• What is interesting to talk about with a girl. What can you talk about with a girl?


    When meeting a girl, on a first date with her, and in any other situation, when there is a situation of one-on-one communication with a representative of the fair half of humanity, many guys experience some fear. What to talk about with a girl? This question, no, no, will flash through the thoughts of every guy who feels especially vulnerable in this particular place - after all, conversations have always been the prerogative of girls. However, establishing yourself as a silent person or hoping that your chatty companion won’t let you insert a word into your monologue is not a solution. So, what should you tell a girl to make her fascinated by you and want to continue communicating?

    How to talk to a girl?

    First of all, an important role is played by how do you say. Agree, the same joke performed by two different people will sound differently - and if in one case it causes the desired reaction (laughter), then in the other it can provoke irritation or bewilderment. The volume of the voice, its tone and timbre, intonation - this is what plays an important role in a conversation with a girl. And since girls are different, you should have different options in your arsenal.

    As a rule, the intonation of the voice depends on what words to say to the girl. If it is something funny or amusing, then the voice should be loud, the story may be accompanied by active gestures and facial expressions. If this is something intimate (a compliment or words of love), then the voice should be quiet, aspirated. In any case, you need to speak clearly, without stuttering or swallowing the ending. There is no need to talk about the fact that the speech should be at least moderately literate and not contain obscene phrases.

    If you know you have speech problems, you can practice at home. There are special audio, video and offline courses that can help you deliver your speech correctly. Tongue twisters and other exercises that train the articulatory apparatus will help.

    Topics of conversation with a girl

    What to talk about with a girl? As a rule, many guys give the leadership in the conversation to the girl, limiting themselves to nodding their heads, assenting and brief remarks at the right places in her monologue. However, even the most talkative lady will sooner or later run out of words, and she will utter this terrible phrase: “Well, tell me something!”

    Don’t get carried away – there are more than enough ideas of what to say to a girl. Among them:
    - stories about your childhood – where you studied, how you studied, what achievements you had during your school/student years;
    - stories about your family - it will be very nice if you have something to tell about family traditions, about the history of the relationship between your father and mother, about your brothers and sisters, about the friendly atmosphere that reigns in your home - of course, if all this is really true;
    - about your aspirations, plans, dreams. Here you should know when to stop, because girls don’t like empty talk, your dreams should be realistic;
    - about what you have already achieved - in any spheres of life. The girl evaluates each guy as a potential groom, future husband, so this information is very important for her;
    - about your interests, hobbies - perhaps it turns out that you are interested in something in common, or maybe you will be able to captivate her with your hobby. In any case, a person who is passionate about something is always an interesting conversationalist. Talk about music, movies, books;

    About mutual friends - great if you have them.

    A conversation with a girl should certainly include:
    - compliments - unexpected, sudden, non-standard, original and certainly sincere (homemade preparations will come in handy if you are not able to produce fresh compliments on the go);
    - interest in her opinion on the topic you are talking about - be sure to ask: “What do you think about this?”, “What do you think?”;
    - various questions for the girl - in turn, show your interest in her, her life, hobbies, aspirations, achievements.

    What not to do when talking to a girl

    Talk for a long time on one topic
    . Even the most exciting topic of conversation will sooner or later exhaust itself. If you see that the girl is bored, or you have run out of information on a particular issue, smoothly move on to another topic.

    Getting hung up on platitudes
    . Of course, you can “dilute” the conversation with an anecdote or discussion of the weather - but there should not be many such digressions. If you think that all you need to tell a girl are jokes (usually “with a beard”), lavished in countless quantities, then the girl will soon prefer to avoid communicating with you.

    Get too carried away with the story. Remember that, firstly, this is a conversation, and secondly, most girls do not like guys who are too talkative. And even if she asks: “Tell me something,” this does not mean at all that she is ready to listen to a lecture on cactus breeding or the complete genealogy of your family. Don't go overboard with details and don't try to tell her everything on the first evening.

    Complain about life. Few girls would like a whiner, a loser and a bore. And this is exactly how you will appear in the eyes of a girl if you start complaining about life’s problems. So, what words to say to a girl? Definitely cheerful, cheerful and optimistic!

    Brag and exaggerate your achievements. Of course, there is a category of not particularly smart girls who don’t feed them bread - let them hang noodles on their ears. If your goal is to communicate with just such a girl, and you have found a suitable object for your lies, then we can only wish you good luck. If you are in the mood for more serious relationship, we do not recommend starting them with a lie.

    Discuss others. Poaching the bones of mutual friends is the prerogative of gossip girls. If you are not going to turn into “just a friend” with whom it is interesting to discuss mutual acquaintances, be restrained in this matter.

    Argue. Of course, truth is born in dispute. If your relationship eventually reaches a new level, you will be happy to argue on different topics more than once. However, during the first meetings, an argument is not the best option in answering the question of what to talk about with a girl - it may offend her. And one more thing - if you constantly catch yourself thinking that your views on different things differ radically, then perhaps you should think about the advisability of your future relationship.

    What to tell a girl: “gentleman’s set”

    You should always have in your arsenal:
    - several original compliments;
    - a couple of the freshest and funniest jokes;
    - some interesting stories on different topics (not necessarily from your life);
    - a dozen non-standard questions to the girl (“What is the history of the ring on your hand?”, “Do you have such beautiful name“Why did your parents decide to name you that?”).

    And most importantly, while talking with a girl, forget all the instructions about what words to say to a girl (including this one) - remain yourself, smile, be sincere and act at ease. You will definitely succeed!

    Young men are very concerned about the question: what can you talk about with a girl when you meet, so that she would be interested, are there any examples? What topic can you talk to a girl about, what topics are they ready and like to discuss, and which ones are better not to touch upon at all? How and what to say so that she wants to listen? What is better to talk about with a girl in a cafe or when you are walking? Or you unexpectedly met a girl - what to talk about?

    The answer is simple: you can talk to a girl on almost any topic, what matters is not what you talk about, what matters is how you do it. You can present an interesting story so that the girl falls asleep by the end of the story. Or you can tell a minor story and embellish it so that the girl will listen to you with her mouth open in surprise.

    In this article we will tell you five simple rules that anyone should learn young man who wonders how to learn to talk to girls. If you master them and use them regularly, then you will never have problems communicating with the fair half of humanity again!

    Talking on the phone

    Many people wonder what to talk about with a girl on the phone so that the conversation is not boring. So, on the phone it is better to talk less and to the point, namely, make a date. Everything else can be discussed in person. The same applies to messengers - don’t think about what to talk about with a girl in correspondence, transform virtual communication into real one.

    Rule No. 1 “Evoke emotions!”

    Girls are emotional creatures, so no matter what you talk about, the main thing is to make her experience (feel) the emotional part of the story. Her emotions (sympathy, joy, worries, surprise) are much more important than the details of your story. In your stories, you shouldn’t praise yourself and tell how caring and attentive you are; it’s better to tell how you once saved a kitten from a trash can without being afraid to get dirty. Or how I saved a drowning puppy with a friend. Surely you will find some Touching story. Sometimes you can embellish it, but not too much. There is always a risk that your lie will sooner or later be revealed and it will be a complete failure. Therefore, when telling some fictitious stories, try not to mention real friends who can refute your story. And it’s better not to cheat at all, many girls easily determine when they are being cheated, and this will only make things worse.

    What to talk about with a girl on a walk to evoke emotions? Learn to listen and observe: usually people themselves talk about what interests them. In addition, by “throwing” topic after topic into the conversation, you will be able to find things that are important to her.

    Rule No. 2 “Only positive!”

    Positivity is one of . What topics should you talk about with a girl? Choose positive topics for communication. You shouldn’t talk about work or study – it’s boring and banal. It’s better to ask her about hobbies and hobbies, let her tell you some funny and funny stories from her childhood or school (student, professional) life. Talk about dreams. Ask what she dreamed about when she was little and what she dreams about now. Ask: Did her childhood dream come true? Tell us about your childhood dreams and whether they came true or not. When she talks about her childhood and dreams, about what she loves or likes, she will definitely experience positive emotions, and her subconscious mind will associate this positivity with communicating with you.

    What to talk about with girls - examples
    funny stories from life with a good ending;
    travel is better about people and events than about ruins - unless, of course, the girl is a passionate archaeologist.

    Rule No. 3 “No negativity, complaints or whining!”

    What should you not talk about with a girl? Don't complain or whine. Nobody likes a whining pessimist. And most girls can’t stand such men. No, well, there are exceptions, of course. There are girls who, on the contrary, want to take care of and feel sorry for a man, but such relationships, according to statistics, do not last long. Besides, it’s one thing to simply feel sorry for a man in a certain situation and quite another to constantly listen to his whining. Would you want to communicate with a girl who constantly complains and is dissatisfied with everything? Hardly. Therefore, if you are counting on a long-term relationship with a girl, then don’t whine, but rather radiate optimism and positivity. And then the girl herself will want to meet with you, possibly more than once.

    What to talk about with a girl to avoid negativity? Learn to anticipate where the topic of conversation may lead. A conversation about travel can suddenly become a conversation about money, which few people have in abundance. Such a turn in the conversation may be unpleasant for both you and her, so it is better to drop the topic in time. The same goes for any other consumer topics. Discussion of studies or work can also lead to negativity, but this depends on the interlocutor. If she is passionate about her work and can talk about it for hours, then the topic is good. There’s no need to even talk here, just listen.

    Rule No. 4 “Never argue with a girl!”

    What should you not talk about with a girl? The best way To screw up even a well-running rapprochement is to start arguing. Girls hate being pressured. Even in small things. For example, you love dogs, and your girlfriend loves cats. Don't try to convince her that cats aren't as good as dogs. That a dog is a man’s friend, and a cat is an enemy☺. Just agree with the girl and accept her choice. In the end, she is not encouraging you to love them, she is simply talking about her taste - she has the right. Learn to respect her opinion, the girl will appreciate it. It’s better to move the conversation to a topic on which you have common views. And never argue on these topics, or better yet, don’t touch them at all:
    Favorite music or sports team

    Rule No. 5 “Consider the girl’s interests!”

    One of the main rules of what to talk about with a girl is to consider what topics are interesting and pleasant to her. When communicating on any topic, watch her reaction. Believe me, if a topic is not pleasant for her, you will definitely notice it. But it’s even better to let the girl do the talking. Ask her different questions, be more interested in her life and hobbies - girls absolutely love to talk and really appreciate it when you listen to them carefully. Take note! As soon as you determine which topic the girl is most interested in, develop it, ask questions and listen carefully, nod your head and support her story. But if suddenly a girl notices that you are not listening, but are only pretending - that’s it, it’s a failure.

    So, if a girl is passionate about her story and wants to talk: listen and try not to interrupt. But if a girl wants to listen to your stories, then do not forget about the positive component of your stories. Speak in a way that makes her feel fun and interesting. Only in this case will she want to meet you again. If a girl is bored all evening (and even worse, yawns or often looks at the time), then 99 percent of the time you won’t have a second date. Be positive and attentive, it's good if this is your usual behavior. In any case, don’t overplay your hand, don’t cheat if possible, and always try to remain yourself. Sincerity, positivity and good manners are the best weapons in conquering a girl!

    What to talk about with your girlfriend?

    If you are already in a relationship, then you probably know her better than anyone. Therefore, you probably know what interests her, pleases and upsets her. Use these themes, but stick to general rules- evoke positive emotions, do not put pressure and listen more. This will be enough to remain an interesting conversationalist for many years.

    Met a girl - what to talk about?

    It also happens that the meeting is unexpected, and you are completely unprepared for it. Don't complicate things, ask what brought her to this place, give her the initiative, but don't let the conversation sag. Look around, finally - an observant person will find something to fill the awkward pause.

    Talking to someone you like can be very difficult, especially if you don't know what to do. If you're having trouble communicating with the girl you like, read on to find out how to find your voice.


    Feel comfortable

    1. Develop your interests. You don't have to be a genius to find topics you can talk about, but you do need to have passions and interests. A person who can maintain a natural conversation on a topic that interests him is much more interesting than someone who is armed with pre-written tips and the fragile hope of a date.

      • Make a list. Write down everything you are interested in. Pay more attention to detail. For example, instead of “music,” write “playing classical guitar, going to concerts, collecting old funk albums.”
      • Expand your list of topics. Using the example above, you can think about what brand of guitar you have and what kind of guitar you'd like to have, what concerts you've attended, and what funk bands you like.
      • Make a mental note of your opinion on each topic. This will help you get to know yourself better. When you talk about any topic that interests you, you will be able to speak confidently and explain why you are interested, which is how a good conversation is built.
    2. Practice the conversation out loud. Get used to talking or you will never be able to speak well. The simplest thing you can do to improve your comfort level is to simply say it out loud. This will help you get used to the sound of your voice and what you speak, and not just responding to others.

      • Choose a time and place. It's best if you're home alone. It's not worth planning, but take advantage of the opportunity as soon as it arises.
      • Say something. Try to talk about something instead of muttering a few words. Tell yourself about the plot of the latest TV show or movie you saw. If you can't think of anything to talk about, find a book and read it out loud.
        • When reading aloud, try to make your words sound natural rather than a stilted drone. First, read one or two sentences to yourself, then say them out loud as if you were just thinking about them.
        • A collection of poetry is ideal for this purpose. Poetry is almost always meant to be read aloud, and the concentration required when reading a poem will help you not feel stupid.
      • Talk for a while. Try speaking out loud for at least a minute. Over time, this will help you get used to talking and expressing yourself, these are important skills in order to produce good impression to the girl you like.
    3. Talk to girls. Whether you communicate with girls all the time - at work, school, clubs or anywhere else - try to talk to them. This will teach you that there is nothing wrong with talking to a girl, even if you are in love with her.

      • Start with people you've already interacted with, such as co-workers. Ask them about their best idea and use short questions to keep the conversation going. Many girls will be happy to chat with you.
        • If a girl asks you how your week was after she told you about hers, be polite and tell her in the same amount of detail that she used in her answer. (Forget about trying to improve your skills with girls.)
      • Be friendly with project partners. When studying or during a social assignment, you will often have a partner. If your partner is a girl you don't know very well, a little sincerity will help you create a comfortable atmosphere.
        • Try talking about the project rather than asking her personal questions. If she responds well, continue and alternate the chatter with simple questions as you work.
          • Don't ask her about her or her life. Instead, ask her what she thinks about another person, such as a teacher or an event that is coming up.
        • Don't talk too often. Show that you are primarily interested in helping her and completing the task together. Talk as you come up with new ideas, rather than keeping the conversation going all the time.

      Talk to her

      1. Be ready. If you want to make a good impression on a girl, you at least need to control your behavior and hygiene.

        • Maintain a routine by taking a bath, cleansing your face, and remembering to brush your teeth and take care of your hair. Use deodorant. Trim your nails regularly.
          • If you use cologne, remember: everything needs to be done in moderation. Apply cologne to your wrists and the base of your neck so that the smell can be heard a maximum of 30-60 cm from you, but no more. A good cologne will dry down and last for several hours; there is no need to apply too much.
        • Always dress your best. Use clean clothes and plan your outfits every night so you don't have to find last-minute replacements.
        • Conduct yourself properly. You shouldn't stop being the fun guy in class if that's your role, but you shouldn't say or do anything that you wouldn't want the girl you like to know. You never know what she'll find out. Be kind, don't hold grudges against others, and avoid problems with your superiors.
      2. Come up with your approach. Whenever you see a good opportunity to talk to a girl you like for even a minute, even if there are other people around, go and do it.

        • Get her attention. Call her name and wave to her while smiling. You are happy to see her.
        • Meet her. Start walking towards her as soon as she notices you. Don't wait for her to come to you. Show that you are active and confident by closing the distance yourself.
          • If she seems upset or flustered by your greeting or tries to pretend she doesn't hear you, she will never be interested in you. Admit defeat and move on. You deserve someone who is happy to see you.
      3. Talk. At this stage, you should already be comfortable communicating with girls and be confident that you are interesting companion, and you have something to say on many topics. This is your chance to make an impression with the skills you've developed.

        • If you don't know her, introduce yourself and tell her where you met before. Once she gets to know you, she will likely ask you a polite question such as “what's wrong?” “ or “how are you? “. Don't respond dismissively; instead, think and say something that will allow you to continue the conversation.
          • If all else fails, tell her that you saw her and thought you should come over and chat for a while. This will allow you to start and continue the conversation.

    Want to know what to talk about with the girl you like? Then read on for 30 tips to help you keep a conversation going with your friend.

    Most guys know what it's like if they like a girl. When she is nearby, the presence of butterflies in the stomach is guaranteed.

    You feel anxious every time a girl comes into your attention, and when it comes to communication, things get even more difficult.

    Why is it that when you like a girl, it becomes so difficult to talk to her? Your palms sweat, your mouth becomes dry, and for some inexplicable reason, although you are a completely normal and adequate person, you are unable to express even a single trivial thought, let alone transform it into something articulate.

    While you are usually the center of the universe and the life of the party and can talk to anyone about any topic, if your conversation partner is someone you can't stop thinking about, suddenly everything changes.

    If you have a problem starting and developing a conversation with a girl due to internal depression, you are not alone in your trouble.

    The best way to deal with such a situation is to prepare for it in advance. Even though you may not be able to behave in a completely natural way during a conversation, you cannot look stupid when the conversation suddenly stops and there is a long and uncomfortable silence.

    An additional stone in your garden will be the inability to find a way out of the trap of your own silence. That's why it's a great idea to adopt interesting topics to carry on a conversation.

    It doesn’t matter whether you want to start communicating with a girl for the first time, having an insidious plan to capture her phone number, or you already, but want to be sure that communication will proceed without a hitch, having prepared interesting topics and questions for a girl, you can guarantee that you will have a great time with her.

    What to talk about with a girl

    Starting a conversation with a girl you like is actually simple, and the suggested topics for communication will help you on the right path.

    Once the conversation starts, you will find yourself relaxing and everything becomes much easier.

    But having cheat sheets prepared, just in case, will give you peace of mind, because now you will know exactly what to talk about with the girl.

    1. Did you see what they showed on TV yesterday..?

    Popular culture and the media are unlikely to ignore your friend. This is a very easy way to start a casual conversation.

    If, thanks to television or the Internet, you have witnessed a particularly interesting information, talk about it.

    2. Do you have brothers, sisters?

    By the way, this is quite useful information. What if her brother is Roman Abramovich?

    3. You a good relationship with relatives?

    This is a rather personal but important question.

    If you decide to build a long-term relationship, a girl from a close-knit family will be the right choice.

    Moreover, talking about relationships with your family brings you closer.

    4. Where do you work and study?

    Ask where the girl works or studies, and whether she likes this type of activity or her chosen specialty.

    Showing interest in professional activity girls will be a good way to start a conversation, since most people can talk for hours about their work or school and how they love it or hate it.

    5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

    This question will help you move on to the topic of childhood and develop your dialogue with children's stories.

    6. Which your favorite dish?

    Pay attention to your girlfriend's favorite dish, because if all goes well, you can cook her a wonderful dinner later, adding priceless points to your male knight appearance.

    7. What do you usually do in your free time?

    Find out about her hobbies and interests. This question will show your compatibility, and give a hint on choosing a place for.

    8. What kind of music do you listen to?

    If you don't know what to talk about with the girl you like, start a conversation about music.

    Music is a completely neutral topic because every person has their favorite music preferences, as well as music genres that they hate.

    Tell us about the concerts and festivals you attended. You may have a lot more in common than you expected.

    9. What is associated with the best day of your life?

    Who knows. Maybe she will answer what’s wrong with you...

    10. What was the most memorable night of your life?

    Information about your friend's nightly adventures can give you another round of ideas.

    Moreover, what if this girl is not your destiny? Then you are absolutely handsome. Use the free idea you received to organize a date night with another girl.

    11. If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be?

    It's funny and in moderation stupid question, which can still tell a lot about a girl.

    12. What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

    Dreaming together about what you will do if you become super rich is interesting way spend time.

    13. What would you do if you had a week to live?

    It is unlikely that such a question will become painful. Rather, it will start a fun and light-hearted conversation about many crazy activities and things.

    14. Do you have an idol?

    A role model is an important characteristic of a person.

    15. Why did you agree to the date?

    A stupid question that shows your weakness.

    24. What is your hobby?

    The more eventful your life and the life of your friend, the more interesting the conversation will be.

    25. Topics for conversation with a girl:
    • Childhood, both hers and yours.
    • Current interests and hobbies.
    • Future plans.
    • Personal preferences and outlook on life.
    • Family.
    • Relationships with the opposite sex without specifics and memories of your ex.
    • Psychology and esoterics.
    • Current problems of your generation.
    • Own stories from life.
    26. Thinking out loud

    Practice talking about whatever you want, i.e. about everything that comes to your mind, and do not turn the conversation with the girl into an interrogation. Don't act as an investigator, so add your own stories to the conversation.

    27. Be confident

    You don't need to agree with everything the girl says, but you shouldn't argue either.

    28. Be emotional

    You may well talk about what interests you, however, by doing it expressively and emotionally, the girl will enjoy the communication.

    29. Practice on other girls

    Go on a few dates with girls you don't have exciting feelings about.

    It will be much easier for you when you finally muster the courage to talk to the girl of your dreams.

    30. Smile and eye contact

    It's a no-cost way to position yourself correctly that works wonders.

    31. Keep the end goal in mind

    Don't forget to get the girl's phone number. Or did you just want to kill your time?

    32. Look attractive

    If you are silent by nature, then your appearance will be able to rehabilitate you at least a little.


    You will never get a 100% guarantee that a date or conversation will go smoothly, because external factors there are countless successful conversations. However, the more you interact with people, the more confident and natural you become.

    So practice often and eventually you will understand what to talk about with a girl.

    You are getting ready for a long-awaited meeting with a girl. And everything would be fine, but a slight jitter begins as you begin to imagine your walk. And then you ask yourself: what to talk about with a girl when you're walking?

    If you are thinking about this, it means that you have little experience communicating with girls. It's OK. In time he will come. And now the best option will sketch out in his head a rough plan for a walk with a lady: where to go, what to talk about and how long after the meeting ends.

    So there are ten good topics to talk to a girl. If you use them, you won't go wrong. And then, you see, she already agrees to .

    7 topics to talk to a girl on a walk

    #1 Her life experience

    Our whole life consists of situations that have to be resolved. Often events develop in extremely interesting ways. So when you make her remember your positive and fun experiences, she will remember and feel those emotions during the conversation and associate them with you.

    Here are some questions on this topic:

    • What was the most exciting adventure you've had in your life?
    • Tell us about the most interesting trip you have been on?
    • How did you end up in this city?

    #2 Her dreams

    What are her aspirations in life? What have you been dreaming about lately?

    A woman's dreams can tell you a lot about her: her level of ambition and self-confidence, as well as her passions and interests.

    They also give you the opportunity to encourage her, encourage her to consider new possibilities, and create an "everything is possible is possible" mood in the conversation (which will work in your favor when you later try to bring her home with you).

    Questions on the topic:

    • Tell us about something you have always wanted to do, but have not yet realized this desire?
    • What did you want to become when you were a child?
    • Number one on your list of things you want to do next?

    #3 Her hobbies

    What is her hobby? Do her hobbies overlap with yours?

    Hobbies - very emotional theme. Perhaps you both love to travel, dance, speak in public, etc. When she talks about her interests, you have the opportunity to get to know her on a deeper level and also gain insight into your compatibility.

    For example, if a girl says: “I like watching movies, I spend a lot of time doing this activity.” This is a sign that she probably isn't too ambitious. But if she says, “I'm passionate about yoga,” then you know the lady really cares about her body and is probably working on self-development.

    Here's a simple question that might encourage her to talk about her interests:

    “What are your hobbies in life, how do you spend your free time from work and/or study?”

    #4 Her hometown

    Maybe she is a modest girl from a small town or, on the contrary, she grew up in a fast-growing metropolis?

    Her hometown will give you an idea of ​​the type of person she is and will also show her level of experience. If she just moved from a small town, it's a sign that she's probably a little inexperienced and potentially open to new adventures. If the girl lived in big city throughout her life, she will most likely test you in various ways and try to maintain control over your date.

    A few questions to ask about her hometown:

    • Where were you born?
    • What city did you grow up in?
    • What was it like growing up there?
    • How does this city compare to your hometown?

    #5 Her pets

    If a girl has pets, then she probably loves to talk about them. This theme is especially useful if you also have a pet.

    #6 Her friends

    For some women, family is a sore subject. They may not have a great relationship with their parents or siblings. Thus, discussing her family may put a negative spin on the conversation. It is better to raise this topic when you are closer.

    At first meetings, it is better to talk about friends.

    A few questions on the topic:

    • Do you have a lot of friends?
    • Who do you usually go out on the town with in the evening?
    • Eat best friend? Why do you think you two became so close?

    #7 Her favorite music

    Music - great topic for conversation. Most girls love to listen to different music and will be happy to share their preferences with you. You will be able to find out whether you have similar tastes or not. Moreover, if she says that she listens, for example, to Elena Vaenga and the like, and you listen to classics and jazz, then we can assume that in other areas of life your views will differ. Therefore, draw your own conclusions.

    This is what you can talk about with a girl on a walk. In fact, there are a lot of topics to talk about. And, starting with any of this list, you will suddenly find that the conversation has gone beyond the boundaries and flows very naturally. Good luck!

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