• Summary of a lesson on the development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers "geese-swans". Summary of a lesson with children of the senior group on emotional development “Fairytale gnomes”


    Purpose of the lesson:

    To consolidate children's knowledge about emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise) to teach children to distinguish emotions using schematic images;

    Learn to understand your feelings and the feelings of other people;

    To train children in the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures, as well as to develop the ability to feel the mood in music;

    Develop empathy and imagination, friendliness and collectivism.

    Material: pictograms emotional states, and , a letter from the “Land of Mood”, musical excerpts from cartoons, pictures of fairy-tale heroes, "mood cube", musical notes with a schematic representation of various emotions.

    Progress of a psychologist's lesson with older preschoolers:

    1. Exercise-greeting “I love”

    Goal: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive state

    Children enter the hall to the sound of calm music. The hall is designed in the form of a forest clearing.

    : Children, look what a wonderful forest clearing. How nice and cozy it is on her.

    Let's hold hands and greet each other with magic words. So that not only in the clearing, but also in each of us, our souls become warm, warm and cozy. (Children say words with hand movements, pointing to the person they are addressing).

    I love me,

    I love you,

    I love everybody,

    This is my success.

    Psychologist: What beautiful words. Let's say them again kindly and gently so that we all feel this love (children emotionally repeat the words twice). From your magical words, it became clear and comfortable not only in this clearing, but also in everyone’s heart.

    Psychologist: Children, I have a surprise for you. Look what's in my hands? Yes, this is a letter, but an unusual letter, this is a letter from the “Land of Mood”. Have you heard of such a Country? Let's read it.

    “Dear children! If you love everything interesting, fabulous, and know how to be surprised, you are invited to visit the “Country of Moods”!”

    Well, kids, let's go on a trip? Because it's waiting for us long road, we will travel on a magic train. Tell me, what do we need to get on the train? That's right, we need tickets. And we can buy them at this ticket office.

    2. Exercise “Define your mood”

    Goal: teach children to determine their emotional state

    Psychologist: Since our journey is unusual, our cashiers are also unusual. Look, these are little bells and each of them shows us a different mood. How can we determine the mood of each cashier? People also have different moods, which one? Children, get in line and buy yourself a ticket from the cashier depicting the same mood as you currently have (children get in line and take a pictogram from the kolobok cashiers with a schematic depiction of their mood). Have you received all the tickets? I will be your guide on this journey. Hand over all your tickets to me and let's go. (Children build a train and begin to move around the hall to the music).

    Our first stop is Skazochnaya station.

    Psychologist: Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Do you know many fairy-tale characters? Now we will play a game.

    3. Exercise “Find a fairy-tale hero”

    Goal: developing the ability to recognize the emotional states of characters and correlate them with graphic images.

    Psychologist: I have pictures with fairy tale and cartoon characters. And also a magical “mood cube”. Look, do all the characters have the same mood? Yes, different. Let's try to consider and depict the different moods of our heroes.

    Each child takes turns throwing the dice, naming the emotion that appears on the dice, and finding a picture of a fairy-tale character depicting the same emotional state. The child keeps the correctly chosen picture and puts the wrong one back.

    Our next stop is the Muzykalnaya station. (Note the tree with notes on the branches).

    4. Exercise “Guess the melody”

    Goal: to develop the ability to feel the mood in music.

    Children sit on pillows, each with a saucer with two notes.

    Psychologist: now we will listen to musical excerpts with you, your task is to guess what mood they convey and raise the appropriate note (remember what kind of music is there?)

    Our journey is not over yet; the new Tsvetnaya station is next.

    5. Exercise “Decorate the lake”

    Goal: to teach children to convey their emotional state using various expressive means.

    (Remember what colors we use to represent joy and what colors we use to represent sadness)

    Psychologist: Children, look at this forest lake, it seems sad to you. Let's decorate it, each take one flower of the color that represents your mood now.

    Psychologist: We were active today, it’s time for us to relax a little.

    6. Exercise-relaxation

    Goal: psycho-emotional relief

    Eyelids want to sleep

    Eyes close.

    We quietly fall asleep

    We fall asleep.

    And my hands became sleepy,

    And my legs fell asleep

    And we are at this moment

    Light as a feather.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Psychologist: While we were resting, our journey gradually came to an end. It's time to go home. And to return home we need to remember something.

    Psychologist's conversation with children:

    Which country did we visit today?

    Veronica Balashova
    Development lesson notes emotional sphere older children preschool age"Emotions and Feelings"

    "Emotions and feelings"

    Target: identify existing children's knowledge about emotions and feelings

    Educational objectives:

    introduce children with a world of emotions and feelings;

    introduce children with distinctive features emotions

    learn children distinguish between emotions according to schematic images;

    learn children transmit the given emotional condition using

    various means of expression (facial expressions, gestures, colors).

    Corrective developmental tasks:

    develop children's vocabulary;

    develop higher mental functions children(attention, thinking);

    develop general and fine motor skills;

    develop correct speech breathing;

    develop facial movements;

    develop expressiveness of speech.

    Educational tasks:

    cultivate interest in achieving results in the work performed;

    build group cohesion.

    Equipment: cards with images emotional states(anger, joy, surprise, fear, sadness); picture (Little Red Riding Hood); cardboard blanks (road, circles, houses); textile; cut picture (astonishment).

    Lexico-grammatical material: poem ( « Feelings» ); mystery ( "Little Red Riding Hood"); physical education minute ( "Rest"); relaxation ( "Lazy").

    Musical material: soft music; M. Meerovich "Song about Africa"; I. Korenevskaya "Autumn".

    Progress of the lesson

    A. Organizational stage

    Hello guys, I'm glad to meet you. Now we will sit in a circle and hold hands. Let's greet each other, but not with words, but with our hands. Close your eyes. Now I will touch the one sitting to my right, he will accept my greeting and in exactly the same way will touch his neighbor, conveying greetings to him, and so on, until my greeting returns to me in a circle, but to the left. (The game is being played "Greetings").

    B. Main stage

    1. Introduction to the topic classes

    Guys, do you like to travel? (Yes). Today we will go on a trip to one Fairyland. And to which country, you will find out a little later. But so that we don’t go astray and get to know all the beauties and all the inhabitants of this country, one fairy-tale hero will accompany us. Guess who he is?

    I went to visit my grandmother

    I brought the pies to her.

    The gray wolf was watching her.

    Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

    That's right, this is Little Red Riding Hood. (A picture of Little Red Riding Hood is shown). Today she will be our guide to Fairyland. And now it’s time to find out which Fairytale Land you and I will be traveling through on class.

    2. Subject message classes

    Listen carefully poem:

    There are animals have feelings,

    In fish, birds and people.

    Affects everyone without a doubt

    We're in the mood.

    Who's having fun!

    Who's sad?

    Who's scared?

    Who's angry?

    Dispels all doubts

    ABC of mood.

    What is this poem talking about? (about emotions, about mood). About which emotions is said in the poem? Let's call them (fun, sad, scared, angry). You guessed what we will talk about today at class, what country will we go to with Little Red Riding Hood? (we will go to the country « Emotions» ). That's right, guys.

    3. Updating knowledge on the topic classes

    Guys, do you know what it is? emotions? (answers children) . Emotions is an expression of our attitude (feelings) to what is happening around us or inside us. But before we set off on our journey, Little Red Riding Hood invites us to gain strength and play one very exciting game called .

    4. Game “One, two, three, mood, freeze”

    Now I will show you pictures with images of various human emotions(sadness, resentment, joy, anger, etc.). And your task is to depict on your face the mood that will be shown. This must be done by team: “One, two, three, mood, freeze”. (The game is being played “One, two, three, freeze the mood”).

    5. "Journey to Fairyland"

    And now you and I can go on a trip to Fairyland « Emotions» . This is an amazing country. There are rivers, mountains, dark dense forests and sun-drenched meadows, there are swampy treacherous swamps. (Three roads are ironed out from cardboard blanks). There are three roads leading to this country. One of them looks like river: quiet, calm, helps to quickly reach the country, but the longest, but it does not give much power in Fairytale Land « Emotions» . (Fabric is laid out to imitate a river). The second road passes through marshy swamps. It is shorter than the first, but more complex and dangerous, it gives more power than the first road. (Cardboard circles are laid out to imitate hummocks in a swamp). The third road is the shortest, but also the most dangerous. Follow it to Fairyland « Emotions» The bravest travelers set off. She gives the most strength in Fairytale Land. Let us choose which road to enter the country « Emotions» each of us goes. Little Red Riding Hood and I will take the third road. And you? Choose a path for yourself and walk along it with your fingers. (Children choose their own path). Here we come to Fairyland « Emotions» . (Houses are laid out). Little Red Riding Hood says that the inhabitants of Fairyland « Emotions» They love to communicate and play with travelers and guests of their country. Let's get to know them quickly. Lead us to the first inhabitant, Little Red Riding Hood. (Imitates a knock on the door).

    6. Joy

    Hello, my name is Joy! (A picture of joy is shown). I love to laugh, have fun, dance, listen to music... When I appear, everything around me blooms, becomes bright, colorful, spring-like. The air is filled with the singing of birds, the smell of flowers... Guys, let's check if Joy is telling us the truth about herself. Little Red Riding Hood has prepared such an interesting game for you. She invites you to turn into monkeys and dance to the music. (The game is in sight "Merry Monkeys" under music: M. Meerovich "Song about Africa"). Did you guys have fun? So, Joy told us the truth about herself? Little Red Riding Hood, let's move on, introduce us to other residents of this wonderful Fairytale Land. (Imitates boredom at the door).

    Oh, ah, oh, ah... My name is Sadness. (A picture of sadness is shown). My arrival is accompanied by rain, slush, puddles, and wind that whistles through the gardens. Bright, sad, spinning, bored, shedding tears, reminding me of longing... Guys, we probably also have sad moods. Tell me. Now we will pass the ball from hand to hand and tell our sad stories. (The game is being played « Sad story» under music: I. Korenevskaya "Autumn"). For example, Little Red Riding Hood says, I was sad when my grandmother got sick; I feel sad when I sit at home alone... Well done, guys. Let us not be sad, but always rejoice. So, let's move on. Little Red Riding Hood, where should we go next?

    8. Physical education minute

    And Little Red Riding Hood invites us to rest a little. (Physical training is being held "Our Rest").

    Our rest is a physical education minute,

    Take your seats.

    Once they sat down, twice they stood up.

    Everyone raised their hands up.

    They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up,

    It’s as if they became Vanka-vstanka.

    And then they started galloping,

    Like my elastic ball.

    9. Interest

    Well done boys. Now you and I have had a rest and it’s time for us to move on. So, who is this walking here? What are you doing here?

    Light-winged, omnipresent,

    I listen, I observe, I learn,

    And to the snowy peaks,

    And to the secret depths

    I'll bring you.

    Who am I? Did you guess it? I'm Interested. (The picture with the image of interest is shown). I am interested in everything, no matter where I am, no matter what I do. Are you interested in traveling around our Fairytale Land? emotions. And I’m interested in looking at you, playing with you. I'm interested in everything. Guys, let's play together with Interest? Little Red Riding Hood, what are we going to play this time? Let's play a game of attention. Get up from your seats. Now I will say the words "air", "Earth", "fire", "water" in different order. As soon as I say the word "air", you must raise your hands up. If you hear the word "Earth", then lower your hands down. On word "fire" rotate your hands back and forth, to the word "water" put your hands forward. Anyone who makes a mistake must sit on a chair. The most attentive one wins. (The game is being played "Air, earth, fire, water"). Were you interested in playing this game? Okay, it's time for us to move on. Who will we go to next, Little Red Riding Hood? Yes, where are you going? will you go, - exclaimed Interest, - I’m interested too.

    10. Anger

    Who is this walking here? I don't need anyone, leave everyone. Serves you right, I'll beat everyone, you'll know how to argue with me. Hey guys, who is this? Who's angry here? This is Anger. (A picture of anger is shown). Little Red Riding Hood, let's move on quickly before Anger spoils us. Go ahead. (Imitates a knock on the door).

    11. Surprise

    Oh, you came to me. I didn't expect it at all. And Little Red Riding Hood is here? Good afternoon guys, I'm Surprised. (A picture of surprise is shown). You probably want to play with me? For this occasion, I came up with a game. But first, please help me assemble my portrait from scattered parts. (The game is being played "Collect a picture"). Now imagine that you are outside, and it is raining heavily, and suddenly the sun comes out. Show how surprised you were that the sun suddenly came out. (Children show surprise on their faces). Well done boys. Let's move on. Let's quickly knock on the door and find out who lives there. (Imitates a knock on the door).

    Who's there? I'm afraid to open the door, I'm very, very scared. Guys, guess who lives in this house? (fear). That's right, it's fear. (A picture of fear is shown). Fear, open the door for us, it’s Little Red Riding Hood who came with the guys. Exactly? Are you deceiving me? Guys, forgive me for not telling you. Sometimes I explode like a snake, like a tiger. And sometimes I can sneak up suddenly, unnoticed, take you by surprise, I can quickly take off - like a thunderstorm... My appearance makes everyone feel uneasy. Sweat may appear on your forehead, goosebumps crawl down your back, your hands become sticky and slippery, and your legs fill with heaviness... Different sounds: [S], [W], [X]. Phrases are heard “I’ll eat now”, "I'll drag you away", "scary". Guys, have you ever been scared? Little Red Riding Hood offers to play a game with Fear . Get up from your seats and make a circle. Now you you'll be walking in circles, and say things like that words: “But I’m not afraid of fear; I’ll turn into whoever you want.”. As soon as I name any scary fairy-tale hero (for example, Koschey, the wolf, Baba Yaga, the lion, the Nightingale the Robber, the giant, you must quickly turn into him and freeze. And then I will choose the most terrible hero, and he will become the leader. ( The game is being played “But I’m not afraid of fear, I’ll turn into whoever you want”). Now let's play with fear. Imagine you have a big, huge fear (children widely spread their arms to the sides) . Everyone who is afraid has big eyes because of fear. (depict large Round eyes using hands). But now the fear is lessening (children move their hands). And then it disappears completely (shrug their shoulders and are perplexed shrug their shoulders) . Look at each other and make sure no one has more big eyes, and none of you is afraid of anything, since fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

    13. Exit from the fairy tale

    So Little Red Riding Hood introduced us to some of the residents of Fairytale Land « Emotions» . But not with everyone yet. Our journey is coming to an end. Residents of the country say goodbye to us and invite us to visit us again, get to know them better, play, and have fun. Shall we go visit them again? On the next classes we will continue our journey through this wonderful country and learn all the secrets of the inhabitants of Fairytale Land « Emotions» .

    14. Relaxation

    Today all the children worked out a lot, played and were probably tired. Little Red Riding Hood suggests you be a little lazy. (Calm music starts). Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine that you are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. Everything around is quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest quietly, you are lazy. Your hands rest, your legs rest. Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, it feels good. Your breathing is completely calm. Your arms, legs, whole body are relaxed. Feeling pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, shake off your laziness and count "three" open your eyes. One...two...three... You feel feel well rested and in a cheerful mood.

    C. Final stage

    Here comes our class by the end. It's time for Little Red Riding Hood to return to the fairy tale, and for you to return to the group. You are all great guys, you did a good job. Tell me what was interesting about class? Let's give each other a goodbye smile and say "Goodbye! See you soon".

    Lesson “My emotions”.

    Goals: familiarization with the concept of “emotions”, development of the ability to recognize and describe one’s emotions and the emotions of other people; improving communication skills, developing students’ ability to understand each other.

    Equipment: pictograms of emotional states, demonstration material “Feelings. Emotions".

    Progress of the lesson.

      Introduction. Welcome ritual.

    Greetings. "Good mood".

    Warm up. Game "On the contrary".

    Goal: Development of mental operations, the ability to quickly answer questions posed, and understand the presenter’s instructions the first time.

    Children are called different words, while the ball is thrown to one of the children, the one who catches the ball must say their opposite meanings:

      Main part.

    Psychologist: “Our lesson is called “My Emotions.” Today we will talk about the emotions that a person experiences. We will learn to recognize emotions and express them using facial expressions, gestures and words.

    Guys, tell me, was it difficult for you to choose opposite words? Tell me, what do the words joy, anger, sadness mean? That's right, these are emotions.

    Exercise “Name the emotion.”

    Goal: consolidation of concepts denoting various emotional states (joy, anger, sadness, fear).

    Psychologist: “Today the dwarf brothers came to visit us (show). They introduce us to emotions.

      Tell me, which is the first gnome? (Glad). How did you guess? What is his face like? What are his eyes like? What's going on with his lips? (Show).

      And what is the second gnome? (Wicked). That's right, let's describe his face. What are his eyes, mouth, teeth like?

    Yes, we have learned to recognize emotions such as joy, fear, anger, sadness.

    Game “Collect an emotion or

    Work in the notebook “Color the fabric.”

    Goal: Development of interpersonal communication skills, the ability to determine emotional state.

    Children move freely to the music, each holding their other half. As soon as the music stops, the children must find a pair among the guys so that your halves form a whole picture.

    Getting to know emotional states (surprise, curiosity).

    Goal: Formation of children's understanding of emotional states (surprise, curiosity).

    Psychologist: “Today we will get acquainted with two more emotions. This is surprise and curiosity. Please look at the screen.

      Another gnome ran out to us. (Show picture). What do you think he is like? What is he doing? That's right, this gnome surprised.

    A bird will fly by, a cloud will float by, will bloom beautiful flower, - everything surprises the gnome. Let's take a closer look at the gnome. What kind of eyebrows does he have?... That's right, they are raised up. Eyes? ... They're wide open. Lips?... They are stretched and look like the letter “O”.

      And here's another gnome. What is he like? Yes he curious. Do you see what his eyes are like? They stare intently. Mouth half open. Let's think about times when we felt curious. (Interesting story, picture, cartoon).

    Sketch "Teremok".

    Goals: improving the skills of practical mastery of expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime) - means of human communication.

    Children try to express different emotions using words, facial expressions and gestures. For this purpose, the fairy tale “Teremok” is played out. In this fairy tale, all the characters are different.

      The mouse is sad

      frog - cheerful,

      the bunny is afraid of everyone

      fox - curious

      wolf is evil

      bear - surprised.

    The ending of the fairy tale is different. The bear will not break the tower, but will ask the animals: “Let me into the tower.” And the animals will let him in.

    Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

    The children are given cards. Everyone must take turns reading the sentence and finishing it. (I am happy when...Mom is sad when...The teacher is surprised when...The child is angry when...The baby is scared when...I am curious when...)

    Exercise “Pie of Emotions”.

    Goals: relieving emotional stress, overcoming barriers nonverbal communication, development of group cohesion.

    Children are invited to bake a cake with only good emotions and treat it to everyone in the class. Children repeat the teacher's words.

    We took a little laughter,

    And a little bit success,

    Surprises on a spoon

    Curiosities ladle,

    A lot of joy poured,

    The dough was quickly kneaded.

    We baked a pie in the oven,

    Cooled on the porch.

    And then they shared the pie

    And everyone was treated to a meal.

    Put all your palms up,

    Get a treat!

    (Children share imaginary pieces of pie with each other and with guests).

    Psychologist: “Guys, did you like treating each other, what about our guests? How do you feel now after treating your guests and making them happy? Do you think it’s nice to give joy?”

    Exercise “Color of Mood”.

    Goal: developing the ability to determine one’s emotional state.

    Children are invited to choose a flower for themselves. Who is happy now must choose red flower, sad - blue the flower who experiences peace chooses yellow flower.

      Final part. Ritual of farewell.

    Exercise “Good animal”.

    psychological exercises for training

    A series of classes for the development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age

    To develop the emotional sphere in children, it is advisable to conduct cognitive activities along with play activities, in which, using a variety of methodological techniques, introduce children to emotions.

    We have developed a series of classes that are part of the work on developing the emotional sphere of a child of senior preschool age. During classes, children experience emotional states, verbalize their experiences, get acquainted with the experiences of their peers, as well as with the cultural heritage of humanity (literature, painting, music).

    The value of such activities is as follows:

    • children's range of understandable emotions expands;
    • they begin to understand themselves and others more deeply;
    • They are more likely to show empathy towards others.

    When designing the lessons, we included familiarity with only five emotions. Knowledge about other emotions is also important for children's development. Therefore, we strongly encourage the creativity of practitioners in designing activities to get to know other emotions.

    It is advisable to conduct classes once a week with all children. They are divided into sections. The first section includes activities in which children are introduced to emotions. The lessons of the second section deepen this knowledge. The classes in the third section serve to consolidate the knowledge gained in previous classes.

    Section I

    The purpose of the lessons of section 1:

    • introduce children to emotions: joy, grief, anger, fear, surprise;
    • teach children to distinguish emotions using schematic images; learn to understand your feelings and the feelings of other people and talk about it;
    • continue to teach children to convey a given emotional state using various expressive means; continue to teach listening and understanding musical works; develop empathy.

    Lesson 1. Joy.

    1. Listening to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky "New Doll"

    Questions for children:

    • What did you think about when you listened to music?
    • How did you feel?
    • What do you want to do with this kind of music?

    2. Repeated listening to a piece of music

    Children are invited to imagine that they have been given a new doll or other toy and dance to this music. After the music ends, draw the children’s attention to what their faces were like and how they moved. Explain that this is how they expressed joy.

    3. Conversation

    Emphasize that all children expressed their joy in their own way during the dance. Ask what determines how a person expresses his joy. During the conversation, bring the children to the conclusion that the degree of expression of joy depends on the person, his characteristics and the event itself.

    4. Drawing on the theme “Joy”

    Invite those who wish to tell us about their drawing.

    Come up with a name for an album that can be made from children's drawings after class.

    5. Children's answers to the question:

    – Joy is when everyone is happy. Sometimes joy is great, sometimes it is small. Small is when one person has it, and big is when everyone has it.

    – Joy is when there is a holiday.

    – Joy is when no one cries. No one.

    – Joy is when there is no war.

    “My grandmother’s heart hurts.” And when it doesn’t hurt, she and I rejoice together.

    – Joy is me! Because mom says: “You are my joy!”

    (M. Pototskaya “What is joy”)

    6. Round dance

    Children are invited to stand in a round dance and all together enjoy the good song “It’s fun to walk together...” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

    Lesson 2. Grief.

    1. Listening to two musical plays by S. Maykapar “Anxious Minute” and “Thought”.

    Questions for children:

    • What is the nature of these plays?
    • Are they similar to each other?

    Children are asked to characterize the first piece of music, then the second.

    2. Conversation on fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Stolen Sun”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

    It is suggested to remember:

    • When did the heroes of these fairy tales experience grief?
    • How did they cope with grief?

    3. Reading excerpts from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief"

    4. Dramatization of the situation “The dog is missing”

    One child plays the role of the owner of the missing dog, and the children calm him down, each in their own way.

    After dramatization, ask the child who played the role of the owner:

    • How did you feel when they calmed you down?
    • Who was the best person to calm you down?

    Lesson 3. Anger

    1. Reading excerpts from K.I. Chukovsky’s work “Moidodyr”, where the author describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile.

    Questions for children:

    • Why were Washbasin and Crocodile angry?
    • How did the author describe the anger of the Laver?
    • How did the author describe the Crocodile's anger?

    Looking at illustrations by artist A.M. Alyansky, which depicts an angry Washbasin and a Crocodile.

    Children are invited to tell how the artist conveyed the characters’ anger.

    2. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy's "Three Bears"

    Children act out an episode that describes how angry the bears are when they learn that someone has used their things.

    Children's attention is drawn to how differently a bear cub, a she-bear, and a bear express anger.

    3. Children's stories about situations when they were angry, angry, angry

    4. Exercise “Mirror”

    Children are asked to depict their anger in front of the mirror.

    5. Drawing Anger

    Invite the children to use a color to represent their anger.

    Look at the drawings with the children. Pay attention to the color representation of anger, note the similarities and differences in children’s images of anger.

    Lesson 4. Fear

    1. Game "Geese-swans"

    Children walk around the room, imagining that they are in a flowering meadow. When the presenter sounds the alarm, the children hide behind their chairs.

    The game is repeated several times.

    2. Exercise “Find the pictogram”

    Children choose a fear pictogram from those prepared in advance.

    Compare the children’s choice with the feeling they experienced when hiding from the geese.

    Consider with the children the pictogram they have chosen, pay attention to the eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

    3. Discuss with children the saying “Fear has big eyes.” Note the direct and hidden meaning of the saying

    Question for children: Have you ever been so scared that the cause of your fear seemed much worse to you than it actually was?

    4. Reading an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” (an episode that describes how the piglets run away from the wolf and tremble with fear)

    Question for the children: - Why wasn’t Naf-Naf afraid of the terrible wolf?

    1. Drawing on the theme “Naf-Naf is not afraid of the dire wolf.”
    2. Invite children to draw an episode from S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

    Look at the children's drawings. Pay attention to the features of the image of a brave pig.

    Lesson 5. Surprise

    1. Reading an excerpt from a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” (about amazing miracles on the island of Prince Guidon)

    • What miracles does the author describe?
    • Why did all these miracles surprise and attract people so much?

    Children are invited to compose a letter that could be sent to Prince Guidon, telling in it about the amazing things that the children encountered, or about the amazing events that happened to them.

    2. Exercise “Mirror”

    Invite children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised.

    Draw children's attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but despite the differences, there is always something similar in the expressions of surprise.

    Question: – What is common in the way you portrayed surprise?

    3. Game "Fantasy"

    Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

    • An elephant came to us...
    • We found ourselves on another planet...
    • Suddenly all the adults disappeared...
    • The wizard changed all the signs on the shops at night...

    Section II

    The purpose of the lessons of section II:

    • continue to introduce children to the emotions of joy, grief, anger, fear and surprise;
    • consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes;
    • expand children's understanding of emotions by offering to compare them;
    • continue to develop empathy and imagination.

    Lesson 1. Joy and sorrow

    1. Meet the gnomes

    The gnomes Kiryusha and Antosha came to visit the children. One gnome is happy, and the other is sad. The gnomes are dressed the same.

    The gnomes meet the children. Questions for children:

    • How are gnomes similar?
    • What is the difference?
    • What do you think could have upset Kiryusha?
    • What could make Antosha happy?

    2. Literary riddles

    Children are divided into two groups. One is headed by Kiryusha, the other by Antosha. Groups take turns being offered happy and sad excerpts from fairy tales. Kiryushin's (sad clown) team raises their hand when they read a happy passage, Anto-shin's (joyful clown) team reacts to a sad passage.

    Literary excerpts:

    • A cloud is moving across the sky, a barrel is floating in the sea. Like a bitter widow, the queen cries and struggles within her... (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...")
    • The wedding was immediately celebrated, And Elisha married his bride, And no one since the beginning of the world has seen such a feast. I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, and just wet my mustache. (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess...”)
    • Vasilisa the Wise came home and missed it - no frog skin! She rushed to look for her. She searched and searched but did not find it and said to Ivan Tsarevich: “Oh, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done!” If you had waited three more days, I would have been yours forever. And now farewell, look for me beyond distant lands, beyond distant seas, in the thirtieth kingdom, in the sunflower state, with Koshchei the Immortal (Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”)
    • Ivan Tsarevich went to the Koshcheev Chambers. Vasilisa the Wise came out to him and said: “Well, Ivan Tsarevich, you managed to find me, now I will be yours all my life!” Ivan Tsarevich chose the best horse from the Koshcheev stable, mounted it with Vasilisa the Wise and returned to his kingdom-state. And they began to live together, in love and harmony. (Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”)
    • Ivanushka says: “Sister Alyonushka, there’s no urine, I’ll drink from the hoof!” “Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat!” Ivanushka did not listen and drank from a goat's hoof. He got drunk and became a little goat... Alyonushka calls her brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white goat runs after her. Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down under a haystack - and cried, and the little goat jumped around next to her. (Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)
    • They gathered the people, went to the river, threw silk nets and pulled Alyonushka to the shore. They cut off the stone from her neck, dipped her in spring water, dressed her in elegant dress. Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than she was. And the little goat threw himself over his head three times with joy and turned into the boy Ivanushka. (Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

    The team that quickly and unanimously raises its hands and makes no mistakes wins.

    3. Drawing gnomes

    Invite the children to draw portraits of Kiryusha and Antoshi. When the children finish drawing, give the portraits to the gnomes.

    Draw the children's attention to the fact that Kiryusha is smiling.

    4. Round dance

    Children dance together with the gnomes.

    5. Farewell

    The children say goodbye to the gnomes, and Kiryusha promises to smile more often.

    Lesson 2. Joy and anger

    1. Conversation with children on Russian folk tales “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Man and the Bear” (pre-read these tales to the children)

    • What causes the feeling of anger in the heroes of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”?
    • What causes the feeling of joy?
    • What angered the heroes of the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”?
    • What made them happy?
    • How did the heroes of both fairy tales express anger and joy?

    2. Examination of the painting “Bear Family” (series “Sounding Word.” - M., 1980)

    Questions for children:

    • What is shown in the picture?
    • What do you think the mood of the bears is?
    • What are they happy about?
    • How do bees feel?
    • Why?

    Children are asked to show how angry bees are.

    3. Game "Bears and Bees"

    Children are divided into two groups. One group is bees, the other is bears.

    The bears steal honey from the bees and run away, and the bees catch up with them.

    Remind children that bears should be happy when they steal honey, and bees should be angry.

    4. Puppet show “Caprizka”, shortened version (Karmanenko T.N., Karmanenko Yu.G. Puppet theater for preschoolers. - M., 1982)

    Lesson 3. Anger, surprise

    1. Reading an excerpt from a poem by N. Ekimova.

    Clouds floated across the sky
    And I looked at them.
    And two similar clouds
    I wanted to find it.
    I looked up for a long time
    And he even squinted his eyes,
    And what I saw is for you
    I'll tell you everything now.

    Suddenly the sky is menacing
    Scarecrow flies
    And with a huge fist
    He threatens me angrily.
    Oh, I was scared, friends,
    But the wind helped me:
    It blew so hard that it was a monster
    They took off running.
    A little cloud
    Floats above the lake

    And a cloud of surprise
    Opens his mouth:
    - Oh, who’s there on the surface of the lake?
    Fluffy like that?
    So furry and soft?
    Let's fly, fly with me!
    I played for so long
    And I want to tell you,
    That two similar clouds
    I couldn't find it.

    2. Drawing clouds

    Invite the children to draw clouds. On one sheet of paper draw an angry cloud, on the other - a surprised one.

    3. Exhibition of drawings

    Together with the children, place the drawings so that the angry clouds are separated from the clouds that are surprised.

    Draw the children's attention to how differently they depicted the anger of the clouds. And the surprised clouds are also different from each other.

    Find the angriest cloud and the most surprised one.

    4. Game "Clouds"

    Children are divided into two groups. The first group depicts angry clouds, the second group is surprised, looking at the angry clouds. Then the children change roles.

    5. “Say the phrase”

    Children, if desired, pronounce any phrase on behalf of a surprised or angry cloud.

    Lesson 4. Joy, grief, fear

    1. Literary excerpts

    Invite children to listen to excerpts from the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

    While reading, children should depict the appropriate emotion on their face.

    Excerpts from works:

    1. The gray sparrow cries: “Come out, honey, quickly!” We feel sad without the sun - You can’t see a grain in the field.
    2. But the furry ones are afraid: “Where can we fight with this!” He is both menacing and toothy, He will not give us the sun!
    3. The bunnies and squirrels are happy, the boys and girls are happy, they hug and kiss the clubfoot: - Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun!
    4. And the hare came running and shouted: “Ai-Ai! My little bunny was hit by a tram!.. And now he’s sick and lame, My little bunny!”
    5. The crocodiles hid in the nettles, and the elephants hid in the ditch. All you can hear is the chattering of your teeth, all you can see is your ears trembling.
    6. And the doctor sewed on his legs, and the little bunny jumps again. And with him the mother hare also went to dance. And she laughs and shouts: “Well, thank you, Aibolit!”
    • How did you feel when you listened to these passages?
    • Which feelings were easy for you to convey and which were difficult?

    Children are asked to listen again to the passages that have difficulty portraying emotionally.

    2. Game "Dwarves"

    Children are presented with a poster with images of a joyful, frightened and sad gnome.

    • Which gnome would you like to play with?
    • Which dwarf was afraid of vaccination?
    • Which gnome broke his favorite cup?

    3. Children's stories

    You are invited to tell about funny, sad and scary incidents from your life.

    4. Watching a filmstrip based on the fairy tale by V. Livanov “The most, the most, the most”

    Questions after watching:

    • When did the lion cub get upset?
    • In what episode of the fairy tale did the lion cub get scared?
    • What made the lion cub happy?

    Lesson 5. Joy, grief, surprise

    1. Sketch “Fine Weather”

    Children are invited to imagine a warm sunny day, a green lawn with bright colors, over which butterflies flutter merrily.

    Question: – What is your mood now?

    Then the children choose the appropriate pictogram from those prepared in advance.

    2. Sketch “Bad Weather”

    Children are asked to imagine a cloudy sky, rain, cold wind, disheveled sparrows huddled under the roofs of houses.

    Question: – What’s your mood?

    3. Sketch “The weather has changed”

    Children are asked to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain stopped and the bright sun came out. And it happened so quickly that even the sparrows were surprised.

    Question: – What happened to you when you imagined such unexpected changes in the weather?

    Children then choose the appropriate pictogram.

    4. Drawing emotions

    First divide the children into groups and invite them to draw emotions with color spots. One group draws joy on a large sheet of paper, another - grief, the third - surprise.

    Children examine and compare “sheets of joy, grief and surprise” (together with the teacher).

    Lesson 6. Joy, fear, surprise

    1. Reading N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”

    Questions for children:

    • What did Vova and Vladik feel when the hat started to move?
    • What feeling did the guys have when they found a cat under the hat?
    • What feeling replaced surprise?
    • How did the guys express their joy?

    2. Drawing episodes from N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”

    Children are invited to depict an episode of their choice:

    • the boys were scared;
    • the boys were surprised to see a kitten under the hat;
    • the boys were happy.

    3. Discussion of children's drawings

    Children's drawings are arranged and examined by topic.

    Attention is drawn to how differently children portray boys' fear, surprise and joy, and what colors they use to convey different emotions.

    4. Children's stories

    Children are asked to recall incidents in life when they were first scared, then surprised, and then happy.

    5. Exercise “Mirror”

    It is proposed to depict in front of the mirror the emotion that will be named. And to make it easier to portray the named emotion, you can invite children to recall relevant episodes from a story they read or from their own memories.

    Section III

    The purpose of classes III section:

    • consolidate knowledge about emotions;
    • continue to develop the ability to feel the mood in music;
    • develop empathy.

    Entertainment “Land of Fairy Tales”

    1. A story about a journey through the land of fairy tales

    Tell the children that on their way they will meet fairy-tale houses in which heroes of different fairy tales live. Fairy-tale characters will come out to children if they correctly name the emotion depicted in the pictogram. The pictogram will hang on the door of the house.

    2. The first house with the anger icon. Children name an emotion

    The angry Karabas comes out of the house and says that he has no actors in the theater. He wants to take all the children to the theater.

    The presenter invites the children to feign anger and angrily answer Karabas Barabas that they will never go to his theater.

    This helps drive away Karabas Barabas and continue the journey.

    3. The second house with the icon of fear. Children guess the emotion

    A bunny comes out of the house, afraid of the fox. She kicked him out own home. Questions for children:

    • Who tried to help the bunny, but did not help?
    • Why couldn't the animals help the bunny?
    • How did the fox scare the animals?
    • Who helped the bunny?

    Then it is proposed to play a scene in which a rooster drives out a fox. To do this, children are chosen to play the role of a fox and a rooster. The bunny thanks the children, and the journey continues.

    4. The third house with a grief icon. Children name an emotion

    It is proposed to consider the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". Questions:

    • Who painted this picture?
    • What is it called?
    • How did the artist show Alyonushka’s grief?

    After the children answer the questions, Alyonushka comes out of the house. She tells the children about her grief. Children offer different variants how you can help Alyonushka disenchant Ivanushka. And for the miracle to happen, the children must name proverbs about grief.

    The children's answers help Alyonushka meet his brother, who is leaving the house. Ivanushka and Alyonushka thank the children. The children continue their journey.

    5. The fourth house with a surprise icon. Children name an emotion

    Carlson comes out of the house. He invites children to remember episodes from A. Lindgren’s fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson, Who Lives on the Roof,” in which the characters are surprised. Carlson asks the children to tell what surprised them in their lives. Next, Carlson invites the children to dance to a cheerful tune so that everyone is surprised at how great the children dance. After the dance, the children continue their journey.

    6. Fifth house with a pictogram of joy. Children name the emotion.

    Pinocchio comes out of the house. He invites children to remember:

    • Which heroes did you help?
    • What feelings did you experience?
    • What funny fairy tale heroes do you know?

    Then Pinocchio invites the children to play the game “Round Dance of Fairy-tale Heroes.”

    Children stand in a circle and, moving in a circle, depict cheerful fairy-tale characters, whom they call Pinocchio.

    Entertainment “In the kingdom of the snow queen” (Author Kubasova I.L.)

    1. Gerda is looking for Kai

    The girl, who plays the role of Gerda, tells the children about what happened to Kai, and about the path that needs to be taken to help Kai.

    2. Meeting with the Princess

    The princess promises to show the way if the children answer the questions correctly. She suggests naming the emotion that matches the piece of music.

    Excerpts from musical works:

    • S. Rachmaninov “Polka” (joy);
    • L. Beethoven “Fur Elise” (sadness);
    • M. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, overture (surprise);
    • D. Kabalevsky “Peter and the Wolf” - excerpt (fear);
    • L. Beethoven “Suite in C minor” (anger).

    The princess shows the way.

    3. Meeting with the little robber

    The robber set the condition that the children demonstrate the emotions that arose in people and animals in different situations:

    • Show me the grief of the animals that live in my cages.
    • Show the deer's fear when I tickled him with a sharp dagger.
    • Show how surprised Gerda was when she saw my menagerie.
    • Show me how angry my mother was when I dumped a boiling pot on her foot.
    • Show me how sad I was when I said goodbye to Gerda, my only friend.

    The robber shows the way and says goodbye to Gerda and the children.

    4. Meeting snowflakes at the entrance to the Snow Queen's palace

    At the palace Snow Queen Snowflakes are spinning and do not allow Gerda to pass, asking her and the children to play with them.

    5. Game "Snowflakes"

    Gerda distributes snowflakes to the children, in the center of which various emotions are schematically depicted. Children tell how their snowflake feels. The snowflakes let Gerda into the palace.

    6. Meeting with Kai

    Gerda meets with Kai. But in order to break the spell, the children must use pieces of ice (a cut sheet of paper with an image of an emotion) to collect the most terrible emotion for the queen - joy.

    7. Returning home

    Kai is disenchanted. Gerda thanks the children for their help. Gerda and Kai say goodbye to the guys.

    Minaeva V.M. Development of emotions in preschool children. Classes. Games. Manual for practitioners preschool institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 2001. – 48 p. (Development and education of a preschooler)


    Lesson notes on emotional development children

    senior group preschool age :

    Journey to the land of “Emotions”.

    Target: Development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


    Strengthen the ability to recognize and express emotions and emotional states in facial expressions.

    To develop self-regulation in students through listening to music.

    Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;

    Preserving the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics and relaxation.

    develop a positive attitude towards others, balance of emotions;

    form friendly and equal relationships between peers;

    exercise the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

    Composition of the group:

    Age of participants: 5 – 6 years. Number of children in group: 6-8 people Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

    Material for the lesson:

    "Magic Ball";

    Pictograms of emotions and photographs: fear, joy, anger, etc.

    Magnetic board; People-emotions;

    Drawing paper, pencils;

    Children's chairs according to the number of children;

    Small sandbox, frames with sand; tassels;

    Lesson technologies used:

    Accompanied by CD music: Tape recorder and disc with recording of calm music; Audio recording “Joy” from the collection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”;

    Elements of health-saving technology

    Playing with sand.


    Methodical techniques: conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children; pictograms of emotional states; examination; display; explanation; practical activities of children.

    Preliminary work:

    – acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness

    – listening to music

    – conducting psychological games and exercises

    Progress of the lesson:

    Greetings. "Magic Ball".

    - Hello guys. I'm glad to see you!

    Children, what is this in my hands? (children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the “magic ball”, let's greet each other.

    The psychologist passes a ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says the “magic polite word,” then passes the ball to another child, etc.

    - Guys, today we will go on a trip. And what country we will go to, you will tell me after I read the poem to you.

    Animals have feelings In fish, birds and people.Affects everyone without a doubtWe're in the mood.Who's having fun!Who's sad?Who's scared?Who's angry?Dispels all doubtsABC of mood.

    (brief discussion of the poem, repetition of the names of emotions)

    Our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.

    Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)

    – What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about?(children's answers)

    – Guys, we are now going on a journey to the land of “Emotions”. In order for us to travel, we need transport. What transport did you use? Let's build a fairy train. Stand behind each other, grab the person in front by the belt. Our train will be able to move using magic words:

    Our magic train takes all our friends forward...

    (Children say words and walk in a circle,depicting trailers)

    1 stop. "Glade of Joy"» (sounds audio recording “Joy” from T.D.’s collectionZinkevich-Evstigneeva)

    Who do you see in this clearing? (Man-joy)

    What's his mood?

    “Children, what is joy?” (children's answers)

    For example:

    “Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun.”

    “Sometimes joy is great, and sometimes it is small. Small is when it’s for one person, and big is when it’s for everyone.”

    “Joy is when everyone has a holiday.”

    “Joy is when no one cries. No one".

    “Joy is when there is no war.”

    “Joy is when everyone is healthy.”

    “Joy is me, because my mother says: “You are my joy.”

    - What do you do when you're having fun? (Children's answers.)

    Sketch "Who is happy" Children stand in a circle. The psychologist invites them to depict, show without words, how happy they are when meeting their mother, when they greet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo or circus.

    Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

    Exercise “Draw an emotion”

    - Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme “Joy.” Take some leaves and pencils and let everyone draw joy the way they want.

    (Then the children are asked to sit in a circle and talk about what they drew.Then the psychologist, together with the children, pastes the drawings onto a large sheet of paper - an exhibition is held (discussion, selection of the most original drawing, answers to the question “What is joy?” and the most interesting stories).

    Psycho-gymnastics « A trickle of joy" (calm music sounds)

    Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands, and relax.

    -Guys, mImagine that a kind, cheerful stream has settled inside each of you. The water in the stream is clean, transparent, warm. The stream is very small and very mischievous. He cannot sit in one place for a long time. Let's play with it and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water flows through your hands. friend in a circle.

    Children mentally convey joy to each other.

    2 stop. « IslandSad"

    What is sadness?

    Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)

    Look at this boy. What an expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion? (children's answers)

    - How did you guess? (in the face, in the eyes, eyebrows are knitted, lips are lowered)

    Guys, you also probably have sad moods? Tell me. (Rchildren's stories)

    Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I suggest you portray an animal.

    A game« Good animal." Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal. (Calm music starts.) Let's listen to how it breathes.

    Now let's breathe together. Inhale – take a step forward together. Exhale - step back.

    Our animal breathes very smoothly and calmly. Now let's picture and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. Knock - step back.

    3 stop. « Cave of Fear"

    We also reached the cave. (The psychologist turns on the music.)

    Exercise “Scary sounds” (music soundsE. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves” or “In the Cave of the Mountain King”)

    - Guess what sounds we hear? (children's answers)

    - We hear many sounds, some of them scary. We will listen to sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which ones are calming or joyful. (Odiscussion of children)

    Was the sound always scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear goes away.

    What kind of person lives here? (Man – Fear)

    How did you guess? (children's answers)

    Game “I’m not afraid of horror stories, I’ll turn into whoever you want”

    Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in chorus. When the driver (initially maybe a psychologist) names some scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), children need to quickly “transform” into him and freeze. The leader chooses the scariest one and he becomes the driver and continues the game.

    Exercise “Fear has big eyes”

    Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide apart.) Everyone who is afraid has big eyes because of fear. (Depictbiground eyes using hands.) But now the fear is lessening. (Children move their hands.)

    And then it disappears completely.(They shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)

    Look at each other and make sure that no one has big eyes anymore and, therefore, none of you is afraid of anything, since the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

    4 stop. "Mountain of Anger"

    Who lives on this mountain? (Man-Anger)

    - How did you guess?

    What happens to the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth may be distorted in an evil person.

    What's happening to the eyebrows? Show! The eyebrows are lowered, with folds between them. His nose wrinkled.

    What's happening to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.

    – Children, in what cases do they experience such emotions? (come up with a life situation together with the children).

    Exercise "Mirror"

    Children are asked to pretend to be angry in front of the mirror.

    Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The presenter asks a question to which the children must stomp if they want to answer “yes.” If “no,” then the legs stand still.

    I'll tell you when mothers get angry, and you can guess whether I'm saying it right.

    Moms get angry when they are late for work.

    Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.

    Moms get angry when they are yelled at.

    Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.

    Mothers get angry when they are late for kindergarten with their children.

    Moms get angry when they say “bad” about moms.

    Moms get angry when people take their personal items without asking permission.

    Mothers get angry when they are loved.

    Well done boys. You guessed what events the Angry man likes.

    Exercise "Finish the sentence».

    Think carefully and complete the sentence “I rejoice when...” (children’s statements are recorded).

    I get angry when... etc.

    – Guys, look at what emotions there are and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)

    Pictograms are schematic representations of emotions.

    Reflection. Conversation with children:

    And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

    What did you learn in class today? (children's answers)

    What did you like most? (children's answers)

    Well done boys! You were friendly, active and completed all the tasks!

    I also really enjoyed our trip. I wish you Have a good mood, and so that you say only good and kind words to each other.

    I really want to know what mood you are left with after our trip. And I suggest you paint your mood on the sand with a brush!

    And to make our meeting memorable, let’s take a photo as a souvenir.

    This concludes our lesson. Thank you bye.

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