• Make world architecture from cardboard. Architectural models of European countries. Creating a diagram of the future building


    The Intercession Cathedral is one of the most famous landmarks in Russia. For many inhabitants of planet Earth, it is a symbol of Moscow.

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    Model for your collection.
    Arc de Triomphe, France. Built in 1806-1836 by order of Napoleon by the architect Jean Chalgrin.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    St. Peter's Cathedral (Italian: Basilica di San Pietro; St. Peter's Basilica) is a Catholic cathedral, which is the largest building of the Vatican and until recently was considered the largest Christian Church in the world. One of the four patriarchal basilicas of Rome and the ceremonial center of the Roman Catholic Church. The total height of the cathedral is 136m.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    Tower, Tower of London (English: the Tower, Tower of London, “Tower”) is a fortress built on the northern bank of the Thames River, the historical center of the city of London. One of the oldest historical buildings in Great Britain, which for a long time served as the residence of English monarchs.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    Tower Bridge is a drawbridge in the center of London over the River Thames, not far from the Tower of London. It is sometimes confused with London Bridge, located further upstream. Opened in 1894. It is also one of the symbols of Britain.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    The "classic" windmill with a horizontal rotor and elongated quadrangular wings is a widespread landscape element in Europe, in the windy lowland northern regions, as well as on the Mediterranean coast.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    The Parthenon is the most famous monument of ancient architecture, located on the Athenian Acropolis, the main temple in ancient Athens, dedicated to the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

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    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    Big Ben is a bell in the clock tower in London. By extension, the name Big Ben also refers to the clock and the entire tower.
    Today the tower is one of the most recognizable symbols of Great Britain.
    Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

    Master class on making a Gothic cathedral using the Kirigami technique.

    Dumler Tatyana Petrovna, fine arts teacher of MAOU gymnasium No. 56 in Tomsk
    Purpose: This work is intended for little artists who like to use different materials; for their teachers and parents.
    Target: making the facade of a Gothic cathedral from paper.
    - introduce the kirigami technique;
    - develop accuracy and perseverance;
    - develop imagination, spatial imagination, love of creativity.
    Materials: sheet of white paper, scissors, pencil

    Today we will get acquainted with the features of Gothic architecture.
    The words “Gothic” and “Gothic” come from the name of the warlike barbarian tribe of the Goths, who dealt a mortal blow to the great Roman Empire. Medieval art began to be called Gothic because people then thought this art was rude, barbaric, and not similar to the usual ancient art.
    In the Middle Ages, the power of the church was so great that even kings were forced to submit to it. Religion required a person to renounce everything earthly; he had to think only about God. And people began to build temples of unprecedented architecture. The high vaults of the cathedrals, the colored stained glass windows through which rays of light poured, the solemn sounds of the organ - all this captured the imagination of people, instilled in them the idea of ​​the holiness of divine power, and turned them to religion.
    Gothic style originated in the middle of the 12th century in northern France; in the 13th century it spread to the territory of modern Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, and England.

    The main decoration of the city was the cathedral, which was built over tens and sometimes even hundreds of years. Gothic cathedrals seem light and transparent from the many huge windows. They seem to be woven from stone lace. Steep slopes of roofs, pointed arches, high towers topped with thin spiers - everything creates the impression of a rapid rush into the heights. The height of the towers of the largest Gothic cathedrals reaches 150 meters.

    Buildings in the Gothic style were usually built in large cities - they are easily recognizable by their pointed arches, high pointed towers, large windows with stained glass images on biblical themes. And the sunlight, penetrating through them into the temple, created unique lighting effects.

    In the Middle Ages, the skill of masons greatly increased, which made it possible to create complex architectural forms and enormous size of buildings. Typical early (French) Gothic buildings had a central portal with large rose windows above them.

    I propose to my students to make the facade of a Gothic cathedral using the Kirigami technique. Kirigami is a type of origami that, unlike its other types, allows for cutting out individual paper parts using scissors. In Japanese, this word means nothing more than cutting paper (kami - paper; kiru - cut).
    This unusual and fascinating art is quite young. Its founder is considered to be the Japanese architect Masahiro Chatani, who was the first to decide to make a couple of cuts on a paper figurine to make it fold more easily. The Kirigami technique is widely used by many designers in interior design, creating various decor, and also when decorating gifts.
    For work we will need a piece of white paper, scissors and a pencil. We repeat the rules of working with scissors and get started!
    Fold the sheet in half. The result is a book. It will need to be divided into three equal parts (you can use a ruler) and bent.

    Smooth out the fold lines well.

    Next, unfold the sheet and fold it into an accordion along the fold lines.

    Take the central part of the accordion right hand, and turn the side parts out and connect them together. They are on the left.

    Using a pencil, outline the contours of the central part of the tower and the side parts.

    We cut along the contour, combining the side parts for a neat symmetrical cutting.

    Now we will outline the portal - the decoratively decorated entrance to the cathedral. The arc line on the right side is marked with a pencil.

    We make a cut along this line. We bend it. It is important to smooth out the fold line; I bend it in one direction and the other.

    We return the door to its place and make two more parallel cuts to the fold line.

    Let's repeat the same on the left side. We outline an arc line, make a cut, and bend it.

    It is better to cut two side parts together at once. Then we add two parallel arc lines and cut to the fold line.

    Now we will outline the window openings - tall, narrow, arched. We draw two lines above the portal - a straight line at the bottom and an arc at the top.

    We cut, bend, smooth the fold line well.

    Let's make more windows on the left side, making it a little more complicated. Two pairs of lines, one bigger size, the second inside is smaller.

    We make cuts along the lines, bend them in different sides, smooth it out.

    And let's try to depict a rose - a large round window, often found on the facades of Gothic cathedrals. Draw a semicircular line.

    The easiest pattern to cut out is triangles. We outline them and collect them in the center of the window.

    Cut it out.

    We have outlined the most basic architectural elements. You can further complicate the façade, add a pinnacle (decorative turrets), cut a wimperg (a pointed gable above a portal or window opening), or any appropriate cuts. But this is at the request of each author individually. And we unfold our workpiece and prepare for the next stage.

    If all the fold lines are well smoothed, then the folding process will be easy and fun. Press on the middle of the central window and bend it inward.

    Repeat the same with the side windows.

    Bend the doors inwards too. Smooth out the fold lines.

    We made cuts above the doors, this is an imitation of numerous arches above the portals. Bend one inward.

    Let's look at how you can make a window with a more complex shape on the sides. Press on the center, bend, smooth.

    From the inside we press on the center of the small windows and bend and smooth them out.

    Architects usually create miniature models (models) of buildings. Before you start building a house or an entire residential complex, you first need to make a sample of it to scale (photo). Real architects make models from PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and parts for future buildings are cut out on a special milling machine, which is programmed with a specific computer program.

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    Such a machine is capable of not only cutting out microscopic parts with pinpoint precision, but also applying a cross-section to their surface that imitates brickwork or other coating. Thanks to this, maximum reliability of the layout is achieved. The machine cuts out tiny windows, doors and other parts. After this, the architect connects them together using a solvent, which melts the edges of the PVC plates and tightly fastens them to each other.

    All the same things can be done at home, but only without a milling machine, PVC and solvent, but with the help of cardboard, paper, PVA glue and scissors. The production technology is very similar to what the pros use. The difference lies only in the materials and, of course, the quality of the model produced in this way.

    But if you try really hard, you can make a paper building no worse than what an architect creates using a high-tech milling machine. So, how to make a house model with your own hands using a basic set of stationery?

    What do you need for work?

    To make a house model, you will need the following tools:
    thick white/colored A4 paper (several sheets);
    cardboard of the same size;
    a sharp construction knife (it is convenient for cutting out the walls of a building, and then cutting small windows and doors into them);
    glue brush;
    PVA glue;
    a wooden or plastic board for modeling (it’s convenient to cut out parts on it so as not to damage the table);

    You can also use a regular household hair dryer to speed up drying of glued parts. You can cut out a building from either paper or cardboard. The last option is more reliable, but it is a little more difficult to work with. You can cut out the entire layout from paper, and then mount it on several “load-bearing” cardboard walls (photo). This will strengthen the entire structure and give it more stability.

    Creating a diagram of the future building

    There are two ways to create the walls of a future building. For the first, a scheme like the one in the photo below is used. This is literally the entire building, but in a centerfold. Adjacent walls can be made continuous and not cut. They will simply need to be bent later, forming the corners of the building.

    Immediately mark the locations of future windows. They must be on the same level. Don't forget to leave small indentations on the sides and bottom of the walls, as in the diagram. Afterwards, with their help it will be possible to connect the structural parts with each other. The entire building should be done to scale so that later the walls, roof and other parts of the house are proportional.

    Making a layout: method 1

    After the entire diagram is drawn on paper, all that remains is to cut out the future building, bend the lines marked with a blue dotted line and cut the windows with a construction knife. Use a modeling board. It allows you to cut out parts from cardboard and then glue them together much more conveniently.
    The scheme presented in the photo above is suitable for the production of the simplest houses. A more complex design will literally have to be made up of several parts. By the way, the layout can also be made to open (so you can see the interior of the house). It is on this principle that children's doll houses are made, which can be purchased in the store.

    To make such a layout (photo), it is advisable to use the thickest cardboard you can find. To make part of the wall open, use an appropriate fastener (this can be found in old Soviet-made boxes) or simply a piece of cardboard bent in half. Doors can be made to open in the same way.

    Method 2

    The second method is suitable for producing models of buildings with more complex configurations (photo).

    First, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, as in the photo. The more folds, the more walls you get, but their width will be correspondingly smaller. On one fold you need to draw ½ of the building's facade. We draw very carefully, with a thick line outlining the places of the cut, and a thin line outlining the places where the paper is folded.

    Then we cut along the bold lines and unfold the accordion. The result will be a whole façade, absolutely proportional and even, as if in a mirror image. We bend the paper holders as in the photo and cut the windows with a construction knife.

    After this, the parts of the structure are assembled together, coated with glue at the joints and glued together. We make a base for the layout from cardboard. When the entire structure is ready, you can paint it or stick some images (as in the photo).

    Making trees and grass

    To make the layout look more authentic and to be able to visually assess its scale, it is advisable to decorate the cardboard stand with greenery: grass and trees. To do this you will need:
    a can of green paint;
    acrylic paint of several green shades;
    dried twigs (dead wood);
    a piece of foam rubber;
    paint brush.

    First, in any unnecessary container, mix several tones of green acrylic paint(dark and light to achieve maximum effect reliability). After this, you need to cut the foam rubber into small pieces and properly saturate them with this paint. When the foam rubber is colored, we leave it to dry for a day.

    We cut the dried foam rubber into such small pieces that they literally resemble crumbs. This will be our grass. After this, paint the cardboard stand well with greenery several times, and when the paint dries, cover it with a thick layer of glue. Pour green foam crumbs onto the wet glue. in no particular order. The grass is ready.

    When the glue is completely dry, you need to make several holes in the cardboard base with an awl. Be very careful not to damage the entire layout. We paint dry twigs with green spray paint and stick them into the holes in the stand. Now the trees have taken their place. All this vegetation makes our paper building model look more realistic.

    Despite the fact that the majority computer programs, which are performed in 3D modeling, allow you to imagine quite realistically appearance your future home, designing paper houses is still relevant. After all, not everyone knows these programs. And ordering such a computer model from an experienced engineer or designer is expensive. In this case, mastering simple techniques for modeling houses made of paper and cardboard is much faster.

    And if you have children from 2 to 10 years old, then this work for them can turn into a most exciting activity. Moreover, the educational and developmental effect of this type of activity is difficult to overestimate. This includes accuracy, motor skills, skills in working with tools and, of course, the development of spatial thinking.

    Simple layouts of paper houses and patterns for gluing

    Making a house model with your own hands is not difficult. The most simple layouts The easiest way to make paper houses is from the so-called. developments, when all their elements are connected to each other by fold lines and represent a solid element in the form of a diagram.

    Also, the development, in addition to the walls, floor and roof, has additional bends for gluing. You can find links to such scans on the Internet. It is enough to print them on a printer or, by measuring the aspect ratio, draw them on sheets of paper or cardboard and obtain a scan diagram for modeling.

    You can transfer the resulting scan to colored paper.

    Using a needle or awl, you can transfer key points of various elements onto it: windows, doors, places for attaching additional architectural elements, etc. You need to cut them out immediately using a stationery knife, placing a piece of thick cardboard or plywood under the sheet with the scan.

    Separately, overlay elements are made: window frames, shutters, doors, etc., which you glue onto the finished layout last.

    The easiest way to make an even bend along the lines is to apply a ruler with a sharp edge to it. By repeating this procedure at all bend points, you will get a development ready for gluing.

    You can also make a development by making each structural element separately and connecting them together at the bend points from the inside with tape. This method is especially interesting when you are making a house model from thick, hard cardboard.

    You can glue the layout using quick-setting adhesives such as PVA, stationery silicate, glue stick, etc. You can also make it using double-sided tape, sold in hardware stores.

    We offer a video to help:

    Making a layout for a house model with your own hands

    Process self-made development is no less exciting than working with ready-made samples. To do this, you will need almost any program for working with graphic images installed on your computer. CorelDraw or something similar that processes vector images is best. In it, with an increase or decrease in the image size, both the thickness of the lines and the loaded textures change in the same ratio. This allows you to obtain more realistic images. And the library of textures built into its shell is impressive. At the same time, by filling the sweep element with texture, you can get the finished appearance of the main layout elements.

    The entire process, including filling parts of the scan with the selected texture, applying visual effects and architectural elements, as well as inserting images from the symbol library, takes from 10 minutes to half an hour, if the house is not very complicated. Print the scan on a color printer and start prototyping.

    For testing, you can also use this one we made by copying the image to your computer and enlarging it to the required size.

    Making complex designs from paper

    The process of manufacturing complex multi-component house models is not much different from that described above. It’s just that similar sweeps are performed for individual elements of composite layouts. A group photo of the assembly of such a layout shows its individual elements and assembly order.

    Having mastered the simple technique of making simple houses out of paper, you can create entire paper towns with elements landscape design, plants, car models and small architectural forms.

    Paper building models round shape The easiest way to do this is to apply the formula for determining the circumference of a circle (2πr) to their calculation, adding to it a strip for gluing.

    You can also add realism to your layout by simply lighting the house from the inside.

    To do this, you can mark the connection points for the LEDs and the battery on the scanner, and then install them during the process of gluing the layout.

    Such a house can also serve as a night lamp, but in this case it is better to use a switching power supply connected to the mains.

    The charger is suitable for mobile phone. You can also use inexpensive Christmas tree garland:

    Simple house layouts without development

    These are, first of all, houses assembled with your own hands from paper cylinders. The same layouts are great for various small architectural forms on prefabricated layouts with landscapes.

    But also using similar technology you can create a realistic model that imitates a log house so dear to the heart of any Russian.

    To do this, you need to take longer pieces of paper to make the tubes, so that after folding, its turns resemble the annual rings of a tree cut.

    And the junctions of the crowns can be modeled by pressing the ends of the tubes with a solid round object of suitable diameter.

    It is easy to assemble a paper frame from such elements. And display the intermediate crowns along the facades, and for a sample you can take a photograph of any real log house.

    It is better to make roof coverings for model houses separately, in the form of paper slate sheets, tile flakes or honeycombs of bitumen shingles.

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