• Child's birthday. Birthday tricks. Simple tricks for children


    After reading the article, you will be able to do simple but very funny magic tricks.

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    Where do we start?

    It is especially useful for shy, insecure kids to learn a few tricks. After all, in order to show a prepared trick, you need to go, if not on stage, then at least to the center of the room, where the whole family or friends of the baby have gathered for the performance. And thunderous applause and surprise from friends will be the best cure for low self-esteem.

    First of all, explain to your daughter or son that in order for the trick to work, you need to practice properly. Very often children want everything at once. They get upset if something doesn't work out after several attempts. Remind your child that you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. With your help, a novice magician will cope with inevitable difficulties, and this will help him in the future to bring the work he has begun to completion and develop determination.

    Many tricks require making props. This would be great for 5-6 year olds creative activity. And where the child cannot cope on his own, his mother or grandmother will help him. Here the most ordinary things will be used: strings, coins, cardboard boxes, plastic sour cream jars and of course colored paper, paints, pencils.

    Where can I find descriptions of tricks? In children's magazines and books. There is not much such literature, but it is not difficult to find. After all, the door to magic is closed, but not locked. Try to interest the young magician in books on the history of the art of illusions, tell him about the great magicians of the past and present. This will give the child new knowledge and teach him to take a more serious, comprehensive approach to the topic of interest. Tell your child that, for example, David Copperfield since childhood read all the literature about magic that he could find, and this helped him become the greatest illusionist in the world.

    Act according to the principle “from simple to complex.” If your child does well in his very first trick in life, he will feel more confident in the future. Choose a simple, well-understood trick, and analyze it with your child. When the child begins to succeed, let him rehearse in front of the mirror. This way he will be able to understand what the audience will see and correct possible mistakes.

    Practice together what and how your magician will say while performing the trick. Explain to him that how he behaves on stage is very important for an artist. Even the most amazing “magic” will be boring if the “wizard” silently waves his wand. It’s a completely different matter when an artist smiles and jokes with the audience. So gradually the child will learn not only to speak casually during the performance, this will contribute to the development of a sense of humor. And also tell your child that it is very important never to reveal the secret of the trick, no matter how much his friends ask him to do so. Otherwise the feeling of magic will be destroyed.

    The simplest tricks

    Here are some simple tricks to get you started.

    Spoon glued to nose

    A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued. The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when you stir it. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick. extraordinary property your spoon.

    Coins in a book

    We place six coins on the page of a large book. We close the book and say the magic words “crex-pex-fex”. Now we open the book, tilt it so that the coins slide into the hand of one of the spectators. We count them and find that there are ten coins! The secret of the trick is simple. Before the performance begins, you need to put four coins in the spine of an open book and check that they can slip out unnoticed when you tilt the book, but do not fall out with any movement.

    The miraculous appearance of a tie

    The next simple trick is a trick joke. The little magician comes out to the audience and asks what important detail is missing from his costume. Oops, he forgot to wear a tie! It's okay, because a wizard can do anything. The child waves his magic wand - and the bow tie appears in its right place! Where did he come from? And the whole point, of course, is in special training.

    You need to take a thin round elastic band and attach one end to the tie. Then we hold the tie with an elastic band under the arm so that the audience cannot see it. We will thread the free end of the elastic into the loop on the collar of the shirt, lower it under the shirt to the waist and secure it there firmly. Now you need to take the magic wand in your hand. When your baby waves it, the elastic will pull the tie toward the collar.

    Three bottle caps

    Give three spectators a lemonade cap, two of which are regular white(colorless), and one is yellow. Offer to hide the lids in a box with three compartments so that you can’t see which is which, and try to guess which compartment the lid is in, for example the yellow one.

    The box is made from four outer cases and three inner matchbox drawers. When the lids are laid out, turn to the audience, take the box from them and, after a second of reflection, confidently indicate where the hidden lid is hidden.

    Secret trick: In the lid yellow color In advance, place a lead circle under the seal, equal in diameter to the lid. Hand out the caps to the audience one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare them. When you receive the box in your hand, discreetly grasp the middle of it with your fingertips. The advantage of one side will immediately indicate to you the desired compartment. If the box remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the center).

    Mind Reading

    The young magician can surprise viewers with his ability to read minds. The child takes a book from the shelf as if at random and asks the audience to name the number of any page. Then he leaves the room, and an assistant, for example mom, reads aloud the top line on the selected page.

    The kid returns to the room and asks the audience to think about the line he heard. Then, pretending to read thoughts, he pronounces it. This trick can be easily done by a child who can read. The whole secret is that the exact same book is hidden behind the door. When the child leaves the room, he simply reads and remembers the top line on the correct page.

    Balloon and knitting needle

    The young magician holds in his hands an inflated balloon. Then he takes a long knitting needle and pierces the ball right through, but the magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is an ordinary one, the child lightly pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts.

    How is this possible? Help your son or daughter prepare a knitting needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well pointed and carefully polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of tape on both sides of the ball - and the props are ready. Just first you need to practice piercing the ball precisely in the places “reinforced” with tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will immediately burst. And it’s okay that the kid ruins more than a dozen balloons. But then he will be able to surprise guests at a birthday party or friends at kindergarten mysterious trick.

    Magic rice

    Now let’s show the audience the magic rice. Your magician fills a plastic margarine jar to the brim with dry rice. Then he covers it with exactly the same jar, bottom up, turns the jars on their sides, pressing them tightly against each other, and carries them to all four corners of the room, saying that by magic the rice is transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice has traveled around the world.

    It may not have become twice as tasty, but there was twice as much of it. We put the jars on a tray, remove the top... The container is full of rice, but the extra one came from somewhere! It scattered all over the tray, it doubled in size! But before, rice easily fit into a jar, everyone saw it. For this trick, we need to work some magic on plastic jars in advance. We will need two completely identical containers.

    Take the lid of the jar and carefully cut off the edge. Lubricate the edge of the lid with any universal glue and glue it inside one of the cans approximately in the middle. Now the volume of the can has been halved. Let your child decorate both jars so that they look exactly the same.

    To do this, they can be covered with colored paper and shiny stars. To get the trick, pour the rice into a regular jar and cover it with the one we specially prepared by gluing the lid inside. Now all that remains is not to forget the important detail at the end of the trick: after “traveling the world,” the jar with the lid glued in should be at the bottom.

    Hand tying

    To successfully perform the next trick, the baby will have to practice a little.

    We will need a rope about 1 m long, a thin metal (or plastic) bracelet in the form of a ring, into which a child’s hand can easily fit, and a large scarf. Two assistants tightly tie the ends of the rope around the “wizard’s” hands. The child takes the bracelet in one hand and hides both hands under a scarf, which is held by the ends by assistants. After a few seconds, the assistants remove the scarf, and the artist raises his hands up and shows the bracelet hanging on the rope. Of course, here too the solution is very simple. After all, there is a second, exactly the same bracelet. The child first puts it on his hand and covers it with the sleeve of his shirt or jacket. In the meantime, the assistants hold the handkerchief, quietly hide the bracelet in their pocket, and slide the one hidden under the sleeve down onto the rope. That's the whole secret!

    Amazing pencil

    Fold banknote in half lengthwise and hold horizontally. Place a pencil under it. Viewers will see how he, having pierced the paper, stuck out on the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, turn the bill vertically. Holding it on top with one hand, sharply lower the pencil down with the other. It will easily pass through the paper, and the paper... will be safe and sound!

    The secret of the trick: make a 4 cm long cut in the middle part of the pencil. When demonstrating the trick, move the pencil from the side of the bill opposite to the audience so that half of the bill fits into the cut. Fold over the other half of the bill. When viewers see a tongue-like part of a pencil, they will mistake it for a whole pencil. All that remains is to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

    Instantly transform an orange into an apple

    The young wizard shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright scarf, casts magic spells, and pulls off the scarf. And there’s already an apple on your palm! The secret of focus. Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then place the apple (it should be slightly smaller than the orange) in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

    Confetti candies

    Just imagine: a young magician covers it with a handkerchief paper cup with confetti, takes off his handkerchief, and instead of confetti there is candy in the glass. The most real, sweet and delicious. Help yourself, friends! And no matter how fantastic it may sound, with the necessary props it’s not difficult to perform such a trick. So, we will need a large opaque bowl or a wide vase filled to the middle with confetti (we buy several bags and pour it into the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups(one with a lid), candy in candy wrappers, a scarf. Before we start training, let’s do a little magic with a glass.

    Fill the one with the lid with candies, close the lid, thickly grease it with glue and cover it with confetti. It is better to stick the confetti in several layers so that they reliably disguise the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the side of the lid, tape a piece of strong fishing line to it with tape so that it is not conspicuous, but at the same time it is easy to feel and grab with your fingers. Cups with your baby can be decorated with stickers. Just make sure that they look absolutely identical (to do this, use two sheets of identical stickers).

    After all this, we bury the glass in the bowl of confetti so that it is not visible. The preparations are complete. Let's move on to the actual focus. The magician shows the audience a bowl of confetti and tells them that he can turn confetti into candy. Don't believe me? Now!

    He takes an empty glass, shows it to the audience, scoops confetti from the vase with it and pours it back from a fairly large height, demonstrating to the audience that all these are ordinary things, there is no secret in them. You need to scoop up the confetti carefully so as not to “light up” the hidden glass. Then the young magician scoops up the confetti again, but at the same time quietly leaves an empty glass under a layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a “secret”. This is the first moment that needs to be worked out properly. The audience should not suspect anything.

    The “secret” glass is raised above the bowl and shown to the audience, the remains of confetti fall from it, and no one suspects the substitution. The magician shakes off the excess confetti (leaving only the glued one), covers the glass with a handkerchief and “conjures” over it, saying something like: One, two, three, Become a confetti candy!

    And he himself feels the prepared loop of fishing line through the scarf and pulls the scarf off the cup along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly grab the loop and remove the scarf so that the cover underneath is not visible. After this, the young magician puts the scarf aside and shows the surprised spectators a glass full of sweets. So, what do magic candies taste like?

    Jumping Coin

    This is a cute home trick that is simple and effective. Place a small coin on the table and have someone pick it up without touching the table or the coin. Of course, even if someone volunteers to do this, they still won’t be able to.

    The secret of the trick: just hold your hand close to the coin and blow strongly on it from a distance of 5 centimeters. The air compressed by your breath will lift the coin and throw it into your hand. This does not work right away, but after several exercises you can deftly perform this trick: you blow and there is a coin in your hand!

    Endless thread

    The magician notices a white thread on his jacket, near the lapel, and tries to brush it off several times. But the thread does not “blow away”. The magician takes the end and pulls it down. The thread begins to pull out of the jacket. The more she stretches out, the more surprised the magician is. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Mechanics of the trick: a white thread from a spool is wound onto a short colored pencil (as much as it can be wound), placed in a side inner pocket and its tail (1-2 cm) is pulled with a needle through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The pencil is needed so that “there are no traces left in the pocket” if one of the spectators asks the magician to show his pocket; a pencil is not a reel; it will not help solve this trick.

    Water is a deceiver

    If you place a transparent glass on a large copper coin, the coin will be clearly visible through its walls. Pour water into a glass - the coin will “disappear” (of course, if you don’t look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take a coin and glue it to the bottom of the glass in advance. The child shows the audience a glass of water. There's nothing in it. Lower the glass down and hold it so that the audience looks at it from above - a coin appears in the glass!

    Obedient button

    Pour soda into a glass. The young magician takes a small button and drops it into a glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, he moves his hand over the glass and says: “Button, come to me!” The button slowly rises up. He passes his hand over the glass again and says: “Button down!” She will obediently lower herself.
    The secret of the trick: when the button is at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles collect around it and when there are a lot of them, they will lift the button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will fall back down. This movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released. But practice first, calculate the time before commanding the button “up” or “down”.

    Slipper trick

    The magician brings out a paper package. Unties him. He takes out a clean rug from the package. He shows it to the audience from all sides: nothing is hidden in it. Spreads it on the floor. Still holding the rug with his hands by the edge, he pulls the slippers off with one foot and covers them with the rug.

    Makes “magic passes” in the air with his hands.

    He lifts the rug and points to the shoes that appeared “from nowhere.” Blows a kiss to the audience. He bows solemnly in all directions. And he doesn’t notice that his slippers “by themselves” (they are pulled by the threads) are quickly “leaving” from the stage. Having finished bowing, the clown looks for his slippers with his eyes. They are nowhere to be found! Covering his feet with a rug, he trotts off the stage in embarrassment. And at the same time he still tries to smile.

    Blow out the candle

    Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it.

    To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand.

    Guessing the date of birth

    The host of the holiday can perform this trick with the audience. He addresses the audience: “Do you want me to find out the date of birth of each of you? Have someone come to me... Please multiply by 2 the number when you were born. Add 5 to the result, and multiply this amount by 50. Now add the serial number of the month you were born and name the resulting number. Having learned this number, the presenter immediately names the day and month of birth. The secret of the trick: from the number named by the viewer you need to subtract 250. You will get a three-digit or four-digit number in which one or two first digits are the birthday, and the last two are the month.

    Transformation of tea

    In one glass - “milk” (potato starch shaken in water). In another glass - “tea” (a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water).

    Liquid from one glass is poured into another and “ink” is obtained. You can even write on paper with them. Viewers can try their drawing skills by taking a brush and drawing something on a blank sheet of whatman paper or cardboard.
    Living water On a blank piece of paper, the child draws the outline of a flower with a simple pencil, then waters it with water. And then the plant gradually blooms (becomes colorful). Secret trick: take white paper, place a cardboard stencil of a flower on it. Fill the entire volume of the flower with bright red aniline powder, temporarily covering the rest of it. Cover the leaf and stem with green aniline powder. Without removing the stencil, carefully blow everything off the paper. In places where there was powder, invisible tiny particles of paint will remain. WITH

    reverse side

    And you've probably seen this trick more than once. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck and lowers the end of a rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “goes in and out” freely. He then turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician grabs the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, lets go, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. What kind of strange force tied the rope and the vase so tightly?

    Finally, the magician casts a spell, the “force” releases the rope, and it freely, effortlessly comes out of the neck of the vessel. What? Is there some secret in the vase? Please look for yourself and see for yourself, turn it in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special!

    And the secret of this trick is very simple. And the baby can handle it quite well. Only here he cannot do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first be prepared. We, of course, deceived our viewers that there was no secret. It is there, as in any trick. So, it is convenient to use a glass ketchup bottle with a narrow neck or any other suitable container as a magic vessel. The rope needs to be thick and rigid, about half a meter or less long (the child should be able to handle it comfortably).

    The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Make a glass bottle opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with magical patterns. Now comes the most important part. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half the inside diameter of the neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. It drops into the bottle and remains there throughout the entire trick. You may need to experiment with different sizes ball so that the focus is perfect.

    So what happens during a magic trick? The young magician shows the audience a bottle and a rope, then shows that the rope fits freely into the neck of the bottle and comes out just as easily. After that, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. The ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to properly secure the structure, and then slowly release it.

    Akhalay-makhalay! The rope doesn't fall. The magician then grabs the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and lets go. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still prevents the rope from slipping out. To eliminate " magical power", just push the rope deep into the bottle.

    The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To enhance the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for “magic” and try to repeat the trick themselves. Have one of the spectators pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, while in the meantime he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. That's it, now the bottle can be given to the audience for scrupulous examination. It is clear that no one can repeat the trick.

    The show begins! Spectacular appearance

    Once your young illusionist has a few tricks well rehearsed, you can think about a real home show. Write a script for the performance together with your child, think about the costume, lighting, and musical design. The costume will depend on the role the child chooses. If he wants to be a wizard, then a long, wide robe embroidered with stars will suit him. Or maybe he will represent a gnome or other fairy-tale character. Then you need to dress accordingly. And of course, don’t forget about the magic wand, which can be made from an ordinary wooden stick, wrapped in foil and decorated.

    To impress the audience, arrange a spectacular start to your show: the Great Magician and Wizard appears in the room in the most mysterious way.

    For this trick you will need a large cardboard box(for example, from a TV) that a child can fit into.

    The mother and the baby will make a house out of it. Cover the box with colored paper or paint it. On one side we will draw or glue windows and doors, and on the other we will carefully cut out a secret “door” through which the artist can crawl. Separately, we will make a removable roof for our house from cardboard. We will place a table in the room, covered with fabric to the floor, and at a short distance from it we will place our house “facing” the audience.

    We will temporarily place a roof from the house between the table and the house, blocking the gap. Your young Copperfield crawls under the table and quietly waits there for the right moment. All is ready. Spectators enter the “hall”. Mom, in the role of entertainer, reports that the famous illusionist will appear any minute, lifts the house, showing that it is empty, and puts it in place. After this, the “artist” very carefully crawls from under the table, under the roof, into the house.

    Mom lifts the roof, showing that there is nothing between the house and the table, and puts the roof on the house. Now you need to say the magic words, remove the roof, and your little Magician and Sorcerer effectively appears from the house. Then he demonstrates his art to the audience, making sure to leave some interesting trick in case he is called for an encore.

    Or maybe you can arrange a whole family performance for your guests? After all, mom or dad can also learn a few amusing tricks and perform together with their little one. Ready? So, eni-beni-slave! An incredible, magical performance begins!

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    Children's magicians registered with Yuda offer modern show programs with their favorite cartoon characters in Moscow..

    Organization of magic performances is possible at home or in kindergarten. Prices for festive events are set individually by performers.

    Features of show programs

    Talented artists registered with Yuda inexpensively organize unforgettable magic performances in the capital. If you need a professional magician for children who can perform an interesting show program, seek the services of performer Yudu. He will offer various options organization of the presentation:

    • tricks with objects disappearing and appearing
    • tricks with various props
    • interactive games
    • numbers with magic ropes
    • photo session with funny animals

    Children can participate in the program of different ages. Performances by illusionists registered on Yuda are organized in such a way that the performances are interesting for both children and older children.

    Cost of children's performances

    Use the help of performer Yudu, and he will offer the lowest prices for holding magic show programs. Magician service for children's party"will be inexpensive. Prices for performances by illusionists registered with Yuda are 20-30% lower than in specialized companies in the city. The final cost of organizing the holiday is determined after approval of the celebration program.

    Any viewer at least once in his life wanted to learn the secrets of illusionists and magicians, in this article we will tell you how to do simple tricks for children at home. For beginning magicians aged 8-10 years, you can come up with a whole performance and an unforgettable show for their peers for their birthday at home and beyond.

    Interesting tricks for children do not require special skills or special equipment; a child of 8–10 years old can easily cope with them. To begin a performance, you need to carefully prepare and hone your skills to make the trick perfect. An amazing birthday party trick will make your child applaud and applaud, and will also boost his self-esteem.

    1. In order for the tricks to be performed according to all the rules, the child should come up with a costume and stage image. Ask your child what he would rather be: a street magician performing card tricks, an illusionist like David Copperfield, or even a real magician and wizard. Based on your child’s preferences, make the necessary props and a costume that matches the image.
    2. It’s not difficult to learn how to amaze an audience with magic tricks, the main thing is to develop sleight of hand and achieve mastery in distraction. Simple magic tricks for children can be based on physical and chemical properties objects and substances.

    For example, light chemical tricks are performed using liquids (water, oil, soda, milk, etc.). Showing such simple miracles in kindergarten or for a birthday at home for 10 year old children, you can teach them science at the same time. At the age of 10, children become more socialized, and such tricks perfectly develop communication skills and leadership qualities.

    How to pierce a bag of water so it doesn't spill

    For this scientific trick you will need a thick plastic bag, pencil and water. Ordinary tap water is poured into the bag; you can tint it for effect. food coloring or just watercolor. Then we tie a bag with collected water and pierce it with a pencil. And voila! The bag does not leak and the liquid remains in its place.

    The whole trick lies in the property of the liquid, it’s just physics, but from the outside it looks like an extraordinary miracle.

    How to put a coin through a table

    Tricks with coins for children are probably the most popular. How often do we see in films how grown-up guys take out a coin from behind the ear of little toddlers? But this is just sleight of hand, but while at home you can slightly change the focus with the coin. To do this you need an ordinary table and a coin. The highlight of this magic is the penetration of the coin through the surface of the table. It's quite simple to do.

    • The first step is to position yourself at the table so that the viewer does not see your legs under the table. The entire action is performed with two hands. The active hand (right) is constantly in sight, and the left is under the table (we create the appearance that we are catching a coin). The most difficult moment is to quietly throw a coin from the edge of the table into your left hand.
    • By making this movement with three fingers, we create the appearance of holding a coin. Then we simultaneously slam the palm of our right hand on the table and knock with the coin from underneath with our left hand. Next, we simply take out a coin and present it all as magic.

    Focus coin through table

    A balloon that can't burst

    This trick is similar to the previous one with water and a pencil. Only instead of a package we use balloon, and a pencil - a long, thin and sharp knitting needle. To make the trick work, you first need to stick a tiny piece of transparent tape onto the ball. You need to glue it on both sides symmetrically. You can take a few more balls, but without tape. This is done to show that the balls are ordinary and burst with a needle.

    Then the baby inflates the “enchanted” balloon and pierces it all the way through where the tape is glued. And lo and behold! The balloon didn't burst, you just need to practice in advance.

    Water turns to ice

    A fun trick for freezing liquids based on the chemical properties of water. As you know, at temperatures below 0 degrees, liquid turns into ice. But this trick is spectacular, especially if you perform it on the birthday of 10-year-old peers who do not yet know the laws of physics and chemistry.

    • Have to take plastic bottle Fill it with tap water and put it in the freezer in the refrigerator for about two hours. Be sure to make sure that the water does not freeze, but only becomes very cold and close to freezing. Then you can take out the ice for drinks and start pouring icy liquid from the bottle onto it, everyone will be delighted to see the liquid freeze and turn into a solid state, i.e. into the ice.
    • You can also invite the public to try ice cream from their favorite carbonated drink. To begin, before your show, shake your soda bottle and refrigerate it as directed above. Always make sure that the drink does not harden; this time varies depending on the refrigerator. Therefore, go and check from time to time to ensure that no ice has formed.
    • Then, when the time has come for the performance, take out a bottle of soda (the main thing is not to shake it, so as not to ruin the focus) and open the cap gradually releasing the gas. Then slowly pour the drink into a cooled container, and you will see how it turns into ice cream before your eyes. You can also create this magic right in the bottle. To do this, shake the cooled soda.
    • If you prefer to experiment with water, you can pour it into a cold cup and throw in a piece of ice. The effect will be the same, only the liquid does not freeze immediately, but seems to stick to the piece of ice. By stirring with a spoon or straw you will get a homogeneous mass. If you use a sweet drink, then it can be eaten like ice cream and offered to those who wish. It turns out to be a kind of molecular cooking.


    • Even a child in kindergarten can do the funniest and simplest trick using a matchbox. First you need to prepare the props, take Matchbox and take out the inner box for storing matches, cut it in the center and turn one of the halves over back side. Then, using tape or paper, glue the box together so that it consists of two halves, turned in different sides.
    • Next, put matches into the glued box and push them back into the box. The following actions: take the box and pull out the inner box halfway (so that the gluing is not visible), observers see the matches, then close the box and turn its back side towards the viewer.

    Everyone thinks that when you turn the box over and open it, all the matches will fall out. But it was not there! You pull out the box, but the matches remain in place and for the viewer the magic lies in the fact that the box inside has turned over on its own.

    Rope trick

    You will need two participants and two identical ropes. To begin, one participant (No. 1) has a rope tied around his wrists in the form of handcuffs. The second participant is tied with a rope on one hand, the rope itself is passed through the “fetters” of the first (crosswise) and the second end of the rope is tied to participant No. 2. Then they are asked to free themselves from the bonds without removing the rope from their wrists or cutting them.

    From the outside, this thing looks very unsophisticated, and it seems that it is impossible to free yourself. But there is a way out, and here’s how: a rope is taken from participant No. 2 somewhere in the middle and its loop is threaded into the loop on the wrist of the first participant. Then the threaded loop No. 2, participant No. 1 puts on the hand through which the second loop was passed. And participant No. 2 throws off the loop from No. 1 and is freed.

    Rope trick

    Magic kits

    You can give a set of magic tricks for children as a gift to your little one for her birthday or simply buy one for logical development and thinking. Ready-made sets can be purchased in online stores; such kits usually come with instructions for performing tricks.

    These can be chemical or physical experiments, illusions, card tricks, practical jokes and much more. These simple tricks at home prepare the child for science and, by playing with his parents, he develops oratory abilities and develops creative potential.

    Soda experience

    The clever soda gobbledygook fascinates and confuses those watching at first sight. The trick itself involves restoring a crushed aluminum soda can and then pouring the drink from the supposedly “empty” container.

    First, you will need a half-liter jar of your favorite drink (unopened). And also a needle, tape and a black circle of paper (the size of the hole in the jar). The first step is to pierce the jar with a needle in some place (preferably higher and closer to the top).

    • Thus, we release the pressure and part of the drink from the can. Then, when the drink is about one-third out, seal the hole with tape. Then we carefully crush the jar itself, giving it a used look. Place a black circle of paper on the lid. From a distance it will look like the can is open and there is a hole in it.
    • Everything is ready for the performance, now you tell the audience that with the help of magic you can restore a can of the desired soda. You take the crumpled container and carefully show that it seems to be empty.
    • Then, with the words - abracadabra, shake the bottle slightly and make mysterious gestures with your hands (due to the internal gas pressure in the can from shaking, it will begin to burst and the remaining drink will straighten the bent aluminum). Then, distracting with your other hands and words, carefully and quietly remove the black circle thumb hands. Next, you open the bottle cap (revealing the ring) and pour the drink into the glass.

    Paper cover

    Another experience built on science and physics. Again liquid, glass, but now paper. Fill the glass with water (about halfway), and cut a piece of paper slightly larger than the diameter of the neck of the glass. Then cover the glass with a sheet of paper and quickly turn it over, holding the paper.

    And lo and behold, the water did not spill, but remained in the glass. You can modify this experiment using a liquid dye and you can take different volumes of vessels. It can be a small glass, a liter jar, a vase, etc. The main thing is that the neck of the vessels is even.

    Cool trick with water in a glass

    Children love to perform magic tricks and surprise us adults. This is not only interesting, but also useful, develops the child’s logic and thinking, develops dexterity, intelligence, memory, and ingenuity. And how children love applause! Here are how many interesting tricks were found - all of them are within the power of children:

    1. Magic wand: glue a cylinder out of paper and decorate it as a magic wand. Fill one part inside with serpentine, the other with confetti, now the baby turns into a wizard. In front of everyone, he wraps the stick in newspaper and shakes it. Confetti sprinkles from the package, then he turns the newspaper over and takes out a streamer. After this, you need to crumple the newspaper together with the stick.

    2. Match in balance: the child places an ordinary match on his index finger, holding it on top with his thumb. Removes thumb. The match remains in a vertical position.
    SECRET: you need to wet your fingers a little, press the match harder with your thumb to your index finger. When the child carefully removes his thumb, the match, with its lower end stuck to the index finger, will maintain balance for some time.

    3. LIVING water: on a blank piece of paper, the child draws the outline of a flower with a simple pencil, then waters it with water. And then the plant gradually blooms (becomes colorful).
    SECRET: take white paper and place a cardboard stencil of a flower on it. Fill the entire volume of the flower with bright red aniline powder, temporarily covering the rest of it. Cover the leaf and stem with green aniline powder. Without removing the stencil, carefully blow everything off the paper. In places where there was powder, tiny particles of paint will remain unnoticeable. On the back side of the sheet, where the child will later draw a flower, mark the outline with barely noticeable dots. When showing, water should be poured slowly, from the side of the stem. The water will make the paper wet, and the paint through it will gradually color the flower!

    4. Water is a deceiver: if you place a transparent glass on a large copper coin, then the coin will be clearly visible through its walls. Pour water into a glass - the coin will “disappear” (of course, if you don’t look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take a coin and glue it to the bottom of the glass in advance. The child shows the audience a glass of water. There's nothing in it. Lower the glass down and hold it so that the audience looks at it from above - a coin appears in the glass!

    5. Obedient newspaper: our young magician announces that he can make the newspaper stand upright.
    SECRET: Unfold a whole newspaper and grab it by opposite corners - with one hand from above and the other from below. After this, stretch the newspaper so that a fold forms in the center.

    6. Obedient button: Pour soda into a glass. The young magician takes a small button and drops it into a glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, he moves his hand over the glass and says: “Button, come to me!” The button slowly rises up. He passes his hand over the glass again and says: “Button down!” She will obediently lower herself.
    SECRET: when the button is at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles collect around it and when there are a lot of them, they will lift the button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will fall back down. This movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released. But practice first, calculate the time before commanding the button “up” or “down”.

    7. Glowing ball: the young sorcerer shows a tennis ball, count to 3 and light appears inside the ball. The light is moving! Achieving this effect is very simple.
    SECRET: there should be a light source three meters from the ball. And in the ball there is a round hole with a diameter of up to 1 cm. When showing the ball, spectators need to cover the hole with their finger. Counting to three, turn the hole towards the light bulb, and, removing your finger, open it. It seems that light appears in the ball. And for it to move, you need to move the ball up and down, left and right, without turning it.

    8. Through the table: a child sits at a table covered with a tablecloth. The audience is on the other side of the table. There is a glass on the table. The kid covers it with a sheet of foil and presses it on all sides so that it turns out something like a case. Then he moves the case with the glass towards him, showing the audience that there are no holes in the table, and returns it to its original place. After this, he hits the foil with his palm - the foil crumples, and from under the table comes the sound of a glass falling to the floor.
    SECRET: after moving the case with the glass to the edge of the table, the child drops the glass onto his lap. Then he hits the empty foil with his palm and at the same time allows the glass to fall to the floor.

    9. Paper will bear anything: the child puts two glasses on the table, puts a sheet of paper on them and asks: “If you put a third glass on top, will the sheet of paper withstand its weight?” Everyone will say no. Then you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion. Now you can safely place a glass on it.

    10. “I knew that you would guess this number!”: the child suggests guessing a number from 1 to 5. He asks what number was guessed. The spectator admits that he wished for, for example, 3. The magician asks to go to the piano on which the card lies and turn it over (the number 3 is written on it). Next, the number of the next viewer is guessed, etc.
    SECRET: you need to write cards with numbers in advance and hide them in different places. The most important thing is to remember where the card with which number is located.

    11. What no one has seen: the child says to the audience, “Do you want to see something that none of you have ever seen before and that neither you nor I will ever see?” Then he calmly takes a nut out of his pocket, frees it from the shell (pre-cracked), gives everyone the opportunity to look at the kernel of the nut (no one has really ever seen this kernel) and then just as calmly eats this kernel (no one really will ever see it).

    12. Independent box: having pulled the matchbox halfway out of the case, the child shows it to the audience. Turns the box with the hole facing down. Now the box appeared on the other side of the case, but again with the opening facing up. It's as if it hadn't been turned over! You can repeat it again - the effect is the same. SECRET: cut the boxes into 2 equal parts. Turn one of them upside down and the other upside down. In this position, glue both parts with a thin strip of paper (this will not be visible in the case).

    13. Instant transformation of an orange into an apple: the young wizard shows everyone the orange, covers it with a bright scarf, casts magic spells, pulls off the scarf, and there is already an apple on his palm!
    SECRET: Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then place an apple (it should be slightly smaller than an orange) into this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

    14. Paper and paper clip: the child shows the audience a piece of paper with a paper clip attached to it. Asks the audience to remove the paperclip without touching it. Nothing will work out if there is no ingenuity. And it's easy to do. You need to fold the sheet in half in advance, and put a paper clip on the bend. If you then stretch the ends of the sheet to the sides, the paper itself will release the paper clip.

    15. Trick with a mug and ice: the child pours some water into a mug. Then he says a few magic words and turns it over, only instead of water a piece of ice falls out of the mug.
    SECRET: you will need a tall opaque glass, a thick sponge (sponge) and a piece of ice, a jug from which to pour water. Place the sponge in the mug in advance, make sure it holds securely and does not fall out. Place a piece of ice on top of the sponge and you can perform the trick. Pour some water into a mug. Of course, you should experiment in advance with the amount of water that the sponge can absorb - the more, the more effective the trick. Just not too much, otherwise a lot of “unfrozen” water will pour out along with the ice. Having said the magic word and turning the mug over, after a piece of ice falls out instead of water, you need to try to quickly hide the mug with the sponge.

    16. Rising Pencil: The magician places a pencil in a vase - and, following the commands of the young magician, the pencil slowly rises and falls inside the vase.
    SECRET: the pencil moves with a thin invisible thread. Prepare a very thin nylon thread and tie and glue it to one end of the pencil. Tie the other end of the thread to a button on the magician's clothing. Place the end of the pencil with the tied thread into the vase. As the magician moves away or approaches the vase, he pulls the thread, causing the pencil inside the vase to move."

    Magic rope

    The magician takes a thin rope approximately 50 cm long. He cuts a 10 cm long piece from it and, folding it in half, hides it in the fist of his left hand. After which it’s time to go out in public.
    When going out into public view, you must hold a long rope right hand from the middle so that its ends hang down. A long rope is placed in the left hand and pressed with the thumb. At the same time, the audience must be in the dark about the fact that there is a piece of rope in the magician’s fist. Therefore, they should only see the outer side of the performer's left hand. By the way, the short piece of rope needs to be held with the thumb of your left hand.
    Now a loop is pulled out from the hidden piece of rope with your right hand. Naive viewers will think that this is the same long rope. The loop is cut with scissors and its cut ends are shown to the audience. Then, with the index finger of the right hand, these scraps are pushed into the left fist. Pronounced magic spell, something like “Abra-mop-kadabra”, and then, holding the rope with both hands, the magician spreads them as wide as possible - as far as the length of his arms and the length of the rope will allow. In general, it will seem to the audience that the rope is intact.


    To convince gullible guests of your telepathic abilities, you need to start guessing their thoughts.
    One of the most simple ways consists of placing twelve matches in a row on the table. The first nine need to be numbered by writing numbers on them, or simply put a piece of paper with a number next to each match.
    After this, the audience is invited to make one of the posted matches, and the presenter chooses any number, for example seventeen.
    And while the audience is thinking, he must calculate which match accounts for this number. That is, continue counting after the ninth match, and when the matches end, start from the first. Thus, the number seventeen will fall on the fifth match.
    Now the presenter can ask the audience to count the matches in the same way, starting from the one that corresponds to the number they have in mind up to seventeen, and at the same time he can turn away. Then the presenter loudly declares that the number seventeen falls on the fifth match.

    Magic balls

    This trick is not difficult, but it requires rehearsal, just like all the others. In order to demonstrate this miracle to amazed spectators, you will need an assistant. And besides that, there are not too big balls.
    The assistant faces the audience, holding a plate of balls in his hands. The magician stands next to him and strokes his head.
    At this time, a ball appears from the assistant’s mouth. The magician takes this ball and places it on a plate. Then he stands on the other side of his assistant and strokes his head again. Another ball appears...
    This is repeated until a certain number of balls appear. At the same time, the assistant must diligently pretend that each appearance of the ball is given to him with great difficulty.
    Well, the secret of this trick is as follows. The assistant puts one ball in his mouth, and the magician hides the rest of the balls in his pockets. When they appear before the audience, the assistant already has a ball in his mouth, and the magician quietly pulls out another one from his pocket and holds it in his right hand. Then he strokes the assistant’s head with his left hand, and when a ball appears from his mouth, he immediately raises his right hand, as if to take it. The ball that appeared from the assistant's mouth is pushed back by the magician's hand, and the audience is shown the ball that was held in the hand. Then it is placed on the plate, and the magician, standing on the other side, holds the second ball in his left hand. In this case, he will stroke the assistant’s head with his right hand, and raise his left hand to his mouth to accept the ball. According to this principle, all other balls appear.

    Magic ring

    To reproduce this trick, you will need a very ordinary glass goblet and a handkerchief. In addition, you will need two identical rings. Moreover, the viewer should have one ring, and the magician should have the other. Best to use wedding rings, since then the audience will not guess about the substitution. And the substitution consists in replacing the spectator's ring with the magician's ring. But first things first.
    A magician's ring is tied to the middle of the scarf on a silk thread approximately 10 cm long. Then they take his ring from the viewer.
    Holding the handkerchief by the corners, the magician carefully shakes it, while turning towards himself the side of the handkerchief in which the attached ring is located. Then he wraps the occupied ring (actually the one that is suspended on a rope) in a scarf and invites one of the spectators to take the ring through the scarf, while holding it as tightly as possible. The place where the focus is performed should be slightly darkened.
    The owner of the ring holds it tightly and at the same time is in full confidence that this is his thing. The folds of the scarf hang down. The magician places the glass on the table and asks the owner of the ring to hold his hand over the glass, around which he places the folds of the scarf. Then the magician releases the ring, and it falls into the glass, clinking picturesquely.
    The magician takes the hat in the same hand that holds the real ring. The tips of his fingers are inside the hat, and the ring is clamped between them. This way he can safely show that the hat is empty. After that, he puts the hat under the table, and the released ring ends up in it. Now everything is quite simple. The magician takes the extreme corner of the scarf, says: “Krible-krable-booms”, throws away the scarf and takes out a hat with a ring, which is safely returned to the owner.

    The smell of a coin

    You need to identify the coin that you held in your hands for a few seconds before.
    For this trick, one of the spectators is selected as an assistant. You will need several metal coins of any denomination and a saucer. The magician invites his assistant to choose one of the coins and explains to him that after he himself goes into the next room, he must take this coin and rub it in his palms for 30 seconds to “awaken” the smell.
    After this coin, along with the others, has been placed back on the saucer, the magician quickly enters the room. Taking the saucer in his hands, he carefully sniffs all the coins and, of course, finds the right one.
    The secret of this trick is very simple. While the coin is rubbed in your palms, it heats up. So there are cold coins and one warm coin in the saucer. When the magician sniffs the coins, he quietly touches them with the tip of his nose and finds it.
    To repeat the trick, you will have to wait for the coin to cool down again. And it’s better not to perform this trick in very hot weather - you could make a mistake.

    Card miracle

    Any card is taken and placed on top of the deck. Then the deck is turned over in your hands with the picture facing up. The selected card will be at the bottom of the deck. You need to hold the cards so that your thumb is above the deck and the rest of your fingers are below. Under the deck, your fingers should protrude about 3 cm, and your thumb should hold the cards at a distance of 1.5 cm from their edge.
    Now the presenter asks one of the spectators to click the cards with their index finger downward, which will cause all the cards to fly out of the hand, except for the bottom one, which the presenter will hold with his finger. You can even wet your bottom fingers to help the card stick to them better. In general, it will remain and face down. Then, with a significant look, he will be able to name her.

    Great mathematician

    Numbers from 1 to 9 are written on a piece of paper. Then one of the guests is invited to guess three numbers, but so that they come in order. After he does this, let him add them up and name the resulting amount. For example, if he chose 4, 5, 6, then the sum in this case will be equal to 15. When the sum is named, the presenter will immediately name the intended numbers.
    To do this trick, you need some math skills. Of course, you won’t have to calculate sines and cosines in your head, but mental calculation skills will come in handy. When the amount is named, you need to quickly divide it by 3 (that is, by the number of hidden numbers). IN in this case that's five.
    Now you should name, in addition to the resulting number, two more standing before and after it. That is, 4 and 6. The whole effect of this trick is in the speed with which the answer is given.

    Magic handkerchief

    To perform this trick, you will need a thin gauze scarf. Once the main props have been found, you can begin the trick itself. The candle is covered with a handkerchief and a burning match is placed on top. When the candle lights up, the leader moves the scarf in different directions. The candle continues to burn, but the handkerchief does not light up. The host puts out the candle and shows the astonished guests a completely intact scarf.
    The whole secret of this trick lies in the special design of the candle. An ordinary round gas lighter is inserted into a tube made of thick white paper. When the lighter is turned on, the gas passes freely through the thin scarf. In order to prevent the scarf itself from catching fire, it is enough to constantly move it in one direction or the other.

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