• Long-term dating schedule ik. How to obtain permission for a long visit with a convicted partner


    Most often, the question of how a long visit in prison goes is asked by people whose relatives and friends have been imprisoned for a long period of imprisonment. And it is at this moment that those who have stumbled deserve attention and support from people close to them. Therefore, they need meetings and visits with relatives in order to brighten up at least a couple of days of imprisonment in places not so remote.

    First of all, let's talk about what kind of dates there are in the general security zone. As a rule, they are divided into two categories according to time:
    1. Long dates;
    2. Short-term dates.
    A long visit in prison is considered the most desirable for prisoners, because they can be allowed to see loved ones and close people for three whole days. And relatives can settle in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony at their own expense or the expense of the convicted person. A long visit in prison for five days is also allowed if relatives stay outside the prison.

    Short date in prison is allowed for a period of no more than 4 hours.

    Although the duration of a visit in prison may depend on the following factors:
    Type of punishment served by the convicted person;
    Conditions of detention;
    Behavior of the convicted person and adherence to the internal detention regime;
    The decision of the administration or the head of the correctional institution where the convicted person is serving his sentence.
    For more details, see articles of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation 89, 121, 123, 125, 131.

    How many meetings are allowed under the general regime?

    The number of visits per year is based on what type of sentence the prisoner is on. Let's start with the question, how much is due?
    In addition to the general regime, lighter conditions of detention are often added. In this case, up to six long-term visits are allowed, and the same number of short-term visits in every 12 months of serving the sentence.
    If a prisoner is serving a sentence in a general regime colony without light conditions, then there will be four long visits.
    Sometimes, if the convict behaves well, then, by decision of the administration, the management can turn a blind eye to an extra long visit in the zone. But only one thing, and on the condition that the prisoner tries to improve and follows all the internal rules.

    Answering the question: how many dates are there? general mode, we indicate – 4 long-term and short-term per year.

    However, if the convicted person has been observed to have gross violations of order, he may be deprived of visits.

    How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

    Now let's move on to those who were convicted and imprisoned in colonies strict regime. There are also two forms of serving the sentence:
    1. Under normal conditions;
    2. In easier conditions.
    A prisoner serving a sentence in a maximum security colony under normal conditions is allowed three long-term visits in prison and three short-term visits per year.
    If he is in a lighter position, then the number of visits in the colony will be the same as under the general regime - 4 long-term and 4 short-term per year.

    How many dates are allowed under a special regime?

    The situation is even more difficult and complicated for those who are in a special regime of detention. Here the number of dates will be less:
    1. Under normal conditions – 2 long-term and 2 short-term;
    2. In a light mode - 3 long and 3 short-term.
    For you and me, the difference of one date may seem small, but from a psychological point of view, for people isolated from society for educational purposes, every date with a loved one becomes almost a holiday. Therefore, for people who have committed more serious crimes, such a privilege as a long “date” in prison can not only be reduced, but also canceled if his behavior does not comply with internal regulations.

    How many visits are allowed under strict regime?

    Long visits in a maximum security colony are completely prohibited. Prisoners have access to only two short-term visits with relatives per year.
    The reasons for this limitation are:
    The severity of the crime committed;
    Recidivism or criminal history of prisoners;
    The need for strict measures to re-educate citizens.

    How to get a date outside the colony settlement?

    But the most comfortable and attractive conditions for dating on the territory of prisons are dates in a colony-settlement. Because the number of meetings with relatives and friends there is not limited, and sometimes meetings outside the colony are allowed.
    To get a visit outside the prison, you must:
    1. Comply with the internal regulations of the prison;
    2. Write an application requesting a visit outside the prison territory addressed to the head, or to the person replacing him.

    At the request of a convicted person imprisoned in a general regime, he can remain in custody in a pre-trial detention center, where he was awaiting a court decision. To do this, he needs to express his desire to remain in the housekeeping squad.

    If a person remains in jail, he is guaranteed parole if he works hard, as well as unlimited short-term visits of up to four hours and long visits.

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    Short date

    Everyone knows what a short-term date is. These are brief meetings of the convicted person with family and friends in a specially equipped room on the territory of the colony. Meetings can only be permitted by the prison administration.

    On short-term visits, the convicted person will be accompanied by a representative of the colony.

    Therefore, be prepared for the following:
    1. You cannot transfer personal items and products during a short visit;
    2. Conversations will be monitored by colony workers;
    3. In some cases, meetings will take place in rooms where the convicted person and his guest will be separated by glass.
    If you want, then use the window to transfer things. You can read more about this here.

    Long date

    Now let's move on to more interesting question What is a long visit in prison?
    Its main difference is that several days will be allocated for meetings with the convicted person, and it will take place either in the premises of the colony or in a hotel building on the territory of the colony. Payment for accommodation at the expense of a relative or the convicted person himself.
    Basic rules and permissions for long dates:
    1. You can take food and drinks with you, but not in glass containers;
    2. Meetings must take place exclusively in a designated room; the convicted person cannot leave it. If the convicted person leaves the meeting room, the meeting will be over.
    3. As a rule, long visits are allowed only for married couples and close relatives. Sometimes they are supplemented by caretakers in the pre-trial detention center. Close relatives include:
    a. Children (biological and adopted);
    b. Spouses;
    c. Parents;
    d. Brothers, sisters;
    e. Grandparents.
    4. If a prisoner does not exhibit exemplary behavior, he may be prohibited from having long visits.
    In addition, visits with cohabitants and loved ones are practically not allowed unless marriage is formalized.

    How are visits conducted in prisons?

    Since a prison is an area that is under constant special security, be prepared for thorough inspection and control by prison employees.
    Employees must check you for absence:
    1. Alcohol and drug intoxication;
    2. The presence of prohibited items: money, weapons, mobile phones, drugs;
    3. Food, if the date is short-term, as well as the presence of prohibited containers (glass, metal).

    The procedure for examining those arriving on a meeting with a prisoner differs in different prisons, so do not agree to various offers from the guards to “lead” you without inspection. Don't make life difficult for your relative.

    You are also required to show your documents:
    1. Passport or other identification document;
    2. Confirmation of relationship with the prisoner or marriage contract concluded with him.
    If at least one document is missing, the prison officer has the right to refuse a long visit.

    Refusal to be searched before entering the prison grounds means an automatic ban on visiting the prisoner.

    In addition, for the safety of arrivals, each room for long visits is equipped with telephones for calling armed guards. After the time allocated for the meeting has expired, a bus or convoy will come for you and escort you out of the prison territory. The prisoners themselves will be taken to their cells.

    List of permitted products and things that you can take on a date in prison

    So, if you are going on a short-term visit in prison, then all food and things must be transferred in the form of a parcel through a special window. And we’ll talk in more detail about what you can take with you on a long visit in prison.
    So, the permitted list includes:
    1. Food;
    2. Soft drinks, not in glass containers;
    3. Books, video discs;
    4. Personal hygiene items;
    5. Clothes for you and your relative.
    1. Narcotic drugs;
    2. Mobile phones, tablets;
    3. Alcohol-containing drinks;
    4. Weapons and means from which they can be made;
    5. Money.
    Never try to bribe a guard to transfer prohibited items into the prison, as you will either worsen the situation of your relative or fall under the criminal code.
    The list of acceptable food products includes:
    1. Instant food:
    a. Noodles;
    b. Soups for brewing;
    c. Porridge.
    2. Bouillon cubes;
    3. Crackers, Bread
    4. Black tea, sugar, coffee;
    5. Vegetable oil or butter in a small volume;
    6. Cheeses;
    7. Cigarettes.
    A more detailed list of products can be found at this address.


    In Russia, unlike a number of countries, long visits are allowed with relatives of the prisoner living on the territory of the colony. However, this requires fulfilling a number of strict requirements.
    However, for the prisoner, meeting with loved ones a real holiday, so don’t be afraid to go “visit” him in the colony and support him. He needs support now more than ever. Most importantly, do not forget to send a request for a meeting to the head of the colony and study the list of things acceptable for transfer.

    Please note that Russian legislation is constantly changing and the information we write may become outdated. In order to resolve the issue you have regarding Criminal Law, we advise you to seek the advice of a lawyer in support of the site.

    This was not the first long date. Everything was familiar and worked out. She knew what to do literally to the minute. The main thing is to have time to do everything. The day before, you need to pack several bags so that you can quickly throw them into the luggage of your car tomorrow. In one sportswear, all the ordered items: sweatpants, two pairs of shorts, two pairs of socks, a scarf that might not be missed, a turtleneck, gloves - everything is black. In the other there are bed linen and two blankets. In a large basket there are potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, salt, sugar.
    On Thursday after work I started driving. See if everything is in place - passport, money, phone, charger, birth certificate... The birth certificate of the long-awaited beloved son, who looked touchingly innocently from every photograph, whom she carried in her arms, rocked to sleep at night, sang lullabies, read fairy tales, took me to museums and Christmas trees to the Kremlin and Luzhniki... So, everything is in place. She mechanically straightened the gold chain with a pendant - the only material value passed down through the female line from her great-grandmother, a student at the Institute of Noble Maidens. "Oh! Noble girls! If only you knew where I’m going now!” She had long ago stopped torturing herself with useless questions: how did it happen, what did she do wrong, why exactly was her son, why did he become like this, and didn’t go crazy. I have long since stopped being surprised that this happened in their family, where no one had ever been imprisoned except their grandfather, who was repressed in 1937. Whole year with the obligatory ritual of weeping before bed has sunk into oblivion. Shock from the arrest, resentment, reluctance to visit, then catching the elusive investigator in order to obtain permission for short-term visits. Court. And the stage. Disappeared for two months. It’s only in the laws that everything is spelled out smoothly: supposedly the pre-trial detention center informs the relatives where the prisoner is being sent, then upon arrival they give him a call or inform him in writing. Svetlana contacted all authorities. The authorities regularly sent reports with a message about where they forwarded her statements next. Two months later, only she found out where her son was. I immediately rushed off for a short date. It was scary to look at him: skin and bones, his face was all distorted, his eyes were dull. All that little was visible from the clothes, the face and neck were covered in healing yellow bruises. Hands covered in scars and abrasions. Two fingers are either twisted or broken. “Did they beat you?” “No, everything is fine. Mom, it’s okay... now.” Looking at her face, which was beginning to twist, he hissed into the phone: “Don’t cry! Don’t you dare cry here!”
    Everything is behind us, it has become ordinary and routine, everyday, so to speak. The bruises have gone away, I've gained a little weight...
    Departure is at six o'clock, the Moscow Ring Road is crossed at about seven, and there are only about eight hours of fast driving left to get to a small town somewhere on the edge of the empire.
    The main thing is not to fall asleep while driving.... At three o'clock in the morning, already pretty nodding off, she went into the hotel to sleep until 7 am in the cheapest stinking room without undressing. There was no time to think about whether the potatoes in the trunk would freeze.
    In the morning, when I woke up, I wasn’t at all cheerful (it’s still good that I managed to fall asleep), I ran and ran, everything was minute by minute! First for breakfast, then behind the wheel and to the colony, so that I have time to write a statement before going to the store. And so it’s already 9 o’clock. They start at 11. That's a total of two hours to shop. Back behind the wheel and to the only supermarket in the city, which opens at 9, the rest only at 10, and this is late. Run, run with the list: 6 blocks of cigarettes, 10 loaves of raw smoked sausage. Boiled-smoked is not allowed. Condensed milk in plastic bottles, chocolate bars - all this is for transfer. “Snout-soap”: shampoo, shower gel, several bars of soap, deodorant, shaving, etc. You can transfer 20 kg, the list of permitted products has long been all in your head, memorized. And another mountain of food for three days. I want to cook something delicious and special. I need to make an Olivier salad, I asked for more meat. Red fish, olives (he loves them), and pamper him with a solid jar of caviar... Five cartons of milk, juices, two large bottles of Coca-Cola. There was a bunch of something else in there, resulting in seven large bags of groceries. God! I wish I could carry all this! I also really want to sleep and my head hurts. I looked at my watch. It's almost 11! Hurry up to the waiting room, otherwise they will take you in without you. Everyone is sitting and waiting, the tension is growing. There aren't that many people, some are old acquaintances. Everyone is tired, everyone has a whole battery of bags in another room with a separate exit. This is the entrance to the long visit rooms. From the dressing room there is an iron door, behind it is a small room, partitioned off in two more places by bars with automatic doors. The device works in such a way that if one door is open, the second one is blocked and does not open. That is, once you find yourself in a cage in the middle of a room, you can’t just get out of it. There is a window in this cage, and there sits a “clerk” who takes the passport and other documents and issues a pass - an ordinary piece of paper, but you cannot lose it, otherwise you will not be released. You get into this purgatory only if accompanied by a lady who constantly smiles an ominous smile that sends chills down your spine.
    It must be said that there was also a small hitch - something was wrong with the documents of one of the visitors, and while the guards were running back and forth, accompanied by the aching sufferer, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Only thanks to the fact that the lady was with a small child, in the end the Cerberus relented.
    The long-awaited command rang out: “Hand over your money and prohibited items.”
    Svetlana, that’s our heroine’s name, left her phone in the car and several thousand for gas for the return trip, so she didn’t go to the window to drop off her things. At the last moment, she suddenly decided to take her license and documents for the car with her. Quickly running to get her purse, she took a line next to her bags, counting them: one, two... twelve. She was all sweaty from dragging things around, and she really wanted to sleep. She reassured herself: a maximum of a couple more hours until they “cheat”, then for now stuff all the food into the refrigerators, lay out your bed linen on the official bed so that you can sit or lie quietly, a beautiful oilcloth on the table, put the kettle on, throw it in a frying pan meat and cook borscht. In the meantime, open the sliced ​​​​caviar and drink tea with your son. Hurry up!
    The smiling lady was not in a good mood today. As it turned out later, in the morning someone tried to convey something prohibited in the program. It wasn't a file or a gun baked in bread, but still. Some said it was a phone, others said it was drugs. The orderlies carried the bags to the rooms, the visitors were seated on the sofa under surveillance cameras, and the lady and her assistant began their favorite procedure. If previously they let all visitors through in half an hour, now they acted so scrupulously that it took 20 minutes for each room. Svetlana had almost fallen asleep on the sofa when she was invited into her room. All the bags were on the floor. The lady asked her to undress. When Svetlana was undressing, she suddenly discovered that in the bustle and fatigue she had forgotten to take off her gold chain.
    Oh, I forgot to hand over the chain. Take it please.
    Yes, we’ll take it, we’ll take it, don’t worry,” the matron smiled even more, feeling the metal wires in her bra. - You can get dressed. Vasya! Come here!
    Vasya came in.
    Take it off. - Vasya filmed the chain with a small camera.
    Well, take your groceries back.
    How to get back?! - Svetlana’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. - It was so hard for me to get time off from work, I spent my monthly salary on groceries, the road is so long... How do I get back?
    The lady continued her work. Svetlana, with hope in her voice, asked if this meant that she would be pardoned after all. “As they decide at the top,” the lady answered, “and I have to check, maybe you tried to bring something else in here.” “Yes, I didn’t try to bring anything in, I just forgot, I forgot, I wear it all the time, I don’t even feel that I’m wearing it.” “Well, it’s not the first time, you should know.” “Not the first, but I was very tired, I drove almost all night, I didn’t get enough sleep, I was hungry, and I have an ulcer and hypertension.” “Why are you driving around so sick?” “What are there, what to do”
    Meanwhile, the lady was turning all the bags out onto the bed, checking the handles, seams and gaskets. When she turned out her wallet, she was delighted to find a SIM card in one of the hundred branches that no one had ever looked into for several years. "And what's that? - it seemed her joy would have no end. - Vasya, take it off!” Vasya took it all off. “This is an old SIM card, it’s already two years old, I bought it in Italy and forgot about it. It has been blocked for a long time and will never be unblocked in its life, this is easy to check.” “Yes, we’ll call the operator now,” the lady answered surprisingly seriously. “Go home.” Meanwhile, the nimble Vasya had already opened half of the cans, and the lady herself had opened all the bags of juice and milk and sniffed them with such a decisive movement, as if she wanted to taste them.
    “How can I take all these cans back? They’re open!” “Yes, as you wish!” It seemed to Svetlana that it was better to remain silent. Because it was useless to talk. Vasya completely lost his temper: he unpacked the meat and started poking it with a knife, then with the same knife he cut all the mayonnaise into plastic container. He was particularly delighted with the jar of red caviar. And she got it from Vasya’s cutting tool. “Did you poke the meat?” “Poked” “Let’s do it one more time” Vasya poked it one more time, and then went over the mayonnaise one more time to be sure. The lady also said something about the fact that pork should not be brought into the long-term visiting room. “It was possible before” “But now it’s impossible, you have to read the advertisements.” For a moment, Svetlana felt her pulse quicken and her temples began to pound. It seemed like a couple more seconds and she would either faint or cling to this lady to shut her sarcastic grins back. But, having overcome the wave of anger, Svetlana simply sat down on the edge of her chair, trying to cope with dark spots In eyes. The lady added with a final chord all the medicines that people with ulcers, heart disease and hypertension do not part with, and at the same time drops for the common cold. "Not allowed"
    The guards put the SIM card and chain in a bag, grabbed the pills and dragged her somewhere, forbidding Svetlana to leave the room. The sight was terrifying: the double bed and table were littered with things turned inside out, filled with open cans of peas, olives and cucumbers. It was already more than two o'clock. Usually at this time everyone was already bustling around in the kitchen, sizzling frying pans, like in some kind of family-group culinary reality show. They were probably fussing... Svetlana still sat on the chair, not knowing what to do, whether to collect things, or, on the contrary, to take things apart. From the corridor came the joyful excitement and someone's exclamation: “They are bringing the boys!”
    “Will they really not let me in, will I really have to go back?” And when will I be able to go on a date again now, and will they even let me in?
    At about three o'clock Svetlana decided to get out of the room, because she felt an urgent need for this. Poking her head out the door, she saw the orderly and shouted to him: “Can I go somewhere?” He allowed it. Vasya immediately appeared with a message: get dressed, now we’ll quickly go to court, and then, perhaps, the boss will allow a meeting. Last time, in a similar case, they allowed it, although they had not allowed it before, and the parents had to leave.
    But before going to court, Svetlana was taken to the office of a handsome young lieutenant who performed bureaucratic functions. With a shy look, he politely read out the article incriminating Svetlana, not forgetting to add: “Nothing personal, no offense. We are doing our job. According to Article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, transfer or attempt to transfer by any means to persons held in institutions of the penal system or temporary detention centers and other places of detention, objects, substances or food products, the acquisition, storage or use of which is prohibited by law, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles with confiscation of prohibited items, substances or food products"
    Svetlana felt as if she had received an electric shock: “Confiscation? What? Chains? But this is absolutely impossible! This is our family heirloom, it’s from my great-grandmother... I didn’t want to bring it in, I accidentally forgot to take it off. I’m so tired, I didn’t sleep all night, I was running around the shops in the morning, carrying heavy bags...” - she again sang the same song. Everything that was happening seemed like some kind of terrible dream. Everything was supposed to go wrong. But when was the last time it was the way she wanted? No, it can’t be, this is some kind of wild joke that will certainly end now, the lieutenant will apologize, take the chain for storage, and then return it upon leaving the date. He will say goodbye: “Next time, be more careful.” But instead, the lieutenant confirmed the worst assumptions that the chain would be confiscated. He asked formal questions, filled out a bunch of papers, then read something long and tediously and gave it to him to sign. To top it off, that same lady showed up, now in the role of a “witness” in company with Vasya the witness. They also signed. The lady continued to joke and smile. Svetlana suddenly remembered that in the room for a long meeting there were products lying open and pierced with knives: meat, chicken, caviar and red fish - everything had been warm since 12 o’clock, in the room since 14 o’clock, and it was already about five. Svetlana asked if her products had spoiled and whether they would soon go to court. “A little more,” replied the bureaucrat, tapping one finger on the keyboard. Before going to court, the lieutenant began looking for the head of the colony to find out if the meeting would take place. There were five minutes left before the end of the working day. He couldn’t get through, but someone reported that the boss was walking around the territory. The connection does not work because they are jamming there. After some time, the boss showed up in his office and graciously allowed me not to deprive him of the meeting. The lieutenant and Vasya took the swaying Svetlana out onto the street and sat her in “an old, but foreign car,” as the driver proudly called her. Apparently out of compassion for the pathetic appearance of the offender, when the lady left, they returned some of the medicine to her. We arrived at the court at six. Only a few windows in the building were illuminated. Some fat women painted the walls in the lobby. “But the court has closed, it’s open until five. Did you call ahead?” “No,” the polite lieutenant answered simply. Svetlana almost lost consciousness. “Someone go upstairs alone, maybe the judge is still delayed.” The lieutenant ran briskly up the stairs and disappeared for an hour. Then he went down for the offender and the witness, who was mentally preparing a speech to pity the judge. The judge with a long nose, stern and gray-haired, immediately interrupted the offender and deprived her of her word. Then he read out some articles of the law for a long time and tediously, from which Svetlana understood only one thing: that she would never see the chain again. She tried to insist that her violation was unintentional and, if she really wanted to carry the chain, she would not have done it with her own neck, and would have hidden it so that no lady would ever have discovered it. And in general, why would she give this chain, a valuable family heirloom, to her son in prison? The situation is also similar with SIM cards. Well, it’s not working, this SIM card will never work in its life...
    For a moment, Svetlana thought about asking for a lawyer, but she immediately dismissed it, imagining how long this whole comedy would drag on, and that then she would definitely not see her son, and in addition to the loss of the chain, at least 50 thousand would be added to the loss, plus spoiled food . But the main thing is that she was afraid for her son, lest they take it out on him.
    The judge read out the verdict, announcing that she was found guilty of bringing prohibited items into the territory of a correctional colony, for which she was fined 3 thousand rubles, and her Italian SIM card and chain were confiscated...
    Svetlana stood on the street for another hour, waiting, while the lieutenant discussed something with the judge, probably how to cut a chain.
    Somewhere around nine she entered the room and began putting away the groceries. Apart from the chicken and fish, everything else seemed to be normal. Svetlana was incredibly glad that, despite her nerves, hypertension and circumstances, she did not break down, did not shed tears in front of the servants of the law, she was especially glad that she did not grab the smiling lady’s hair and did not shake out her stupid smile. The chain was... not even a pity... I can’t find the words... It seemed that these long-held tears were about to flow.
    Steps outside the door, and here in the room is the son, who has grown a little since the last date and has broadened shoulders, in a black padded jacket and a hat with a bag in his hands.

    * Who should notify relatives of the place where the convicted person is serving his sentence?
    First, the administration of the pre-trial detention center will inform you which correctional facility your convicted relative will be sent to to serve his sentence. This will happen immediately after the pre-trial detention center receives a notification that the court verdict against the convicted person has entered into legal force.

    Then, within 10 days from the moment your relative arrives at the correctional facility, where he will serve his sentence, the administration of the correctional facility will provide you with all the necessary information, including the address of this institution.

    Your relative can call you on the phone and inform you about the place where he is serving his sentence. The administration of the correctional facility gives the convicted person the right to call his relatives at his request.

    (Article 17, 75, part 2, article 92 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation; clause 9 of the Penitentiary Rules).

    **What kind of visits are there with a convicted person and when can you come for a date?

    A person sentenced to imprisonment is granted two types of visits:

    Short-term, lasting 4 hours;

    Long-term – up to 3 days on the territory of the PS with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the PS. In this case, the head of the correctional facility determines the procedure and location of the meeting (for example, a city hotel at the expense of the convicted person or his relatives).

    Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long-term visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

    No more than two adults, together with minor brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren of the convicted person, can come to the convicted person for long-term or short-term visits at the same time.

    Persons arriving on a meeting with a convicted person must have identification documents, as well as documents confirming their family ties with the convicted person: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Persons arriving on a date, their clothes and belongings are searched. If a person arriving on a meeting refuses this procedure, he is not allowed a long meeting with the convicted person. IN in this case Instead of a long visit, he may be granted a short-term visit.

    Persons arriving for a short-term meeting with a convicted person are not allowed to bring any products or things into the visiting room. For long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer).

    The number of short-term and long-term visits a convicted person is entitled to per year depends on the type of correctional facility and the conditions in which he is located.

    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a general regime penal colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 6 short-term and 4 long-term visits during the year; in easier conditions – 6 short-term and 6 long-term visits; under strict conditions – 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits.

    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a high-security penal colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits during the year; in easier conditions – 4 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under strict conditions – 2 short-term and 1 long-term visits.

    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a special regime penal colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year; in easier conditions – 3 short-term and 3 long-term visits; under strict conditions - only 2 short-term visits.

    If a convicted person is serving his sentence in a penal colony, he can have visits without limiting their number.

    If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a general prison, he is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits during the year.

    In a maximum security prison, a convicted person is allowed only 2 short-term visits per year.

    Convicts serving their sentences in the VK are allowed to have during the year: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term visits; in easier conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long-term visits; under preferential conditions - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 6 short-term visits.

    The first meeting can be granted to the convicted person immediately after his transfer from the quarantine department of the correctional institution (here the convicted person is kept from the first day of arrival at the correctional institution and up to 15 days) to the detachment. Subsequent visits are granted after a period of time equal to the number obtained by dividing 12 months by the number of visits (short-term and long-term) a convicted person is entitled to per year.

    Convicted persons, upon their written application, are allowed to replace a long visit with a short-term one, short-term or long-term visits with a telephone conversation.

    (Articles 89, 121, 123, 125, 131 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation; section XIV of the Rules of Penitentiary Institutions).

    ***On long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer). Convicts are subject to a full search before and after the meeting. The clothes and belongings of citizens arriving on a date may be inspected. A person who refuses inspection is not allowed a long visit, but it can be replaced by a short one. If prohibited items hidden from inspection are discovered, the perpetrators may be brought to administrative liability under Art. 19.12 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    ****Article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - Transfer or attempt to transfer prohibited items to persons held in institutions of the penal system or temporary detention centers

    Transfer or attempt to transfer by any means to persons held in institutions of the penal system or temporary detention centers and other places of detention, objects, substances or food products, the acquisition, storage or use of which is prohibited by law -

    Shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand to five thousand rubles with confiscation of prohibited items, substances or food products.

    *****Food products, things and objects that convicts are prohibited from having on them, receiving in parcels, parcels, or purchasing.
    all types of weapons, ammunition, explosive, poisonous, flammable and radioactive substances, lighters;
    money, valuables, securities, currency of foreign countries;
    optical instruments;
    wrist and pocket watches (in prisons);
    food products that require heat treatment (except for tea and coffee, milk powder, instant food concentrates that do not require boiling or cooking);
    home canning products, yeast;
    all types of alcoholic drinks, beer;
    perfume, cologne and other products alcohol based;
    narcotic drugs, psychotropic toxic and potent substances, and without medical indications and medicinal substances, medical supplies;
    electronic computers, typewriters, duplicating machines and other office equipment;
    knives, straight razors, blades for safety razors, piercing and cutting objects, structurally similar to edged weapons;
    axes, hammers and other tools;
    playing cards;
    cameras, photographic materials, chemicals, film cameras, video and audio equipment (except for television receivers, radio receivers), communications equipment and components for them that ensure operation;
    any documents (except for standard documents identifying the convicted person, copies of court sentences and rulings, responses based on the results of consideration of proposals, applications, petitions and complaints, receipts for money, things, and valuables deposited for storage);
    compasses, literature on topography, martial arts, service dog breeding, weapons design;
    military and other uniforms, accessories;
    clothing, hats and shoes (except for slippers, tracksuits and sports shoes) unidentified samples;
    colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, ink, ink, ballpoint and gel pens (except for blue and black), paints, copy paper;
    pornographic materials, objects;
    electrical household appliances (except for electric shavers, factory-made household electric boilers).

    Excerpts from the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation:

    Article 75. Sending those sentenced to imprisonment to serve their sentences

    1. Those sentenced to imprisonment are sent to serve their sentence no later than 10 days from the date the administration of the pre-trial detention center receives notification that the court verdict has entered into legal force. During this period, the convicted person has the right to short-term visits with relatives or other persons.

    Article 89. Visits of persons sentenced to imprisonment

    1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment are granted short-term visits lasting four hours and long-term visits lasting three days on the territory of the correctional institution. In the cases provided for by this Code, convicts may be granted long visits with accommodation outside the correctional institution for a period of five days. In this case, the head of the correctional institution determines the procedure and place of the meeting.

    2. Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long-term visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

    3. Convicts, at their request, are allowed to replace a long visit with a short-term, short-term or long-term visit with a telephone conversation, and in educational colonies, a long-term visit with accommodation outside the correctional institution with a short-term visit with going outside the educational colony. The procedure for replacing one type of visit with another is established by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of execution of criminal penalties.

    4. To receive legal assistance, convicted persons are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to provide legal assistance, without limiting their number, up to four hours. According to the application convicted date with a lawyer are provided in private, out of earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening.

    Article 121. Conditions for serving imprisonment in correctional colonies general regime

    1. Those sentenced to imprisonment, serving their sentences under normal conditions in general regime correctional colonies, live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have six short-term dates and four long-term dates during the year;

    b) have six short-term and six long-term dates during the year;

    4. Convicts serving sentences in strict conditions live in locked premises. They are allowed:

    Article 123. Conditions for serving imprisonment in strict regime correctional colonies

    1. Those sentenced to imprisonment, serving their sentences under normal conditions in high-security correctional colonies, live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have three short-term and three long-term dates during the year;

    2. Convicts serving their sentences in light conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have four short-term and four long-term dates during the year.

    Article 125. Conditions for serving imprisonment in special regime correctional colonies

    1. Those sentenced to imprisonment, serving their sentences under normal conditions in special regime correctional colonies, live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have two short-term and two long-term dates during the year.

    2. Convicts serving their sentences in light conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have three short-term and three long-term dates during the year.

    Article 129. Conditions for serving imprisonment in colony settlements

    1. In colony settlements, those sentenced to imprisonment:

    a) ... may have dates without limiting their number.

    Article 131. Conditions for serving imprisonment in prisons

    4. Convicts serving a sentence under general regime are allowed to:

    b) have two short-term and two long-term dates during the year;

    5. Convicts serving a strict regime sentence are allowed to:

    b) have two short-term dates during the year;

    Article 133. Conditions for serving imprisonment in educational colonies

    1. Convicts serving their sentences in educational colonies under normal conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have eight short-term dates and four long-term dates during the year;

    2. Convicts serving their sentences in light conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have 12 short-term dates and four long-term dates during the year. By decision of the administration of the educational colony, long visits may take place outside the educational colony.

    3. Convicts serving their sentences under preferential conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

    b) have short-term visits without limiting their number, as well as six long-term visits during the year with residence outside the educational colony.

    5. Convicts serving sentences in strict conditions live in isolated living quarters, locked during free time from study or work. They are allowed:

    b) have six short-term dates during the year.

    Article 137. The procedure for applying penalties to those sentenced to imprisonment in educational colonies

    1. Convicts placed in a disciplinary cell are prohibited from having long visits... .

    Excerpts from the order

    Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 205

    “On approval of internal regulations of correctional institutions”:

    67. In the manner established by Art. 89 PEC Russian Federation, convicts are granted short-term visits with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the correctional institution administration. Long-term visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

    68. Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person replacing him, upon the application of the convicted person or the person who came to him for a meeting. If a visit is refused, a note about the reasons for the refusal is made on the application of the person wishing to meet with the convicted person. Documents proving the identity of those arriving on a date, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

    69. Convicts, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits followed by subsequent or previous service.

    70. The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after the convict’s arrival from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous meeting in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the first is determined by the convicted person. Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the quotient of twelve months divided by the number of visits of this type allowed to the convicted person per year.

    71. The time during which visits to convicts were not provided in connection with the introduction of a regime of special conditions is counted towards the period after which convicts may be granted visits.

    72. The duration of visits may be reduced by the administration at the insistence of the persons on the date. Combining dates or splitting one date into several is not allowed.

    73. Convicts must appear neat for visits. During long visits, they can use clothes, linen and shoes brought by relatives. Convicts are subject to a full search before and after visits.

    74. A convicted person is allowed long-term or short-term visits simultaneously with no more than two adults, together with whom may be minor brothers, sisters, children, and grandchildren of the convicted person.

    75. Long visits with other persons are granted only in cases where, in the opinion of the administration, such visits will not negatively affect the convicted person.

    76. Persons who arrive on a meeting with convicts, after the administration of the correctional institution has explained to them the procedure for conducting a meeting, hand over the prohibited items for storage until the end of the meeting to the junior inspector for meetings against a signature.

    77. Citizens arriving on dates, their clothes and belongings are searched. If prohibited items hidden from inspection are discovered, the administration of the correctional institution takes measures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

    78. If a person arriving on a meeting refuses to have his belongings and clothes searched, he is not allowed a long-term meeting with the convicted person, but a short-term one may be granted.

    79. In case of violation by arrivals established order the meeting is immediately interrupted.

    80. Persons arriving on a meeting with convicts are not allowed to bring any products or things into the short-term visiting rooms. For long dates, you are allowed to bring food (with the exception of wine, vodka and beer).

    81. During long visits, additional services may be provided. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts’ own funds or those arriving on a visit.

    82. Replacing types of dates and dates with telephone conversations carried out upon the written application of the convicted person.

    83. To receive legal assistance, convicted persons, upon their applications, are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to provide legal assistance. At the request of the convicted person, visits are granted in private, out of earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. Such visits are not counted among the number of visits established by law, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours during non-working hours for convicted persons and only during the hours from rising to lights out.

    No one is immune from misfortunes and troubles. And unfortunately, sometimes it happens that good friend or a relative goes to jail. If such a situation arises and a decision is made to visit the convicted person, then you need to know how a visit takes place in prison, what documents are required to formalize the visit. It is also worth understanding what transfers are allowed.

    What determines the duration of a date?

    First of all, you need to find out from the prisoner himself or the prison authorities what type of visits is allowed. Usually they are divided into two types: short-term and long-term dates. The duration of the meeting depends on the following factors:

    • what type of sentence the prisoner is serving;
    • what type of prison (general, strict or special regime). This determines how many dates are allowed per month;
    • the behavior of the convicted person (whether there are merits or punishments);
    • permission from the prison authorities.

    A short date. What does it represent?

    How long are visits in prison? A short one lasts up to four hours. The meeting takes place on the territory of the prison, in a special room. A prison officer (security) must be present. During such meetings, only communication is allowed. It can occur through a grille or glass (for conversations there is a tube, like a telephone). All conversations are monitored. Therefore, it is not possible to talk much. Transferring parcels or just a small package with things and products on this date is prohibited. They can be handed over through a special window, not personally into the hands of the prisoner.

    Long meeting. Features and duration of the date

    A long visit in prison is, of course, the most favorite type of visit among prisoners. Its duration can last up to three days. The guest of the convicted person is accommodated in a special room on the territory of the prison or in a special hotel (it is also located on the territory of the colony). You will need to pay for the occupied space during the meeting. This can be done either by a visitor to the prisoner or by the convicted person himself. The prisoner's guest may bring food and drinks with him. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the allowed list. For example, no food or drinks are allowed in glass. The convicted person does not have the right to leave the allocated premises during a long visit. If violated, the date will be terminated.

    With whom are long-term visits allowed?

    Such meetings are allowed only with the closest relatives:

    • wife or husband;
    • parents (father, mother);
    • grandma or grandpa;
    • children (even adopted ones);
    • brothers or sisters.

    Cohabitants are not close relatives. Therefore, if you want to “knock out” such a date, you may need to get married. This is now practiced in prisons. At bad behavior the prisoner may not be allowed long meetings. In some cases, a visit may be allowed for up to five days, but the relative will have to live outside the territory of the colony.

    In a general security prison

    The number of visits in general security prisons depends on the behavior of the prisoner. If he is in good standing, he may be allowed up to six dates of both types during the year (that is, six long-term and six short-term). The standard limit is four dates per year (eight dates in total). But if the prisoner is guilty, the number of meetings may be reduced or they may be cancelled.

    In a maximum security prison

    Here, the number of visits in a maximum security prison also depends on the behavior of the convict. If he is serving a light form of punishment, then up to four short-term visits and four long-term visits are allowed. Otherwise (if the prisoner is kept under normal conditions) - only three visits per year (six in total).

    Visit in prison under special regime

    Here the number of meetings is kept to a minimum. Under normal conditions, only four visits are allowed per year (two short-term and two long-term). If the convicted person is under lighter conditions, then the number of meetings can be increased to six (three for each type). There may also be a lack of long meetings, depending on what the person is sitting for and how he behaves.

    How are meetings with loved ones and relatives held?

    How are visits in prison? Before entering a conversation room or a room for a long meeting, a thorough search of the visitor and his belongings will take place. If the following are found: alcoholic beverages, drugs, money or Cell phones for transfer, they are immediately confiscated, and the date may be cancelled. Do not forget that things and food, even permitted ones, will be confiscated if the date is short-term.

    It is not recommended to succumb to security tricks that you can go on a date without being searched. This can harm both the visitor and the prisoner. If you refuse a personal inspection and things, the meeting is canceled automatically. In the room where the meeting will take place, there is a button to call security (this applies to long dates); this is done to protect the visitor.

    Security will definitely require any document proving the identity of the visitor. As well as a document proving relationship with the prisoner. Especially if it's a long date. If one of the documents is missing, the visit will be denied.

    After the end of the meeting, the visitor, accompanied by security, leaves the premises. Then a bus takes you or a guard accompanies you to the prison gates. Meanwhile, the convicted person is sent to a cell to further serve his sentence.

    Dating outside the institution. Is it allowed?

    It was good when they gave me a date in prison. Is it possible to conduct it outside the prison? There are such privileges, but only in the colony settlements. To do this, the prisoner must behave simply ideally and write an application addressed to the chief or his acting director for a meeting with a relative not on the territory of the settlement. After reviewing the application, a response will be issued.

    What can you bring?

    The list of permitted items and products is of interest to visitors both when sending a parcel, a package for a short-term date, and when packing for a long-term visit.

    What can you bring to prison for a (long) visit:

    1. Food products: any instant food (noodles, cereals, soups, cubes, etc.); bakery products; butter (butter and vegetable) and cheeses.
    2. Drinks (non-alcoholic), but not in glass or metal containers. You can have tea and coffee.
    3. Sugar, candies (lollipops only), honey (in plastic containers).
    4. Books, magazines, notebooks, videos.
    5. Things to maintain hygiene (for yourself and the convicted person).
    6. A change of clothes for both.

    Under no circumstances should you try to smuggle in prohibited items (alcohol, drugs, money, weapons, cell phones), especially with the help of a bribe. Then the date will definitely be cancelled. And this can have dire consequences for future dates. They may be banned with this particular visitor. Or they may take you into custody (if there was an attempt to bring a weapon or drug). In order not to make a mistake about what to take on a date to prison, before the trip it is better to get advice from the authorities of the institution so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

    What items and food products are allowed to be placed in parcels and parcels?

    To begin with, you always need to call the colony authorities, since the lists can change, and parcels and packages can be sent not whenever you want, but a certain number of times. Below are the main permitted items and foods:

    1. Tea, coffee, cigarettes, and candy are not just permitted items in prison. For prisoners it is a kind of exchange currency. Therefore, they are permanent components of any parcel or transmission.
    2. Oil, both vegetable and butter, you can use melted chicken fat, lard.
    3. Instant foods (they are listed above in the list for long dates).
    4. Instead of salt, it is better to send chicken cubes.
    5. Gingerbreads, dryers, cookies.
    6. Fruits and vegetables, Special attention give garlic, especially in winter time.
    7. Dried fruits, condensed milk in a bag.
    8. Kissels (in packs), powdered milk, tomato paste.
    9. Cheese, sausages, fish and meat in vacuum packages.
    10. It is advisable to send clothes only dark colors(pajamas, tracksuit, sweaters, pants).
    11. Shoes with Velcro or lock are also dark in color.
    12. Dishes, preferably plastic.
    13. Laundry washing powder or laundry soap.
    14. Magazines, newspapers, books.
    15. Notebooks and pens (black or of blue color).
    16. Cards or other board and safe games.
    17. If you need to send medicines, you need to contact the authorities; the medicine is transferred not to the convicted person, but to the medical staff of the prison. The parcel must be marked “medicines”.
    18. Necessary items for personal hygiene (straight razors are not allowed).

    Personal hygiene items include:

    • soap;
    • brush;
    • toothpaste;
    • shampoo;
    • towel;
    • shaving cream;
    • deodorant;
    • for girls - pads;
    • washcloth and so on.

    You cannot put items in parcels that quickly deteriorate, require storage in the refrigerator, or require cooking or other heat treatment.

    If a relative or acquaintance ends up in prison, then, of course, first of all you need to find out how many visits there are in prison, what kind of visits are allowed and when, what can and cannot be given to the prisoner. You should not carry bad news from freedom, as this may provoke an inadequate reaction from the convicted person. The visitor himself cannot violate the rules in this institution. This applies to both acceptable products and things, and the behavioral factor.

    A little conclusion

    It must be remembered that the prisoner enjoys long visits more than the visitor. Because it somehow dilutes the gray everyday life. Therefore, you can clarify in advance what he wants and whether it is allowed. You can bring family photos or videos. And you should always monitor changes in prohibitions and permitted things in the program.

    Every convicted person, no matter how serious the crime he has committed, has the right to communicate with his family and friends. But after the verdict comes into force, the amount of this communication undergoes serious changes.

    Short and long visits with family are becoming a rare privilege. To increase their number, it is necessary to demonstrate exemplary behavior. Any violations of prison regulations lead to a reduction in the time of communication with relatives.

    As experienced wives of convicts say, in order to get a date in prison, you need to go through a large number of tests, both bureaucratic and moral and ethical.

    We will tell you further how to get permission to visit a loved one who is in prison, and what surprises you should expect from this event.

    The number of permitted visits depends directly on the regime in which your relative is serving his sentence.

    The regime, in turn, depends on the severity of the crime he committed and his behavior in the colony. The regime and conditions of detention are dynamic; they can change depending on many factors.

    All dates, regardless of mode, are of two types:

    • Short-term – date for 4 hours;
    • Long-term – a date for 3 days.

    Both convicts and relatives favor long term dates.

    At this time, they have the opportunity to enjoy solitude with their loved one, because colony staff are present during short-term visits.

    General dating

    General mode is a normal mode that does not have strict restrictions. In addition, in the general regime it is possible to use lighter conditions of detention for a convicted person who is distinguished by good behavior.

    Under the general regime, 4 short-term and long-term visits are allowed.

    Under lighter conditions, the convicted person receives 2 additional short-term and long-term visits.

    If the convicted person violates the regime or behaves badly, then the number of visits provided for by law for him may be reduced.

    In a strict regime, in the same way, there are both normal conditions of detention and lighter ones.

    The number of permitted visits for each type of detention conditions is as follows:

    • Under normal conditions - 3 long and short visits;
    • In easier conditions - 4 long and easy dates.

    Long visits in a maximum security colony have stricter rules. If you are going to meet a convicted person for the first time, then be prepared for the fact that you may be forced to undress for a very thorough examination.

    Special dates

    In special conditions of detention everything is even more difficult. Those prisoners who are under normal conditions have the right to 2 long-term and 2 short-term visits per year. On easier terms - 3 dates of each type.

    Convicts who are kept under a lifelong special regime have the right to see their relatives for a short visit only 2 times a year.

    Long meetings are prohibited for them. These are especially dangerous criminals and are under heavy security.

    The settlement colony is the most gentle place for convicts. There are no restrictions on meeting with family. If you wish, you can even apply for a visit outside the colony.

    To stay in a pre-trial detention center, where visits are also not limited, you need to express your desire to do so. If there is room, you will be left to work in the economic sector of the pre-trial detention center under very good living conditions. Often such places are sold for small amounts.

    Only close relatives have the right to long-term visits.

    So who is allowed in? These include the following persons:

    • Legal spouses;
    • Parents;
    • Children;
    • Brothers and sisters;
    • Adoptive parents and adopted children;
    • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
    • Grandchildren.

    Theoretically, illegitimate wives cannot have long-term dating rights. But is everything so clear in this matter? How can a common-law wife get a date with a convicted person?

    To obtain long-awaited date, you will need to pity the head of the colony. The head of the correctional institution has the right to independently authorize or prohibit visits with non-close relatives.

    Therefore, in order to go on a date, you must first submit a written request to the head of the colony.

    It’s good if your husband has impeccable behavior, and the head of the colony is lenient towards other people’s requests.

    To be more convincing, you can provide a certificate of cohabitation, which can be requested from the housing and communal services department.

    What to cook for a date? Regardless of whether you are a close or distant relative, all visitors will need to undergo a short medical examination before the date.

    Each correctional institution may have its own list of certificates that may be required for this.

    But, in general, the following medical documents are required:

    The hospital and the colony itself will tell you how to obtain these certificates.

    Obviously, this is done to ensure that none of the visitors can bring into the zone such serious diseases as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    In addition to medical documentation, it is required to submit documents that would confirm the fact of relationship with the convicted person and its degree. Wives carry marriage certificates, parents and children – birth certificates.

    No one will be allowed on a date without an identification document.

    A long date in the zone is a whole mini vacation, consisting of three days. Therefore, it is worth approaching it responsibly.

    You have the right to take whatever you want on a date, as long as these things are not on the list of items prohibited from being brought into the zone. The rules for the date are very strict.

    Do not take anything prohibited, as this may become grounds for refusing a date. Such things include money, phones, chargers, SIM cards, alcoholic beverages, documents, etc. Check all pockets in advance to ensure there are no prohibited items lying around in them.

    The convicted person or his guests pay money for staying in the long-term visiting room.

    The pleasure is not free, but it is also inexpensive. The rules for providing all benefits in this case are as follows.

    You will be provided with what is called a rider, which will list items such as TV, microwave and other items along with their prices.

    You will have to mark what you need from this list and pay for everything.

    In general, each position costs about 50 rubles, so for two you will cost 500 rubles.

    Sex on a date in prison

    It's no secret that long-term dates are created, for the most part, specifically to satisfy sexual needs.

    No matter how delicate this topic may be, once on a date, couples forget about any embarrassment or poor conditions and immediately begin to fulfill their marital duty.

    The visiting rooms are located in a row in the same hallway, so you can easily hear your neighbors having fun.

    The following circumstances often create a problem:

    • In some colonies it is forbidden to close the door;
    • In many colonies, several visiting rooms share a toilet and shower;
    • Colonial officers often monitor the love of convicts in their cells.

    Although for those who are very bored, none of the above factors stops them from wanting intimacy.

    How is a short visit in prison?

    As a rule, all dates begin with the transfer of food. But this is not even a meeting stage, but a separate procedure - transfer. It’s just that most often relatives combine a date with food transportation.

    The food norm is set for 2019 at 20 kg. Everything that was brought is carefully inspected.

    The order of the meeting is as follows. A short-term visit in prison is simply a four-hour conversation through glass. For communication there is a telephone through which you can talk. But in principle you can hear it without it.

    The telephone is rather intended for those cases when several dates are taking place in the room at the same time, and a strong noise of voices is created.

    The convict and his guest are sitting on chairs and talking. At the same time, there is always a colony employee present who listens to what you say.

    A long meeting takes place in separate rooms of the colony or in a hotel, which is located for these purposes on its territory. It costs money, we have previously talked about the approximate cost of a three-day date.

    On a long date, you can cook in the kitchen. Kitchens are laid out differently in different prisons. In some places, each meeting room has a separate kitchen, in others there is one kitchen for several rooms. Therefore, sometimes you have to wait in line.

    There is an opportunity to go outside, watch TV and DVDs with films. For three days there is no regime for convicts; they do not have to get up early and go to formation. It's a little vacation for them.

    Visiting rooms are generally dirty. Therefore, it is better to take something with you to clean tables or dishes, take clean bed linen.

    There are always standing in the room unpleasant odors, because rooms such as a toilet, smoking room and kitchen can be located close to each other.

    Every meeting for a convicted person is a holiday, and its end is a terrible tragedy. Parting with loved ones is always accompanied by tears.

    Visits in prison have strict restrictions. The convicts were recognized by the court as dangerous to society and requiring isolation.

    Control over their lives does not stop even when they go on short-term or long-term visits with relatives.

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