• A very beautiful declaration of love to your beloved. A tender declaration of love to a girl in your own words


    Sometimes there is only one step between you and happiness, and this is called “confessing your love to a girl.” Sometimes we simply cannot express how we feel about a person. You had one like this a difficult situation? Or is this question facing you right now? Don't panic. In this article you will find beautiful declarations of love for a girl that you can copy or use as inspiration to express these thoughts in your own words until you cry.

    We live in a digital age where Love letters are practically a thing of the past. However, there is something romantic and unique about the writing paper letter in prose, especially if you write it to your beloved.

    Don't forget the old but true statement: "A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears." The girl will be in seventh heaven if you tell her about your feelings.

    Being apart from each other, even temporarily, is an ordeal. At times like these, it's important to keep in touch. Daily phone calls, sensual SMS, short or very long emails - this is what we are talking about.

    To reduce the distance between you in every sense, just remember that you can write to your girlfriend or wife about how you feel. The best optionromantic confession in love in your own words.

    Examples of confessions

    Last night I dreamed about you. Damn, I dream about you almost daily. It seems like I could spend days with you and it still wouldn't be enough. When I close my eyes I want you near me.

    Next to you I realized what it is real love. Now I enjoy this feeling, a life that I never knew before. I will love you until the end of my days.

    Many times in life we ​​can find people who win our hearts. We take it for granted. I'm so used to all the wonderful things you do for me, and I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate it all. Every moment I am grateful that you are in my life and in my heart.

    I hope you know how much you mean to me. You an important part of my life. In fact, you are the center of my universe. Everything I do is for us, and especially for you. I always try to do the right things that will make our relationship stronger. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. Without you, I would be a completely different person. Thanks to you, I really know what love is.

    I feel lonely to tears when you are not around. Even when I go out under a cloudless sky, everything seems to be hazy. Obviously, you are the brightest light in my life. That might explain why I feel so good around you. You give me strength and charge me with energy in difficult moments. I love you very much.

    When people said that "behind every great man is great woman"I felt uneasy. They seemed to be saying that I couldn't succeed unless a woman helped me. But now that I’ve met you, I understand it perfectly. Now I feel like I can do something because I know that I have such a wonderful person like you next to me. You inspire me to be better, more successful person. I hope I can do the same for you. We are better together than we ever were individually. Love you.

    Baby, I'm truly madly in love with you. I want to shout this out loud from the top of the highest mountain. We've been through so much and we still have strong feelings to each other. I just want you to always be by my side. I found you and it's forever.

    You are more beautiful than a summer sunset on the ocean horizon. You are more breathtaking than the stunning view from a high mountain. You are brighter than the stars in the country sky. You are more seductive than any love song that has ever been sung. I didn't understand what the true meaning of beauty was until I found you.

    Before you came into my life, I was just an ordinary person. There was longing in my heart. I felt like I was missing something. Today I realized exactly what is missing. You. Now that you are with me, I feel that my life is harmonious.

    Every time I look into your sparkling eyes, see your dazzling smile and hear your beautiful voice, I fall more and more in love with you.

    I'm in love with you... Touching you makes my heart beat faster.

    An incomprehensible and very pleasant feeling appeared in my chest, which I cannot explain. It fills my life with meaning and my eyes with light. This is probably love.

    Millions of poems, thousands of compliments, hundreds of sweet words cannot make my heart beat faster. Only your single glance did it.

    Falling in love with someone means that you see this person not with your eyes, but with your heart, and feel him not with your body, but with your soul. I've learned to see you this way.

    I lost myself in the vast ocean of love, devotion and passion. Being with you means feeling all the beauty of the world and being part of it.

    There is only one answer to the questions: “What is love? What is happiness? What is joy? That answer is you.

    It took me three minutes to fall in love with you: I thought about your beauty, which amazed me, for two minutes, and the strongest feeling was born in my heart during the remaining minute.

    Love is when looking into your eyes is much more pleasant than contemplating the stars in the sky.

    When you smiled at me, my breathing stopped. When you spoke to me, I could not move because of this wonderful and intoxicating feeling. And when you touched my hand, you stole my heart. I love you.

    When I first met you, I thought my life would change a little. But what actually happened is that you became my world, my universe, the meaning of life and the only person for whom I live.

    Falling in love with you is like magic. Every day I discover more and more warmth, lightness, sincerity and kindness in myself. I am incredibly happy that I met you.

    Now you know how to beautifully confess your love to a girl in your own words. Good luck!

    Sooner or later, every man thinks about what it should be like to declare his love to a girl in his own words.

    For some there is nothing difficult about this, but for others they spend a single sleepless night thinking about what they will say and how.

    How to prepare properly

    When you decide to confess your love to a girl, stop for a minute and think. Is this really true or is it just an attraction that will pass in a couple of months.

    Remember, girls are very impressionable and, upon hearing “I love you,” they can immediately mentally picture a wedding. Be careful so that parting does not bring a lot of pain to the object of your current adoration.

    If you are sure that you truly love, responsibly prepare for the moment when you first say three cherished words“I love you”, think over the text of a declaration of love to the girl.

    The most important conditions for success are sincerity, atmosphere, your appearance, the mood of the chosen one and right choice moment.

    The timing is right

    If you just can’t make up your mind and are not sure that your lover needs your recognition, watch your relationship.

    If you care about each other, listen to each other, make plans for a future together - the time has come!

    Declaring your love to a girl to the point of tears in your own words, the process itself is very romantic. Such words, spoken for the first time, will sound absurd in everyday worries and troubles. Create an inviting environment.

    Invite a girl on a date to a cafe or restaurant, a walk around the city at night, or have a romantic dinner at home. It will be great if you adapt to some holiday: your beloved’s birthday, March 8, New Year.

    On such days, the girl is ready for surprises, gifts and confessions. Recognition will be especially relevant on February 14 - on this day the girl expects actions!

    And, of course, at the moment of confession, you must be alone, so that no strangers distract or embarrass you or your significant other.

    In the event that your significant other is far away, but you can’t wait to talk about your feelings, carefully study the information on what it should be like to declare your love to a girl in your own words at a distance.

    How can you arrange a place?

    The classic option for decorating a place for a declaration of love is to decorate it with candles and rose petals, but there are other original options.

    When choosing a place and its design, remember the tastes and preferences of your chosen one. There are many different agencies that can help with initial recognition.

    We offer several interesting options dates:

    1. Picnic on the roof. Of course, candles and rose petals can also be present here.
    2. Date in an 18th century dungeon.
    3. Date at the cinema. An ideal option when the cinema is empty, the entire hall and screen are just for you.
    4. Date in a limousine. Yes, it’s not cheap, but it’s original and romantic.

    Declaring your love to a girl in your own words to the point of tears, so that it touches your soul

    Place and decoration are definitely important. However, what you say is equally important. You can confess your love both in poetry and in prose.

    In prose

    You know, when I first saw you, you seemed completely ordinary to me pretty girl, but as we began to communicate closer, I began to realize more and more how extraordinary you are. You understood me perfectly, predicted what I wanted to tell you. Your laughter made my heart beat faster, your smile drove me crazy. I don’t know if anything will work out for us in the future, but today I want to say that I love you.

    My sunshine, like today I remember the day we met. You introduced yourself, told something about yourself, and I just looked into your deep beautiful eyes and thought that I wouldn’t let you go anywhere. Today, too, your gaze captivates and enchants me. Let me give you mine and turn your life into a fairy tale!

    My dear, I once had a dream, in this dream I saw beautiful girl. She walked along the seashore, the wind blew her gorgeous curls. The light dress emphasized her figure. The girl’s gait captivated and fascinated. Excited, I hurried after the beautiful stranger to see her face, but she moved further and further away from me, and then disappeared completely. This morning I woke up with some strange excitement, and a couple of days later I met you. You were walking in the park with your friend. At the first moment I was speechless, because you turned out to be that very stranger. My dear, desired one, you are a real gift of fate for me. No words can express the hurricane that rages in my soul every time I meet you.

    My dear, I have many favorite literary characters. Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin, Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Romeo and Juliet. They are all united by boundless and all-consuming love for each other. But even their feelings for each other cannot compare with what I feel for you. Let me become a part of your life and make you the happiest.

    My dear girl, when you are near, I want to create, I want to conquer more and more heights so that you can be proud of me. My tender, magical, I love you with all my heart. I love your shining gaze, your iridescent voice, dimples on your cheeks and floating gait. Your kindness makes me be softer, your generosity helps me become more attentive to others. My sweet one, I believe that everything will be fine with us.

    I never believed in talismans, but when you appeared in my life, all the troubles disappeared from it. My sunshine - you are my talisman, my protective amulet. Let me protect you too, my love.

    Before I met you, I didn’t understand what it meant to constantly think about someone, worry about someone, worry about all your successes and failures like your own. You taught me to love, you taught me to give everything I have. My sunshine, you made my life brighter and brought meaning to it. My dear, I love you and hope that you will always be by my side.

    My kitten, you are charming. If Leonardo da Dinci lived in our era, then instead of the portrait of the Mona Lisa, he would have painted yours. Honey, I love you and want you to always be by my side.

    Charming, magical, gentle, enchanting, beautiful, fabulous, sweet, beautiful, feminine. All these words are about you, my love.

    Olya (any name), we have known you for a long time. I know you consider me your buddy, maybe even your friend. But for me during our acquaintance you became the whole world. I'll probably surprise you. But I don't have the strength to carry it inside me anymore. I love you. I love you for a long time, sincerely and with all my heart.

    My sunshine, it’s hard for me to express in words how I feel about you. I want to wake up and see your sleepy smile, fall asleep and feel your head on my shoulder. I want you to be near me all the time. My bunny, I love you madly.

    Today I woke up thinking how happy I really am. And, you know, I thanked God for giving me you. My princess, you make my life brighter, fill my heart with kindness. Your care and attention give a feeling of reliability and peace. I want to carry you in my arms and shout to the whole world how good I feel. My angel - you are my life, my air. Let me become a part of your world.

    My parents have been together for 20 years, their attitude towards each other has always been an example for me. I looked at my father and wondered if I could ever meet a girl whose desire to make her happy would not go away even after 20 years. And to be honest, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe it until I met you. My beloved girl, I love you very, very much.

    When you are not around, the day turns into night, the trills of birds seem an unbearable sound, and the fragrance of flowers is annoying. But as soon as you appear, the sun immediately appears and life begins to play with colors. My dear, I love you!

    Next to you, my queen, I realized that there is no feeling more important than love. I don’t know how to sing, but when you’re around, I want to do it, I’ve never danced, but your smile makes me want to dance. For your sake, I want to create and conquer the world. Darling, you make me the happiest person on Earth.

    I have always dreamed of conquering Everest, jumping with a parachute, looking at the Eiffel Tower, feeding pigeons in one of the squares in London. Since these dreams first appeared, they have changed a little. Now I dream of doing this with you.

    My dear, the trill of a nightingale cannot compare with your voice, the delicate color of peaches is inferior to the charm of your cheeks, and the sky blue cannot compete with your eyes. My baby, I love you.

    My dear, you are like a ray of light, a fragrant flower and a singing bird. You are charming. My feelings for you are becoming stronger and stronger every day.

    My girl, every day spent next to you is forever etched in my memory. I remember your every smile, your every look, every word you said. I love you and this love is forever.

    My kitten, I want you to guess my riddle. A magical feeling that makes your heart beat faster? That's right - this is love. I love you, my angel.

    If you decide to confess via SMS

    If suddenly your soulmate is far away, or you just can’t decide to confess your love in person, try doing it via SMS.

    My dear sunshine,

    A gentle ray of gold.

    I love you with all my soul,

    Like no one could love.

    I hasten to confess to you,

    I've been sad for you for a long time.

    I want to love you carelessly.

    And be with you endlessly.

    There is only you in my thoughts.

    You alone are a dream for me.

    I want to confess without hiding,

    I love you madly.

    I fell in love with you carelessly.

    My love is now forever.

    I ask you to answer.

    Do you love me even a little?

    I will hug you tenderly, tenderly,

    I barely touch, barely breathing.

    Will you let me love you forever?

    If not, I will leave you...

    I miss you every minute.

    I'm moving the hands on the clock.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you,

    To give you my love.

    That my life

    If you are not in it.

    You are the whole world to me,

    Happiness, love and idol.

    Video: beautiful confession in love with a girl to tears in your own words

    I dedicate a poem to you,

    In which the world is at your feet.

    Only the final touch remains

    My love for you is the verdict.

    I love you like the stars - the sky,

    How the nightingale loves the trills.

    Any distance between us is not a hindrance,

    When the fire burns in my chest.

    I love a tender rose,

    And at night the nightingale trills,

    And the sun is clear in the sky.

    But most of all I love you.

    A letter for faulty romantics

    If you want to conquer your chosen one, send her a letter. In a letter, you can write what you would never dare to say in person.

    Sometimes I feel like I've gone crazy. I see and hear you everywhere: in the rustling of leaves, in the singing of birds, in the first rays of the sun. The girls on the street remind me of you. You can laugh, but several times already I have caught up with unsuspecting girls passing by, looked into their faces and instead of your charming smile and alluring eyes I saw an ordinary gray mask.

    And yesterday before going to bed, I mentally recited to you the poems of Blok and Yesenin. My dear, beloved, every minute of parting with you is unbearable for me. I want to scream when I drink coffee alone and cook breakfast for myself, you know, for myself alone. I know you miss me too, I know you can’t come earlier. But that doesn't make it any easier for me. My baby, I love you madly and am waiting for you.

    My dear, you can’t even imagine one hundredth of a percent what I’m ready to do for you. Getting a star from the sky and a pearl from the bottom of the ocean is too banal. You are worthy of all the heavenly bodies and the biggest pearl in the world.

    Previously, when I thought about happiness, huge villas on the seashore appeared before my eyes, expensive cars and clubs. Today, happiness is lying on your lap after a hard day and dozing off, cooking dinner together and watching a movie. Sun - now you are my happiness, and it will always be so.

    My princess, before I was always afraid of words of love, simply because I did not understand their meaning, I did not know what people call love. I’m ashamed to admit this to you, but I didn’t believe in love at all. I naively believed that this feeling was invented by the creators of books and films. Today I can say with confidence that love exists and it has your face. My dear, I love you!

    What not to do

    In order for a declaration of love to be successful, it is important to consider a number of factors. Confessing your feelings is not recommended if:

    1. The girl just ended her previous relationship.
    2. If you know for sure that she is in love with someone else.
    3. The girl had not the most pleasant event in her life: she didn’t pass the exam, she had a fight with her parent. Provide support, but wait a bit with confessions.
    4. You just recently met. A girl might think you're fickle because you're so quick to talk about your feelings.

    Whatever way you decide to confess your love to your chosen one, do it sincerely. Say what's on your heart. And then your soul mate will feel how much you need him.

    Confess your love to a girl not at all as simple as it seems at first sight. Excitement and fear of rejection fetter a person and prevent him from saying his cherished words.

    It seems that the situation can no longer be changed, but this is not so. Psychologists give advice on how to confess your love to a girl and what mistakes should be avoided. Having studied their recommendations, a person will cope with the situation and confess his feelings to his beloved.

    Is it worth it: pros and cons

    Young people weigh the pros and cons before revealing your feelings to your beloved.

    Indeed, a declaration of love has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Why is it still worth confessing your feelings? There are several arguments:

    1. It is necessary to talk about feelings in order to finally find out whether they are mutual. The person will understand whether it is worth hoping for the development of the relationship.
    2. It will become easier for a person when he stops tormenting himself and opens up to his beloved. Having feelings and staying silent about them is very difficult.
    3. It is quite possible that the girl also experiences a feeling of love, but says so and expects action from the guy. His confession would be the beginning love relationship, which could bring joy to both, would become strong, would lead to the creation of a family.

    Despite these arguments, there are reasons that oppose them:

    1. Opening up to your loved one is very difficult morally. We'll have to prepare for this in advance.
    2. You have to be prepared for failure. It is quite possible that the girl does not share the feelings of love and will reject you. To be rejected is to experience an experience. After this, some people withdraw into themselves and lose, and later it is even more difficult for them to confess again.

    Having studied the arguments for and against, a person decides for himself whether he needs to open up about his feelings, whether he should talk about them to his girlfriend.

    How to confess your love to a girl? Methods:

    Why is it so difficult to decide?

    Experts say that deciding to confess difficult due to fear of rejection.

    A person is afraid to talk about his feelings because he thinks that his significant other does not share them.

    Moreover, it is not always easy to assume How will the object of adoration respond to words of love?, maybe he will get angry, . Not everyone is ready to hear tender words to your address.

    However, if you refuse to confess, the person will suffer from doubts and worries. He will ask himself what would have happened if he had been a little braver and talked about his feelings.

    Silence can lead to the girl you love leaving for another guy. She may think that she is indifferent and will look for another person who is not afraid to talk about her feelings.

    Despite the difficulty of recognition, excitement, we need to talk about love. It's easier than remaining silent and hoping for reciprocity. Perhaps words of love will be the first step towards developing a strong relationship.

    How to prepare mentally?

    Before confessing, you should prepare yourself mentally.

    Need to get serious, believe in the importance of what is happening.

    At the same time, you cannot get your hopes up and imagine an ideal relationship ahead of time.

    It is necessary to understand that the result of recognition there may be disappointment and sadness. It is not at all necessary to believe that the girl you love will reciprocate or rush into your arms.

    Even if a girl feels love, she may be confused by the guy’s confession, get scared, and run away. You must be prepared for the most unexpected result.

    The guy must understand that at the moment of confession he must be extremely honest and sincere. You need to let go of all fears and worries and try to trust your soulmate.

    Before I confess my love, a guy needs to ask himself: is he ready for failure? Will he be able to cope with it? A young man should know that a girl has the right to choose and it is quite possible that she will refuse and will not talk about love in response.

    It must be understood that it is not property and you can't be loved by force. The girl is a free person who consciously makes a choice. You need to be able to make any decision.

    Only when the guy is ready to hear any words in response, even offensive ones, will he be able to cope with himself and talk about his feelings. It’s impossible to predict a girl’s answer, so you shouldn’t have your head in the clouds ahead of time.

    Why is it important to confess your love? Find out from the video:

    When is the best time to talk about feelings?

    It should be understood that doesn't always happen right moment for recognition.

    Under no circumstances should you talk about love in a hurry, when the guy or the girl herself is in a hurry.

    There's no need to talk about it when a girl feels angry or sad.

    The best time to confess is when the guy is ready for it. You need to be alone with the girl, in a quiet, calm environment. It should be relaxing and positive. The girl should be in a good mood.

    The guy must understand that he has enough time to talk about his feelings, he is not in a hurry, he can pick up Right words. Only in this case can we assume that the timing was chosen correctly.

    How to explain to a girl that you love her? To cope with this situation, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of psychologists.

    How to give her a hint?

    Feelings are better demonstrated by actions than by words.

    Of course, the girl will be pleased to hear tender words, but she will be no less pleased to watch how beautifully the guy takes care of her.

    To hint to a girl that she evokes bright feelings, you should be very caring and attentive. You should always ask how she is doing, if she is feeling well.

    If she is cold, you need to offer her a warm sweater, a sweater or jacket to keep her warm. Need to give compliments, give gifts.

    It is not necessary to give something expensive; any pleasant little things will do: girls love flowers, sweets, soft toys.

    If a girl is nervous or shy, you need to take her hand, try to calm her down, hug her gently. Showing attention and care- the best hints about bright feelings. You can also invite a girl to a movie, a restaurant, or arrange romantic evening. This will also speak about love.

    How to tell a girl aged 12-14 that I love her?

    To tell a 12-13 year old girl about your feelings, you need to be prepared for this. We must choose the moment so that no one interferes. This especially should not be done at school, otherwise classmates may find out about it and begin to laugh or tease the lovers. This will put the girl in an awkward position and she will be confused.

    It is better to tell a girl about love while walking. There is no need to be shy about calling her out. She will be pleased. While walking you need to act casual, openly, and then ask the girl to try to listen.

    Then talk very seriously and calmly about your feelings.

    You can back up your words with a heart-shaped postcard.

    Main - don't be too intrusive. The girl must understand that they only wish her well. no one wants to make fun of her.

    What to write?

    To write a beautiful confession, you need to tune in to it, try to focus on your feelings. The words in the message should be sincere, kind, and heartfelt.

    You should write her name at the very beginning of the letter; you can incline it so that the address is more affectionate. For example: instead of Yulia write Yulenka. Then say how sweet, wonderful, beautiful she is, and later say about your feelings. The message should not be too long, 5-8 sentences are enough.

    There is no need to name only the girl’s external qualities in the message, otherwise she will think that they are not taking her seriously.

    Need to mention also internal qualities so that she understands that she is valued as a person, an individual. They do not focus much attention on external qualities, mentioning them in passing.

    A message needs to be sent more emotional, for this purpose an exclamation point is placed in the message instead of a period. If the confession is written in social network, you need to supplement it with emoticons and images of hearts.

    Are you afraid to confess your love to a girl? Just send her this video:

    Sincere, frank confession

    For the recognition to be sincere and beautiful, you need to completely focus on your inner state, your feelings.

    Nothing should distract you. We must not forget about spelling rules.

    Mistakes in words and lack of punctuation marks will spoil the impression of what is written.

    Examples of sincere declarations of love:

    • “Masha! Your eyes are like two blue lakes: there is so much tenderness and love in them. Your lips look like the petals of beautiful roses: you so want to touch them! You evoke in me feelings that I have never experienced before. I want to always be close to you, protect you, protect and take care of you, Mashenka, I love you with all my heart!”
    • “Dear Masha! I believe that our meeting was destined by fate. I want to live with you all my life. I love you very much! I want to take care of you, give you my love and tenderness!”
    • “Masha, I remember the day I met you! Then I met the most beautiful creature in the world, who completely changed my life. I couldn’t live without you, only with you I understand that I truly live, I enjoy every minute. You are kind, sweet and sincere! I love you very much!"

    You need to try to express all the love and tenderness in every phrase so that the girl understands that she is special.

    There is no need to be shy when writing a letter, you need to be extremely open. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the standards of decency.

    Recognition should be filled with care, tenderness and love.

    Is it possible to confess your love to a married woman?

    Married woman is often desirable, alluring.

    This is the forbidden fruit that a man wants to conquer. However, we must remember that in this case there is a high risk of failure.

    Not every woman will allow herself pay attention to someone other than your husband. Many women receive declarations of love from admirers, secret admirers, but do not reciprocate.

    You need to be very careful. You should choose words that would express the seriousness of your intentions and make the woman special. There is no need to write about your feelings on the Internet, otherwise your husband will read the correspondence, and this will bring trouble for both the woman and her secret admirer.

    It is better to invite a woman to a restaurant or for a walk. If she immediately refuses, then there is no point in further confessing her feelings, since the woman does not want to show signs of attention to anyone other than her husband.

    If she agrees, maybe she has similar feelings. During a date in a restaurant or on a walk, you should seriously talk about your feelings and be extremely gentle and caring. There is no need to seem intrusive.

    The woman should be made clear that she retains the right to choose. She must decide for herself whether she wants to stay with her husband, or whether she has such strong feelings for her lover that she is ready to leave for him.

    Under no circumstances should you put pressure on her. Let her find out about the feelings of the admirer, and then she herself will decide what to do.

    Original, unusual confession

    You can express your feelings in an original way.

    Girls with a sense of humor and lovers of everything unusual will like this. Examples:

    • “Dear Masha! Love has thrown a lasso around my heart, it beckons me with great power. Is this your doing?”
    • “You mentioned that you like bad boys. So, I’m breaking the rules. The doctors have forbidden me sweets, and I’m dating you. I love you very much and won’t let you go!”
    • “I love your cute freckles and sweet cheeks. I’m crazy about your laughter! You’re not like everyone else, that’s why I love you madly!”
    • “I understood what happened to me! I understood why I couldn’t sleep at night! It’s your fault. I love you very much and I can’t live without you! Let’s never part, let’s go through life together!”

    Example original confession in love:

    What to do if she is silent?

    Confessed your love to a girl, but she remains silent? If a girl is silent, it means she is overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, she is trying to figure them out. Perhaps the girl is very scared of her feelings, so she is thinking about what to do next, or does not know what exactly she feels.

    You shouldn't rush things. If a girl is silent, she should be given a few days to sort herself out. Probably in a few days she will write or call herself.

    If the girl is silent for too long, you can gently ask her how she feels about confessing her love, whether she wants to build a relationship, or rejects the young man who confessed his love.

    The main thing is not to be too annoying at this moment, not to put pressure on the girl.

    If a guy is dear to her, she will definitely reciprocate his feelings and will be glad to meet him.

    Declaration of love It's hard enough. You need to fight fears and doubts, know how to talk about your feelings correctly. Advice from psychologists can help to understand oneself, a person will decide to talk about how he feels.

    How to tell a girl: “I love you?” Tips in the video:

    When the water is blocked,
    Forest stream, not finding a way,
    It will fall from the mountains with a burning waterfall,
    To find your hope.
    That's how I am, hiding my feelings,
    He put a ban on fiery words.
    And my heart became cold and empty,
    The pain made me dizzy.
    But the feeling again broke all prohibitions.
    Life without you remains a bad dream.
    I'm ready, like Shakespeare, to write sonnets
    And sing romances under your window.
    I love! And the sun shines more joyfully.
    I love! I strive for you, my star!
    And if you agree -
    I will be the happiest person in the world!

    I won’t get tired of confessing my love
    My heart is completely captivated
    Do you want to kneel in front of everyone?
    And I will shout about love to the whole world.

    “Dear, beautiful, beloved!
    I am conquered by you forever!
    I used to be an ordinary guy
    And now - the happiest person!”

    “There is no more tender, more beautiful girl in the world,
    You are beautiful like spring
    You inspire like the sun at dawn
    You’re so flawless, alone!”

    You are the most important in my destiny,
    All my thoughts and dreams are only about you,
    Be mine, my love, always,
    You are my ideal, my dream.
    My confessions are bright, pure,
    You are only worthy of admiration,
    I look forward to meeting you again and again,
    You are my only love.

    The days fly by, the thread of time winds.
    Every day I understand better
    That I love you more and more,
    My darling, I'm starting.

    There is a strong feeling in my heart
    Warms my soul, depicting happiness to me.
    How warm it is for me when we are together...
    I love you very much, sunshine.

    I forget about everything next to you
    And if we don’t see each other, I really miss you!
    Every meeting becomes priceless
    After all, you are the most beautiful in the universe!

    I don’t see happiness, I’m a baby without you,
    I want to say something, but you can hear me!
    You are beautiful and incomparable,
    And as always unique,
    After all, I love you alone!
    I always drown in your eyes!

    Like magic rose petals
    And the overflow of dreams and desires,
    Beautiful curls of hair
    And the tenderness of your eyes shines.

    You are like the embodiment of a fairy tale:
    Very beautiful and sweet.
    You conquered like a vision
    And you tamed me.

    I breathe with you, I dream with you,
    I want to protect you
    From various troubles and all suffering,
    After all, you give me a reason to live.

    In my destiny you are a bright angel,
    What shines and disturbs the soul.
    I won't stop loving you
    And I will admire you forever.

    I want to confess to you
    And in warm feelings explain yourself.
    'Cause I didn't think I could
    Fall so deeply in love.

    When I look at you
    Then every time I understand
    How much I love you
    How dear you are to me!

    You're the girl of my dream,
    You are like light in a window to me!
    Everywhere only you, always only you.
    Do you love me at least a little?

    Poems declaration of love to a girl

    I lived like everyone else: I threw words to the wind.
    He was unrestrained, rude and frivolous.
    But the day came when I met you -
    And this incident changed everything.
    I say goodbye to my troubled youth,
    Ready to take myself seriously.
    Princess! Love me like this -
    I swear: I will become different for you!
    I bring my confession to you alone,
    I repeat, like a spell, again and again:
    You alone are a charm for me,
    Dream, hope, faith and love!

    My love strives for you,
    Foams and rushes with passion,
    I can’t hold back the avalanche of feelings,
    I can't resist your beauty.
    Accept my confessions, dear,
    You're the girl of my dream,
    I always want to be with you,
    May our path be illuminated by a bright star.

    You are brighter than the sun, there is nothing more beautiful than you,
    You emit a miraculous bright light,
    I love you so much - I can't put it into words,
    I will try to convey this with actions!

    You are the girl of my dreams, from a fairy tale,
    I’m ready to bathe you in dreams and affection,
    I love you so much that there are no words.
    Let the charms of flowers speak for me!

    When I see you -
    My soul is warmer
    The sun is brighter, the sound is louder,
    The heart is more cheerful.
    I would like to every day
    Look into your eyes,
    To be alone with you
    Kissing under the moon.
    I love you very much
    Be happy - I say!

    Sweet and dear! Tender,
    Good, dear!
    I love you so much
    It's time for me to go crazy!

    There is no such thing as love!
    There are no more girls like this!
    But my passion does not go out!
    You are my life! You are the light of the sun!

    Child of the Goddess, nymph, rose...
    No, it’s not the same... but how can I say it?
    You will warm me from the frost in the cold,
    You can show love...

    Not that again... I'm so worried...
    Confessing your feelings is not easy.
    Love you! I'm jealous of everyone!
    I am not given this right...

    Forgive me for these lines,
    I only disturbed your peace...
    But know that I'm very lonely
    When I'm not near you, I'm with you!

    When I first saw you,
    I realized immediately that I was completely lost.
    Now the whole world is invisible to me without you.
    You are the one I have dreamed of for so many years.
    Darling, I want you to know
    That for me you are heaven and earth,
    That dreams are connected only with you.
    I will simply say: “You are my love!”

    A beautiful declaration of love to your beloved girl

    I woke up very early myself
    And, watching you,
    Yesterday I noticed something very strange
    How pure your soul is in a dream...
    I admired for a very long time,
    How you saw dreams quietly...
    And I touched your cheek
    With soft lips, lightly...
    The light from the sun dawned brightly
    And you opened your eyes...
    You are the best of gifts,
    Which fate gave!

    I'm trying to breathe, but there's no air,
    I'm trying to sleep, but dawn has broken.
    I'm trying to gather my thoughts,
    But it just doesn’t work out for me.
    I see your eyes in the shine of the stars,
    It's as if I'm caught in the shackles of dreams.
    Your name trembles on my lips
    My will with you is immensely weak.
    Your image is so tender, your gaze is so tender,
    I am always glad to see your smile.
    I cherish my hopes in my thoughts
    About the fact that I dare to confess my love.

    I worry about every meeting
    I'm waiting for your every call
    Every time I fall more and more in love
    To your beautiful beloved!

    Let the years fly by like thoughts,
    My feelings are unchanged as always -
    I can't imagine life without you,
    Even if I'm not nice to you yet.

    I don't want to let you go...
    I love you like life
    Blooming spring and willow whips...
    I want to give my life to you
    Having fallen into your network forever...

    You are only worthy of admiration,
    Accept my declarations of love,
    You give me warmth and affection,
    With you, life is like a fairy tale.
    I want to always be with you,
    You are my ideal, guiding star,
    I love you, I adore you
    With you next to me, I just melt.

    I want to confess to you
    I love you madly
    You warm my soul
    With you I'm like in a wonderful dream!
    And there is no one better
    And I don't need anything
    I just want to be with you,
    With my beloved, dear!

    My girl is sweet, gentle...
    There is no one more precious to me than you, believe me!
    You are my angel, my serene one,
    My joy is in the flow of days!

    You are the only one kept in my heart,
    The one who is so dear to him
    And my destiny is you, my beloved,
    There is only you in my thoughts!

    I will never get tired of repeating
    One phrase that is dearer to everyone:
    I love you, my desired sun!
    Every day it gets stronger and stronger!

    Darling, I confess frankly,
    You just captivated me!
    I've probably never met in my life
    Girls are more beautiful than you.

    I will open my soul to you,
    I give you the key to my heart,
    I won’t hide my feelings from you,
    Darling, I love you!

    Letter of declaration of love to a girl to tears

    What are my earthly dreams to me without you!
    And why do I need the sun without you!
    There is no need for all the delights of spring,
    If you turn away without loving.
    If from the touch of a hand
    A sweet shiver will run through your body,
    So, we are a little, but close,
    So you won't leave forever.
    I will humbly wait for an answer,
    I will keep the tender look in my thoughts.
    And the colors in this world will explode,
    If you answer me: “I love you!”

    I can talk for hours
    What I love, you are loved by me.
    But, perhaps, it’s better to do things...
    I will make your dreams come true!

    I'm ready to anticipate desires
    Eavesdrop on your dreams and dreams
    To earn cherished recognition
    I will do whatever you want...

    I'll make surprises
    I will make you happy
    Tender, amazing, sweet!
    From the first meeting you conquered me!

    Today I confess: I love you,
    And so I hope for reciprocity,
    You make my dream come true
    And you make me happy.
    You are the epitome of beauty
    When I see you, I just freeze,
    You deserve only the best
    I adore and adore you!

    Where you are, there are smiles and flowers,
    Darling, you are worthy only of admiration,
    Accept confessions again and again,
    Let love rule the world.
    If only you were next to me,
    And I don’t need more happiness,
    I will never meet someone more faithful and faithful,
    You are my other half.

    I love you very much
    I think about you days and nights,
    And without you I'm sad
    I'm sad, bored and yawning.
    Please give your love!

    I love you, dear,
    You are my desired one.
    Very dear to my heart,
    And you are tender at heart.
    Days and nights without you -
    Like many years.
    May fate prophesy to me
    To be with you forever.

    I fell madly in love with you,
    And I lost peace and sleep,
    I dissolved in your love,
    I'm probably being funny now...

    But I'm not at all ashamed
    Those feelings that took over me,
    On the contrary, I'm proud of it
    What did you and I see?

    We managed not to pass by
    Each other in the bustle of the world.
    I know there's a lot ahead
    Waiting for you and me in this life.

    But I also know that we
    We will not tire of loving each other,
    And in souls even in the middle of winter,
    Spring will not stop blooming.

    Hello, I am writing today for a reason,
    I want to tell you a secret,
    Promise me, I just ask
    You won't tell it to anyone.
    Let me start by saying that something happened,
    This all happened recently
    Happiness happened to me
    And my heart seemed to come to life.
    I fell in love so much, with all my soul,
    I fell in love with one girl, there are no equals,
    I always think about her at night,
    She is my bright, wonderful light.
    And you know, she's so beautiful
    And her voice is gentle and beautiful,
    And I’m not afraid to die for her,
    I've liked her for a long time!
    And you know, I won’t play around,
    I can only say one thing for sure,
    You are a girl with beautiful eyes
    Which I absolutely love!

    You are a sorceress, a dream,
    Pleasure, beauty,
    Always burn for me
    My heart was incinerated!

    I admire you
    I adore, I adore,
    I will do everything for you,
    You are my queen!

    A captivating volcano of feelings,
    Inspirational Ocean
    I give you one
    Tender, sweet, dear!

    Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

    Perhaps only now, for the first time in the entire journey, I realized how deep and piercing the feelings that engulf me could be. One has only to imagine you, and emotions fill everything around. You awakened dormant tenderness and passion, you turned my usual sensations of the world upside down. I am completely fascinated and completely in love.

    My darling, the most best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me, meeting you is the best thing that’s happened to me lately, I’m grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I can’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

    My sunshine, my queen, the smartest, most beautiful, adored, beloved, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, absolutely incomparable, the most exciting and even magical, certainly delightful, slightly impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious! I love you!!!

    My dear, my angel, my sun, my soul. You are always beautiful and irresistible, kind and sincere with me, you give me a feeling of flight of the soul and freedom to my feelings, you have become a dear and important person to me. I love you.

    My dear, you have become for me my air of happiness and good luck, my bright hopes and joyful moments, my inspiration and stimulus for life. You have become a dear and very important person to me, I love you, honey.

    The beginning of every love story is like the beginning of a new book that has not yet been written. Its pages are still empty and are waiting to be filled with new conversations and events. I was thinking, maybe we can write our own book about you and me? I think it will turn out to be an exciting novel with many pages. Because ever since I saw you, all my thoughts are only about you, and I already have stories in my head for at least ten chapters.

    Since I first saw you, I have lost peace and sleep. I constantly think about you alone and want to be close. I miss you when you're away and I'm happy when you come back. I like to look into your eyes, they are so big, because they reflect the whole world, which is so dear to me and without which I can no longer live. I love you!

    Only with you I realized what it means to be truly happy and what without love real life No. You are the one I think about 61 seconds a minute... I will always admire you, my beauty!

    Short words of declaration of love to a girl in prose

    All the songbirds are ready to gather in a choir, just to decorate your speeches with their singing, and I, like them, am ready to always be there to share with you all the joys and sorrows, to meet sunrises with you and see off the sun to sunset, to be always together, my love.

    Sometimes I’m just afraid to look straight into your beautiful eyes, because I’m just scared that I might fall in love with you even more.

    I love you madly! You are the most precious person in the world! Please forgive me for all the bad things I've done! I value you and our relationship very much!

    You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I’m like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

    I love you with all my heart, I adore you with all my body, I adore you with all my soul, because no one can ever compare with you, you are the only one! You are the most beautiful, gentle, affectionate and desired by me!

    Stunning and charming, alluring and incredible beautiful girl I want to confess - I love you! You are my inspiration, incentive and reward. The most necessary person in the whole world. You make the world around you better by your very existence. I adore you!

    My dear charming one, my soul and joy, you have become dear to me and significant person in life, you gave me happiness and hope, faith in myself and unearthly sensations. I want to tell you that I love you and cherish you deeply.

    It seems to me that I have met exactly my soul mate, whom I have been waiting for all my life. I dream of your laughter, your smile every night. I don't find a place for myself when we're not around. I want to always be with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart.

    Beautiful phrases will help express sincere feelings and pierce a person to the core. Girls love with their ears, so it is best to explain your feelings with the help of a touching speech.

    The article contains different options for declaring your love to a girl/woman, which will allow everyone to choose the appropriate method.

    You are my guiding star, which will help me go through this entire life path. Alone I'll get lost after the first turn. Let me follow you. I will go even to the ends of the world. I only want to live this life with you. Please, become my companion, this is now my only desire, because I love you.

    I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time, but I still haven’t had the courage. You live in my thoughts. When I wake up, I immediately remember your charming smile, and when I fall asleep, I mentally hug you. I think I'm in love. Although no, it doesn’t seem like I’m definitely in love. This feeling cannot be confused with anything. I am ready to live for you, just reciprocate. I want what I experience inside now to settle in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

    My beloved, I am infinitely happy that the Universe gave me you. I can no longer imagine my life without you. And everything that happened before no longer makes any sense to me. You changed everything around me. Now I enjoy every new day, thank the Universe for every day I live. I love you so stylishly, you can’t even imagine how.

    Thank you for the incredible emotions that I am experiencing now. Thank you for everything you do for me. I appreciate and love everything that comes from you. Being with you is a pleasure for me. And all because I adore and love you as much as possible.

    Words to tears

    My little girl, how am I lived before without you. I've never been so sentimental before. I felt full of feelings only with you. I'm not afraid to show my weakness. Let everyone see and know how drawn I am to you.

    Just a couple of years ago, I never thought that I could love someone so much. You turned everything upside down. My life will never be the same again. With you I'm ready to change better side, ready to live for you. I really want you to give me three babies. It doesn't matter if they are boys or girls, I will love them just as much. I will never exchange you for anyone.

    At first I thought that I just liked you as a friend. Then I saw something more in you and realized that I couldn’t be drawn to a friend like that. I just couldn't tear myself away from your eyes. To be honest, sometimes I didn’t listen to what you were saying. I just needed to look at you, or rather admire you. Maybe you have already noticed my sympathy. Only these are not just signs of attention. A deep feeling settled in my heart. I love you.

    Sometimes I think, why am I given such a gift from fate in your face? Do I deserve such a beautiful, smart and decent woman like you? Even though it seems to me that I don’t deserve you, I still won’t be able to let you go. I won’t give you away to anyone and I will be a reliable life partner.

    Original poems-confessions of a loved one

    Do you know what it's like inside when the soul flies?

    Now I know,

    After all, I flutter like a butterfly...

    And those who didn’t love will never know,

    How can a heart beat inside there

    And thoughts of only one thing,

    About the feeling, about the big one,

    I want to be with you from dawn to dusk.

    I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,

    Yes, something was undecided

    I dared to experience feelings for you,

    I got caught in your network.

    I realized that I love you

    And the feeling is real

    I want to say one more thing,

    That there is no one more beautiful than you!

    My love for you is like an abyss

    You will drown in it forever

    God, how wonderful this is all,

    To be with you always

    And there is no deeper feeling in the world,

    Believe me, I won't betray you,

    Now I'm responsible for you,

    And if necessary, I will give my life.

    The feeling that I have

    Can't describe it in two words:

    I love, love you!

    Touching SMS

    Have I already told you that you are the most wonderful? The most beautiful? Tender, and indeed the best? I know what I said. I am ready to repeat this daily.

    I still can't forget your kiss. How can I sleep now? I'm looking forward to it new meeting, my beauty.

    It turns out that I can’t live a day without you. We haven't seen each other for just a few hours, but I already miss you very much. I want to see you again soon.

    How are you there, my love? I just think about you all day, I look forward to the evening. If there was an opportunity, I would never be separated from you, but I have to work. I still need to buy you so many gifts, but I plan to live my whole life with you.

    You know? And I love you along the way. I think about you all the time, and when you’re around, I feel so good. I was embarrassed to say it live, but this is only the first time. I think I’ll soon start repeating this to you a hundred times every day.

    How lucky I am to have you. Thank you for being so sweet, thrifty, and beautiful. I am so much in love with you, my princess.

    You are my miracle, my sun, my soul. Know that you gave me the whole world when you agreed to be with me. You are all for me. And I don't need anyone else!

    Beautiful confessions

    Your eyes are like the heart of the ocean

    I would drown in them...

    For me you are long-awaited,

    And I don't need others

    You are as tender as tulip petals

    I would never let you go

    And there is no better trap in the world,

    What are you, my lucky star!

    I love everything about you. Your gentle voice, soft curls, velvety skin, beautiful smile, charming eyes. I love the way you cook, the way you kiss me, the way you treat others. I love you even when you scold me. I get tremendous pleasure being with you. I love to look at you both day and night, when you sleep sweetly. I love every cell of your body, I’m ready to kiss you from head to toe. Ready to carry in your arms and always be near.


    You said you like bad boys. So, I'm breaking the rules. Doctors forbid me sweets, and I'm dating you.

    I'll probably file a police report against you. Why? You shamelessly stole my heart! You don’t want to answer calls, you don’t come to meetings. Not in order!

    Did you ask me to send you something beautiful and exclusive? Catch my photo. If you smile, it means you like me too.

    Remember how I told you how much I love you? Did I tell you that you are the best on the planet? So, forget it... I love you very, very much and only you are the best girl in the Universe!

    I woke up today and didn’t understand why you aren’t next to me until now? Maybe you can explain it to me? Tonight awaits us serious conversation that I want to see you next to me every morning. Why do I need this, you ask? Oh yes, you don’t know yet. I love you!

    I send you my virtual kiss. You can put it anywhere, because I’m ready to kiss you everywhere.

    You are softer and fluffier than a chipmunk and cuter than a hamster. And you are even tastier than French fries and more beautiful than a rose. Let's be together and you will listen to my compliments every day?

    I love your cute freckles, sweet cheeks and soft hands. Crazy about your smile, eyes and figure! You’re not like everyone else, and that’s why I love you.

    Short confessions (texts on a postcard)

    Photo pictures with a declaration of Love

    If you need to not only say, but also show the girl a picture with a beautiful confession, then proceed like this: choose the text you like and put it on the picture that you would like to show to your beloved. It's better if it's a photograph.

    Don't forget to say. . .

    And these - - too!

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