• Is it disrespect for yourself to wear clothes with holes and hide your best dinnerware in the closet? To stitch or not - that is the question! Is it possible to wear ripped jeans?


    Have you ever noticed such a feature - one person’s pockets are constantly torn, while another’s trousers often come apart at the seams. If an annoying nuisance occurs more than once, consider it a sign of fate.

    Why do buttons and fasteners fail?

    Constantly expanding zippers on windbreakers and other outerwear warn of significant changes in life, both positive and not so positive. To prevent anything bad from happening, you need to whisper to the replaced zipper: “Fate ran along a jagged path, along a strong clasp, but stumbled. I stumbled, but didn’t turn away from me. If changes happen in my life, then they will not be for bad, but for good. We will drive away grief, we will establish happiness.”
    If a button on your chest constantly comes off, a great feeling awaits you. For the omen to come true, you need to hold the torn button in your left palm and say: “A button on your chest comes off, happiness is predicted. The love of the mountain and the sea will overcome and warm me. What is bestowed by fate is accepted by me.”
    If rivets come out of clothes, this promises gossip and unpleasant conversations. The sign will not work if, before flaring a new rivet, you rub it with a wax candle and say: “The wax candle will leave its mark on the rivet, it will save me from gossip and idle conversations. I don’t want to talk to an enemy, I don’t know about troubles through someone else’s rumors. I secure the rivet, I lock away the gossip.”
    A label (brand name) torn from clothing promises trouble at work. In order for the omen not to come true, you need to put the label in its original place, and after finishing the work, so to speak: “For any work, for any concern, there should be a good result. All failures will disappear, all my sorrows will disappear. I want luck in business, satisfaction in work. Let it be so! May this sign help me!”

    What do holes in clothes promise?

    Frequently appearing holes in pockets promise deterioration financial situation(ruin, unemployment, unsuccessful financial deal, etc.). This sign can be neutralized if you sew up torn pockets at dawn with a needle, which was previously held in the flame of a candle, accompanying the action with the following spell: “My needle, harden your pocket, don’t tear anymore. Don’t rush, don’t break through, my financial success, don’t wake up in this hole. Money, accumulate in your pockets, show me wealth, show yourself.”
    If holes from hot cigarette ash constantly appear on your clothes, this indicates that you are facing serious problems with the law. You can improve the situation if, after repairing, you put the burnt thing on the table overnight, pour water over it from glass to glass and speak as follows: “It’s not the river that flows, it’s not the fire that makes noise, it’s my destiny that is rushing towards me. Save me, Lord, from rash actions, protect me from mistakes, don’t let me stumble, don’t let me make a mistake, don’t let me go against the law. Guide me, God, on the right path, on the righteous path.” A constantly tearing lining of a coat, jacket or fur coat signals the need to take a closer look at your other half. It is quite possible that the husband (wife) of the owner of such a thing is thinking about divorce. This will not happen if you sew a small bird feather into the lining and say: “A bird feather will save my hearth, my family nest from ruin. Peru is kept behind the lining, I will never get divorced.”
    If uniforms and overalls often tear in the same place, this may be a harbinger of an imminent layoff. To avoid an unpleasant moment, the overalls need to speak: “I patch holes, I save work. My clothes won’t get too thin anymore, I won’t lose my place.”
    A fur item (hat, fur coat, etc.) that is torn more than once predicts a quick addition to the family. If you really want this, then repair your fur item at sunset and say: “I’m sewing up a hat (fur coat) - I’m calling on fate to send us an addition to the family, there’s consolation in a child.”

    If the seams are cracking

    Pants often come apart at the seams - there is a risk of committing a rash act that will negatively affect your future destiny. Nothing like this will happen if you turn the item inside out and, before re-stitching the seam, run chalk along it and say: “The chalk line, the thin stitch is no longer lost, it doesn’t tear on my trousers, fate is turning around, it’s not turning against me.”

    More than once the seams on a shirt or blouse come apart - expect important news. To make them pleasant, you need to turn your blouse (shirt) inside out at night and say: “I turn the blouse inside out, I turn my share. I can’t be in sadness, I can’t live in sadness. Let good news rush to me, let bad news pass by.”
    Often the cut off hem of a garment indicates unexpected monetary gains. For the sign to work, having hemmed the clothes again, you need to run over it banknote and say: “It’s time to hem, I’ll be left with the money, I won’t know the grief - I’ll rake in the profit.”
    From time to time a glove breaks along the seam - a quarrel with your closest friend, girlfriend or relative. Urgent repair of the item and such a conspiracy spoken in open window(window): “What is said in the free wind is ordered by fate. I don’t want quarrels, I don’t want discord with friends and girlfriends, with loved ones. The quarrel will disappear, peace and quiet will come.”

    Clothing is an achievement of civilization with which a person comes into contact every day. Many people know that wearing clothes inside out is not a very good omen. What does this confusion mean?

    What to expect and what to prepare for

    If you wear something inside out, it is considered a harbinger of trouble. Let's understand the essence of this sign. If a person wakes up in the morning on time and in good mood, he will not wear clothes inside out or backwards. Such absent-mindedness signals personal problems, fatigue and troubles at work.

    If you do put on the wrong clothes, be careful throughout the day, especially pay attention to the road while driving. A person who currently has something wrong with their body can put their clothes on inside out. psychological state. The best thing to do in this situation is to calm down, drink sweet tea, think about the good and believe in yourself. A positive attitude plays a big role in successful business management.

    Most signs about clothes and shoes do not give a happy forecast. However, these are just signs and they simply give you a hint, but cannot guarantee exactly this outcome of events. Older people are not recommended to sew for themselves new clothes– It’s better to stock up on suits when you’re young. As a last resort, if you trust omens one hundred percent, you can buy clothes in a store and ward off trouble.

    Our ancestors had a belief: you cannot wash things right side out, you must turn them inside out. The sign has become irrelevant, since most people now use washing machines. But if you still want to wash by hand, don't forget the old rule.

    More than a half folk signs associated with money and well-being. In the case of clothes, everything is quite simple. If you spent your last money on things, then this is an omen of the need awaiting you, difficult period in life. And it’s not surprising, because you will have to borrow from friends for necessary everyday expenses.

    In childhood, especially during holidays in camps, children constantly change clothes, which is a common practice. In fact, you can't do this. By putting on another person’s thing, you accept his energy – both good and bad. It’s also better not to give your things to anyone.

    Neat and happy

    Since ancient times folk wisdom called for neatness and neatness in appearance. Even if the clothes the person was wearing were not new, they should not be torn or dirty. If something was torn, the thing had to be sewn up and a patch applied. Nowadays, the clothing industry constantly provides us with new shirts and dresses, so there is no need to take care of one thing for a long time. However, this does not negate the traditional meaning of the sign.

    The way a person looks is often a decisive factor when hiring, organizing his personal life, and relationships with others. Details say a lot about a person and his lifestyle in general. Still, people are greeted traditionally “by their clothes.”

    Everyone has had to sew up their clothes at least once. Why should you never sew on yourself? The interpretation of this sign goes back to the distant past. This action is believed to lead to memory loss. Now many are trying to follow this belief, so as not to take unnecessary risks. If circumstances do not allow you to remove the item and you have to sew up your clothes, then put a thread in your mouth - it will “take away” the negativity from you.

    Not good good sign- spit on your clothes. In this way, you disrespect yourself on a subconscious level. The situation is unpleasant both for you and for those around you, who may begin to avoid your company.

    It can happen to anyone that their favorite jeans or cardigan are torn. This is normal if you wore the item for a very long time and the fabric could not withstand the stress. But it happens that clothes tear unexpectedly, when nothing prompts it. This situation should be regarded as a warning. A torn sweater or trousers coming apart at the seams may hint to its owner about minor troubles in the near future.

    If you hear the sound of something tearing, this is a signal of complete stupidity or means a rash act. And if the threads on the seams break, then this may be a warning about illness or health problems.

    It helps to protect yourself from diseases, the evil eye and damage, which is attached to clothes. How and why do you pin a pin? There are several features of using this amulet:

    • Compliance with safety rules - the pin must have a plastic head.
    • Vertical pinning - only in this position the amulet has power.
    • Use in a visible place - wearing a pin under clothing is of no use.

    With this simple item you can protect the whole family from evil tongues. For children, you can choose pins with colored tips that absorb perfectly. negative energy. The golden pin has special powers.

    Pins are also often used to harm a person. What to do and where to run if you happen to find a pin on your clothes? There is no need to panic here - calmly put on gloves, unhook it and hold it over the church candle. After this procedure, bury the pin in the ground.

    Write your opinion

    I love beautiful things, I like lace, fine knitwear, silk. Delicate frills on dresses, elegant designs on underwear make my life more enjoyable.

    But all this beauty is short-lived, often everything breaks and wears out. And today I’m thinking - is it worth sewing things up? Or is it better to throw it away?

    My mother would say: “You are my craftswoman, you can repair it in such a way that it will not be noticeable.” I am grateful to my mother for such an opinion, but we must take into account that she was brought up in the Soviet Union, when good thing It was very difficult to buy, they took care of everything and wore it out to holes. Mom is also practical, you can understand her. Yes, and I inherited practicality from her.

    The second person whose opinion is dear to me is my friend Olga. She has been involved for a long time, advises people, gives very practical advice. So, I heard from her many times that there is no need to sew up, that old things should be thrown away immediately so that there are no problems. Her opinion is also very reasoned and deserves attention. Let's figure out what you can do with old things and what you can't.

    Why renovation is bad

    Olga evaluates all events from the point of view. Integrity and harmony for her are the most important components life. She claims that if a thing is broken or torn, then not only is it violated appearance, but also an energy shell. This leads to imbalance, which negatively affects a person's life. And the closer the broken thing is, the stronger its influence.

    Conventionally, this can be described as follows: positive emotions, financial flows and positive experiences leave through the holes formed. It turns out that one small hole is not too scary, but if there are many of them, then problems cannot be avoided. At the same time, during repairs, when things are sewn up, glued or otherwise put in order, they acquire a beautiful appearance, but are not restored at field level. Olya claims that this can be done on the subtle plane, but it is very difficult and not worth such effort.

    According to my friend’s logic, the more renovated things in a house, the less wealth and well-being there is in it. It is especially scary to sew up things that are very close to the body, for example, underwear. Its impact is enormous. But the fur coat can still be repaired, since it does not come into too much contact with the skin.

    It also has a bad effect on energy. Buying a thing and not using it, or rather, regretting ruining it, is also Bad sign. Trying not to spoil it, but wearing it regularly is normal, but collecting mountains of dresses, suits or anything else and being afraid to use it is stupid. In the last century there was only one set and only for holidays, today everything has changed, and the easier you look at things, the better you live.

    How to store valuables

    The only exception to the rule is this. These are antiques that people are proud of. Many of them underwent restoration because they had chips or defects. They are not a collection of negativity. But it is very important that they are not used in everyday life.

    Antiques are stored on shelves, never worn, or eaten from such dishes. This is beauty and memory that does not concern a person. And that requires ongoing care, since you need to remove dust in time and store it at the right temperature. And even such valuable things are better to be moved to a new place every year in order to change the field around them.

    So if you have your grandmother’s old sideboard in your house, you can keep it as a souvenir, but it is not recommended to use it, as it can negatively affect the energy field of the house.

    Practicality or ease

    Of course, I understand all this, all these principles seem very correct to me, but it’s just difficult to follow them. Maybe that's why I'm not making millions yet? I'm sure that by throwing away old things, I'm letting something new into my life, but I do it with shaking hands. Therefore, I have chosen the following position for myself: I do not undertake to sew things up, but I try to buy goods that last a long time.

    Now I never have torn tights or socks. Although similar phenomena and darning on a light bulb have occurred before. Thankfully those days are long gone. I always have several pairs of new socks for both myself and the child. I always have spare items to help mitigate loss. Dishes in my house break only for luck, and various figurines are no longer something important, but just toys that quite often end up in the trash.

    Whether or not to believe theories about the integrity of energy is up to you, but it still seems to me that there is some truth in this. For some reason, I am sure that Bill Gates never sews up his socks or gets sad about a broken vase.

    Products hanging from the shelves, racks with visors - an attempt to pull out a bottle of kefir from there can be compared to a jeweler’s removal of a banknote from a wad of money in a bank package - all this is probably familiar to every supermarket visitor. Sometimes the goods are arranged in such a way that instead of shopping, you only think about how not to break or drop something. Damage to goods by customers is a frequent occurrence and always leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for the latter, since they have to listen to a lot of flattering words addressed to them from the store staff, and to this are added unforeseen expenses for paying for the damaged item. At the same time, few people think about the fact that buyers are not at all to blame for what happened and therefore are not obliged to pay.
    Oh, how clumsy you are

    There are a lot of situations in which you can cause damage to a store through your actions. For example, you may accidentally swipe a can from a flight loaded with merchandise standing on the sales floor to fill shelves; inconvenient racks can cause neighboring bottles to fall if you want to take one of them and have to tilt it, and there is simply no room around for this maneuver; a thing taken for fitting may come apart at the seams due to its poor quality or mismatch with your size; a bag of sugar may tear in your hands due to fragile packaging, etc. - we can continue ad infinitum.

    At the same time, store employees appear right there and begin to “press” you, like real professionals, convincing you that you are wrong and that you need to voluntarily pay for the damaged goods. Any objections are countered with phrases like: “But now we’ll call the police, and then you’ll finally go to jail!” - plus the curious glances of other visitors finally finish off your desire to resist. But in vain.

    We respect the law, but we will not allow ourselves to be offended.

    So we're a little something here and there accidentally smashed, broken, etc. and we are faced with the question of whether to pay or not to pay. To solve it successfully, let’s think a little:

    1. Did we pay for this product? No. That is, he continues to be the property of the store? Yes. At the same time, we know that the risk of accidental loss of a thing lies with the owner (Article 211 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    2. Did you intentionally damage the item? No. Accordingly, you don’t feel guilty about what you did. However, this is not enough. We need to prove this. This can be done by photographing the “scene of the incident” and the damaged item (for example, a seam tear on a dress or shoe) or by enlisting testimony. If there is convincing evidence, you can insist on the application of Part 2 of Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which relieves you of any liability if you prove that the harm was caused through no fault of yours.

    3. Did the seller provide normal conditions for choosing a product? No. If the seller inadvertently filled all the shelves with goods or put them on display in such a way that, as they say, you can’t pass or pass, then this is purely his problem. GOST 51773-2001 “Retail trade. Classification of enterprises”, which sets the minimum distance between racks - 1.4 meters. The administration should also be reminded about SNiP 2.08.02-89* “Public buildings and structures”, namely about paragraph 1.111, which states that:

    The width of the main evacuation passages in the sales area must be at least:

    1.4 for retail area up to 100 m2

    1.6 with a retail area of ​​over 100 to 150 m2

    2 at the shopping area of ​​St. 150 to 400 m2
    2.5 with retail area St. 400 m2

    4. Are we absolutely obliged to comply with the requirement to pay for damaged goods on the spot? No. If you do not agree with the store’s claims, then leave your contact details: full name, address, telephone number and recommend that the trade organization go to court, which will judge you.

    5. Should I be afraid of the arrival of police officers? No. No one will put you in jail, although they may try to draw up a report on an administrative offense for petty hooliganism (Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), which can also be avoided - the main thing is to calmly and thoroughly explain everything, both orally and in writing. The only trouble in this case is some loss of time waiting for the police.

    6. Should you be afraid? judicial trial? Let’s answer the question with a question: “What’s the point?” The maximum that you face is the need to pay the cost of the thing (goods), and you can use all the resources provided by law necessary to delay this obligation as long as possible: appealing a judicial act, applying for a deferment of execution of a court decision, etc. . In addition, I doubt that the supermarket administration will run to sue you over a broken bottle of wine worth 300 rubles or a torn carton of milk worth 40 rubles. The costs of paying state fees and paying a lawyer’s time will be much higher than the damage you cause. If your dress or boots are torn at the seams, then add to this the cost of an examination, since the question of the quality of this item will inevitably arise in court.

    As you can see, it takes a little thought and your guilt in committing the atrocities of which you are accused is not at all as obvious as it seemed at first glance.

    The appearance of holes in clothing is a completely trivial event. After all, things that are constantly in use tend to wear out or tear, fray or cling to sharp protrusions on furniture.

    At first glance, the appearance of an unplanned hole is a very minor nuisance, especially if the damaged area is not noticeable to others. However, in reality, things are not so simple with holes in clothes, especially if they appear with alarming regularity.

    What broke?

    • The danger to a stable financial position lurks in frequently torn pockets. Through the holes that appear, if they are not sewn up in time, your money can flow away not only literally, but also figuratively, leading to eternal need and even poverty.
    • Do you constantly burn your pants with cigarette ash? Be prepared for legal trouble if you don't repair the holes in a timely manner. In addition, do not commit rash acts and do not get involved in suspicious scams.
    • Anyone who regularly has holes in the lining of their outerwear would do well to take a closer look at their other half. After all, the sign confidently tells you that you are in danger of betrayal. To avoid divorce, urgently repair the item by sewing a bird feather into the lining.
    • For employees who wear uniforms or work clothes at work, the appearance of a hole in the same place does not at all indicate poor quality of the product. Most likely, the belief warns of imminent dismissal, which can be avoided if you immediately sew up the hole, saying: “I patch a thing, I save my place!”
    • When something dear breaks fur product(fur coat or hat), it is quite natural to feel upset. However, as a consolation, the omen reports that an addition to the family is soon planned. After all, a child’s joyful smile can compensate for even less material losses.

    Radiating seams - separate interpretations

    An unpleasant event is of particular importance if a hole appears due to a diverging stitch.

    • If this trouble happens with trousers, you risk making an irreparable mistake that will negatively affect your fate.
    • A torn seam on a blouse or shirt promises important news, but it will only be pleasant if you turn the item inside out at night.
    • Noticed the stitching on your glove that has come loose? You'll have to go through a quarrel with best friends or a close relative.
    • A torn hem will predict a significant profit if you hem it again and run a bill along the seam.
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