• Card index of experiences during a walk (middle group). Card file on the world around us (middle group) on the topic: card file of experimental activities on a walk in the middle group


    Explanatory note

    Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man.

    A huge role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental actions.

    Research activities develop cognitive activity teaches children to act independently, plan work and bring it to a positive result.

    With the help of an adult and independently, the child learns various connections in the world around him: he enters into verbal contacts with peers and adults, shares his impressions, and takes part in conversations.

    The main goal of the program is to develop children's cognitive activity, curiosity, and desire for independent knowledge.


    Themes of experimental games

    First week

    Second week

    Third week


    a week


    Traveling with a droplet

    The water is clear, can change color

    The game "Water" is our guest


    Wind, wind, breeze

    Search for air

    Flying seeds

    Sand Country


    Visiting Karandash-Karandashovich and Gvozd-Gvozdovich

    Floating and sinking objects

    floating feather

    Fur. Why does a bunny need another fur coat?


    Sand, clay

    Magic mitten

    Metal objects

    Effect of a magnet on metal


    Ice flake and snowflake

    Water, ice, snow

    How snow becomes water


    Magic brush

    With and without water

    How to get a paperclip out of water


    Why did the Snow Maiden melt?

    Freeing beads from ice captivity

    Warm drop

    Glass its quality and properties


    Miracles of Plants

    Do roots need air?

    The soil. Sand, clay, stones

    Sunny bunnies


    Warm water for plants

    Why do plants spin?

    Let's catch a sunny bunny.

    In the world of plastic




    Goals. Tasks.

    Ensuring integration of education (educational field)

    Planned results



    Traveling with a droplet

    Create a holistic idea of ​​water as a natural phenomenon; Introduce the properties of water (liquid, transparent, odorless, tasteless) Give an idea of ​​the importance of water in human life; Cultivate a caring attitude towards water.

    Communication: Learn to select adjectives and verbs for nouns. Find words with opposite meanings

    Cognition: develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of conducting experiments...

    They know how to name the properties of water, its meaning, they know how to find words that have opposite meanings


    The water is clear, but can change color

    Determine the properties of water. The water is clear, but can change color. Water can heat up and heat other objects

    Communication: enrich and activate the vocabulary with nouns and adjectives.

    Cognition: To develop cognitive interest in children through experimentation

    They can draw conclusions about why objects are visible in water; dyes can be dissolved in water


    The importance of water in plant life

    To form children's ideas about the importance of water for the life and growth of plants

    Cognition: expand knowledge about the state of plants in autumn.

    Communication: promote the formation of dialogical speech in children.

    Ability to take an interest in research and experimentation


    Game “Vodyanoy is our guest”

    To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about the reservoir and its inhabitants; develop creative imagination and creativity during the game

    Communication: develop children’s speech activity, expand their vocabulary by naming bodies of water. Cognition: lead children to independent cognition while playing with Vodyanoy.

    They know how to name bodies of water and their inhabitants.



    Wind, wind, breeze.

    Introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as wind, its properties and role in human life. Teach children to observe, conduct experiments and draw their own conclusions.

    Cognition: cultivate interest in experimental activities, love of nature. Communication: continue to develop logical thinking, imagination; activate the vocabulary: wind, wind, prickly, gentle. Storm, blizzard, blizzard.

    They know how to observe, analyze, compare. Summarize, draw conclusions; use adjectives in your speech and coordinate them with nouns.


    Search for air

    Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, expand knowledge about air, activate speech and enrich children’s vocabulary.

    Communication: develop free communication with adults and peers in the process of conducting experiments, enrich children’s vocabulary (laboratory, transparent, invisible.)

    Cognition: develop observation, curiosity, thinking, memory. Cognitive activity.

    They can name the properties of air. Draw conclusions during experiments and experiments.


    Flying seeds

    To introduce children to the role of wind in the life of plants, to develop the ability to compare plant seeds, and to cultivate interest in the study of plants.

    Communication: to develop in children the ability to listen to literary words, to engage in conversation during a conversation. Cognition: consolidate knowledge of autumn signs, cultivate cognitive interest in the natural world.

    They know how to name the signs of autumn, show interest in the nature around us, and during the game they name plant seeds.


    Sand Country

    Identify the properties of sand, give the concept of an hourglass, create a holistic idea of ​​sand as an object of inanimate nature.

    Cognition: introduce children to inanimate objects. Develop curiosity while conducting experiments. Communication: replenishment and activation of vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about objects of inanimate nature.

    They can name the properties of sand, draw conclusions during experimentation, can coordinate adjectives with nouns, and make logical conclusions.



    Visiting Karandash Karandashovich and Gvozd Gvozdovich

    Clarify and generalize knowledge about the properties of wood and metal, cultivate a caring attitude towards objects. Enrich children's vocabulary (rough, fragile melts)

    Cognition: To form cognitive - research interest using the research method.

    Communication: develop the ability to coordinate words in a sentence.

    They can name the properties of wood and metal, as well as their differences. Show interest research activities.


    Floating and sinking objects

    Give ideas about objects floating and sinking in water. Develop the ability to classify according to the following criteria: sinking, floating.

    Cognition: the development in children of cognitive interest in the objects around us and their properties.

    Communication: cultivate the ability to hear and listen to the teacher. Activation of the dictionary iron, plastic,


    They are able to classify objects according to the following characteristics: sinking, floating. They use the characteristics of objects in speech: rubber, iron, plastic.


    floating feather

    Expand the understanding of human use of natural environmental factors, form children’s understanding of the importance of clean water and air in human life

    Cognition: develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop children’s cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

    Able to compare and generalize; show interest in cognitive and research activities.


    Fur. Why does the bunny need another fur coat?

    Identify the dependence of changes in the lives of animals on changes in inanimate nature.

    Cognition: continue to consolidate knowledge about the nature around us; to form an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in winter. Communication: develop the ability to speak grammatically correct.

    They are able to answer the question posed by the teacher.

    Show interest in the nature around us.



    Sand. clay.

    Learn to identify the properties of sand and clay (flowability, friability); will reveal other sand and clay differently absorb water.

    Cognition: development of curiosity, expansion of ideas about the properties of sand and clay. Communication: to develop the ability to participate in dialogical speech, to activate the vocabulary due to the properties of sand and clay.

    They can name the properties of sand and clay. Answer questions posed by the teacher.


    Magic mitten

    Find out the ability of a magnet to attract certain objects. (magnet, small items from different materials, mitten with a magnet inside)

    Cognition: to form children's cognitive interests. Develop curiosity, thinking, activity.

    Communication: activation of vocabulary, development of logical thinking, making inferences.

    Show curiosity and interest in research activities.



    Recognize objects made of metal, determine its qualitative characteristics (surface structure, sinking, transparency; properties: fragility, thermal conductivity)

    Cognition: promote the development of cognitive interest in the process of practical activity.

    Communication: learn to describe a subject, construct sentences grammatically correctly, activate the vocabulary.

    Has the ability to describe an object, names characteristic features corresponding to metal.


    The effect of a magnet on an object

    To expand the logical and natural scientific experience of children associated with identifying such properties of materials as stickiness, the ability to stick and stick, and the properties of magnets to attract iron.

    Cognition: develop knowledge about the properties of a magnet, develop interest and curiosity.

    Communication: learn to share impressions from experiments and experiences; teach correctly, build grammatical sentences.

    Possesses the skill of independently examining objects and naming the properties of materials.



    How snow becomes water.

    Show children that snow melts in warmth and becomes water. Melt water contains garbage. The snow is dirty. You can't put it in your mouth.

    Cognition: develop cognitive interests through experimental activities.

    Able to draw conclusions and conclusions.


    "Ice and Snowflake"

    To develop research skills in collecting information about objects of inanimate nature: snow and ice, similarities and differences. Develop cognitive interest in inanimate objects based on comparison analysis.

    Cognition: Encourage children to draw conclusions through hands-on exploration.

    Communication: develop memory, thinking, attention, imagination. Talk about the properties of water.

    They can name the similarities and differences between snow and ice. Draw conclusions and conclusions.


    Water, ice, snow.

    Continue to get acquainted with the properties of water, ice, snow, compare them, identify the features of their interaction.

    Cognition: to develop interest in cognitive and research activities.


    Show interest in cognitive research activities. Name the properties of ice, snow and water.



    Magic brush

    Receive shades of blue color on a light background, purple from red and blue paint.

    Artistic creativity. To develop interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.


    They know how to select colors by mixing paints.


    With and without water

    Help identify environmental factors necessary for plant growth and development (water, light, heat)

    Cognition: identify the necessary conditions for plant growth, to develop the ability to make basic conclusions about relationships.

    They are able to name environmental factors that influence the growth and development of plants.


    Journey into the world of glass things

    Introduce children to glassware and the process of making it. Activate cognitive activity arouse interest in objects of the man-made world, consolidate the ability to classify the material from which objects are made.

    Cognition: Know and name the properties of glass, develop interest in cognitive research activities. Communication: learn to construct sentences grammatically correct.

    They can name the properties of glass objects. construct sentences grammatically correct.


    How to get a paper clip out of water.

    Help determine what properties a magnet has in water and air

    Cognition: to develop interest in cognitive and research activities.

    Communication: learn to name the properties of a magnet, develop children’s speech activity

    Possesses research skills and names the properties of a magnet.



    Why did the Snow Maiden melt?

    Expand children's understanding of the properties of water? snow, ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warm weather and turns into water; in cold weather it freezes and turns into ice.

    Cognition: to develop the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions during experimentation.

    Communication: Learn to express your thoughts and conclusions using words in a sentence.

    Knows how to take interest in research and conduct experiments. Express their thoughts and draw conclusions.


    Freeing beads from ice captivity.

    Create conditions for expanding children's understanding of the properties of ice - it melts in heat, develop thinking when choosing a method of action. Encourage children to independently formulate conclusions

    Cognition: Continue to introduce children to the properties of ice. Communication: develop children’s speech activity, teach dialogical speech.

    They are able to draw conclusions during experiments, name the properties of ice.


    Warm drop

    Introduce the method of obtaining warm water, develop children’s ability to plan their activities, draw conclusions, and cultivate accuracy when working with water.

    Cognition: Teach children to see different states of water (warm, cold). Learn to make inferences. Communication: expand your vocabulary with adjectives denoting the properties of water.

    They are able to name the state of water, using adjectives in speech, coordinating them with nouns


    Glass, its qualities and properties

    Recognize objects made of glass, determine its qualities (surface structure: thickness, transparency and properties: fragility)

    Cognition: know the properties of transparency, fragility, thickness.

    Communication: expand children's vocabulary using words characterizing the properties of glass

    They are able to distinguish objects made of glass from many other objects. They can agree nouns with adjectives.



    Miracles of Plants

    Provide theoretical and practical skills in vegetative propagation of plants (cuttings) and consolidate skills in caring for indoor plants.

    Cognition: develop curiosity, cognitive abilities; cultivate a love for nature.

    Communication: expand your vocabulary with nouns (plant, root, stem, leaves, flowers)

    Children know that plants can be planted using cuttings with and without roots.


    Do roots need air?

    To help identify the reason for the plant’s need for loosening, to prove that the plant breathes in all forms.

    Cognition: continue to introduce indoor plants and ways to care for them.

    Communication: expand your vocabulary using verbs: plant, water, care, wither, bloom.

    They are called indoor plants.


    Soil (sand, clay stones)

    Expand children's understanding of the properties of soil. Give basic concepts about sand, clay, stones.

    Cognition: introduce children to inanimate objects

    Communication: expand vocabulary by naming the properties of sand, clay, stones.

    They show interest in knowledge and the nature around us.


    "Sunny bunnies"

    To form ideas about the properties of solar rays

    Cognition: Understand that reflection occurs on smooth shiny surfaces, teach how to let in sunbeams (reflect light with a mirror).

    Communication: activate children's vocabulary, teach children to speak grammatically correctly.

    Can describe weather phenomena. Name the properties of sunlight.



    Why do plants spin?

    Show children that plants need light to grow.

    Cognition: to give the concept that plants are living organisms and cannot live without sunlight and water, to develop interest in the world of plants.

    Communication: expand your vocabulary with nouns - titles indoor plants. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

    They are able to draw conclusions that plants need light to grow, that plants are drawn to light. They know how to name houseplants.


    “Warm water for plants”

    Give children an understanding of the effects of heat and cold on plant growth.

    Cognition: to form children’s interest in research activities, develop curiosity and observation.

    Communication: develop dialogic speech, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about the immediate environment.

    They know how to care for plants in the garden.


    Transfer of a sun bunny

    Using the example of a sunbeam, show how light and images of an object can be repeatedly reflected.

    Cognition: name the properties of sun rays.

    Communication: teach children to share their impressions of observations.

    They are able to draw their own conclusions and share their impressions.


    In the world of plastic

    To introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects, to help identify the properties of plastic - smooth, light, colored.

    Cognition: learn to distinguish objects made of plastic and name its properties. Develop curiosity and interest in the subjects being studied.

    Communication: expand children’s vocabulary using the properties of plastic (smooth, light, colorful).

    They are able to distinguish objects made of plastic from many other objects. Use adjectives in their speech that describe the properties of plastic.


    1. L. N. Prokhorova “Organization of experimental activities of preschool children.” Methodological recommendations - Arki publishing house 2005.

    2. L. N. Menshchikova “Experimental activity” ski recommendations - and activity of children" edition - 2009.

    3. Magazine " Preschool education» No. 11/2004

    4. Program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa,T. S. Komarova, A. A. Moscow 2012

    5. Long-term planning according to the program “From birth to school” ed. – “teacher”, 2011

    6. Solomennikova O. A. " Environmental education in kindergarten" Program and methodological recommendations 2nd ed. – M: Mosaic – synthesis. 2006.

    7. Prokhorova L.N., Balakshina TA. Children's experimentation is a way of understanding the world around them//Formation began ecological culture preschoolers Ed. L.N. Prokhorova. - Vladimir, VOIUU, 2001.

    8. “Experimental activity” V.V. Moskalenko.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

    1 slide

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    2 slide

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    3 slide

    Slide description:

    Transparent water Purpose: to introduce children to another property of water - transparency Materials: a glass of water, a glass of milk, 2 spoons. The teacher suggests putting chopsticks or spoons in both cups. In which of the cups are they visible and in which are they not? Why? In front of us are milk and water; in a glass of water we see a stick, but in a glass of milk we do not. Conclusion: the water is clear, but the milk is not.

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    Water has no smell Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of water Materials: glasses with tap water Invite children to smell the water and say what it smells like (or doesn’t smell at all). As in the previous case, with the best intentions, they will begin to assure you that the water smells very nice. Let them sniff again and again until they are sure that there is no smell. However, please note that tap water may have an odor as it is treated with special substances to ensure it is safe for your health.

    5 slide

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    Water has no taste Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of water Materials: glasses of water, glasses of juice Invite children to try water through a straw. Question: does she have taste? Very often children say with conviction that the water is very tasty. Give them a taste of the juice for comparison. If they are not convinced, let them try the water again. Explain that when a person is very thirsty, he drinks water with pleasure, and to express his pleasure, he says: “What delicious water!”, although in fact he does not taste it. But sea water tastes salty because it contains many different salts. Her man can't drink.

    6 slide

    Slide description:

    Where did the water go? Goal: to identify the process of water evaporation, the dependence of the evaporation rate on conditions (open and closed water surface). Material: two identical measuring containers. Children pour an equal amount of water into containers; together with the teacher they make a level mark; one jar is closed tightly with a lid, the other is left open; Both jars are placed on the windowsill. The evaporation process is observed for a week, making marks on the walls of the containers and recording the results in an observation diary. They discuss whether the amount of water has changed (the water level has become lower than the mark), where the water from the open jar has disappeared (water particles have risen from the surface into the air). When the container is closed, evaporation is weak (water particles cannot evaporate from the closed container).

    Slide 7

    Slide description:

    Water is liquid, can flow and has no shape Purpose: To prove that water is liquid, can flow, has no shape Materials: An empty glass, a glass of water, vessels of various shapes Give the children two glasses - one with water, the other empty, and offer to carefully pour water from one to the other. Is water flowing? Why? Because it's liquid. If water were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, nor would it flow from a tap. Because water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid. Now suggest pouring water into vessels various forms. What happens to water, what form does it take?

    8 slide

    Slide description:

    Coloring water Purpose: to identify the properties of water: water can be warm and cold, some substances dissolve in water. The more of this substance, the more intense the color; The warmer the water, the faster the substance dissolves. Materials: containers with water (cold and warm), paint, stirring sticks, measuring cups. An adult and children examine 2-3 objects in the water and find out why they are clearly visible (the water is clear). Next, find out how to color the water (add paint). An adult offers to color the water themselves (in cups with warm and cold water). In which cup will the paint dissolve faster? (In a glass of warm water). How will the water color if there is more dye? (The water will become more colored

    Slide 9

    Slide description:

    Some substances dissolve in water, others do not dissolve. Purpose: to consolidate the understanding that substances in water do not disappear, but dissolve. Materials: glasses of water, sand, granulated sugar, watercolor paints, spoons Take two glasses of water. Children will put regular sand in one of them and try to stir it with a spoon. What happens? Has the sand dissolved or not? Let's take another glass and pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into it, stir it. What happened now? In which of the cups did the sand dissolve? Invite children to stir watercolor paint in a glass of water. It is advisable that each child has his own paint, then you will get a whole set of multi-colored water. Why did the water become colored? The paint has dissolved in it.

    10 slide

    Slide description:

    Ice - solid water Purpose: to introduce the properties of water Materials: icicles of various sizes, bowls Bring the icicles indoors, placing each in a separate bowl so that the child watches his icicle. If the experiment is carried out in the warm season, make ice cubes by freezing water in the refrigerator. Instead of icicles, you can take snow balls. Children should monitor the condition of icicles and ice cubes in a warm room. Draw their attention to how the icicles and ice cubes gradually decrease. What's happening to them? Take one large icicle and several small ones. Watch which one melts faster. It is important that children pay attention to the fact that pieces of ice that differ in size will melt over different periods of time. Conclusion: ice and snow are also water.

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    Slide description:

    Game: “Where the water is hidden” – Look at the pictures and find where the water is hidden. Conclusion: water in the environment can be different. Solid like ice, in the form of steam and liquid. It is transparent, without taste, color and smell.

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    Slide 13

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    Existence of air Purpose: Prove the existence of air Materials: bowl of water, empty glass, straw Experiment 1. Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the jar. Draw children's attention to the fact that the glass must be held very level. What happens? Does water get into the glass? Why not? Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water in. Experiment 2. Children are asked to lower the glass into a jar of water again, but now they are asked to hold the glass not straight, but tilting it slightly. What appears in the water? (Air bubbles are visible). Where did they come from? The air leaves the glass and water takes its place. Conclusion: The air is transparent, invisible. Experiment 3. Children are asked to place a straw in a glass of water and blow into it. What happens? (It turns out to be a storm in a teacup). Conclusion: there is air in water

    Slide 14

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    Air changes volume Purpose: to show that air has volume Materials: plastic bottle, basin, plastic bag, ping pong ball, warm water, ice Experiment 1 Bouncing coin. Expanding air can be used to make a coin jump. Place a bottle with a long neck in a deep basin. Wet the rim of the neck and place a large coin on top. Now pour warm water into the basin. Warm water will warm the air inside the bottle. The air expands and pushes the coin upward. Experiment 2 The air is cooled. Try this experiment to find out what happens when air cools. Place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and crush them using a rolling pin. Pour ice into the bottle and screw on the cap. Shake the bottle, then put it down. See what happens to the bottle when the ice cools the air inside it. When air cools, it compresses. The walls of the bottle retract so that there is no empty space left inside. Experiment 3. Disappearing dent. Make a dent in a ping pong ball. Now put it in a glass of warm water. The water will heat the air inside the balloon. The air will expand and straighten out the dent.

    15 slide

    Slide description:

    How air works. Goal: See how air can support objects. Material: two identical sheets of paper, a chair. Invite your child to crumple up one sheet of paper. Then have him stand on a chair and throw both a crumpled and straight piece of paper from the same height. Which leaf landed first? Conclusion: the crumpled piece of paper fell to the floor earlier, since the straight piece of paper falls, smoothly spinning. It is supported by air. Air is lighter than water Purpose: to prove that air is lighter than water Material: inflatable toys, basin with water Children are invited to “drown” toys filled with air, including lifebuoys. Why don't they drown? Conclusion: Air is lighter than water. Air movement - wind Pour water into a basin. Take a fan and wave it over the water. Why did the waves appear? The fan moves and it looks like there is wind. The air also begins to move. Wind is the movement of air. Do paper boats and put them in water. Blow on the boats. The ships sail thanks to the wind. What happens to boats if there is no wind? What if the wind is very strong? A storm begins and the ship may suffer a real wreck. (Children can demonstrate all this.)

    16 slide

    Slide description:

    Air has weight Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of air Materials: air balloons, scales Place an inflated and uninflated ball on the scales: the bowl with the inflated ball will outweigh.

    Slide 17

    Slide description:

    The air is inside us Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of air Materials: bubble 1. Place a glass of soap bubbles in front of the child and offer to blow the bubbles. 2. Discuss why they are called soap bubbles, what is inside these bubbles and why they are so light and fly.

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    Slide 19

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    Magnetic task. Goal: Find out whether a magnet really attracts metal objects. Material: small sheet of paper, nail, magnet. The kid puts a sheet of paper on the table and a nail next to it. How can you use a magnet to lift a sheet of paper? You need to put a nail under the paper, put a magnet on top and lift it up. The nail will stick to the magnet and lift the paper. Flying butterfly. Goal: get to know magnets and magnetic force. Material: sheet of colored paper, paper clip, thread, magnet. With your help, the child cuts out a butterfly from paper. Now he attaches a paperclip to it, and a thread to the paperclip. Let him take a thread in one hand and a magnet in the other. How to make a butterfly fly? The magnet attracts the paperclip, and the butterfly rises - “flies”.

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    21 slides

    Slide description:

    Loose sand Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand, magnifying glass Take clean sand and pour it into a large tray. Examine the shape of the grains of sand through a magnifying glass. It can be different, in the desert it has the shape of a diamond. Take the sand in your hands, it is free-flowing. Try pouring it from hand to hand. Sand can move Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand Take a handful of dry sand and release it in a stream so that it hits one place. Gradually, a cone forms at the site of the fall, growing in height and occupying an increasingly larger area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time, then alloys appear in one place or another. The movement of sand is similar to a current.

    22 slide

    Slide description:

    Properties of scattered sand Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand Level the area with dry sand. Sprinkle sand evenly over the entire surface through a sieve. Immerse the pencil in the sand without pressing. Place a heavy object (for example, a key) on the surface of the sand. Pay attention to the depth of the mark left by the object in the sand. Now shake the tray. Do the same with a key and a pencil. A pencil will sink approximately twice as deep into scattered sand as into scattered sand. The imprint of a heavy object will be noticeably more distinct on scattered sand than on scattered sand. Scattered sand is noticeably denser. Properties of wet sand Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand Offer to pour wet sand. Wet sand cannot be poured out of the palm of your hand, but it can accept any the required form until it dries. When the sand gets wet, the air between the edges of each grain of sand disappears, the wet edges stick together and hold each other. You can draw on wet sand; when it dries, the drawing remains intact. If you add cement to wet sand, then when it dries, the sand will not lose its shape and will become hard like stone. This is how sand works in building houses. Offer to make buildings out of sand and draw pictures in the sand.

    Slide 23

    Slide description:

    Loose sand Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand Experiment 1: Offer to pour sand from a cup onto a sheet of paper. Does sand fall easily? Let's try to place (“plant”) a stick in a glass of sand, as if we were planting a small tree. What's happening? Why doesn't the stick fall? The stick pushes away grains of sand that “do not stick to each other,” and therefore it is easy to stick it in. Conclusion: Dry sand is loose. Experiment 2: Carefully pour some water into a glass of sand. Touch it. What did the sand become? (wet, wet) Where did the water go? (she “climbed” into the sand between the grains of sand) Let’s try to “plant” the stick in the wet sand. Which sand does it sink into easier? Conclusion: With the help of water, grains of sand stick together and hold tightly to each other, wet sand is dense

    24 slide

    Slide description:

    Where is the water? Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand and clay Materials: tray, sand, clay Invite children to find out the properties of sand and clay by touching them (loose, dry). Children pour the cups at the same time with the same amount of water (the oxen pour just enough to completely sink into the sand). Find out what happened in containers with sand and clay (All the water went into the sand, but stands on the surface of the clay); why (clay has particles closer friend to a friend, do not allow water to pass through); where there are more puddles after rain (on asphalt, on clay soil, because they do not let water in; on the ground, in the sandbox there are no puddles); why paths in the garden are sprinkled with sand (to absorb water.) Hourglass Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of sand Materials: tray, sand, hourglass Show children the hourglass. Let them watch how the sand is poured. Give children the opportunity to experience the length of a minute. Ask the children to put as much sand as possible into their palm, clench their fist and watch the stream of sand run. Children should not unclench their fists until all the sand has poured out.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    “Kindergarten No. 166 “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, Cheboksary

    Lesson - experimentation in middle group:

    "Travel with a Drop"

    Prepared by the teacher:

    Ivanova Alina Valerievna

    Cheboksary, 2016

    Target: Development of cognitive interests, the need for independent search activity on the basis of enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience.


    • Arouse children's interest in search activities.
    • Learn to see and identify the problem of an experiment, set the goal of an experiment, select tools and materials for independent activity.
    • Develop personal qualities - dedication, perseverance, determination.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Good morning, Guys! A lot of guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and give them ours good mood.
    Educator: Sit down more comfortably,

    Don't spin, don't spin.

    Children, oh, what happened this morning,

    I forgot to tell you -

    I just went to kindergarten,

    A droplet came to visit us.

    (showing the Droplet toy) Look how (sad) she is

    But why is she so sad? Let's listen to her story: Droplet was recently born and knows nothing at all about herself. This makes her very sad. And that’s why she decided to turn to you for help, because you are smart guys and probably know something about her.

    Educator: Guys, can we help the little one?

    Children: Yes, we will tell Droplet about her.

    Educator: Where does the droplet live?

    Children: A droplet lives in water.

    Educator: What does a droplet consist of?

    Children: It consists of water.

    Educator: Well done! Where can you find water?

    Children: In the river, sea, ocean (different answers from children)

    Educator: Guys, Droplet is wondering if you know who needs water?

    (Showing and viewing pictures)

    Children: Yes! Trees, birds, people, animals, plants.

    Educator: Yes, guys, everyone needs water. How else do you and I use water every day at home and in kindergarten?

    Children: We wash ourselves, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Mom washes the floors, prepares dinner, does laundry, waters the flowers;

    Educator: Well done boys! Yes, guys, without water, every living thing in the world will die. Water is life! It's time for you and me to relax a little, come to me.

    Physical education minute.

    Educator: I suggest you play an interesting and magic game "Droplets are going around in circles".

    I am Tuchka's mother. You will turn into my baby droplets if you say these words:

    Rain, rain,

    Don’t regret the warm drops

    For forests, for fields

    And for little children

    For both moms and dads

    Drip, drip, drip, drip.

    (so you turned into droplets).

    Droplets flew to the ground. Let's jump, let's jump. It became boring for them to jump one by one. They gathered together and flowed first in small streams, and then they met and became a big river. The river flowed and flowed and ended up in the ocean (in a circle). The droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mother Cloud told them to return home. They asked the sun:

    Shine, shine, sunshine,

    For clean water.

    The droplets became light, they evaporated under the rays of the sun, and returned to mother Tuchka.

    Educator: I turn you into children again.

    Children stand in a circle.

    Educator: But Droplet didn’t quite understand what water looks like and what it is like. Let's introduce her to some water?

    Children: Let's.

    Educator: You guys know, water is like a sorceress from fairy tales. She can do different transformations. Would you like to become wizards together with some water? (answers)
    Listen, what is this? (Audio recording of water sounds) (answers)
    You guessed right, it is our sorceress water who invites us to the laboratory to do magic there.

    Experiment No. 1 “Water is a liquid.” The teacher takes a bottle of water and a glass (prepared in advance).

    Educator: Let's pour water from the bottle into a glass. What happens to the water?

    Children: it flows from one vessel to another.

    Educator: Do you hear? How does it sound? (glug-glug-glug) The water is pouring and we hear it. What have we done with the water now? (poured, poured). And if it pours, then what is it like?

    Children. Liquid.

    Experiment No. 2 “Colorless water.”

    Educator: Guys, what color do you think the water is? (Children's answers).

    Educator: We'll check this now.

    The teacher has a glass of milk and a glass of water on the table.

    Educator: What color is the milk? (white). Can you say about water that it is white?

    (Children's answers).

    Educator: Guys, close your eyes, I'll show you a trick! (Children close their eyes, at this time the teacher puts one cube in a glass of milk and in a glass of water). Open your eyes! Now guess what I put in the glass of milk? What did I put in the glass of water?

    (Children's answers).

    Educator: Guys, why do you think an object is not visible in a glass of milk, but is visible in a glass of water?

    (Children's answers).

    Educator: Yes, this happened because milk has color, it is not transparent, but water is transparent and we can see any object that is in clean water.

    Educator: Guys, which of you likes to drink the most?

    Children:Juice, tea, milk, etc.

    Experience No. 3 : “To determine the taste of water”

    Now let's find out if water has taste? Take some straws and try it

    juice. Is the juice tasty? What does it taste like?

    Children: Delicious, sweet.

    Educator: That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does water taste like? (I give

    taste the water). Does she have taste? Water is sweet, sour, etc. No. A

    what kind of water?

    Children: The water is tasteless!

    Experiment No. 4: “Determination of smell”

    Take a glass of clean water and smell it.

    Educator: Does water have a smell? (No, water has no odor.) So what conclusion can we draw from this experiment?

    Conclusion: Water has no odor.

    Educator: Well done! I see you know a lot about water. Let's sit down on the chairs and remind Droplet what we learned about her.

    Children: Liquid, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless.

    Educator: Look how cheerful and joyful Droplet has become! As a souvenir of herself, she wants to give you her friends - “Droplets” (hands out medals with the appearance of a droplet to children)

    Children: They accept gifts from “Kapelka” and thank her.

    Educator: Make friends with them and take care of them, because without water there will be no life on earth!

    Experience “Visiting Professor Lyuboznaykin”
    In the middle group
    July 30, 2015

    : show the properties of soap and its use.
    - introduce children to the properties of soap and its types;
    - to form and consolidate the ability (skill) to wash hands with soap through practice and experimentation;
    - consolidate ideas about soap and its beneficial properties;
    - develop curiosity, observation, ingenuity;
    - establish safety rules when working with soap;
    - to instill in children a sense of mutual assistance and joy.
    Material: pieces of soap, liquid soap, napkins, straws, a bowl of water, towels, a letter, safety diagrams, glasses.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Educator: Hello guys, come to our place today kindergarten I've received a letter, let's read it?
    Children: yes!
    Reads the letter.
    “Hello, curious girls and boys, I invite you to visit my laboratory. I want to introduce you to the properties of soap. Will wait.
    Your professor Lyuboznaykin."
    Educator: guys, do you want to go to Professor Lyuboznaykin’s laboratory?
    Children: yes!
    Educator: then let's go!
    The teacher's assistant and the children go to the laboratory, and the teacher changes clothes.
    Assistant teacher:
    We go to him through the forest
    Bumps on the left, bumps on the right
    There is a bridge ahead of us,
    We jump and jump along it.
    We all crossed the bridge,
    Let's go further east.
    So we came to visit:
    Hey, Lyuboznaykin, come out.
    Professor: hello guys, do you want to play with soap?
    Children's answers.
    But first, let's remember what not to do with soap!
    Children's answers.
    - don't taste anything
    - eyes with soapy hands do not touch
    First experiment “What kind of soap is there?”
    Professor: You and I have found out what you can’t do with soap. But what can you do with it?
    Children's answers (wash and wash hands)
    Professor: How much do you know about soap? So, depending on the use, soap can be used for laundry and toilet soap. Laundry soap is for washing, and toilet soap is for washing hands.
    Let's take a closer look at toilet soap. What is it like?
    Children's answers (liquid and solid, different shapes, color and smell).
    Conclusion: the properties of soap are solid and liquid; different shapes, colors and smells.
    Second experiment : "The main role of soap."
    Professor: let's put the soap in the water, but we won't do anything with it.
    Children dip the soap in water and then pick it up.
    Now let’s look at what it has become?
    Children's answers (slippery, wet).
    The professor takes the soap and lathers his hands well, inviting the children to do the same, showing the children the necessary actions.
    Professor: Guys, let's wash our hands.
    Children's answers: yes!
    Then he pays attention to the shape of the soap, examines it with the children, looking for what has changed.
    Professor: what has changed with soap? With our hands? With water?
    Children's answers (there is less soap, hands are clean, but the water is dirty).
    Conclusion: the shape of the soap has changed, the soap has decreased in size, the hands have become clean, and the water has become dirty.
    The professor washes his hands with the children in the basin and wipes them with a towel.
    Third experiment: "Bubble".
    Professor: Guys, do you know what soap bubbles are made of?
    Children's answers (from soap and water).
    Professor: yes, but only from liquid soap. Let's try to make them, shall we?
    Children's answers: yes!
    The children take glasses, the professor pours liquid soap into each glass.
    Professor: Now we will take the spoons and add 5 tablespoons of water to the glass.
    Children add water and count spoons (the professor and assistant teacher help).
    Professor: dip the end of the tube into soapy water, take it out and slowly blow into it.
    What's happening? Children's answers: soap bubbles!
    Professor: What if we immerse the end of the tube in water and blow into it? What appears on the surface of the water?
    Children's answers: (lots of soap bubbles).
    Conclusion: From liquid soap and water you get a solution from which you can make soap bubbles.
    Conclusion: soap is hard and liquid; dry soap is smooth; soap soaked in water is also smooth, but slippery; when air gets into soapy water, soap bubbles will appear; soapy water causes a burning sensation - the eyes must be protected. The main role of soap in our lives is cleanliness.
    The professor thanks the children and says goodbye.
    The assistant teacher in the place with the children leaves.
    We are going to our home
    Bumps on the left, bumps on the right
    There is a bridge ahead of us,
    We jump and jump along it.
    We all crossed the bridge,
    Let's go further east.
    Here we came to the site:
    Are you happy kids?

    Prepared by the teacher:
    Savenko Margarita


    “How to separate mixtures?”

    Target : Give children an idea of ​​separating mixtures.

    Materials and equipment : sand, water, butter, sugar, spoon, paper towels, plastic cups.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Let's try to make mixtures : 1) sand with water. 2) sugar with water. 3) oil and water. Think about whether it is possible to separate them, if so, how?

    Oil is lighter than water and will float. Can be separated with a spoon.

    To separate sand from water, you need to make a filter out of a paper towel. The sand will remain on the filter.

    Sugar dissolves in water and is simple mechanically don't share. You need to evaporate the water. Sugar will remain at the bottom of the vessel.

    Conclusion : Mixtures are possibledivide : Butter with a spoon. Filter water with sand. Evaporate sugar from water.

    « Experiments with paper »

    Target : explore the properties of paper.

    Materials and equipment : sheets of paper, cups of water, glue.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Property 1. Wrinkles Children crumple sheets.

    Conclusion : The paper wrinkles.

    Property 2. Strength. Children tear paper.

    Conclusion : can be torn, which means it is fragile.

    Property 3. Glues Children glue sheets of paper.

    Conclusion : paper sticks together

    Property 4. Water permeability. The sheets are dipped in a container of water.

    Conclusion : Sheets absorb water.

    Property 5. Combustion.

    Guys, you and I know the rule well - never touch paper or fire alone. Why? So what other properties does paper have?

    Conclusion : The paper is burning.

    Conclusion :. The paper wrinkles, tears, gets wet, sticks together, burns

    "Game of Colors" "Mysterious Pictures »

    Target : show children that surrounding objects change color if you look at them through colored glasses.

    Materials and equipment : colored glasses, worksheets, colored pencils.

    Move experience\experiment : Children are invited to look around them and name what color objects they see. Everyone together counts how many colors the children named. Do you believe that the turtle sees everything only in green? This is true. Would you like to look at everything around you through the eyes of a turtle? How can I do that? The teacher hands out green glasses to the children. What do you see? How else would you like to see the world? Children look at objects. How to get colors if we don't have the right pieces of glass? Children get new shades by placing glasses - one on top of the other.

    Conclusion : If we look at the world through colored glasses, we see it

    Children sketch"mysterious Pictures » on the worksheet.

    “We’ll see everything, we’ll know everything”

    Target : introduce the assistant device - a magnifying glass and its purpose.

    Materials and equipment : magnifying glasses, small buttons, beads, zucchini seeds, sunflower seeds, small pebbles and other objects for examination, worksheets, colored pencils.

    Move experience\experiment : We suggest considering a small button, a bead. How can you see better - with your eyes or with the help of this piece of glass? What is the secret of the glass?(Magnifies objects so they can be seen better.) This assistant device is called"magnifying glass" . Why does a person need a magnifying glass? Where do you think adults use magnifying glasses?(When repairing and making watches.)

    Children are encouraged to examine objects on their own

    according to their wishes, and then sketch on the worksheet what the object really is and what it is like if you look through a magnifying glass.

    conclusions : Through the glass of a magnifying glass, you can better see the small details of objects. The magnifying glass magnifies objects.

    “Growing miracle crystals”

    Target : grow a crystal from ordinary salt.

    Materials and equipment : A half-liter jar two-thirds filled with hot water. Salt. Paperclip or needle, thread, pencil.

    Move experience\experiment : Prepare a supersaturated saline solution by dissolving the salt until it can no longer dissolve.

    Now let's build the basis for our future crystal. Take a paper clip or a needle and tie it with thread. Attach the other end of the thread to a pencil, place it on the neck of the jar, and lower the thread with the grain into the solution. Place the jar in a place where the child can easily observe it, and explain to him that the solution cannot be disturbed, he can only watch. Otherwise nothing will work.

    Crystal growth is not a quick process. You can try growing sugar crystals. The entire preparation procedure is absolutely the same, only now sweet crystals will appear on the paper clip and thread, which you can even try.

    conclusions : From a supersaturated solution, the salt that was dissolved in water crystallizes out again.


    Target : Find out whether all objects absorb water equally.

    Materials and equipment : bottled water, clear glasses, measuring cups and plates, sponge, cloth, oilcloth, cotton pad, paper, sheets of paper and pencils.

    Move experiment : there are drops of water and small puddles on a plastic or wooden surface; children are looking for a way to dry them using differentmaterials : paper, gauze, cloth, paper napkins, sponge.

    conclusions : absorbs water well paper napkins, gauze, fabric, cotton wool,

    Sponges and plain paper absorb worse.

    "Colored Ice"

    Target : Introduce such properties of water as fluidity; introduce the fact that water freezes in the cold, paint dissolves in water; Introduce different condition water;

    Materials and equipment : watercolor paints, molds, cups of water.

    Move experience\experiment : Guys, let's make colored pieces of ice.

    How do you think you can make colored ice?(Color the water) .

    Magical colors lie before us. If we mix them with each other we get other colors. Tell me what colors need to be mixed to get orange (red+yellow, green (blue+yellow), purple (red+blue? Let's try to mix the colors.

    Pour colored water into molds or candy boxes.

    Conclusion : if you freeze colored water, you get multi-colored ice cubes

    “What does the buoyancy of objects depend on?”

    Ship testing

    Goal: analyze behavior different bodies in water, identify the nature of buoyancy and its relationship with the densities of submerged objects.

    Materials and equipment : metal plate, cork, glass plate, plasticine, cup of water.

    Move experience\experiment : "Sinking, not sinking" will check the metal boat, made of cork and glass, plasticine. We put them in a bowl of water. We lower the lump of plasticine, then make a punt out of the lump.

    conclusions : Plasticine is a heavy material, but if you give it a certain shape, it will not sink in water.

    Large ships do not sink because they are lighter than water, since they have air in them. The density of wooden bodies and cork is less, so water pushes them out, but metal and glass do not.

    "Let's make sunbeams"

    Target : fostering interest in studying the world around us.

    Materials and equipment : mirrors.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Show the children how to let in solar"bunnies" .

    Catch a ray of light with a mirror and direct it in the desired direction.

    Children try to let in the sun"bunnies" . Then the teacher shows how to hide"bunny" (cover the mirror with your palm) . Children try to hide"bunny" . Next, the teacher invites the children to play with"bunny" hide and seek and catch up, let"bunnies" indoors where there is no bright sunlight.

    conclusions : manage"bunny" , it is difficult to play with it (even from a slight movement of the mirror sunny"bunny" moves on the wall over a long distance). Bunnies don't appear without bright light

    « Experiments with a flashlight »

    Target : Expand children's understanding of the properties of famous objects.

    Materials and equipment : lanterns, paper, transparent glass, colored glass, fabric.

    Progress of the experiment:

    children apply to a flashlightitems : colored glass, glass,cardboard , rags, palms.

    What objects does light pass through? What objects does light not pass through?

    conclusions : This means that light can penetrate through transparent objects, but cannot pass through opaque objects.

    "Comb and Shadows"

    Target : give an idea of ​​the unknown properties of known things.

    Materials and equipment : lamp, paper, comb.

    Progress of the experiment:

    The teacher turns off the light, turns on the table lamp, puts the comb on its edge(between a sheet of paper and a lamp) .

    What do you see on a piece of paper?(shadow from the comb)

    What does she look like?(on sticks, trees, fences, etc.)

    Try moving the comb, move it further from the lamp, what happens to the shade of the sheet of paper?

    Conclusion :

    Light "runs" from its source - the lamp - straight. The rays travel in all directions. When the comb is close to the lamp, the rays are refracted, and we see a shadow fanned out on a sheet of paper. The further the lamp is from the comb, the smaller the angle between the shadows of the rays; they become almost parallel.

    "Shadow Play"

    Target : Give children an idea of ​​the shadow.

    Materials and equipment : flashlight.

    Progress of the experiment:

    The light is turned off, a beam shines from the box, the teacher blocks the beam with his hand. What do we see on the wall?(Shadow.) He suggests doing the same for the children. Why is a shadow formed?(The hand interferes with the light and prevents it from reaching the wall.) . The teacher blocks the light from the spotlight.

    Guys, is there a shadow now?(No)

    Why was there no shadow?(no light)

    So there is a shadow without light?(No)

    The teacher suggests using your hand to show the shadow of a bunny or dog. Children repeat and make their own figures. Let's play with the shadow.(children show different figures)

    Guys, based on the play of light and shadow, people came up with the Shadow Theater.

    conclusions : the hand does not allow light to reach the wall, hence a shadow is formed.

    "Magnet Test"

    Target : introduce children to the action of a magnet.

    Materials and equipment : Items made of wood, iron, plastic, paper, fabric, rubber, magnets.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Experience: “Is everything attracted by a magnet?”

    Children take one object at a time, name the material and bring a magnet to it.

    Conclusion : iron objects are attracted, but non-iron objects are not.

    "Magnet Test"

    Target : investigate whether a magnet acts through other objects.

    Materials and equipment : magnet, glass cup with water, paper clips, sheet of paper, fabric, plastic boards.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Or maybe a magnet acts through others?materials : paper, fabric, plastic partition?” Children conduct their ownexperience and draw a conclusion .

    Conclusion : Magnet can attract through paper, cloth, plastic, glass cup.

    "Magnet Test"

    Target : test children for intelligence.

    Materials and equipment : paper clips, magnet, cereal(semolina, millet)

    Progress of the experiment:

    Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury the paper clips in it. How can they be collected quickly? There may be several answersoptions : by touch, sift, or use the newly determined property of a magnet to attract everything iron.

    conclusions : can be divided based on the property of magnets to attract everything iron. Paper clips are well attracted by a magnet.

    "Magnet Test"

    Target : explore the interaction of two magnets.

    Materials and equipment : two magnets.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Experience : "Interaction of two magnets"

    “What happens if you bring two magnets close to each other?”

    Children check by holding one magnet to another.(they attract) . Find out what will happen if you bring the magnet to the other side (they will repel. One end is called the south or positive pole of the magnet, the other end is the north(negative) pole of the magnet.

    conclusions : Magnets are attracted to each other by opposite poles, and repelled by like poles.

    “Magnetic properties can be transferred to ordinary iron”

    Target : to form children’s knowledge about inanimate nature.

    Materials and equipment : magnets, paper clips.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Try hanging a paper clip from below to a strong magnet. If you bring another one to it, you will find that the top paper clip attracts the bottom one! Try making a chain of these paper clips hanging on top of each other.

    Carefully hold any of these paper clips close to smaller metal objects and find out what happens to them. Now the paperclip itself has become a magnet. The same thing will happen with all iron objects (nails, nuts, needles, if they remain in a magnetic field for some time. Artificial magnetization can be easily destroyed if you simply hit the object sharply.

    (Conclusion : A magnetic field can be created artificially.

    "Blowing soap bubbles"

    Target : teach children to blow soap bubbles and introduce the fact that when air enters a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed.

    Materials and equipment : tray, transparent funnel, straw, stick with a ring at the end. Soap solution in a 0.5 cup container, item(for example, a flower) .

    Progress of the experiment.

    The teacher pours a soap solution into a tray, places a flower in the middle and covers it with a transparent funnel. Blows into the tube of the funnel and, after a bubble is formed, tilts the funnel and releases the bubble from under it.

    The flower remains on the tray under a soap cap. This is how soap bubbles are formed.

    The teacher explains how soap bubbles are formed.

    Invites the children to blow soap bubbles for everyone.

    Conclusion : soap bubbles are obtained from a soap solution and air by inflating; when we blow bubbles, we exhale air from ourselves; Bubbles are of different sizes due to different amounts of air in them.

    "Sunny bunnies"

    Target : teach children to reflect light with a mirror - to let in the sun"bunnies" .

    Materials and equipment : small mirrors according to the number of children, light source, foil, shiny dishes.

    Progress of the experiment.

    Show children the glare of the sun on objects, explain that sunlight is reflected from shiny objects and the result is"bunnies" .

    Use a mirror to catch a ray of sunlight and direct it in the desired direction. Learn to hide"bunnies" (covering the mirror with your palm, play hide and seek and tag on the wall(use foil, dishes with a glossy coating) .

    Invite the children to let"bunnies" in a room where there is no bright sunlight, explain why nothing works(no bright light) .

    Conclusion : solar"bunnies" - this is the reflection of the sun from a shiny surface; they appear only in bright light; you can let in

    solar"bunnies" using a mirror (foil, shiny dishes

    "Games with colored glass"

    Target : teach children to look through colored pieces of glass and distinguish objects in their immediate environment. Find out the dependence of what you see through glass on the color of the glass.

    Materials and equipment : sun safety glasses, pieces of glass of different colors or plastic sheets of different colors - according to the number of children, drawing supplies.

    Progress of the experiment.

    Look at the objects around the children and say what color they are; look at window glass and tell me what it is like(transparent, colorless) .

    Compare multi-colored pieces of glass with window glass.

    Look at the surrounding objects through the glass and determine what color these objects have become.

    Invite children to lay out a panel of colored glass and sketch it on album paper.

    Conclusion : if you look through colored glass at surrounding objects, they will be the same color as the color of the glass.

    « Experiments with paper »

    Target :form ideas about paper and its properties

    Materials and equipment : glasses of water, a sheet of paper.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Let's spendexperience and find out how strong the paper can be. We take two supports, in our case these are two glasses of water. We place a sheet of paper on top to make a bridge, and put some kind of figure in the middle. What happens to the figurine? She falls.

    Now we take the paper and fold it like an accordion. We place the accordion on Similar structures, only in the form of arches, have been used in construction since ancient times. They allow the weight to be redistributed, and the entire building becomes much more stable and can withstand enormous loads. What conclusion can we draw?

    Conclusion : If the paper is folded like an accordion, it is stronger.

    "Property of water"

    What form does water take?

    Target : to form in children knowledge about the properties of water, that it has no shape.

    Materials and equipment : bottles, jars of different shapes, with different neck sizes. Spoons, pipettes, cups. Funnels.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Let the children pour it into containers of different shapes and sizes using differentfunds : funnels, pipettes, tubes, syringes, beakers. Remember with your children where and how puddles spill.

    Conclusion : Water has no form and takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured.

    "Secret Letter"

    Target : formation of interest in the study of various subjects.

    Materials and equipment : paper, milk(lemon juice, vinegar) .

    Progress of the experiment:

    On a blank sheet of paper, make a drawing or inscription with milk, lemon juice or vinegar. Then the sheet of paper needs to be heated(on battery) and you will see how the invisible turns into the visible.

    Conclusion : The improvised ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter can be read.

    "Wonderful magnifying glass »

    Target : to form children’s knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

    Materials and equipment : glass jar, cling film, water.

    Move.experience\experiment :

    If you need to see any small creature (fly, camara, spider, it is very easy to do. Place the insect in a three-liter jar. Cover the top with cling film so that a depression is formed in the middle. Pour water into the cavity. You have a wonderful magnifying glass, through which you can see the smallest details.

    The same effect will be obtained if you look at an object through a jar of water, fixing it on back wall cans with clear tape.

    Conclusion : A layer of water and glass work like a magnifying glass. Visually magnify objects.


    Target : introduce children to the properties of water.

    Materials and equipment : plastic bottle, water, hose.

    Moveexperience\experiment : take plastic bottle, better volume two liters, cut off the bottom. Make a hole in the plug and insert the hose from the dropper into it(at least 30 cm long.) . Seal the hole hermetically so that it does not leak.(plasticine) . Pour water into the bottle, plugging the hose with your finger. Now adjust the height of the bottle and hose so that a hand-held fountain fills your hands. It will work until the water level in the bottle is equal to the water level in the tube.

    Conclusion : When the water level in the bottle is higher than in the hose, water under pressure flows out of the hose like a fountain.

    “What is what?”

    Target : Introduce the concept"cell" and show children the cellular structure using the example of fruits, vegetables, and water.

    Materials and equipment : microscope, cover slips, water, sugar, banana pieces,potatoes .

    Looking at salt and sugar crystals ;

    Looking at banana fibers andpotatoes (what is common and how is it different) .

    Conclusion : microscope glasses magnify the objects being examined, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.


    Target : show how the wind works, how you can determine the direction of the wind.

    Materials and equipment : paper, scissors, nails, wooden sticks.

    Moveexperience\experiment : take a sheet of paper (square, cut the corners to the middle. Then fold the corners through the corner and secure with a nail. Turn the finished pinwheel in the wind and observe the rotation of the blades.

    Conclusion : When there is wind, the spinner rotates. Under the influence of the wind.

    “Why does a submarine float?”

    Target : reveal the secret of the submarine

    Materials and equipment : bowl of water, plastic cups, straw.

    Progress of the experiment\experiment:

    Pour water into a deep bowl. Place a plastic glass sideways into the water and submerge it completely. Hold the glass under water and place it upside down at the bottom. Slightly lifting the edge of the glass, insert a straw into it; the end of the straw can be bent at an angle. Blow air into the glass through a straw. It will displace the air and the glass will rise up. Submarines float to the bottom and sink to the bottom using the same principle. When they need to surface, special compartments are filled with air, and when they dive, on the contrary, water is supplied to the compartments.

    conclusions : Air displaces water from the glass.

    "What is sound?"

    Target : developing children's knowledge about inanimate nature and phenomena.

    Materials and equipment : radio, mirror.

    Progress of the experiment:

    The sound occurs when air moves back and forth very quickly. It is called"oscillations" . When an object vibrates, it causes air to vibrate. The further we are from the sound source, the weaker the sound is heard.

    What's happened"echo" ? Let's look in the mirror. What do we see there? Myself. Same with sound. It reflects off objects.

    Let's listen to music, then take the sound source outside the door. .Is it also good to hear? No. This is a door that delays air vibrations, so the sound is heard less.

    Conclusion : sound is the vibration of air that comes from a sound source.

    “What is elasticity?”

    Target : to form children’s knowledge about inanimate nature, the concept of elasticity.

    Materials and equipment : rubber ball, plasticine.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Take a rubber ball in one hand and a plasticine ball in the other. Drop to the floor from the same height. Why doesn't plasticine bounce, but the ball does? Because it's round, or red, or because it's rubber?

    Conclusion :

    This is because the ball is inflated with air. When the ball hits the floor, it is depressed and then straightened out. That's why it bounces off the floor. This is elasticity. And plastiniline can be pressed in upon impact, but does not straighten, does not return to its shape. That is, not elastic.

    "What is wind?"

    Target : formation in children of knowledge about inanimate nature, natural phenomena.

    Children have knowledge about inanimate nature and natural phenomena.

    Materials and equipment : candle, lighter.

    Progress of the experiment:

    Let's bring a lit candle to the top of the ajar door. Let's observe the direction of the flame movement.

    Then hold the candle to the bottom of the slightly open door. What are we seeing? There is warm air above and cold air below, it is heavier than warm air.

    Conclusion :

    Wind is the movement of air that occurs when warm and cold air come into contact.


    Tasks : Consider the shape of grains of sand.

    Materials . Clean sand, tray, magnifying glass.

    Process . Take clean sand and pour it into the tray. Together with the children, look at the shape of the grains of sand through a magnifying glass. It can be different; Tell the children that in the desert it is shaped like a diamond. Let each child take sand in his hands and feel how free-flowing it is.

    Conclusion : Sand is free-flowing and its grains come in different shapes.

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