• History of the holiday Teacher's Day. Teacher's Day: how the holiday appeared, its significance, when it is celebrated in Russia When is Teacher's Day celebrated


    Teachers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate those who, sparing no effort, nerves and time, give us knowledge, say “thank you” to them for their sometimes difficult work and, of course, give gifts.

    History of Teacher's Day

    It was no coincidence that October 5 was chosen as the “date of teachers”: it was on this date that many years ago, in 1965, a general meeting of two organizations took place in the French capital - the International Labor Organization and UNESCO. And it discussed precisely issues related to educational activities, for example, who is a teacher, what are the goals and objectives of teaching, how and where should they be trained. As a result of the conference, the so-called decree “On the Status of Teachers” was adopted, in which all existing pedagogical regulations were prescribed.

    International Teachers' Day on October 5 became 29 years later, in 1994, at the initiative of the UN. Now this day is marked in red on the calendars of more than a hundred countries around the world. Before the advent of World Teachers’ Day on October 5, the holiday was celebrated “who knows what” - in different countries ah in different ways. However, as a rule, they tried to ensure that it was held in early October, closer to the date of adoption of such an important document.

    Every year Teacher's Day is celebrated under a new motto. For example, last year it sounded like “The high status of a teacher is recognition of the value of the profession,” and the current slogan is “Teaching freedom, empowering teachers.” This topic is an attempt to focus attention on the need for academic freedom.

    Teacher's profession

    Teaching is the oldest profession. This term itself comes from Ancient Greece, where teachers were people who were involved in children's education. At that time, such people were slaves who accompanied the little master to school, watched over him at home, and provided him with the necessary assistance.

    The first schools arose in the Ancient East and were conventionally divided into three types: priestly, where religious ministers were trained, scribes, where future officials were taught, and palace schools, where the children of the nobility went there. Education in these schools took place according to one of three systems - Spartan (the main thing is the military spirit), Athenian (diversified development) and Roman (synthesis of Spartan and Athenian). Schools began to exist because there was a need to transfer accumulated life experience. The word “school” itself also comes from ancient Greek. Fun fact: their "schole" means leisure - the Greeks believed that the best relaxation was doing something.

    Holiday in Russia

    In Russia, or rather back then in the USSR, they did not immediately begin to celebrate Teacher’s Day on October 5th. They began to celebrate in 1965, but at first there was no specific date - there was an order to celebrate on the first Sunday in October. And this continued until 1994, until the international holiday Teacher’s Day was established - October 5th. In the same year, a similar decision was made in Russia, so National holiday coincided with the global one, as in some other countries.

    Teacher's Day traditions

    Since Soviet times, there have been traditions of congratulating teachers on Teacher's Day on October 5 (or on the nearest day if the fifth falls on a day off). It is customary to give something homemade - postcards, posters, souvenirs. And, of course, bouquets that make schools bloom with colors and smiles on this usually gloomy autumn day.

    Since time immemorial, there has been a tradition on this day to give teachers a little relaxation and rest - Self-Government Days are held in schools. High school students come to the kids and teach lessons instead of teachers, who at this time can sit in the teacher’s room, drink tea and chat with each other. The guys are cooking and holiday concerts for their teachers, they sing songs and show funny skits. It is customary on this day to visit your former teachers - graduates come to schools.

    Not only children, but also senior leaders congratulate teachers on October 5th on Teachers' Day. The results of the “Teacher of the Year” competition are summed up; the best of the best receive prizes and awards.

    In other countries

    Most countries also celebrate Teachers' Day on October 5th. But there are also “distinguished” ones, those who have it scheduled for a different date. For example, Brazilians congratulate teachers on October 15, Vietnamese on November 20, Spaniards on January 29, Peruvians on July 6, and Taiwanese on September 28. In the countries of the former CIS, teachers receive gifts on the first Sunday of October, but in Australia - on the last Friday of the same month.

    The traditions of different countries are also interesting. In France, for example, they don’t give gifts to teachers, but they do have tea with sweets (at the parents’ expense) for teachers and students. In Poland, not all teachers are congratulated, but only the class teacher. In Argentina, this day is a national holiday, a day off throughout the country. The British give teachers tea, of course, but the Austrians do not celebrate this holiday at all.

    October 5: Congratulations on Teacher's Day

    Children go to such lengths to congratulate their teacher in a beautiful, unusual and original way! What creative children's minds can't come up with! Nevertheless, poems are the most popular in the form of congratulations on Teacher’s Day on October 5th. They can be found in various sources (in large quantities), and compose it yourself (especially capable).

    Children also love to draw Greeting Cards or posters, where they often paste photographs of teachers or write quotes about them.

    What to gift?

    As a rule, teachers receive flowers, a sweet present and some general gift from the parent committee of the class for their holiday (not counting, of course, hand-made tokens from students). It is considered unethical to give a teacher items of clothing or perfume, as well as household appliances - the first may not be suitable, the second is too expensive a gift that will be inconvenient to accept. The best option is a certificate to any store: the teacher himself (s) will be able to choose what he (she) likes. You can also donate something to the class: a projector, a printer, and so on.

    1. In Russia, the “Teacher of the Year” competition has existed since 1992, and the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” has existed since 1995.
    2. The first public school in Russia was only for men, and it was founded by Peter the Great.
    3. In some countries academic year starts on January 1 or March 1 (but there are few such countries).
    4. In Germany and the Czech Republic, the best rating is one, the worst is five.
    5. Chinese schoolchildren are required to do exercises every day before classes.
    6. In Japan there are no canteens in schools.
    7. The English are allowed to speak in schools only in the correct literary language.
    8. Canadians issued a stamp in honor of Teacher's Day.

    No matter how much we, as schoolchildren, suffer from the amount of homework, no matter how hard it is for us to get up in the morning and sit at school half the day, most of us, having left the walls of this educational institution, remember it with a nostalgic smile, even harmful ones , it would seem, teachers. All of them, if, of course, they are Teachers with a capital T, wish only the best for their students, even if they seem demanding and strict. Health to you, dear teachers! Happy holiday!

    Date in 2019: October 5th, Saturday.

    One of the most respected, difficult and responsible professions in the world is a teacher. People who devote their time, knowledge and soul to pedagogy accept congratulations from grateful pupils, students, and their parents on their professional day. Join in the congratulations in October, when the whole world celebrates Teacher's Day.

    The cheerful ringing of the first bell and curiosity in the eyes of first-graders, the soul-tearing first love and tears from an undeservedly given bad grade, exciting school grades and anxiety before exams - any memories associated with school years, evoke nostalgia and tenderness. And how can we not remember our teachers - strict and understanding, beloved and demanding.

    Once a year there is a wonderful occasion not only to return mentally to the past, but to actually congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday, which is celebrated in October.

    Who celebrates Teacher's Day?

    Who are they, teachers, what do we know about them? Most are sure that almost everything. After all, these people guide us through life from infancy. A kind and affectionate teacher takes care of the kids in kindergarten, the first teacher meets first-graders at the entrance to the school. Having given us knowledge and instructions, beloved teachers with tears in their eyes send their students on the voyage of life with a matriculation certificate.

    Wise teachers and professors share with us the intricacies of their chosen profession. And even as adults, we turn to teachers for help, who give us new and important information necessary for life and professional activities.

    Glasses and a formal suit, an appraising look and an instructive note in the voice…. Learned? Yes, this is a portrait of an average teacher. He is firmly convinced that he knows exactly what others need. And as a result, from the teacher you can hear not only recommendations for completing school assignments, but also advice on how to live and wear a skirt, how to talk and wipe your nose.

    There are so many stereotypes, myths, and unreal stories associated with the teaching profession. Teachers are all different, and relationships with parents and students cannot develop according to a proven pattern.

    But most remember their teachers only kind words and tries not to leave them unattended during the holidays. Kids and adults prepare birthday greetings to the teacher in prose, make presents and draw up scripts for a professional celebration.

    Unfortunately, the number of teachers for last decade in Russia decreased by almost a third, and average age teachers are inexorably approaching retirement. Retired teachers are in no hurry to leave the school, since, despite the prestige of the profession, there is an incredible shortage of personnel. Congratulations to our elderly teachers who have dedicated their entire lives to teaching children.

    It is imperative to remember the younger generation, who chose the important and responsible work of a teacher as their profession.

    Teacher's Day 2019 is a celebration when we congratulate all teachers and mentors, educators and coaches, and all people whose professional activities are related to education.

    History of the Teachers' Day

    For half a century, at the beginning of October, every school is transformed. In a noisy and cheerful atmosphere, preparations for a special day are taking place - students and schoolchildren, teachers and scientists are preparing to celebrate Teacher's Day.

    The celebration has its own history, as it began to be celebrated in 1965. It was then that the first Decree was signed, in which a special holiday date was designated. For a long time, teachers were congratulated on the first Sunday in October.

    In Russia, starting in 1994, the date of celebration has changed. The reason for changing the holiday date was a Decree signed by the President. This event is associated with Russia joining 100 countries that began to celebrate a new holiday - World Teachers' Day.

    This event appeared just in 1994 after the signing of a document on recommendations that related to the status of teachers. The initiators were members of UNESCO, as well as representatives from the International Labor Organization. The choice of date was related to the day of the international conference in Paris, dedicated to the status teachers, which took place in 1966.

    However, in some countries of the former Union, including Ukraine and Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Latvia, the date of the holiday remained unchanged. Here Teacher's Day 2016, what date is celebrated, depends on the date on the calendar. Teachers are congratulated, as before, on the first Sunday in October.

    In Russia, since 1995, teachers who have devoted more than 15 years to their profession and at the same time made a significant contribution to the training and education of the younger generation have been awarded the title of Honored Teacher.

    Only the best teachers are awarded this honorary title on their professional holiday.

    Today, the UN calls on the world community and everyone individually on such a holiday to think about how life has changed thanks to good teachers.

    And so little is needed: words of gratitude, my sincere congratulations, nice gifts - and a smile of gratitude will shine on the teacher’s face.

    Schoolchildren especially love this holiday. Indeed, on the eve of official ceremonial events, schools hold a self-government day, when teachers can have a well-deserved rest, and active, capable high school students can try themselves in the role of a teacher.

    Amateur concerts are held in educational institutions, official festive events are organized at the government and public levels, where the contribution of teachers to the development of education is celebrated. Prizes, awards, and cash awards are presented. The winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition are awarded.

    Profession teacher

    The first schools belong to the era of the 4th–5th millennium BC. Such data are confirmed by archaeological excavations in the territories of the Ancient East, which were carried out in China and India, Babylon and Assyria.

    The word teacher in Ancient Greece was not associated with a teacher, but with ordinary slaves who could not be involved in hard physical labor, so they were assigned to the child of a nobleman and were obliged to accompany the child to school.

    Literally from ancient Greek pedagogy is translated as “child breeding” or “child education”. And the teachers who in ancient Greece were involved in teaching children arithmetic were called calculators. From Latin this word is translated as accountant or counter, and is associated with the word calcuius, that is, pebble. After all, it was pebbles that were used for counting in those days.

    Ancient Rus' can boast of the emergence of professional pedagogy during the adoption of Christianity. By order of Prince Vladimir, which was issued in 988, the best people must send their offspring for book learning. For this purpose, a specialized school was built in Novgorod.

    But starting in 1750, preference began to be given to the French or French-speaking Swiss. Quite often, such pseudo-teachers did not have any education; they became tutors only for their good knowledge of foreign languages. There were special requirements for such teachers. The tutor must be middle-aged and definitely married. And if they hired a young governess, she must be distinguished by her beauty, which guaranteed serious attitude to her duties and, of course, prevented love affairs in the house where the governess worked.

    Since 1834, a special provision has appeared, which stipulates the requirements for home tutors. Based on this decree, the path for foreigners to Russian families became closed. Governesses certainly had to be Russian subjects and Christians.

    Concerning schooling, then literally until the beginning of the 20th century it was carried out separately. Compulsory education began in 1919. The Soviet government, trying to eliminate illiteracy and inequality, issues a decree according to which girls and boys, regardless of status, must attend school.

    Today, teachers are also faced with special requirements. Not only should education of children be carried out by people for whom this profession has become a true calling.

    People with certain health problems cannot engage in teaching. It is not recommended to devote your life to the teaching profession if you have:

    • neuropsychiatric disorders;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • chronic infectious diseases;
    • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
    • deviations in the speech-voice apparatus;
    • problems with hearing and vision.

    The work of a teacher is considered hard, but at the same time the most interesting in the world. If you look at the statistics today, the only encouraging thing is the level of public trust in teachers. The rating in this regard is 3.72 points out of a possible 5. Only scientists, whose score was 3.86, deserved more trust.

    But according to other criteria, this specialty has greatly lost its position recently. The prestige of the profession is rated no higher than 2.9 points, and the desire of parents to see their offspring as teachers, that is, prospects, is rated at 2.57. The yield is estimated at 2.77. And despite the increase wages Lately, young people have been in no hurry to attend pedagogical universities. Specialists in particular demand today are teachers of languages, humanities, engineering, and computer science.

    Professionals are also not attracted to the shortened workload, ranging from 18 to 36 hours, and even the wonderful vacation of 42–56 calendar days, which always falls in the summer months.

    Therefore, people enter the profession for whom teaching is not just a temporary occupation, but the meaning of life. A real teacher must have a number of human qualities, without which it is impossible to work with children and adolescents. It’s hard to imagine a teacher who doesn’t know his subject thoroughly. He is kind and sympathetic, loyal and fair, sympathetic and strict, punctual and purposeful.

    Modern teachers try to keep up with progress; they are simply obliged to constantly study new teaching methods, electronic and computer technologies used in the educational process.

    People who have found themselves in the profession note the pleasant atmosphere of childhood and adolescence, the opportunity to share knowledge, participate in the development of personality, and help the child understand the intricacies of relationships and life. They find ways to develop personally and professionally, and how not to become hardened and forget the delights of childhood.

    Congratulations on Teacher's Day

    Our dear teachers! Our knowledge and first steps in life, our professional choice and attitude towards events and people were formed thanks to your participation and experience. The fates of little people are in your caring hands. So let your thoughts always be pure, your actions noble, and your life not overshadowed by fatigue, troubles or illnesses.

    On the happy October holiday,

    Autumn rustles and colors the leaves.

    The textbook is ready for the lesson,

    I just don’t understand what’s wrong with the faces.

    All the children are in a hurry and laughing.

    Teacher's day and so much fuss.

    And congratulations pour in,

    And all the words are full of kindness.

    When Teacher's Day comes,

    A child is in a hurry with a bouquet of flowers.

    And an honor for each of the parents.

    Say a lot of thanks.

    Larisa, August 27, 2016.

    It's hard work teaching children
    And give yourself completely
    Open the path of knowledge for them,
    Find all the necessary words.

    And on Teacher's Day from us
    Please accept gratitude
    She is honest, not for show,
    So let it bring joy.

    Your patient, necessary work
    Worthy of admiration
    Let all the flowers bloom for you,
    Adding inspiration.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    For kindness, patience and work.
    And for the knowledge given to us,
    For many minutes worked.

    It’s so difficult to evaluate your work,
    Not everyone can be a teacher.
    And without talent it’s simply not possible
    Dedicate yourself entirely to your students.

    Good luck, strong nerves and kindness,
    We wish you more health.
    And so that everything you teach is not in vain,
    We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

    The profession of a teacher combines wisdom and youth of soul, creativity and enormous energy, kindness and rigor! Your work is incredibly difficult to evaluate; it simply has no price! You put so much effort into your business that sometimes you take away your valuable attention from your loved ones. We wish you to spend this holiday with your family. Love, patience, happiness and prosperity to you!

    Teacher is not a profession
    And a gift that is given from above!
    Go and deal with the kids:
    They're a hurricane!

    It's already a lesson - and there's a din in the classroom,
    Cribs, deuces - here and there.
    Teach everyone, advise everyone.
    And watch and follow.

    Happy Teacher's Day, you! Colors
    And the warmest, most generous words.
    Obedient and grateful children
    And triumphant achievements.

    May every moment and every hour
    Fate spoils you generously.
    Brings warmth and laughter to life,
    Fun, happiness and success.

    Congratulations on Teacher's Day
    And we wish you many years to come.
    We remember, appreciate and respect your work.
    Peace, happiness, health, victories!

    Let everything come true as planned,
    And let there be less adversity.
    Let your worries pass in pleasant ways
    Every-every school year!

    World Teachers Day -
    Your holiday is not without reason.
    Your talent is exceptional
    There is kindness in the heart.

    Let the teacher's work be honored
    Today and always.
    Decent, educational,
    Guides us like a star.

    You are the best teacher in the world
    You can teach everyone and everything,
    All the kids at school adore you
    For your ability to give joy!

    We wish you only success and good
    And many bright, fine days!
    Let the lessons go with a bang!
    We wish you capable students!

    Everyone can learn
    Teaching is a gift!
    It’s very important to be able to
    Turn a spark into a fire.

    Happy World Teacher's Day!
    This day is rightfully yours.
    To you health, happiness, peace,
    Incentives for experience.

    Hear gratitude more often
    Be on good terms with the kids.
    So that your dreams come true,
    So that the enthusiasm does not fade in the eyes!

    There are many good words,
    For you to read now,
    Sincere wishes,
    Kind, extraordinary...

    Let the soul sing with happiness,
    Bad weather runs away from you,
    And a wonderful, kind laughter
    May it bring you success!

    May everything go smoothly for you,
    May your life be sweet and sweet.
    We love you, respect you
    And congratulations again!

    Last call or first -
    You have a lot of them in your life.
    Wonderful, accurate and true -
    Teacher's Day is a holiday now!
    Rarely do we have time to congratulate
    And sometimes we forget completely.
    You have the right to give us a deuce,
    Why do you forgive everyone?
    When things aren't easy at times...
    ... you need patience... and hold on!
    Job? Exactly! But I won’t hide it
    A teacher is just life.

    You wouldn't become a teacher if
    We would only dream of relaxing in a chair.
    We can't keep up with your mind.
    Yes, in activity - and don’t compete.
    We are glad to congratulate you today,
    And glorify the talent of the teacher!
    On this holiday, Teacher's Day,
    I won’t even be lazy to sing about you.
    We always run to you for advice.
    Allow me to tell you with a bouquet:
    We respect you and remember this!

    UNESCO declared October 5 as World Teachers' Day in 1994. It was on this day in 1966 that an important event for teachers took place: at an intergovernmental conference in Paris, UNESCO and the International Labor Organization adopted the Recommendations on the Status of Teachers - the first international document on the legal status of educators.
    The recommendations set out the rights and responsibilities of teachers and international standards relating to their training, professional development, recruitment and working conditions.

    Meaning of Teacher's Day

    World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to highlight the challenges facing educators nationally and globally and to reflect on their successes in an international context. This is also a reason to express gratitude to teachers.

    Teachers are an investment in the future. They need knowledge and support to meet the diverse learning needs of each child.

    In many countries, the quality of education is undermined by a shortage of teachers. There is also the problem of quality education: teachers often work without the necessary resources and without proper qualifications.

    © Sputnik / E. Alesin

    The Russian Education 2030 Framework for Action highlights the fact that teachers play a fundamental role in equitable and quality education.

    By 2030, an additional 3.2 million teachers will be needed to achieve universal primary education and 5.1 million teachers to achieve universal lower secondary education.

    In the USSR and Russia, Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October for three decades. Later, Teacher's Day began to be celebrated on October 5.

    © Sputnik / Ruslan Shamukov

    Traditionally, on the eve of Teacher's Day, the final stage of the all-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" takes place, the founders of which are the Ministry of Education and Science, the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and Teacher's Newspaper.

    How to celebrate Teacher's Day

    The traditions of Teacher's Day are constantly being transformed, adapting to the modern course of life.
    If in past years each class on Teacher's Day made wall newspapers for teachers, where congratulations to the teachers were beautifully written, now this tradition has not been preserved everywhere. But in almost all educational institutions, schoolchildren organize a concert for their teachers, where they perform dance numbers, songs and read congratulations from the stage.

    In many classes, tea parties are held after lessons with class teacher, during which the teacher is presented with flowers and gifts.

    Also on this day, parents of students come to school, and not because they were called there. They also congratulate the teachers.

    Also recently, it has been customary to congratulate all teachers in in social networks and by email.

    © Sputnik / Vsevolod Tarasevich

    Also on Teachers' Day, schools try to make sure that teachers have a little rest on their holiday and spend time in the role of students. Lessons are usually taught by high school students, which is why the holiday is also called Self-Government Day.

    Initially, the only events on Teacher's Day were congresses and conferences at which teachers discussed issues of school life. The main task of Teacher's Day at the dawn of the holiday was to draw the attention of the public and authorities to school issues. However, over the years, a tradition of celebrating Teacher’s Day developed, which has not undergone significant changes to this day. The most noticeable of them is flowers. Grateful students present huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy asters to their favorite teachers. All free containers in the classroom are filled with flowers - and this floral kingdom cannot but please the eye.

    What to give for Teacher's Day

    A good gift For teachers on their professional holiday, a set of good chocolate or sweets, coffee or tea can always come in handy. It is also appropriate to give theater tickets for two. It is relatively inexpensive and very “intelligent”. Surely teachers will like books or CDs from the series “Museums of the World”, “Great Artists”, “Great Composers”.

    You can also give a certificate for purchases in a store. For example, in GUM or TSUM: the teacher knows better what she is missing - paper, pens, folders or face cream. A calendar with a class photo would also be nice - touching, individual and useful.

    © Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

    But what should not be given is cosmetics and perfume. It is clear that this may simply confuse the teacher. In addition, the chosen perfume may simply not suit her! But a body or hand cream from a well-known brand and good quality will please any woman. Tights, underwear, scarves and other items of clothing should also be excluded. Of course, as a woman, the mother of a schoolchild understands the teacher, but this is very personal.

    The material is compiled on the basis of open sources.

    Each of us studied at school at one time (and some of those reading this article are still studying), and our current successes are partly shaped by our teachers. With age comes an understanding of how important this profession is. By teaching and revealing the potential of students, teachers form a developed society. And that’s why there is even a professional holiday for teachers.


    Students and their parents congratulate teachers on their professional holiday, wish them health and success in their hard work, and present bouquets of flowers and gifts. Schools host festive assemblies and performances by creative groups with song and dance numbers. Exhibitions of students' works are held, and wall newspapers are posted. Some schools organize Self-Government Day, when students lead lessons.

    In cultural institutions, the management of the Ministry of Education congratulates teachers, rewards the best employees and winners of the “Teacher of the Year” competition with certificates, medals, and valuable gifts. Teachers with more than 15 years of experience who have made a significant contribution to children’s education receive the title “Honored Teacher.” Russian Federation" The top officials of the state give speeches of gratitude, mention the role of this profession in the development of society, and note the achievements and difficulties of the education system.

    On Teacher's Day, colleagues organize feasts. The educational process is reduced or completely devoted to special events.

    When is Teacher's Day in 2018?

    It should be noted that in 2018, Teacher's Day will be celebrated on Friday, October 5th. It is this date, starting from 1994, that has become a professional holiday for all teachers in Russia; by the way, October 5 is also World Teachers’ Day.

    Independent states, which, in addition to rebuilding their country, renewed the attitude of citizens towards pedagogical activity. A huge impetus came from UNESCO, which, in 1994, established World Teachers Day, and the annual celebration was scheduled for October 5th.

    In the same year, Russia also became one of the countries that celebrate this event on this day. On October 3, 1994, the Russian President issued a decree “On the celebration of Teacher’s Day”; this day began to be celebrated on October 5.

    Since 1994, Teacher's Day has been celebrated all over the world. This significant holiday is part of the system of international and world days UN, which means that more than 100 countries celebrate the holiday on the 5th or the first Sunday of October.

    Teacher's Day 2018: what to give to a teacher

    1. The traditional and most common option are flowers, and those that are aesthetically wrapped in a bouquet. Can buy unusual flowers, namely in a pot, these will last for many years and will become a pleasant memory of your class.

    2. The second most popular gift is a box of chocolates. When purchasing, pay close attention to the release date and expiration dates. This also includes delicious aromatic tea and good coffee.

    3. At school, as you know, there are various academic disciplines, such as mathematics, Russian language, etc. Therefore, this can also be used. But as?

    It’s very simple, think logically - you can give a male physical education teacher a new super whistle, or some kind of souvenir in the form of a ball; to the teacher primary classes- photo frame; for a biology teacher - an interesting exotic flower, or for example a fish, a turtle in an aquarium; for a geography teacher - a diary with a world map or a globe in the form of a box, for a mathematics teacher - funny abacus in the form of dryers, made with your own hands.

    Use your imagination and ingenuity, and you will definitely be able to choose an unusual and original version. I can offer those who live in cities to give the teacher a ticket to the circus, theater or cinema. And then the whole class class hour attend this event.

    4. Small household appliances that absolutely everyone always needs can be a good gift; it could be an iron, kettle, coffee maker, etc. Or, for example, buy a water cooler for the classroom, which will benefit everyone.

    5. There are times when you have already given so many things, for example, you are already in the 11th grade, and everything that could be given has already been given, and you are again looking for... In this case, give a gift certificate to a beauty salon or any store. An interesting option can become a certificate for shooting from photographs.

    6. Ordinary gifts can be: wall or table clocks, stationery.

    7. If you know what your teacher is interested in, then you can very well give her a themed gift.

    Congratulations in verse on Teacher's Day

    Low bow to you for your work and patience,

    For the warmth of your bright soul!

    Joy, happiness, kindness, inspiration!

    Great success in your work!

    Thank you for your knowledge,

    which you give

    For the diligence with which

    The subject you teach,

    For wisdom and patience,

    For affection and care!

    Let the sea of ​​inspiration

    Work brings you!

    What a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day!

    Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

    Everyone at school comes to you - both children and parents -

    They treat you with great respect.

    Health to you! Diligent students!

    Let your wishes come true easily,

    Everything in life will be just wonderful,

    And the plans come true!

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

    For your kindness and patience!

    We wish you great joys,

    In the work of your inspiration,

    Diligent students

    The neatest notebooks,

    And there are flowers in the classroom every day,

    And more enjoyable holidays!

    On a beautiful day with all my heart

    Let me congratulate you!

    We wish everyone to reach the top!

    Good luck in your work!

    Happy, bright, bright days!

    Good students!

    Let new creative ideas

    It's getting bigger!

    May there be more holidays in your life,

    Smiles, happiness, bright mood!

    And let your students make you happy more often

    Deservedly high marks!

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