• How to arrange a boy's birthday. Scenario for children's birthday (celebration at home)


    Birthday is one of the favorite holidays for any person, what can we say about a child? Any child looks forward to this day and prepares for it. On this day he receives gifts and attention, his guests come to him, and most importantly, this day is spent with fun, games and interesting exciting events. At least this is the parents' concern to make the holiday memorable. How to organize a children's birthday party at home so that it is fun, interesting, tasty and exciting?

    Preparation for the holiday

    Your birthday is coming up and you need to think through all the details of this holiday in detail. First, decide on the guests. It is unlikely that the baby will like to sit on his holiday surrounded by serious adults. It's best to invite friends to your birthday party, cousins and sisters, classmates and neighbors - the same age as the birthday boy. Call those your child loves and is friends with.

    Talk to your baby, perhaps you forgot about someone whom the birthday boy would like to see at his party. When the guest list is approved, invitations can be prepared. Let your daughter or son draw small cards on which you can write funny invitations in the form of a poem. For example:

    • As you guys remember,
    • It's my birthday
    • So everyone on the seventh of March
    • I'm waiting at 6:30, I'm visiting.
    • Be sure to come
    • I'll be waiting impatiently
    • You bring smiles
    • To give them to each other!

    You can give the invitations yourself or put them in the mailbox - it will be even more interesting. However, if you put an invitation card in the box, do not forget to make sure that the letter reaches the recipient.

    If it’s a birthday for young children, then consider their sleep time. It's better to celebrate after nap, the children will be well-rested and happy - whims will not threaten you.

    Room decoration

    Well, what children's party would be complete without balloons and party caps. Take care of this in advance. On X-day, inflate balloons and decorate the room with them. You can hang posters on the wall that say “Happy Birthday!” As guests gather, invite everyone to wear party caps. You can buy them or make them yourself. You can also buy crackers with confetti or ribbons, but only if there are no kids. Young children may be frightened by loud and harsh noises.

    What to feed small children at home is another important question. Because most children are quite picky eaters. If it’s a birthday for a child in his first three or four years, you should definitely prepare something healthy that small children eat. Soup with noodles and meatballs, mashed potatoes with cutlets, potato zrazy, cottage cheese pancakes. If there is at least one baby among the guests, take care of him, because food from the common table is not yet available to him.

    For older children (from five years old), the menu may be similar to that for adults, but children do not always need mayonnaise salads and veal chops. To please children and teenagers, you can make homemade hamburgers and hot dogs, fry a whole mountain of French fries, cook or buy pizza. Drinks are required - soda or compote. You can cook nuggets - they fly away with a bang. Also, assorted fruits are preferable on the children's table. This set of products will really delight your little guests.

    Cake is a must for dessert. Children prefer fruit and chocolate cakes, but the main choice on this day is up to the birthday boy. You can prepare an additional dessert - ice cream. Take regular ice cream and scoop it into bowls. Add fruits and nuts to it, pour over jam syrup. It turns out very tasty, interesting and inexpensive.

    Between main meals, children need to be occupied so that they do not get bored. In fact, hosting a children's birthday party is not an easy task. You won't get away with it here interesting conversations as with adults. Children require constant attention, they need to be occupied with something all the time, otherwise they may start playing pranks or simply get bored. Therefore, after a delicious feast, you can hold several interesting competitions.

    To do this, you need one adult leader who can quickly turn the situation around if things don’t go according to plan. The host will definitely encourage daredevils who do not refuse to participate in competitions first, and will also encourage the overly shy little guest.

    Competitions should not be consecutive. It is better to mix competitions with feasts, games, dancing and other entertainment. As prizes for the winners, you can prepare small gifts - chocolates, toys, pencils, crayons, etc. Here is an example of several children's competitions that will easily entertain children at a children's birthday party.

    1. “The sea is agitated once!” For this competition, everyone goes to an open area to dance. The music turns on. The presenter says: “The sea worries once, the sea worries twice!” The children are dancing and making faces at this time. When he says “The sea is worried three!”, the children should freeze in their poses. Then the presenter carefully observes them and makes them laugh. Whoever moves first loses and leaves the game. One less person advances to the next round. The one who lasts the longest wins.
    2. "Chairs". This is a classic and hackneyed competition, which, nevertheless, is very popular with children. For the competition there must be an open space so that children have somewhere to run. Chairs are placed in a circle, one less than the number of children participating in the competition. When the music starts, everyone starts running around the chairs. And when it turns off, you need to quickly take an empty chair. The one who is left without a chair is eliminated. In the next round, one chair is also removed.
    3. "Portrait of the birthday boy." This competition will keep children busy for at least 15-20 minutes. They need to be given small sheets of paper and pencils and asked to draw a portrait of the birthday boy. Your baby will like this, because today all the attention is only for him. The winner is determined by the birthday boy himself.
    4. "Balloon Fight" To carry out this competition you will need the help of two adults and 5-8 balloons. Adults stretch the blanket vertically, improvising a volleyball net. Children are divided into two teams and stand with different sides bedspreads The children are given balls, and the children throw them to the neighboring side. The goal of the competition is to ensure that not a single balloon is left on your side.
    5. "Rope with chairs." Two chairs are placed next to each other with their backs facing each other. There is a string stretched under the legs of the chairs - one end is near the feet of one participant sitting on the chair, and the other end is near the second. At the leader’s command, you need to quickly change chairs with a friend and pull the rope by the end. Whoever pulls the rope out faster is the winner.
    6. "Questions about the birthday boy." The presenter prepares several questions in advance about the birthday person, his life, and hobbies. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.
    7. "Chamomile". You need to make a chamomile out of paper in advance, and write tasks for the children on the back. Each child chooses a petal and completes the assigned task to the music. It's very fun and interesting. The tasks can be different - sing a song, recite a poem, walk in single file, crow, recite a tongue twister, or jump on one leg.
    8. "Competition for the birthday boy." The birthday boy sits on a chair with his back to his friends. Children take turns meowing, barking, croaking and mooing, and the main hero of the occasion tries to guess who made this or that sound.

    Other entertainment for children's parties

    In addition to competitions, there are a huge number of other entertainments that will amuse your little guests.

    1. Stationery stores have large Whatman paper coloring books that are very fun to color with a large group.
    2. Recently, such entertainment as face painting has been gaining popularity. This is when a child is painted with special safe paints. His face is turned into the muzzle of a fox, cat or bear cub. You can master the technique yourself or invite a special artist.
    3. Karaoke. Children love to sing as much as adults, so organize this entertainment for them too. At the same time, you can arrange a disco for the guys.
    4. Shows can be arranged as additional performances soap bubbles, puppet theater, invite actors in colorful costumes or become one yourself. Costumes of children's cartoon characters can be rented at the acting studio.
    5. At the end of the holiday, you can organize fireworks or simply launch balloons filled with gas into the sky. You can also launch lanterns into the air with wishes for the birthday boy.

    The end of the holiday

    The children's holiday does not last long because the children get tired quickly. The most optimal is 3-4 hours. It is very important to end the holiday tactfully so that the children go home happy. Tell your guests that the holiday is coming to an end, but before they leave, have them write wishes for the birthday boy on a large piece of paper. You can also record a video message for him, which will remain a memory for many years.

    Before your children leave, ask them how they will get home. If necessary, escort the guys out. Be sure to call the guests' parents and make sure they made it home.

    A children's holiday largely depends on adults. And the task of parents is to provide their child with an unforgettable birthday, which the child will remember for a whole year.

    Video: how to celebrate your child's first birthday

    Do children like to celebrate holidays in home environment? Yes, most children feel great at such events. Therefore, if you were unable to organize a celebration on location (or simply didn’t want to), you can hold a wonderful children’s birthday at home. You just need to prepare for it in advance.

    Holiday style

    Children, unlike adults, really look forward to their birthday and are happy to make plans: who they will invite, what they will wear, how they will have fun, etc. Depending on the wishes of the child, you need to choose a theme for the holiday. At the same time, the interests of the guests should also be taken into account - if children of both sexes are planned to be present at the event, then you should not organize a celebration in the style of Barbie or Spider-Man. It is better to focus on more or less neutral topics:

    1. Holiday with Smeshariki (Barboskins, Luntik, etc.). These popular cartoon characters are loved by both girls and boys.
    2. with a search for treasure or a spy room with the investigation of a complex and intricate “crime”.
    3. In the animal kingdom, children will enjoy dressing up as animals. And if there are a lot of guests, then you can divide them into two teams, for example, predators and herbivores or domestic and wild animals, and during the event you can organize a competition between them.
    4. Indian or Papuan party. It will be interesting for the children not only to wear bright costumes, but also to learn new things about the life of the indigenous people of distant countries.
    5. Seasons, undersea world, fairy tales, etc. - all this is suitable equally for boys and girls. Therefore, if the birthday person does not have any specific wishes, it is worth focusing on such topics.

    When the child and his parents have decided on the style of the celebration, you can begin to prepare competitions, invitations (they must correspond to the chosen theme) and think about the design of the room.


    You need to start preparing for a children's party at home in advance. The child will be very upset if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is worth making a list of what needs to be done:

    • find out the exact number of guests;
    • make and send out (distribute) invitations;
    • select competitions and buy prizes for the winners;
    • think over the menu;
    • purchase everything you need to decorate the room;
    • draw up a plan for the event.

    There is no need to put all this trouble on the shoulders of parents. If the child is already more than 5-6 years old, then he is quite capable of helping mom and dad in preparing for the celebration.

    As for invitations, it is better to make more of them - it is possible that someone will immediately say that they cannot attend the birthday party for one reason or another. Then you can write another name on the blank form and call someone else.

    The decoration of the room where the main part of the event will take place should correspond to the theme of the holiday, but not interfere with its implementation:

    1. For an underwater party, just hang an image of Neptune on the wall and on the curtains vertical garlands from white circles of paper, they will imitate bubbles. Chairs can be decorated with strips of corrugated green paper to look like seaweed.
    2. Indian theme a large one will do a wigwam made of planks and blankets in the corner of the room (if, of course, its size allows), arrows and feathers hung on the walls.
    3. If it is decided that all the guests will pretend to be animals, then you can temporarily turn the room into a jungle - hang rope vines (only so that they do not interfere with walking), and cut them out of colored paper large leaves palm trees and hang them in different corners.
    4. Little pirates will surely love the Jolly Roger picture on the wall, the table decorated like a ship, and the cardboard chests with “treasures” placed around the room. You can put candy and chewing gum as treasures.

    The same principle is used to decorate a room for a Papuan, cowboy, fairy tale, etc. parties - basic attributes and nothing extra.


    For children's day Birth at home script is required. At least in general terms, you need to imagine what the guests will do. It’s not worth holding complex competitions right away; it’s better to start with simple, calm games, and then move on to more complex and active ones:

    1. "Bagel". This calm game, it is usually held at the table when the children have already had a snack. The players’ task, without smiling or laughing, is to answer all the host’s questions with only one word - bagel. For example, “who is your best friend", "what is your favorite toy", etc.
    2. "One letter" or "One topic". Participants take turns saying words that start with the same letter or relate to one specific topic. You cannot repeat yourself; if a player thinks for more than 10 seconds, he is eliminated. The one who names the most words wins.
    3. "Hot and cold." This type of entertainment has not lost its relevance for several decades. One participant (for example, the birthday boy) leaves the room, and at this time the rest hide some object. The person who enters begins to look for it, and those who hid it tell him, saying “hot” or “cold”, depending on whether he is approaching or moving away from this object. If you play against the clock, you can give a prize to the fastest one.
    4. "Ball Hockey" It is played when it is time to move on to more complex competitions for children's birthday parties at home. 2 players stand opposite each other and, using fans (or just sheets of paper), try to drive balloon into the enemy's gates. You can use a rope stretched between the chairs as a gate. The difficulty of such a competition is that the ball must not touch the ground.
    5. "Living Tangle". This game is best played when there are more than 9-10 guests. One child leaves the room, and the others hold hands and begin to get entangled with each other. It is important not to unclasp your hands. When the “tangle” is ready, you need to call the player who came out and ask him to untangle the rest. Everyone tries to do this in turn, and the one who does it faster than the rest wins.

    There are a lot of competitions, and even if nothing concrete comes to mind, there are always “Fantas” that the kids simply adore: one turns away and says what to do to this or that “Fanta”. So, it turns out that they come up with entertainment for themselves.

    Children's menu

    Feeding children is not an easy task. Moreover, everyone has different tastes: some are accustomed to healthy food, while others cannot imagine life without chips and lemonade. In addition, some of the children may have allergies, so the parents of the birthday boy should find out about this in advance. If no one has any contraindications, then it is better to stop at this set of treats:

    1. Juices and lemonades. You need to buy more of them, because children will run, jump and will definitely want to drink.
    2. Fruit canapes. Kids don't like to sit at the table for a long time, so the ideal option is snacks that are placed to the side on the table. Anyone who wants to have a snack can come up, take a canape, quickly eat it and run on to play.
    3. Tartlets or sandwiches. They must look beautiful so that guests want to eat them. You can decorate such dishes with cherry tomatoes and quail eggs.
    4. Pizza. Rarely will a child refuse such food. There’s no point in making your own pizza; it’s better to order a few slices in advance so that it’s delivered hot right to the holiday.
    5. Sweets. How can you do without sweets at a children's birthday party?! You definitely need a cake with candles, which the birthday boy will blow out in front of everyone, and then treat each guest. You can offer the kids colorful jelly and even ice cream if it’s not a bitter winter outside.

    Making a menu for children's party, we must take into account that many of the treats may end up on the floor or furniture. Therefore, it is worth choosing products that are easy to wash.

    Yes, organizing a child’s birthday at home is a real test for parents, so many people prefer to invite a children’s animator for a child’s birthday party at home. It will match the chosen style and will entertain guests. But such a service is not always available to everyone, because it costs a lot of money. However, you can find a way out of this - negotiate with a friend who will appear at the celebration in the right guise and conduct the program according to a pre-written script.

    Is your child’s birthday coming soon and you want the holiday to be special so that your son or daughter will remember this day for a long time? Believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to invite animators from a special agency or to hold a holiday in some children's club. A fun, original, memorable children's birthday can be held at home. Parents are quite capable of organizing and holding a children's party themselves. The most important thing you will need is time to plan and prepare everything in advance. And we will help you valuable advice for holding a children's party at home.

    Child's birthday

    The baby is looking forward to his birthday, asking you several times a day: “Is it coming soon? And when? How much is left? In order not to answer the same question 100 times, the author recommends that you make a waiting calendar so that every day the child can cut off a number and see how many days are left until the holiday. The cake and circles with numbers are made of thick paper (cardboard).

    The most amazing and magical thing about this calendar is that when all the circles are cut off and only one paper cake remains from the calendar, then in the evening it suddenly magically materializes into a real cake, greatly surprising and delighting the birthday boy (birthday girl) and all those gathered.

    Organization of children's parties

    We've sorted out the decoration of the room for a children's party, now let's move on to the entertainment.

    Choose the ones you like best, which are on our website, and hold them at your children's birthday party. Make or buy the necessary equipment in advance for playing games at a children's party. In this article we want to offer you a few more win-win options entertainment for children's parties.

    Birthday games

    Pranks are a big hit at children's birthday parties. small gifts for guests. A well-known classic version prize draw like this. Wrapped in beautiful paper the prizes are hung on strings, and blindfolded children cut them off one by one. Whoever cut off which bundle won a prize. The number of prizes should be greater than the number of participants in the drawing, so that the last ones also have plenty to choose from.

    Make raffle tickets for children's parties. Play them among your guests. The kids will love washing off the protective layer on lottery tickets and find out what prizes they won.

    Be sure to include in entertainment program several tricks. After all, all children simply love magic tricks! Nowadays you can find many interesting sets for magic tricks in stores. You can perform tricks yourself, or maybe a child too, if they practice well in advance.

    Don't forget to arrange a photo session for the birthday boy(s) and guests.

    Interesting and unusual idea— make special accessories for a photo shoot on sticks.
    See how you can experiment with them.

    Pinata “Donkey” master class

    A piñata is a great holiday activity for kids. Roughly speaking, a piñata is a box in the shape of an object or animal, covered with a fringe of corrugated paper. There are sweets and surprises hidden inside the piñata. Children take turns hitting the piñata with a stick. As a result, the box falls apart and surprises fall out.

    How to end a birthday

    The children's party is coming to an end, it's time for the little guests to go home... To make this inevitable part of the children's party not so sad, prepare small gifts for the children that they can take with them.

    Children's birthday menu

    A child's birthday is always a special day in the life of a family. I really want him to remember this memorable day for a long time. In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care in advance of both the cultural program (entertainment, competitions, sweepstakes) and the holiday menu.
    Here we will give you basic recommendations for creating a children's birthday menu. We recommend that you organize a children's birthday buffet based on the buffet principle. Everything should be wrong big size and portioned. Variety and beautiful design dishes are welcome. If you are preparing salads, then before serving, place them in small salad bowls or shortcrust pastry baskets. Salads served in transparent cups look very nice. Great idea — organize a salad bar. To do this, you need to place the chopped ingredients on separate plates - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, canned corn and green peas, meat, chicken, sausage, boiled eggs , greens, etc. And dressings for them - homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, butter. The children themselves serve what they like and mix their own salads. It is important to offer small plates for culinary experiments so that too much food does not suffer due to failures.

    Fruits and desserts can also be placed in portioned cups or, for example, waffle cones. Canapés are very popular among children. You will need sticks for canapés or wooden skewers for kebabs. And what to string on them: fresh and salted cucumbers, avocado, sweet bell pepper different colors, raw and boiled carrots, cheese, processed cheese in slices, boiled and peeled quail eggs

    , meat, chicken, sausage, olives, apples, oranges, cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc. U Do you have a joyful event coming up - your child's birthday? We invite you to spend it at Znaechka! But if you do not have such an opportunity, you can arrange a children's birthday party at home by organizing unforgettable holiday

    on your own. It's no secret that birthdays are the most favorite children's holiday, which children look forward to and hope to receive the most desired gifts. How successful the holiday will be depends primarily on you, the parents.

    Start organizing the holiday by distributing invitations. Write a list of guests, because the menu and competitions will depend on it.To decorate a children's table at a birthday party, you can tiewith image congratulatory inscriptions and emoticons. The highlight of the holiday can be a surprise balloon filledcolorful and shiny confetti, burst straightover the birthday boy. Having covered the hero of the occasion with bright sparkles,it will be one of the most memorable moments of thisholiday. Try making a photo garland from photo flagsyour baby. Attached to curtains, a special festive mood will be created by decorative butterflies. To make this decoration, you need to cut out a rectangle measuring 20x25 cm from corrugated paper of any color, make side cuts, assemble the sheet with an accordion, tie it in the middle with thread and straighten the edges - you get wings. ForTaurus, you need a piece of gilded corrugated paper 4x13 cm. You can hang butterflies in the room not only on curtains, a chandelier, but also in the form of a garland, attaching them at different heights to a strong fishing line.

    The most ideal option is if table setting during the eventchildren's party does not contain glass items.

    For a children's party, choose paper tablecloths withchildren can draw. At a children's party, plastic dishes with images of various cartoon characters, such a move will not only increase the child’s interest in food, but will also turn eating into fun game. Can be simple disposable cups and decorate the plates with stickers with images of cartoon characters.

    An interesting decoration element festive table can be homemade funny figures made from salt dough standing on the table.

    Salt dough recipe: 1 tbsp. p. flour with a slide, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. water, a few drops of vegetable oil.

    Mix flour and salt well. Add water little by littleand butter, kneading the dough until it becomes elastic andfeels good in your hands. The water should be cool, knead for a long time.

    If the dough is too soft, add a little salt and flour and continueknead until you achieve the desired consistency.

    Place the finished dough in a plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

    When thinking about the menu, remember that children are not adults, and they come to visit each other to play, not to eat. Forget about salads and hot dishes. For your children's birthday, choose easy recipes - snacks and a sweet table.

    We offer you several simple and child-friendly recipes.

    You can make small sandwiches, canapés, sandwiches.

    Make “bunnies,” “hedgehogs,” “mushrooms,” and baskets from hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, and cucumbers.


    2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 200 g butter, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt.

    Chop flour with butter, add eggs and sour cream, knead the doughand refrigerate for 10 minutes. Grease the molds with oil. Doughroll out into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out circles from itforms for baskets. Press the dough into the molds with your fingers untilso that their inner side is completely covered with an even layertest. Place in the oven, bake until done, cool.

    The filling for such baskets can be fruit, whipped cream or other mousses and creams.

    "Potato Baskets"

    2 potatoes, 1 egg, butter, salt.

    Peel the potatoes and grate them on a grater or in a food processor. Squeeze alljuice. Separate the white from the yolk. Add protein to potatoes and add salt.

    Place grated potatoes in greased pans,forming a basket. Bake until done, cool.

    “Delicious” salad for baskets

    400 g apples, 300 g carrots, 150 g walnuts, sour cream.

    Peel the apples and cut into thin strips. Carrotgrate on a coarse grater, add chopped walnuts,season with sour cream and place in baskets.

    Sandwich “SUN”

    Spread a piece of bread with a thick layer of herring, ham or sprout butter, place a sprig of dill on top, in the middle of the sandwichplace half of the yolk, and around it place rays ofchopped egg white so that the butter shines through. ForFor contrast, you can tint the oil by adding tomato puree.

    “Boats with chicken filling”:

    1 chicken breast, 1 head of green lettuce, 2 fresh tomatoes,2 tbsp. l. low-calorie yogurt or sour cream.

    Remove the skin from the breast. Boil the chicken breast, cut into small piecespieces. Divide the salad into leaves, select 8 strong leavesquite large size. Fill each leaf with chickenplace a slice of fresh tomato on top and 1/2 tsp.yogurt or sour cream.

    Dessert “Tutti-frutti”
    One banana, half a glass of strawberries, a glass of low-fat yogurt, a glass of milk. Mash all the fruits to a puree and, slowly pour in the yogurt and milk, beat well. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. A delicious and beautiful dessert is ready!

    But no matter how well you set the table, no matter how great you decorate the house, you still need to come up with competitive program. For children younger age competitions and entertainment should not last longer than 1.5 hours, otherwise they will simply get tired. Here is a sample list of games and competitions that can entertain the birthday boy and his guests.


    Make a chamomile out of paper in advance - as many petals asthere will be children. Write funny on the back of each petaltasks. Children tear off the petals and begin to complete tasks:

    walk in single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song,repeat the tongue twister, etc.


    The presenter throws up a balloon. While he is flying, you can move,touched the floor - everyone should freeze and not smile. Those who do not comply are eliminated from the game.


    Two participants sit on chairs with their backs to each other. Under the chairsthere is a rope or cord lying around. At the leader’s signal, each playerruns around the other person's chair, sits on his own chair and tries to quickly grabend of the rope and pull it out.

    Game "Bank and River"

    This game requires children to be attentive. Two lines are drawn on the groundat a distance of approximately 1 m. Between these lines there is a river,and at the edges there is a shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The leader gives the command:

    “river”, and all the guys jump into the river. At the command “shore” everythingjump ashore. The leader gives commands quickly and randomly,to confuse the players. For example: “Bank, river, river, bank,river, river, river...” If at the command “bank” someone isin the “river” (and vice versa), then he leaves the game. The game continues untiluntil the most attentive participant is determined. He is awardedand start the game again.

    Game "Colored"miracles"

    Children are given sheets of white paper on which an invisibleparaffin candle drawing. They paint them with different colorswatercolors. On a colored background, a drawing will appear that waspainted with paraffin.

    Competition "Guess who I am!"

    Those who wish are blindfolded and given small pieces to try.or sausage, or cheese, or boiled vegetables, a little at a timeany salads. Participants determine products.

    Artist competition

    On a large sheet of whatman paper we suggest drawing a generaldrawing or color an already drawn drawing. This collective

    The picture is given to the birthday boy on behalf of all the wizards.

    Competition "Mummy"

    Participants are divided into pairs, each pair receives a toilet rollpaper, and one wraps the other in paper from head to toe, competing,Which pair will finish faster?

    Favorite color

    The game is very simple, but exciting and fun. The presenter names a color. Children must find this color in clothes or in the things of their comrades and take on it. The one who does not have time is eliminated or becomes the leader.


    A game that you can play without leaving your workplace. And during the holiday, have more ordinary paper clips in stock.

    Invite the children to make a chain from paper clips in 1-2 minutes. The one whose chain is longer will win.

    Hiding the candy

    A simple and exciting competition. Invite the kids to treat the adults with the collected candies.

    Ask everyone to leave the room and hide 10-20 candies. Hiding doesn't have to be far and deep. Place them in visible but unexpected places. Call the children into the room and offer to collect all the candy. The one who finds the most candies wins.

    Questions for ingenuity

    A selection of funny questions will help you out at any time.

    Why does a duck swim? (From the shore.)

    Why does a hunter carry a gun? (Behind the shoulders.)

    Can it rain 2 days in a row? (No, there is night between them.)

    When does a stork stand on one leg? (When he pulls his other leg under him.)

    Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)

    What's the most important thing at lunch? (Mouth.)

    What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (From empty.)

    What is the water in the glass for? (Behind the glass.)

    What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)

    Where was Peter I when the candle went out? (In the dark.)

    When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)

    Why do the military wear boots? (On the ground.)

    Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

    Which teeth don't chew food? (Saw teeth.)

    Which month is the shortest? (May, it only has three letters.)

    What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter "I".)

    How does summer end and autumn begin? (The letter "O".)

    What are we eating for? (At the table.)

    How long can you go into the forest? (Half the way, half the way - back from the forest.)

    Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By the floor.)

    What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)

    To make the holiday a success, create the necessary space for children to play. At a children's birthday party, place the table not in the middle of the room, but to the side or in the corner so that it does not interfere with the fun.

    When preparing for the holiday, please note that children 2-3 years old are not requiredprizes for participating in competitions, they only distract them. But theyYou definitely need to get something as a souvenir from your birthday - it could be a small toy or a book.

    With children over 4 years old follow the rule: the more prizes, the happier the children will be. Children's self-esteem increases if they earnthere are many prizes, and, importantly, even the most capricious children actively participate in competitions if they know that some kind of surprise awaits them. Prizes are things that remind you for a long time of a fun evening and the friends you played with.

    We remind you once again: try to make sure that every child at the birthday party receives a prize, if not in a competition, then “for the most diligent participation,” as “who ate the most candy,” etc. When you reward your child, do not rush, find good and heartfelt words: let him feel the solemnity of the moment!

    It’s easy to celebrate a child’s birthday in cafes and entertainment centers—bring your child and guests, and the menu and entertainment are prepared by the establishment’s staff. Parents can only pay for the celebration and enjoy it. But sometimes circumstances arise when you have to organize a children's birthday party at home. But this way of celebrating a joyful event also has its advantages: you don’t have to travel anywhere, the child feels more confident in his environment, and a home celebration often turns out to be less expensive than a celebration outside the home.

    Of the minuses, all worries about how to organize a children's birthday party at home fall on the shoulders of the parents. But this can hardly be called a significant drawback, because organizing an event for your own child brings a lot of positive emotions. So nice to do for a child a real holiday with your own hands!

    When planning how to hold a children's birthday at home, it is worth considering several nuances, which we will consider in more detail.

    A child is always more comfortable in the company of peers, and adults are unlikely to be interested in children's entertainment. Therefore, gatherings with relatives and a children's party with friends must be separated in time. For example, invite children to 15:00 and finish the fun until 18:00, and invite grandparents and other relatives to 18:30. 2-3 hours is enough for children. It’s better to stay a little short than to go too long, because it’s not so easy to gather a riotous and uncontrollable crowd of kids later. On the contrary, it will be more convenient for adults to come in the evening, after the end of the working day.

    If you can’t invite adults and little guests at different times, then you need to give them a separate space - let the children eat and have fun in another room. This will make it more convenient and safer for everyone.

    When inviting children to your home for a birthday, call their parents in advance - let them know where their child is going, and also agree that they pick up their baby at the agreed time.

    Room decoration

    You can create a festive mood within the usual four walls. A little imagination and the room will be transformed into a place where it will be fun to celebrate a joyful event.

    Children love it very much Balloons, so stock up on them in advance and preferably in large quantities. Let the kids pop the balloons. This activity causes them a lot of delight. In addition, the balls can be used in various competitions.

    You can make a garland or poster with your own hands with the best photos of the birthday boy for Last year. Let the guests see how the hero of the occasion has changed and matured.

    Add a little variety to the children's table setting. For cupcakes, choose cute paper molds, use toppers for the cake, and decorate straws and juice jars with stickers. If, thinking about how to organize a children's birthday at home, you decide to organize a themed party, make sure that all the decor is in the same style.

    Entertainment at home

    When thinking about how to celebrate your child’s birthday at home, select competitions so that active ones alternate with calm ones - this way the children will be less tired.

    To introduce guests, organize a simple ball game. Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other in turns. Whoever gets the ball into his hands says his name. When everyone has named their names, you can move on to your favorite dishes, cartoons or fairy tale characters. This is how children learn more about each other, get closer, and become more relaxed.

    Several active competitions that can be held at a children's birthday party at home:


    The participant holds the ball between his legs and jumps towards the goal. Speed ​​competition - whoever jumps the fastest wins.


    A good old competition in which children dance around the chairs and sit on the chairs when the music stops. Whoever does not get a place is eliminated. Naturally, there should always be one less chair than there are participants.


    Not new either, but interesting competition, in which participants dance under a stick. After each circle, the stick is lowered and participants who were unable to pass leave the competition.

    Here are some quiet, creative activities:

    Birthday card

    Prepare a sheet of paper or cardboard, pencils, markers, glue, glitter in advance. We take the birthday boy to another room for a while, let him rest, watch a cartoon, etc. And at this time, the guests create a card with wishes for him. You can then hang such a card and it will remind you of a fun holiday for a long time.


    Each participant is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. The child’s task is to draw as many people as possible on the ball in the allotted time. The ball is a planet, and the men are aliens. Whoever draws the most people is the winner.


    We take several sheets of paper and distribute them to the participants. Each of them draws the head of a weirdo and wraps the sheet so that what is drawn is not visible. Then the participants change sheets and draw a torso, wrap the paper again and change again. When the weirdos are completely drawn, we unfold the sheets and look at the joint creativity.

    Holiday menu

    Children don't eat much; you can hardly tempt them with salads with mayonnaise. For a treat at a children's birthday party at home, a few simple dishes, such as chicken fillet fried in batter, potatoes or sandwiches, will be enough.

    And of course, several types of desserts and sweets are mandatory components of any children's party. The main thing is to creatively approach the design of dishes so that young guests have a desire to try them.

    Stock up on drinks. Children drink a lot, especially if active entertainment is planned.

    If space allows, organize one for the kids, because all kids love sweets.

    Photos for memory

    It’s good when after a children’s party spent at home, not only positive memories remain, but also beautiful pictures. And to make the photos really beautiful, organize an impromptu photo zone. It can be done directly on the wall by hanging interesting thematic pictures and posters. Photos in such a photo zone will definitely turn out better than against the backdrop of furniture and wallpaper.

    Don't have room for a photo zone? Get photo paraphernalia. Photos with mustaches, lips, crowns will surely amuse little guests and the birthday boy. And making such paraphernalia is as easy as shelling pears - print and cut out all the details and glue them to wooden sticks. Role wooden sticks can make skewers for kebabs or chopsticks for sushi.

    Let your home celebration turn out to be such that when you look at the photographs years later, the most beautiful things arise in your soul. warm feelings and emotions, and I wanted to spend such a fun and exciting holiday more than once - a birthday at home.

    The article uses photos from pinterest.com

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