• Natural cat food. Keys of life. Natural nutrition


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    Natural food and normal weight

    The main cause of excess weight in all age groups is overeating and eating unhealthy foods. When leaving the table, you should feel a slight feeling of hunger.

    Natural food is provided by nature. Natural nutrition provides a person with a balanced diet and is a reliable source of preservation good health And normal weight human body. But the nutritional balance is disrupted by the person himself and he pays for it with his health. Food products are subjected to industrial processing, which deprives them of natural minerals and vitamins. The food has become “dead”, and also with harmful additives. This food can satisfy hunger, but cannot provide a person with all the necessary elements.

    It is necessary to exclude “dead” food from the diet.

    Salt protects food from spoilage. But what more people consumes salt, the more harmful it is to your health. This is due to the fact that sodium chloride is an inorganic mineral. However, there is also organic sodium, which the human body needs.

    The real crime against natural food is the cleaning and processing of food. Refined white flour has a long shelf life. But she is "dead". When grain is processed, the living wheat germ, one of the richest food sources, is removed, leaving only the calories. In the process of producing sugar, essential enzymes and vitamins are destroyed.

    Meat and fat after industrial processing are deprived of vital substances. To maintain your health, you do not need to include in your diet foods that are devoid of vitamins or so-called “dead” foods. This includes salt-containing products: pickled cucumbers, potato chips, salted nuts, salted crackers, sauerkraut, canned plums, salty seasonings, etc. Also not recommended are jellies, jams, refined sugar, marmalade, ice cream, sherbet, cakes, fruit juices with sugar, chewing gum, lemonade, etc.

    It is advisable to limit the consumption of products made from premium flour: white bread, rye bread with the addition of wheat flour, dumplings, biscuits, waffles, pasta, noodles, vermicelli, pizza, pies, buns, gravies seasoned with flour.

    It is better to exclude food with chemical additives from your diet. All chemicals are poisons. Although in separate product- permissible norm, but the total mass of food consumed contains a greater amount of toxic elements than provided for by regulatory documents.

    The basic rules of natural nutrition provide for the saturation of the human body with food containing the entire spectrum of vitamins, microelements, minerals, enzymes and many other components necessary for the human body.

    For normal nutrition, the diet should contain 3/5 of all foods - fruits and vegetables, raw or semi-raw; 1/5 - natural fats, natural sugars and natural starches; 1/5 of all food consumed is protein (animal or plant origin).

    Every new day should be started by taking fresh fruits or juices from them. They are also consumed between main meals; fruits and vegetables are the best products for dessert. Fruits can be dried in the sun, winter time soak them for 10-12 hours and use them as dried fruit juices (soak in spring water).

    Salads made from raw vegetables are very useful: celery, lettuce, parsley, onions, peppers, carrots, raw beets, cucumbers with skin, radishes, tomatoes in combination or individually. A salad made from raw cabbage, rich in vitamin C, is very important for maintaining spinal health.

    Half-raw vegetables are especially useful. They are used for a balanced diet. They cannot be cooked for a long time. The peel is not removed from vegetables during processing. It is very good to cook vegetables steamed or in a pressure cooker.

    Animal proteins include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and natural cheese. When buying meat and poultry, you need to know that they were raised without the use of growth stimulants, and that the fish does not contain mercury. Meat is eaten no more than three times a week, eggs - up to 4-6 times a week. Natural cheese and yogurt are good sources of proteins. They are added to salads and casseroles. Milk is an essential source of protein for growing children, but is poorly digestible by adults.

    Proteins of plant origin are found in beans, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains (barley, buckwheat, corn, wheat, oats, millet), brewer's yeast, mushrooms, eggplants, alfalfa shoots, etc. Whole wheat grain contains a large amount vitamin E. Many healthy dishes are prepared from plant proteins.

    Starch is found in wholemeal bread, porridge and potatoes.

    An irreplaceable source of natural sugar are honey, dates, etc.

    Fats should be unsaturated and non-hydrogenated, unsalted butter.

    The bones of the skeleton, including the spine, are living tissue that forms and functions due to appropriate nutrition. Bone, like the vertebrae of the spine, consists of an outer hard tissue that gives it strength, as well as shape and filler inside the bone - bone marrow.

    Over time, bones become brittle. But the reason is not age. This is due to poor nutrition. This is how a disease called osteoporosis develops. In addition to nutrition, the development of osteoporosis is influenced by insufficient physical activity.

    Scientists note that when consuming a large amount of vegetables and fruits and natural dairy products, osteoporosis practically does not develop. The spine is flexible, and the vertebrae are hard, strong and elastic. The spine needs natural minerals.

    The human body is a self-healing and self-restoring system. To restore the shape and function of the spine, it is necessary to eat natural foods.

    Particular attention should be paid to foods that contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc.

    Calcium is involved in the restoration of cells throughout the body, but it is mainly found in the human skeleton (up to 90%).

    If there is no natural organic calcium in food products, this can negatively affect the condition of bones and the entire human body.

    Despite the fact that on soft fabrics accounts for only 1% of calcium, its deficiency affects the general health of a person, especially the nervous system and the spinal cord. Lack of calcium in the blood is manifested by nervous excitability, especially in children. They experience increased moodiness, outbursts of irritation, sometimes muscle cramps, spasms and, occasionally, convulsions.

    Sources of calcium are beef liver, kidneys, heart, fresh eggs, wholemeal cornmeal, oats, barley, nuts, seeds, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, cucumber.

    Fruits include oranges, sun-dried dates, raisins, etc. Phosphorus, in combination with calcium and vitamins A and D, forms the skeletal system and is involved in the regulation.

    In nature, sources of phosphorus are the tongue, animal organs, fish and fish oil, natural cheese, soybeans, raw spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, peas, lettuce, rye grain, wheat, bran, etc.

    Natural sources of magnesium are beans, peas, beans, cucumbers, alfalfa, spinach, avocado, bran, whole grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, honey, raisins, prunes, etc. Vitamin D is of no small importance in the formation of the skeletal system.

    Manganese carries oxygen from the blood to cells. This is especially important in the nutrition of intervertebral discs and cartilage.

    Natural sources of manganese: liver, egg yolk, poultry, internal organs animals, natural cheeses, seaweed, potatoes (with peel), lettuce, celery, onions, peas, beans, bran, wholemeal cornmeal, bananas, almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, etc.

    A person must obtain these substances from animal or plant sources.

    Mineral supplements must be in organic form. For example, bone meal is a source of calcium.

    Vitamins are the basis of a healthy spine.

    All vitamins are important for human health. For the spine, vitamins A, C, D are of particular value. Vitamin B complex is important for the nervous system and especially the spinal cord.

    Vitamins A and D are involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which form and strengthen bones. Together they act as catalysts for metabolism in the body. Only in the presence of vitamins A and D can the parathyroid glands regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

    With a deficiency of these vitamins in the diet, bones may become thinner, become more brittle, and osteoporosis may develop.

    Natural sources of vitamin A are fresh fruits and vegetables, carrots, artichokes, melon, yellow squash, peaches, fresh eggs, animal liver and fish.

    Natural sources of vitamin D: fish liver, unsaturated fats, eggs, whole milk, oil. The main source is the sun.

    Vitamin C nourishes collagen. It is deposited in the human body, so it must be taken with food daily.

    Sources of vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits, greens, cabbage, sweet peppers, etc. Vitamin C is destroyed when heated, so vegetables and fruits containing it are consumed mainly fresh.

    Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B, thiamine, “anti-neurosis”.

    It stimulates the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart. With its deficiency, increased irritability, insomnia, weakness, apathy, and depression appear.

    Vitamin B2, pyridoxine. It is taken to prevent nervous skin diseases and improves the metabolic processes of proteins and fats. With its deficiency, irritability, skin rash, and delayed muscle response appear.

    Vitamin B 12, cobalamin. Participates in the regeneration of red blood cells - erythrocytes in the bone marrow. It is an antianemic and tonic. The main sign of its deficiency is constant fatigue, in children - lack of appetite.

    Sources of vitamin B include brewer's yeast, unprocessed wheat grain, beef liver, heart, brains, lamb kidneys, beef and pork bones, fresh eggs (yellow), fish, natural cheeses, peanut butter (non-hydrogenated), barley, buckwheat, oats, corn , soybeans, peas, cabbage, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, avocados, mushrooms, lobsters, oysters, crabs, chickens.

    Sources of B vitamins are only organic products; synthetic B vitamins are not absorbed in the body.

    Milk and dairy products are a good source of proteins, calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamins A, D, B, and cheese contains a significant amount of vitamin E. Milk is well absorbed by children, and cheese by adults.

    So, to have a healthy spine, you need to eat right. And exercises for the spine will not help if you eat incorrectly. This is why proper nutrition throughout life is so necessary to maintain spinal function. This is the only reason why so much attention is paid to nutrition issues.

    It must be remembered that there should be no calcium in the joints and intervertebral discs, especially inorganic calcium, as this can lead to limited mobility or its cessation.

    When choosing a diet, it should be borne in mind that vegetables and fruits form, with some exceptions, an alkaline reaction, and proteins, starches, fats and sugars form an acidic reaction.

    Fasting once a week is recommended to cleanse the body, but it is necessary to drink water or natural juices. To live fully, you need to show strength of character, willpower and determine the direction proper nutrition and perform the physical exercises described above.

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    Exercises for the spineBack pain

    When a cat appears in the house, at the same time the caring owner has questions: what to feed it, what food is the healthiest for cats? In the vast majority of cases, owners give their pet food from their table, but this is not always correct.

    An unbalanced diet for an animal is fraught with the development of serious health problems for the pet. In order to ensure your pet has a long life and excellent health, you need to prepare a natural diet for cats in advance.

    Cats are close relatives of lions. As we know, the basis of the king’s diet was
    animals is the animal protein of the prey and the components of its stomach.

    Despite the fact that cats' prey is a little more modest, it is worth remembering that cats are small predators. In the wild, they feed on some mammals (mice), attack lizards, birds and frogs, and rarely eat fish.

    By eating their prey entirely, cats receive all the necessary beneficial elements, including minerals and vitamins. However, the diet of domestic cats should be designed in such a way that it does not differ significantly from the menu of their relatives living in the wild.

    Therefore, food from the master's table is Fried fish, sausages or potatoes, not suitable for a small domestic carnivore.

    Let's look at what foods need to be included for a balanced diet for mustaches:


    This is an important building element that should be included in the cat’s menu. Its source is various products, but meat should be the basis of your pet’s diet.

    Doctors advise feeding cats the following meat products:

    • turkey and chicken;
    • veal and beef;
    • rabbit meat;
    • meat puree with vegetables;
    • lean sea fish;

    The meat must be boiled and the bones removed. Feeding fish is allowed no more than once a week. Ready-made baby puree can be used in feeding small kittens, as well as for adults who have stomach problems.

    In addition, the following fermented milk products are very beneficial for the cat’s stomach:

    • fermented baked milk, kefir;
    • low-fat cottage cheese;
    • hard cheese;
    • yogurt;
    • oatmeal, semolina porridge.

    Not all cats like cottage cheese, so it is better to mix it with kefir or fermented baked milk and add one egg yolk. Hard cheese can be given to pets no more than once a week.


    To replenish the supply of carbohydrates in the cat’s body, he needs to regularly be given greens, apples, carrots, and cabbage. All these products are well absorbed in their raw form.

    If the cat refuses to eat vegetables, you can boil them and then add a little regular vegetable oil. If he doesn’t want to eat even that, gradually add vegetables to the meat food.

    Among the most healthy vegetables for the cat's body we can distinguish:

    • cauliflower and salad;
    • carrots, beets;
    • zucchini, pumpkin.

    It is forbidden to include eggplants and tomatoes in your cat's diet, as they contain hazardous substances for your pet's health.


    A cat's diet must include foods high in vitamins.

    To do this, your pet needs to be given:

    1. Grass, or better yet oats.
    2. Yeast (selectively).
    3. Special food containing a large amount of vitamins. However, you should not overdo it, since excess vitamins can be harmful to your cat’s health.

    Water is one of the main elements that a cat needs for the normal functioning of its stomach. At the same time, the water in the bowl should always be clean, so it is important not to forget to change it when it gets dirty.

    When should you feed?

    Natural food for cats should not only be balanced, but also regular.

    Therefore, such mustachioed pets should be fed not just once, but several times a day:

    1. Kittens up to three months old need to be given food six times a day.
    2. Kittens from three months of age up to four months will have to feed five times.
    3. From 4 to 5 months - you need to feed four times a day.
    4. From five months to six months, the cat needs to be fed three times a day.

    Giving homemade food to adult cats is also necessary several times a day. When feeding, it is important for the owner to try to follow the regime, that is, always feed at the same time.

    Before feeding, it is recommended to warm the food slightly and give it to the cat in a place where no one will disturb her. If there are several cats in the house, then try to give them food in separate bowls. But the dog and cat will need to be fed in different rooms.

    Forbidden food

    Food familiar to humans will not always be tasty, much less healthy for a cat. The fact is that a person himself may not realize how much unhealthy food he consumes.

    If it can harm human health, then such “treats” will definitely have a detrimental effect on the cat’s health.

    So, the following products can be classified as prohibited cat food:

    • fried food;
    • fish in large quantities;
    • salted and pickled;
    • fat, lard;
    • raw meat;
    • sweet;
    • white cabbage, potatoes;
    • baked and flour;
    • bones;
    • milk;
    • onion and garlic;
    • food containing various spices and seasonings.

    Healthy menu for cats every day

    The issue of nutrition for each individual cat must be approached individually, taking into account its taste preferences and characteristics. Therefore, the owner can regularly change the menu, adapting to the interests of the pet.

    Let's look at an example of natural food for cats - a menu for a week:

    1. Morning. After waking up, the cat will gladly eat something light. For example, cottage cheese with yolk, liquid milk porridge or yogurt with cereals.
    2. Dinner. Ryazhenka or fortified food from a pet store is perfect as a snack.
    3. Evening. Before going to bed, your cat needs to eat well. Meat with the addition of boiled vegetables or meat porridge is perfect for this. A simplified version of dinner for a cat is boiled chopped meat.

    Some owners have found it useful to prepare food for their cat a couple of days in advance, and place it in the refrigerator for storage. This is especially convenient if you return home late after work.

    Upon returning home, you just need to take out the prepared cat food, heat it until warm and feed it to your pet.

    Recipes for tasty and healthy food for cats

    From natural products caring owners prepare delicious original dishes for their pets.

    Below we will look at a few simple recipes preparing natural cat food:

    1. Delicious balls. Add to Ground beef carrot puree, boiled rolled oats and raw yolk. Form small balls with your hands, place on a cutting board and freeze. Defrost as needed.
    2. Meat with cabbage. Scald the defrosted meat with boiling water and chop it finely. Mash raw broccoli or cauliflower. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and then add a little vegetable oil.
    3. Chicken liver “Moor-meow”. For 100 grams of chicken liver, take a small piece of cheese, a slice of banana, a little carrot puree, and ground rolled oats. Finely chop all ingredients and simmer. At the end, add a spoonful of cream, and, bringing to a boil, remove from heat.
    4. Meat with rolled oats and vegetables. Take 1 kilogram of meat, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and a mixture of different vegetables, for example, half a kilogram of frozen ones. Boil the meat, and then cook the vegetables in the resulting broth until half cooked. Pour the broth over the rolled oats, cover with a lid and leave for ten minutes. After this, grind the cereal and vegetables using a blender, cut the meat into small pieces, add 300 grams of broth. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then divide into portions and place in the freezer.

    When is a special diet needed?

    Of course, feeding cats natural food is best option, in contrast to feeding with various preservatives, however, even with a balanced diet, it is worth taking into account the health status of the animal.

    For example, you need to consider the following:

    1. If the cat is purebred, then add it to its diet. maximum amount vitamin E and proteins.
    2. If the cat is waiting for the birth of offspring, then it should be fed more often, but the portions should be increased.
    3. Older animals should be fed quickly digestible light food. In this case, the portions need to be slightly reduced.
    4. Since a sick cat requires special care, it is necessary to consult a specialist regarding dietary adjustments.
    5. It is necessary to especially monitor the weight of a neutered cat, since they have a tendency to become obese.
    6. Veterinarians recommend feeding the kitten natural food, but refraining from feeding fish until six months. You need to feed a kitten more often than an adult pet, but the daily portion should be significantly reduced.

    What should you know about dry food?

    Some cat owners switch their cats to dry food. It is worth recognizing that some cat foods are balanced, have a long shelf life, do not have harmful additives, and their choice is very diverse.

    At the same time, choosing the right food is not easy, since the body of each individual cat is individual. In order to make sure that the food you purchased is suitable for your cat, try to monitor the animal’s health in the first few days after the first feeding.

    Important! Never buy cheap food because it contains a large amount of various additives, which attract the cat, but at the same time cause great harm to his health.

    If the animal is already accustomed to eating dry food, then you can give it canned food. However, combining food with natural food is highly not recommended. As a result of the fact that many people do not know this, the animal begins to have serious digestive problems.

    So, if you decide to use natural cat food, then try to strictly follow all the above points. Carefully monitor the well-being and behavior of your pet, since a certain product may not be suitable for the cat, and it will have to be replaced with something else.

    Please your pet with healthy and tasty food that you prepared with your own hands, and he will definitely thank you!

    There are no uniform rules for feeding cats. Some owners prefer to feed their cat dry food, others feed them food from their own table, others prefer mixed feeding, and there are also enthusiasts who cook food especially for the cat.

    Cats are very picky when it comes to food, some choose only chicken or fish, others are quite happy with dry food, few like canned mixtures. However, there is one thing cats have in common: if they don't like the food, they will starve until their owners respect their preferences.

    A cat is a predator by nature, and the main diet of predators is meat. In nature, feline predators obtain the substances they need from hunted game. In the wild, village cats feed on small rodents.

    Muscles (meat) are proteins and all kinds of amino acids, bones and skin are calcium and phosphorus, the stomach of rodents contains a small part of plant fibers - grain, blood - minerals. Separately, cats rarely eat grass in the wild, exclusively for medicinal purposes. Despite their meager diet from our point of view, rural cats are lean, with good muscles and excellent immunity.

    Cat food at home should be as close as possible to the menu of a “village” predator. Without meat, serious problems can occur in the cat's body.

    No matter how expensive and high-quality dry food is, it will not be healthier for a cat than natural products. The cat absorbs most of the vital acids from meat and fish. And a cat cannot get these acids from vitamin treats, no matter what is written on the packaging. And these drugs cost more than meat. Meat contains the most important amino acid taurine, which nourishes and supports the entire eye apparatus. Taurine deficiency leads to disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Meat is a source of complete proteins, fats, vitamins (B1, B2, B6), and minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine). Liver, kidneys, brains, lungs, stomach or rumen have high biological value. These products must be heat treated to avoid infection with helminth eggs.

    It is very useful to include raw beef bones in the diet; it is useful to give them to kittens to strengthen the chewing muscles, starting from 2-5 months. Fish is also a source of animal protein. Fish is in no way inferior to meat in quantity useful substances, chemical composition fish are even more varied than meat. Fish contains up to 20% proteins, 20-30% fats, 1.2% mineral salts, incl. salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron. It is best to boil the fish, remove all the bones, and serve it to your pet. Pollock, cod, flounder, herring, smelt, pink salmon, greenling, and navaga are the most favorite types of sea fish. Some cats like canned fish more than fresh. If canned food is very fatty, then it is better to add bread to it. Small bones contained in canned food are softened and are a good source of calcium.

    Meat and fish are sources of animal fats. And from animal fats, the cat’s body receives fatty acids that are very important for it. The cat's body, unlike other animals, cannot obtain fatty acids from plant foods. A lack of fatty acids in a cat's diet leads to blood clotting disorders. Visible sign A cat's lack of fatty acids results in poor coat condition.

    A valuable source of animal fats is goat and cow's milk, sour cream, butter; they can be added to food or given as an independent dish, for example sour cream. For proper nutrition, a cat also needs milk and protein products such as cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt; they can be given twice a week. Goat or cow's milk is best diluted with boiled water, since milk causes digestive upset in many cats. Excess fat is harmful to animals and can lead to obesity and indigestion.

    Crude protein should be excluded from the diet; it negatively affects the molting process, causing dermatitis. Boiled protein, pre-chopped, can be added to porridge. The healthiest thing for a cat is the boiled yolk of an egg; if you dilute it with milk and add sugar, you get a good cocktail “Murkina Joy”.

    The animal also needs vegetable fats. Vegetable oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which are necessary for the reproductive function of the animal.

    Carbohydrates are a source of energy. A large amount of carbohydrates is contained in rye and wheat bread, cereals (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, corn, barley), bran. The diet should include cereal dishes with the addition of pieces of fish, meat, and vegetables. Many cats willingly eat fish soup with Hercules flakes. Bread can be added to soups and porridges; kittens, starting from two months of age, are given dried bread.

    Sweets should be given in exceptional cases, some cats have a real sweet tooth: cookies, caramels, cream, ice cream - and control over the diet is hopelessly lost. Foods that are too high in calories make you upset digestive system. One of our cat friends loves sweets very much, he is ready to do anything for a cake with cream. The cat lies under the table and waits for the careless housewife to come out of the kitchen, followed by a stealthy jump onto the table and its face plunges into the lush cream. The impudent man is pulled out by the collar, the cream hangs from his mustache, but his eyes glow with happiness. One day, during the night, this eight-kilogram cat ate a package of cookies, by the morning there was a lonely handful of raisins on the table, and the cat was digging in the tray with a pained look.

    A deficiency or excess of vitamins often leads to negative health consequences. There is no consensus on the amount and type of vitamins a cat needs. The animal should receive the bulk of vitamins from food.

    At the pet store you can purchase mineral supplements for cats, which include: sulfur, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, bone meal, brewer's yeast, seaweed, etc. The additives are mixed with the main food.

    Food for cats should always be fresh, not very cold and not very hot.

    With any diet, a cat needs fresh water. It should be poured into a clean bowl and placed in a place accessible to the animal. There is no need to give cats chlorinated water; a sodium citrate tablet should be added to the water of a nursing cat.

    A special feature of the cat's body is the ability to strongly concentrate urine.

    Under natural conditions, this allows you to save the body’s water resources, and at home it often becomes the cause of genitourinary diseases.

    Many cats eat grass. Animals eat it in order to provide access to coarse fiber and vitamins. When licking fur, clumps of hair accumulate in the cat's stomach; in order to remove them from the body, cats eat plants that cause vomiting.

    It is best to have a special garden for your pet, several bowls of soil, where you can sow oat and wheat seeds at intervals. Catnip or catnip is attractive to all felines; this plant will decorate your home and delight your pet. Cat plants include thyme, thyme, lemon balm, valerian, mint, wheatgrass, and bluegrass. Many indoor plants are poisonous to cats; it is better to remove these plants from the house.

    Natural nutrition is a fundamental factor healthy image life.

    The human body constantly requires a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients for normal functioning.

    The bulk of them enters through the gastrointestinal tract with food.

    Its nature largely determines the concentration of certain substances, their harmfulness or usefulness to humans. Any product contains ingredients of different quantity and quality that the body needs. Artificial replacement of these components is impossible. Modern technologies cannot accurately reproduce plant and natural substances.


    A course of treatment with an artificially synthesized vitamin cannot replace a natural plant (animal) product containing vitamins. A striking example of this is the life of distant ancestors who ate exclusively natural food, and their life expectancy was much longer modern man, and in those days there were no artificial substitutes and preservatives (according to numerous testimonies from the Bible and other historical sources).

    Positive aspects of natural nutrition:

    1) the presence of vitamins and essential nutrients in natural products;
    2) good digestibility in the body;
    3) increasing immunity;

    4) strengthening the body and developing resistance to stress and other negative external influences;
    5) increasing mental and physical performance;
    6) healthy offspring and longevity.

    The new age of megacities, market relations and economics has had Negative influence for the life of humanity. Food was also severely affected. A modern working individual has absolutely no time to prepare meals from natural products. Saving time and food has led to the creation of processed, canned and genetically modified foods.

    Many factors determined the emergence of artificial food:

    1) food saving (large increase in the planet's population);
    2) short time and ease of preparation;
    3) low cost and low retail price.

    Quality has turned into quantity, and people are forced to consume cheap and “fast” food. The emergence of fast food outlets ("fast foods") and their constant advertising lead to an almost complete refusal of people from natural plant products. Medical research data convincingly demonstrates the enormous danger that lurks in synthetic food and especially in genetically modified products that have flooded the entire market.

    Negative aspects of artificial food:

    1) poor absorption by the body;
    2) lack of necessary nutrients and vitamins;
    3) decreased immunity;
    4) the development of tumor processes (the cause is still the same genetically modified products);
    5) decrease in intellectual potential;

    6) inferior physical development;
    7) metabolic disorders;
    8) short life expectancy;
    9) the birth of weakened and unhealthy children.

    The undeniable advantages of natural products over preservatives are obvious. There are a huge number of natural nutrition methods.

    The essence of the most common technique is the proportional distribution of certain foods in the diet and following various useful tips:

    1) 3/5 of all food are vegetables and fruits, minimally affected by cooking;
    2) 1/5 of all food - natural fats (sunflower, olive and corn oil), natural carbohydrates (maple sugar, honey, dried fruits), natural starch;

    3) 1/5 of all food - animal or plant proteins (fresh veal, fish, legumes, nuts, brown rice, brewer's yeast, cheese).

    Rules for eating

    Meals should always start with mostly raw fruits (they contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber necessary for good digestion). Oversaturation must be avoided.

    To increase the benefits of natural products, you must adhere to a number of simple rules. You should never force a person to eat. Unloved food and bad mood can cause digestive disorders and insufficient absorption of consumed foods. It is necessary to listen to your own body and be sure to accompany the process of eating only with positive emotions.

    Food should not be too cold and not too hot; it should be eaten in a spacious, well-lit room. Do not neglect setting the table and decorating dishes. Beautifully decorated food in itself causes a positive reaction in a person, the gastric glands begin to actively work to produce juice, and the most important process of preparing the whole body for food intake occurs.

    Haste, lack of service, strong feeling hunger leads to only partial absorption of food. In this case, the individual’s performance decreases and irritability appears in behavior. The maximum grinding of food should occur in the oral cavity, for which it should be chewed thoroughly. When the taste of chewed food disappears, only in this case should it be swallowed. Moderate physical activity 2-3 hours before meals will help activate gastrointestinal enzymes.

    Products must be taken in certain combinations and in a certain sequence:

    1) liquid foods should be consumed before solid foods;
    2) fats should be included at the end of the meal;
    3) alcoholic drinks and spicy foods should never be taken on an empty stomach, but only after a hearty lunch or dinner.

    Meal schedule

    The human body does not like sudden changes in nutrition. Clear meal times should be set. You shouldn't make big contrasts when choosing food. The diet should be seasonal, since the digestive system gets used to the food that a person most often consumes, and abundantly produces enzymes specifically for it.

    The sudden introduction of new products into the menu (imported fruits and vegetables from other countries) can lead to digestive disorders and food allergies. Small and frequent meals (7-8 times a day) are very useful not only for people suffering from various diseases, but also for a completely healthy person. Each meal is accompanied by a new release of bile, and with seven meals a day it is constantly renewed in gallbladder, which prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and cholelithiasis.

    Bile also facilitates digestion in the stomach, causing proper and balanced secretion of gastric juice. With frequent meals, a small amount of food enters the stomach, which is completely broken down and well absorbed. Overeating and associated unpleasant symptoms are excluded: belching, feeling of heaviness, lack of air, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth. The intestines perform their motor function with redoubled force - feces are formed and removed from the body in a timely manner, and stools are normalized.

    Choosing a product is a very important and difficult matter. It should be fresh, healthy for the body and have good taste.

    B.Yu. Lamikhov, S.V. Glushchenko, D.A. Nikulin, V.A. Podkolzina, M.V. Bigeeva, E.A. Matykina

    A relative of the king of beasts should not eat sausages

    Cats are close relatives of lions. The basis of the king's diet
    animals - animal protein of the caught prey and all the components of its stomach. Cats' prey is much more modest, but they are still a small predator. In the wild, cats feed on small mammals (catching mice), attack birds, lizards and frogs, and feast on fish.

    By eating whole prey, cats receive all the necessary nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. The diet of domestic cats should not differ from the diet of cats living in the wild. Therefore, food from the master's table, such as fried fish, potatoes or sausages, is not suitable for a domestic carnivore.

    In order to create a diet for an animal that will not cause health problems, you need to have knowledge of the basic physiology of nutrition. It is this knowledge that we will share with you in our article.

    Natural nutrition: pros and cons

    Every cat needs a balanced diet consisting of foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The pet can get them from natural products prepared by the owner himself.

    The advantage of feeding your cat natural food is that you will know what products are included in your pet’s diet. And definitely don’t allow any “chemistry” in there. In addition, industrial food looks unnatural and unusual for humans. Therefore, owners often have doubts about the benefits and safety of this type of feeding.

    The disadvantage of using natural products to feed a cat is that ready-made meals quickly spoil and require knowledge, skills and time to prepare.

    If you decide to become a nutritionist for your cat and learn the basics of cooking for animals, read our article below.

    Treasured BZHU: feeding cats with natural food

    There are no uniform rules for creating a cat’s diet. It all depends on individual characteristics animal. Some cats like variety in their food, others prefer one or two types of food. If the pet doesn’t like the food, he will starve until the owner takes into account his preferences.

    When preparing a natural diet, some owners include exclusively meat foods. Remember that tailed predators need nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements found in plant foods. The lack of these substances affects appearance pet: the cat's fur begins to fall out, mats, and dandruff appears.

    In order for a cat’s diet to be balanced, it must include high-quality foods containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. We’ll talk about the main sources of nutrients in a cat’s diet separately.

    Protein sources

    The bulk of your cat's diet should be protein. They are necessary for the growth and normal functioning of the body. Proteins consist of amino acids, some of which are not produced in the pet’s body and must be supplied in sufficient quantities with food.

    Protein sources for cats:

    • Meat and meat products;
    • Fish;
    • Dairy products;
    • Eggs.

    Feed your pet lean beef. You can also give your animal lamb, rabbit, chicken and turkey.

    By-products are an integral part of any cat’s diet, as they have high biological value. For example, the liver contains a lot of vitamin A, fatty acids and microelements.

    Of the by-products, the cat is given beef or chicken:

    • Liver;
    • Kidneys;
    • Heart frozen, raw or boiled.

    Include fish in your cat's diet: river or sea. It should be given no more than 1-2 times a week. Fish is in no way inferior to meat in terms of biological value, but it contains a large amount of mineral salts, which settle in the form of crystals in the kidneys and ureters. Also, too frequent consumption of raw sea fish leads to a lack of B vitamins in the cat’s body.

    Sea fish is given to your pet boiled, and large bones are removed from it. River fish is also fed boiled, since it is often infected with helminth larvae.

    Eggs contain all the necessary microelements, but do not give them to your cat more than once a week. Raw egg white It is completely excluded from the pet’s diet, as it negatively affects the normal molting process and causes dermatitis. You can give boiled egg white to your cat occasionally by chopping it with a knife. Many pets like omelettes prepared with milk or water. The yolk is given to the cat both boiled and raw. It is added to porridges or offered separately.

    Dairy - important component cat's diet. Milk in pure form We recommend giving it only to kittens, as most adult cats do not digest it and cause digestive problems. You can give fermented milk products with reduced fat content:

    • Kefir;
    • Ryazhenka;
    • Yogurt;
    • Cottage cheese;

    Include these products in your diet adult cat 1-2 times a week.

    Sources of fats

    A cat's diet must contain vegetable and animal fats. A lack of fat can lead to skin diseases, slow growth and development in kittens, and reproductive dysfunction in adult pets. However, excess fat is also harmful, leading to obesity.

    The sources of healthy animal fats for cats are:

    • Butter;
    • Egg yolks;
    • Fish fat;
    • Offal.

    Butter contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. They help increase immunity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate metabolism. Of the vegetable oils, the most beneficial for cats are sunflower, corn, olive and flaxseed. Vegetable oil It is recommended to add ½ teaspoon to the food daily.

    Sources of carbohydrates

    Carbohydrates are a source of energy that cats need, but small quantity. Include cereal dishes in your pet's diet. Cook them in broth or milk diluted with water. You can add butter or sunflower oil, pieces of vegetables, meat or fish to the porridge.

    Offer your pet porridge - an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They are high in calories but low in fat. Cats can be given:

    • Buckwheat;
    • Oatmeal;
    • Rice;
    • Corn;
    • Wheat porridge.

    An excellent source of carbohydrates are raw or cooked vegetables. They are mashed, given in small pieces or grated.

    From vegetables, cats are given:

    • Green beans;
    • Carrot;
    • Cauliflower;
    • Zucchini;
    • Pumpkin.

    It is useful to introduce greens into your pet’s diet: parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach. Most cats happily eat grass grown at home. Vegetables and herbs are mixed with meat or fish, and also given separately.

    Add bran to your cat's diet, which is a valuable source of fiber. Dietary fiber fiber enhances intestinal motility and improves the condition of microflora. Bran is added to both meat and fermented milk feeding.

    Natural food for cats: 3 simple recipes for the lazy owner

    We told you about the main components of the diet of domestic cats - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are the ones who ensure the supply of energy to the pet’s body. Let's talk about how to prepare delicious and healthy food for your tailed friend from available products.

    For each animal, the composition of the diet is selected individually, based on its needs, period of life and health status.

    As we have already written, your pet’s menu should include four food groups:

    • Meat;
    • Dairy products and eggs;
    • Fats and oils;
    • Cereals, vegetables.

    Here are three universal recipes that every owner can use.

    Beef meatballs “Nedelka”


    • Beef – 2 kg;
    • Rice – 200 g;
    • Frozen vegetables (carrots, broccoli, corn, bell pepper) – 400 g;
    • Beef broth – 100 ml;
    • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.


    Cut the beef into small pieces. Boil frozen or fresh vegetables and cool them. Boil and cool the rice. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder, adding beef broth, olive oil. Form portioned balls from the resulting minced meat. Place the finished meatballs in the freezer. Thaw as needed and give to your cat.

    The resulting quantity of meatballs is enough for an adult animal to feed for 7 days.

    Ice cream for cats “Fluffy”

    This ice cream can be used as a summer treat and differs from regular “human” ice cream in the absence of ingredients harmful to cats (sugar, fat, dyes).


    • Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g;
    • Kefir or fermented baked milk – 100 ml;
    • Vanillin – 0.5 teaspoon.


    Using a blender, mix all ingredients and pack into plastic cups. Insert a popsicle stick or plastic spoon. Place the ice cream in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

    Warm the finished portion a little in your palm so that the ice cream can easily separate from the walls. On a hot day, offer your pet a treat.

    Chicken pate for cats “Lakomka”

    You can give this pate to your cat as a treat as an addition to the main menu. Its use will help diversify your pet's diet.


    • Chicken kidneys/liver/hearts – 1 kg;
    • Carrots – 1 piece;
    • Walnuts – 100 g;
    • Butter – 50 g;
    • Chicken broth – 200 ml.


    Boil the selected chicken by-products and carrots, cool. Grind all the ingredients into a paste, mix, add chicken broth. After 1-2 hours of cooking, the pate will become thicker.

    Store the treat in the refrigerator and offer it to your cat as needed.

    Remember: in order for your pet to be healthy, its diet should not contain herbs and spices. Human food is not suitable for animals. The food you offer your pet should be varied and balanced. However, form perfectly balanced diet difficult for a cat. Therefore, veterinarians recommend giving them special vitamins. Read on to find out what vitamins your pet needs.

    Does a cat need vitamins on a natural diet?

    At certain stages of life, every cat’s body needs vitamins and minerals. The body of a pregnant cat, kitten or elderly animal needs to be supported additionally by including vitamins in the pet’s daily diet. Cats that eat natural food should be given special attention and additional vitamins, micro- and macroelements should be given to them constantly.

    In addition to wool vitamins, which are most often used by owners, the pet requires multivitamins, as well as dietary supplements containing calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

    Pet stores offer a large number of vitamins and fortified treats that you can purchase for your pet. The information on the packaging or a store consultant will help you choose the right complex.

    Poorly cooked fish or meat can become a source of infection. And the result is a disease not only of the animal, but also of its owner. Cats share helminth infections with humans, so the owner can easily pick up worms from a pet by stroking and kissing it. Especially often children who spend a lot of time with their four-legged friends become infected with worms from cats.

    The surest way to solve the problem of cat infestation with worms

    In order to prevent a cat from becoming infected with parasitic worms, special anthelmintic drugs are used. When choosing a product for prevention or treatment, pay attention to its spectrum of action. A modern drug should solve the problem of infection with the most common parasitic worms: round and tapeworms at all stages of their development.

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