• How to always be interesting to your husband. Famous rules. Psychology of relationships: how to remain interesting to your husband


    Modern ladies have a lot of misconceptions about what kind of women are interesting to men. This is partly due to upbringing, partly to the images of glamorous girls flashing from TV screens and covers of glossy magazines. In some ways, prejudices are implanted in their souls by friends with their advice, and in some ways by their own sad experiences. And they, unfortunate ones, are chasing an unattainable ideal, trying to lose weight to size forty, style their hair perfectly and have flawless skin. Many are very close to ideal. They are almost ideal. For now they are silent. Because if they open their mouths, then the unfortunate men have nothing to talk about with these dolls. Not because they are stupid, no. But, simply, many do not know what to talk about with a man. They know how to be attractive, but how to be interesting? Let's find out how to become interesting to a man.

    • Firstly, an interesting woman is easy to communicate with. An interesting woman is not afraid to say something stupid. If you are attractive, men will not notice any mistakes on your part. Girls often put on a stern and cutesy appearance. They put on a serious face, try to seem well-mannered, smart and mysterious. As a result, the man goes out of his way to keep the conversation going, talks about the weather, asks standard questions, to which he receives not very common answers. The conversation doesn’t go well, impressions of each other are blurry. The man doesn’t call anymore, and the girl wonders what she did wrong - either she held the fork in the wrong hand, or did her hair the wrong way.

    Yes, a man first of all evaluates a woman visually. But then he strikes up a conversation. And here everything depends on the woman. If she becomes interesting to him, then she can count on long-term courtship; if not, then they won’t invite her further “come to my place, let’s watch a movie.”

    • Secondly, an interesting woman lives interesting life. It is hardly worth explaining that housewives do not live interesting lives.

    Interesting woman:

    1. studies or works (while not being obsessed with her activities);
    2. plays sports (constantly, not occasionally);
    3. reads books (pulp novels are not books);
    4. watches movies, especially new ones);
    5. doesn’t watch TV (and if he does, he’ll never admit it);
    6. has a hobby (for example, photography, dancing, horse riding. You need to have a hobby so that a man understands you. Unfortunately, very few men know how to knit and weave macramé).
    • Thirdly, to become interesting to a man, a woman’s day must be filled. Home - work, work - home - not about her. She fits dates with a man into her busy schedule.

    But at the same time, in a conversation, an interesting woman will never conduct a monologue about her colorful life. Her task is to bring the man into a dialogue in which her gentleman will understand that in front of him is a self-sufficient, versatile, bright person with clear life priorities. You shouldn’t agree with a man on everything in a conversation; sometimes you need to contradict him. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to prove that they are right; in addition, an argument enlivens the conversation.

    An interesting woman can count not only on admiration, but also on respect, and these are feelings that often develop...into love)))

    The authors of the book “The Rules”, Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider, revolutionized America when they demanded that women once and for all forget about meeting men first, calling themselves, making dates. The main idea of ​​the book can be expressed very briefly by one of those very famous rules: “Let the man lead.” Today we are publishing the part that concerns already established relationships.

    Rule #26: Even if you're engaged or married, you still need "rules."

    Ideally, we should follow the “Rules” from the minute we first meet a man until the moment he says he loves and wants to get married. But if you were unlucky enough to know about "The Rules" before reading this book, we offer you the best thing you can do right now. It's better to follow the "Rules" now than never follow them.

    But if you've never heard of The Rules, don't feel like you need to completely change your relationship with your fiancé or husband. For example, if you initiated the relationship, called him, asked him out on a date, and did other things to make the relationship work, he will always expect something like that from you. He doesn't have to worry about marriage - he knows he has you. After all, you tell him this with every word and gesture. And the man gets used to taking you for granted. You may have made the situation worse by initiating sex and/or romantic dinners. You asked him about his feelings, asked him to spend less time at work or with friends and more time with you. Sometimes it even seems to you that he is having an affair.

    If you have not followed the "Rules" from the very beginning of your relationship, then your husband may not pay attention to you, be rude or treat you poorly. You're guessing:

    - His behavior is the result bad upbringing or connected to his past?

    Perhaps this is true. But we believe that everything is your fault. You didn't follow the "Rules". A man has never had to treat you like the girl of his dreams. A man who is absolutely indifferent to his wife or girlfriend changes dramatically when he meets a woman who follows the “Rules.”

    In a relationship according to the "Rules" there is no place for violence, it was difficult to win you, the man had to work hard, and now he considers you the most beautiful and beautiful woman in the world, even if this is not the case. For him, you are a real jewel.

    Do not despair. Start following the "Rules" immediately and he will surely notice changes in your behavior. And then he will want you more.

    Here are five suggestions

    1. Don't call him at work so often. Calls should be short and business-like. (“What time is the movie?”). Don't call to say you're bored and want to have sex in the evening. He should be the one calling you to say something like this.
    2. Don't initiate sex, even if you really want it. Let him be the man and the aggressor in the bedroom. Biologically, it is the man who should pursue the woman. If you initiate sex, you will deprive a man of his masculinity. Act like a "Rules" girl on the first date. Be flirty. Flirt when he tries to kiss you or bite your neck. And this will turn him into a tiger.
    3. Dress better and sexier. Men don't like to see a woman in a robe at home. Put it on skinny jeans, miniskirts, bright shirts with deep necklines. Wear perfume, do makeup. Wash your hair often. Pretend you're on a date.
    4. Behave independently. Always come or go. Don't sit on the couch waiting for him to return. Do not burden him with stories about the events of the day, your problems and pain. Make plans with friends, children and neighbors. Go to the movies and shopping centers. Just walk. And this will make him dream about how to snatch at least a minute of your precious time. He'll want to kiss you in the kitchen if he feels like you're about to sneak away. He will go crazy when you talk on the phone in his presence - he will want you to belong entirely to him. This is what happens when you start following "The Rules". He will feel that he will never get enough of you. He will start calling you from work to arrange dinner at a restaurant or a weekend trip. This is what you need. Men love independent women because they give them freedom. They like to pursue busy women. It's interesting and exciting.
    5. Find yourself a hobby. Most men prefer to spend Sunday watching TV with beer. Some people take their work home and sit at the computer all day. Women feel lonely when their men do not include them in their plans and do not pay attention to them. You shouldn't nag a man and demand that he give up his hobbies, friends and work just because you're bored. You will get more attention if you are busier than him. Play with your children, go for a run in the park, buy a membership to a fitness club. Not only will it keep you busy, but it will also help you stay fit and more attractive. He will wonder what other men will think when they see you in a swimsuit. This is very beneficial for relationships. This will make a man turn off the TV or computer and spend time with you. You can do charity work, read a book or play sports.

    Find something to do! The main thing is independence and employment. And then you won't hang around a man complaining that he doesn't pay attention to you.

    Unfortunately, following the “Rules” sometimes means being alone (even if you are married and have children). Be glad that this is not forever!

    23.05.2018 08:35:49

    This topic is incredibly interesting, as it is based on an understanding of the principle of the human brain. If you understand it, your man will always need you!

    Therefore, prick up your ears, open your eyes, and find out why some men go crazy for one thing all their lives. the only woman? And what you need to DO to make this happen in your couple!

    The human brain receives a huge amount of varied information every day. And if he had absorbed it all, he would have gone crazy or died from overload in a couple of minutes. To prevent this from happening, our brain filters information - some of it is passed through, and some of it is absorbed, but on a subconscious level. And only what, in his opinion, is IMPORTANT, we perceive perfectly well.

    The assimilation of new information is always reinforced by dopamine reward (dopamine is the hormone of happiness).

    How it works?

    Imagine the Paleolithic era (Stone Age, who doesn’t remember :)). A herd of humans sits in a clearing. And suddenly a tiger jumps out from behind the bushes. Those who manage to notice the tiger before it decides to attack people will survive. Those who don't make it in time will be eaten.

    Those who escaped will receive so much dopamine joy, delight and happiness!

    Dopamine is a hormone produced by the brain for pleasure. It is a reward when a person learns something new and USEFUL for his own survival. I found a clearing with berries - dopamine. Invented the ax or invented the wheel - dopamine.

    A lot of time has passed since then, but we still receive dopamine and experience pleasure when learning new information.

    This is why people love to play with toys where they must constantly survive, or love to watch strange posts on social networks with incomprehensible pictures. They read the caption under the photo, and they realize what’s cool about this picture (i.e., they recognize a tiger) - they are provided with dopamine reinforcement.

    If the information is not interesting, not new, without zest or humor, you don’t need to learn it, and you can skip it, because you won’t get dopamine.

    What am I getting at?

    If a woman is a dopamine reinforcement for her husband, he will go crazy about her! He will need her. He will dream about her and adore her passionately. After all, she is his source of pleasure.

    If a woman is ordinary and uninteresting, the man will look for an affair on the side.

    If you add something new (in a good way, new and interesting) to your relationship with your husband, the man will be delighted with you. After all, this will arouse his interest, and a lot of pleasure from communicating with you! He will always think: “What a delightful and interesting woman I have!”

    If you don’t change anything and don’t change yourself, a man’s brain will decide that you are of no interest to him, and he will filter some of the information coming from you and not perceive it. And he will get bored of you very quickly. He will stop wanting to communicate with you and spend time together.

    That's the whole secret :).

    How to become an interesting woman for your husband again?

    Constantly developing yourself! There is no other way.

    What new things can you bring to your relationship?

    1. Communication:
    To do this, you need to read, watch something new, smart and interesting - and tell your man about it. Surprise your man with new interesting facts, link to authoritative sources - and you will force his brain to produce dopamine! This means that he, without suspecting it, will perceive more and more from you and more information- he will enjoy himself more and more - and fall in love with you...

    2. Appearance:
    I am against radical changes in appearance. But a little twist never hurts. New hairstyle, dress with a neckline or short skirt. Something bright or colorful - why not?

    Other things that work great include: scuba gear, parachute, belly dance suit, etc. :) You can always captivate a man with new activities and appear before him in a new light. This means that he will again look at you with great interest, just like on the first date. After all, when people do new interesting things together, it brings them very close.

    3. Relationships:
    It is enough to introduce a regular one into your family - and your husband will be guaranteed to produce dopamine in his brain just from communicating with you.

    Well, if you start working on him and learn to give him high-quality compliments, he will receive a whole cocktail of happiness hormones.

    Work on your relationship - and you will become a real drug for your loved one!

    4. Sex is an area where you can develop and improve throughout your life. I recently covered the main issues and problems in sex in my video “What mistakes do women most often make in bed with a man?”

    Healthy innovations, - toys, role-playing games, phone sex with your husband is also good. Did you do this in the kitchen, balcony, bath or sauna? If this happens unexpectedly and spontaneously, this moment will be deposited in the man’s brain forever (as proven by neuroscientists).

    And I’ll highlight separately:
    After all, good sex is when a woman knows how to enjoy herself. And this is her sexual development and banal technique. If you know how to bring yourself to orgasm, you can teach your man this too. If you are interested in this topic, ask me for an article on female sexuality and the latest research in the field of sexology. (As you remember, to do this you need to write the phrase “I want an article” in the comments below).

    5. Be sure to engage in your personal leisure time.
    Go to the gym, pool, dance lessons. And you will soon notice how he will greet you with interest and get carried away with your affairs. After all, something new will appear in you. You will become a source of dopamine for him.

    As a last resort, start embroidering with beads or cross stitch. I guarantee that your man will be interested in why you did this. Well, if you tell him that when embroidering, you work with the Art Therapy technique to relieve stress and get a boost new energy- a man’s brain will simply explode from dopamine! :)

    6. New form joint recreation:
    Go on a hike. Go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Fishing is also good - he hasn’t seen you in wading boots yet. And this spectacle is completely unforgettable! :) Go photograph sunsets. Start breeding violets, quails or parrots. Find a new source of family income. Buy a Kama Sutra or erotic massage textbook.

    But you never know what you can come up with to arouse interest and a lot of pleasure in your man?

    Go for it! I wish you success!

    On dopamine reinforcement and brain function, we read books and articles by scientists working in the field of neuroscience: Tatyana Chernigovskaya, Konstantin Anokhin, Sergei Savelyev, Vyacheslav Dubynin.

    There are situations in life when a man grows cold towards a woman, loses interest in her, although they have been together for quite a long time and, it would seem, they have an excellent relationship. It is impossible to say unequivocally who is to blame in this situation: either the woman has stopped taking care of herself, or the man has his head on something else. Therefore, a woman who notices signs of detachment from her partner should analyze the situation and, perhaps, change something in herself.

    How to remain attractive to a man?
    1. Face. Even if you live together, do it anyway light makeup: correct skin imperfections, tint eyelashes, preen for him. At the same time, spare his nerves and make face masks and anti-cellulite wraps in his absence.
    2. Sport. Play sports. Running, rollerblading, cycling, swimming pool, shaping, aerobics, yoga, dancing - choose what you will do with joy every day. You will improve your health and be in excellent physical shape, which your man will not fail to notice.
    3. Cloth. Don't walk around the house in a robe, don't meet a man from work in an old T-shirt and leggings. Be beautiful and attractive, even while doing your homework. Be sure to replenish your home wardrobe with shorts, T-shirts and tops, a beautiful house dress, as well as elegant slippers. Be sure to buy your beautiful underwear. Even if it doesn’t look flirty during household chores and doesn’t provoke a man, it will still give you confidence in your beauty and liberation simply because of what you’re wearing.
    4. Smell. There is nothing more pleasant than the smell of a clean, freshly washed body. But also about perfumes and eau de toilette You shouldn’t forget either. Choose a scent that your man likes and apply the perfume on yourself for his pleasure.
    5. Hair. Don't allow yourself to walk around with a dirty head. Do your hair, new haircuts, let the man see you in a new image every time.
    What should you do to periodically intrigue a man?
    1. Just kidding. A sense of humor will allow a man to look at you differently.
    2. Take care of your man. By covering him with a blanket, you will at least receive a grateful look in return.
    3. Eradicate yours bad habits. This will not only attract a man, but will also have a positive effect on your health.
    4. Surprise your man. Let your imagination run wild.
    5. Be cheerful. In the hustle and bustle of everyday work and pressing problems, this will greatly distract a man from heavy thoughts.
    6. Don't skimp on showing positive emotions. Share them with your man.
    7. Show your tenderness, remember the child living in the soul of an adult man.
    8. Use your intuition. Anticipate his desires, mood, this will surprise him.
    9. Use feminine logic, it is she who suggests non-standard ways out of the situation.
    10. Be unpredictable. Intrigue and puzzle a man in a positive way and within reason.
    No matter how busy you are, spend more time together. Cook together, eat, clean up, watch TV. Find common interests, travel, go on dates, communicate, care, support each other and most importantly - love!

    SPA salons, massage, surgical cosmetology, what is now available in the beauty industry, so that any woman can amaze the stronger half of humanity! But why does it happen that “darned”, “Botoxed” and “redesigned” beauties often remain lonely? But some “gray mouse” (according to some individuals) was lucky enough to grab a gorgeous prince?

    All because this “mouse” knows one secret - how to be and remain interesting to a man. Well, shall we reveal her secret?

    Here, by the way, is an analogue with a book. Imagine, you came to the bookstore to buy a new edition. How will you choose it?

      I liked the cover. Strong, shiny. I don't care what's inside. If you find familiar letters, that’s okay.

    Of course, the third option is simply incredible. That’s how it is for men - they simply need interesting content to live with their beloved. Even after “reading” such a woman “from cover to cover,” you still won’t want to part with her.

    Again, like a favorite book: the plot is familiar, but still the hand reaches out to it to read the best chapter, passage or even a line, because interest in it never disappears. Oh, if only there was a sequel!

    When you like a man, you want to “hook” him with all your might. It is during this time that many women make many mistakes. Chatting incessantly about himself to his beloved, and even mixed with stupid conclusions, a man quickly loses interest in her. Well, if you just seal her mouth with tape, then it’s nothing like a “cover”, you can feel it.

    The intrigue lies precisely in the understatement. Well, like in a detective story. Until you read it, you won’t know that “the killer is the butler.” A woman’s ability to keep her mouth shut is a great art that keeps a man in a web of curiosity.

    You need to give information about yourself to a man in small portions, and without focusing attention on it, like, I’m all so extraordinary, let’s get to the bottom of it. On the contrary, what interests him can be outlined in a couple of phrases during communication, without unnecessary chatter.

    But it would be worth listening to the man carefully. Well, firstly, you yourself will find out details about him, unless, of course, he is lying about himself, boasting. And secondly, even in this case, you yourself will charm him with your ability not to interrupt. Which, by the way, is a very rare quality in women.

    Disappear unnoticed and appear by chance. Another trick in case a woman is already interested in a man. Again, analogous to a book. Imagine that you lost a detective book without finishing it. You will turn inside out to find her and find out the ending. So keep the intrigue yourself in this way - he will find you anyway.

    Well, well, you can already be congratulated on the fact that you have interested your man, and he is firmly on your hook? Calm down, don’t relax, even if he is familiar with your biography, he still doesn’t know your amazing “tricks”. And there are complete contradictions in them:

      You won’t hesitate to jump from a high bungee, but you might faint at the sight of a tiny spider.

      You can easily fix a car breakdown, but you just can’t take a simple screenshot on your computer.

      You almost know all of Yesenin’s poems by heart, but you have no idea who Uncle Focus from the old cartoon is.

    Can you imagine how shocked he is by such amazing inconsistencies? It’s impossible to call you a fool - you can do things that even some men cannot do. But the small nuances in knowledge and your weaknesses are even touching.

    It is with such a woman that you can simultaneously feel yourself and strong man, who will take on the fight with the spider, and the happy owner of a personal car mechanic.

    By the way, if a queen is made by her environment, then your boyfriend’s friends will also admire such an amazing woman like you. And this is the best advertisement for you.

    You are always different

    You are not fixated on one thing, but try to develop comprehensively. This doesn’t mean that you have to go into the depths of every science, but you can handle some basic things.

    By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to learn some subtleties from your man. Well, as in the case of a screenshot: you catch two birds with one stone - and listen to him carefully, and gain knowledge.

    Of course, it will be very important for your boyfriend if you share his hobbies with him. Here he definitely won’t be bored with you. And you yourself will have an incentive to continue your relationship with him - what can unite you more than a common hobby?

    But let your boyfriend never tire of being amazed at your constant transformation. You are never the same:

      Alone with him, you are an affectionate cat - gentle, caring and attentive. You are pleased to listen to his voice, and you yourself help him with unobtrusive advice if he needs it. And in general, you agree to get involved in any adventure with him.

      In the company of friends, you are “your guy.” You understand their jokes, it’s easy and fun to be with you. You don’t hiss any personal dissatisfaction into the guy’s ear for any reason and know how to remain silent at the right moment. That's why his friends accepted you into their team from the first minute.

      At work, you are a professional. You are not burdened by work, you are passionate about it. Even if your job is still so-so, you will still be able to show what you are capable of.

    Yes, men really value women's independence. Not feminists and women strong as a bull, but precisely those who know how to solve some problems on their own without hysterical sobbing.

    Bitchiness, hysteria and obsession are precisely those negative feminine qualities that lower the bar for men’s interest.

    Don't forget about the "cover"

    And, of course, we must definitely talk about appearance. An unkempt woman with a faded face does not arouse interest from the first minutes, no matter how much you “don’t read” her. But the gorgeous diva will easily make a splash among men from the first seconds of her appearance. And if she also has a rich inner world, then she’s a complete waste.

    As you can see, it is not so difficult to make men interested in you. The main thing is to keep your mark and not let yourself go down in the future, so as not to be “a shabby book with a boring plot.”

    Finally - an unusual technique

    Let's do a thought experiment.

    Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You could get any man and have ideal relationship and I would hardly read this article now in search of a solution to my problem.

    And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

    We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her technique has helped many girls find ideal relationships and feel loved.

    If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for visitors to our site.

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