin hair. In addition, their length should reach 3–4 mm.

    Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. However, it can indeed bring quite good results: the effect lasts for a long time, and the hair grows thinner and thinner.

    Advice! Before using a purchased depilatory cream, test it on a small area of ​​skin. If the skin is red, you should avoid using the cream as directed.


    Removing body hair using sugar paste has been known since ancient times. This method is quite effective and simple, because you can prepare the mixture for sugaring even at home. You will need granulated sugar, water and some lemon juice. All components are mixed and melted in a water bath until the mixture resembles caramel. When the mass has cooled, it is applied to the skin and torn off along with the hair.

    The undoubted advantages of sugaring include:

    • hypoallergenic composition;
    • Additional components can be added to the mixture to nourish and soften the skin, for example, honey;
    • the composition captures even fairly short hairs;
    • the paste does not cause irritation to the skin, which is very important when removing hair in intimate areas;
    • The effect of sugaring lasts for a long time: many women compare it with laser hair removal in intimate places.

    Smooth skin lasts for several weeks, during which time it has time to fully recover after a rather traumatic procedure.

    However, in order to learn how to make a mixture with the correct consistency, you will have to practice. In addition, sugaring is quite painful: not all women can withstand it.

    Advice! You don’t have to cook the sugaring paste yourself, but buy it at a beauty salon. They sell pastes with various additives that nourish and moisturize the skin. In addition, the consistency of the purchased paste is ideal for the procedure. However, carefully read the ingredients: if the paste contains preservatives and dyes, it is better to refuse the purchase: look for a higher quality option.


    This method suitable for those girls who do not want to injure their skin. The trimmer delicately cuts hairs, so the risk of irritation or inflammation is minimized. Using a trimmer, you can create a bikini design without causing any harm to the skin or mucous membrane.

    However, the trimmer is not suitable for everyone: perfect smoothness cannot be achieved with its help - the hair is preserved, but the bikini area takes on a more neat, well-groomed appearance. So if your skin is sensitive, you may want to skip shaving and opt for a trimmer.

    Advice! On sale you can find special women's trimmers with various attachments. Using these attachments you can remove hair in the armpit area, create intimate haircuts and even trim eyebrows. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such multifunctional devices: they allow you to solve several problems at once.

    All methods for removing body hair can be divided into two groups. The first is depilation, when not all hair is removed, but part of it that appears on the surface of the skin, and the second is epilation, i.e. complete hair removal from the root.

    You can combat unwanted vegetation using several different methods. Some type of removal hair will do not every woman, because the skin in the intimate area can be quite sensitive.

    The most common method of hair removal is depilation with a razor. The method is valued because of its low cost, availability and speed. But frequent shaving causes irritation, so this procedure cannot be done every day. In addition, no one is immune from cuts, and the growing hairs become like hard and prickly stubble, which appears the very next day after shaving.

    Depilatory cream is an affordable and comfortable method, but it is only suitable for those who are not allergic to chemical composition facilities. New hairs begin to grow within the next week after the procedure.

    Waxing can be done either independently or in a beauty salon. After such treatment, you can forget about the next removal of unwanted vegetation for a period of up to three weeks. The advantage of this method is that ingrown hairs and skin irritation are very rare phenomena. The only drawback of the method is its pain. But with regular use of wax hair removal, the pain dulls. Redness on the skin after the procedure disappears within 24 hours.

    You can use wax strips on a non-woven base, which should be warmed up before use. The wax is removed with a sharp movement, and after the procedure you need to use a soothing cream for sensitive skin.

    The epilator pulls out hairs from the roots and guarantees their next appearance in about 2-3 weeks. In addition, the device can be equipped with additional attachments and functions designed to massage and cool the treated skin, which reduces pain to a minimum. The main thing is to steam your body well before the procedure and use the epilator in the direction against hair growth. However, for the delicate intimate area this method can be quite painful.

    Another method of hair removal that has been gaining popularity lately is sugaring. This procedure can be carried out at home, but it will not be possible to make real sugar paste the first time. You need to take 10 tablespoons of sugar, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of water. The mixture is heated over very low heat with constant stirring. The result should be a homogeneous mass of golden or Brown. The paste is boiled for no more than ten minutes and cooled to a comfortable temperature. Its consistency should be viscous. The finished mixture is applied with a spatula or flat stick along the hair growth and covered with a cotton cloth, which should absorb the paste. With a sharp movement, the fabric is removed in the direction against hair growth. After the procedure, delicate skin must be lubricated with cream.

    Although to this day this procedure has supporters and opponents. In principle, pubic hair removal is a matter of taste and nothing more. Although many consider the hygiene factor to be the main advantage of this procedure.

    A woman's attractiveness is measured by how different she is from a man. appearance. And since male body has hair, then female body should be smooth. Therefore, women spend a lot of time and energy getting rid of hair. Women primarily struggle with hair on their legs and armpits. Some women have to “fight” with hairs above upper lip. Bikini area hair removal procedures are very popular.

    When it comes to pubic hair removal, the decision on this issue depends on culture, upbringing and personal preferences. If you prefer pubic hair removal, then you need to contact real professionals who will provide high-quality and painless hair removal.

    Pubic hair as a sign of sexuality

    Hair in the pubic area indicates hormonal readiness for sexual relations - human sexuality. For this reason, the presence of “lush vegetation” in the pubic area has long been considered a sign of active sexuality. Most men find fuzz in the groin area sexy. If you adhere to this opinion, then pubic hair removal is not only an unnecessary procedure, but also clearly contrary to sexuality.

    There is a certain amount of truth in these beliefs: nature created us this way. However, it is completely unclear why then the absolute opponents of pubic hair removal get rid of hair on their legs and? Obviously, pubic hair removal simply has not yet reached the peak of its popularity.

    References to nature have long ceased to be arguments for women. The beautiful half of humanity is actively trying to fight the influences of nature and time. Rejuvenation courses, liposuction and hair removal are weapons for beauty and youth. The lack of pubic hair is considered a manifestation of the Middle Ages: a sign of unkemptness. Gynecologists can accurately tell about a woman’s cleanliness based on the presence of hair removal.

    In any case, thick pubic hair looks, first of all, not aesthetically pleasing. Hair breaks through underwear, irons around a swimsuit, and does not make us happy on the beach or in the pool. Maybe you shouldn’t clearly demonstrate your well-groomed appearance, but you definitely shouldn’t forget about it.

    Hair removal in the pubic area

    If you definitely decide to get rid of pubic hair, then you need to carefully study the hair removal methods to choose the most suitable one. Remember that it is better not to perform pubic hair removal yourself, as it can be very painful and cause irritation. Both light superficial treatment and deep complete hair removal are best carried out in specialized salons.

    Hair removal methods

    Pubic hair removal can be carried out using commonly available traditional methods: shaving or plucking. These methods have a number of significant disadvantages, including the short-term effect, as well as the possibility of irritation and further ingrowth of hairs into the skin. In addition, plucking is a very painful procedure.

    Among the advantages of these methods, only accessibility and the possibility of independent use can be highlighted.

    Modern cosmetology offers women smooth skin with minimal effort and discomfort.

    Modern methods of pubic hair removal:

    The essence of the procedure is that a laser beam is sent to the treated area, which heats the follicles, as a result of which they dry out and die. For a lasting effect, you need to carry out up to 6 laser hair removal procedures with breaks of 4-6 weeks. The reason for this is that the laser only affects hair in the growing stage, and hair does not grow at the same time. Modern lasers are absolutely safe. Provided that a competent specialist works, the risk negative consequences, such as burns, is reduced to zero. As a result of a course of procedures, you can get rid of pubic hair forever.

    • Photoepilation

    This procedure is essentially close to laser treatment, with the difference that the IPL beam destroys proteins in the follicles. The procedure is longer and has contraindications for people with sensitive skin. Its advantages are that it is no less effective than laser hair removal, but costs much less.

    • Electrolysis

    During this procedure, the hair follicle is destroyed by the directed action of electric current. According to reviews, electrolysis is less effective and more painful than those mentioned above.

    Pubic hair removal is the first step towards extravagance and well-groomed appearance. The next step is to create a hairstyle, which largely depends on your physique and the characteristics of your pubic hair:

    - women with wide hips a vertical strip that widens upward is suitable;

    — any compositions and stripes will suit slender girls.

    The master can also make a drawing in the pubic area (heart, butterfly, hieroglyph). If desired, a smooth pubis can be decorated with a tattoo.

    Agree that the pubis after hair removal will give sexuality and self-confidence in sexual relations.

    It should be added that before deciding to undergo hair removal, you should consult your doctor.

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    There is no woman who does not face the problem of intimate parts. Excess hair, which brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, has to be removed quite often, especially during the beach season and vacations. By choosing a painless method, we are forced to put up with the fragility of the results of the procedure, and by choosing a method, after using which we don’t have to think about excess hair for several months, we are forced to endure quite severe pain.

    An equally simple and painless method is to use a special product for depilation of intimate areas, which can be in the form of a gel, cream or lotion. The procedure using these products will take a little longer, but the results will last a little longer. Before the first use, it is advisable to test a cream or gel for depilation of intimate areas on a small area of ​​skin for sensitivity to the active components.

    Use data cosmetics It’s quite simple, you just need to apply cream or gel for depilation of intimate areas on unwanted hair and wait the time indicated on the package. Then you need to use a special spatula to remove the product from the skin along with the softened hairs. Depending on the brand of the cream and its composition, the effect can last from three days to three weeks.

    Procedures such as depilation of intimate areas at home with wax and heated sugar have recently become very popular even though one cannot count on any painlessness at all. Apparently, the longevity of the results does its job and women are ready to endure the pain in order to forget about the hated hairs for several months.

    The procedure is simple - wax for depilation of intimate places is applied to the area of ​​hair removal in a warm state and is sharply removed after hardening along with unwanted hair. The method is very painful, so it is almost impossible for women with a low pain threshold to endure such a procedure.

    In order to prevent the appearance of irritations on the skin and slow down the growth of new hairs after the depilation procedure, it is advisable to use a cream after depilation of intimate areas, which will soothe the skin and effectively moisturize it. For many girls, the problem is that new hairs grow under the skin, after which inflammation often occurs.

    To prevent ingrown hairs, if possible, follow these tips:

    • before depilation (epilation), immediately after it and then at least once every 2 weeks, do a peeling scrub - this will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, it will become thinner and it will be easier for growing hairs to break through to the top;
    • Make movements of the razor only according to hair growth, in no case against hair growth;
    • constantly moisturize the skin with cream - this softens the surface layer of the epidermis;
    • use by special means against ingrown hairs;
    • be sure to change the depilation method if, after the previous one, hair begins to grow in;
    • don't wear tight clothes underwear from synthetic fabrics.


    Proper depilation of intimate areas using an electric depilator is a very effective, but also quite painful way to fight for a smooth body. It gives good results that last long time. In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible, before it is carried out, it is recommended to thoroughly steam the body, for example, lie in fragrant bath or at least take a shower. After this, it is necessary to disinfect the place of manipulation and apply emollient oil to it.

    The machine for depilating intimate areas must move against the hair growth, otherwise new growing hairs will begin to grow into the skin. To further reduce sensitivity, you can first apply an ice bag to the procedure site for 5-10 seconds and lightly stretch the skin while plucking. After electrolysis, the skin should be allowed to rest and breathe for a while, then apply a moisturizing and skin-soothing cream.

    Laser hair removal and photoepilation are very expensive procedures that are carried out exclusively in beauty salons. Photoepilation takes less time, is a more effective and expensive procedure. With this method of exposure, several hair follicles are destroyed at once using a flash of light, while with laser hair removal each hair has to be affected separately.

    Typically, you need to complete a course of 3-6 procedures to completely get rid of hair for a period of up to a year. These types of hair removal are not suitable for everyone as there are a number of contraindications, which include: diabetes, skin irritations, epilepsy and varicose veins veins

    If you have not yet decided on the choice of hair removal method in the bikini area, then by watching a short video, you will find out the doctors’ opinion about which method of depilation is the best from a medical point of view:

    Oriflame offers a whole arsenal of products for depilation and hair removal, as well as for skin care after these procedures:

    • 23783 — Women's razors (disposable) — a triple blade and a strip with aloe extract will provide you with a comfortable shave;
    • 22932 — Shaving gel “Silk Orchid” is rich in silk proteins and orchid extract, softens and soothes the skin;
    • 23949 — Wax strips for depilation “Silk Orchid”;
    • 22691 — Gel against ingrown hairs “Silk Orchid” contains salicylic acid and the Hair Minimising complex, silk proteins and orchid extract, will significantly reduce the number of ingrown hairs;
    • 21665 — Body lotion “Silk Orchid”. Arnica and witch hazel in the composition will relieve irritation, soothe the skin, and the Hair Minimising complex slows down hair growth.


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