• General regime women's prison. How women live in Russian prison. Report from the penal colony


    Maximum security colonies in Russia are one of the types of institutions for holding adults sentenced to imprisonment. These establishments were created back in the USSR. Let us further consider what a maximum security correctional colony is.


    On July 11, 1929, the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was adopted. It regulated the use of prison labor and the creation of two parallel structures of places of serving sentences in the form of imprisonment. The first consisted of ITL - forced labor camps. They held persons sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years or more. In the second structure, citizens sentenced to up to 3 years served their sentences. To maintain the latter, industrial and agricultural settlements had to be organized. In 1934, correctional labor colonies were transferred to the subordination of the Main Directorate of Prisons, Labor Settlements and Camps of the NKVD of the USSR. According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1956, all ITL of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were to be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the union republics, and then reorganized into ITK. In accordance with the foundations of the Soviet Criminal Code, crimes of varying degrees of severity were subject to imprisonment in a strict regime colony, general, special and enhanced, as well as in settlements. Since January 1, 1997, ITC began to be called IC.

    Who is the maximum security colony intended for?

    These institutions house citizens convicted for the first time of especially serious crimes, recidivists, if they were previously sentenced to imprisonment. The maximum security women's colony was previously intended for those who had committed especially dangerous crimes repeatedly.


    The maximum security colony is divided into residential and industrial zones. The latter houses production facilities. The residential area, in turn, is divided into several “local zones”. They house dormitories for convicts. In the residential area, as a rule, there is also a dining room, a library, a club, an outpatient clinic, a bathhouse, and in some cases a small hospital designed for 10-30 people. In addition, there is a headquarters intended for administrative workers. There is often a church on the territory of the colony. It is usually built by the prisoners themselves. The maximum security women's colony also includes a school for convicts. In the residential area there are premises for long-term (from 1 to 3 days) and short-term (2-4 hours) meetings.

    Maximum security colony: conditions of detention

    Prisoners are kept in locked cells. The norm of living space per convicted person according to the law is 7 square meters. m. In addition to the cells, there is a separate room in which personal belongings are stored, a locker room, and a room where prisoners eat food. On the territory where the maximum security colony is located, cultural events are periodically held. The club or “red corner” has tables, bookshelves, a TV, and a radio. In colonies of any regime except special regime there is a large fenced area. Convicts walk there. The venue is designed for 200-600 people on average. During the day and free time convicts can go to the walking area. Movement throughout the rest of the territory is permitted with the permission of the administration and only in formation. One maximum security colony can accommodate from 500 to 3 thousand convicts. On average, there are 1.5-2 thousand people in the institution. The colony provides premises for violators of discipline: a punishment cell (a punishment cell in which those punished are kept for up to 15 days) and a PKT (cell-type premises where persons are kept for up to 6 months).

    Distinctive features

    The difference between institutions is established in Art. 122 and 121 of the Penal Code. Certain restrictions are imposed on convicted persons. They are expressed in maximum quantity the funds he has the right to spend, the number of dates, and so on. In a colony, convicts can be kept in strict, light and ordinary conditions. They act as a "horizontal" movement within one institution. Under normal conditions, under strict conditions, a prisoner can spend no more than two minimum wages on food and other goods. The funds are in an account that is specially opened in his name. Prisoners held in colonies general regime, 4 long and 6 short-term dates are allowed, strict - 3 from each type. There are also differences in the transfers received by convicts. During the year, those in general regime colonies are allowed 6 parcels and parcels per year, and 4 in strict regime colonies.

    Procedure for stay and transfer

    Convicts who are admitted to general regime colonies, after the sentence comes into effect, are sent to normal conditions. Other prisoners can also be transferred to them. For example, those who were on lighter conditions in case they were recognized as persistent violators of discipline in the institution. At the same time, those who served their sentences in strict conditions can be transferred to normal conditions. This is possible if they have no violations or penalties, and they work conscientiously for a certain period. If the convicted person is characterized extremely negatively, often behaves inappropriately, and does not comply with established rules, he is transferred to strict conditions. In this case, the prisoner is placed in a locked cell. They have the right to an hour and a half walk every day if they are not working in the open air. Those who committed intentional crimes during their stay in the colony are transferred to strict conditions in a colony with a special regime of detention. And those who have been convicted of grave and especially grave acts are placed in them immediately after arrival. They are transferred to lighter conditions from normal conditions for exemplary behavior.

    In this case, convicts receive the right to live in dormitories.


    The amount of funds that prisoners have in their personal accounts opened for them during the period of serving their sentence, and which they have the right to spend on various needs (essential necessities, food, etc.), except for those that they earned during the period of conviction and received in the form of benefits, pensions and other social payments, the number of visits with relatives, the number of parcels and parcels given to convicts, and telephone calls will depend on the type of colony and the conditions of stay in them. In general, the content in the IC complies with the accepted standards and established requirements of the PEC. Anyone convicted in a colony with strict regime can be transferred to gentle conditions when good behavior. For repeated violations, if punishments in the form of stay in a PKT or a punishment cell do not help, the prisoner is placed in a more strict atmosphere.

    How do women live in prison? Details of a complicated life

    What is a women's prison and who are the women in prison, what do they do, and how do they live with it. We will talk about this and much more in this article.
    It's hard to imagine a woman in prison. At first glance, these two words are incompatible. Society is more accustomed to the fact that prison is intended for male prisoners.
    Women's crimes differ from men's, due to the fact that women are much more emotional, so most often the victims of their violence are their husbands' mistresses or even the husbands themselves.
    Women during arrest During arrest, women usually do not resist. They behave calmly while they are led to the place of proceedings. But despite this, the police treat them cynically and rudely.
    Women are humiliated, insulted, and sometimes even pulled by their hair. Compared to men, women are not tortured.
    If law enforcement officers use physical punishment, they are only trying to evoke emotions that make it impossible to lie.
    In the temporary detention center, women and men are placed separately. After the verdict, when a woman ends up in a pre-trial detention center, it turns out that she is not at all ready for prison conditions, even though there are now enough films written and shown about women’s prisons.
    Naturally, when a person goes to prison for the first time, he experiences great stress. Surprisingly, her cellmates help the woman return to normal, because communication and stories about her fate and troubles calm her down.
    Relationships between cellmates develop differently, but mostly without conflict. After some time, women form groups in the form of families, within which they communicate or discuss some problems.
    Women in prison remain women. The women's prison is like a boutique because of the natural passion for shopping for clothes. This sounds a little strange, because there is no money or goods in prisons.
    But women constantly exchange their things for someone else’s, thus imitating the acquisition of something new. Sometimes there are cases of exchanging a new thing for an old one, the goal is still the same - updating the wardrobe.
    Foreign cosmetics, if given by relatives, are exchanged for domestic ones. Police officers are not against such barter relations; they themselves help transfer things from one cell to another.
    Women's prisons lack adequate facilities psychological assistance and are famous for their lack of sanitary hygiene. Sometimes there are not enough personal hygiene products and clothing. There is no designated area for laundry in the cells.

    It’s scary to imagine the conditions in which women live in prisons. If a woman has a child over four years old, he lives with relatives or in an orphanage.
    Even if the child is under three years old, the mother should live in isolation and spend only a couple of hours a day walking with the baby.
    As a rule, women who are in prison for longer than 3-4 years have their social perception disrupted, their psychology changing, all of this has a negative impact on their future life, which can soon return the woman back to a prison cell.
    But this does not mean that all women who have served time are spoiled and have no good future life. Among the prisoners there are also talented individuals who dance, sing, write poetry, draw, and so on.
    During their sentence, they usually continue to do what they love, developing skills, so they leave prison with great potential behind them.
    General population cells All people dream of privacy, unfortunately, in women's prisons this can be forgotten. Women cannot be alone if they are serving time in a cell with 40-60 people in it.
    For this reason, an irritated feeling often arises, which often leads to conflicts of a domestic nature.
    All conflicts end peacefully, mostly without going further than raising one's voice. There are practically no fights in women's prisons.
    If one of the inmates has to appear for a court case soon, a festive mood reigns in the cell. They try to dress the woman in the most best clothes, which is in the camera, do beautiful hairstyle and makeup.
    Even in prison they don’t lose their feeling self-esteem: “How can you go out in public without putting yourself in order?” Special treatment is shown to the prisoner who killed her child.
    Basically, such women are ignored and considered plebeians, since the task of every woman on earth is to give birth to a child, and not to kill him.
    Sometimes there is a tradition when a woman who kills children is cut bald with a regular haircut. razor, while leaving cuts and scars on the head.
    Basically, police officers punish participants in violence, although they perfectly understand the reason for such behavior. Concerning living conditions, then there is no women’s prison, and there cannot be warm water.
    Heat water using boilers. Showers happen once a week, or even once every ten days. The administration takes care of comfortable conditions prisoners. Now every woman has her own bed.
    The cells have been redecorated, and it’s not uncommon to see wallpaper there bright colors. Even if a pregnant woman goes to prison, she remains in a common cell and eats food like everyone else.
    Childbirth in prison If a pregnant woman experiences her first contractions, she is immediately taken to the hospital under guard, and sometimes even in handcuffs.
    She returns to work in the colony immediately after giving birth, and the child is returned to the mother after 5-6 days.
    Already with the child, the woman is transferred to a separate specially designed cell.
    It houses only nursing mothers or pregnant women, due to the law on detention.
    The administration takes care of mothers who cannot feed their children and provides artificial nutrition for their babies.
    In prisons female mother he is separated from his baby only when he is taken to the hospital for examination; in other cases, he is constantly with his mother, so sometimes she even gets tired.
    Only after the child turns three years old is he separated from his mother. That is, in general, we can say that the conditions for children in places of detention are terrible.
    For some reason, the state defense has a contemptuous attitude towards imprisoned mothers; they often claim that women give birth to make life easier for themselves in prison, and in fact they do not need children.
    Motherhood in prison And yet, for such women there are certain conditions to raise a child: walk twice a day, cook food right in the cell, receive additional baby food and sometimes diapers.
    When a mother and baby arrive in a colony, the child’s adaptation method is observed.
    He is taken away, supposedly because of quarantine, but in reality, in this way, the child is weaned from his mother.
    Today in Russia there are approximately 700 mothers with their children under the age of 10 in women's prisons. three years and pregnant women.
    Of course, even with all the amenities provided, not a single mother feels comfortable, but for the same reason - lack of will.
    Motherhood in a women's prison Instead of being outside for a long time with the child, they sit in cells deprived of any light except daylight, although this is prohibited by law.
    Therefore, you should not think that life is much easier for mothers in prisons than for ordinary prisoners. Living conditions for women with children are not much different.
    Now imagine that all women are in practically the same conditions, regardless of whether there is a child or not. Will it be easy for the mother for the first three years until the child is taken away?
    We invite you to watch a film about a women's prison, about how, sometimes stupidly smart and beautiful girls and women end up in prison.

    Bullying and torture of a sexual nature in the prison department of the Russian Federation are systemic in nature. Women prisoners can be humiliated, beaten (and hit in the genitals), and subjected to sophisticated sexual acts.

    These types of people are usually backed by employees or leaders of the colony. Sometimes torture is filmed on a phone and then sent to loved ones for the purpose of obtaining a bribe. Today, the number of rapes has decreased, indicating an overhaul of the system.

    The topic of sexual bullying in women's colonies is taboo for the media. Human rights activists are reluctant to share facts, and the Internet contains only a small percentage of detailed information.

    How do they live in places of detention?

    Women prisoners have no shame in complaining and writing denunciations against their fellow inmates if they are being bullied (on days when operatives are received by the colony staff, queues form). The rules and regulations of residence are established by the administration of the institution; jailers also independently appoint elders.

    In women's cells there is no common cash desk (common fund). Psychological characteristics feminine character They are distinguished by a more vivid manifestation of feelings - conflicts between them are always deeper and longer, and during a fight, nails and teeth are used.

    Cell status is determined based on past life. If a woman has practiced anal sex, she automatically falls into the “lowered” caste (about the “lowered” caste in men's area can be read). Due to a long absence of contact with men, prisoners begin to look for a surrogate - to practice lesbian love.

    Types of violence and torture

    On the list of possible physical violence– beating with rubber truncheons on the heels (so that no marks remain). The systemic punishment for misconduct is a punishment cell with a cold floor and no mattresses.

    Sexual abuse was welcomed by guards or prison administration employees. The fact of rape in a women's colony can rarely be proven, and even more rarely can it be taken outside the zone. Such humiliations are aimed at destroying the individual and causing psychological trauma.

    Common sexual tortures include:

    1. “flight of the swallow” - hands and feet were handcuffed to the bed;
    2. hanging and tying hands behind the back (anal contact);
    3. deliberate strangulation (BDSM element).

    Previously, prisoners were raped in punishment cells, and if they became pregnant, they had an abortion on their own. Group orgies were also common; today the arbitrariness of the guards is gradually ending.

    Orders in the colonies

    Among female prisoners, almost there is no category that will be purposefully spread rot and pressure. The attitude depends only on personal qualities and strength of character. Outcasts in the women's area are simply shunned. Most often they despise heroin addicts - drug addicts with extensive experience. Child killers also pay for their crimes - they are initially outcasts who are subjected to regular beatings.

    Also on the list of despised:

    1. prisoners diagnosed with HIV;
    2. women with sexually transmitted or oncological pathologies.

    In the cells of the settlement, women try to live in “families” - make friends in misfortune and form their own group. This is not a prerequisite for lesbianism - it is easier for a “family” to survive in the conditions of the zone.

    If a woman does not fulfill the production plan (she does not know how to sew, does not have time to fulfill the quota), at the end of the working day she will be beaten by her cellmates and the convoy.

    The administration of the colonies does not interfere in the affairs of prisoners and does not take any measures to prevent fights between prisoners. And women who have committed economic crimes often try to cheat the employees themselves out of money.

    How to behave for the first time?

    The basic rule of behavior is behave naturally, “don’t be bullish” and don’t run into trouble. In the women's colony, fortitude, perseverance, and the ability to communicate and build relationships are especially valued.

    If you don’t know where to sit, be sure to ask. Moving or touching other people's things is strictly prohibited. You shouldn’t withdraw into yourself and isolate yourself from the team – this can lead to fights.

    You can’t open your soul and share your problems with everyone. Golden Rule zones - talk less, listen more. It is better not to touch on sexual topics (oral sex can become a reason for expulsion from the team). It is important not to forget about hygiene: soap in a women’s prison is valued more than tea and cigarettes in a men’s prison (a newcomer was told about the peculiarities of survival in a men’s prison).

    How is the inspection carried out?

    An inspection (or search) involves the identification by jailers of prohibited items and their further confiscation. In women's colonies, this procedure occurs with a significant degree of humiliation: the prisoner may be forced to strip naked and search her mouth and hair. Each shock of clothing is felt by the slicker. The inspection is divided into:

    • easy(passing through the frame, checking pockets);
    • deep(complete undressing);
    • planned(2-3 times a month);
    • unscheduled(any time).

    Most often, a search is carried out upon arrival from a walk (or from a shift), before a meeting with an investigator or lawyer.

    Conditions in the cells

    Prisoners live in permanent cells - this is a kind of “home” for the entire period of serving their sentence. How it looks inside depends on the management and its intention to create minimal comfortable conditions. The following camera is suitable and meets the standards:

    1. sleeping places for each living prisoner;
    2. separate place for eating;
    3. working bathroom (toilet, washing area).

    The number of people living in 1 cell varies from 10 to 40 people (4 sq.m. per person). Women's cells for 40 or more prisoners have a separate shower and kitchen. Duty and cleaning are carried out 2 times a day (those who have been in prison for more than a year do not take part).

    Women's prison is a special place where the laws and rules of free life lose meaning and appear in a different context. Beatings and sexual abuse – Girls are more likely to be tortured by camp staff during prison life in Russia. More often than not, sexual abuse goes unpunished.

    Let's understand the concept of "women's prison". Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, women are serving sentences of imprisonment in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation only:
    1. In colony settlements: for crimes committed through negligence, as well as crimes of minor and medium gravity, who have not previously served imprisonment (clause 3 of article 74 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation; clause “a” of part 1 of article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ).
    2. In general regime correctional colonies: for committing serious and especially serious crimes, including any type of recidivism (clause 4 of article 74 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; clause “b” of part 1 of article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
    Many people who do not understand the basics of criminal and criminal-executive law, as well as legislation, do not know how to distinguish between the concepts of “prison” and “colony”, so at the everyday level you can often hear the concept of “prison”, which applies to all categories of convicts and it is, in a way, a substitute for all types of correctional institutions.
    Why not a prison, but a colony? In Russia, there is a policy that is incomprehensible to me and many, according to which women (they rely on statistics) commit many times fewer and less serious and especially serious crimes compared to men + the principle of humanism, and from this the conclusion follows that it is impossible to apply more severe punishment to women prison mode.
    Let's get back to the order.
    No matter what women are free, the colony changes everything.
    In women's colonies, as well as in men's colonies, there is a hierarchy. Women are kept in cell-type rooms. Each cell has a “cell leader”: this is either a woman who has been convicted several times, or the most influential woman chosen by the entire cell. As a rule, such women are divided into two types: 1) a woman who has been repeatedly convicted, who, despite the terms of imprisonment, has retained human qualities, prohibits violence, helps newcomers in adaptation, and monitors peaceful relations in the cell; 2) a woman who has been repeatedly convicted, who supports violence, bends all her cellmates to herself, and regulates their life in the zone.
    There are also “old timers” - those who are serving a long term and are familiar with all the rules.
    Those convicted of economic crimes enjoy some respect, since among them there are quite a few educated and intelligent women.
    The lowest caste is child killers, they are beaten and humiliated.
    As for drug addicts, women with diseases, they are not very loved, since drug addicts are not true “friends,” and as for patients, there is a chance of getting infected, so they are not touched.
    All convicts are on duty in the cell, according to the schedule and schedule. But duty can be sold: cigarettes, food, hygiene products. The head of the cell has several assistants who help her. They eat separately, exist separately and have greater rights to distribute the responsibilities and lives of the rest of the inmates. The days of washing, eating, and rest are regulated.
    Inmates live in so-called “families” - an association of convicts based on similar interests and economic benefits (common food, products, conversations and communication). This helps to survive serving time, to have support, protection, food.
    They also celebrate any holidays with their families: they prepare dishes, give gifts from what is available: sweets, hygiene products. But the whole camera puts on skits, concerts, etc. for each other.
    It should be noted that despite the fact that, according to statistics, women commit fewer and less serious and especially serious crimes, in the colonies they behave very cruelly. Not all, but for the most part, the prisoners are very aggressive. This is manifested in the fact that they show cruelty to those who are about to leave, or to those who have greater means and benefits.
    Violence against women is often committed by women. Not only physical, but also sexual. Some people cohabit with their cellmates, but this is rather rare.

    How do women live in prison? Details of a complicated life

    What is a women's prison and who are the women in prison, what do they do, and how do they live with it. We will talk about this and much more in this article.
    It's hard to imagine a woman in prison. At first glance, these two words are incompatible. Society is more accustomed to the fact that prison is intended for male prisoners.
    Women's crimes differ from men's, due to the fact that women are much more emotional, so most often the victims of their violence are their husbands' mistresses or even the husbands themselves.
    Women during arrest During arrest, women usually do not resist. They behave calmly while they are led to the place of proceedings. But despite this, the police treat them cynically and rudely.
    Women are humiliated, insulted, and sometimes even pulled by their hair. Compared to men, women are not tortured.
    If law enforcement officers use physical punishment, they are only trying to evoke emotions that make it impossible to lie.
    In the temporary detention center, women and men are placed separately. After the verdict, when a woman ends up in a pre-trial detention center, it turns out that she is not at all ready for prison conditions, even though there are now enough films written and shown about women’s prisons.
    Naturally, when a person goes to prison for the first time, he experiences great stress. Surprisingly, her cellmates help the woman return to normal, because communication and stories about her fate and troubles calm her down.
    Relationships between cellmates develop differently, but mostly without conflict. After some time, women form groups in the form of families, within which they communicate or discuss some problems.
    Women in prison remain women. The women's prison is like a boutique because of the natural passion for shopping for clothes. This sounds a little strange, because there is no money or goods in prisons.
    But women constantly exchange their things for someone else’s, thus imitating the acquisition of something new. Sometimes there are cases of exchanging a new thing for an old one, the goal is still the same - updating the wardrobe.
    Foreign cosmetics, if given by relatives, are exchanged for domestic ones. Police officers are not against such barter relations; they themselves help transfer things from one cell to another.
    Women's prisons are not equipped with psychological support facilities and are notorious for their lack of sanitary hygiene. Sometimes there are not enough personal hygiene products and clothing. There is no designated area for laundry in the cells.

    It’s scary to imagine the conditions in which women live in prisons. If a woman has a child over four years old, he lives with relatives or in an orphanage.
    Even if the child is under three years old, the mother should live in isolation and spend only a couple of hours a day walking with the baby.
    As a rule, women who are in prison for longer than 3-4 years have their social perception disrupted, their psychology changing, all of this has a negative impact on their future life, which can soon return the woman back to a prison cell.
    But this does not mean that all women who have served time are spoiled and do not have any good future life. Among the prisoners there are also talented individuals who dance, sing, write poetry, draw, and so on.
    During their sentence, they usually continue to do what they love, developing skills, so they leave prison with great potential behind them.
    General population cells All people dream of privacy, unfortunately, in women's prisons this can be forgotten. Women cannot be alone if they are serving time in a cell with 40-60 people in it.
    For this reason, an irritated feeling often arises, which often leads to conflicts of a domestic nature.
    All conflicts end peacefully, mostly without going further than raising one's voice. There are practically no fights in women's prisons.
    If one of the inmates has to appear for a court case soon, a festive mood reigns in the cell. They try to dress the woman in the best clothes that are in the cell, and do a beautiful hairstyle and makeup.
    Even in prison, they do not lose their sense of self-esteem: “How can you go out into public without putting yourself in order?” Special treatment is shown to the prisoner who killed her child.
    Basically, such women are ignored and considered plebeians, since the task of every woman on earth is to give birth to a child, and not to kill him.
    Sometimes there is a tradition when a woman who kills children is cut bald with an ordinary razor, leaving cuts and scars on her head.
    Basically, police officers punish participants in violence, although they perfectly understand the reason for such behavior. As for living conditions, there is no women’s prison in the prison, and there cannot be warm water.
    Heat water using boilers. Showers happen once a week, or even once every ten days. The administration takes care of the comfortable conditions of prisoners. Now every woman has her own bed.
    The cells have been redecorated, and it is not uncommon to see wallpaper in bright colors. Even if a pregnant woman goes to prison, she remains in a common cell and eats food like everyone else.
    Childbirth in prison If a pregnant woman experiences her first contractions, she is immediately taken to the hospital under guard, and sometimes even in handcuffs.
    She returns to work in the colony immediately after giving birth, and the child is returned to the mother after 5-6 days.
    Already with the child, the woman is transferred to a separate specially designed cell.
    It houses only nursing mothers or pregnant women, due to the law on detention.
    The administration takes care of mothers who cannot feed their children and provides artificial nutrition for their babies.
    In women's prisons, the mother is separated from her baby only when he is taken to the hospital for examination; in other cases, he is constantly with the mother, so sometimes she even gets tired.
    Only after the child turns three years old is he separated from his mother. That is, in general, we can say that the conditions for children in places of detention are terrible.
    For some reason, the state defense has a contemptuous attitude towards imprisoned mothers; they often claim that women give birth to make life easier for themselves in prison, and in fact they do not need children.
    Motherhood in prison And yet, for such women there are certain conditions to raise a baby: walk twice a day, cook food right in the cell, receive additional baby food and sometimes diapers.
    When a mother and baby arrive in a colony, the child’s adaptation method is observed.
    He is taken away, supposedly because of quarantine, but in reality, in this way, the child is weaned from his mother.
    Today in Russia there are approximately 700 mothers with their children under three years of age and pregnant women in women's prisons.
    Of course, even with all the amenities provided, not a single mother feels comfortable, but for the same reason - lack of will.
    Motherhood in a women's prison Instead of being outside for a long time with the child, they sit in cells deprived of any light except daylight, although this is prohibited by law.
    Therefore, you should not think that life is much easier for mothers in prisons than for ordinary prisoners. Living conditions for women with children are not much different.
    Now imagine that all women are in practically the same conditions, regardless of whether there is a child or not. Will it be easy for the mother for the first three years until the child is taken away?
    We invite you to watch a film about a women's prison, about how, sometimes out of stupidity, smart and beautiful girls and women end up in prison.

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