• Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems). Tasks for playing forfeits for children Developmental tasks for children 10 years old



    Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

    The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show?

    Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?

    My father's child, not my brother. Who is this?

    There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

    My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

    The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?

    What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?


    The truck was heading to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village?

    Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play?

    (Two hours)

    The miller went to the mill and saw 3 cats in each corner. How many legs are there in a mill?

    A famous magician says he can place a bottle in the center of a room and crawl into it. Like this?

    (Anyone can crawl into the room)

    One driver did not take his driver's license with him. There was a one way sign, but he went in the opposite direction. The policeman saw this, but did not stop him. Why?

    (The driver walked)

    Can it rain two days in a row?

    (No, there is night between them)

    What will happen to the crow when she turns 7 years old?

    (The eighth will go)

    You can jump into it while moving, but you cannot jump out of it while moving. What is this?


    Born twice, dies once. Who is this?


    What can’t you pick up from the floor by your tail?

    (Ball of thread)

    Who walks while sitting?

    (Chess player)

    What always increases and never decreases?


    A pan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the pan hung from the table. After some time the pan fell. What was in it?

    The more you take from it, the more it becomes... What is this?

    The girl fell from the second floor and broke her leg. How many legs will a girl break if she falls from the fourth floor?

    (Maximum one, since the second leg is already broken)

    A boy walks home from school for 30 minutes. How many minutes will it take 3 boys to cover the same road?

    (In 30 minutes)

    Where was Moses when the candle went out?

    (In the dark)

    The 9-story building has an elevator. 2 people live on the first floor, 4 people on the second, 8 people on the third, 16 on the fourth, 32 on the fifth, etc. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed more often than others?

    (First floor button)

    When black cat What's the best way to get into the house?

    (When the door is open)

    A soldier walked past the Eiffel Tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?

    (To the police)

    When a house is built, what is the first nail driven into?

    (In a hat)

    What goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place?

    What does half an orange look like most?

    (For the second half of the orange)

    Two went - three milk mushrooms were found. Four are following, how many milk mushrooms will they find?

    (No one)

    There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts were left in the box?

    (17 nuts left)

    You have guests over, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of... mineral water. What will you open first?


    What comb should you use to comb your hair?


    Which month has 28 days?

    (There is a 28th day in every month)

    What is not eaten raw, but cooked and thrown away?

    (Bay leaf)

    Which month is the shortest?

    (May - it only has three letters)

    What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea?

    (He'll get wet)

    Which hand is better to stir tea?

    (It’s better to stir with a spoon)

    What question cannot be answered with “yes”?

    ("Are you sleeping?")

    What question cannot be answered with “no”?

    ("You are alive?")

    What nose doesn't smell?

    (Nose of a shoe or boot, spout of a teapot)

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

    (One thing. Everything else will be eaten not on an empty stomach)

    It’s given to you, and people take advantage of it. What is this?

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

    (No, because he can't speak)

    The man was driving in the car. He didn’t turn on the headlights, there was no moon, and there were no lights along the road. An old woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver braked in time and no accident occurred. How did he manage to see the old woman?

    (It was day)

    Which ear doesn't hear?

    (Ear (ear) at the mug)

    What can you see with your eyes closed?

    How long can you go into the forest?

    My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? Where does the water stand? What is visible only at night?

    (Myself) (In the well) (Stars)

    A flock of ducks was flying: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

    A son and father and a grandfather and grandson walked in a column. How many are there?

    A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a brother-in-law and son-in-law were walking. Are there many of them?

    A flock of birds flew, sat two by two on a tree - one tree remained; They sat down one at a time - one was missing. How many birds and how many trees?

    (Three trees and four birds)

    What did the merchant use to buy the hat?

    (For money)

    What road do you drive on for six months and walk for six months?

    Guys, line up

    To solve riddles,

    To test your knowledge

    Nature and the universe.

    Be careful

    You will be diligent.

    Instantly then you will understand everything,

    You will find the answer quickly.

    Questions and tasks:

    1. There were 4 birch trees, on each birch there were 4 large branches, on each large branch there were 4 small branches, on each small branch there were 4 apples. How many apples were there in total? (Not a single one; apples don’t grow on birch trees.)

    3. Why does the head look back? (There are no eyes at the back.)

    4. Which one is the best? short month in a year? (May - 3 letters.)

    5. What will remain in the box if you take out all the matches? (Bottom.)

    6. What do they throw into the pot before they cook food in it? (Sight.)

    7. Why does the cat run? (Can't fly.)

    8. Why do they wear a hat? (She doesn't walk.)

    9. How will you reach the sky? (With a glance.)

    10. Why does the dog run? (On the ground.)

    11. Why do birds fly? (By air.)

    12. Why do they go to the forest? (On the ground.)

    13. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)

    14. Why do we eat? (At the table.)

    15. Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By the floor.)

    16. Why is there water in a bottle? (Behind the glass.)

    17. What kind of fabric can’t you make a shirt from? (From the railway station.)

    18. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

    19. What year lasts only one day? (New.)

    20. What do you need for lunch? (Spoon.)

    21. Why don’t you sit in the place where I sit? (Because it will be busy.)

    22. Can it rain for two days in a row? (No, the night separates them.)

    23. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (At the mushroom.)

    24. Why does the cow lie down? (Can't sit.)

    25. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare.)

    26. What will happen to a red silk scarf if you put it in water for 5 minutes? (Gets wet.)

    27. Why does the dog bark? (Can't speak.)

    28. When is a watchman a flower? (When he's not at the booth.)

    29. How should you break a branch so as not to scare away the birds? (Wait for them to fly away.)

    30. Three calves, how many legs will there be? (No matter how many as three, he will have 4 legs.)

    31. How many letters “G” are needed to make a large pile of hay? (Stack.)

    32. How to write “dry grass” in 4 letters? (Hay.)

    33. What does the heron have in front and what does the hare have in the back? (Letter "c".)

    34. What do you need to take from the steam locomotive and from the whale for the boat to float away? (Sail.)

    35. What needs to be done for a salmon fish to turn into an animal? (Remove the "so".)

    36. Which two pronouns spoil the pavements? (I-we.)

    37. Which 8-letter word contains 4 Ts? (Certificate.)

    38. Where do we go most often? (Forward.)

    39. What kind of man can you talk about in just notes? (About Si-do-re.)

    1) From four sevens you need to get the numbers 1,2,3,5. Any arithmetic operations and any parentheses are allowed.

    2) Two piglets and three lambs on a farm weigh 46 kg, and three piglets and two lambs weigh 44 kg. How much does 1 pig weigh? How much does one lamb weigh?

    3) They bought a notebook for Olenka. She decided to number the pages and started from the first. She had to write 39 numbers. How many pages did Olya number?

    4) To the number X we added 1/3 of X, and then another 25. It turned out 33. What is the number X?

    5) How to write the number 50 using three identical numbers. Happened? And now using three identical numbers.
    Write the number 100 using three hundreds.

    6) Which is greater, a third of a half or a half of a third?

    7) At school they gave me an example in which all odd numbers are written in blue, and all even numbers are written in yellow. And I thought: “What color will the number be - the sum of an even and an odd number?”

    8) Sasha put 3 identical round parts from the designer on one bowl of a toy scale. For another bowl - 5 rectangular parts. The scales have balanced. Then he put 6 square parts instead of round ones. The scales again showed a state of balance. How many round pieces should be placed on one bowl if there are 12 square pieces on the other?

    9) You are a bus driver. At the first stop, 6 men and 3 women got on and two women with children entered. On the second, one man came out and one woman entered with a dog. At the third stop, two more women got on. How old is the driver?

    10) Cucumbers were pickled in a barrel. The weight of a barrel with cucumbers is 80 kg. When half of the pickled cucumbers were eaten during the fall and winter, the barrel of cucumbers began to weigh 41 kg. How much does an empty barrel weigh? How much will a barrel of cucumbers weigh if in the spring you have already eaten 2/3 of the original amount of cucumbers?

    11) In the 5th group kindergarten 40 mittens dry on the battery. There are 1/5 fewer children in the 6th group than in the 5th group. How many children are in the 6th group?

    12) Place “+” signs between the numbers 5,6,7,8,9,0 so that the total is 170.

    13) Tolya and Vova were traveling in the same elevator. Tolya arrived on the 1st floor, and Vova - on the 12th. How could this be?

    14) The children played football for 2 hours. Goalkeeper Fedya should have been home 5 hours ago, so that he could finish his homework in an hour and then come to his grandmother in the village 2 hours later to help dig potatoes. And after another 2 hours he had to board the train going back to the city. His parents are waiting for him at home at 20.00. When did the guys start playing football?

    15) Vitya and Anya have pencils. If Anya gives Vitya 1 pencil, then they will have the same amount, and if Vitya gives Anya 1 pencil, then she will have twice as much as Vitya. How many pencils does each guy have?

    16) Olya invited her friends to her birthday on a day off, 3 hours after the hour that follows the hour before the hour that is 11 hours after midnight. What time should the guys arrive?

    17) Petya rode a scooter first 1/5 of his way, then 1/4 of the remaining, and then another half of the rest. He has 25 meters left to travel. What is Petya's whole journey like?

    18) Each of the 2 stores has 120 kg of potatoes. Each bag of the second store contains 4g less potatoes than each bag of the first. Therefore, in the 2nd store there is 1 bag more than in the first. How many bags of potatoes are there in the 2nd store?

    19) Masha and Dasha go towards each other and throw a ball to each other. Masha walks at a speed of 200 steps/hour, and Dasha walks at 50 steps/hour. The distance between them is 10 steps. The ball flies at a speed of 400 child steps per hour. At the last moment the ball bounced into the bushes and the girls met. How many baby steps did the ball fly?

    20) Vika and Sonya have fish in their aquariums. Vika gave Sonya 2 fish, after which Vika had 3 times more fish. How many fish did each of the girls have in their aquariums at the beginning, if there were 12 fish in total?

    21) Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena decided to plant an alley of linden trees. Cheburashka thought that Gena the Crocodile had so much work to do at the zoo that he should plant the trees himself. At night he took a shovel and planted all the seedlings 4 meters apart. Waking up in the morning, Gena was happy, but decided that Cheburashka had planted trees often. Together they dug up the linden trees and replanted them 6 meters apart. The first hole had already been dug. After how many meters will the holes coincide again? Solve the same problem with the numbers 8 and 12, 3 and 8, 3 and 15.

    22) Three refrigerators cost as much as 9 juicers, and 2 vacuum cleaners cost as much as 1 refrigerator. One juicer costs 1 thousand rubles. How much does one vacuum cleaner cost?

    23) Tea in beautiful box costs 50 rub. 20 kopecks A box is 1 ruble cheaper than tea. 20 kopecks How much does tea cost without a box?

    24) Continue the series of numbers:
    1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23,..., ..., ....
    Write at least three numbers.

    25) Sveta’s mother gave money for 3 ice creams. The girl bought a cake with 1/3 of this money, and then bought a pie with 1/3 of the remaining money. Sveta spent the rest of her money on 4 pieces of chewing gum. How much does one ice cream cost if the price of chewing gum is 10 rubles?

    26) Vanya, Kolya and Sasha go to school along the same road from the same entrance, the distance from which to the school is 280 m. Having left at the same time, they followed at different speeds. When Sasha had 3 minutes left before school, Kolya and Vanya walked a total of 392 meters. When Sasha crossed the threshold of the school, Vanya and Kolya had a total of 200 meters left to walk. Find Sasha's speed.

    This section of the Razumeikin website contains exercises for children aged 9-10 years, which will help the child broaden his horizons and serve as a complement to classes on school subjects. When developing a set of tasks for schoolchildren, our specialists tried to make them not only as understandable and exciting as possible, but also truly useful in practical terms.

    The “Development” block presents interesting tasks for children 9-10 years old, helping to improve logical and spatial thinking, memory, attention. All these skills help simplify the process of mastering the school curriculum. The test tasks in the “Development” block are built in the form of an interesting computer Online Games for children 9-10 years old. By completing them, little students practice counting and reading skills and strive to learn something new.

    Interesting entertaining tasks for children 9 years old in the “Education” block will help schoolchildren consolidate the knowledge they received in primary school. The exercises presented here correspond to the problems found in the assessment tests. By consistently completing test tasks for children 9-10 years old, prepared by our specialists, children will be able to:

    • Prepare for exams in mathematics, Russian language, reading, and the environment.
    • Recall literary works passed in elementary school.
    • Practice solving problems of increased complexity in mathematics and the Russian language.
    • Refresh your memory of the topics that were studied within the subject “The World Around You”.

    For most problem-questions for 9-year-old children, we have provided a detailed explanation of the solution. It is given to the child if the answer he gave was incorrect or incomplete. The “Science” block includes entertaining children's games and tasks for 10 years old, through which the child learns about chemical elements, structural features of substances, air pressure, refraction of solar rays, studies fascinating facts about our planet, etc. In most exercises Introductory information is provided, which we have presented in an accessible form. After a preliminary explanation of the task-game, children 9-10 years old are invited to begin completing it.

    A few words about the presentation of material

    So that young students can learn information during classes, for each exercise for children 10 years old, specialists from the Razumeikin website prepared thematic pictures and voiced text. We are convinced that this approach will allow you to learn the material better. For many interesting test games for 10-year-old children, we have prepared educational videos that will help them cope with online tasks.

    How are results assessed?

    By coping with test tasks, children aged 10 receive awards online: cups, medals, etc. They help increase the student’s interest in independent studies. Most exercises are graded based on how many attempts the student gets the answer correct.

    At the same time, the child has the opportunity to return to completed tasks in order, for example, to improve his own results.

    To determine the strengths and weaknesses in the development of 9-year-old children, we recommend that you take free online tests before completing educational tasks-games. The results will help you understand which topics need to be addressed in more detail.

    Logic problems are perhaps the most effective tool for developing logic and thinking in both children and adults.

    Solving a logic problem involves a complex thought process. This is the sequential performance of certain logical actions, working with concepts, using various logical structures, building a chain of precise reasoning with correct intermediate and final conclusions.

    Unlike most mathematical and other types of problems, when solving logical problems The key is not to find the quantitative characteristics of an object, but to determine and analyze the relationships between all objects of the problem.

    Take an integrated approach

    Among the variety of logical problems, children often choose a couple of their favorite categories and immerse themselves in solving them. is that enough?

    Surely most of us have taken logic level tests at least once. Most of them are made up of nothing but syllogisms or trick questions. We do not offer such tests because we know for sure that it is impossible to determine the level of development of logical thinking with the help of a dozen or two questions, even approximately. Just like developing out-of-the-box thinking, solving only certain types of logical problems.

    Classical logical, combinatorial and truth problems, patterns and mathematical puzzles, problems about figures in space and development, permutations and movement, weighing and pouring; solved from the end, using tables, segments, graphs or Euler circles - this is not the whole variety of logical problems, the solution of which activates all kinds of mental operations and develops creative, non-standard thinking.

    Logic is a tasty treat for the mind

    This is exactly what the students wrote on the board before the start of one of our logic circle classes. What is the beauty of logic problems?

    • they will be equally interesting to both children interested in mathematics and “humanities”;
    • many of them do not require knowledge of the school curriculum;
    • Even a preschooler without reading skills can solve them (for example, Sudoku, puzzles, puzzles with matches, “gears” and other problems in pictures).

    Children love solving logic problems and riddles. They are interested! When I worked at school, I saw that the children coped with the program, mechanically memorizing how to solve certain standard problems.

    And problems with stars immediately enlivened the class; both strong and weak students were included in the discussion process. At home, the children could and wanted to explain this task to their parents themselves. But even these problems with asterisks were located randomly on the pages of the textbook; no system was developed.

    Bitno Galina Mikhailovna

    LogicLike head teacher, highest category teacher

    Only a systematic and integrated approach creates favorable preconditions for the formation of non-standard thinking. “Food for the mind” should also be balanced and varied. Try it yourself and invite your children to solve just such a selection of problems. This will help identify those links in the logic that need to be worked on more diligently.

    Try it yourself

    In the online platform Logiclike, created to develop logic and mathematical abilities in children 5-12 years old, the authors tried to implement everything that is often lacking in both students and teachers in school programs. Systematicity, involvement, interactivity, visibility, motivation... But first of all, this is food for the mind, that same “yummy” that makes a child think, reason, test his strength, be creative and rejoice when he manages to find the right solution.

    • If you want to develop non-standard thinking and flexible logic in your child, give him a good exercise for the mind in the form of a variety of logical problems, for the solution of which you need to use different logical laws and solution methods (the end-to-end method, the tabular method, using graphs or Euler circles, etc.). d.)
    • Approach learning systematically: from theory to tasks, from simple to complex, from familiarization with new types of tasks to reflection.
    • Consider the specifics of thinking in younger children school age– use visual images and visual materials.
    • It is important not to impose a solution method on children, but to try to carry out the analysis in such a way that they themselves, through logical reasoning, find the correct answer.
    • Introduce game elements into the learning process, use the teaching capabilities of IT.
    • Logic classes, like sports training, require regularity and a gradual increase in the complexity of tasks.

    Exercise with your child and have fun!

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