• Lesson on the emotional development of children of the senior group of preschool age: “Journey to the country of Emotions. Lesson summary on the topic: “Joy” (on the development of the emotional sphere in older preschoolers) Emotional development of preschool children


    Summary of a lesson on the development of social-emotional competence for older preschoolers “Land of Emotions”

    Author: Boldareva Svetlana Alexandrovna, practical psychologist, Miner's preschool educational institution combined type No. 9 "Sunrise"
    Description: Summary of a lesson on the development of social-emotional competence for older preschoolers “Land of Emotions.” This development will be of interest to preschool teachers and psychologists.

    Subject: Land of emotions

    - Teach children to independently create different cities on the sand;
    - Introduce children to ways to get rid of fear;
    - To consolidate children’s knowledge about emotions, reduce aggressiveness, anxiety, and train the ability to recognize emotional condition by facial expressions;
    - Develop the emotional sphere, kinesthetic sensitivity, creative imagination, the ability to fantasize, reflect, independently draw conclusions, develop communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance;
    - Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

    Equipment and materials:
    decoration of the music hall - trees, flowers, lake, river, tunnel, carpet, dry shower, raindrops depicting emotions, an aquarium with a sand castle, flowers of goodness, a gymnastic bench, cups of water, seeds, trays with colored sand, toys, dark air balloons, music: relaxation, sounds of a waterfall, multimedia presentation, ball of thread, proofreading tables, gifts - “Merry Moon” toys.
    Number of participants: 6 people.

    Children's age: 5 years

    Methodical techniques:
    Verbal- conversation, educational questions, artistic expression.
    Visual: slides, proofreading tables
    Incentives- creating motivation, encouragement, surprise moment.
    Game: a game with obstacles.
    Musical accompaniment: sounds of nature.

    Progress of the lesson:

    It's a new day in kindergarten,
    We will say to everyone: “Good afternoon.”
    Good afternoon to you and me,
    We will tell everyone on Earth.
    - Children, what is your mood today? It’s very good that you are in a joyful mood - look how many guests came to us today. Let's share a piece of good mood with them. (Children blow on their palms). What other moods are there?
    - Let's remember how facial expression changes, let's show:
    When we are sad, we do this.
    When we are surprised, we do this.
    When we are scared, this is what we are like.
    When we are angry, we are already like that.
    And when we rejoice, it’s like this.
    - Well done, everyone completed the task, but can you guess the mood using your eyes?
    - What can spoil our mood? (Diseases, bad weather, fear, resentment.)
    - Is it necessary to fight a bad mood? How can this be done? (Everyone together, because together it’s more fun, but it’s difficult alone.)
    - How to unite? (Hold hands, stand next to each other.)
    - I want to offer you something. I have a magic ball. He will help us unite.
    The one who gets it into his hands
    Let him give a kind word to everyone.

    Exercise “Magic Ball”
    Target: the formation of empathy, visualization of the invisible connection between people.

    (Children sit in a circle, pass the ball to each other, alternately calling kind word and winding the thread around your finger.)
    - This thread connected us into one whole. Each of us is needed in this world. Look, we have a chain of good ones, sincere words. Did these words change your mood? For example, my heart felt pleasant and warm. And you?
    - Let's wind up our good ball and keep it in the group. And if someone suddenly becomes sad or needs Nice words, you need to hold the ball in your hands - it will immediately remind you of all your kind and sincere words.

    Children, despite the fact that we only said good words to each other, there is in the Land of Emotions a kingdom of Anger, ruled by the sorceress Zlorada. It is she and her assistants who are trying to make our hearts of stone. They send us fears, resentments, bad moods, and indifference. Therefore, I invite you on a journey to the Kingdom of Schadenfreude. In our world there are always people who are capable of defeating Malice and destroying her kingdom of Anger. Today only we and no one else can do this. The road to this kingdom is not easy. We need to overcome many obstacles, but we will help each other. And we will travel on a carpet that can fly.
    Exercise “Flying carpet”
    Target: develop a sense of group unity, confidence in a situation of physical closeness.

    - Children, stand on the carpet, hold hands or hug each other so as not to fall during the flight (relaxation music sounds).
    - Close your eyes and imagine how we are flying high in the sky, over forests and seas, rivers and mountains. We rise higher and higher, flying above the clouds. Support your comrades. So we landed in the kingdom of Anger. Open your eyes.
    - We need to get to her castle. But before we continue our journey, we need to check whether she has prepared any unpleasant surprises for us and disguise ourselves so that Schloding does not notice us.
    - Who do you think we need to turn into so as not to be noticed? (In a tree, animals, flowers.)
    - Let's try to disguise ourselves. (Children disguise themselves, and one child guesses).
    Exercise "Transformation"
    Target: development of imagination, attention, ability to transform.
    - Well done, Malevolence didn’t notice us. But what is this letter on our way? Let's try to read it. What do you think this could mean? So, to continue the journey you need to complete the task.
    Exercise “Correction Table”
    Goal: to develop mental processes, make independent conclusions, and form knowledge about the world around us. The psychologist hands out tables to the children and everyone completes the tasks together.

    (Waterfall music sounds)
    - Now we need to go through this waterfall, let's go to this colored waterfall.
    Exercise “Dry shower”
    Target: relieve muscle tension, teach children to coordinate their actions with peers, form emotional positivity, empathy.

    - What color is the water jet? Coming out from under the waterfall, you will say what your mood is and how you felt under the streams of water. (Children talk about their feelings and impressions).
    - Children, what is that at the waterfall? (water droplets). Let's collect the droplets.
    Exercise “Raindrop”
    Target: development of attention, observation, ability to identify emotions using schematic images.
    - How does your little drop feel?
    - Oh, children, it seems this waterfall is not simple, but glue. And instead of water,... .. (glue) pours out of it. We all stuck together. (Children hold each other's hands). But we don't have time to wait for the glue to dry, we need to hurry. What do we do?

    (We must move together.)
    Children cross obstacles without breaking their hands: they pass a lake, jump over a stream, step over stones, climb through a tunnel.
    - Well, while we were walking, the glue had already hardened and we peeled off from each other.
    (Scary music sounds)
    - Children, look, you and I have come to some kind of cave. Let's see what's there. What do you feel? Look, there's something here. ( Balloons dark color) What do you think this is? (Children's answers)
    - The evil witch hides children’s fears in her cave, look how many there are, perhaps your fear is here too. What should we do with them? Take a balloon, imagine what you fear most and pop the balloon.
    Exercise “Overcome Fear”
    Target: overcome fears, become more confident and decisive.

    - Children, we have destroyed our fears. And they helped many children and themselves. After all, we are no longer afraid of Glory. And we need to go further (Children follow the psychologist, the psychologist pays attention to the scattered seeds under their feet)
    - Friends, look, Malice has scattered the seeds of anger. What will grow out of them if we don't collect them? (Flowers of sadness, trees of anger, resentment.)
    - So these trees will turn into a terrible forest and will remain in our world forever. They can only be collected in pairs holding hands.
    Exercise “Collect seeds”
    Target: developing the ability to act together. (Children collect seeds).
    - Children, hold these seeds tightly in your fist so as not to scatter. Zlorada wanted to grow a forest of anger, but she didn’t succeed.
    - And here is Zlorada’s castle.
    (A psychologist with children approaches the “aquarium castle”, the castle is built of sand, a bridge across a moat leads into it - a gymnastic bench; at the beginning of the bridge there is a table on which there are cups with multi-colored liquid)
    “We just have to go through the last obstacle, cross this bridge over the ditch.” Let each of you pour the seeds of anger into a glass of magic liquid. Anger will turn into good and will be directed against the witch. Take the cups and walk along the bridge so as not to spill the magic liquid. Pour this liquid onto the walls of the Castle to destroy Schadenfreude.
    Exercise “Don’t Spill Water”
    Target: building self-confidence, developing movement coordination.
    - We destroyed Zlorada's castle. And in its place grew a flower of kindness, warmth, friendship, love. I suggest you build a magical city where love and goodness reign. But first I invite you to introduce him.
    Exercise - relaxation “Magic city on earth”

    - Sit down on the stumps, close your eyes and try to relax, relieve tension. Sit as if you would like to rest for a while. Feel yourself getting warmer. Warmth sinks into your hands. Hands relax, become heavy and warm. Breathing is free and uniform. You can breathe easily and pleasantly. Feel how your back, neck, head, cheeks, chin, lips relax. The eyes become heavy and stick together. Try to imagine a city where you feel very good! A city that you have ever seen or a city that your imagination draws. Consider it. What is he like? Consider where you are? How does this city make you feel?
    - Remember its color, aroma. Take its warmth with you. You can always come back. Clench your hands into fists and stretch forward and upward. And slowly open your eyes. Turn your head right, left, smile.
    - How are you feeling? (children's answers as desired)
    - You visited a magical city, where you felt pleasant, good, cozy. Let's build the magical city you imagined.
    Exercise “Congratulations with sand”
    - Choose a tray of sand that you like in color.

    Target: reduction of psycho-emotional stress, development of creative imagination.
    Dear children, smile,
    And look at the sand.
    We will play in the sand again
    And depict a magical city.
    So come to the sand,
    And put your hands in it.
    Say hello to the sand
    Our dear friend.
    But our sad friend,
    Because I'm very lonely.
    Let's have some fun with him
    Let's tickle, make you laugh.
    Our friend laughed.
    His ball rolled again,
    Like a cheerful stream.
    He will show us the path to a fairy tale -
    It will tell you everything about the magical city!
    (Children build a “magic city” out of sand, the psychologist supports, encourages the children, expresses his interest)

    Okay, friends, we've done some work.
    And they all built a magical city.
    Now we will live together
    And only give good things to all people.
    - What's your mood? Who wants to talk about their magical city?

    Municipal preschool educational state-financed organization Child Development Center kindergarten "Chamomile" With. Mikhailovka Municipal District Ufimsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Prepared and conducted by teacher - psychologist Kireeva B.R.


    • consolidating children's knowledge about basic human emotions (joy, sadness, fear, surprise, anger).


    1. promote awareness and understanding of emotions;
    2. increase the stability of emotional states;
    3. help strengthen self-confidence, develop self-awareness;
    4. help the child respond to existing negative emotions (fear, anger, etc.) that impede his full personal development;
    5. enrich the emotional sphere of the child.

    Lesson stages:

    1. Welcome ritual.
    2. The main content of the lesson is a set of psychotechnical exercises and techniques aimed at solving the problems of this lesson. (play therapy, group discussion.)
    3. Lesson reflection - assessment of the lesson.
    4. Farewell ritual.

    Lesson duration: 25 minutes.

    Age of participants: Senior preschool age.

    Equipment: pictures of gnomes with different emotions; tape recorder, audio recording of music, sun with clothespins, pictograms depicting emotions, "dry rain" , box of chocolates

    Preliminary work:

    • acquaintance with basic emotions: fear, joy, surprise, anger.
    • listening to music.
    • conducting psychological games and exercises.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Greeting: Hello guys. I'm glad to see you. Let's greet each other:

    Hello sun, (children raise their hands up)

    Hello I, (point to themselves)

    Hello all my friends! (hugs the neighbors on the right and left by the shoulders)

    An unconventional game with clothespins Today we are greeted in the group by the sun, which decided to distribute its rays to you in order to find out what mood you came to kindergarten with today. You must tell what your name is, what your mood is. Continue the sentences: My name is... I’m in a... mood today because...

    (children are given clothespins, pass the sun around in a circle and put on the clothespin (ray) the child talks about his mood.)

    Look how many rays the sun has and each ray has a different feeling and mood, we have both joyful and sad rays. And therefore, to cheer everyone up, we will play with "A ray of sunshine"

    A game "Sun Ray" A ray of sunshine looked into your eyes. Close them. It ran further down the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke carefully so as not to frighten off the sun's rays, head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach and stroked it. Ray is not a mischievous person - he just loves and caresses you, and you pet him and make friends with him.

    Great! We become friends with a ray of sunshine, take a deep breath and smile at each other. How great it is that we met!

    Main part:

    Today fairy-tale gnomes came to visit us from the land of emotions

    They will help us remember the emotions that we talked about in previous classes.

    • Guess, kids, girls, and boys, what emotion am I going to show you now?

    (happy music sounds. The teacher-psychologist shows a picture of a gnome with the emotion of joy. Children’s answers)

    Our gnome brought us pictograms with different emotions and wants to test us if you know all the emotions. (children are given pictograms with the emotions joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise) Now tell the gnome your emotion, which is depicted in the pictogram, and tell the gnome when you experience this feeling. For example: I am happy "I'm happy when no one gets sick" .

    • Look at the gnome. Tell me the emotion... (sad music sounds. The teacher-psychologist shows a picture of a gnome with the emotion of sadness. Children’s answers.)

    What do you think could have happened to him, why is he sad?

    • Another gnome is coming towards us. Look, what is he like? (Scary music sounds. The teacher-psychologist shows a gnome with the emotion of fear. Children’s answers.)

    Exercise "Fear has big eyes" .

    Educational psychologist: Now let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide apart). Everyone who is afraid has big eyes because of fear. (Depict large Round eyes using hands). But now the fear is lessening. (Children move their hands). And then it disappears completely. (They shrug and throw up their hands in bewilderment). Look at each other and make sure no one has more big eyes and therefore none of you is afraid of anything, since fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

    Well done guys, you overcame fear.

    • Look at this gnome. Tell me the emotion... (Angry music sounds. The teacher-psychologist shows a picture of a gnome with the emotion of anger. Children’s answers.)

    And you know, this gnome told me what he was very angry about. It turns out that in the magical land no one wanted to tell him fairy tales and that is why he is so angry. Let us tell him a fairy tale. (children agree)

    Now I will tell a fairy tale, and you will portray the heroes of the fairy tale after you hear the words "like this" .

    There is one wonderful planet called Earth. It's big and round. There are many forests, seas, and rivers on it. And people, animals, birds, insects live on it. So, on this planet there is a huge bright green clearing. Above this clearing the sky is often blue. Birds are flying in the sky. The sun warms this clearing with its warm rays.

    Once upon a time among broad daylight a city suddenly appeared in this clearing. Where did it come from? Maybe someone knows, but I don’t know. Everything about this city was extraordinary. The houses were of different colors: red, yellow, green, blue, purple - as if a rainbow had left its mark on each of them, different shapes– round, square and even triangular. The windows in the houses were very large to allow a lot of light into the house. There were still many doors, and they were all open. Log in whenever you want and go wherever you want.

    And in this unusual city lived little wizards similar to you. And for you, Denis, and for you, Irina (etc.). The wizards were very kind and friendly. They worked hard and were able to do a lot. And if something didn’t work out for them, they knew that they would definitely succeed, even if not right away. Wizards loved to play and have fun. Every now and then you could hear their cheerful laughter. And they laughed like this... (Children lie on their backs, dangle their legs and arms, slap their stomachs and laugh loudly.)

    But sometimes wizards were sad, and then they were sad like this... (Children depict sadness using facial expressions.)

    Sometimes they wanted to cry, and they allowed themselves to do so. They cried like this... (Children pretend to cry using pantomime.) Huge tears rolled down their cheeks, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into crystal beads. The sound from them was melodious and soothing.

    Wizards loved to come up with various miracles involving transformations. When someone turned into someone else, they were surprised like this (Children open their eyes wide, open their mouths, say "Oh" .)

    Now we will get to this country. Close your eyes and follow your breathing. On the count of three, you will open your eyes and find yourself in a magical city. Inhale - exhale - one, inhale - exhale - two, inhale - exhale - three. (Children follow the instructions.)

    Open your eyes. We are in an unusual city. (Children open their eyes.)

    Before we could get to this city, we immediately turned into huge elephants. An elephant has four powerful legs. He walks importantly, slowly, slowly transferring his body weight from one leg to the other. He places his foot on the entire foot, as if pushing through the ground. Let's try to walk like this... (Children smoothly and slowly move their body from one leg to the other, inhale noisily, while exhaling, pronouncing the sound for a long time "A" .)

    The elephant approached a construction site where little wizards were building a house. Probably for you and me. The elephant is a strong animal and he began to help the wizards lift heavy stones like this... He planted his feet firmly (children place their feet shoulder-width apart), slightly bent his knees, lifted the front stone right foot and forcefully pushed it up, pushing the stone upward (imitating movements). Then he lifted the stone with his front left foot and also handed it up to the builders (imitating movements). It was not easy for him, and he did not hide it. I was breathing heavily like this... (Children exhale and say for a long time "A" ) .

    But then the elephant suffered a misfortune: a heavy stone fell on his leg. The elephant raised his bruised leg and groaned like this... "O" ) .

    The elephant became very angry, his body tensed, he clenched his jaws, began waving his trunk, and trumpeting menacingly like that... (children imitate movements and pronounce the sound for a long time "A" ) .

    And then the elephant walked through the city shaking the air with a roar like this... (children move, transferring their body weight from one leg to the other with a sharp movement of their hands, clenched into fists, upward; as they exhale, they lower their hands down, making a sound "A" ) .

    Then the elephant saw a newspaper. He grabbed it and began to crush it. He trampled her under his feet, tore her apart like this... (children crumple the newspaper, trample, tear).

    Then the elephant fell on its back and began pounding the ground with its legs, turning its head and roaring like this... (children lie on their backs, tap their feet on the floor, shake their heads, pronounce the sound for a long time "A" ) .

    Gradually, the feeling of anger began to leave the elephant, he closed his eyes, stretching out on the ground to his full height like this... (children lie down on the floor, close their eyes, listen to the relaxation text).

    Our arms are resting, our legs are also resting.
    They rest,...fall asleep... (2 times)
    The tension has flown away
    And the whole body is relaxed (2 times)

    Lips are not tense
    Open and warm (2 times)
    And our obedient tongue
    I'm used to being relaxed (2 times)

    Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

    Soon the elephant completely calmed down, he lay relaxed. Opening his eyes, he looked around like this... (children open their eyes and look around).

    It’s so good: the sun is warming up, the sky is blue, the grass is green, water is flowing in the river. And he felt completely calm and comfortable. And the only reminder of anger was the scraps of paper scattered on the ground. Let's clean up all the leftovers "anger" so that she doesn't bother us anymore (everyone removes the newspaper scraps).

    Well, it's time to return home. Close your eyes and follow your breathing. On account "three" you will open your eyes and find yourself in our kindergarten group again. Inhale - exhale - one, inhale - exhale - two, inhale - exhale - three. (Children follow the instructions.)

    Symbolic return from a fairy tale - exercise "It's me"

    Children stand in a circle, holding hands, stomping their feet, repeating as they exhale: "It's me. It's me" .

    Well, we're back. Did you enjoy being elephants? How did the elephant feel when the stone fell on his foot? How did he express this feeling? What did he do? You noticed that the elephant, despite being angry, did not insult or offend anyone. The elephant is a peace-loving animal. And if suddenly you are ever visited by a feeling of anger, rage, remember the elephant.

    • Look at the gnome, determine the emotion... (Unusual music sounds. The teacher-psychologist shows the gnome with the emotion of surprise. Children’s answers.)

    That's right, it's a surprise! I'll tell you why I was surprised fairy gnome, maybe you will be surprised too.

    1. Game - relaxation "Dry Rain" .

    Listen, what are those sounds? It's the rain that makes noise. Let's go and have a look (audio recording - Chopin "Rain waltz" ) .

    A rain cloud has arrived to us, but the rain is not ordinary, but magical (on the umbrella there are multi-colored satin ribbons) . Pet him.

    Our rain is colorful, dry, warm, cheerful, kind, affectionate, gentle. The rain makes us happy and calms us down. You can dance a little to the music.

    Rain, rain, my friend, spill on the meadow,

    Hands and faces, you dance without laziness, first, spring.

    It's so nice to walk in our rain.

    Our magical rain seems to wash away all worries, fears, fatigue and fill us with health and spring mood.

    Lesson reflection

    • Let's remember what emotions live in a fairyland?

    Which game did you find most interesting?

    • What's your mood now?

    (Children remember).

    Farewell ritual.

    Our meeting with the fairy-tale gnomes has come to an end.

    They give us parting instructions:

    Be kind, without whims

    And they give you surprises. The gnomes also came to visit us not empty-handed, but with a surprise (I show the children a box with a lid. I shake the box and ask the children to guess by ear what is in there.) What do you think this could be?

    It's actually candy. But they are not simple. As soon as you eat them, you will turn into wizards and will be able to wish all people something that will make them happy. Let's think about what we can wish for all the people who live on earth... (Children are given candy and express their wishes).

    Thank you! Well done today. Goodbye.


    1. Children's Emotional Development Program preschool age “I’m surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy” Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. Practical guide. – 6th ed. – M.: Genesis, 2011. – 208 p.; ill.
    2. Ganicheva I.V. Body-oriented approaches to psycho-correctional and developmental work with children (5 – 7 years). – M.: National Book Center, 2011. – 136 p. (Psychological service.)

    Target- development emotional sphere children of senior preschool age.

    Form of conduct- group lesson, 6-8 people.

    Materials: record player; audio recordings by V. Shainsky - Y. Entin “Chunga-Changa”, sounds of nature, music for relaxation; box, pictures depicting emotions; cards of 8 colors (red, blue, yellow, green, crimson, grey, brown, black), ball, tactile tracks.

    Progress of the lesson.

    I. Introduction.

    1. Greeting “Joyful song.”

    Goal: positive attitude, development of a sense of unity.

    I have a ball in my hands. I’ll now wrap the thread around my finger and pass the ball to my neighbor on the right and sing a song about how glad I am to see him - “I’m very glad that (name) is in the group,” and now all together “We’re glad that (name) there is in the group"

    Whoever receives the ball wraps the thread around his finger and passes it to the next child sitting to his right, and together we (everyone who has the thread in their hands) sing him a joyful song. And so on until the ball returns to me. Great!

    The ball came back to me, it ran in a circle and connected us all. Our friendship has become even stronger.

    2. Game “Colorful mood”.

    The goal is to track your emotional state and mood.

    One, two, three, four, five - we start playing!

    Now I will teach you how to color your mood. I'll tell you this secret. It turns out that every mood has its own color. Look - I have multi-colored cards. We will arrange them in a circle. The result is an eight-flowered flower - a flower of moods. Each petal is a different mood:

    • red - cheerful, active mood - you want to jump, run, play outdoor games;
    • yellow - cheerful mood - you want to enjoy everything;
    • green - sociable mood - you want to be friends with other children, talk and play with them;
    • blue - calm mood - I want to play quietly, look out the window;
    • raspberry - it’s hard for me to understand my mood, neither too good nor too bad;
    • gray - boring mood - I don’t know what to do;
    • brown - angry mood - I'm angry, I'm offended;
    • black - sad mood - I'm sad, I'm upset.

    We will send the ball around in a circle, and each of you will say what color is his mood now. I'll start, and you continue.

    Children indicate their mood with color.

    Thank you, I am very pleased that many of you are having good mood. And for those guys whose skills are not very good, we will now help them.

    II. Main part.

    3. Sketch “Dance of Joy”.

    An audio recording of music by V. Shainsky - Y. Entin “Chunga-Changa” is played

    We all stand in a circle, hold hands, now we jump like joyful sparrows in sunny weather (children dance for 1-2 minutes) Now we expose our sides to the sun, like joyful kittens (children dance for 1-2 minutes) You are doing well! And now we jump like joyful children on a sunny walk (children dance for 1-2 minutes) Good! Are you feeling better, guys? The children answer.

    4.Game “Box of Emotions”

    The goal is to master the skills of managing one’s emotional sphere: to develop in children the ability to understand, realize their own and others’ emotions of joy, express them correctly, and fully experience them.

    Guys, look, here is the “Box of Emotions”, I suggest you play with it. Inside is a set of cards depicting various emotions. Everyone takes one card for themselves without showing it to others. After that, everyone takes turns trying to show the emotions drawn on the cards. The rest of the audience, they must guess what emotion is being shown to them and explain how they determined what this emotion is.

    Discussion: Which emotions are easier to show? Which ones are more difficult? Why?

    Children's answers.

    5. Exercise “Music and Emotions”

    The goal is to promote the development of understanding of the transmission of emotional states through music, and the development of imaginative thinking.

    Now we will listen to musical excerpts and then describe the mood of the music.

    Discussion: What was the mood of each music? What feelings does it evoke? (cheerful - sad, contented, angry, brave - cowardly, festive - everyday, sincere - aloof, kind - tired, warm - cold, clear - gloomy)

    Children listen to music and answer.

    6. Exercise “Magic paths”

    The goal is to promote the development of understanding of the transmission of emotional states through sensations, touches (soft, prickly, hard, etc.)

    Now we will follow the magical paths. Why do you think the paths are magical?

    Children's answers

    (The paths are magical because they are different - some are soft, pleasant, and others are prickly, hard, rustling)

    What feelings and sensations does each track evoke in you? What touches do we have in our lives? Children's answers.

    III. Conclusion.

    7. Relaxation exercise.

    The goal is to teach methods of self-regulation and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

    Relaxation helps a happy mood.

    Sit more comfortably. Stretch out and relax. Close your eyes, think about pleasant things.

    Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. You can barely hear your breathing. Inhale and exhale. The sun is shining brightly and you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warming you. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun throughout your body. You are calm and still. You feel calm and happy. You enjoy the peace and warmth of the sun. You are resting... Inhale and exhale. Now open your eyes. They stretched, smiled and woke up. You are well rested, you are in a cheerful and cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will not leave you throughout the day.

    "Our Emotions"

    Summary of an integrated lesson on the development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age through music and psychology.

    Program content:

    Goal: To develop and enrich the emotional sphere of children through two disciplines: music and psychology.

    Consolidate existing knowledge about various emotional states: joy, anger, grief, surprise, etc., identify and distinguish them using schematic images.

    Learn to recognize music, correlate its content and mood with your own experiences and emotions.

    Enrich children's vocabulary and develop their communication skills.

    Teach children to identify their emotional state.


    Use of ICT: multimedia, tape recorder, slides;

    Magnetic board “Mood Screen”;

    Schematic images: anger, joy, sadness, surprise, etc.;

    Phonograms of musical works: Children's album by P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease”, a song from the cartoon “The Adventure of Pig Funtik”;

    Attributes of characters in fairy tales and stories;

    A doll with facial expressions of various emotions;

    Masks depicting various emotions;

    Magnetic board for determining mood;

    Stars for assessing children's knowledge.

    Preliminary work:

    Introduction to works of art:

    The Tale of Princess Nesmeyan

    A. Tolstoy “Golden Key”

    Progress of the lesson:

    First, a magnetic board is brought into the hall on which colored masks are placed, displaying the various emotional states of children. (diagnostics carried out in advance)

    Children enter the hall.

    Psychologist: Hello guys. I am glad to see you in our hall today. Many guests came to our kindergarten today. Let's say hello to them.

    Music leader: Hello guys! Music invites us to amazing world fairy tales Look at the screen. What do you see on it?

    (children see masks depicting various emotional states). Guys, do you know that each mask has its own specific music, and we have to guess it.

    The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Doll’s Disease” is playing. Children choose a pictogram with the corresponding emotion (sadness).

    Psychologist: Guys, how did you know that this was sadness?

    What signs can be used to determine that a person is sad?

    Children's answers: his head is tilted down, his eyes are sad, his eyebrows and corners of his mouth are drooping, etc.

    Children's answers: sad.

    Music leader: Children, look, what are these objects? Whose are they?

    Draws children's attention to the attributes of Princess Nesmeyana: crown, scarf.

    Psychologist: Let's guys portray her. (children depict the emotions of this character).

    The sun is shining outside the window,

    Children are walking in the yard.

    Nesmeyana, as always

    Tears are pouring out like buckets.

    She is not happy with toys

    She needs girlfriends now.

    She's sad alone now

    What should she do with melancholy???

    Children's answers: Children offer to make friends with her and make her laugh fun game.


    Khmurilka lives here (the children frown),

    Teaser lives here (show tongue).

    This is where Smeshilka lives (eyes wide open, arms extended forward, fingers spread, mouth open).

    This is Bibka's nose!!! (index fingers at the tip of the nose)

    Where is your smile??? (children answer the teacher’s question with a smile).

    Music leader: Let's listen to the following music and choose a mask.

    The song is played from the cartoon The Adventure of Pig Funtik “Kindness” by V. Shulzhik.

    Children: This is fun music.

    Psychologist: Let us also portray joy and fun. (children pretend to be happy)

    How do we express our joy? By what signs can you understand that a person is happy?

    Music leader: Correct, you guessed it.

    The beat of the drums - what a miracle!

    Night sky, stars everywhere,

    And in the center of the hall is a sorcerer:

    In a turban, a cloak. It's for the people

    Instantly turns silk into balls

    And he gives gifts to children.

    Our friend came up to the stage,

    Suddenly I took a ribbon out of my hat,

    He began to pull faster, faster,

    A sparrow fluttered behind the ribbon,

    The magician ran his hand over the hat,

    Flowers fell like a mountain,

    The whole scene Different colors Color,

    And the sorcerer sends greetings to us!!!

    Music leader: Guys, let us also please the sorcerer by playing musical instruments, thereby creating a joyful and cheerful mood for everyone around us.

    Orchestra "Caprice" V.A. Gavrilin

    Music leader: Guys, I suggest you listen to another piece of music.

    The music is “Baba Yaga” by M.P. Mussorgsky.

    Children choose a pictogram with the corresponding emotion (anger, rage).

    Psychologist: How did you know that it was anger or anger? By what signs can you understand that a person is angry?

    Children's answers: his eyebrows are knitted, his eyes are angry, his mouth is tightly clenched, his body is tense, his hands are clenched into fists, his movements are sharp and jerky.

    Music leader: What can you say about music? What is she like?

    Children: Angry, scary.

    Music leader: Guys, look at the objects and tell me who they could belong to? (visual aid) (broom, mortar).

    Children: Baba Yaga...

    Psychologist: Let's try to portray it.

    Guys, I think Baba Yaga is evil because she lives all alone in the forest, in her hut???

    Music leader: Our children are magnificent actors, funny people and dreamers.

    Game "Let's play a fairy tale"

    Children are asked to use facial expressions and gestures to portray different characters from children's works: joyful Pinocchio, sad Pierrot, hardworking Cinderella, sympathetic Doctor Aibolit, evil Baba Yaga, good-natured cat Leopold, proud Snow Queen, greedy Little Bear, surprised crocodile Gena, etc.

    Psychologist: And now guys. Go to the mood screen and select the icon that matches your current mood.

    Today you studied well, were active, completed all the tasks correctly, and we give you these wonderful stars as a souvenir. (teachers hand out stars to children with the inscriptions “Well done,” “Clever girl,” etc.). Say goodbye to the guys.

    Compiled by: Blizhenskaya N.V. -teacher-psychologist

    Sorokina Zh.P. - musical director

    To develop the emotional sphere in children, a series of play activities has been developed. They are part of the work on developing the emotional sphere of a child of senior preschool age. In classes, children experience emotional states, verbalize their experiences, get acquainted with the experiences of their peers, as well as with the cultural heritage of humanity (literature, painting, music).

    The value of such activities is as follows:

    children's range of understandable emotions expands;

    they begin to understand themselves and others more deeply;

    They are more likely to show empathy towards others.

    Purpose of the lesson:

    introduce children to emotions;

    teach children to distinguish emotions using schematic images;

    learn to understand your feelings and the feelings of other people and talk about it;

    continue to teach children to convey a given emotional state using various expressive means;

    continue to teach listening and understanding musical works4

    develop empathy.

    LESSON 1. JOY.

    1. Listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “New Doll”.

    Questions for children: - What were you thinking about when you listened to music?

    • - How did you feel?
    • - What do you want to do with this kind of music?
    • 2. Repeated listening to a piece of music.

    Children are invited to imagine that they have been given a new doll and dance to this music. After the music ends, draw the children’s attention to what their faces were like and how they moved. Explain that this is how they expressed joy.

    3. Conversation.

    Emphasize that all children expressed their joy in their own way during the dance. During the conversation, bring the children to the conclusion that the degree of expression of joy depends on the person, his characteristics and the event itself.

    4. Drawing on the theme “Joy”.

    Invite those who wish to tell us about their drawing.

    Come up with a name for an album that can be made from children's drawings after class.

    • 5. Children's answers to the question:
      • -What is joy?
    • -Joy is when everyone is happy. Sometimes joy is great, sometimes it is small. Small is when one person has it, and big is when everyone has it.
    • -Joy is when there is a holiday.
    • -Joy is when no one cries. No one.
    • -Joy is when there is no war.
    • -My grandmother’s heart hurts. And when it doesn’t hurt, she and I rejoice together.
    • -Joy is me! Because mom says “You are my joy!”
    • 6. Round dance.

    Children are invited to stand in a round dance and all together enjoy the good song “It’s fun to walk together...” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

    LESSON 2. Grief.

    1. Listening to two musical plays by S. Maykapar “Anxious Minute” and “Thought”.

    Questions for children:

    • - What is the nature of these plays?
    • -Are they similar to each other?

    Children are asked to characterize the first piece of music, then the second.

    Conversation on fairy tales: “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Stolen Sun”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.

    It is suggested to remember:

    • -When did the heroes of these fairy tales experience grief?
    • -How did they cope with grief?
    • 3. Reading excerpts from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Mountain.”

    4. Dramatization of the situation “The dog is missing.”

    One child plays the role of the owner of the missing dog, and the children calm him down, each in their own way.

    After dramatization, ask the child who played the role of the owner:

    • - How did you feel when they calmed you down?
    • -Who calmed you down best?


    1. Reading excerpts from K.I. Chukovsky’s work “Moidodyr”, where the author describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile.

    Questions for children:

    • - Why were Washbasin and the crocodile angry?
    • - How did the author describe the Crocodile’s anger?

    Examination of the illustrations of the artist A.M. Alyansky, which depict the angry Washbasin and the Crocodile.

    Children are invited to tell how the artist conveyed the characters’ anger.

    2. Dramatization of an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”.

    Children act out an episode that describes how angry the bears are when they learn that someone has used their things.

    Children's attention is drawn to how differently a bear cub, a bear, and a she-bear express anger.

    • 3. Children's stories about situations when they were angry, angry, angry.
    • 4. Exercise "Mirror".
    • 5. Drawing anger.

    Invite the children to use a color to represent their anger.

    Look at the drawings with the children. Pay attention to the color representation of anger, note the similarities and differences in children’s images of anger.


    1. Game "Geese-swans".

    Children walk around the room, imagining that they are in a flowering meadow. When the presenter sounds the alarm, the children hide behind chairs.

    2. Exercise "Find the pictogram."

    Children choose a fear pictogram from those prepared in advance.

    Compare the children’s choice with the feeling they experienced when hiding from the geese.

    Consider with the children the pictogram they have chosen, pay attention to the eyebrows, eyes, mouth.

    3. Discuss with children the saying “Fear has big eyes.” Mark straight and hidden meaning sayings.

    Questions for children:

    Have you ever been so scared that the cause of your fear seemed much worse than it actually was?

    4. Listening to N. Myaskovsky’s musical play “Anxious Lullaby”.

    Questions for children:

    • -What is the nature of this work?
    • - Draw the fear on paper.
    • 5. Reading an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” (an episode that describes how the piglets run away from the wolf and tremble with fear).

    Question for children:

    Why wasn't Naf-Naf afraid of the dire wolf?

    Drawing on the theme "Naf-Naf is not afraid of the dire wolf."

    Look at the children's drawings. Pay attention to the features of the image of a brave pig.


    1. Reading an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” (about amazing miracles on the island of Prince Guidon).

    • - What miracles does the author describe?
    • - Why did all these miracles surprise and attract people so much?

    Children are invited to compose a letter that could be sent to Prince Guidon, telling in it about the amazing things that the children encountered, or about the amazing events that happened to them.

    2. Exercise "Mirror". Invite the children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised.

    • - What do you have in common in the way you pretended to be surprised?
    • 3. Game "Fantasy".

    Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

    • - An elephant came to us...
    • - We found ourselves on another planet...
    • - Suddenly all the adults disappeared...
    • - The wizard changed all the signs on the stores at night...
    • 4. Sketch "The weather has changed."

    Children are asked to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain stopped and the bright sun came out. And it happened so quickly that even the sparrows were surprised.

    What happened to you when you imagined such unexpected changes in the weather?

    Children then choose the appropriate pictogram.


    • 1. Conversation with children about when they are interested, what games are interesting to play.
    • 2. Game "Wonderful bag".

    Are you wondering what's in this bag?

    Children feel the object, guess it, then take it out.

    3. Russian folk tale"Teremok".

    Children are invited to approach Teremok and, on behalf of the fairy tale hero they like, ask with interest: “Who lives in Teremochka?”

    • 4. Sketch "Curious".
    • - A man was walking down the street and carrying in his hand sports bag, from which something was sticking out. The boy noticed this, and he really wanted to know what was in the bag. The man walked with long steps and did not notice the boy. And the boy really “stuck” to the passerby: he would run up to him on one side, then on the other, and, craning his neck, looked into his half-open bag. Suddenly the man stopped, put his bag on the ground, and went into the telephone booth. The boy squatted down near the bag, slightly pulled the zipper and looked inside the bag. There were only two ordinary rackets lying there. The boy waved his hand in disappointment, stood up and slowly walked towards his house.

    LESSON 7. SHAME. GUILT. 1. Reading to children the story “It’s my fault” (from the book by L.P. Uspenskaya, N.B. Uspensky).

    “Yura loves his little sister Yulia very much. He never offends her, helps her in everything and always helps her out in trouble.

    One time Yulia wanted to try jam. She reached into the jam with a spoon and accidentally pushed the jar. The jar broke and the jam spilled onto the floor.

    Aunt Raya came and asked:

    • - Well, confess, which of you broke the jam?
    • “It’s my fault,” said Yura.

    And Julia looked at Aunt Raya and cried."

    Questions for children:

    Why did Yura tell Aunt Raya a lie?

    Do you think Aunt Raya punished the children?

    • 2. Examine the card of the guilty child (from the game “In the World of Emotions”), note the expressive movements: the head is tilted forward, the eyebrows are raised and shifted, the corners of the mouth are lowered.
    • 3. Sketch "Shame".

    Boy Kolya accidentally broke the switch on the TV. He was afraid that his mother would punish him. Kolya said that the switch turned him little brother. The brother was punished. The elder brother felt very ashamed.

    The objectives of the following lessons are:

    Continue introducing children to basic emotions (joy, grief, anger, fear and surprise):

    consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes;

    expand children's understanding of emotions by offering to compare them; continue to develop empathy and imagination.


    1. Reading an excerpt from a poem by N. Ekimova. Clouds floated across the sky

    And I looked at them.

    And two similar clouds

    I wanted to find it.

    I looked up for a long time

    And he even squinted his eyes,

    And what I saw is for you

    I'll tell you everything now. Suddenly the sky is menacing

    Scarecrow flies

    And with a huge fist

    He threatens me angrily.

    Oh, I was scared, friends,

    But the wind helped me:

    It blew so hard that it was a monster

    They took off running.

    A little cloud

    Floats over the lake

    And a cloud of surprise

    Opens his mouth:

    Oh, who's there on the surface of the lake?

    Fluffy like that?

    So furry and soft?

    Let's fly, fly with me! I played for so long

    And I want to tell you,

    That two similar clouds

    I couldn't find it.

    2. Drawing clouds,

    Invite the children to draw clouds. On one sheet of paper draw an angry cloud, on the other - a surprised one.

    3. Exhibition of drawings.

    Together with the children, place the drawings so that the angry clouds are separated from the clouds that are surprised.

    Draw the children's attention to how differently they depicted the anger of the clouds. And the surprised clouds are also different from each other.

    Find the angriest cloud and the most surprised one.

    4. Game "Clouds".

    Children are divided into two groups. The first group depicts angry clouds, the second group is surprised, looking at the angry clouds. Then the children change roles.

    5. "Say the phrase."

    Children, if desired, pronounce any phrase on behalf of a surprised or angry cloud.


    1. Reading N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”.

    Questions for children:

    • -What did Vova and Vladik feel when the hat crawled?
    • -What feeling did the guys have when they found a cat under the hat?
    • -What feeling replaced surprise?
    • -How did the guys express joy?
    • 2. Drawing episodes from N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”.

    Children are invited to depict an episode of their choice: the boys were scared when they saw a kitten under a hat; the boys were happy.

    3. Discussion of children's drawings.

    Children's drawings are arranged and examined by topic.

    Attention is drawn to how differently children portray boys' fear, surprise and joy, and what colors they use to convey different emotions.

    4. Children's stories.

    Children are asked to recall incidents in life when they were first scared, then surprised, and then happy.

    5. Exercise "Mirror".

    It is proposed to depict in front of the mirror the emotion that will be named. And to make it easier to portray the named emotion, you can invite children to recall relevant episodes from a story they read or from their own memories.

    LESSON 10. Entertainment "In the kingdom of the Snow Queen."

    Purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge about emotions;

    continue to develop the ability to feel the mood in music;

    develop empathy.

    1. Gerda is looking for Kai.

    The girl, who plays the role of Gerda, tells the children about what happened to Kai, and about the path that needs to be taken to help Kai.

    2. Meeting with the Princess.

    The princess promises to show the way if the children answer the questions correctly. She suggests naming the emotion that matches the piece of music.

    Excerpts from musical works:

    • - S. Rachmaninov “Polka” (joy);
    • - L. Beethoven “Für Elise” (sadness);
    • - M. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, overture (surprise);
    • -D. Kobalevsky “Peter and the Wolf” - excerpt (fear);
    • -L. Beethoven “Suite in C Minor” (anger).

    The princess shows the way.

    3. Meeting with the little robber.

    The robber set the condition that the children demonstrate the emotions that arose in people and animals in different situations6

    • -Show me the grief of the animals that live in my cages.
    • -Show the deer’s fear when I tickled him with a sharp dagger.

    Show how surprised Gerda was when she saw my menagerie.

    • -Show me how angry my mother was when I dumped a boiling cauldron on her foot.
    • - Show me how sad I was when I said goodbye to Gerda, my only friend.

    The robber shows the way and says goodbye to Gerda and the children.

    4. Meeting snowflakes at the entrance to the Snow Queen's palace.

    At the palace Snow Queen Snowflakes are spinning and do not allow Gerda to pass, asking her and the children to play with them.

    5. Game "Snowflakes".

    Gerda distributes snowflakes to the children, in the center of which various emotions are schematically depicted. Children tell how their snowflake feels. The snowflakes let Gerda into the palace.

    6. Meeting with Kai.

    Gerda meets with Kai. But in order to break the spell, the children must use pieces of ice (a cut sheet of paper with an image of an emotion) to collect the most terrible emotion for the queen - joy.

    7. Returning home.

    Kai is disenchanted. Gerda thanks the children for their help. Gerda and Kai say goodbye to the guys.

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