• How can you prove your love and respect to a guy? How can a girl not go too far with evidence of her feelings, but make it clear to the guy that they exist?


    Relationships are a complex process that both members of the couple must work on. But what to do if yours needs young man prove your love? How to do it right?

    Statement of a question

    If a girl thinks: “How to prove it?”, It’s worth thinking about whether this needs to be done at all. After all, if two people sincerely relate to each other, no proof is required. If a young man constantly distrusts his lady and suspects her, then he needs to think carefully and turn on his maiden pride. It's safe to say that if a guy really loves, he will admire this behavior of his other half. If not, it is better to get rid of such a representative of the stronger sex as soon as possible.


    If, nevertheless, a girl wants to find clues and understand the question “How to prove to a guy that I love him?”, it is worth advising her to constantly please her lover. What is the value of just one smile from a loved one! From time to time you can give your loved one small gifts - either a keychain or a small notebook. But it is best to write letters with confessions or nice words, telling how good the guy is and how lucky he is to have him. You can dedicate poems or songs to your loved one, it all depends on the lady’s talent. Such actions of the other half will definitely be appreciated.

    Body movements

    “How else can I prove to a guy that I love him?” - a question will arise. You can prove your attitude with kisses and hugs. The more touches you have to your loved one, the better. You need to walk hand-in-hand on the street, in public transport or sit at a desk together, when possible - snuggling up to each other. Elementary, if a girl puts her head on a young man’s shoulder, it means that she completely trusts him.


    What else can you advise a girl who is asking the question “How to prove to a guy that I love him?” You need to be interested in the hobbies and affairs of your lover. You can overcome yourself a couple of times and go to football with a young man, attend a concert of his favorite rock band, etc. You can even acquire common interests, this will bring the couple closer together. And the guy’s interest in the affairs of his loved one will definitely be noticed and appreciated.


    If a girl wants to figure it out, she must remember that she must keep her promises to her loved one, as well as respond to requests. There is nothing wrong if sometimes you have to overcome yourself, because making concessions to your loved one is always pleasant.


    In a relationship with a young man, care is also important. If a girl asks if her lover is hungry, if everything is fine with him - isn’t this proof of love? Care and all possible help is what is needed.

    How to prove to a guy that you love him? Actions

    It’s better not to contradict your loved one if he expresses some of his complaints. But it’s important not to cross the line when a guy can simply become a tyrant in a relationship. If a young man doesn’t like it when a girl goes to a disco herself, he doesn’t have to do this and only go dancing together. But if your loved one forbids you to communicate with other guys, you shouldn’t indulge him.


    If a girl wants to prove her love to a young man, she can do certain things. Why not get a tattoo of his name? This will say a lot. But there are also less radical actions. If a situation arises, then you need to stand up for your loved one in a verbal dispute, and not denigrate him in front of your friends, even if some kind of resentment is lodged in your soul. You can even do a heroic act, for example, swim with him in an ice hole, if this is his favorite activity.


    Well, probably the most main advice How to prove your love to a guy - trust him in everything. After all, normal relationships are built on this. Jealousy and mistrust destroy and kill everything good that exists between people. If a girl loves, she will definitely trust the guy completely. And she herself will reveal everything to him. This is the key to good, healthy and strong love.

    How to prove to a guy that you love him? Strange question and wording. Many people, seeing such a headline, will laugh and close the tab. Prove your love to a guy? “The world has gone crazy!”, “This is the prerogative of men!” - many will think. But life is an unpredictable thing - it takes all sorts of turns. And, sometimes, even the most principled young lady has to face such a problem. More about this later in the article.

    Love is an amazing state: you need to live it with all your soul - then you don’t have to think about how to prove to a person that you love him. Source: Flickr (alexandria_lomanno)

    Why prove your love

    How to prove your love to a guy? Why do this and is it worth it? The wording of the phrase evokes ambiguous associations: a beautiful young man sighs languidly and covers his face with a scarf, and a beautiful maiden, kneeling on one knee, presents him with a rare gift as a sign of her love. But jokes aside, this is not that uncommon. Guys also want care, to feel loved, and it is quite possible that your lover was recently disappointed in the relationship. Have you ever had your heart broken? Remember this feeling and put yourself in the place of your loved one. Hard? Is it difficult to trust someone? That's the same!

    Note! Psychologists say that only those couples who are equally invested in the relationship can achieve harmony in relationships. That is, if one loves, and the other only allows himself to be loved, such a union will soon fall apart.

    Mutual care, affection and attention can set the couple in the right mood. Manifestations of love can set the partner up for a response, and a kind of racing game will begin. Who will give more? Who loves more? Think about it, this position is much more pleasant. And you don’t need to think about how to prove your love.

    How to prove to a guy that you love him

    Love is an amazing state: you need to live it with all your soul - then you don’t have to think about how to prove to a person that you love him. If you have sincere feelings, such a question simply will not bother you - everything will happen naturally. The basis of peace in relationships is attention. Be close to each other, touch to a loved one, hug more often. There is an opinion that every person has his own “love language”. And in order to convey your feelings to your loved ones, you need to talk to them about it in their language. Let's take a closer look:

    • "Language of Words"

    Take a closer look at how often your loved one says what he feels. Have you heard tender words and confessions from him? If yes, then this is his language. Such a person needs to hear confirmation of feelings, affectionate nicknames and conversations about a future together. Praise such a person, admire his achievements, support him in everything.

    If you find it difficult to express yourself in words, try writing a letter. Put all your feelings and experiences on paper. Tell him how much you need him and how worried he is about his lack of trust. Wrap the letter in a nice envelope and mail it. If you don’t want to wait a long time, the letter can be delivered without mail. Throw it in your work bag or leave it in a visible place. Your man will definitely appreciate it.

    • "Language of Action"

    If your man prefers to talk less and do more: it’s not his style to talk sweet words and sing serenades, then try differently. Perhaps your loved one speaks the “language of action.” Observe how he expresses his feelings for you? Perhaps he is always ready to help? Helps solve complex cases and issues? Such a man is cold to eloquent statements, but will be delighted by an unexpected surprise.

    Love is not only feelings, it is painstaking, mutual work. Only by working together to develop your relationship can you achieve something more. Source: Flickr (angelos_mihas)

    Show off your culinary talents and prepare something unusual for him. Or find out his favorite dish from your friends and arrange romantic dinner. If you live together, it's even easier. A delicious breakfast and a hot dinner will not leave anyone indifferent when you return home.

    Give gifts! No need to spend money on expensive gifts. Put your soul into it, create it with your own hands. If you like to draw, draw a portrait. Do you like “handmade”? Create a photo collage from your photos, beautifully decorated. Turn on your imagination and don’t be afraid to show your feelings.

    Note! Joint creativity brings people closer together. Try to share your boyfriend's hobby - this way you will have much more in common.

    Jealousy and love

    What is jealousy? For most people, this is a way to prove their love. But let's figure out where it all comes from. This feeling forces us to limit our loved one from contact with the outside world. Would you be happy if you were deprived of your friends or favorite hobbies? Hardly. Jealousy is an instinct, possessiveness, selfishness. Sounds a little like love, right?

    A jealous person involuntarily makes his soul mate think that he is being driven into a trap. They want to “take it into their hands”, lock it in a cage and hide it from the entire outside world. So that, God forbid, someone accidentally sees him. This approach will not make the couple happy. By giving up personal space, a person ceases to be himself. Have you fallen in love with a guy who is withdrawn, devoid of interests and friends? No, you fell in love with an interesting, versatile developed personality. Think about it.

    What to do? Understand yourself and your feelings. Where did they come from? Perhaps you don't trust your partner. The feeling will not disappear if you do not try to eradicate it from the inside. Before you make a scene of jealousy, think, is it worth it? Maybe you just made it all up?

    Love is not only feelings, it is painstaking, mutual work. Only by working together to develop your relationship can you achieve something more. Don’t close yourself off from the world with pride and conceit - think about how to prove to a guy that you love him. Perhaps it is your efforts that are not enough for him to believe in real, sincere feelings. Good luck!

    Video on the topic

    For several centuries in a row, it was believed that it was men who should show feelings and demonstrate them through actions, but, as practice shows, it is women who have to think about how to show their love in a relationship so that the man feels loved and there is an atmosphere of love and trust in the couple. Let's study!

    14 ideas on how to show your love to a man

    It so happens that men and women are completely different creatures by nature. The strong half prefers stinginess in emotions and, as a rule, they do not speak, but do. Women can talk and write about their feelings endlessly. And the main way to show your love to a man is to give all tenderness, affection, try to achieve complete mutual understanding and hone the art of making concessions and compromises.

    Most The best way show your love to a man - talk about it. At the same time, you shouldn’t be too intrusive, even if a volcano of emotions just explodes inside you. Speak every word about your love sincerely, looking into your eyes.

    By being jealous of every pillar you will not show your love, but you can easily achieve the opposite effect. You shouldn’t encroach on a man’s freedom – they don’t like it.

    Don't make your loved one jealous either. After all, jealousy is a kind of mistrust.

    Never compare your man to others. On the contrary, to show your love to a man, repeat more often that he is unique to you and that you don’t need anyone else. After all, men are like children or pets - you need to let them know that you are nearby and are not going anywhere.

    Show you care. Begin to take an interest in his hobbies and work. You should be there if he wants to talk, or leave him alone if he really needs it.

    Unfortunately, men have very bad memory, in relation to dates and events. You will have to remember everything for both of you and, under no circumstances, do not reproach your loved one for forgetting what day your cat’s name day is. And you are calmer, and the man will appreciate it.

    No matter what men say, they are all romantics to the core. But they are not always ready to take the initiative. But he will appreciate a romantic dinner or a gift on the occasion of some, albeit insignificant, date, perhaps even understandable only to the two of you, as a manifestation of love.

    There are cases that, due to unsuccessful previous relationships, men become terribly distrustful. If they are jealous of every passerby, try to completely control you, or skeptically grin at your sincere “I love you” - this does not mean that he does not love you or does not believe you. This can only mean one thing - this man is afraid of losing you. And you will have to put in a lot of effort and patience to show your love for this man and earn his complete trust. And, if you do succeed, you will have a strong and a happy family.

    If a man himself urgently asks for confirmation of your feelings, think carefully about whether you need to be with him. This behavior, in most cases, is a manifestation of self-complexity, and most importantly, an indicator of distrust of you and your feelings.

    If the initiative comes directly from you, and you don’t understand how to show your love to a man, then the most important thing, naturally, is to talk about them. Confess your love to your chosen one more often, but only do it sincerely. But if in fact you do not experience any feelings, then it is better not to lie, because lying is felt immediately.

    Do not force your loved one to be jealous of you and do not try to make him jealous on purpose. Naturally, a woman is extremely pleased when she is jealous, there is no doubt about it. But think carefully about how the man feels at this moment, put yourself in his place. Most likely, you would be very unpleasant to find yourself in such a situation. Therefore, if your loved one tells you about this, it means that it is really unpleasant for him. And if he tells you to delete the contacts of other men or not to talk to any of them, then it’s better to do it.

    And, of course, try not to torment the man with scenes of jealousy. This is a bad way to show your love to a man. There is no need to constantly call him and find out where he is now and with whom. Probably, at the initial stage of the relationship, too frequent calls seem quite romantic, but this will gradually begin to irritate and cause a feeling of annoyance.

    Never try to compare your loved one with former men and in general try to remember them as little as possible. You should never point out to a man that he is doing something worse than his ex. This could destroy his feelings. We must praise him repeatedly and say that he is the best.

    Show concern for your loved one, which will be expressed even in small things. A delicious dinner prepared with love will make every man very happy. If your beloved man returned home after work very tired, then there is no need to burden him with your problems and empty information.

    It’s better to ask how his condition is; it’s likely that he needs to be listened to or, conversely, left alone. Such care will be the best proof of your love for him and the answer to the question: “how to show your love to a man.”

    The tips are simple, and almost every girl knows them. Therefore, if you really love someone who is nearby, you yourself will do everything to show the sincerity of your feelings. And the best result will be that you will never think about the question “how to show your love to a man” again.

    Why is it so important to show your love to a man?

    To a loving person I want his chosen one to express his emotions in words and express them in actions. Let's compare love to fire; its warmth must be constantly maintained, even if both partners know that they are loved.

    How is it possible to show your love to a man who knows that you love him madly? A one-time declaration of love will not be enough; you must constantly let the person know that you love him, this is done as follows.

    It is worth remembering that a declaration of love is not a business sphere of communication; here it is necessary to shorten the distance in order to feel your loved one as closely as possible and give him the opportunity to feel you more fully. To show your love to a man, you need to close the distance, and this works without mistakes when you want to convey to your loved one the idea that you love him.

    Tell him about this more often. Look into his eyes, take his hand, and say, “I love you.” Call from work again to say about it, write a message, and so on. These actions will make a lasting impression on your partner, and if he does the same, then your relationship will develop harmoniously and stably, since you know how to express your feelings to each other.

    As you take care to show your man your love, sometimes give him gifts as a reminder of your love. Do not be mistaken that the more expensive the gift, the brighter, better or more colorful it will be to remind you of your feelings. It happens that a gift made by your with my own hands, will become much closer to the heart than expensive jewelry or bracelets.

    Competent speech lessons will help you do beautiful confession in love, you will be able to choose words and epithets that will make your chosen one or your chosen one simply delighted. Don't worry about looking stupid or anything like that. Let your attempt to show your love to a man turn out to be funny as a result, but in any case the man will appreciate it, and approaching the current situation with some humor will only add points for your ingenuity.

    It is always worth remembering that the main thing in a relationship is mutual understanding and love. By supporting this more and more, your relationship will become better, brighter and more harmonious, the longer your love star will burn. The main thing in a relationship is feelings that constantly interact with each other. May your relationship be successful!

    How to express your love for a guy

    There is nothing wrong with confessing your love to a guy or a man - it will be equally pleasant for both him and you. This can be done romantically or creatively, using messages, cards or any other means - the main thing is to do it differently each time. Today we will tell you how to show your love to a man in different ways.

    Even the smallest signs of attention on your part can say a lot to your significant other. All kinds of cute souvenirs - plush toys, keychains and other little things are quite inexpensive - the joy of the person to whom you present it is much more expensive. You can attach postcards with touching declarations of love to such gifts;

    You can make this kind of Valentine’s card yourself. For example, you can stick dried flowers on thick paper or cardboard, your joint photos, and write beautifully inside about your feelings. Believe me, such a recognition will not leave your boyfriend indifferent - he will definitely react to your attention and think about a reciprocal gesture;

    Another option to show your love to a man is a walk. Invite him for a walk around the evening city. You can probably hide small candles in your purse. Arrange them in a heart shape on the park alley and light them up. The guy will undoubtedly understand your attitude towards him. In the same series there are confessions written in the snow or on asphalt with paint.

    If your boyfriend is a music lover and you know which radio station is always broadcast in his headphones, you can order him a beautiful love song and say a couple tender words. The ideal option is when you personally have a beautiful voice - then you can sing a romantic song for him personally. You can record a song in the studio and present him with a disc with an audio recording in a gift box;

    Today, temporary tattoos are also made using organic or chemical inks. Choose a stylish ornament with your boyfriend’s name, write a declaration of love - such a surprise will definitely hit him right in the heart!

    You can express your love for your boyfriend by giving him souvenirs or keychains. Such trinkets are not expensive, but the very fact of attention is important. In addition, such small gifts can be complemented by a postcard or a small letter with a confession in the language of love. As they say: “It’s a small thing, but it’s nice.”

    But the most important, simple and main answer to the question “how to express your love for a man or boyfriend” is an unexpected recognition when you yourself, without thinking about it, tell the guy about your feelings that overwhelm you.

    No matter what advice we give, there is no doubt that all the best things happen to us by chance. Therefore, the most sincere recognition can be one moment when, under the influence of the moment, you, looking him straight in the eyes, say about your endless and bright love for him!

    Don't know how to tell him about your crush? The best psychologists ready to give effective advice how to express your sympathy without words.

    Do you keep dreaming about the guy you've liked for so long, but you're not sure how to make him understand it? Or are you afraid of rejection and embarrassment? Not worth it! Today psychologists love relationship give seven tips on how to express your sincere feelings and achieve the best results.

    Use nonverbal communication

    Hint that you like him using nonverbal communication and observe his behavior to see if the feeling is reciprocated. If it’s mutual, then it will be much easier for you to express your interest in words. The eyes are the best way to tell us what we think and feel. Active eye contact at short intervals will let you know that you are interested in him. If his eyes sparkle when he looks at you, or if he glances at you and immediately looks down, this is often a sign that he is attracted to you. Eyes are an amazing way to tell a lot without saying a word.

    Take the lead. Play it off with humor

    Take control of the situation and have courage. For example, wink at him with a cheeky smile and say something like: “Okay, I agree to the date! Where will we go?. If he's not interested, you can both play with the joke. But if he is attracted to you, his body language will change and he will ask you out on the first date that you just initiated.

    Be bold and outspoken

    Tell him straight out and clarify why you like him. Genuine flattery will work great, but insincere flattery can make you look like an unreliable player. Sincere sentimentality will awaken pleasant feelings in him and even if he does not answer you in kind, most likely he will gently refuse without offending you.

    Give me a hint

    Get started casual conversation about what he likes most in a relationship. If after this your interest in him does not disappear, either immediately or after a couple of days, say something like: “Do you remember you once said that...? I wish I could meet someone who thinks the same way.” If the hint is not clear enough, add: “Can you recommend someone?”

    Prove why he should date you

    Think playfully, adventurously and outside the box. For example, organize a treasure hunt with a couple of riddles that you need to solve to get to the final goal. As a treasure, leave tickets to a movie theater or something else, or just an invitation to a date at a certain place and time. Thus, by your actions you will show that you are not indifferent to him and that you can add emotions and colors to his life and do everything possible and impossible for him.

    Constantly invade his personal space when you meet. If he doesn't try to move away from you, there's a good chance he likes you. Your behavior will tell him the same thing. Now you know that your offer to be more than friends will not be rejected. If you are already long time friends, judge for yourself how much you invaded each other’s personal space and take the next step beyond this space...

    Lightly touch your crush when asking him out on a date. Light touch can enhance a positive response, partly because it releases the hormone oxytocin in the brain. Back in 2007, an experiment was conducted that showed that men are more likely to get a positive response from a woman when asking her to dance or asking for her phone number if he lightly touches her arm.

    Good luck and courage!

    You want to know:

    “How to prove to a guy that you love him?” By actions? In words? By SMS? By correspondence at a distance?

    Read and choose what suits you...

    Stop nervously tearing leaves out of notebooks! Stop tormenting the player! What does this have to do with these poor objects? Calm down so that we can think together about how to solve your “unsolvable” problem. How can you prove to my boyfriend that you love him very much, your Love?

    If you’ve calmed down, we can start! Let's start with the essence of your problem... Does your boyfriend doubt that you love him? Do you want to prove to him all your feelings?

    The girls who are “affected” by your problem will now try to help you:

    • Kira Livanova:

    Make a tattoo with his name. I remembered one story (admittedly an unpleasant one) and decided to “write” it in as advice. I was seventeen years old. I met a guy. Fell in love with him. Some time after we started dating, I saw a tattoo on his hand (on his finger). Tattoo with the name "Anya". How jealous and freaked out I was at that moment! He tried to explain everything. He said that he wanted to prove his love to her. I understood that this was in the distant past, but I continued to be jealous. Then he decided to prove his love to me too! He didn't get a tattoo with my name. He “drew” that girl’s name from his finger! I was flattered and surprised, but the pity in me did not subside. After all, he “brought it out” not in the salon, but on his own, “live”! I already knew. That he loved me very much.

    • Olya Pleshkovskaya:

    Talk to him about love very often. Write about love. Whisper about love. Shout for love! The important thing is that he hears you, so that he believes in the sincerity of your words. It's very easy: keep a sincere tone! It’s impossible not to believe this.

    • Rita Stashevskaya:

    More often you need to give gifts to your loved one. Although not expensive, although not big, but more often. As often as possible! Break the stereotypes that only a guy should do this. Not good for stereotypes the best place in your life!

    • Sonya Kotova:

    Don't rush him into marriage, for example, if he is not very ready for it. The proof is the ability to wait (for his sake). This skill has always been valued. And it was not little appreciated, by the way!

    • Lisa Kunina:

    And love doesn’t need to be proven! Every person will feel it. Well, if a guy demands reciprocity, he definitely doesn’t love you! As one of my wonderful friends said: “theorems require proof! Love - no! Love it! This is more good advice, it seems to me.

    • Yulia Erokhina:

    Perform some heroic deed! One in which unusualness and originality will “shine through.”

    • Rosa Klevets:

    Love is the best proof of love! Exactly. Love so that your young man really feels and feels every grain and every particle of your feeling!

    • Sveta Milanova:

    Don’t ignore his requests, don’t provoke him to quarrel and jealousy, pamper him, don’t get angry at habits that are not very pleasant to you. Look! He will definitely understand that you love... He will understand your love anyway, without any proof. But such proof only strengthens her understanding.

    • Natasha Rogova:

    Wear his shirts at home, drink from his cup. Men are sensitive to something like this. Such “tremor” is proof of your love.

    • Nastya Zenovitskaya:

    You need to take care of the guy, and not get angry at his requests. The warmth of care is an excellent proof of love! One of my ex-boyfriends said roughly the same thing. I agreed with his words!

    • Marina Krasovskaya:

    Respect, understanding, all kinds of love confessions…. Is the evidence clear? No need to “disassemble” in detail? Advice: you need to act! Take action!

    • Olya Egorova:

    “It’s better to remain silent once again.” That's what my dad used to say! And in his words there is a sea of ​​truth that you can’t argue with.

    • Tanya Pilyutik:

    You don't love him! Because true love does not require, does not assume or ask for any proof. You just need to love. A guy will understand the strength of feelings already (even) by the shine of his eyes!

    • Lilya Menshikova:

    Is it necessary to prove love when it exists? The person himself will understand that they love him! All that is needed from you is to love! Strong, gentle, frank and passionate.

    • Olya Baranovskaya:

    How to prove to a guy that you really love him? - Remember the movie... It's called "Mind Games". There was such a scene... John asks, that is, he demands evidence and facts. And to this the girl asked: “What is the size of the entire Universe?” John answered: “Infinite.” “How do you know about this?” - asked the girl. The answer was more than original, but very simple: “I believe in it!” The girl was not at a loss and said directly that with love things are exactly the same.

    • Lera Levonevskaya:

    Unfortunately, the advice is over. I'm glad that this happened on a tasty note. By the way, about delicious... Prepare your husband (boyfriend, boyfriend) various delicious dishes! All men love to eat. And there are no exceptions. Your loved one will appreciate and love you even more! Delicious food (cooking it) is one of the most wonderful “sensory” proofs. If you don't know how to cook, it's time to learn! This skill will always come in handy. Prepare simpler dishes if you don’t have enough time to prepare dishes with sophistication, so to speak. Let your boyfriend see your passion for cooking! It is better not to “leave out” this important detail from the evidence!

    How else can you prove to a guy that you love him very much?

    Continuation. . .

    Write to the guy that you love him. -

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