• What to talk about with a man on the phone that would be interesting to him. Talking to a guy on the phone. How to interest


    Life is an unpredictable thing. You will never guess in what situation you will need this or that knowledge. For example, young ladies often have the question of what to talk about with a guy. And such a question may arise not only at the first meeting, but also after several months of communication.

    The first meeting is understandable; people do not know each other yet and have a poor understanding of the interests of the interlocutor. And they are still embarrassed to open up and discuss some very personal or intimate topics. Therefore, at the first meeting, girls are more often faced with the problem of choosing a topic for conversation.

    Although after several years life together when feelings have cooled down a little, there may not be more general topics for conversation. On the contrary, a communication crisis often arises when there is nothing left to talk about. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, this happens when all the generally accepted topics have already been discussed, you know every letter of your biographies, all the funny and amusing stories have long been learned by heart.

    First date: what to talk about with a guy.

    Finding a suitable topic for conversation at the first meeting is not so easy. After all, the interlocutors do not know each other at all. But there are some rules, adhering to which, the conversation will be interesting and exciting.

    7 communication rules for a first date.

    1. At the first meeting, try to be natural and... Communicate openly and answer all questions asked by your interlocutor honestly. This way you will be able to win your partner over.
    2. Be sure to look your partner in the eye, and never look past him. Don’t be afraid to show your facial expressions, it is thanks to them that the guy will understand that you are really listening to him.
    3. When your interlocutor tells you something, ask leading questions and show that you are interested in this topic. If you are discussing an event, try to seem competent and express your opinion (it should not radically diverge from his position).
    4. All guys want to take leadership positions, so leave it to him to choose the topic and start the conversation. But under no circumstances remain passive. This will show that you are not at all interested.
    5. Try to remember as much as possible from what the guy tells you. If you succeed in some kind of relationship, then you will thank yourself for it.
    6. On the first date, try to find out more about the guy’s interests so that you can later learn the basics of a particular topic. This will help you get closer.
    7. When communicating, try to avoid long pauses. Keep up the conversation, ask questions, be interested in the guy’s personality.

    What is it better to remain silent about on the first date?

    On the first date, of course, you won’t be silent; you need to talk about something. But there are taboo topics that it is better not to raise at the first meeting:

    • It’s better to leave stories about relatives for later;
    • history of your illnesses starting from kindergarten It’s better not to remember either;
    • no need to talk about everyone ex-boyfriends, and even more so there is no need to criticize their habits and manners, although you can tell about the first;
    • it is also better to remain silent about your own failures;
    • It’s better not to complain about life, so as not to seem like a whiner.

    Topics to talk to a guy when you first meet.

    If you can’t talk about yourself, relatives and ex-boyfriends, then what should you talk about with your boyfriend? In fact, and interesting topics There's plenty to discuss. For example, you can discuss the following topics for conversation with a guy:

    • last news;
    • trips;
    • movies;
    • books;
    • hobby;
    • entertainment;
    • sports, etc.

    In addition, all people, including men, consider themselves major experts in two topics, politics and personal relationships. And if it is better not to talk about political topics at the first meeting, then discuss various aspects interpersonal relationships Can. Only preferably in theory, without particularly linking it to your personal past experience.

    Communication crisis: what to say to a guy.

    As mentioned above, a communication crisis can occur between people who have been communicating for a very long time. But, as they say, there are no hopeless situations. You can fight this seemingly serious problem if you just delve into it.

    What is better not to discuss.

    If the conversation does not work out, then it is better not to discuss the following topics:

    • You shouldn’t touch on a topic that’s only interesting to a guy, because over time you’ll get bored and the guy will figure you out. Believe me, this will not lead to anything good. On the contrary, your loved one will be upset because you tried to “sacrifice yourself.”
    • Better not ask him about the past. Guys are very secretive. If he wants, he will tell you himself.

    What to talk about.

    It’s impossible, I don’t know anything about it, so what should I tell the guy? In general, there are many topics for discussion, if there is a desire.

    • Most a win-win– is to discuss the past day. Try asking your loved one how his day was, how his work was, etc. Tell us about your day, but choose the most interesting moments.
    • Discuss some common interests. If you both enjoy skiing, dream about a vacation to a ski resort. If you both love hiking in the woods, plan your next weekend. And you can have a lot of such interests: from computer games to origami. Believe me, you will both get a lot of pleasure from such communication.
    • Talk about plans for the future. Ask your loved one what he expects from life, what success he wants to achieve. Guys love to talk about future plans.
    • Another win-win option in any situation - A new book or a movie. Start talking about the emotions that a new film caused you, and before you know it, the guy will pick it up. And if this film did not impress him, it will be possible to find out why. Agree, not a bad topic for conversation.

    But if your loved one doesn’t want to keep up the conversation, he doesn’t like topics of conversation with the guy, it’s better not to touch him, maybe he’s not in the mood. In addition, let him think about what questions to ask the girl to keep the conversation going.

    Here are some topics that it is better not to approach a guy about:

    • Don't ask why the guy is silent, or what he's thinking about. You still won’t get the truth from him, you’ll only force him to lie.
    • Stop constantly asking him about your shortcomings. He can’t constantly lie and say that you are beautiful. But you will still be offended by the truth.
    • Don't repeat that you are stupid. If you constantly repeat this, the guy will accept it and believe it.
    • Don't complain to your boyfriend about life, poor health, constant illnesses, etc. You can listen to this once, well, twice, but not every day. Everyone gets tired of constant complaints. Put yourself in his shoes.

    Talking to a guy is very different from talking to a girlfriend. Those topics that seem very important to you may be empty chatter for a guy. Therefore, listen to your loved one, be interested in his hobbies and you will succeed.

    Girls are sure that a man must make the first step, and men, in turn, are very shy. Talking to a girl they like is sometimes more difficult for them than learning to fly an airplane. What to do in this case? How to overcome this embarrassment and start communicating? The solution may be a simple phone call. After all, talking to your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts to him if you don’t see him is much easier than face to face. In this article I will tell you how to start a conversation over the phone so that it is easy and relaxed.

    How to start a conversation

    Many women believe that “forcing” themselves on a man is a shame. What can you do? In our society there is still an opinion that it is the valiant “knight” who must win the heart of a beautiful lady. But a phone call is a non-binding thing. So why not take the first step forward and call him? But many girls are worried about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” We will answer this later. Now let’s talk about how to start a conversation with a young man. The first thing you should do is find out as much as possible about him: his habits, activities, studies, work, and so on. This way the risk of getting into trouble will be minimal. Second tip: when you start a conversation with him, try to get him to talk as much as possible. Let him tell you about himself. Ask him, ask for his opinion on this or that event. But just don’t be too zealous; being too attentive to his person can scare him away.

    Topics for telephone conversations

    Now let’s talk about what topics you can talk about over the phone. It is believed that if a girl talks on the phone, she spends a third of her free time on this. So spend this time usefully for yourself and your future relationships. Below is a list possible topics for conversation:

    His occupation, hobby. If your loved one is involved in sports, music or any other activity, be sure to ask what led him to this and what he expects from these activities.

    His passions. Are you not interested in his preferences in food, clothing, and everyday life? This means that you are not interested in the very object of your desire. Is it worth continuing the relationship in this case?

    News. Every day something new happens in the world. I wonder what he thinks about this?

    Men have a reasonable question: on the phone?" But here the advice will be simple: all girls love it when it comes to them, their loved ones. Therefore, give her the opportunity to tell you as much as possible about herself, become her grateful listener, and it may very well be that soon you will become her beloved, close person who knows absolutely everything about her.

    What to avoid when talking on the phone

    Now let's talk about what topics should be avoided in telephone conversations. If you are concerned about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” - then know that in no case should you start a conversation too serious topics, for example, on the topic of money, children, religion or former relationship. And also, try not to speak negatively about a particular person or event. Your interlocutor may be put off by the fact that you think poorly about people and some things that are dear to him.

    Now you know what to talk about with a guy on the phone. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be shy to take the initiative into your own hands, call him and win him over with a pleasant conversation. Have you tried everything, but no common topics for communication have emerged? Then this is simply not your person!

    One of the women's favorite activities in free time is a conversation on the phone. In this case, they become real talkers. They talk a lot, on all topics and with the smallest details. But they behave this way only with their girlfriends. But if they call a man, then often after a couple of sentences they no longer know what to talk to him about, since they do not see a proper response to their questions and reasoning.

    And so, today, dear women, we will discuss with you the topic of how to communicate with a man on the phone. After all, if we get pleasure and some degree of relaxation from communicating in this way, then a man sees in the phone only a way to obtain information. And sometimes we want the communication with our chosen one to be long and interesting, and so that he is always waiting for our next call. Yes, and the ability to communicate with a man on the phone will be useful in other situations when we need to be heard and receive positive result according to your telephone request.

    When not to call a man

    You know what busy people they are and that they consider telephone chatter a waste of time. Moreover, men love with their eyes, and a lively conversation, when you can look into your girlfriend’s neckline, appreciate her new stockings and fantasize while looking at her elastic ass, is more important for them than phone conversation. If they talk on the phone, it goes in one ear and out the other.

    So, in order for people to hear you and understand what we are talking about, you need to definitely exclude early morning calls. This is exactly what men don’t like. They have not woken up yet, they are in a hurry to get to work, they are not ready to change their plans if you puzzle them so early. In the midst of a working day, they have a lot of problems without you. At lunchtime, they rush to drink a cup of coffee and discuss with colleagues a football match, new products in the automobile industry, and a party at a nightclub. It is useless to call in the evening, because you will meet soon anyway. It only takes a few minutes to dial your loved one’s number to find out where he will meet you, what he will order for dinner, or whether it’s worth stopping at a store on the way. After a date, calling late at night is generally useless. He's tired, he's busy, he's already discussed everything he wanted with you. There will be no meaningful conversation.

    Now think about when to call these guys. But, all these restrictions can be safely discarded if you intrigue a man. Call and immediately tell him that today you bought “awesome” lingerie in which you look stunning, or found a funny, depraved film on the Internet that you would like to watch together. And after that, you can safely sit on your partner’s ears, without fear that he will say that he is very tired and will go to bed.

    If you know each other closely enough, you can throw your chosen one a small sex party over the phone, igniting his passion with your story about what you will do with him when he gets on your network. Once you have cheered up your chosen one a little, you can discuss your girlfriends, his friends, your bosses at work. He will agree to everything.

    The main thing is that he is ready for such a conversation, and not afraid of your violent sexual fantasy. There are also men who are scared off by this type of sex. They may still think about your promiscuity. But is it worth having relationships with such boring men?

    In what other cases will a man always listen to you carefully on the phone? Of course, when the conversation concerns him personally, his work, car, money, housing and other similar issues. Just don’t tell him about all the little things, where, what you saw and heard, how much tire fitting costs and that you know how you can apply for a subsidy for utilities. The man is not interested in various rumors and scandals. Speak only to the point, clearly expressing your thoughts. Have you spoken? Have you heard his opinion? Well, goodbye.

    Basic rules for communicating on the phone, which will apply to all men, acquaintances, strangers, fiancés and husbands. Always speak in a confident voice when you answer the phone. If there are notes of sexuality in it, it will be generally great. Say hello, say goodbye and give compliments (well, not to your boss, but only to your loved ones). If you don’t want to tell the truth to your interlocutor over the phone, then you shouldn’t lie. Just quickly jump to another topic, as if by chance.

    When talking to a man, try not to lose your train of thought. And sometimes it happens that you start discussing the menu for the upcoming party, and immediately insert how it was at your friend’s, where she bought her dress, and how beautiful her mother’s apartment is. Ultimately, the man will not understand anything and will become annoyed by such conversation. If a woman knows how to think about everything at the same time, then a man needs consistent and logical thoughts.

    And one moment. When talking to a man on the phone, do not interrupt him. Wait for the end of the remark and then insert your word. These are simple rules of decency that we sometimes forget about when listening to our girlfriend. But men don’t like this behavior.

    How long can you talk to a man on the phone without him getting tired of you? Yes, no more than 15 minutes. And then during the conversation, maintain his interest with intonation, sighs and aahs. So that he feels not only your voice, but also your sexuality.

    Important! If you call your boyfriend and he is in the car while driving, do not distract him from the road, even if you urgently need to tell him about what ring you saw today and who you met. Let him park, then talk. I don’t think it’s worth explaining to you why this is necessary.

    And now let's move on to the conclusion. If you decide to break off a relationship with a man, then you should not do it over the phone. Firstly, he will not believe in the sincerity of your decision and will try to figure out the relationship one-on-one. And secondly, it’s much more pleasant to express to a man’s face everything that you think about him, while putting on a spectacular dress and doing beautiful make-up. Let this bastard understand what he lost.

    Now you know all the basic rules of communicating with a man on the phone and you can show yourself with the best side. Don't be intrusive, become tactful and attentive. and then your call to the man will be long-awaited and pleasant for him.

    Telephone communication can be a great way to get closer to a person and get useful information. How to talk on the phone with a man so that he strives to bring the real meeting closer? The most important thing is not to limit yourself to stereotypes . Call first, invite to a meeting, ask provocative questions... Just do it right!

    Use your phone for business

    Until you're close enough to vent to each other over the phone, call a man to agree on something or inform him important information . The reason for this may be congratulations on professional holiday, setting up a date, etc. This behavior will prevent you from getting bored ahead of time, it will show that you value his time and are not going to take it away in vain. Just don’t look for flimsy excuses to hear his voice.

    If he himself decides to continue the conversation, support him, but you still need to be able to stop in time and, citing urgent matters, retreat. It is better for him to remain unsatisfied than satiated. Phone calls should not replace real communication - it is better to offer to discuss everything during the meeting.

    Ask to call back

    If you are embarrassed to call yourself, it seems to you that you are intruding, dial his number and politely ask if you are in the way. If he doesn’t have free time right now, ask him to call you back when he has it and hang up. Now the next step will be his.

    Control your voice

    If you want to drive him crazy with just your voice, develop sexual notes. To do this, speak evenly, but not monotonously; the timbre of your voice should be slightly lower than usual. Remember how you talk as soon as you wake up - men really like the voice of a sleepy girl. Try to control your laughter and avoid shrill notes in your tone.

    Follow the rules of good manners

    No matter how bad your mood may be, when a man calls, control yourself. Don't take your bad mood out on him. It’s better to say you’re tired and ask them to call you back at another time, or promise to do it yourself when you feel better. Try to be alone during the conversation so that no one distracts you.

    Show interest in your interlocutor. If you don't know what to talk to him about, ask him how his day was, what's new, remember what he's been working on or thinking about lately, and ask how things are going. Don't forget about compliments.

    Don’t be afraid to seem stupid and not understanding anything - guys are flattered when they feel smarter than women. If you don’t understand something, say so, ask for an explanation if you are really interested. Be specific and direct. If you speak in riddles, your interlocutor will become tired and irritated. In general, try not to use your phone as your main tool for building relationships.

    Life is impossible to predict. You never know for sure what awaits you tomorrow or in the next few months, much less be able to guess what knowledge will be required in situations that will happen to you. For example, young ladies often wonder: what can you talk about with a guy To make the conversation interesting and exciting, there was an opportunity to show your good side.

    The peculiarity of this question is that it arises not only before the first meeting, but also after some time of communication, and even after a couple of years family life. Girls interact with guys every day: with a loved one, an acquaintance, or maybe just someone they meet. How to build a conversation correctly when it seems like there is nothing to talk about?

    What to talk about with a guy you know

    The longer you communicate with a guy, the easier it is to interact and select topics, of interest to both. You don’t feel shy around someone you know, you don’t feel awkward, and you know what to talk about. For example you can:

    1. Ask how the day went, what news is there, what was interesting and noteworthy. This question should not be considered trivial: it can be asked every day, showing interest, care and attention, which are very important for everyone young man.
    2. Talk about personal things: about thoughts, feelings, experiences, maybe even mysteries and secrets. Each girl must determine for herself how trusting to be.
    3. Mutual friends. You can talk about people you know and remember events related to them.
    4. Ask for advice. This can be done boldly, without embarrassment, especially if you are confident that the guy is always ready to help. Guys like this behavior of girls, and what’s more, they have a good grasp of many issues that are not very accessible to girls.
    5. Help a young man with advice, if he shared his difficulties without trying to completely solve the problems himself, without reproaching.

    But sometimes it seems that we have already discussed everything and got to know each other down to the smallest detail. Then just share news and new thoughts, as well as use the list. Perhaps you will find a topic that has not yet been touched upon in a conversation with a guy:

    • New releases in music or cinema;
    • Different types of people's appearances;
    • Personal life;
    • Your own family;
    • Sport;
    • Computers, programs;
    • Political issues;
    • Life lessons, failures and successes;
    • Common errors and shortcomings;
    • Issues of health, beauty, personal care.

    And if you engage in broadening your horizons every day, then interesting topics you don’t have to look for a conversation - they will appear by themselves! An erudite person is interesting to people around him, and if you feel a lack of knowledge in a certain area - just ask your interlocutor a smart question, to which he will gladly answer, taking the conversation into his own direction. And the girl will only have to encourage him, agree and ask related questions.

    What to talk about with a young man you don’t know

    If you don't know the person you're communicating with, that's not a reason for frustration. A variety of topics can be discussed:

    • Hobbies and interests;
    • Culinary Arts;
    • Shopping;
    • Family;
    • News.

    Build the direction of the conversation at your own discretion. You can start or maintain an interesting conversation by using standard phrases or asking simple questions, for example:

    1. How do you spend your free time?
    2. Do you have a favorite activity to which you are willing to devote every minute of your free time?
    3. I'm crazy about... How do you feel about this?
    4. Let's try to find similar interests (hobbies)?
    5. What dishes do you like?
    6. I made it today...Have you ever tried it?
    7. I tried it today... How do you feel about such dishes?
    8. Have you tried cooking for yourself, or do you consider it exclusively a woman’s responsibility?
    9. Do you live on your own or with your parents?
    10. How is your relationship with your family?

    If you like a guy and want to continue communicating with him, in a roundabout way find out if he has a girlfriend . If the answer is negative, subtly hint at a desire to meet again in the near future. If a young man already has a girlfriend, express your desire to maintain a friendly relationship and see each other again - a few new friends or acquaintances have never hurt anyone.

    Topics for communicating with a guy on social networks

    Communication in the virtual world is just like in person, requires certain rules:

    1. Try to answer straightaway , without long pauses after receiving a message from a guy;
    2. Try to write without typos and grammatical errors;
    3. Answer all questions posed by the young man, avoid understatement and ambiguity. If it’s unpleasant to answer a guy’s question, make a good joke;
    4. Use a sense of humor, stay positive;
    5. Do not use ugly words and expressions, express yourself in literary language, constructing phrases beautifully;
    6. Give me your number mobile phone, if you were asked for it.
    • Weather;
    • Policy;
    • Hobbies and interests;
    • Discussion of opinions, dual views;
    • Memories of meetings, events, events;
    • Discussion of gifts, life problems and incidents;
    • Films and music;
    • Artists and performers;
    • Jokes and anecdotes;
    • Funny jokes;
    • Memorable performances of KVN teams.

    5 rules for a first date

    Communication on the first date- this is something trembling and exciting. You need to think carefully about what needs to be said and how to present it. If you really care about the guy who invited you to the meeting and you want the relationship to develop, try to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Ask about interests young man, tell us about yours. Try to find common ground. If you are not interested in anything in common, show sincere interest in a couple of the guy's hobbies.
    2. Inquire character traits guy, tell us about your outstanding features. Don't be stingy with compliments about the masculine qualities you like.
    3. Ask about education, work, tell us about yourself, discuss interesting points in these areas.
    4. Reply to messages addressed to you questions openly and honestly, this will help to win over your interlocutor.
    5. During the young man's monologue and try your best to show interest to the topics raised, express your opinion gently and compromisingly.

    On a date, be as natural and feminine as possible during the conversation. less often look away from the person you are talking to and try to fill sudden pauses.

    10 rules for an interesting and successful conversation

    For a successful conversation Be alert and do not neglect the following rules:

    1. There is no need to pry into your soul if you notice resistance;
    2. Leave the topic if the person finds it unpleasant;
    3. Don’t start abruptly discussing your personal life - leave the initiative to the guy or move on to this topic smoothly;
    4. Don’t talk too much about the advantages of ex-boyfriends, especially don’t compare the young man with other men; on the contrary, focus on uniqueness and inimitability;
    5. Sit (stand) calmly during the conversation, do not look at your watch, otherwise the person will decide that it is unpleasant for you to be in his company;
    6. Try not to lose the thread of the conversation, fill in the pauses;
    7. Eliminate financial issues completely from your list of topics if you don’t want to upset the guy and hear “all women are like that.” Even if he doesn’t say it out loud, he’ll definitely think it;
    8. Strictly avoid vulgar topics of conversation, leave them for discussion with fairly close people;
    9. You shouldn’t complain about life - it’s better to be optimistic and charge those around you, including your interlocutor, with positivity;
    10. Do not discuss shortcomings directly - try to accept the person as God intended him to be. If you don't like something about a young man's behavior or manners, talk about it gently and kindly.

    A sincere and good-natured girl will always find something to talk about with a guy and will try to make the conversation pleasant and impressive. For this you need a little: study the characteristics of men’s interests and remember a few simple rules communication and conversation.

    Video about talking to guys

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