• How to rip jeans at the knees. How to make beautiful holes in jeans


    Ripped jeans have been at the peak of popularity for many years. They are worn with pleasure by both girls and boys. They look interesting and stylish. One drawback - they are expensive. However, you can make them yourself. And these jeans will look no worse than those sold in stores.

    If you are planning to do needlework for the first time, then take note of a few useful recommendations. They will help you achieve the best results.

    1. Denim fabric has some special features. If you make cuts in wide places, they will become narrow, and if in wide places, they will become wide. Be sure to take this point into account before marking the slits on your jeans.
    2. Mark the places where the cuts will be with a piece of soap. At the end of the work, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
    3. Do not make too many cuts and holes, otherwise the clothes will look sloppy and sloppy.
    4. For design ripped jeans Use lace, rivets, chains, beads, pins, etc.
    5. It is better to create holes and scuffs on jeans light shade made of thick fabric.

    Making your own clothes is always a creative process, so don't be afraid to experiment. At the same time, do not forget about important rules.

    How to make ripped jeans yourself

    If you don't know where to start or what design to choose, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several master classes on creating ripped jeans.

    Stylish jeans with scuffs and slits

    Necessary materials:

    • jeans;
    • blade or sharp knife;
    • tweezers;
    • a piece of pumice or a sharp razor;
    • wooden block;
    • a piece of soap;
    1. Mark the boundaries of the cuts on the legs and pockets.
    2. Insert a wooden block inside.
    3. Make several cuts inside the marked area using a blade or sharp knife. The cuts must be parallel.
    4. Using gentle movements, pull out the colored threads. Leave the white threads.
    5. Make abrasions in the area of ​​the holes using pumice.

    All that remains is to try on the jeans and evaluate the result. If jeans seem boring, you can use additional decor.

    Jeans with rips

    To create this “denim masterpiece” you will need the same materials as for the previous master class.

    1. Mark the corner of the slot above which the white threads will be. Fluff the free edge, highlight individual threads.
    2. Mark the locations of future holes on the fabric.
    3. Use a sharp knife or blade to make slits. To make them even, place a wooden block underneath.
    4. Remove some of the threads, loosen the cross threads. For best decor remove some threads. Remove everything else with a vacuum cleaner.

    How to make abrasions on women's and men's jeans?

    You can create scuffs on jeans with sandpaper, a toothbrush, a grater, bleach, a pumice stone or a crochet hook. Choose the option that you like best and go ahead to create the clothes of your dreams!

    1. Sandpaper. It helps create deep, substantial abrasions on the legs. For creative work It is better to choose fine-grained sandpaper. Wet the jeans and wring them out with your hands. They must be moisturized. Place a board under the pant leg and begin the process of creating scuffs. Do not touch the seams while working, otherwise you will ruin the item. Wash your clothes and let them dry.
    2. Pumice. It allows you to create small, somewhat “delicate” abrasions. The procedure for creating decor is the same as using sandpaper.
    3. Hook. Using a bar of soap, mark the areas of future scuffs on the jeans and remove the cross fibers with a crochet hook. The longitudinal threads cannot be damaged, so be careful and careful.
    4. Bleach. It can be used in the final stage of creating scuffs. First, the slots are treated with pumice, a hook or sandpaper, and then bleach is used. Only white areas are treated with this product. The bleach will loosen the fabric well and create sloppy streaks around the slits.
    5. Toothbrush. It is in any home, so it can be safely used to create additional decor. Dip a toothbrush in bleach and casually spray it around the slits.

    Fades give jeans a bohemian, casual, but at the same time interesting and stylish look. If you want to achieve exactly this effect, feel free to use bleach paired with sandpaper or pumice.

    DIY torn jeans on the knees

    Knee slits are one of the fashion trends this year. Creating this decor option is not difficult. Don't believe me? Check it out!

    1. Wear jeans.
    2. Place a small dot in the center of the knee with chalk.
    3. Draw a slit in the shape of an eye.
    4. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour.
    5. Treat the edges with a nail file, pumice stone, etc. You can also use this decor option: wet the edges, roll them up and secure with pins, leave to dry.
    6. To ensure that the slits retain their shape for as long as possible, glue the fabric with non-woven fabric from the inside.

    How to make fashionable ripped jeans with lace

    Lace will give ripped jeans a certain “girliness” and romance. They can be worn with blouses in a rustic and classic style.

    1. Make the slits using any of the methods listed above.
    2. Treat the unprotected edge sewing machine or manually.
    3. Select a piece of beautiful lace. It is desirable that it be made of cotton fabric. Moisten and iron it before sewing.
    4. Carefully baste the piece of lace. When making a seam, gather it slightly.
    5. Sew on the lace using a sewing machine.

    Lace can also be used to decorate belts or pockets.

    How to care for ripped jeans?

    Ripped jeans are a delicate item that can be easily ruined. You need to wash and care for them very carefully.

    1. Wash. Wash ripped jeans preferably by hand, so as not to damage the frayed threads and not make the cuts careless and ugly. If you still dare to wash them in washing machine, use the mode hand wash. In addition, they should first be placed in a container or bag. Before washing, turn your jeans inside out and fasten the zipper. Wash the item with the addition of a special conditioner. It should be dried on a horizontal surface to prevent stretching.
    2. Cleaning and care. You should put on your trousers only after they are completely dry. If they are even the slightest bit wet, you will stretch them. If your torn jeans become dirty, use a special brush to clean them. Finally, treat the contaminated area with a damp cloth or sponge and let it dry.

    What to wear with ripped jeans?

    There are a lot of options for interesting images. You might like one of the following bows:

    1. Blue distressed jeans, a red classic jacket, a white knit T-shirt, black patent leather loafers and a clutch. An excellent look for work where there is no strict dress code. You can go on a date, to the cinema, or to meet friends in this outfit. It looks quite restrained, but very stylish.
    2. Light blue jeans, white T-shirt, white classic jacket, dark blue ballet shoes, blue handbag on a long chain. Comfortable and practical bow for every day. It is suitable for both young girls and young women.
    3. Tight, distressed jeans, brown heels, beige cardigan with ¾ arms, vest, chocolate-colored tote bag. A feminine and very sexy look that girls with a sophisticated figure can try on.
    4. Cropped ripped jeans, red suede sneakers, red knit sweater, short light-colored coat blue color, red small handbag. The image looks bold, sexy and attractive. It is suitable only for the bravest and most determined girls.
    5. Cropped jeans with holes, long knitted vest, light pink shoes, crimson jacket, color bag Ivory. Bright, stylish, unusual! Do you want to look like this? Then try on this look quickly.
    6. Light blue ripped jeans, dark gray T-shirt with slogans, Leather Jacket- black biker jacket, white moccasins, tote bag. This youth look is very comfortable and practical. It is suitable for walking with friends, going to a cafe or cinema.
    7. Ripped light blue jeans, white jersey T-shirt with black trim, black and white hat, shoes high heels, small backpack.
    8. Light blue distressed jeans, white sneakers, light gray knit sweater, blue crossbody bag. The image looks quite simple, but at the same time stylish and youthful.
    9. Light blue jeans, a blouse with small flowers, a black leather clutch and sandals with small straps. A beautiful feminine look that fans of the romantic style will certainly enjoy.
    10. Dark blue jeans, gray sweatshirt with red lettering, red suede sneakers, red knitted cap, long black leather jacket. A sporty look that young and practical girls will appreciate.

    Ripped jeans are stylish and universal item wardrobe that you can easily make with your own hands. Creative process You will surely be captivated, and you will create a real masterpiece that will cause delight and admiration among others!

    The following video shows in detail how to make ripped jeans with your own hands.

    About ten years ago, ripped jeans first came to the Russian market. The older generation was simply perplexed by “worn” jeans. And young people happily wore the new product. However, since that time, ripped jeans have stood apart from world fashion; one might say, they have been a little forgotten.

    In 2012, designers decided to return the old hit to our wardrobes. Ripped jeans have once again gained wild popularity among fashionistas.

    In this article, we will look step by step at how to make ripped jeans yourself. To do this, three simple lessons will be presented to your attention.

    We rip jeans at home

    Not every fashion is considered practical, but in the case of ripped jeans she actually gives it to old jeans new life. Surely every girl has jeans that she no longer wears, but it’s a shame to throw them away. Thanks to fashion trends summer season You can make an ultra-fashionable new thing from an old thing with your own hands. But there are limitations: you should use only jeans made of medium-weight fabric as a basis; denim that is too thin or dense will not work.

    Required Tools

    To beautifully rip jeans at home you will need:

    • actual jeans,
    • stationery knife,
    • pumice (can be replaced with sandpaper if desired),
    • chlorine bleach,
    • plastic plate (for placing inside),
    • nail scissors.
    • Any ripped jeans look great if they have a distressed effect. Therefore, before you put holes in your jeans, you need to age them.

    To do this, spread the jeans evenly on a surface convenient for work and insert a plate of plastic or any other material into the legs. The plate is needed to prevent you from cutting right through the jeans. Take a pumice stone and start rubbing it on your pant legs. However, you should avoid the knee area; friction makes the density of the jeans thinner, so unplanned holes may form over time.

    you can do it yourself

    If you haven’t decided yet what kind of ripped jeans you want to end up with, although you really want to have a fashionable item in your wardrobe, take advantage of the experience of the stars. Hollywood fashionistas have always loved ripped jeans; they are especially suitable for walking. However, at a fashion party you can also see a couple of celebrities wearing ripped jeans. This fashion has no boundaries, and ripped jeans make you look stylish and fashionable every time.

    will always be relevant, especially in the summer season

    Step-by-step instruction

    As noted earlier, you can make ripped jeans yourself. different ways. We offer you three simple options, which will not be difficult to perform at home.

    Lesson #1

    lesson 1 step #1 step #2 step #3 step #4 step #5 step #6

    Sometimes you really want some changes. And the easiest way to start is with changes in your wardrobe. In the warm season, when the number of ways to express yourself with the help of clothes undoubtedly increases, it is worth paying attention to this Special attention. Jeans today have become a basic item in every person's wardrobe. They are versatile, convenient and practical. However, sometimes you want to see not trivial jeans, but something more interesting and bright. Let's try to figure out how to make holes in jeans at home and at the same time get a stylish and interesting piece of clothing.

    How to make holes in the knees of jeans: the best ways

    Having decided to do this in your denim trousers holes, it is worth thinking about how to most competently implement this. Because even the most expensive branded jeans can be easily ruined if you simply “cut holes” in them. At the initial stage, it is worth deciding exactly where and what size the slots will be. To do this, you need to place the jeans on a flat surface and mark them with any in a convenient way(special marker, chalk, etc.)

    It’s also worth remembering some simple rules that you need to follow if you decide to transform your jeans yourself.

    1. You should not make cuts in the area of ​​the pelvis or buttocks (the only exception is the back pockets), otherwise there is a high risk that the fabric may creep out in the most unexpected places, and it also does not look particularly aesthetically pleasing, peeking through the slits, underwear.
    2. Clearly determine the angle at which the cut will be made. Because it depends on it future view holes, its depth.

    So, at the previously marked places we do horizontal cuts. It is advisable to use small scissors or a sharp cutter for this. The cuts should be made parallel to the white threads. Then, using tweezers(or any sharp object like sewing needle), we begin to pull out the threads one at a time. At first they will be difficult to pull out, but then the process will go much faster. So, it will gradually appear fringe.

    The white threads can be cut or left as is. If desired, you can thin out some of them.

    Looks very unusual cut with backing at the bottom. This variety is perfect for rear or front pockets. In this case, the bottom layer will complement the thinned top layer, forming an effective combination. For such purposes, you can use fabric of a different texture, lace, etc.

    There are a number of other ways to create holes in jeans that you can do at home. For example, using large needles and blades. Some threads are cut and then pulled out one by one. You can also help in creating fringe brush with metal teeth.

    You can also use pumice or sandpaper to create holes, but this method quite labor-intensive and will require significant effort. And the result may be disappointing.

    DIY artistic holes on jeans

    By creating unusually shaped holes in jeans, you don’t need any special equipment or skills. Everything can be done quite simply at home. The most important thing is to adhere to the principle: pull out dark threads in the shape of a hole. The cuts should be parallel to the white threads and for the most part they are necessary only to remove unnecessary threads, leaving the necessary outline.

    Initially, it would be useful to make pattern, according to the shape of the future hole. This will help avoid uneven edges. It is best to cut with a sharp utility knife or scalpel, since a regular knife and scissors will not be able to cut through denim. Directly when cutting, it is worth placing a hard board or plywood under the product.

    However, it is worth remembering that when cutting a hole of this shape, you should definitely secure the edges. Otherwise, there is a risk that the work done will be in vain. You can glue the back side with non-woven fabric or do a zigzag stitch. It is also possible to manually trim the edge (stitch along the edge of the hole, not through it).

    Holes on jeans at home: basic mistakes

    Those who have never made “scuffs” or holes on jeans should know a few typical mistakes, which you may encounter in the process of creating a stylish wardrobe item.

    • for the first time, best practice on old jeans that are no longer relevant to wear. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining your favorite thing and ruining your mood;
    • Before you start, you should review video those who have already done this. This way you can clearly see all the stages of creating holes. And also see the end result;
    • main mistake many, it becomes wrong incision location on jeans. This will cause the fabric to fray and may ruin further appearance jeans;
    • another common mistake cutting the wrong threads. As a result, it ends with the fact that it is not possible to form a high-quality fringed edge of the holes. They may look sloppy and carelessly executed;
    • When creating holes of complex shape, you may encounter the fact that the original intended shape has turned into a shapeless hole. To avoid this, you should secure the edges with non-woven material and sew a hand or machine seam;
    • if the first time it was not possible to achieve the required result in place of the “wrong”, damaged hole, you can always apply patch, pre-processing the edges or creating a fringe. And also decorate with elements of lace, mesh, etc.

    If you decide to make holes in your jeans yourself, there is no need to be afraid. You just need to start and perhaps the creation process stylish element wardrobe will turn out to be very exciting, and the result will definitely please you. If you adhere to the basic rules for creating holes, they will undoubtedly turn out smooth and beautiful, they will decorate your jeans and create a unique image.

    Jeans that have undergone an artificial aging procedure have not gone out of fashion for many seasons. Scuffs or tears allow you to make the image more vivid and give an unusual look to an ordinary item. But if you find pants from denim It can be difficult to fit your figure, but picking up torn jeans is an even more difficult task. But if you know how to make ripped jeans, you can create a unique item with your own hands without much difficulty.

    Before you make holes in the fabric yourself, you should choose the right model. First of all, decide whether you want to process the male or female version. There is no significant difference, they are made from the same fabric, and tears or worn areas can be repaired in the same way. But clothing designs for men and women may differ.

    You should not take models made of stretch fabric. Beautifully tear elastane skinny jeans It won't work on your knees or hips.

    It is better to choose wide pants or medium-width models made of denim. The holes look perfect on them.

    • Some tips for choosing: Any color is suitable, but products in a blue or light blue shade look most advantageous. On them White color
    • the warp thread will contrast favorably with the shade of the main fabric;
    • the selection of material for work should be taken carefully. It is better to choose one that is not too sparse (arrows may appear) and not too dense (you will not get a spectacular fringe). The composition is also important: you should not take fabric with a high synthetic content;
    • models with straight legs, flares, and skinny pants are suitable for making torn jeans;
    • You should not choose things with prints, appliqués, or colored inserts. Cuts can overload the composition, which looks awkward;

    if you take old jeans, you can make holes where there are already abrasions. This way the product will have a natural look, and aging will give the clothes a “second life”.

    Where is the best place to make holes?

    The placement of cuts on the fabric should be carefully considered, depending on the intended effect. Properly aged jeans can emphasize the shape of the legs, disguise defects, and distract attention from problem areas of the figure. Before work, you should find photographs of pants with artificial tears to understand how to correctly position the cuts.

    • owners of long slender legs are recommended to make slits in the knee area and in the upper thigh;
    • for short girls, small cuts scattered over the entire surface of skinny trousers are suitable;
    • girls with large hips It’s worth choosing classic models, making holes rare and placing them vertically. The main thing here is not to do them too often, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.

    The main mistake in the location of the slots is placing them close to each other. This visually shortens the legs and makes it difficult to achieve the desired effect. And, of course, the cuts should take up no more than half of the trouser leg, so as not to look vulgar. For the first experiment, it is better to make one or two holes, and then add a model of ripped jeans if you like the result.

    What tools will you need?

    To make jeans torn without ruining the item, you should start working after everything you need has been prepared. You should first prepare a suitable workplace, where there is enough light and free space to spread out your trousers.

    You will need for work:

    • knife for cutting. The ideal option is a fabric knife, but usually those who do not sew professionally do not have one. You can take a stationery knife or any other tool with a narrow, sharp blade. Scissors can be used, but in some cases it is not convenient;
    • marking tools. It is required that the mark be clearly visible on the fabric, but then be easily removed from it by washing or cleaning. The pencil erases quite well, but its mark is hard to see. The felt-tip pen doesn't wash well. Therefore, it is worth using the tools from the tailors’ arsenal - a chalk or a piece of soap;
    • cutting board - it is inserted into the leg so as not to damage the back fabric when making a cut. If you don’t have a special board, you can take a piece of plywood or a cutting board from the kitchen. The main thing is that it fits into the trouser leg and is not too thick (no more than 10 mm);
    • If it’s easy to make torn ones out of old jeans (the cuts are made in the place of abrasions), then new trousers will have to be aged artificially. To do this, you need to prepare a piece of sandpaper or a file. A whetstone will also work.

    You will also need tweezers and a darning needle. The weaving threads will be pulled out with tweezers, and the base will be unwoven with a needle in order to make a beautiful fringe. You can also prepare a bleach solution or laundry bleach to make the edges of the holes white. This way they will look much more impressive.

    Stages of work

    Having prepared everything you need, you can start working. Here step-by-step instruction making torn ones from regular jeans. The instructions are intended for female models made of blue material, but also with men's pants the job is done exactly the same.

    It is better to mark the item on yourself, then the location of the cuts will most accurately correspond to the places where you want to see them. Draw the outlines with chalk or a piece of soap and look at yourself in the mirror again. Don't worry if you have to redo the job several times - remember that after the first cut it will be much more difficult to change the item.

    There are two main markup options:

    • in the first case, the places of future holes are marked with rectangles. Then the holes will look more neat, and the warp threads will tighten the hole quite well;
    • in the second case, the contour is made in a more arbitrary shape. Then the hole will look rougher and more closely resemble a natural break.

    Having completed the markings, proceed to the next stage.

    Processing holes

    Straighten the pant leg and insert a cutting board inside where the cut will be. If you do not plan to make large fringes, you can simply cut through the material with scissors. If you need to make a large fringe or tighten a hole with warp threads, it is better to take a stationery knife. The main thing is to act step by step, take your time and complete all steps as carefully as possible.

    Make several horizontal cuts inside the outlined outline. Then, using tweezers, pull out the blue threads that weave the fabric, leaving the white warp threads untouched. You can pluck the threads in bunches, or you can pluck one thread at a time. This is a more labor-intensive option, but the result will look neater.

    The warp threads can be separated into individual fibers with a darning needle. Some of them can be trimmed to create fringe. But you need to remember that the product will take on its final appearance only after washing. The last step is to reinforce the edges of the hole with stitching so that the material does not spread further.

    Decor and aging

    After the holes have taken on the planned appearance, the final processing of the product needs to be carried out. First you need to sand the edges of the holes to give them a worn look. You can then bleach the fabric by applying bleach to the warp threads and around the cuts. Then you need to wait the prescribed time and wash off the remaining bleach with plenty of water. Whitened edges highlight the cut.

    If necessary, you can decorate the holes by hemming pieces of colored fabric or lace under them. You can also use beads, sequins, and embroidery with colored threads to decorate jeans.

    Ripped jeans look great on almost any figure. But you need to remember a sense of proportion so that the processed item does not look vulgar. Then they will be able to complement the image favorably. Don't be afraid to experiment, and good results will be achieved.


    Jeans are a favorite item of fashionistas, with which you can highlight all the charms of your figure. For several seasons in a row, ripped jeans have been at the peak of popularity. There is no need to spend a lot of money on purchasing such clothes, because you can make a fashionable thing out of old trousers yourself. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

    Beautiful holes

    Do not rush to randomly cut holes in the fabric. First, turn the jeans inside out and examine the composition and weave of the fabric. The holes in the canvas of different colors on the back and front sides look very nice. In this case, the threads will be dyed a different color than the main fabric. Using a pencil, draw where you will make the holes. Try to keep the stripes parallel to the weave of the fabric. IN otherwise you will end up with irregularly shaped slanted holes.

    Before cutting the fabric, place a board or any hard surface inside the pant leg. Use a utility knife to make a cut. After this, you can start decorating the hole. This is done by creating a fringe from threads. If the fringe turns out oblique, straighten it using nail scissors. Be careful around the pockets as you may accidentally cut them. The fabric lining of the pockets does not look very nice, as it shows through holes and abrasions.

    Lightening the threads

    If the color of the threads merges with the fabric, then they can be lightened using white or any chlorine bleach. To do this, simply apply a bleach solution to the threads with a brush. When choosing locations for holes, try to avoid the knee area. In these places, over time, the holes increase and the threads stretch.

    Decor with lace and spikes

    If you want to change your jeans beyond recognition, you can sew lace or thin fabric with floral print. Thus, the thing will look very feminine. These jeans can be worn with chiffon blouses and tops. Even heels go well with ripped jeans with lace.

    Aggressive boyfriends are all the rage these days, so don't rush to throw away your old jeans. Using a utility knife, make several horizontal cuts at the top of the pant leg. Using a regular needle, pull out several threads to create a strip of threads. Purchase spikes and rivets from a hardware store. Attach spikes along the perimeter of the cuts.


    If you don’t think the product is creative enough, you can add abrasions on the pockets and at the bottom of the legs. This can be done using sandpaper or a fine grater. Please note that you need to move the grater from side to side along a horizontal line. This way you will get neat scuff marks. They can be lightened with regular bleach or Domestos. To do this, apply bleach to the area you want to lighten and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the pants and wash them in the washing machine.

    Don't be afraid to experiment. If you are not sure of success, you can practice on a piece of old jeans or a vest. In a pinch, the pants can be turned into cute shorts.

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