• DIY 3D pencil made from cardboard. And again children's boxes: miniature “Pencils. What you need to create an origami pencil bookmark


    Paper panel "Colored pencils". Master class with.

    Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary classes KhMAO-Ugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities health."
    Description: This master class is intended for younger children school age, teachers additional education, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful crafts with your own hands.
    Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration or a holiday gift.
    Target: Making panels from colored paper.
    1. Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper.
    2. Cultivate a desire to make a product with your own hands.
    3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, and bringing the work started to its logical conclusion.
    4. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy.
    5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.
    Materials and tools:
    1. Colored paper.
    2. A simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue.

    How to choose pencils. Advice for parents.
    The color of a pencil depends on the color pigment added to the lead during production. These pigments may contain salts heavy metals. To protect your child’s body from cadmium or lead, pay close attention to the packaging. Look for the letters CE on it, which confirm that the pencils meet European quality standards and have passed all safety tests. Correct pencils are made from softwood, and they smell like wood, not solvents.
    Estimate the diameter of the lead. It is desirable that it be 3 millimeters. This indicates that the lead is well centered and resistant to stress. There are two types of stylus. Waxes may contain harmful organic solvents. Water-soluble leads are safer. You can understand which copy is in front of you by wetting a sheet of paper with water and drawing a line on it. The wax pencil will leave a barely noticeable mark. Water soluble – a clear line.
    High-quality pencils undergo seven-layer coloring. Therefore, the seam from gluing wood is not noticeable on them. Advice for young parents! It is better to give triangular pencils to children under three years of age. They develop well fine motor skills fingers.

    Stages of completing the craft:
    This master class presents the idea of ​​making a pencil using the Origami technique.
    1. The pencil is made from single-sided colored paper. Take a sheet of colored paper. Fold it in half lengthwise and cut along the marked line.

    2. Fold the edge of the rectangle about 1 cm.

    3. Turn the workpiece right side out.

    4. Fold the workpiece, right side inward, in half lengthwise.

    5. Expand. Bend the extreme corners to the intended line according to the principle of making an airplane.

    6. Turn the workpiece wrong side out.

    Gifts are one of the indispensable attributes of any children's party. What if this school holiday, then to lift the mood you need to give it to every student in the class. At the same time, you always want there to be a surprise. practical use, but at the same time looked festive.

    One such surprise option could be a pencil craft made from cardboard.

    The good thing about a pencil craft for a children's party is that it matches, has many options for filling, and does not require much time or effort.

    What you need to prepare in advance:

    • ready-made cardboard tube (base for disposable towels, toilet paper, culinary foil, tracing paper) or cardboard thick enough for its manufacture;
    • thinner cardboard or paper for the tip;
    • bright packaging (wrapping) paper;
    • beautiful adhesive tape, electrical tape or colored tape;
    • black felt-tip pen;
    • glue;
    • scissors;
    • gift "stuffing".

    As a filling for a gift, you can use: various stationery (pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, erasers, sharpeners, etc.), hair bands, beautiful handkerchiefs, sweets, small toys and keychains - anything you want.

    But first you need to make a case.

    To do this, cut out a segment of a circle from paper or cardboard. You can divide one circle into three parts, each of which can be used in your work.

    We glue the straight edges of this segment, thereby obtaining a cone.

    The cone should easily fit onto a pre-prepared cardboard cylinder. If there is no cylinder, we make one ourselves by gluing a tube of thick cardboard, choosing its diameter to match the size of the cone.

    We put the cone on the cylinder and glue it.

    We paint the tip of the cone with black (or any other) color.

    We wrap the cylinder with wrapping paper and glue it.

    We put the prepared “stuffing” inside.


    From thin paper cut out a fairly large circle. We make cuts around its circumference. We wrap it around the free edge of the cylinder. Secure with silver adhesive tape. It should look like an eraser at the end of a pencil.

    We fix the “elastic band”

    In general, the pencil craft made from paper and cardboard is ready. If desired, you can decorate it with ribbons, decorative elements, or come up with interesting packaging for such pencils.

    Since even younger children can do it, you can use this idea not only within the school walls, but also to organize a party in kindergarten.

    Sometimes it seems that bookmarks are a thing of the past, but this is far from the case, because in addition to adults, schoolchildren use bookmarks. Of course you can buy ready bookmark, but it’s much more interesting to make it yourself.

    Bookmarks can be knitted, sewn or made from paper. The entire list of do-it-yourself bookmarks on the Hobby Territory website can be viewed here.

    And today we bring to your attention:

    Master class: bookmarking a pencil from paper using the origami technique

    Believe me, even a first grader can cope with the task - he can turn an ordinary piece of paper into a beautiful one. original bookmark pencil. In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with the origami technique, which can create a lot of wonderful figures without using glue from a simple piece of paper.

    To work you will need:

    • half a sheet of colored paper of any color measuring 14.5 cm x 21 cm;
    • 15 minutes of free time.

    We make a bookmark from paper according to step-by-step photo instructions:

    Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise. The colored side is on the face.

    Fold the short side of the rectangle to the wrong side by 1 cm.

    And fold the corners again:

    The result is a pencil bookmark like this:

    If from the very beginning we bent the workpiece lengthwise, now we’ll bend it across, like this:

    All that remains for us is to bend the edges of the workpiece (the resulting rectangle) towards the middle, thereby obtaining a paper bookmark in the form of a pencil. The edges of the paper can be carefully fixed with a drop of glue.

    Our origami pencil bookmark is ready! There are many options for designing such a bookmark - if you show your imagination, choose interesting paper, accessories, etc. We spent very little time making the bookmark - about 15 minutes, but we became the owner of an original item.

    The master class is intended for preschool teachers. These pencils can be used to decorate group rooms.

    Tools and materials for work:

    Pencil pattern;

    A sheet of colored cardboard, A4 format;

    A sheet of white coated cardboard;

    PVA glue;

    Narrow double-sided tape or glue gun;

    Dry pastel or gouache in beige and light brown colors (for tinting white cardboard to look like wood).

    Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

    1. On a sheet of colored cardboard, draw a pencil pattern and cut it out (don’t forget about the allowances).

    2. In order for the edges to bend well, you need to go over all the edges with the sharp edge of the scissors. Next, bend as shown in the figure.

    3. We begin gluing the pencil from the tip (part “1” is glued to part “*”).

    4. Glue the point to the pencil and use double-sided tape or glue gun glue the pencil together.

    5. Cut out two parts from white coated cardboard (don’t forget to leave allowances at the base of the pencil). To better bend the edges, we also use scissors.

    Be sure to engage in the exciting origami art with your child in your spare time. An inquisitive mind will find it incredibly interesting to fold paper to create an unusual product. And if the paper is also bright and glossy, then the interest will double.

    An unusual craft - an origami pencil. Of course, you can’t draw with it, but it looks quite childish and attractive, especially if you use double-sided paper. A detailed description of the process of creating a pencil from paper, illustrated with photographs, is given below.

    1. Prepare a square of colored paper of any size bright shade. The length of its side can be arbitrary, for example, 10 cm.

    2. Make the first fold of the square through the middle of the opposite sides.

    3. Return the square to its original position.

    4. Make a fold using the other two sides.

    5. Unfold the part again.

    6. Measure a quarter from the side of the square, make another transverse fold. An ironed strip, prepared in advance, will help make measurements accurate.

    7. Unfold the square.

    8. Similarly, define another fold, focusing on the new strip.

    9. Moving closer to the edge, bend the square again and leave it in this position.

    10. Finally fold the square through opposite sides, perpendicular to the ironed strips.

    11. The marked stripes will help you perform all subsequent operations. Bend the top ends towards you.

    12. Bend the corners for future fastening.

    13. Form a pencil-like shape. Secure the paper in this position.

    The final look of the craft.

    The origami paper craft is ready.

    Paper panel "Colored pencils". Master class with detailed description.

    Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher of the KhMAO-Ugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities."
    Description: This master class is intended for children of primary school age, additional education teachers, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful crafts with their own hands.
    Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration or a holiday gift.
    Target: Making panels from colored paper.
    1. Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper.
    2. Cultivate a desire to make a product with your own hands.
    3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, and bringing the work started to its logical conclusion.
    4. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
    5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.
    Materials and tools:
    1. Colored paper.
    2. A simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue.

    How to choose pencils. Advice for parents.
    The color of a pencil depends on the color pigment added to the lead during production. These pigments may contain heavy metal salts. To protect your child’s body from cadmium or lead, pay close attention to the packaging. Look for the letters CE on it, which confirm that the pencils meet European quality standards and have passed all safety tests. Correct pencils are made from softwood, and they smell like wood, not solvents.
    Estimate the diameter of the lead. It is desirable that it be 3 millimeters. This indicates that the lead is well centered and resistant to stress. There are two types of stylus. Waxes may contain harmful organic solvents. Water-soluble leads are safer. You can understand which copy is in front of you by wetting a sheet of paper with water and drawing a line on it. The wax pencil will leave a barely noticeable mark. Water soluble – a clear line.
    High-quality pencils undergo seven-layer coloring. Therefore, the seam from gluing wood is not noticeable on them. Advice for young parents! It is better to give triangular pencils to children under three years of age. They develop fine motor skills of the fingers well.

    Stages of completing the craft:
    This master class presents the idea of ​​making a pencil using the Origami technique.
    1. The pencil is made from single-sided colored paper. Take a sheet of colored paper. Fold it in half lengthwise and cut along the marked line.

    2. Fold the edge of the rectangle about 1 cm.

    3. Turn the workpiece right side out.

    4. Fold the workpiece, right side inward, in half lengthwise.

    5. Expand. Bend the extreme corners to the intended line according to the principle of making an airplane.

    6. Turn the workpiece wrong side out.

    7. Fold the workpiece in half widthwise, leaving a white triangular sheet.

    8. Turn the workpiece again.

    9. Bend the bottom edge of the workpiece, directing it towards the middle.

    10. Do the same with the top edge.

    11. Connect the valves to each other by inserting the corners into the resulting pocket.

    12. “Sharpen” the pencil by bending the edges of the white canvas towards the middle. For strength, connect the valves with a drop of glue.

    13. So, pencil of blue color ready.

    14. These pencils can be used instead of bookmarks.
    But we moved on. They were connected to each other using glue.

    15. Added small paper flowers and leaves. And now, the collective panel of paper pencils is ready.

    Thank you for your attention! We will be glad that our idea is useful.

    The beginning is near school year and on this occasion I prepared material for children on making such bookmarks. The idea is not new, even the SM has MK. I did it based on pictures from some Japanese site. So I had to draw the diagram myself. I'm posting my bookmarks because I just decided to show off :)

    The diagram is described in detail, so that the child can understand it.
    1. Prepare a rectangle with overall dimensions 85x210 (Fig. 1a) - the size can actually be any depending on what you want the final size of the bookmark to be.
    2. Bend the rectangle in half lengthwise and unfold (Fig. 1b)
    3. Bend down the top strip (Fig. 1c, d).
    4. Turn the workpiece over reverse side and bend the upper side corners to the middle line (Fig. 1e)
    5. Bend again along the intended fold lines (Fig. 1e, g)
    6. Turn the workpiece over to the reverse side and bend the rectangle as shown in the diagram (Fig. 1h, i). The height and width of the pencil will depend on how high you bend the rectangle.
    7. Once again turn the workpiece over to the reverse side and bend the sides, focusing on the fold lines passing through points A and B (Fig. 1k)
    8. Insert one side part into the pocket of the other (Fig. 1k). The top edge can be glued.
    9. The bookmark is ready (Fig. 1m)

    A couple more photos

    A good gift option is a handmade paper pencil. The finished souvenir can be used not only as a gift, but also to decorate the room.

    1. Pencil made of paper or cardboard.
    2. Volumetric pencil.
    3. Bookmark in pencil shape.
    4. Paper pencil using origami technique.
    5. Making panels from paper pencils.

    Pencil made of paper or cardboard

    For the craft you will need:

    • a tube made of cardboard or thick paper (you can replace it with a base for towels);
    • paper for tips;
    • bright wrapping paper;
    • duct tape;
    • black felt-tip pen;
    • tube of PVA glue;
    • scissors and gift stuffing.

    Gift filling can include hair ties, stationery, candy, and key chains.

    The souvenir is made as follows:

    1. To make the case, cut a circle out of paper. The circle can be divided into several parts that will be used in the work. To obtain the body, glue the edges of the segment.
    2. The resulting cone is placed on the prepared cylinder. To create a cylinder, glue a tube of paper or cardboard. The diameter of the tube must be selected taking into account the dimensions of the cone.
    3. Having placed the cone on the cylinder, you should glue it.
    4. Paint the tip black.
    5. Wrapping the cylinder in a piece wrapping paper, you need to glue it.
    6. Place a gift inside.
    7. You need to cut a circle out of a piece of paper. Make cuts around the entire circumference. Wrap one of the free edges of the cylinder around and secure it with adhesive tape.

    If desired, you can decorate the finished craft with decorative elements or ribbon. Another option is to come up with original packaging for pencils.

    Volumetric pencil

    Alternatively, you can do volumetric pencil. It is suitable for decorating a room. To make it you will need:

    • product pattern;
    • a sheet of colored paper or cardboard;
    • white coated cardboard;
    • glue;
    • narrow tape;
    • light brown or beige gouache (using it White paper will be tinted to resemble wood).

    The craft is made like this:

    1. Draw a pattern on a piece of colored paper and cut it out. At the same time, we must not forget about allowances.
    2. The edges will bend well if you go over them with the sharp edges of scissors. Next, the edges need to be bent.
    3. The pencil should begin to be glued from the tip.
    4. After gluing the tip to the pencil, you need to glue both parts together using double-sided tape.
    5. Taking white coated cardboard, you should cut out the base and “skirt” from it.
    6. For tinting wood-like details, gouache or dry pastel is suitable. Having crushed the pastel, you need to apply it to paper or cardboard using wet wipe. When applying, move from the middle to the edges.
    7. Glue the finished parts together.

    When assembling the pencil, the base should be glued to the bottom, and the “skirt” to the tip.

    Bookmark in pencil shape

    A bookmark in the form of a pencil can be used for textbooks. You can also give it to friends who like to read books.

    To make this craft you will need:

    • colored paper;
    • office glue;
    • black gouache or pastel paint.

    The bookmark is made as follows:

    1. Having cut out a rectangle from paper, you need to bend it at the sides and glue it together, leaving free place up.
    2. The second piece of paper is used to cut out a large square. Having coated the upper corners with glue, you need to bend them.
    3. The lower part must be placed in a rectangular base and all the parts must be glued together.

    To make the tip of the pencil look believable, you need to paint it with black gouache or pastel. If you don't have them, you can use a black felt-tip pen for coloring.

    Paper pencil using origami technique

    A paper pencil made using the origami technique cannot be used for drawing. But it looks attractive and original if double-sided paper is used for its production.

    It is made as follows:

    1. Initially, you need to prepare a square of colored paper (it can be any shade). The side length of such a square is arbitrary.
    2. The first fold is made through the center of the opposite edges.
    3. Having returned the square to its original position, you need to make a fold (a couple of other sides should be involved).
    4. Having unfolded the part, you need to measure a quarter from the side of the paper square and make another fold (transverse). To ensure accurate measurements, you can use a pre-prepared ironed strip.
    5. Having straightened the square, you need to similarly determine another bend point. In this case, you should focus on the new strip.
    6. Moving towards the edges, you need to bend the square again. He must remain in this position.
    7. The square must be finally bent through the opposite edges (perpendicular to the strips that have been previously ironed).
    8. The marked strips will make subsequent operations easier. The upper ends should be bent towards you.

    By bending the corners for fastening, you should form a figure resembling a pencil. The paper must be fixed in this position.

    Making panels from paper pencils

    Finally, you can make a panel from paper pencils.

    For this you will need:

    • colored cardboard or paper;
    • pencil;
    • glue;
    • scissors;
    • ruler.

    A panel of paper pencils is made as follows:

    1. To make a pencil, you need to take a sheet of colored cardboard or paper. Fold the paper in half and cut it along the line.
    2. Having folded the edge of the resulting rectangle by a centimeter, you should turn the workpiece with its front side and fold it inward (along its entire length).
    3. Having unfolded the workpiece and bending the extreme corners to the line outlined in advance, you need to turn the paper pencil with the wrong side.
    4. Having folded the resulting workpiece in half widthwise (a triangle-shaped spot should remain), you need to turn it again.
    5. Having folded the bottom edge towards the middle, you need to do the same with the other edge.
    6. To connect the valves, you need to insert the corners into the resulting pocket.
    7. To “sharpen” the pencil, bend it towards the middle of the edge of the canvas. white. The valves must be connected with a drop of glue (for strength).

    The rest of the paper pencils are made in the same way. By gluing them together, you can decorate the resulting panel with flowers or paper leaves.

    Exist various ways how to make a pencil from paper. Ready craft Can be used as a bookmark or room decoration. If you wish, you can involve your child in making such a souvenir.

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